test 2A

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A 10 ohm toaster operates on a 120 volt line. Find the rate at which power is consumed: 144- watt P = E^2 / R P=12 x 120 / 10 P = 14400/10 = 1440 watts

A 10 ohm toaster operates on a 120 volt line. Find the rate at which power is consumed: 1440 watts 1200 watts 720 watts none

A fuse containing a silver element wound on a central core and enclosed in silica sand is: c. current limiting fuse

A fuse containing a silver element wound on a central core and enclosed in silica sand is: a. repeater fuse b. boric acid fuse c. current limiting fuse d. none of the above

A mechanism designed to place tension on the conductor during the stringing operation is a BULL-WHEEL.

A mechanism designed to place tension on the conductor during the stringing operation is a what?

A mechanism placed between the conductor and the pulling line which maintains parallel conductors in the horizontal position is: articulated running board

A mechanism placed between the conductor and the pulling line which maintains parallel conductors in the horizontal position is:

A motor has a connected load of 7400 watt. What is the rated horsepower of the motor? 10 1 hp = 746 watts 7460/746=10 hp

A motor has a connected load of 7400 watt. What is the rated horsepower of the motor?

A slender insulated pole provided with a hook clamp on one end of a swivel on the other end is a WIRE TONG

A slender insulated pole provided with a hook clamp on one end of a swivel on the other end is what?

ANSWER BASED ON COMBINATION CIRCUITS: The current in a branch varies inversely with the resistance of the branch. parallel circuit

ANSWER BASED ON COMBINATION CIRCUITS: The current in a branch varies inversely with the resistance of the branch. a. series circuit b. parallel circuit c. both of the above d. none of the above

ANSWER BASED ON COMBINATION CIRCUITS: The reciprocal of the total resistance equals the sum. parallel circuit

ANSWER BASED ON COMBINATION CIRCUITS: The reciprocal of the total resistance equals the sum. a. series circuit b. parallel circuit c. both of the above d. none of the above

ANSWER BASED ON COMBINATION CIRCUITS: The sum of the voltage drops in a circuit equals the applied voltage. series circuits

ANSWER BASED ON COMBINATION CIRCUITS: The sum of the voltage drops in a circuit equals the applied voltage. a. series circuit b. parallel circuit c. both of the above d. none of the above

ANSWER BASED ON COMBINATION CIRCUITS: The total power consumed in a circuit equals the sum of power consumed in the individual components. both series and parallel circuits

ANSWER BASED ON COMBINATION CIRCUITS: The total power consumed in a circuit equals the sum of power consumed in the individual components. a. series circuit b. parallel circuit c. both of the above d. none of the above

ANSWER BASED ON COMBINATION CIRCUITS: Total current is the sum of the currents in resistances. parallel circuits

ANSWER BASED ON COMBINATION CIRCUITS: Total current is the sum of the currents in resistances. a. series circuit b. parallel circuit c. both of the above d. none of the above

Tap position = circuit voltage/coil voltage x 100 = 6850/7200 x 100 = 685000/720000 x 100 = 0.95 x 100 = 95 = TAP D

ANSWER THE TAP QUESTIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING TRANSFORMER INSTALLATIONS. % Rated Volts / Tap Changer Position : 110 / A 105 / B 100 / C 95 / D 90 / E Give the proper tap position for a transformer with a coil voltage of 7200 volt, which is connected to a circuit voltage of 6850 volt.

All metals placed in an electrolyte will ionize to produce their own ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL

All metals placed in an electrolyte will ionize to produce their own what?

An arrester often referred to as a "double-gap" arrester is a PRIMITIVE ARRESTER

An arrester often referred to as a "double-gap" arrester is a ?

An arrester with vented ports is EXPULSION ARRESTER

An arrester with vented ports is what?

An atom with an unequal number of electrons to protons is called an ion.

An atom with an unequal number of electrons to protons is called what?

5/8 % = 0.825 x 7 = 4.375 6750 x 0.04375 = 295 6750 + 295 = 7045 v.

Answer the following question regarding the step regulator: With a source voltage of 6750 volt calculate the load voltage for the previous regulator on step #7 raise.

Before by-passing a voltage regulator the regulator must be in the NEUTRAL position.

Before by-passing a voltage regulator the regulator must be in the _______ position.

Classification of all conductors is: solid & stranded

Classification of all conductors is: rigid and flexible hard drawn and soft drawn solid and stranded none

Damage to rubber goods caused from sunlight is: ozone

Damage to rubber goods caused from sunlight is: corona or ozone

Device used to measure the charge of a storage battery is a HYDROMETER

Device used to measure the charge of a storage battery is a what?

Each tap of the step-regulator is rated at 1 1/4 %

Each tap of the step-regulator is rated at: a. 5/8% b. 1 1/4% c. 10% d. none

Find the circular mil of a conductor 1 inch in diameter: one million circular mil

Find the circular mil of a conductor 1 inch in diameter: 500,000 cm 562,500 cm one million circular mil none

Find the efficiency of a motor if the output is 3 hp and the input is 3750 watt (round off to the nearest whole number). 60% 3750 / 746 = 5.02 3/5 = 0.60

Find the efficiency of a motor if the output is 3 hp and the input is 3750 watt (round off to the nearest whole number).

Give the ratio of 5000 milliamp to 10 amp: 1 to 2 5,000/10 = 5,000/10,000 = 1/2

Give the ratio of 5000 milliamp to 10 amp:

Hot stick assembly containing two horizontal supports for conductors. Used for the replacement of suspension bells is a STRAIN CENTER

Hot stick assembly containing two horizontal supports for conductors. Used for the replacement of suspension bells is: a. auxiliary arm b. strain carrier c. wire tong d. none

Hot stick placed on a handline to increase its insulation value is a link stick.

Hot stick placed on a handline to increase its insulation value is what?

Identify the low voltage rating of a transformer which would have a split center tap and internal connections: -120/240

Identify the low voltage rating of a transformer which would have a split center tap and internal connections:

In a series street light circuit an open circuit is found. What is the voltage across the open ends of the circuit when the street light circuit is energized? it is the same as the source voltage

In a series street light circuit an open circuit is found. What is the voltage across the open ends of the circuit when the street light circuit is energized?

In the step-regulator the primary coil, or excitor coil, is connected ACROSS THE LINE

In the step-regulator the primary coil, or excitor coil, is connected how? across the line or into the line

The following coil is NOT properly identified.

Is the following coil properly identified?

I=E/R I=100/50 I=2 amps

Solve for current through R1:

IT = I1 +I2+I3 I=4 amp

Solve for total current:

RT = R1xR2/R1+R2 = 50x50/50+50 = 2400/100 = 25 ohms

Solve for total resistance:

Stranding of a conductor greatly increases a conductors FLEXIBILITY

Stranding of a conductor greatly increases a conductors what?

The "Bureau of Standards" has the United States broken down into LOADING DISTRICTS to determine the required mechanical strength of the line to be built.

The "Bureau of Standards" has the United States broken down into _________________ to determine the required mechanical strength of the line to be built.

The "Correction Factor" for the minimum approach distance is INCREASED for elevations above 3000 feet.

The "Correction Factor" for the minimum approach distance is _____ for elevations above 3000 feet. Hint: Increased or decreased

The "basic power formula" is P = EI

The "basic power formula" is what?

The "high-pressure sodium" and "metal halide" lamps are more popular because they have: a long life AND more light output per rating

The "high-pressure sodium" and "metal halide" lamps are more popular because they have what two things?

The arrester which relies on a sectionalizing device to break the arc is a PRIMITIVE ARRESTER

The arrester which relies on a sectionalizing device to break the arc is what?

The basic modern arrester will have: -an arc gap -a resistive element

The basic modern arrester will have what? There are two answers

The cell used where large current values are required is: secondary

The cell used where large current values are required is:

The charge of a storage battery is measured by the specific gravity of the electrolyte.

The charge of a storage battery is measured by what?

The chemical used in contact paste designed to cut through oxide is: ZINC CHROMATE

The chemical used in contact paste designed to cut through oxide is:

2 amp

The current through resistor #1 equals what?

The device in the step-regulator which permits the series winding to increase or decrease the circuit voltage. Double-throw switch

The device in the step-regulator which permits the series winding to increase or decrease the circuit voltage. a. time delay b. bandwidth c. double-throw switch

The electrolyte of a storage battery turns to WATER when discharged.

The electrolyte of a storage battery turns to what when discharged.

The factor which directly effects the required conductor size is CURRENT

The factor which directly effects the required conductor size is what?

The high side transformer rating which would indicate one (1) bushing. 12,470 GrdY/7200 -

The high side transformer rating which would indicate one (1) bushing is ??

The maximum span length for a service drop is 125 feet

The maximum span length for a service drop is ____ feet.

The method of sagging used on transmission systems is: transit

The method of sagging used on transmission systems is what?

The opposition of a magnetic material to a magnetic field is RELUCTANCE.

The opposition of a magnetic material to a magnetic field is what?

The primary side of a distribution transformer is rated with a 2400 volt coil voltage, and a current of 20 amperes. What is the coil current of the secondary coil, if the secondary coil voltage is 240 volt. 200 amp

The primary side of a distribution transformer is rated with a 2400 volt coil voltage, and a current of 20 amperes. What is the coil current of the secondary coil, if the secondary coil voltage is 240 volt.

The resistance of a #6 AWG copper wire is 0.4169 ohms per thousand feet. What is the power lost if 10 amps flow through the circuit which utilizes the conductor of the same size and length? 41.69 watts P=I^2/R P=10x10x0.4169 P=41.69

The resistance of a #6 AWG copper wire is 0.4169 ohms per thousand feet. What is the power lost if 10 amps flow through the circuit which utilizes the conductor of the same size and length?

The step-regulator has 32 steps.

The step-regulator has ___ steps

The step-regulator has steps that are at 5/8% each.

The step-regulator has steps that are at _____% each.

The symbol in the transformer rating which denotes multiple winding is times (x).

The symbol in the transformer rating which denotes multiple winding is _____ ( ? ).

The time required for a wave return in the sagging of conductors is dependent upon INCHES OF SAG

The time required for a wave return in the sagging of conductors is dependent upon what?

2 amp

The total current equals:

The unit of measure of "Power" is WATT

The unit of measure of "Power" is what?

The unit of measure of "work being done" is WATT

The unit of measure of "work being done" is what?

150 volt 2 amps x 75 ohms = 150 volts

The voltage across resistor #2 equals what?

IT = ET / RT IT = 100 / 20 IT = 5 amps

Total Current (IT) = ???

R = R1 x R2 / R1 + R2 R = 20 x 30 / 20 + 30 R = 600 / 50 R = 12 + 8 R = 20 ohms

Total resistance (R T = ???)

True: The regulator in the substation will regulate voltage fluctuations caused by the transmission side of the substation.

True or False : The regulator in the substation will regulate voltage fluctuations caused by the transmission side of the substation.

false. "Hand-Drawn" is NOT another name for "Anneald" wire

True or False: "Hand-Drawn" is another name for "Anneald" wire

True: "Like magnetic poles repel, unlike magnetic poles attract"

True or False: "Like magnetic poles repel, unlike magnetic poles attract"

False: "system voltage" is NOT the phase to neutral voltage value.

True or False: "system voltage" is the phase to neutral voltage value.

True: A "ballast" is a device designed to limit current flow in a lamp.

True or False: A "ballast" is a device designed to limit current flow in a lamp.

True: A scratch on a high voltage wire will cause radio interference and yield corona losses.

True or False: A scratch on a high voltage wire will cause radio interference and yield corona losses.

True: An "amp-turn" is a unit of measure of magnetomotive force.

True or False: An "amp-turn" is a unit of measure of magnetomotive force.

False: An atom with a surplus of electrons is NOT a positive ion.

True or False: An atom with a surplus of electrons is a positive ion.

False: Constricted pupils (reduced in size) is a symptom of shock.

True or False: Constricted pupils (reduced in size) is a symptom of shock.

True: In a circuit, no power is consumed when the circuit is opened.

True or False: In a circuit, no power is consumed when the circuit is opened.

True: In a series circuit, the sum of the voltage drop equals the applied voltage

True or False: In a series circuit, the sum of the voltage drop equals the applied voltage

False: Stringing blocks are designed to be used with wire ropes.

True or False: Stringing blocks are designed to be used with wire ropes.

True: The following conductor is properly identified as to the director of flux force.

True or False: The following conductor is properly identified as to the director of flux force.

True: The polarity of the individual resistances can be determined by the direction of the current flow through the resistance.

True or False: The polarity of the individual resistances can be determined by the direction of the current flow through the resistance.

True: The procedure for the order of compressions applied to a compression sleeve is to start from the middle and work out.

True or False: The procedure for the order of compressions applied to a compression sleeve is to start from the middle and work out.

True: "The resistance of wire increases with its length" is an example of "direct proportion"

True or False: The resistance of wire increases with its length" is an example of "direct proportion"

False: The turns ratio of a transformer is NOT directly proportional to the current.

True or False: The turns ratio of a transformer is directly proportional to the current.

False: it is NOT permissible for a lineman to physically hold an energized conductor clear of a work area while another woman completes his work.

True or False: it is permissible for a lineman to physically hold an energized conductor clear of a work area while another woman completes his work.

True: "Normal Loading" (current capacity) of conductors is 50% of the current carrying capacity of the wire.

True or false: "Normal Loading" (current capacity) of conductors is 50% of the current carrying capacity of the wire.

True: Load to be delivered, voltage and mechanical strength are all factors which determine the proper conductor size

True or false: Load to be delivered, voltage and mechanical strength are all factors which determine the proper conductor size

true: the biggest advantage of aluminum is its light weight

True or false: the biggest advantage of aluminum is its light weight

Two variables which affect the clearing time of a fuse are: time and current

Two variables which affect the clearing time of a fuse are:

Voltage regulators regulate the system voltage by plus or minus 10%

Voltage regulators regulate the system voltage by plus or minus ____ %

The advantage of fiberglass over wood hot sticks is: stronger bright color better insulator

What are the advantages of fiberglass over wood hot sticks? Hint: there are 3

Two classifications of tie stick are: blade and prong

What are two classifications of tie stick?

Two variables which affect the magnetomotive force of a coil: current and the number of turns

What are two variables which affect the magnetomotive force of a coil?

The most common wire gage is AWG

What is the most common wire gage?

The voltage of a "dry cell" is 1 1/2 volts

What is the voltage of a "dry cell"?

ELECTRO-MAGNET is produced by DC current through a coil of wire.

What kind of magnet is produced by DC current through a coil of wire.

When sagging by oscillation a tight sag will come in: fast

When sagging by oscillation a tight sag will come in: slow/fast

Rubber goods should not be stored in the folded position because stressed rubber will be more susceptible to damage from ozone and corona.

Why shouldn't rubber goods be stored in the folded position? There are two reasons

a chosen span to be used to check sag is: control span

a chosen span to be used to check sag is:

a unit of cross-sectional area customarily used in designating the area of conductors is CIRCULAR MIL

a unit of cross-sectional area customarily used in designating the area of conductors is?

In a transformer, the current sin the primary and secondary coils are inversely proportional to the voltages. Find the Es if Ep=240 volt, Ip = 2amp and Is=5 amp Ep/Es=Is/Ip 240/x=5/2 5x=240/2 5x=480 5x=96 volts

solve the following ratio and proportion problem: In a transformer, the current sin the primary and secondary coils are inversely proportional to the voltages. Find the Es if Ep=240 volt, Ip = 2amp and Is=5 amp

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