Test 3- CHAPTER 7-10

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Studies show that some children, because of their temperaments, require ________

"heavier doses" of certain authoritative features

Children and adults who have __________ gender identities tend to have higher self-esteem.

"masculine" and androgynous

At what age are children able to use a map or model as a guide to finding a real object without adult help?


Which pair of siblings would be most likely to have a relationship involving more antagonism as a result of more frequent parental comparisons of the two?

9-year-old Katie and her 10-year-old sister Angela

Which of the following is true about school refusal?

A change in school environment or parenting practices may be necessary for children with school refusal.

Which of the following statements about sex differences in motor skills in early childhood is true?

Boys are ahead of girls in skills that emphasize force and power

Which of the following statements about childhood injuries is true?

Boys are nearly twice as likely as girls to be injured, and their injuries are more severe.

Which of the following is true about gender identity in middle childhood?

Girls' identification with "feminine" traits declines.

Which statement accurately describes bullies and bullying?

Perpetrators and victims of "traditional" bullying are frequently involved in cyberbullying.

Which of the following statements about emotional understanding in early childhood is true?

Preschoolers who better understand emotion respond more constructively to disputes with agemates.

___________________________ is(are) a major influence on transformations in self-understanding during middle childhood.

The capacity to make social comparisons

A couple who has decided to divorce seeks counseling to help their children adjust. Which of the following suggestions is most effective?

The children should be told that the divorce is final and that they cannot do anything to change this fact.

_______________ predict(s) cooperative participation in classroom activities, task persistence, and academic performance into the early school grades.

The ease with which kindergartners make new friends

Which of the following is true about overweight and obesity?

The relationship between SES and obesity shows that environment contributes importantly to excessive weight gain.

Which statement is true about mastery of concrete operational tasks?

They are mastered gradually, usually in a predictable order.

Which of the following is correct about school-age children's moral understanding?

They consider a person's intentions in evaluating whether lying is right or wrong.

Six-year-old Kyja draws a picture of her mom. Her drawing will most likely be ________.

a conventional human figure, with the head and body differentiated

Many studies show that children's reading progress benefits from ______

a mixture of phonics and whole language approaches

At ages 10 to 12, mastery-oriented children credit their successes to ________, whereas learned-helpless children attribute success to ________.

ability; luck

On the basis of twin studies and other kinship evidence, researchers estimate that ____

about half the differences in IQ among children can be traced to their genetic makeup

Research on the origins of child maltreatment reveals that __________.

abusive parents are isolated from formal and informal social supports

Readiness for kindergarten is best assessed in terms of _______

academic and social skills

During the school years, girls ________ than boys.

accumulate fat at a faster rate

In middle childhood, children regard the mind as a(n) ______

active, constructive agent that selects and transforms information

As children move through the school years, ____.

aggression declines, especially physical attacks

Ten-year-old Aaron and 8-year-old Brody are brothers who get along well. Aaron is academically successful and socially competent. Brody will probably ________.

also be academically successful and socially competent

In Piaget's three-mountains problem, 3-year-old Madison is asked which image matches what the doll sees. Instead of choosing the image that represents the doll's perspective, she chooses the image that reflects her own vantage point. Madison is demonstrating ________.

an egocentric response

As bullies move into adolescence, ______

an increasing number engage in cyberbullying

According to Erikson's theory, during the preschool years children ____

are eager to tackle new tasks, join in activities with peers, and benefit from the help of adults

In the United States, compared to children with siblings, only children ________.

are higher in self-esteem

Authoritative parents typically make demands for mature behavior that are ________

reasonable, consistently enforcing and explaining those demands

As part of his research on pragmatics, Professor Shih is investigating whether young children _______.

take turns and respond appropriately to their partners' remarks

In children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), deficient executive function ________.

underlies their symptoms and results from abnormal brain functioning

School-age children's ability to comprehend subtle metaphors and to appreciate riddles and puns largely depends on ______

understanding that words can have double meanings

Christine and Robert are indulgent parents. It is likely that their daughter Anna will have ________.

unrealistically high self-esteem

During middle childhood, children have _______

unusual flexibility

Children with damage to the cerebellum

usually display both motor and cognitive deficits

In village and tribal cultures, make-believe play is limited, and when it occurs, children ________.

usually imitate adult work

When children begin to write, they ______

usually master uppercase letters first

Mr. Bernalillo is about to administer the WISC-V to a Mexican child who just immigrated to the United States. Because of the greater possibility of cultural bias, he should be cautious about interpreting the ________ score.

verbal comprehension

n early childhood, __________ aggression gradually replaces ________

verbal; physical

Research confirms that by ages 5 to 6, ________.

white children generally evaluate their own racial group favorably and other racial groups less favorably or negatively

Preschoolers who spend more time in sociodramatic play __

Are rated as more socially competent a year later

Which statement about young children's cognitive maps is true?

Around age 9, children's maps of large-scale spaces show landmarks along an overall route of travel.

Vygotsky paid far less attention than Piaget to the development of ________.

Basic cognitive processes

Preoperational children fail Piaget's class inclusion problem because they ________

Center on the overriding perceptual feature and do not think reversibly

Which statement about SES and math proficiency is true?

Children from low-SES families begin kindergarten with less math knowledge than their economically advantaged agemates due to differences in home learning environments.

Formation of synapses and myelination in the reticular formation

Contribute to improvements in sustained, controlled attention

In which situation will 4-year-old Pietro most likely engage in private speech?

During a challenging task

____ play(s) an especially important role in early self-concept development, particularly when it focuses on children's thoughts and feelings.

Elaborative parent-child conversations

Children learning ________ are less likely to add verbs early and quickly to their vocabulary.


EEG, NIRS, and fMRI measures of neural activity reveal especially rapid growth from early to middle childhood in the prefrontal-cortical areas devoted to ________

Executive function

Which of the following is true about physical education in the United States?

Fewer than 30 percent of school-age children and adolescents engage in at least moderate-intensity activity for 60 minutes per day.

________ contribute(s) to declines in emotional outbursts during early childhood.

Gains in inhibition and flexible shifting of attention

__________ contribute(s) to declines in emotional outbursts during early childhood.

Gains in inhibition and flexible shifting of attention

Which of the following is an effect of repeated, harsh punishment of children?

Harsh punishment prompts a focus on the self's distress rather than a sympathetic orientation to others' needs.

In which of the following situations is 10-year-old Jaya most likely to say that the choice is up to the individual, regardless of adult authority?

Her father won't allow her to cut her hair short.

Which statement about second-language learning is true?

In controlling the two languages, bilingual children experience high executive-processing demands.

Which statement is true about increases in IQ across generations, known as the Flynn effect?

In nations that began to modernize in the late twentieth century, gains are greatest on tests of spatial reasoning.

Six-year-old Sawyer is about to start school. His family life has not prepared him for school life. According to Erikson, Sawyer is in danger of developing a sense of ________.


Five-year-old Kendra is getting better at playing "Simon Says," a game that requires her to follow another person's commands only if the person first says "Simon Says," but not otherwise. Her improvement at this game is due to gains in ________.


Which statement about dynamic assessment is true?

It seems to evoke skills and understandings that children can readily transfer to novel tasks.

The more informal literacy experiences preschoolers have, the better their ____

Language and emergent literacy development

Which of the following statements about immunizations is true?

Large-scale studies show no association between vaccines and autism

________ depresses the body's immune system, making children far more susceptible to ________, which in turn reduces appetite and limits the body's ability to absorb foods.

Malnutrition; disease

Nina and Devon are both in fourth grade. Nina is a high-achieving student whose parents and teachers regularly tell her she is smart. Devon is a low-achieving student whose parents and teachers regularly acknowledge his effort. When both Nina and Devon receive a low grade on a math quiz, which of the following is most likely to occur?

Nina will decline in interest and effort in math.

Unintentional childhood injuries ________.

Occur more often among children who are inattentive and overactive

Which of the following statements about family influences on gender typing is true?

Of the two sexes, boys are more gender-typed, partly due to fathers' insistence on conformity.

Which of the following statements about children's empathy and sympathy is true?

Preschoolers who have parents who show empathic concern for their feelings are likely to react with concern to others' distress.

Typically, gains in IQ and achievement test scores from attending Head Start and other preschool intervention programs ________.

Quickly dissolve during the first few years of elementary school

In child rearing, _____________ is more effective with school age children than with younger children, because of school-age children's greater capacity for logical thinking and increased respect for parents' expert knowledge.


Julie's 7-year-old son Brody is in danger of becoming obese. What can Julie do to improve her son's eating habits?

Remove the television from Brody's room and limit viewing time.

Which of the following strategies best promotes healthy eating habits in early childhood?

Repeatedly offering nutritious new foods without pressuring children to accept them

Which statement about child sexual abuse is true?

Reported cases of child sexual abuse are linked to poverty and marital instability.

School-age children's ability to pass conservation tasks reveals that they have attained the cognitive capacity to engage in ______


Which statement is true of rough-and-tumble play?

School-age children seem to use it to assess peers' physical strength.

Which of the following is true about treating childhood obesity?

School-based efforts are more successful at reducing 6- to 12-year-olds' BMIs than programs delivered in other community settings.

Which statement is true about self-esteem in middle childhood?

Self-esteem generally remains high during elementary school.

Which statement about peer groups in middle childhood is true?

Socially anxious children, when excluded, often become increasingly peer-avoidant.

Which of the following seems to be a universal beginning in drawing human figures?

Tadpolelike shapes

According to research on theory of mind, which of the following preschoolers will be more aware of false beliefs?

Taye, who has three older brothers

Which statement about education of talented children is true?

They do best when parents arrange for caring teachers when they are young and for more rigorous, master teachers as their talent develops

Children master the gross-motor skills of early childhood ___

Through everyday play

Which of the following statements about violent media and aggression is true?

Time spent watching TV in childhood and adolescence predicts aggressive behavior in adulthood.

Kendra is the mother of two young children. Kendra is emotionally detached and depressed and often complains about how overwhelmed she feels. Kendra is likely to use a(n) __________ child-rearing style.


Which of the following is true about the educational benefits of computers in early childhood classrooms?

Using simplified computer languages to make designs or build structures promotes problem solving and metacognition

With respect to Piaget's theory, which statement is true about preschool children's ability to think logically?

When given simplified tasks relevant to their everyday lives, preschoolers show the beginnings of logical thinking.

Which of the following statements about Chinese art education for young children is true?

When learning to draw, Chinese children are taught the precise steps required to depict various images.

without medical intervention, children who lack growth hormone (GH) will

Will reach a mature height that is significantly below average

In effective school-based social and emotional learning programs like 4Rs, resilience is viewed as ________.

a capacity that develops

One reason that preschoolers enrolled in Head Start fare less well than those in model university-based programs is that Head Start preschoolers ________.

are more likely to enter inferior public schools in poverty-stricken neighborhoods

Educational programs that teach children to recognize inappropriate sexual advances and identify sources of help ________.

are offered by few schools because of controversies over educating children about sexual abuse

During early childhood, children's gender-stereotyped beliefs _____

are often applied as blanket rules, rather than as flexible guidelines, for behavior

Physical punishment has greater negative outcomes for children who __________.

are temperamentally difficult

Which of the following is the most common childhood chronic illness, causing the most school absences and childhood hospitalizations?


By conveying a sense of competence to their children, __________ parents foster favorable self-esteem and cognitive and social maturity.


Researchers agree that ________ stems from abnormal brain functioning, usually due to genetic or prenatal environmental causes.


Lesley and Cara, both aggressive girls, have become friends. The girls' relationship will probably ________.

be full of jealousy, conflict, and betrayal

Infants born with inadequate thyroxine must receive it at once, or they will _____

be intellectually disabled

Between ages 6 and 12, children ________.

become more aware of circumstances likely to spark mixed emotions

Ten-year-old Peter attends a language immersion program in which his teachers have provided instruction in both English (his native language) and French for several years. As a result of this combined instruction, Peter will ____

become proficient in both languages

Which of the following factors contributes to children becoming overweight?

being undernourished in the early years

In a third-grade classroom, researchers find that Zubeida has the highest perceived popularity rating among her classmates. From this, we can conclude that students ________.

believe that their classmates like Zubeida more than other students in the class

During early childhood, ___

body proportions become similar to those of adults

From playing in gender-segregated peer groups, __________

both boys and girls develop in-group favoritism, which sustains their separateness

The most effective forms of parental discipline encourage good conduct through __________.

building a mutually respectful bond with the child

Research on preschoolers' development of conversational skills reveals that _____

by age 2, children can take turns and respond appropriately in conversations

Which of the following statements about gross-motor development in childhood is true?

by age 2, children's gaits become smooth and rhythmic

Younger children often organize items ________, whereas older children display dramatic memory gains by grouping items ________.

by everyday association; taxonomically

Assignment to homogeneous classes, in which children of similar ability levels are taught together, ________.

can promote self-fulfilling prophecies, leading low-group students to decline in self-esteem and motivation

Preschoolers' rapidly expanding vocabularies and general knowledge support their impressive skill at ________.


Which of the following is a consequence of repeated child abuse?

central nervous system damage, including reduced size and impaired functioning of the cerebral cortex

When employment places heavy demands on parents' schedules, ______

children are at risk for lower-quality parenting

In cultures that place little emphasis on schooling and literacy, _______

children are expected to acquire new skills through observation and participation in community activities

When teachers emphasize competition and publicly compare children, ______

children tend to adopt teachers' positive or negative views and start to live up to them

One limitation of concrete operational thinking is that ____

children's mental operations work poorly with abstract ideas

As children construct more advanced ideas about justice, they __

clarify and link moral imperatives and social conventions

While at the park, Josey saw a man watering flowers. Since she didn't know the word "gardener," she called him the "plant-man." This is an example of how preschoolers ________.

coin new words using ones they already know

Pedro is a fearless, impulsive 5-year-old. His parents can best foster his conscience development through __________.

combining firm correction of misbehavior with induction

Ben scores very low on working-memory tasks and struggles in school. Which of the following interventions could Ben's teacher use to reduce Ben's memory load so he can learn?

communicating in short sentences with familiar vocabulary

Voicing of negative attitudes toward minorities _______

declines after age 7 or 8, as children develop the capacity to classify the social world in multiple ways

Many older school-age children and adolescents whose parents are getting divorced respond by _______

declining in school performance and becoming unruly

As the preschool child's symbolic mastery improves, make-believe play __.

detaches from the real-life conditions associated with it

According to Erikson, when children positively resolve the psychological conflict of middle childhood, they ________.

develop a sense of competence at useful skills and tasks

To account for children's unevenness in cognitive development, neo-Piagetian theorists propose that ________.

different forms of the same logical insight vary in their processing demands, with those acquired later requiring more space in working memory

For obese children with maladaptive eating habits, a stressful family life contributes to their ________, amplifying uncontrolled eating.

diminished self-regulatory capacity

Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences _____

dismisses the idea of general intelligence in favor of at least eight independent intelligences

Lisa successfully balances her work as a personal trainer with positive investment in being 8-year-old Melissa's mother. As a result, Melissa will probably ________.

display high self-esteem and less gender-stereotyped beliefs

As early as 3 to 4 years of age, children consider __________ violations as more wrong than __________ violations.

moral; social-conventional

On an outing to the swimming pool, 4-year-old Simone proudly proclaims, "I'm great at swimming!" even though she can't yet float on her own. Simone has difficulty _________

distinguishing between her desired and her actual competence

When gender-schematic children see others behaving in "gender-inconsistent" ways, they often _________

distort their memory to make it "gender-consistent"

Exposing young children to ________ helps them appreciate dual representation

drawings and maps

Greater working-memory capacity

eases preschoolers' effort in keeping several rules in mind and flexibly shifting focus to new rules

After a recent trip to the beach, 3-year-old Jelani's father says, "What was the first thing we saw at the beach? How did the sand feel? What kind of seashells did we find? What sound did the seagulls make?" Jelani's father is using a(n) ________ style to elicit her memory of the event.


Four-year-old Parvati's parents label emotion words and explain them to her. Parvati is likely to be advanced in development of _____

emotion understanding

Jesse is upset because he did not get the part he wanted in the school play. When he gets home, he writes in his journal while listening to his favorite music. Jesse is effectively controlling his feelings through ________.

emotion-centered coping

When emotional self-regulation has developed well, school-age children acquire a sense of ________.

emotional self-efficacy

When adults induce in children __________, children are likely to make amends for misdeeds and engage in future prosocial behavior.

empathy-based guilt

In describing themselves, older school-age children are likely to ________.

emphasize competencies instead of specific behaviors

By high school, the higher-achieving peer environments of ethnically diverse magnet schools _______

encourage more students to pursue higher education

The best way for parents to encourage a positive, secure self-image is to ______

encourage the child to strive for worthwhile goals

Most preschoolers who spend time playing by themselves ____

engage in positive and constructive solitary activities

In terms of information-processing skills, ________ strongly predicts general intelligence.

executive function

As children demonstrate that they can manage daily activities and responsibilities, effective parents ________.

exercise general oversight while letting children take charge of moment-by-moment decision making.

When groups of fourth-grade experts and novices in soccer knowledge were given lists of soccer and nonsoccer items to learn, ________.

experts remembered more items on the soccer list than novices

According to the Flynn effect, the amount of increase in IQ from one generation to the next depends on ______

extent of societal modernization

In Vygotsky's view, children speak to themselves ________.

for self-guidance

Sexually abused children _______

frequently display precocious sexual knowledge and behavior

Which of the following children's play activities is cause for concern, usually indicating adjustment problems?

functional play involving repetitive motor action

Research on friendships in middle childhood indicates that _____

girls demand greater closeness in their friendships than boys do

One way that adults can promote preschoolers' language development is to ________

give helpful, explicit feedback when children use words incorrectly or communicate unclearly

In attribution retraining, children who have developed learned helplessness are ______

given tasks difficult enough that they will experience some failure, followed by repeated feedback that helps them revise their attributions

The term ________, as opposed to ________, takes into account children's diverse ways of learning through involvement with others across situations and cultures.

guided participation; scaffolding

Studies of the backgrounds of highly talented children reveal that they typically ________.

have warm, sensitive parents who model hard work

With respect to the prevalence of asthma in the United States, researchers believe that ________.

heredity contributes to asthma, but environmental factors are necessary to spark the illness

School-age children's enthusiasm for collecting treasured objects, such as baseball cards, reflects their enhanced __________ skills.

hierarchical classification

On average, school-age boys outperform girls on most gross-motor skills, especially throwing and kicking. Which of the following is a likely contributing factor?

higher parental expectations for boys

The ________ and surrounding areas of the cerebral cortex establish connections with one another and with the prefrontal cortex, supporting the dramatic gains in memory and spatial understanding of early and middle childhood


School-age children's vocabulary development benefits most from ____

reading, which exposes children to a far more diverse and complex vocabulary than spoken language

Your neighbor is concerned about the health of her 8-year-old daughter, Ava, who is obese. The most effective approach to helping Ava lose weight would be to ________.

implement a family-based intervention that focuses on changing eating and exercise behaviors

Educational television programs with slow-paced action and easy-to-follow narratives are associated with ________

improve executive function

Findings on ethnic differences in use of physical punishment reveal that _____

in African-American families, such discipline is generally mild and delivered in a context of parental warmth

A recent, encouraging sign with respect to changing beliefs about gender typing is that ________.

in several investigations, a majority of elementary and secondary students disagreed with the idea that math is a "masculine" subject

Which of the following is among the measures U.S. schools have taken to help combat childhood obesity?

including obesity awareness and weight-reduction programs in school curricula

For most children, joining community athletic teams fosters ___

increased self-esteem and social skills

In a study in which 2½- to 6-year-old children were given a problem-solving task requiring multistep planning, both ________ and ________ scores predicted solutions.

inhibition; working-memory

Research on self-conscious emotions reveals that among Western children, __________ is associated with maladjustment, but __________ is related to good adjustment.

intense shame; guilt

Children organize their experiences into gender schemas that they use to ______

interpret their world

As children move closer to adolescence, advances in perspective taking might lead them to ________.

join in a school project to collect clothes for a local homeless shelter

In left-handed people,

language is often shared between the hemispheres

Vygotsky saw ________ as the ideal social context for fostering cognitive development in early childhood.

make-believe play

Which of the following gender-typed behaviors are widespread not just in human cultures but also in mammalian species, suggesting a biological basis?

males' and females' preference for same-sex playmates

Evaluations of Healthy Families America, an early intervention aimed at preventing maltreatment, showed that program participants, compared with no-intervention controls, __________.

more often used effective discipline and less often displayed harsh, coercive tactics

An immediate consequence of parental divorce is that ________.

mother-headed households typically experience a sharp drop in income

When asked to describe an intelligent first-grader, U.S. Cambodian, Filipino, Vietnamese, and Mexican immigrant parents all emphasized _______

motivation, self-management, and social skills

As a preschooler, Abby wanted to grow up to be a ballerina, but at age 10, she decided she'd rather be an astronaut. Most likely, this change is partially the result of Abby's________.

nderstanding that society attaches greater prestige to "masculine" occupations

Three-year-old Nathalie, a poor emotional regulator, sees a boy drop his snack on the floor at preschool and start to cry. Nathalie most likely will __________.

not show sympathetic concern

Children usually master conservation of ________ first


Which of the following parenting behaviors promotes social competence and peer acceptance during the preschool years?

offering suggestions for such challenges as managing conflict and entering play groups

Which children appear to have the hardest time adjusting to stepfamilies?

older school-age children

Most developmental impairments and deaths due to diarrhea can be prevented with ________.

oral rehydration therapy (ORT)

As a result of gains in metacognition, school-age children ________.

realize that people can extend their knowledge by making mental inferences

During the school years, children refine their self-concept by _______

organizing their observations of behaviors and internal states into general dispositions

Neurobiological consequences of child maltreatment include __________

overgrowth of the corpus callosum, due to lack of synaptic pruning

Which of the following factors promotes racial and ethnic prejudice in children?

overly high self-esteem

Which of the following seems particularly effective for promoting peer interaction skills?

parent-child play

Nine-year-old Daniela experienced numerous life-threatening events during the civil war in Colombia. For Daniela, the best protection against lasting problems is _____

parental affection and reassurance

Four-year-old Brynn is impulsive, disobedient, and rebellious. She is also overly demanding and dependent on adults. Brynn is likely the child of __________ parents.


Anton wants to encourage his daughter's emergent literacy and foster her later achievement in reading and spelling. He should engage in activities with her that promote ________

phonological awareness

Sex hormones and temperamental traits help explain why boys are more ______________ aggressive than girls.


According to Erikson, through which important means do young children learn about themselves and their social world?


Longitudinal evidence on Parten's three-step sequence of peer sociability reveals that __________.

play forms emerge in Parten's sequence, though early-appearing ones do not disappear

Preschoolers view friendship as __________.

pleasurable play and sharing of toys

In early childhood, __________ aggression declines with preschoolers' improved capacity to delay gratification, whereas __________ aggression rises as children become better able to recognize others' malicious intentions.

proactive: reactive

During middle childhood, effective cognitive self-regulation _____

promotes a sense of academic self-efficacy

To promote mathematical reasoning in preschool children, adults should _____

provide many occasions for counting, comparing quantities, and talking about number concepts

In international studies of reading, mathematics, and science achievement, which of the following characteristics distinguishes countries that are consistently top performers?

provision of high-quality education regardless of students' SES

Along with body growth, improved ________ contributes greatly to motor performance in middle childhood.

reaction time

By the end of middle childhood, most children ________.

regard gender typing as socially rather than biologically influenced

Children's informal sports and games ________.

remain common in village societies and in many low-SES communities in industrialized nations

Michael has an easygoing temperament, has a warm relationship with his father, and has a third-grade teacher who emphasizes effort. These attributes are likely to foster _______


preschoolers who develop well intellectually have parents who

resolve conflicts with reason instead of physical force and punishment

Three-year-old Misako emerges from her bedroom one morning and proudly states, "I putted on my shoes!" Misako's father can provide feedback on her grammar indirectly by ______

saying, "Yes, you put on your shoes"

During the summer, 5-year-old Liz accesses her ________ memory of trips to the beach to predict what will occur during next weekend's beach trip.


Appreciation of ________ by age 6 to 7 depends on a form of perspective taking called recursive thought.

second-order false belief

Children who are targets of parental harsh, inconsistent discipline often ________

see hostile intent where it does not exist

Among school-age children and adolescents, measures of emotional intelligence are positively associated with ________.


Children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ______

show abnormal brain functioning, including reduced activity and structural abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex

Compared to monolinguals, bilinguals _______

show greater activity in the prefrontal cortex during linguistic tasks

Martin is the parent of 3-year-old twins, Lilli and Steven. Which of the following behaviors will Martin likely engage in with Lilli more than with Steven, thereby promoting gender typing?

singing songs and reading with her

X-rays of epiphyses enable doctors to estimate children's ________, which is helpful information in diagnosing growth disorders.

skeletal age

Students with learning disabilities often benefit from inclusive classrooms when ___

teachers guide regular-classroom students in providing them with peer tutoring experiences

In granting social experience a fundamental role in cognitive development, Vygotsky's theory underscores the power of ________.


The issue of cultural bias in mental testing has been hotly debated, but _______

test scores remain important because by age 6 to 7, they are good predictors of later academic achievement

As older children begin to understand the realities of the wider world, ________.

the possibility of personal harm and media events often trouble them

Preschoolers, unlike adults, often say that robots have perceptual and psychological capacities because ________.

their knowledge of the characteristics of robots is incomplete

According to Vygotsky, more expert peers can spur children's learning, as long as ______

they adjust the help they provide to fit the less mature child's zone of proximal development

A study of the long-term effects of the High/Scope Perry Preschool Project revealed that ________.

those who had attended preschool were more likely to have graduated from high school and college.

Instead of the ________ narrative style of most European-American school-age children, African-American children often use a ________ style.

topic-focused; topic-associating

Older elementary school children in ________ classrooms have a slight edge in achievement test scores, but children in ________ classrooms show gains in critical thinking and have more positive attitudes toward school.

traditional; constructivist

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