Test 3

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The First Indochina War ended when the French suffered a major defeat at:

Dien Bien Phu

By 1966, Martin Luther King Jr. had become a leading spokesman for "black power."


Congress narrowly defeated President Johnson's request in 1964 for authorization to "take all necessary measures" to prevent further aggression in Vietnam.


The 1991 Persian Gulf War was provoked by Iraq's invasion of Saudi Arabia.


The Camp David Accords were agreements between Iran and Iraq.


Since the nineteenth century, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia had been ruled by:


"America is not like a blanket - one piece of unbroken cloth, the same color, the same texture, the same size. America is more like a quilt - many patches, many pieces, many colors, many sizes, all woven and held together by a common thread. . . . Even in our fractured state, all of us count and all of us fit somewhere." The above was most likely said by whom?

Jesse Jackson

In South Vietnam in the early 1960s:

Kennedy was increasing the number of American military advisers

Student civil rights activists in the South would likely experience all of the following EXCEPT:

Kennedy's public encouragement

The Gulf War was triggered by Saddam Hussein's invasion of


"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop!" Who most likely said the above?

Mario Savio

Who most likely said the following: "Government is not the solution to our problem, government is our problem."

Ronald Reagan

When Ronald Reagan asserted the above, what wall was he referring to?

The Berlin Wall, which came to symbolize the divisions between democracy and totalitarianism during the Cold War

Which of the following documents/speeches most likely stated that "when government interferes with the work of the market economy, it tends to reduce the moral and physical strength of the nation; that when it takes from one man to bestow on another, it diminishes the incentive of the first, the integrity of the second, and the moral autonomy of both"?

The Sharon Statement

By the end of 1975, communist North Vietnam had defeated South Vietnam.


While many voters found Jimmy Carter's candidacy attractive because he was a "Washington outsider," he and his staff's outsider status made it difficult for them to accomplish many things.


The Cuban missile crisis led to all of the following EXCEPT:

a U.S.-Soviet agreement to scrap nuclear weapons

Ronald Reagan benefitted directly from

a growing conservative movement

Economists coined the term stagflation in the early 1970s to describe:

a stagnant economy combined with inflationary prices

At Columbia University in 1968:

a student strike shut down the campus and inspired other student strikes around the nation

The Tonkin Gulf resolution

allowed Johnson to escalate the war

Ronald Reagan viewed the Soviet Union as:

an evil empire

President Gerald Ford

assumed the presidency when Richard Nixon resigned

One of Johnson's major goals in Vietnam was to:

avoid losing it to communism

By 1966, black leaders like Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown were proponents of what they termed:

black power

The Cuban missile crisis:

brought the United States and the Soviet Union close to nuclear war

In the early 1970s, angry protests began to erupt in cities outside the South over:


Nixon's "southern strategy" involved winning southern support by:

capitalizing on southerners' skepticism of federal social welfare programs

In the early 1960s, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS):

challenged established authority in favor of "participatory democracy"

By 1967, public opposition to the war was especially strong among:

college students

The Berkeley Free Speech Movement expressed

criticism of the university's depersonalized, unresponsive environment

As he campaigned for president in 1980, Reagan promised to restore prosperity by:

cutting taxes

In his letter from Birmingham City Jail, Martin Luther King Jr.:

declared his willingness to break unjust laws

The major purpose of the Soviet missiles placed in Cuba was to:

deter another American-supported invasion of Cuba

The Tet offensive of early 1968

dramatically affected public support for Johnson's war policy

By the mid-1960s, Martin Luther King Jr. had decided to:

emphasize the need for economic uplift for the black urban poor

In 1961, Khrushchev escalated tensions over Berlin by:

erecting the Berlin Wall

Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique:

explained the unhappiness of so many middle-class women

Nixon's policy of "Vietnamization" involved:

gradually reducing the number of American troops in Vietnam

By 1971, the New Left:

had split into factions and largely self-destructed

One major impetus behind the rise of a Native American rights movement was the:

high levels of poverty that persisted in the Indian population

The riots at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago:

horrified and angered middle class Americans who saw them on TV

In regard to Vietnam policy, Nixon:

insisted that he would pursue "peace with honor"

The Vietnam settlement signed on January 27, 1973:

left 150,000 Communist troops in South Vietnam

A high percentage of the homeless people of the 1980s were:

mentally ill

The Civil Rights Act of 1964:

outlawed segregation in public facilities

In 1964, students at the University of California at Berkeley:

protested for freedom of political expression

The Nixon Doctrine implied a foreign policy that was shaped more by:

realism and American interests

The Pentagon Papers:

revealed that the Johnson administration had deceived the public in regard to war policy

Malcolm X:

said blacks should be proud of their African heritage

In 1973, the U.S., North and South Vietnam, and the Vietcong

signed an agreement to end the war in Vietnam

In "Letters Home from Vietnam"

soldiers initially expressed support of the U.S.'s mission to contain communism

Many of those who contracted AIDS in the early and mid-1980s:

soon died

The feminist movement suffered a setback when:

states failed to ratify the equal-rights amendment

When Alabama governor George Wallace was ordered by federal marshals to stand aside from the doorway at the University of Alabama so that black students could enter, Wallace:

stood aside

In the Brown decision, the Supreme Court:

struck down "separate but equal" in public education

Indian activists ultimately discovered that their most effective tactic for bringing about change was:

taking legal action to force the government to adhere to old treaties

The SALT II treaty sought to limit the number of bombers, missiles, and warhead development of

the U.S. and the Soviet Union

Violence erupted in 1962 when James Meredith attempted to integrate:

the University of Mississippi

One of Jimmy Carter's most important accomplishments as president was

the brokering of a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt

In its earliest years, the gay rights movement especially emphasized:

the motto "Gay is good for all of us"

The protest tactic initiated by black students in Greensboro, North Carolina, was:

the sit-in

What inspired students to join social reform movements in the early 1960s?

the southern civil rights movement

To punish the United States for supporting Israel during the Yom Kippur War, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC):

threatened to cut off oil shipments to the United States

The Watergate incident

ultimately caused Nixon to resign as president

The Bay of Pigs invasion:

was thoroughly bungled by the CIA


were primarily middle class whites alienated by war, racism, political corruption, and a corporate economy

Among other things, Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority expressed all of the following EXCEPT:

women should be able to serve in the military if physically and mentally qualified

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