test 4- ch. 4

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The exclusionary rule forbids

courts to admit illegally seized evidence during a trial.

Opponents of intelligent design claim that the theory is another form of _______.


According to a 2009 survey, what percent of americans said religion was fairly or very important in their lives?


The "fighting words" doctrine was established in which of the following Supreme Court cases?

Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire

True or false: Freedom of speech includes spoken or written language but not symbolic actions such as picketing or wearing an armband to signify a protest.


which of he following u.s. presidents invoked President Lincoln in arguing that military combatants and suspected terrorists should be tried in military tribunals and denied the protections of civilian courts?

George w. bush

the act of being tried again for the same crime after being cleared of it in court is known as _______ jeopardy


Which of the following Supreme court cases was also known as the "pentagon papers" case?

New York times v. u.s.

In which case did the Court rule that Vietnam War protesters wearing black armbands to school constituted free speech protected under the Constitution?

Tinker v. Des Moines

True or false: although it is a core principle for most Americans, the right to privacy is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution.


advocates of creationism defend

a literal interpretation of the biblical story of Genesis.

The eighth amendment protects

against cruel and unusual punishment.

the constitutional freedom of religion protects

all nonreligious groups, all religious groups, an individual's free exercise of religion

which faction among the framers of the U.s. government were opposed to ratifying the constitution without first including a written Bill of Rights?


The standard under which speech can be suppressed if it creates the probability that harm may result, even if the likelihood of the result is remote, is known as the _____ test.

clear and probable danger

The legal safeguards that prevent the government from depriving citizens of life, liberty, or property without adhering to strict legal procedures are known as _____ process protections.


the supreme court ruled that the constitution protects two types of freedom of association, including _______ associations through which Americans form associations with others and practice their first amendment freedoms.


True or false: most americans believe the United State should establish a national religion.


true or false: all forms are protected under the u.s. constitution.


which of the following freedoms encourage community and civic engagement?

freedom of religion, freedom of privacy, freedom of criminal due process

The court's stance on freedom of assembly cases is often analogous with its stance in

freedom of speech

supporters and opponents of increased gun control both exercise which of the following freedoms to express their positions?

freedom of speech, freedom of assembly

the sharing of contrasting, even radical or loathsome, information is known as the marketplace of


Prior to the landmark Griswold case, the court concluded that the right to privacy is _____ all other liberties.

implied in

How does the Bill of Rights impact the goals of government?

it limits government's ability to enforce order.

the supreme court determined that privacy rights extend to consensual activity between same-sex partners in

lawrence v. texas

the role of the bill or rights is to _____ government power.


Which of the following subjects has the court considered as within one's zone of privacy?

physician-assisted suicide, choice of sexual partners, termination of medical treatment

The court ruled in Reno v. ACLU that the internet is more like ______ media


which of the following, according to the supreme court, is considered of strictest importance in determining what constitutes a reasonable search?

requiring of a warrant

which of the following amendment protections, if any, have not been incorporated as a protection by the Supreme Court?

right to grand jury indictment

in the 1833 case barron v. baltimore, barron claimed the city violated the ______ clause of the fifth amendment, which bars the taking of private property for public use without just compensation.


Based on the court decision in miller v. california, who is considered vital in determining what is obscene?

the average person

what was the free speech standard between the two periods in which the clear and present danger test was not prevalent?

the bad tendency test

the second amendment of the u.s. constitution protects

the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

If citizens are unable to fully participate in a political system, then

they cannot hold the government accountable or demand government change, they are unable to share information, opinions, advice, and calls to action.

who is considered a primary proponent of the theory of intelligent design?

those who believe that the designer is god.

content-neutral regulations regarding when, where, or how expressions may occur are known as _____, _______, and _______ restrictions.

time, place, and manner

what was the purpose of the selective service act?

to facilitate the draft

True or false: The bill of rights protects freedoms that are essential to the free and effective participation of individuals and groups in the larger community.


which of the following scenarios will most likely lead to more government restrictions of civil liberties?

when the nation is under a perceived threat

true democracy _____ when the government controls the press.


After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, tensions between liberty and security


since the 9/11 terror attacks, perceived intrusions on criminal due process rights have


citizens engaged in the debate over gun control are seeking a _____ nation.


Historically, in times of perceived internal and external threats, the Supreme Court has been more willing to ____ political speech.


Who is responsible for regulating broadcast media?

the government

The supreme court ruled that the bill of rights did not apply to the states in which of the following cases?

barron v. baltimore

The framers did not initially see the bill of rights as applicable to state governments for which reason(s)

because state governments were closer to the people than the national government, they were less likely to restrict individual freedoms, most state constitutions included a bill of rights of their own that protected the abuses of state power.

how has the court ruled on abortion rights issues after roe v. wade?

court developed a middle ground position

the bill of rights limits the power of which branch(es) of the national government?

executive, judicial, legislative

in post-9/11 America, the balance between protecting individual freedoms and preserving public safety has become harder to achieve given perceived ...

intrusions on free speech and assembly, discrimination against Muslim Americans.

Constitutional guarantees that protect citizens, opinions, and property are known as civil _______.


The constitutionality established guarantees that protect opinions and property against arbitrary government interference are known as civil _____, whereas civil _____ reflect positive acts of government for the purpose of protecting individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory actions.

liberties, rights

Indecent or offensive speech or expression that is not protected under the First Amendment is known as ______.


the loosely organized political movement which began in 2011 and sought to address a perceived inequality between the rich and everyone else is called the _______ ______

occupy movement

The U.S. constitution, through the Bill of Rights, and state constitutions explicitly recognize and protect civil, including freedom

of assembly, of speech, of the press

the attempt to block the publication of material considered to be harmful is known as _____ restraint


in the case of near v. minnesota, the supreme court established a rule against censorship known as

prior restraint

Some of the most divisive issues of our day, like abortion, find constitutional protection in the right to


The right of the individual to be left alone is known as the right to


the supreme court decision that determined the right to privacy extended to include abortion is

roe v. wade

which of the following amendments contribute to ensuring criminal due process?

sixth, fifth, fourth, eighth

in mapp v ohio, the supreme court extended the exclusionary rule to ______ court proceedings.


the standard established in the incitement test applies to which of the following governments?

state, local, federal

One concern in increasing law and order during times of national emergency is that

such government efforts will limit an individual's first amendment rights.

Nonverbal speech is expressed through actions such as picketing or wearing an armband to signify a protest is known as _____ speech.


which of the following interpretations of the establishment clause is considered the most flexible?

the accommodation standard

Which of the following believed the Constitution needed a written bill of rights?

the anti-federalists

why did the supreme court suspend the death penalty in the 1972 case furman v. georgia?

the application of the death penalty was arbitrary and discriminatory and thus, was incompatible with the standards in contemporary society

which supreme court standard replaced, albeit temporarily, the clear and present danger test?

the bad tendency test

The law passed by congress soon after the 9/11 attacks that allows the FBI and other intelligence agencies to access personal information and records without consent from targeted individuals is known as the USA ____ act


the first amendment gives people the freedom to do which of the following?

assemble peacefully, seek redress of grievances

civil libertarians are more likely to make which of the following arguments in the wake of 9/11?

increased measures, when in excess, violate individual freedoms and rights

the imminent lawless action test is also called the

brandenburg test, incitement test

The freedoms embodied in the Bill of Rights are considered

broad principles

The Supreme Court in Schenck v. United States etablished the ____and ____ test

clear, present danger

An advertising statement is known as _______ speech


the freedoms of religion, privacy, and criminal due process encourage which of the following types of engagement?

community, civic

what does the fifth amendment prohibit?

compelled self-incrimination, double jeopardy

During World War I, all speech and writings judged to be critical of the US government were


the _______ clause of the first amendment requires government neutrality toward religious institutions, whereas the ______ ______ clause prohibits the government from taking hostile action toward individuals' practice of their religion.

establishment, free exercise

Today, the Bill of Rights applies to which of the following levels of government?

federal, sate

which of the following constitutional amendments establishes formal rules for conducting a trial?

fifth, sixth

speech that inflicts injury or results in public disorder is known as _____ words.


The first amendment clause barring the government from passing any laws that prohibit an individual's practice of his or her religion is known as the ______ ______ clause.

free exercise

Since 9/11/2001, there has been an increase in perceived intrusions on which of the following?

free speech, assembly

A certain tension is present in the first amendment between

freedom and order

the first amendment freedoms that support civic discourse include which of the following freedoms?

freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech

which of the following are central to the democratic process

freedom to speak openly about politics, freedom to speak openly about the government

the civil liberties protected in the american legal system exist to protect the ______ of U.S. citizens.


Under which of the following Supreme Court cases did the Bill of Rights become incorporated to the states?

gitlow v. new york, mapp v. ohio

an ancient right that protects an individual in custody from being held without the right to be heard in a court of law is known as _____ ____.

habeas corpus

the current standard used to determine whether the establishment clause has been violated is known as _____ test.


compared with political speech, the government affords commercial speech

less protection

the most frequently used method of capital punishment in the United States today is

lethal injection

false written statements about others that harm their reputation are known as _______, whereas false verbal statements about others are known as ______.

libel, slander

the establishment clause restricts which of the following?

the establishment of an official religion

which of the following tests is most closely related to the court's stance concerning freedom of assembly?

the fighting words test

Cases that involve Jehovah's witnesses, who practice a less mainstream religion, are most likely to involve which of the following religious clauses?

the free exercise clause

which of the following are established protections according to miranda v. arizona

the right to an attorney, the right to remain silent

which of the following is not considered a sixth amendment protection?

the right to bear arms

the second amendment protects and/or supports which of the following?

the right to keep and bear arms, a well regulated militia

The application of all the protections claimed in the Bill of Rights to the states is known as _____ incorporation, whereas case-by-case consideration of these protections is known as ___ incorporation.

total, selective

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