Test 4 Consciousness

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According to activation information modulation (AIM) theory, dreams are initiated in the brain's

the activity of skeletal muscles increases during REM sleep

All of the following statements regarding REM sleep are true EXCEPT:


Approximately what percentage of the population can be very easily hypnotized?

unconscious wish fulfillment theory

Sigmund Freud's theory that dreams represent unconscious desires that dreamers want to see fulfilled is known as _____.

have an arousal effect on the central nervous system, causing a rise in heart rate, blood pressure, and muscular tension

Stimulants are drugs that:

activation-synthesis theory

The _____ focuses on the random electrical energy that the brain produces during REM sleep, possibly as a result of changes in the production of particular neurotransmitters


The brain's _____ nucleus regulates the body's circadian rhythms


According to Freud, the _____ content of dreams is the disguised meanings of dreams, hidden by more obvious subjects.


According to Freud, the _____ content of dreams refers to the apparent story line of dreams.

circadian rhythms

Biological processes occurring on a cycle of approximately 24 hours are termed as:

slow down the nervous system

Depressants are drugs that:


Dr. Gremillion argues that dreams function to focus on and consolidate memories. They represent concerns about our daily lives, illustrating our uncertainties, indecisions, ideas, and desires. Dr. Gremillion subscribes to the _____ theory of the function of dreams.


Empirical research reveals that on average, people spend about _____ of their time daydreaming

are capable of producing changes in the perceptual process

Hallucinogens are drugs that:

90 minutes

How long is a typical sleep cycle, in which a sleeper progresses through some or all of the sleep stages

the brain waves become slower

In general terms, how do brain waves change as a sleeper progresses from stage 1 sleep to stage 4 sleep?

stage 2

Momentary interruptions of spiky waves called sleep spindles are characteristic of _____ sleep.

Stage 4

Night terrors occur during _____ sleep.

the brain is active, but the major skeletal muscles appear to be paralyzed

REM sleep is paradoxical because:

The tendency to become absorbed in one's activities

To which of the following traits does an individual's susceptibility to hypnosis seem related?

Frued- unconscious wish fulfillment theory

Which of the following psychologists is correctly matched with a theory of the function of dreams?

Dreams occur in NREM sleep, but less frequently than in REM sleep; NREM dreams are more vivid than dreams in REM sleep

Which of the following statements is true of dreams occurring in REM sleep and NREM sleep?


_____ are unusually frightening dreams that occur fairly often.


_____ is a learned technique for refocusing attention that brings about an altered state of consciousness.


_____ is the awareness of the sensations, thoughts, and feelings we experience at a given moment.

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