Test 4 MGMT 493 4/21

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12. McDonald's uses detailed standard operating procedures throughout the world to ensure product quality. This implies that McDonald's has a high degree of A. formalization. B. specialization. C. decentralization. D. hierarchy.


40. Which of the following types of organizations comparatively requires the lowest levels of investment and control? A. joint ventures B. franchising C. acquisition D. greenfield operations

joint venture

100. Global Frontier Inc. wants to expand into the international market. It does not want to spend a very large amount of money for this process. However, Global Frontier wants to maintain some control in the foreign market. Which of the following would be the best entry mode for this firm? A. joint ventures B. acquisitions C. greenfield operations D. exports

B. By juxtaposing the pressures a multinational company faces for cost-reductions and local-responsiveness, it devises four strategies to gain and sustain competitive advantage.

101. Which of the following accurately describes what the integration-responsiveness framework does? A. By juxtaposing the pressures a multinational company faces for export tariffs and foreign responsiveness, it devises four strategies to gain and sustain competitive advantage. B. By juxtaposing the pressures a multinational company faces for cost-reductions and local-responsiveness, it devises four strategies to gain and sustain competitive advantage. C. By juxtaposing the pressures a multinational company faces for export tariffs and local-responsiveness, it devises two strategies to gain and sustain competitive advantage. D. By juxtaposing the pressures a multinational company faces for cost-reduction and foreign responsiveness, it devises two strategies to gain and sustain competitive advantage.

By juxtaposing the pressures a multinational company faces for cost-reductions and local-responsiveness, it devises four strategies to gain and sustain competitive advantage.

101. Which of the following accurately describes what the integration-responsiveness framework does? A. By juxtaposing the pressures a multinational company faces for export tariffs and foreign responsiveness, it devises four strategies to gain and sustain competitive advantage. B. By juxtaposing the pressures a multinational company faces for cost-reductions and local-responsiveness, it devises four strategies to gain and sustain competitive advantage. C. By juxtaposing the pressures a multinational company faces for export tariffs and local-responsiveness, it devises two strategies to gain and sustain competitive advantage. D. By juxtaposing the pressures a multinational company faces for cost-reduction and foreign responsiveness, it devises two strategies to gain and sustain competitive advantage.

D. The country's advantage in low-cost manufacturing has reduced.

11. How has China been affected by its one-child-per-family policy and appreciation of its currency? A. The purchasing power of its workforce has reduced. B. The value added to production has reduced. C. The standard of living within the economy has lowered. D. The country's advantage in low-cost manufacturing has reduced.

benefits from lower labor costs in manufacturing and services

13. Which of the following has been a key driver for firms to expand globally during the Globalization 3.0 stage? A. benefits from lower labor costs in manufacturing and services B. access to low-cost raw materials such as lumber and iron ore C. low levels of economic growth in emerging economies D. inefficient infrastructure in countries like China, which have brought down setting-up costs

B. IKEA's global supply chain has become bottlenecked.

2. Although demand for IKEA's low-cost furnishings has increased, its annual store growth has slowed to fewer than ten new stores a year. Why has this happened? A. IKEA has failed to hire top designers for its furniture. B. IKEA's global supply chain has become bottlenecked. C. IKEA has had a revolving door of CEOs for the past 20 years. D. IKEA's holding companies are all located in Sweden.

B. the absence of a trading bloc.

22. Under the CAGE distance framework, the administrative and political distance between two countries primarily increases with A. differences in climates and time zones. B. the absence of a trading bloc. C. physical remoteness. D. the lack of connective ethnic and social networks.

high span of control

28. Which of the following is a feature of an organic organization? A. high degree of specialization B. rigid division of labor C. clear lines of authority D. high span of control

world's market economies are becoming more integrated

3. As a result of globalization, the A. economies around the world are becoming more independent. B. cultural distance between countries is increasing. C. cost of doing business around the world is increasing. D. world's market economies are becoming more integrated.

Jerry's preference for obtaining consensus among his managers led to bickering and infighting.

3. What was one of the reasons for Jerry Yang's failure at Yahoo? A. Jerry made many necessary changes to the company's organizational structure. B. Jerry established a successful organizational structure and culture, but could not assert control. C. Jerry's preference for obtaining consensus among his managers led to bickering and infighting. D. Jerry focused most strategic changes on improving user experience and increasing advertising revenues.

because of the large economic distance between U.S. and India

33. Which of the following statements best explains why Walmart is finding it difficult to replicate its existing business model in India? A. because of the political differences between India and U.S. B. because NAFTA prohibits Walmart from investing in countries outside North America C. because of the large economic distance between U.S. and India D. because Walmart's low-cost strategy has not been accepted by Indian consumers

C. They reduce a firm's exposure to loss of reputation.

36. Which of the following is the most likely advantage of using foreign acquisitions or greenfield plants as a foreign entry mode? A. They are easy to initiate and terminate. B. They require low amounts of investments in terms of capital. C. They reduce a firm's exposure to loss of reputation. D. They are based on contracts rather than ownership.

they reduce a firms exposure to loss of reputation

36. Which of the following is the most likely advantage of using foreign acquisitions or greenfield plants as a foreign entry mode? A. They are easy to initiate and terminate. B. They require low amounts of investments in terms of capital. C. They reduce a firm's exposure to loss of reputation. D. They are based on contracts rather than ownership.

C. acquisition

37. Octa Autos Inc. wants to globally expand its market. It intends to ensure that its mode of foreign entry allows it to have strong control over its operations and protect its intellectual property, though it may mean investing a significant amount of capital and other resources. In this scenario, which of the following foreign entry modes would best suit Octa Autos Inc.? A. exporting B. franchise agreement C. acquisition D. licensing

it allows for a higher degree of specialization and deeper domain expertise

38. Which of the following is an advantage offered by a functional structure? A. It allows for an efficient top-down communication chain and thus relies on a relatively tall structure. B. It facilitates a lower division of labor, which is linked to higher productivity. C. It allows for a higher degree of specialization and deeper domain expertise. D. It facilitates a lower level of specialization.

multinational enterprise

4. Jane is the CEO of a clothing brand, Diva Rule Inc., which has retail stores and production units in five different countries. The firm's shareholders ensure the proper management of Diva Rule Inc. through their appointed board of directors. In this scenario, Diva Rule Inc. is most likely a A. nonprofit organization. B. nationalized firm. C. sole proprietorship. D. multinational enterprise.


43. Remote Inc. is a notebook manufacturing company based in Ohio. Remote's main market is Ohio. It aims at providing its products at better prices than its competitors. Which of the following structures is Remote Inc. likely to use if it has functional setup? A. organic B. simple C. matrix D. mechanistic

international strategy

45. When a firm pursues a(n) _____, it sells the same products or services in both domestic and foreign markets. A. domestic strategy B. international strategy C. differentiation strategy D. localization strategy

C. The goal of a differentiation strategy is to create a competitive advantage by controlling costs.

46. Which of the following statements is true about the use of functional structures with various business strategies? A. The goal of a differentiation strategy is to create competitive parity. B. The goal of a cost-leadership strategy is to create competitive parity. C. The goal of a differentiation strategy is to create a competitive advantage by controlling costs. D. A cost-leadership strategy can be effectively implemented with the help of an organic structure.

``B. has a low level of diversification.

47. A functional structure is recommended when a firm A. has a broad focus in terms of its product/service offerings. B. has a low level of diversification. C. has a low degree of specialization. D. diversifies into different product lines and geographies.

A. It allows a cost-leader to upgrade core competencies in manufacturing and logistics.

48. Which of the following is an advantage of using a functional structure when pursuing a cost-leadership strategy? A. It allows a cost-leader to upgrade core competencies in manufacturing and logistics. B. It enables a cost-leader to build products that are different from its competitors' offerings. C. It enables a cost-leader to increase costs above that of its competitors. D. It allows a cost-leader to operate in a decentralized organizational structure.

A. It enables firms to leverage their home-based core competencies in foreign markets.

48. Which of the following statements is true of an international strategy? A. It enables firms to leverage their home-based core competencies in foreign markets. B. It is advantageous when firms face high pressures for both local responsiveness and cost reductions. C. It relies on joint ventures to reap economies of scale by accessing a larger market. D. It effectively protects a firm from exchange rate fluctuations.

it enables firms to leverage their home based core competencies in foreign markets

48. Which of the following statements is true of an international strategy? A. It enables firms to leverage their home-based core competencies in foreign markets. B. It is advantageous when firms face high pressures for both local responsiveness and cost reductions. C. It relies on joint ventures to reap economies of scale by accessing a larger market. D. It effectively protects a firm from exchange rate fluctuations.

They are highly affected by exchange rate fluctuations

49. Which of the following is a drawback faced by multinational enterprises (MNEs) pursuing an international strategy? A. They cannot leverage their home-based core competencies in foreign markets. B. They are highly affected by exchange rate fluctuations. C. They have to be highly responsive to local needs and preferences. D. They cannot reap the benefits of economies of scale due to their highly customized products.

they are highly affected by exchange rate fluctuations

49. Which of the following is a drawback faced by multinational enterprises (MNEs) pursuing an international strategy? A. They cannot leverage their home-based core competencies in foreign markets. B. They are highly affected by exchange rate fluctuations. C. They have to be highly responsive to local needs and preferences. D. They cannot reap the benefits of economies of scale due to their highly customized products.

to take advantage of lower taxes in the souther United States

5. European aircraft maker Airbus is investing $600 million in Mobile, Alabama, to build jetliners. Which of the following statements best explains why it is employing this strategy? A. to take advantage of the high labor costs in the southern United States B. to take advantage of the high cost of living in the southern United States C. to take advantage of the low impact of globalization in the United States D. to take advantage of lower taxes in the southern United States

D. ambidextrous organization.

53. Broadview Company integrated certain important functions of Widget.com with Widget, while keeping other functions independent. To support this integration, the president of Widget shifted compensation incentives for both senior teams to accomplish joint goals rather than to focus solely on each business unit's performance. This scenario best exemplifies a(n) A. multidivisional structure. B. organic organization. C. simple structure. D. ambidextrous organization.


55. StickOn Inc. is an adhesive manufacturer. After a slight dip in production numbers, it forms a team to find a quick solution to this problem, at least for the shorter term. This scenario best exemplifies A. exploration. B. exploitation. C. co-opetition. D. competition.

C. faces a greater risk of intellectual property (IP) appropriation.

58. A firm following a multidomestic strategy A. is highly efficient. B. lacks local responsiveness. C. faces a greater risk of intellectual property (IP) appropriation. D. requires exposing explicit knowledge because products are manufactured locally.

The company's exposure to exchange rate fluctuations will reduce.

60. After testing its products in foreign markets by pursuing an international strategy, GR Foods Inc. wants to expand by pursuing a multi domestic strategy. How will this most likely affect the company? A. The company's operations will become more cost-efficient. B. The company's exposure to exchange rate fluctuations will reduce. C. The company will be able to reap greater benefits from economies of scale. D. The company will be exposed to a lower risk of intellectual property appropriation.

the company's exposure to exchange rate fluctuations will reduce

60. After testing its products in foreign markets by pursuing an international strategy, GR Foods Inc. wants to expand by pursuing a multidomestic strategy. How will this most likely affect the company? A. The company's operations will become more cost-efficient. B. The company's exposure to exchange rate fluctuations will reduce. C. The company will be able to reap greater benefits from economies of scale. D. The company will be exposed to a lower risk of intellectual property appropriation.

B. Each country unit owned by the company will tend to be highly autonomous.

62. Food Works Inc. is a multinational fast-food chain that follows a multidomestic strategy. Which of the following statements most likely holds true for the company? A. The company's competitive advantage lies in leveraging its home-based core competencies in foreign markets. B. Each country unit owned by the company will tend to be highly autonomous. C. Majority of the value creation for the company will take place in its home country. D. The company will not face any operational inefficiency as the key business functions do not have to be duplicated.

Each country unit owned by the company will tend to be highly autonomous

62. Food Works Inc. is a multinational fast-food chain that follows a multidomestic strategy. Which of the following statements most likely holds true for the company? A. The company's competitive advantage lies in leveraging its home-based core competencies in foreign markets. B. Each country unit owned by the company will tend to be highly autonomous. C. Majority of the value creation for the company will take place in its home country. D. The company will not face any operational inefficiency as the key business functions do not have to be duplicated.

a globalization strategy

67. To keep track of the latest developments in computing, Lenovo's research centers are located in China, U.S.A., and Japan. Also, to benefit from low-cost labor and reduced shipping costs, the company's manufacturing facilities are in Mexico, India, and China. Which of the following strategies would require Lenovo to organize its operations worldwide in order to develop uniform products for its domestic and foreign markets? A. a transnational strategy B. a multidomestic strategy C. a localization strategy D. a global-standardization strategy

B. Its business-level strategy tends to be cost-leadership.

69. Which of the following is a feature of a multinational company pursuing a global-standardization strategy? A. Its key business functions are located at the home country headquarters. B. Its business-level strategy tends to be cost-leadership. C. Its competitive advantage lies in its high local responsiveness. D. Its core competency lies in its strong product differentiation.

A. It plants the seed of subsequent failure: the tightly coupled system can break apart when internal or external pressures occur.

7. What most likely happens when a firm optimizes its organizational structure to its current situation? A. It plants the seed of subsequent failure: the tightly coupled system can break apart when internal or external pressures occur. B. It achieves superior performance. C. It makes it difficult for managers to make the necessary changes due to its effects on resource allocation and power distribution. D. It transforms strategy into actions and business models.

D. Multinational enterprises (MNEs) began to create smaller, self-contained replicas of themselves in a few key countries.

7. Which of the following is a feature of the Globalization 2.0 stage? A. Huge investments in fiber-optic cable networks around the world enabled companies to operate as global-collaboration networks. B. Only sales and distribution operations took place overseas, while all the important business functions were located in the home country. C. Two-way knowledge flow between the local subsidiaries and their U.S. headquarters was strong. D. Multinational enterprises (MNEs) began to create smaller, self-contained replicas of themselves in a few key countries.

Multinational enterprises (MNEs) began to create smaller, self-contained replicas of themselves in a few key countries.

7. Which of the following is a feature of the Globalization 2.0 stage? A. Huge investments in fiber-optic cable networks around the world enabled companies to operate as global-collaboration networks. B. Only sales and distribution operations took place overseas, while all the important business functions were located in the home country. C. Two-way knowledge flow between the local subsidiaries and their U.S. headquarters was strong. D. Multinational enterprises (MNEs) began to create smaller, self-contained replicas of themselves in a few key countries.

The firm reaps significant economies of scale and location economies.

70. Which of the following is a benefit of a multinational enterprise (MNE) pursuing a global-standardization strategy? A. The firm customizes products and services to better suit local requirements. B. The firm reaps significant economies of scale and location economies. C. The firm follows a differentiation strategy at the business level. D. The firm has all its key business functions located in the home country.

because cultural distance most affects products with high linguistic content

74. Why did the American MTV network cable channel fail when pursuing a global-standardization strategy? A. because MTV failed to understand that music videos were a commodity product B. because the globalization hypothesis holds true for the music industry C. because cultural distance most affects products with high linguistic content D. because an international strategy was more suitable for the music industry

a transnational strategy

78. Shine Enterprises Inc. is a large financial conglomerate that operates in more than 50 countries and employs over 80,000 people across the world. It operates through multiple regional product divisions, which tend to function as autonomous profit-and-loss centers. This allows the company to reap significant economies of scale. Though each division acts as an autonomous firm with its individual regional leaders, frequent sharing of knowledge between the divisions allows for global learning. These factors help the company reconcile product and service differentiations at low cost. Which of the following strategies does Shine Enterprises Inc. most likely use? A. an international strategy B. a focused-differentiation strategy C. a multidomestic strategy D. a transnational strategy

A. It facilitates global learning and harnesses economies of location.

79. Which of the following is a benefit of the transnational strategy? A. It facilitates global learning and harnesses economies of location. B. It completely eliminates a firm's risk of intellectual property expropriation. C. It helps to create a matrix global structure, which is cost-effective and easy to implement. D. It helps a firm pursue a cost-leadership strategy by minimizing the need for local responsiveness.

It facilitates global learning and harnesses economies of location.

79. Which of the following is a benefit of the transnational strategy? A. It facilitates global learning and harnesses economies of location. B. It completely eliminates a firm's risk of intellectual property expropriation. C. It helps to create a matrix global structure, which is cost-effective and easy to implement. D. It helps a firm pursue a cost-leadership strategy by minimizing the need for local responsiveness.

D. It enforces that each group member's compensation depends in part on the group's overall productivity.

85. In which of the following ways does Zappos achieve organizational control? A. It continually changes the organizational values that guide its employees. B. It refrains from monitoring its employees' calls. C. It encourages employees to be creative and innovate and to go the extra mile to deliver a wonderful customer experience. D. It enforces that each group member's compensation depends in part on the group's overall productivity.

C. It increases the value of the focal firm's offering from a customer's perspective.

89. Which of the following statements best explains how the presence of top-notch complementors within a firm's industry affects the focal firm's business? A. It weakens the national competitive advantage enjoyed by the focal firm. B. It improves the factor conditions in the focal firm's domestic market. C. It increases the value of the focal firm's offering from a customer's perspective. D. It reduces the economic contribution created by the focal firm.

multinational companies organizing global collaboration networks

9. A trend observed during the Globalization 3.0 stage involves A. countries around the globe becoming more self-sufficient and independent. B. multinational companies organizing as global-collaboration networks. C. privately-owned firms getting nationalized. D. world's market economies becoming less integrated.

B. McDonald's use of standard operating procedures across the world

9. Which of the following real-world scenarios best exemplifies formalization? A. Zappos' focus on allowing its customer service employees to use their own approach rather than depend on scripts B. McDonald's use of standard operating procedures across the world C. W. L. Gore's associates organizing themselves in project-based teams that are led by sponsors, not bosses D. Yahoo's decision to fire its CEO after incurring huge losses

A. He must be aware of the fact that despite globalization and the emergence of the Internet, firm geographic location has actually maintained its importance.

90. Hans is a strategist who wants to decide on the appropriate strategy to help his firm "go global." Which of the following should Hans consider while choosing his strategy? A. He must be aware of the fact that despite globalization and the emergence of the Internet, firm geographic location has actually maintained its importance. B. He should rely on his firm's business-level strategy as a clue to possible strategies pursued globally. C. He should remember that he has only one framework at his disposal to make global strategy decisions. D. He must remember that higher levels of control and a lower likelihood of any loss in reputation go along with less investment-intensive foreign entry modes.

C. Hank's has a high degree of specialization, formalization, and centralization and relies on a tall hierarchy.

99. Hank's Hot Dogs is a nationwide fast-food chain. Decision power resides at the top of the organization. Each job is documented in minute detail. The firm has many levels of supervision, including vice presidents and regional managers. Hank's headquarters provides detailed instructions to each of its franchisees so that they provide comparable quality and service across the board. Based on this scenario, which of the following is an accurate statement about Hank's? A. Hank's has a low degree of specialization and formalization, a high degree of centralization, and relies on a flat hierarchy. B. Hank's has a high degree of specialization and formalization, a low degree of centralization, and relies on a tall hierarchy. C. Hank's has a high degree of specialization, formalization, and centralization and relies on a tall hierarchy. D. Hank's has a low degree of specialization, formalization, and centralization and relies on a flat hierarchy.

there will be gains in social welfare and living standards across the globe

10. How will an increase in coordinated economic and political integration between countries affect the world economy? A. The world's market economies will become self-sufficient and independent. B. There will be gains in social welfare and living standards across the globe. C. The cost of labor will further decline in emerging economies. D. There will be a movement away from global-collaboration networks among multinational enterprises (MNEs).

factor conditions

108. In Michael Porter's diamond framework, _____ describe a country's endowments in terms of natural, human, and other resources. A. market conditions B. factor conditions C. demand conditions D. supply conditions

the firm reaps significant economies of scale and location economies

Which of the following is a benefit of a multinational enterprise (MNE) pursuing a global-standardization strategy? A. The firm customizes products and services to better suit local requirements. B. The firm reaps significant economies of scale and location economies. C. The firm follows a differentiation strategy at the business level. D. The firm has all its key business functions located in the home country.

It increases the value of the focal firm's offering from a customer's perspective.

Which of the following statements best explains how the presence of top-notch complementors within a firm's industry affects the focal firm's business? A. It weakens the national competitive advantage enjoyed by the focal firm. B. It improves the factor conditions in the focal firm's domestic market. C. It increases the value of the focal firm's offering from a customer's perspective. D. It reduces the economic contribution created by the focal firm.

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