Test 7

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To inspire the Russian people, Soviet leaders called for every comrade to defend

"Holy Mother Russia"

prevent erosion

"Listing" was a way to

At which of the following D-Day landing sites did the Allied troops almost meet with disaster?


the wizard of Oz

Although considered one the greatest movies of all time, this audience spectacle lost over $1million dollars at the box office in 1939:

The so called "Death Railway" was finished in 1943 by Allied POWs. Where was this railway located?


The North African campaign was also known as the "______________ _______."

Desert War

Who was the British general who forced the Germans to retreat to Libya, marking a turning point in the war?

General Bernard Montgomery

things were not getting worse

In 1935, the single best news for the country was

franklins first 100 days

The basics of the New Deal were put into place during

Operation ____________ began with Allied forces landing in Morocco and Algeria in November 1942.


reduce federal spending

Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau wanted President Roosevelt to

social security act

Which of the following Second New Deal program could be called the crowning achievement of Roosevelt's Great Depression policies?

the hayes code

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why movies grew in popularity and influence?

the code was heavily enforced

Which of the following is NOT true of the first code to be completed by the NRA (governing the cotton textile industry)?

the economy improved slightly

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the economy between the second half of 1935 and the first half of 1937?

What topographical conditions made invasion of Iwo Jima more difficult than other islands?

it was a volcanic island

What was different about the act passed by Congress on September 14, 1940?

it was the first-ever peacetime draft in United States history

Once the first atomic bomb was successfully tested, what 3 options did the President have regarding its use to make Japan surrender? [choose 3]

use the bomb to attack Japanese cities refuse to use the bomb and launch a traditional invasion of Japan detonate a bomb in a remote location to demonstrate its power

The case of Wyckard v. Filburn concerned the production of what commodity?


Allied air attacks forced German U-boats to operate in groups called


Which of the following were code names for the beaches of the Normandy invasion? [choose all that apply]

"Omaha" Utah Juno Gold sword

The Japanese convoys that brought reinforcements to the island of Guadalcanal were called

"the Tokyo Express"

Which of the following were consequences of the Marianas campaign? [choose all that apply

- it put the US within striking distance of the Philippines and the Dutch East Indies -it caused political issues for the Japanese government -it placed the Japanese home islands within striking distance for American B29 bombers

Which of the following is true about the Battle of Leyte Gulf? [choose all that apply]

- it was the first American experience with Japanese kamikaze attacks -it destroyed the Japanese navy to a point that it could no longer be a serious threat to American operations in the Pacific - it was the greatest naval battle in all of history

What were the goals of the Wannsee Conference? [choose all that apply]

- to develop a systematic approach to resolving the "Jewish Question" - to settle a dispute regarding using the Jews as slave labor or extermination

What were the results of the Allied threat to the Italian mainland? [choose all that apply]

-Mussolini was ousted from power -King Victor Emmanuel III appointed Pietro Badoglio to head a new government -Italy switched alliances and joined the Allies -Germany reinforced the Italian peninsula and forced Allied troops to fight to take it

What were Hitler's reasons for declaring war on the United States on December 11, 1941? [choose all that apply]

-President Roosevelt had ordered American ships to fire on any German ship they found in the Atlantic -He overestimated the strength and ability of the Japanese -Hitler held a personal hatred for President Roosevelt because of American opposition to Nazism -He underestimated the strength and ability of the Americans

In what ways could the Italian campaign be considered a success? [choose all that apply]

-it gave the Allies experience in amphibious warfare - it provided experience with German troops and their abilities to defend positions and carry out bold maneuvers -the invasion effectively knocked Italy out of the war

In what ways could the Italian campaign be considered a failure? [choose all that apply]

-the slow advance allowed the Soviets to take European territory that laid the groundwork for the Cold War -the Italian surrender meant that the Germans defended the territory -the Allies wasted time and resources in taking strongly defended positions - the advance was so slow that the forces from Italy were no help in the advance toward Berlin

Which of the following was a result of Executive Order 8802? [choose all that apply]

-there was increased taxation of businesses that did not hire minority workers -there was a mass migration from the rural South to Southern cities -there was a move to a more segregated workforce in some areas of the country - there was a migration out of the South to parts of the country where defense industries were located

Which of the following were reasons why the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was so successful? [choose all that apply]

-there were no torpedo nets in place to protect the ships in the harbor -the radar officers dismissed the alert brought by the enlisted men - naval officers failed to raise an alarm when a Japanese mini sub was found -there were not enough planes to patrol daily so there was none scheduled for that day

Why did the Japanese treat American POWs so poorly? [choose all that apply]

-they did not recognize Western conventions - they saw soldiers who surrendered in a negative way

What was the Allied reaction to their capture and liberation of the labor and transit camps in Germany? [choose all that apply]

-they gathered evidence of the conditions and practices and documented what they - residents of nearby towns were brought in to tour the facilities -residents of nearby towns were forced to work burial details in the camps - they shot German guards or camp personnel on sight

Approximately how many Jews were victims of Germany's "Final Solution?

6 million

Who was the labor organizer who was instrumental in getting President Roosevelt to issue Executive Order 8802 on June 25, 1941?

A. Philip Randolph

Which German surface raider began the war in a good position, but was scuttled by her own crew off the coast of Uruguay?

Admiral Graf Spee

Who signed the unconditional surrender of Germany on May 7, 1945?

Admiral Karl Donitz

Who became Commander-in-Chief of the German Army in 1942?

Adolf Hitler


After one of the great dust storms of 1935 dropped Great Plains dirt on Washington, D.C., the Congress created

ushered in the age of scientific reason

After the Literary Digest wrongly predicted that Alf Landon would win in the Election of 1936, it

What famous scientist led others to express their concerns regarding German efforts to build atomic weapons?

Albert Einstein

supreme court

Although Roosevelt and the New Dealers won the Election of 1936, the President still faced strong opposition from the _____________ _____________.

rio grande, canada, rocky mountains

Although not precise, generally speaking the Great Plains extend from the ______ River in the south into _______ in the north, and from what is not central Texas and Oklahoma and eastern Kansas in the east to the ______ in the west.

emphasis on direct manifestation, their worship style was not as restrained

Although the early Pentecostal churches agreed with fundamentalists on many things, they departed in which of the following ways? [choose all that apply]

What brought the end of the Great Depression?

American participation in World War II

Why were the Americans able to turn back the Japanese advance at the Battle of Coral Sea?

Americans were able to decode and read coded Japanese messages

The German Krupp K5 rail gun was known as "Anzio ___________" by the GIs.


bank holiday

Any day on which financial institutions are closed to the public is called a ____________ ____________.

The amphibious landing at __________ was an attempt to go around the Gustav Line and encircle the Germans?


Which two American battleships were NOT salvageable after the Pearl Harbor attacks? [choose 2]

Arizona Oklahoma

Operation "Market Garden" was a plan to take a bridge across the Rhine at



Around the time that Franklin Roosevelt took office, unemployment reached an overall peak of


As a way to provide financial support to wheat farmers, this agency paid wheat farmers not to plant wheat:

The American defense plan for the Philippines involved a retreat to the ____________ Peninsula, where 75,000 American and Filipino soldiers were captured by the Japanese.



Because of the grim reality of poverty and the hard times of the depression ____________ became more important than ever.

deficit spending

Because of the principles of Keynesianism, the entire New Deal was founded on the concept of _____________ ____________ to stimulate the economy and end the depression

make a major shift in government policy

Believing that the Depression was ending, President decided to


Big band music combined the jazz style with a full orchestra, creating a new genre with a new form of dancing called ________.

After sinking the HMS Hood, this German battleship was sunk on her maiden voyage in May 1941:


The loss of this British colony on the Malay Peninsula to advancing Japanese forces in 1942 closed the only land route open to resupply Nationalist Chinese forces:


United States aid to Nationalist China originally went over the "___________ _______," until it was eventually cut off and supplies had to be ferried in by air from India.

Burma Road


By the 1930s there were more _________ in America than there were members of any single Protestant denomination.

the comics or funnies

By the 1930s, this section of the newspaper, although seemingly frivolous, was an integral part of any major daily paper:

African-American contributions in World War II helped lead, in time to the ___________ ____________ _________________.

Civil Rights Movement

This island in Manila Bay provided a base of operations for General MacArthur and was the last point of surrender by American forces:


During World War II, most production contracts were awarded on a "_____________-___________" formula, meaning that the company was reimbursed for production costs in addition to receiving a fixed fee.

Cost Plus

benevolent father figure

During Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first term in office the people came to see him as a

fundamentalists, modernists

During the 1920s, many denominations had been torn apart by doctrinal debated focused on the divide between [choose all that apply]


During the 1930s, many Dust Bowl farmers gave up and moved, some to the "promised land" of

wire services

During the 1930s, these rose up to provide reports on national and international news to local newspapers in the country:

In 1940, the Italians planned an invasion of this British holding in order to gain control of the Suez Canal?


Who announced the surrender to the Japanese people, marking the first time his people had heard his voice?

Emperor Hirohito

In 1942, the British captured information on this German naval code that allowed them to intercept and decipher messages about U-boat operations:


What German had been given command of all the defenses on the French coast before D-Day?

Erwin Rommel

national union for social justice

Feeling that President Roosevelt had not gone far enough to radically change the country, Father Charles E. Coughlin founded the


For the better part of a century, from where did most Americans get some of their entertainment and most of their news?

fireside chats

Franklin Delano Roosevelt used these radio broadcasts to communicate with the American people during the dark days of the Depression and World War II. _________________ _________________

court packing scheme

Franklin Roosevelt's plan to shape the Supreme Court to his will was called the

put the natural ecological balance back the way it was before

Frederic Clements and Paul Sears argued that the only way to fix the problems of the Great Plains was to

Which of the following was NOT one of the Allied holdings in the Pacific attacked as part of the operation that included Pearl Harbor?

French Indochina


Funds distributed through this New Deal Agency were administered by state governments to help the poor in a direct way, making it the nation's first true welfare agency:

Once the Allies established their position in Normandy, they were organized into 2 Groups, the British and Canadians were commanded by

General Bernard Montgomery

Why did the invasion at Anzio fall apart?

General Clark decided to hold and strengthen the Allied position instead of pushing to encircle the Germans on the Gustav Line

Which American military commander liberated the Philippines, announcing "I have returned!"?

General Douglas MacArthur

Who was the American commander of the Philippines when the Japanese launched their attack in 1942?

General Douglas MacArthur

American strategy in the Pacific was shaped by a strong rivalry between these two men: [choose two]

General Douglas MacArthur Admiral Chester Nimitz

The Allied invasion of the island of Sicily was a joint U.S.- British operation under the overall command of

General Dwight Eisenhower

Who was named Supreme Commander of Operation "Overlord" at the Tehran Conference?

General Dwight Eisenhower

As the Italians lost control of North Africa, who did Hitler send to command the Afrika Korps?

General Erwin Rommel

After the American defeat at Kasserine Pass, who was given command of American troops in North Africa?

General George Patton

American forces in Normandy, under the command of General Bradley, were split under what 2 commanders over the 1st and 3rd Armies? [choose 2]

General George S. Patton General Courtney Hodges

The Germans treated American and British POWs according to the

Geneva Convention

After the war, American engineers used rocket technology developed by the ____________ in the Apollo space program.


Once American entered the war, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed that the Allies should pursue a "____________ first" strategy.


The scientists of which nation had made progress in the development of atomic weapons in the 1930s?


After the Germans retreated from Rome, they fell back to a line of defensive positions known as the

Gothic Line

This island in the Solomon chain was the focus of a six month military campaign on land and sea beginning in August 1942:


In January 1944, the Allied advance was stopped just 100 miles short of Rome as they ran into a set of fortifications known as the

Gustav Line

The July 1943 bombing of this city created a "firestorm," a phenomenon that had not previously been seen in war time:


In the election of 1944, who did President Roosevelt choose as his running mate?

Harry S Truman

When Franklin Roosevelt died in April 1945, who became President of the United States?

Harry S. Truman

The Marine base on Guadalcanal that provided a launching point for the capture of the rest of the island was

Henderson Field

Who was Roosevelt's Secretary of War, named in 1940, who built military readiness before American entry into combat?

Henry L Stimson

In addition to Pearl Harbor, the December 7, 1941 attack targeted what other military installation in Hawaii?

Hickam feild

The first Japanese city to be attacked by an atomic bomb was


The Nazi plan to systematically exterminate the Jews is known as the


they were not happy, some a nuisance

How did Californians feel about Dust Bowl migrants?

all of them

How did the people of the Great Plains react to the Dust Bowl? [choose all that apply]

share our wealth

Huey P. Long's radical plan for saving America resulted in an organization called the

his willingness to experiment, his sense of pragmatism

Important aspects of Roosevelt's leadership style were [choose all that apply]


In 1933, the Federal Reserve announced that anyone who had withdrawn ____________ from banks was to return it immediately or have their names published in the newspapers.

most people outside the area were unaware of the problem

In 1933, what portion of the American people understood the problems of the dust storms on the Great Plains?

emergency relief proporition act

In 1935, Congress gave the President power to divide millions of dollars among several agencies how he saw fit by passing


In 1935, President Roosevelt closed down the FERA and replaced it with this agency who had broad scope and often conflicted with other federal programs:

dr charles fuller

In 1937, Fundamentalism found a place on the radio when "The Old-Fashioned Revival Hour" went on the radio. Who was the pastor on this program?

fair labors standard act

In 1938, as Roosevelt addressed the new economic crisis, he had Congress pass the

great britain

In 1939 and 1940, President Roosevelt committed to helping what nation with military supplies and weapons?


In Franklin Delano Roosevelt's second inaugural address, he compared America to the ancient Hebrews with himself as _________________.


In late 1937 and into 1938, the American economy went into ________________ once again.


In response to the NRA, Henry Ford commented that he "was always under the impression that to manage a _____________ properly you ought to know something about it."

juke boxes

In the 1930s, what technology did record companies develop as an additional outlet for phonograph records?

Father Charles Coughlin

In the Election of 1936 the Union Party formed under the leadership of

father charles coughlin

In the Election of 1936 the Union Party formed under the leadership of

the ultra weatlhy, industrial and business leaders

In the Election of 1936, Roosevelt's most powerful opposition came from [choose all that apply]

wendell wilkie

In the Election of 1940, the Republican candidate was

taxing and spending at unheard of levels, increasing size scale and power, increasing federal power

In which ways was the shift in the view of the President achieved in Franklin Roosevelt's first term [choose all that apply]

alf landon

Instead of choosing a hardline anti-Roosevelt candidate, the Republican Party chose this man as their candidate in the Election of 1936:

Admiral Chester Nimitz wanted the Navy and Marines to conduct an "____________ ___________" campaign across the Pacific toward Japan.

Island hopping

The invasion of this island put the Americans just 600 miles from Tokyo and provided one of the most iconic photographs of World War II?

Iwo Jima

The notorious Nazi known as the "angel of death" because of his medical experiments in the concentration camps was

Josef Mengele

On which date did D-Day for Operation "Overlord" take place?

June 6, 1944

Where in North Africa did the Americans suffer the only total rout in all of World War II?

Kasserine Pass

What was the name of the leader of, and the person who tried to carry out, the 1943 attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler at "Wolf's Lair"?

Klaus Schenck von Stauffenberg

When Great Britain began to run out of ready money to purchase military supplies by the end of 1940, Roosevelt devised the "_____________-_____________" program to help supply them with arms to fight the Nazis.

Lend Lease

The siege of what Russian city saw the development of a new weapon and defense of the city by a "People's Army"?


The German offensive called "Case Blue" was an effort to capture

Leningrad Kursk the Caucasus Moscow

The capture of what Sicilian city made Patton a hero until news of his treatment of seriously ill soldiers reached the American people?


Which of the following was one of the most powerful strongholds on the Gustav Line and also the site of a 6th century monastery with historical significance?

Monte Cassino

all of the above

Most movie studios stayed in business during the Great Depression by making a steady stream of movies in these popular genres: [choose all that apply]


Most of the elements of the New Deal were based on the economic principle of

The second Japanese city to be attacked by an atomic bomb was


The invasion site for Operation "Overlord" were the beaches of _________________


After taking the island of Iwo Jima, Nimitz's next target was _________________, only 350 miles from the southernmost Japanese home island.


diversified other operations

Once alcohol was made legal again with the repeal of Prohibition, organized crime

brain trust

One of President Franklin Roosevelt's circles of consultants was called the "_____________ ________________."

dr harry emerson

One of the best known preacers of the Social Gospel was

church of God in Christ

One of the black denominations that sprang from the Holiness Pentecostal movement was the


One of the most famous PWA projects was the __________________ which harnessed the power of the Tennessee River and supplied electricity to the rural south

surrounded himself with people who shared his vision

One of the reasons that President Franklin Roosevelt was successful was that he

as a school for organized crime

One of the unintended consequences of Prohibition was that it served

gone with the wind

One of this movies' claims to fame is that the actress for one of the principle parts, Hattie McDaniel, became the first African-American woman to win an Oscar:


One problem for the nation's rural communities was the farm ___________________ crisis.

trust fund

One unusually conservative feature of the Social Security Act was that the program was funded by a special ______________ _____________.

Under General Auchinleck, British troops launched this offensive, which drove Rommel back and relieved the garrison at Tobruk:

Operation "Crusader"

east coast textile workers strike, california longshoremen strike

Out of all the strikes and labor incidents of the 1930s, the two that stand out because of their scale and violence are the [choose 2]


Over a decade this New Deal Program would employ more than 3 million young men who lived in military style camps and provided manual labor on construction projects, forestry services and other general projects:

To carry out the "Final Solution," the Germans built six camps that used gas chambers. In which country were they all located?


The convoys that brought supplies from the Normandy coast to the front lines were known as the "________ _____________ ________________."

Red Ball Express

all of the choices

Regulatory panels created by the NRA for each industry were to : [choose all that apply]

The three main targets in the Marianas Islands were: [choose three]

Saipan Guam Tinian

This British city-state was the main headquarters for the American-British-Dutch-Australian Command (ABDA)


Which Allied nation was the one to liberate the city of Rome from the Germans?

Soviet union france

The tide turned in the German advance into the Soviet Union at the battle of


With the surrender of this city, all German hope of conquering the Soviet Union disappeared?


The efforts to take these objectives in the Gilbert Islands shocked the American public because of the high death toll? [choose all that apply]

Tarawa mankin

The meeting to discuss the plans for Operation "Overlord" were held in


j edgar hoover

The "Kansas City Massacre" led this director of the FBI to ask President Roosevelt to declare a "War on Crime" making G-men heroes in the public imagination:

the economic programs of the new deal

The "recovery" of 1936 and 1937 had been supported by


The "recovery" that the economy experienced in 1936 and 1937 was ________________ and didn't represent any real change in the real economic problems of the nation.

golden age

The 1930s can be considered the __________ _________ of radio and Hollywood.

soak the rich

The 1935 Revenue Act, which brought in additional funding for the New Deal, was popularly known as the "________-______-_________" tax.

Hitler's Operation "Autumn Fog" was the key to beginning this important World War II battle:

The Battle of the Bulge

san francisco

The California Longshoreman's Strike began with the men who loaded and unloaded ships on the waterfront in

a period of drought, dust storms and high winds on the great plains

The Dust Bowl was

taxpayer funds

The FDIC reimbursed the depositors of failed banks with


The Glass-Steagall Banking Act gave the Federal Reserve new power and established


The NLRA established a new agency, called the ______________________ to provide stronger protection for collective bargaining rights

emergency banking act

The _____________ _______________ ________ was a temporary patch to tide over banks during the immediate crisis .

great plains

The ________________ ________________ are a vast, treeless area of natural grassland and steppe formations in central North America.


The coming of what group changed the landscape and environment of the Great Plains?


The crime wave of the 1930s was largely the result of the 1920s government policy of _______________.

the sit down strike

The employees of General Motors used a new tactic in their labor strike in 1937, known as

superhero comics

The first comic books were aimed at adults, but in June 1938 Action Comics introduced this genre of comic books aimed at children and young adults beginning with Superman:

snow white and the seven dwarves

The first full-length animated feature film was

charles lindebergh

The kidnapping of this famous American's child pushed Congress to pass a law making kidnapping a federal crime if the kidnapper or victim crossed state lines:

high winds, drought, plowing

The major causes of the Dust Bowl were: [choose all that apply]

all but coverered

The massive dust storm of May 1934 [choose all that apply]

organized labor

The most controversial and troublesome part of the NIRA was the provisions it made for:

sand blows

The people of the Dust Bowl classified them into two groups, the less severe were called

black blizzards

The people of the Dust Bowl classified them into two groups, the more severe were called

literary grade paperback novels

The publishing companies Penguin and Pocket Books were created to provide


The purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Agency was to coordinate efforts to reduce oversupply of farm commodities, thereby increasing _______________.

southern great plains

The real center of the Dust Bowl was in the

dust pneumonia

The respiratory disease created by the dust storms was called this by doctors:

by the time of the election, the new deal had done something for everyone

The single biggest factor that assisted Roosevelt in the Election of 1936 was that

the segregated public library

The strike tactic used by General Motors employees in 1937 would later be used in Alexandria, Virginia where a group of young black me did the same in

the jazz singer

The worlds' first "talkie" - a movie that included spoken dialogue and a musical soundtrack - was :


The wreck of the __________________ was one important event that was broadcast on the radio.

charles e coughlin

This Canadian Catholic priest used his popular radio show to challenge President Roosevelt's New Deal:


This New Deal agency introduced legislation on the theory that the free market had failed because it was too chaotic and not regulated enough by the government:


This New Deal program was established by executive order to purchase distressed and foreclosed farm mortgages so that farmers would have the opportunity to refinance at rates they could afford:


This New Deal program was similar to the CCC but focused on employing all able men in urban areas

huey p long

This United States Senator established a plan as an alternative to the New Deal that was basically a radical redistribution of wealth , summed up with the slogan "Every Man a King":


This company developed the first practical system for making color movies:

francis e townshend

This semi-retired doctor formed a plan that would alleviate poverty among the elderly and stimulate the economy at the same time:

migrant farm workers

Tighter immigration laws after 1929 meant that Okies assumed the role of


To counter the shame of being on "the dole" the federal government created this agency to allow individuals who qualified for FERA benefits to receive them as salary for work:

Doolittle's Raid was launched from the aircraft carrier

USS Hornet

The documents formalizing the unconditional surrender of Japan were signed on the deck of the

USS Missouri

At the Battle of Okinawa, what two large American ships were damaged by kamikaze attacks? [choose 2]

USS Missouri USS Enterprise

directly employed everyone

Under the "studio system" the movie studio

Failure of the Dieppe Raid convinced Roosevelt that the first attempt at Allied invasion of German territory should take place in

Vichy North Africa

The uprising in this Polish city was the largest revolt against Nazi occupation of the entire war:


the grapes of wrath

What Pulitzer Prize winning novel shaped American perceptions of the Dust Bowl migration to California?

it was negative, slowing it down

What affect did the collection of payroll taxes to support the new Social Security system have on the economy?

many lost their farms, most could not grow food

What economic impact did the drought, dust storms, and low commodity prices of the 1930s have on farmers? [choose all that apply]


What popular board game saw its rise to fame during the Great Depression?

the catholic church

What religious organization was most vocal regarding the declining moral standards in movies over the 1920s and 1930s?

the role native grasses played, that local weather patterns predicted drought

What two facts about the ecology of the Great Plains did farmers fail to understand? [choose 2]

war in europe, legacy of the new deal

What two issues overshadowed the Election of 1940? [chooose 2]

roosevelt chose to run a 3rd term

What was significant about Franklin Roosevelt and the Election of 1940?

a dark line stretching across the horizon

What was the first sign of an oncoming black blizzard?

even if it didnt work it would help the presidents reelection

What was the political advantage of the Second New Deal?

the effect the drought and heat had on the soil

What was the single biggest problem that contributed to the creation of the Dust Bowl?

the liberal justices gained a small majority

When Justice Willis Van Devanter retired and was replaced by Justice Hugo Black

the liberal justices gained a small minority

When Justice Willis Van Devanter retired and was replaced by Justice Hugo Black

strike accomplished nothing, strikers permanately lost their jobs

When President Roosevelt convinced union leaders to end the East Coast Textile Workers Strike, what were the results [choose all that apply]

cattlemen and wheat farmers

When President Roosevelt starting asking for relief funds from Congress in 1934, large portions of the aid went to [choose all that apply]

temporary financial relief, finding a solution to wind and erosion

When the Dust Bowl came to the direct attention of the majority of the American people, President Roosevelt created more programs to help, these fell into two broad categories: [chooose 2]

to the poor through other relief programs

When the government bought large numbers of cattle and had them slaughtered then processed and canned the meat, where did the canned meat go

new dealers

When the original advisors fell away, many of them were replaced by a circle of consultants called the "_____________ ________________."

in the south

Where did Fundamentalism become most firmly established?

in the north

Where did Modernism become most firmly established?

the selective training and service act

Which act passed in 1940 was the first ever peacetime military draft in American history?

some programs achieved stuff but overall it didnt work

Which of the following is true about the New Deal in 1935?

all but easily escaped

Which of the following is true of the dust storms of the Dust Bowl? [choose all that apply]

national insurance program

Which of the following parts proposed for the Social Security Act was dropped because it would never receive Congressional approval?

aaa, nra

Which of the following programs of the First New Deal did the Supreme Court declare illegal, meaning the government had to shut them down? [choose all that apply]


Which of the following was NOT a popular type of radio program in the 1930s?

large scale farming

Which of the following was NOT a project of the WPA?

planting prairie grasses

Which of the following was NOT one of the new farming methods developed by the SCS to help with the problems in the Dust Bowl?

increased sale of government bonds

Which of the following was NOT one of the sources of funding for the New Deal?


Which of the following was NOT part of the mass media system that spread popular culture in the 1930s?

to pay stockmen for slaughtering surplus livestock to pay farmers not to harvest crops already planted to pay farmers not to plant crops

Which of the following were the AAA's main strategies? [choose all that apply]

major league baseball

Which sport was particularly popular on radio broadcasts in the 1930s?

gambling, alcohol

While some Americans turned to tamer pastimes during the Great Depression, others turned to which of the following to escape?

sister aimee mcphearson

Who was the founder of the International Church of the Foresquare Gospel?


With the economic collapse of the Depression and the rising issues of racism in the South ____________ became an attractive alternative to Americas economic system.

The two largest military programs for women during World War II were the

Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Services women army corps


___________ was a term of derision used to describe the Dust Bowl migrants.


__________________________ was at the heart and soul of the New Deal.

In its decision in the case of Wyckard v. Filburn, the Supreme Court established the doctrine of _________________, which is still used to justify law in the United States.

aggregate effect

In his "fireside chat" that introduced his plan to help Great Britain combat the Nazis, President Roosevelt claimed that America must be a great

arsenal of democracy

How did the American leadership view military action in North Africa?

as a secondary effort that drew resources away from a planned European invasion

What authority was given to the OPA (Office of Price Administration) by Congress during World War II? [choose all that apply]

authority to freeze farm commodity prices authority to establish price ceilings authority to freeze wages

Once World War II began, why was North Africa important?

because of the Suez Canal

The "Lend-Lease" program would allow the British to _______________ weapons and other military supplies from the United States.


The word kamikaze means "__________ ________."

divine wind

What were the "Auschwitz Protocols"?

eyewitness accounts of what was happening in the concentration camps

The name of the 2 atomic bombs dropped on Japanese cities in 1945 were [choose two]

fat man little boy

Which of the following was NOT one of the conditions faced by American Marines on Guadalcanal?


Under the command of Claire Chennault, the _________________________ were a group of American pilots operating in China during World War II.

flying tigers

On December 7, 1941, how did most people learn of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

from radio

What necessity was rationed according to the occupation of the individual in relation to the war effort?


After Hitler's invasion of Poland, President Roosevelt was able to [choose all that apply]

get Congress to repeal the Neutrality Acts -approve a policy of "cash and carry" for military purchases

Which of the following was NOT a result of American shifting to a wartime economy?

government takeover of all heavy industry

Why was Stalin so surprised by the German invasion of the Soviet Union?

he had trusted Hitler to respect the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact

What two decisions did Stalin make that were crucial to Soviet survival? [choose 2]

he transferred industry to the east - he reorganized the Russian military command system

During World War II, how was government spending financed? [choose all that apply]

higher taxes higher government debt

Of all the forms of propaganda in the United States, which was the most important according to the lesson?

hollywood movies

One way in which anti-Semitism manifested itself in America in the 1930s was through

immigration policy

The Battle of Midway was largely fought [choose all that apply]

in the air on the sea

Which of the following is NOT a method used by the government to finance the war effort in World War II?

increased excise taxes

In FDR's December 8 speech to a joint session of Congress, he uttered one of the most famous lines in American history. " Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in ______________..."


In Europe, USAAF bombers primarily focused on these targets [choose all that apply]:

infrastructure military targets industrial targets

The policy that America adopted between 1937 and 1940 was one of _____________________.


Why was the island of Peleliu important in the American invasion of the Philippines?

it could provide a base for American aircraft supporting the invasion

What was the benefit of the African campaign for the later fighting in Europe? [choose all that apply]

it drained German resources - it increased American morale -it provided an avenue to the oil reserves of the Middle East -it gave the American forces needed experience

What was important about the First Battle of El Alamein? [choose all that apply]

it prevented Rommel from attacking Egypt's major cities -the British victory ended a string of German wins under Rommel

What was significant about the Battle of Midway? [choose all that apply]

it severely damaged Japan's carrier fleet it was a morale boost for the Americans it ended the string of offensive victories for the Japanese

Which of the following was a result of the Allied capture of the Rhineland? [choose all that apply]

it was a blow to German morale it made some German soldiers convinced that Germany had already lost the war

As the American military began to build up in 1940, who was responsible for the marked increase in wartime production?

labor unions

The German term lebensraum means "_______________ _____________

living space

The German alternative to using traditional bombing methods was the development of the


What was one reason why the German reaction to the invasion at Normandy slower than it should have been

most of the German officers were away from their posts on D-Day

Overall, how many African-Americans served in the military in World War II?

one million

In early 1942, President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 which

ordered the relocation and internment of all people of Japanese ancestry who lived in the United States

Operation "Mincemeat" was an attempt to

pass false information to the Germans regarding plans to invade Italy

In order to keep prices low and to be sure that Americans received needed items, the government instituted _______________ systems to control access to all kinds of goods.


Where were German prisoners of war captured by American forces sent?

rural areas of United States

What conditions created fears of inflation during World War II? [choose all that apply]

scarcity of goods rising wages

Which of the following was NOT part of Operation "Fortitude"?

small attacks on French port cities

Which of the following were reasons why Americans did not become involved in the conflicts in Europe and Asia in the late 1930s? [choose all that apply]

some Americans admired Hitler and his policies that had brought Germany out of its economic downturn -the people of the United States were having a difficult time dealing with the Great Depression -some Americans felt they had been tricked into taking part in the Great War and did not want it to happen again

Why did the Germans not develop atomic weapons earlier than other nations?

some of the important scientists were Jewish and had fled to the United States

Which of the following were developments in military technology meant to overcome the logistical challenges of the Normandy invasion? [choose all that apply]

systems to allow tanks to swim in high water portable artificial harbors amphibious personnel carriers

The project created to develop and build atomic weapons was code-named:

the "Manhattan Project"

As a diversion for the attack on Midway, the Japanese sent a force to

the Aleutian Islands

What was the crucial problem that hampered American efforts to capture Guadalcanal?

the Americans did not control the sea around the island

The development of this weapon allowed American forces to launch attacks on Japanese cities:

the B-29 "Superfortress"

This action between the Germans and Soviets was one of the greatest and bloodiest land battles of the entire war?

the Battle of Kursk

Why were German efforts in the Battle of Britain unsuccessful? [choose all that apply]

the British were shooting down German planes faster than they could be rebuilt -the attacks made the British people more determined to continue fighting the war

At what conference did President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill decide that when to go ahead with the Allied invasion of mainland Europe?

the Casablanca Conference

In August 1942, the Allies tested an amphibious assault on mainland Europe in

the Dieppe Raid

The German group that became an extension of Nazi Party in America was called the

the German American Bund

What was the driving force behind the Battle of the Atlantic?

the German U-boat

Which of the following was one reason the American advance slowed in December 1944?

the Germans had infiltrated American lines with German commandos dressed in American uniforms

What was the result of the Battle of Bloody Ridge?

the Japanese suffered over 50% casualties

What were the Japanese goals for the attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941? [choose all that apply]

the Japanese wanted to bring American into open war - the Japanese wanted to reduce America's ability to project naval power

Why were there virtually no Japanese POWs in World War II?

the Japanese warrior code valued death over the dishonor of surrender

What was the result of the Battle of Bismarck Sea?

the Japanese would never again try to send large convoys with reinforcements to island garrisons

The "Bataan Death March" took place after the surrender of American troops in

the Philippines

Why was German treatment of the Poles and Slavs different from that of other European people under their influence?

the Poles and Slavs were seen as racially inferior

Which of the following is NOT a reason why Hitler believed Germany could easily conquer the Soviet Union?

the Russians didn't have any men left after Stalin's purges

What army was the first to liberate a major death camp in Poland?

the Soviets

Which Allied army fought for and won the final battle for Berlin?

the Soviets

Why were individual German victories in the Soviet Union not successful in reversing the tide of the Soviet advance? [choose all that apply]

the Soviets could replace losses more easily than the Germans Soviet industry was producing more weapons and vehicles than the Germans the German military were short on supplies

Which of the following was the organization that was able to reorganize the national economy to focus on production for the war effort?

the War Production Board

What event led the United States to freeze all Japanese assets and reduce the export of oil and gasoline to the island nation in 1941?

the annexation of French Indochina

What were the challenges to the D-Day invasion that affected timing? [choose all that apply]

the invasion needed to take place when the English Channel was calm the invasion needed to take place during a full moon the invasion needed to take place at low tide the invasion needed to take place at dawn

Other than the Jews, what other groups were the target of Nazi extermination attempts? [choose all that apply]

the mentally ill political prisoners Christians gypsies

Operation "Avalanche" under General Mark Clark was almost halted because

the terrain gave the Germans an advantage since they held the high ground

What was the reaction of the American people to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

they almost unanimously supported war in the Pacific

What was the Japanese government's reaction to the destruction brought by the first atomic bomb dropped on one of their cities

they asked the Soviet Union to try to mediate peace with the United States

Why did the Americans agree to postpone "Operation Roundup" until 1944 and concentrate on invading Italy? [choose all that apply]

they believed an Italian campaign would be quick and easy - the believed an invasion of Italy would provide them with a way to reach Germany more quickly

Why were the Dutch East Indies so important to the Japanese in 1942?

they contained some of the most important oil fields in the world

Why were the Americans ready for the Japanese attack on Midway Island?

they had been able to break Japanese secret code

Why did the Soviet advance halt in early 1945, although they were within 100 miles of Berlin?

they had pushed too far and needed to spend time subduing German garrisons on the Baltic

Why was it difficult for the Marines to dislodge the Japanese from the island of Iwo Jima?

they had taken refuge in fortified caves on the island

Why did American military leaders NOT want to attempt an invasion on the Japanese home islands?

they knew the Japanese would defend to the last person and casualties would be high

When German officers realized they needed to reinforce their troops at Normandy, why was there a delay?

they needed Hitler's permission and since he was asleep, they waited until he woke up

What was the Soviet response to the Warsaw Uprising?

they watched what was happening and did nothing

What was the purpose of the Office of Censorship?

to control American press

Which of the following are reasons why men enlisted in the military after the attack on Pearl Harbor? [choose all that apply]

to escape poverty from a sense of patriotism from a sense of duty to get revenge on the Japanese

What was the Japanese goal for capturing Port Moresby in New Guinea?

to isolate Australia

Why did Hitler initially order air strikes against British targets in the Battle of Britain?

to prepare for Operation "Sealion"

What was the purpose of the Doolittle Raid?

to restore American military morale and lift the spirits of the American people

What was the task of the Einsatzgruppen and "Reserve Police Battalions"?

to round up Jews and executed them instead of taking them to the ghettoes

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