Test from Academy E

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78. The criminal statutes define a child for purposes of child abuse as a person under what age? a. 15 b. 18 c. 16 d. 19


What year did the Victim Rights Amendment (VRA) go into effect? a. 1991 b. 1992 c. 1993 d. 2008


83. In a diagonal deployment, how many officers would be needed? a. 2 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6


91. JJ is homeless and sleeping in another's shed without permission. What crime, if any, is JJ committing? a. 2nd degree criminal tampering b. 2nd degree criminal trespass c. Criminal mischief d. 3rd degree criminal trespass e. None of the above

2nd degree criminal trespass

64. If an offender unlawfully terminates the pregnancy of a woman in the heat of passion the crime is designated as: a. 1st degree unlawful termination of pregnancy b. 2nd degree unlawful termination of pregnancy c. 3rd degree unlawful termination of pregnancy d. 4th degree unlawful termination of pregnancy

2nd degree unlawful termination of pregnancy

30. Vehicle stops account for what percent of drug-related officer murders? a. 33 percent b. 20 percent c. 25 percent d. 10 percent

33 percent

14. If you catch a person breaking into laundry machine coin boxes, what degree of burglary is this? a. 3rd degree burglary b. 2nd degree burglary c. 1st degree burglary d. He's just really desperate.

3rd degree burglary

93. If an offender under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life, knowingly engages in conduct that creates a grave risk of death to another and thereby causes the unlawful termination of pregnancy, the offender commits: a. 1st degree unlawful termination of pregnancy b. 2nd degree unlawful termination of pregnancy c. 3rd degree unlawful termination of pregnancy d. 4th degree unlawful termination of pregnancy

3rd degree unlawful termination of pregnancy

61. Which Constitutional Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures? a. 1st b. 4th c. 10th d. 14th


62. Which of the following is not a requirement of the 4th Amendment? a. Rule of Particularity b. 6th sense for defining probable cause c. Signed by the judge in writing d. Probable cause

6th sense for defining probable cause

95. How much time must pass before theft is charged when a person fails to return rented property? a. One week b. 24 hours c. 48 hours d. 72 hours

72 Hours

85. The evaluation process for mental health services can be no longer than: a. 24 hours b. 48 hours c. 72 hours d. 96 hours

72 hours

37. Which elements distinguish the crimes of 1st and 2nd degree arson? a. The specific intent to defraud b. Recklessly starting a fire or causing an explosion c. A dwelling or occupied structure belonging to another d. An act done with criminal negligence

A dwelling or occupied structure belonging to another

22. The offense of criminal attempt requires which of the following? a. An overt act b. A substantial step c. Two or more person planning any criminal act d. An agreement to commit any crime

A substantial step

40. Logan and JJ go into a small grocery store. There are two customers and a clerk inside at the time. Logan holds a gun on them, demands their valuables, and then locks them in a separate office area of the store. In the mean time, JJ breaks into and cleans out the cash register. They are caught and later charged with what? a. Aggravated robbery; felony menacing; false imprisonment; 3rd degree burglary

Aggravated robbery; felony menacing; false imprisonment; 3rd degree burglary

15. In a single episode, Jonny Juvenile stole a car and was involved in an auto accident. Jonny was charged with: aggravated motor vehicle theft, careless driving, and driving without a license. His case should be held: a. All charges should be in Juvenile Court because all charges were part of a single episode and should be kept together. b. The ticket should be split between Juvenile Court and the traffic offenses going to County Court. c. All charges should be in County Court because the incident involved a traffic accident and driving charges. d. All charges should go to Municipal Court because they took place within the city limits.

All charges should be in Juvenile Court because all charges were part of a single episode and should be kept together.

33. Which of the following are correct statements distinguishing civil law from criminal law? a. In a civil suit the burden of proof is by a preponderance of the evidence whereas in a criminal charge it is beyond a reasonable doubt b. A criminal charge is instituted to regress harm to an individual brought by the State c. In a criminal case the injured party is merely a witness, whereas in a civil suit the injured party is ordinarily the person bringing the lawsuit d. The concept of double jeopardy applies to criminal cases but not to civil suits e. All of the above are correct

All of the above

86. In any sentence for escape of any adult, the court may not grant: a. Probation b. A suspended sentence c. Less than the minimum sentence d. All of the above are correct

All of the above

36. Which o f the following poses no threat to law enforcement? a. Assisting a stalled motorist b. Ticketing an improperly parked vehicle c. Investigating a minor traffic accident d. All of the above pose a safety threat

All of the above pose a safety threat

75. Which of the following is not another name for a prosecuting attorney? a. Solicitor b. District Attorney c. State's Attorney d. Assigned Counsel

Assigned Counsel

28. What degree of injury is required for third degree assault (knowingly, recklessly or with criminal negligence)? a. Serious bodily injury b. Bodily injury c. No injury d. Death

Bodily injury

16. Which of the following is not a characteristic of trial court of limited jurisdiction? a. Cases can be resolved only by jury trials b. A detailed record of the proceedings in not maintained c. Cases files will include information only about the charge, the plea, and the sentence d. Cases are relatively minor offenses

Cases can be resolved only by jury trials

53. A financial transaction device is any of the following except: a. Credit card b. Account number c. Debit card d. Check


56. Which agency manages CCIC? a. Federal Bureau of Investigation b. Colorado Bureau of Investigation c. Attorney General's Office d. Department of Justice

Colorado Bureau of Investigation

73. Bill saw Hank break into his neighbor's car and steal a stereo. Hank also knew Bill saw him. Hand told Bill he would pay him $100 to keep his mouth shut. If Bill keeps his mouth shut and doesn't report the crime, Bill could be charged with which of the following crimes? a. Conspiracy b. Accessory c. Compounding d. Complicity


19. CRS 18-8-209 provides that for any sentence for escape is to run: a. Concurrently with the sentence the offender was serving b. Consecutively with the sentence the offender was serving c. At the discretion of the sentencing judge or magistrate d. A minimum mandatory 10 years

Consecutively with the sentence the offender was serving

74. If probable cause is based on hearsay and the informant is not reliable or his information is not firsthand you but establish: a. That his information is clean and convincing b. Corroboration as a means of verifying the information the informant provided c. As a new informant he falls under the "first instance and acceptance" rule d. The information is not stale and will not be subject to exclusion

Corroboration as a means of verifying the information the informant provided

25. Janelle was convinced by her sister to sit for the entrance exam for the Denver Police Department in her place. Janelle took the exam for her sister and passed. Her sister ended up getting hired by DPD. One year later, an investigator for the department uncovered the agreement. Janelle would most likely be guilty of: a. Fraud b. Criminal impersonation c. Criminal simulation d. Obtaining signatures by deception

Criminal impersonation

63. Susan's sister called her and said she was in jail for a DUI. Susan, wanting to help her sister, went to the jail to check on the bond amount. Susan didn't have the money. She did, however, have an expired bail/bond license from her former employer. Susan appeared at her sister's bond hearing and told the judge she would act as surety on the bond. Susan used her former employer's name, not hers. Susan should be charged with: a. Obtaining signatures by deception b. Offering a false instrument of recording c. Criminal impersonation d. Bond fraud

Criminal impersonation

42. In what case did the US Supreme Court decide to pay federal prisoners witness fees? a. Crosby v. US b. Demarest v. Manspeaker c. Thiel v. Southern Pacific Company d. Zafiro v. US

Demarest v. Manspeaker

21. Which of the following is not one of the three major types of psychological disorders? a. Personality disorder b. Developmental disorder c. Mood disorder d. Psychotic disorder

Developmental disorder

89. What, coupled with sound survival tactics, is essential in establishing a command presence and maintaining control? a. Effective communication b. Physical size c. Superiority in firepower d. Extensive experience

Effective communication

27. A person who disarms a peace officer with justification violates the current law. a. True b. False


45. Successful crime prevention can be successful with the community alone. a. True b. False


66. All states have a constitutional victim rights amendment. a. True b. False


67. Most defendants are represented by a private attorney through all stages of the court process. a. True b. False


87. Domestic violence is a crime against a person, not property. a. True b. False


90. Public order advocates seek to protect personal freedoms within the process of criminal justice. a. True b. False


32. How many degrees of unlawful termination of pregnancy are there in the CRS? a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Five


34. A 211 Crew Member harasses a potential witness into not testifying at a fellow 211 Crew Member's upcoming trial. This is: a. Gang-Motivated b. Gang-Related


13. The standard for detention of Jonny Juvenile at a detention hearing is: a. He is dangerous because he is in a gang. b. He is out of control at home. c. He is a danger to himself or to others if released d. He failed to appear before, therefore should be held until court date.

He is a danger to himself or to others if released

79. Which Supreme Court case held that new evidence of innocence is no reason to order a new state trial when constitutional grounds are lacking? a. Keeney v. Tamayo-Reyes b. Herrera v. Collins c. Marbury v. Madison d. Minnick v. Mississippi

Herrera v. Collins

65. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of: (I) race; (II) color; (III) national origin; (IV) sex. a. I and II b. II and III c. I, II, and III d. IV


97. Which US Supreme Court case provided the basis for thinking that prosecutors enjoyed the same immunity against liability that judges do? a. Burns v. Reed b. Imbler v. Pachtman c. Brady v. Maryland d. US v. Bagley

Imbler v. Pachtman

59. List some of the warning signs that a crowd could become out of control. a. Increased allegations of police abuse, increase in rumors, disturbances to test police reactions, increase in threats to a location, etc

Increased allegations of police abuse, increase in rumors, disturbances to test police reactions, increase in threats to a location, etc

Which is not one of the eight steps in building community partnerships? a. Identifying partners b. Organizing meetings c. Formulating a plan d. Increasing police presence

Increasing police presence

7. An officer's experiences, educational level, and personal interests are examples of ________ Factors in Perception. a. External b. Reportable or Non-reportable c. Attention to Cognizance d. Internal


20. What conduct is needed to prove the crime of sexual assault? a. Penetration b. Intrusion c. Contact d. Intrusion or penetration

Intrusion or penetration

80. What is the threshold assessment and response procedure? a. Isolate, Contain, Assess, Respond

Isolate, Contain, Assess, Respond

26. An unbroken "chain of custody" is important because: a. Lawyers and juries are usually linear thinkers b. Chain of custody is a legal theory with no application to police work c. It is the best way to establish to the courts' satisfaction that evidence has not been lost or tampered with d. A chain of custody best describes how evidence links someone to a crime

It is the best way to establish to the courts' satisfaction that evidence has not been lost or tampered with

88. A felony crime is committed inside Lakewood city limits, which is in Jefferson County. The suspect lives in Denver (Denver County) and has for the last 22 years. Following the commission of the crime, the suspect drives through Adams County on his way home but commits no criminal acts in the connection with the Lakewood crime. Which county is the only county in which the suspect can be charged initially? a. Jefferson b. Denver c. Adams d. Lakewood


70. An example of someone who cannot be considered emancipated for purposes of interrogation is: a. Juvenile who is married b. Juvenile who is in the military c. Juvenile who is living with grandmother because parents are out of the state d. Juvenile who is 17 on the date of the offense but is 18 at the time of questioning

Juvenile who is living with grandmother because parents are out of the state

50. What is the culpable mental state(s) for 1st degree arson? a. Intent b. Knowingly c. Recklessly d. Criminal negligence


24. Which of the below statements identifies the crime of second degree criminal tampering? a. Interfering with the operation of satellite TV services b. Knowingly make an unauthorized connection with any utility c. Interfering with the operation of any utility Knowingly d. making an unauthorized connection to cable services

Knowingly make an unauthorized connection with any utility

84. The US Supreme Court case that stands for the legal proposition that all evidence is subject to the exclusionary rule if it is taken improperly by law enforcement officers or their agents is: a. Terry v. Ohio b. Mapp v. Ohio c. Miranda v. Arizona d. Edwards v. Arizona

Mapp v. Ohio

6. Matt lives in Burlington. He finally meets a girl with all of her teeth but the kicker is that she is married. She tells Matt about the marriage and he does not care because she is one-of-a-kind in that area, so he marries her. What crime has Matt committed? a. Bigamy b. Sentencing c. Marrying a bigamist d. Desperation

Marrying a bigamist

58. ______ describes how criminals usually operate. It is the specific way to commit a crime, the specific time of day they commit an offense, or a specific neighborhood or area they target, for example. a. Modum Operandi or MO

Modum Operandi or MO

76. What are the three psychological disorders that represent challenges for law enforcement officers? a. Mood, psychotic, and personality disorders

Mood, psychotic, and personality disorders

5. Felony murder doctrine is set out in Colorado legislation as: a. Criminally negligent homicide b. Murder in the first degree c. Murder in the second degree d. Manslaughter

Murder in the first degree

82. As state courts developed, what court model was copied by most states? a. Federal Reorganization Act of 1801 b. State Court Reform Act of 1776 c. New York State Field Code of 1848 d. Common Law Courts of the Northeast

New York State Field Code of 1848

12. Carl has sexual intercourse with a female prostitute under the age of 17. He believed she as over the age of 21. Carl has: a. An affirmative defense, he believed her age to be 21. b. No affirmative defense

No affirmative defense

55. Which of the following does not constitute an exigent circumstance? a. Protect life b. From escape c. Destruction of evidence d. Officer creates emergency

Officer creates emergency

31. Which of the following is not something that is searched for when conducting an area search? a. Officers b. Threats c. Persons d. Evidence


48. The presumptive BAS for vehicular homicide is: a. Over .05 b. Over .08 c. Over .15 d. Any evidence of alcohol consumption

Over .08

47. The following are tactical characteristics of a high risk stop except: a. Officers always maintain distance to maximize cover b. Critical tasks are divided among several officers c. Occupants are removed and dealt with one at a time d. Pace of which tasks are performed is sped up to disorient suspects

Pace of which tasks are performed is sped up to disorient suspects

51. In addition to a licensed medical professional and a registered professional nurse, which of the following may invoke an emergency procedure to have a person taken into custody for treatment and evaluation? a. Peace officer, licensed clinical social worker, state certified psychologist b. Family member, including sibling and spouse c. Any person related by blood d. Court -appointed Guardian Ad Litem

Peace officer, licensed clinical social worker, state certified psychologist

98. Which of the following cases allows an officer to order a driver to get out of his vehicle even in the absence of criminal activity or a reasonable belief that the driver poses a threat to police safety? a. People v. Pierce b. Pennsylvania v. Mimms c. Michigan v. Summers d. People v. Mickens

Pennsylvania v. Mimms

38. Which term is no longer used by trainers to describe traffic stops? a. Routine


71. Steve was playing with his new 9mm Smith & Wesson handgun doing quick draws in the cafeteria. The gun fires one round and strikes Sonya in the right leg. Steve is guilty of: a. First degree assault b. Second degree assault c. Third degree assault d. Felony menacing

Second degree assault

52. The mental state required for 1st degree unlawful termination of pregnancy is: a. Specific intent b. Knowingly c. Recklessly d. Negligently

Specific intent

1. _________ is an oversimplified generalization about a person or an entire group of people without regard for individual differences. a. Diversity b. Stereotype c. Prejudice d. Discrimination


96. In the Line Safety Priority Continuum, who is directly below police/tactical officers? a. Suspects/Bad Guy

Suspects/Bad Guy

23. Which of the following is not a responsibility of a bailiff? a. Ensure order in the courtroom b. Call witnesses c. Swear in witnesses d. Announces the judge's entry into the courtroom

Swear in witnesses

57. The definition of hearsay is: a. Something so complicated and convoluted that you were hoping no question would be asked b. Testimony by a witness of an out-of-court statement made by another offered as proof of the fact or matter asserted c. Any document with an unknown author d. Evidence for which there is no exception; it is always admissible in court

Testimony by a witness of an out-of-court statement made by another offered as proof of the fact or matter asserted

10. Issuance of bad checks charge requires: a. Proof of intent to defraud b. Believing you didn't have enough money in your account when you wrote another check c. Negligent balancing of your checkbook d. That the bad check remains unpaid for thirty days after issue

That the bad check remains unpaid for thirty days after issue

60. What are the elements of 4th degree arson? a. The offender has the specific intent to defraud. b. The offender starts or maintains a fire or causes an explosion on his own property and endangers another person or their property. c. The offender burns the personal property of another d. The offender causes an explosion and destroys another's structure

The offender starts or maintains a fire or causes an explosion on his own property and endangers another person or their property.

2. Pregnancy for purposes of 18-3.5-101 is defined as: a. A woman who is at least 20 weeks in term b. The presence of an implanted human embryo or fetus within the uterus of a woman c. A woman who is in her second trimester of pregnancy d. The presence of a human embryo or fetus within the fallopian tubes

The presence of an implanted human embryo or fetus within the uterus of a woman

39. Which of the following is not required for a licensed driver under the age of 17? a. All occupants must wear a seatbelt b. There can be no more than one passenger in the front seat c. There must be at least one person over the age of 21 present d. The number of rear passengers cannot exceed the number of seatbelts

There must be at least one person over the age of 21 present

8. States that followed the federal court model have how many tiers? a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Five


81. When describing a person's clothing, an officer should start at the _____ and work his/her way ______. a. Top and work his/her way to the bottom b. Bottom and work his/her way to the top c. Right side and work his/her way to the left d. Left and work his/her way to the right

Top and work his/her way to the bottom

11. A Constitutional tort is filed when personal injuries occur and someone wants money because they believe there was a violation of the 4th Amendment. a. True b. False


17. All temporary protection orders, permanent protection orders, and emergency protection orders violations can be enforced by arrest of the violator under section 18-6-803.5. a. True b. False


18. Integrity, loyalty, good communicator, courage and conviction, being open to dissenting opinions, having a strong work ethic, and being professional are all traits of positive leadership. a. True b. False


29. True/False: A central registry of protection orders is created at CBI to enter all protection orders entered after January 1, 1995.


3. The conflict model assumes that the criminal justice system's subcomponents function primarily to serve their own interests. a. True b. False


35. Algor mortis refers to the postmortem cooling process of the body. a. True b. False


4. Identity theft is when another person assumes your identity with the purpose of stealing your money or committing other crimes. a. True b. False


49. Thomas Henderson found that misdemeanor courts process cases according to a decisional model, and courts of general jurisdiction process cases according to a procedural model. a. True b. False


69. It is a crime to recruit juveniles into a gang. a. True b. False


9. Polygraph results are so unreliable that such tests are never admissible in court even if both sides agree to the introduction of the results. a. True b. False


92. Direct evidence proves a fact without inference or presumption. a. True b. False


94. No person convicted of a domestic violence crime can be sentenced to home detention in the victim's home. a. True b. False


99. Resolution of an active shooter situation is typically a non- traditional response. a. True b. False


41. Which of the following is not an essential element for robbery? a. Taking anything of value b. Use of force c. Use of threats or intimidation d. Use of a deadly weapon

Use of a deadly weapon

44. Penalties for unauthorized use of a financial transaction device depend upon: a. Value of cash, credit, property, or services obtained b. How long you had the device in your possession c. How you ended up with the device in your possession d. Whether you intended to defraud another

Value of cash, credit, property, or services obtained

77. What specific property is involved in third degree burglary? a. Vault or coin-operated machine b. Residential dwellings c. Automobiles d. Personal property of another

Vault or coin-operated machine

46. What is venue? a. Where the trial will take place

Where the trial will take place

43. The term "public servant" does not include which of the following: a. Officer of the government b. Employee of the government c. Process server for the government d. Witness for the government

Witness for the government

100. For a person to be found guilty of dispensing violent films to minors, that person must dispense films, videos, discs, etc.: a. To a person under the age of 16, that depict repeated acts of simulated death b. To a person under the age of 18, that depict repeated acts of actual death or serious bodily injury c. To a person under the age of 21, that depict repeated acts of actual death

b. To a person under the age of 18, that depict repeated acts of actual death or serious bodily injury

To appropriately charge a defendant with resisting arrest which, of the below most correctly describes the conduct used by the defendant? a) Use or threaten to use physical force or violence against the peace officer or another b) Using any means that which creates a substantial risk of causing bodily injury to the peace officer or another. c) Regardless of whether the arrest was justified d) all of the above

d) all of the above

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