TExES Core Social Studies TEST Questions

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The aerospace, petroleum and information technology industries have together had what effect on the economic development of Texas in the 20th century?

All three industries have drawn skilled workers and revenue to Texas.

The large and sustained growth in China's GDP over the last twenty years indicates what about the Chinese economy and its place in the world?

China is increasing economic output and becoming a more influential power on the world stage.

According to the graphic, which of the following is true of the flow of money in the economy?

Consumers spend money on goods and services which are supplied by firms.

Ann Richards

Female governor of Texas Dogged on issues

A teacher takes her students outdoors for a demonstration. She fills a large box with sand and dirt and digs a channel through the middle. She places a hose at one end of the channel to simulate a river and has students observe as the water flow affects the sand in the box. The demonstration models the effects of which of the following?


Mexico's General Colonization Law had what lasting impact on Texas?

It allowed foreigners to migrate to Texas and increase the population.

Which of the following describes the impact of the Supreme Court decision in Gibbons v. Ogden?

It established that Congress alone had the power to regulate interstate commerce.

Which of the following limited the success of Reconstruction efforts?

Jim Crow laws Plessy v. Ferguson


Northwest Texas (plains) Buffalo Tipis Warriors Traders Horse riders

When a student has formed an initial question for a research topic, which of the following would be the most appropriate next step?

Research what others have found and written about the initial question

Which of the following correctly identifies the body of water that serves as the border between Texas and Mexico?

Rio Grande

The humid, tropic climate, best suited for growing crops like citrus, can be found in what region of the United States?



Southern Texas (gulf coastal plains) Deer Bison Prickly pear cactus Huts constructed with reeds Formed from several separate tribes

Following the 1900 Galveston hurricane, how did residents of the affected area respond?

The city of Galveston rebuilt in the same location and constructed storm barriers.

The use of gasoline, a fossil fuel, in automobiles gave rise to the development of the American suburbs, but also led to which TWO of the following? Select all answers that apply.

an increase in the production of natural gas a rise in global temperature

Which of the following was a power delegated to the federal government by the Articles of Confederation?

declare war, admit new states, mail services, create treaties COULD NOT levy taxes, raise armies, or settle differences between colonies.

Students in a social studies class are assigned a project on Texas history. Utilizing a grid and map system would be most useful for which of the following?

diagramming troop movements during the Indian Wars

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) dealt primarily with which of the following foundational philosophies of the American government?


Which best describes the Emancipation Proclamation?

freed slaves in those states that were fighting against the US Government

Which of the following describes a way in which Ancient Egyptians adapted the environment to meet their needs as a society?

irrigation systems

Which of the following best describes the impact of the first transcontinental railroad in the United States?

it increased settlement of the west

in Texas, what is the primary source of funding for public education?

local property taxes

Billy is saving to buy a new phone. Billy's friends invite him to go to dinner and a movie. He wants to go, but decides that saving his money for a new phone is more important. Billy's choice best demonstrates which of the following?

opportunity cost

Which of the following are characteristics of sociological institutions? Select all answers that apply.

They provide a structure to help govern behavior. They are based on what a particular culture values most.

Which of the following best describes the effect of the Black Death on capitalism?

With fewer serfs to support lords, serfs were able to demand more money, eventually buying their freedom and move into towns.

Which of the following is most likely to lead to government intervention in a market economy?

a monopoly

In society, which of the following would occur for a person as a result of them stealing another person's belongings?

a negative sanction

The production of any good or service requires land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurs. These collectively are known as:

factors of production.

Which of the following documents outlines that all men are created equal and have the right to life?

the Declaration of Independence

Which of the following is an example of acculturation?

the fusion of two culinary traditions, such as Korean tacos

Which of the following was a primary contributing factor to Manhattan becoming an early economic center in the colonization of North America?

the geography was ideal for facilitating trade

The labor force, a key component of measuring unemployment, is composed of which of the following?

the number of people working and those willing to work but unable to find a job

Constitutional government in the United States is aimed at protecting which of the following?

the rights of the individual

Diffusion is best understood as:

the spread of culture, ideas, and customs.

In preparation for an upcoming lesson, an 8th grade social studies teacher pre-teaches the following vocabulary terms: electors bicameral electoral college representative democracy popular sovereignty Which of the following instructional topics is the most likely focus of the upcoming lesson?

the structure U.S. federal government

A KWL chart would most likely be used for what kind of assessments?

pre assessment

Which of the following terms best describes the faith of most early American colonists, who followed the teachings of the Christian faith but in small sects without direct oversight from a single, unitary religious authority?


As consumers increase demand of a particular shoe, producers of that shoe are likely to _______ the price and produce ________ shoes.

raise; more

The process of self-actualization requires coherence between which of the following two subcategories of self-identity?

self-image and ideal self

Which of the following is least important to the development and shaping of cultures?

types of accents

McCulloch v. Maryland

(1819) ruled that the Constitution grants Congress "implied" powers to fulfill their expressed powers. It also established that states cannot impede the federal government in their exercising of the "implied" or expressed powers.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a primary source?

A 20th-century play about the impact of the Emancipation Proclamation

Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates the law of demand?

A child set up a lemonade stand, selling lemonade for $1 a cup, and sold all 20 cups of lemonade that she had prepared. The following day she raised the price to $3 a cup and only sold 5 cups of her lemonade.

Which of the following was not a primary motivation for colonization of the American continent?

A desire to spread democratic political ideals

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the ethnic makeup of Texas in the 21st century?

A majority of Texans are members of an ethnic minority.

Government implies the power of making laws. It is essential to the idea of a law, that it be attended with a sanction; or, in other words, a penalty or punishment for disobedience. If there be no penalty annexed to disobedience, the resolutions or commands which pretend to be laws will, in fact, amount to nothing more than advice or recommendation. - The Federalist Papers: No. 15, Hamilton The authors of the Federalists papers favored which of the following in organizing a government?

A strong central government over a union of states

While the structure of the Texas government is similarly designed to the federal government, its executive branch is much weaker than the federal executive branch. Which of the following is an example of a way in which the power of the governor is more limited in Texas?

All state court judges are elected in Texas. Limited appointment power powers are divided among other executives **almost all members of the executive branch are elected instead of appointed by the governor

Which of the following U.S. Presidents' leadership skills were noteworthy in their ability to attract previously uninterested citizens to participate in politics?

Barack Obama

Which of the following scenarios would best illustrate to 6th-grade students the economic principle of scarcity?

Both Hailey and Sheila want to purchase a pair of shoes, of which only one is available at their local store.

Prior to contact with Europeans, how did Native American tribes of the Great Plains regions differ from most other Native American tribes?

By migrating to follow their food sources


Central Texas (plains) Deer Bison Nuts Huts Tipis Conflict with other tribes


Central Texas and Gulf region (coast) Deer Bison Fish Campsites near the shore Wigwams First to make contact with colonizers

James L. Farmer Jr. is most associated with which of the following 20th century causes?

Civil Rights

The settlement of many Native American tribes along coastal regions suggests which of the following?

Civilizations tend to arise where there is access to food and natural resources.

Stephen F. Austin

Early settler and considered the "father of Texas," served as Secretary of State for the Republic of Texas Persuasive public speaker


Eastern Texas (piney woods) Corn Beans Squash Deer Permanent wood frame homes Considered advanced due to permanent village and trading activity

Which of the following civilizations expressed their religious beliefs by creating half-human, half-animal stone sculptures?


Ms. Michaels wants to ensure that her sixth-grade social studies assessments are written in a way to best show true student mastery of the content. Which of the following should Ms. Michaels do to make her assessments as fair and representative of true learning as possible?

Evaluate included examples to ensure that they are culturally accessible to all students.

In her 8th-grade World Civilizations class, Mrs. Jenkins is teaching a unit about the development of agriculture and the origin of domestic roles in civilization. In the unit she provides readings by psychologists, sociologists, an anthropologist and a historian. Her use of multiple subjects in the Social Sciences reflects which of the following aspects of Social Science education?

Every Social Science study human society, culture and relationships.

An 8th-grade social studies teacher plans to have her class research an important figure in American history and write a paragraph about their contributions to our country. She has created a list of historical figures and collected books from the library to support their research. Students will complete their research, write, and turn in their paragraph in one class period. Which of the following is the most effective way for the teacher to enhance this lesson with the use of technology?

Expand the list of historical figures and allow for students to locate applicable research using the internet.

Which of the following was a major consequence of the Treaty of Versailles, which ended the First World War?

Germany entered a period of economic depression.

Which of the following best identifies the core influence of the Mayflower Compact on later conceptions of government in the United States?

Government exists through a social contract of its citizens.

Which region of Texas best supports rice crops?

Gulf Coast Plains

Which of the following regions are characterized by hot, humid summers and high levels of precipitation?

Gulf Coast Region

Which of the following best represents Sam Houston's contributions to Texas?

He served as a state senator, state governor, and president of the Republic of Texas.

An 8th grade teacher is planning to assign her students a group research project that will include a multimedia presentation. To facilitate her students' ability to collaborate at home and at school, she is asking the students to use Google Slides and Google Docs as needed. Which of the following is most important for the teacher to consider about her technology plan as she continues to plan the details of this project?

How will she accommodate students who do not have internet access at home?

"Just as we sought to eliminate discrimination in our land through the Civil Rights Act, today we seek by phasing out the national origins quota system to eliminate discrimination in immigration to this nation composed of the descendants of immigrants." - Rep. Philip Burton (D-CA), 1965 Quotes like that above could be used by a social studies teacher to help students understand the history of which of the following?

Immigration policy in America

Consider the following questions. Which of the questions would be most benefited by the data from a population pyramid?

In the coming years, will we need more or fewer schools in our community?

A social studies teacher assigns students to one of two groups representing Federalists and Anti-Federalists in the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and hosts a series of debates between the two sides. Reenacting historical debates as a teaching strategy accomplishes which of the following?

It allows students to explore both sides of a conflicting issue.

Which of the following best describes how the consumer price index (CPI) measures the strength of the economy?

It measures the change in the cost of certain products over time.

Which of the following tribes were the first to come into contact with Europeans?


The Texas Constitution installs which of the following as the President of the State Senate?

Lieutenant Governor

How did the U.S. annexation of Texas lead to the Mexican-American War?

Mexico did not recognize Texas as an independent state.

The legal precedent that defendants must be informed of their rights to an attorney was established in which of the following cases?

Miranda v. Arizona

The Louisiana Purchase had what major effect on westward migration in the United States in the 19th century?

Migrants ventured past the Appalachians in large numbers for the first time.

Lipan Apache

North Central Texas (plains) Buffalo Tipis Horse riders

Which of the following scenarios would best demonstrate the concept of scarcity to a group of 6th-grade students?

Offer free ice cream at lunch to the first 15 kids who arrive in the cafeteria.

Entrepreneurs are considered a factor of production in that they _____

Organize other factors of production

Government implies the power of making laws. It is essential to the idea of a law, that it be attended with a sanction; or, in other words, a penalty or punishment for disobedience. If there be no penalty annexed to disobedience, the resolutions or commands which pretend to be laws will, in fact, amount to nothing more than advice or recommendation. - The Federalist Papers: No. 15, Hamilton The quote references which of the following criticisms of the Articles of Confederation?

Powerless of the central government to enforce its laws

Which of the following describes Jefferson Davis's role in the Civil War?

President of the Confederate States of America

Sam Houston

President of the Republic of Texas, also served as a senator and governor of Texas. Strong military leader, demonstrated perseverance throughout his life

The federal government conducts a national census every ten years in order to accomplish which of the following?

Reallocate Congressional representation based on population

Which of the following describes a shared goal of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and Francisco Vasquez de Coronado when each began exploring the land that would become Texas?

Search for the seven cities of gold

"Wherever there is a human being, I see God-given rights inherent in that being, whatever may be the sex or complexion." — William Lloyd Garrison The above quote aligns with which of the following beliefs held by abolitionists?

Slavery should be illegal in the United States.

Of the following, which learning objective will most encourage students to develop a critical understanding of the causes of the Civil War and recognize the varied perspectives of individuals on both sides of the conflict?

Students will be able to identify the major military, social and political leaders in both the Union and the Confederacy and explain why each allied themselves with their respective governments.

"Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less." The preceding quote aligns most closely with the goals of which of the following?

Susan B anthony

The important legacy of 18th Century Anti-Federalists is found in which American document?

The Bill of Rights

Which of the following correctly identifies the Black cavalry regiments who fought in the Indian Wars of the mid 19th century?

The Buffalo Soldiers

What was the cause of the booming Texas economy in the early 1900s?

The Spindletop oil derrick struck oil in Beaumont, Texas.

What was the purpose and outcome of the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848?

The purpose of the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 was to call attention to the grievances of women. The outcome of the convention was the "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolution."

How might a social studies teacher use a digital curriculum in order to teach to students at differentiated reading levels?

The teacher could adapt the reading for the lesson based on skill-level.

Which of the following describes an aspect of the Caddo tribe's culture?

They lived in permanent wood structures in Eastern Texas.

A middle school student has chosen the autobiography of Thomas Jefferson as his main source of research for an upcoming research project. He argues that it is the best resource because it is from the person who experienced it all first hand. Which of the following best explains why the teacher will require he also include additional sources?

Thomas Jefferson may have a biased perspective of his role in history.

Which of the following documents inspired the structure of the Texas Declaration of Independence in 1836?

United States Declaration of Independence


West Texas (mountains and basins) Corn Beans Squash Buffalo Adobe pueblos Sedentary lifestyle

The United States is classified as which form of government?

a democratic republic

The Articles of Confederation lacked which of the following major provisions, which led to their eventual replacement?

a central government that held supremacy over the states

When Spaniards arrived in the Americas, they introduced horses to Native American populations. Some tribes, like the Sioux, began raising and training horses themselves. With the introduction of horses, the Sioux tribe became more nomadic with their ability to travel greater distances more efficiently. The Sioux adoption of horses into their culture is an example of:


California experienced a significant drought from 2012-2015. Many almond farmers began planting crops that required less water to grow. This action is an example of:

adapting to environmental changes.

Which of the following best describes the form of government created by the Greeks?

all eligible citizens vote on every issue

Which of the following describes a divine right?

belief that certain individuals have God-given rights to rule, such as Kings and Queens, and to question or rebel against their rule would be a sin

In which economic system does the state own the means of production?


A teacher reads a current newspaper article about how a new state law was just ruled invalid by the state judge. Which of the following concepts could best be taught using the newspaper article as an example?

checks and balances

The following is an excerpt from a speech delivered by Frederick Douglass to the International Council of Women in Washington, D.C., April 1888 on the topic of Women's Suffrage. All good causes are mutually helpful. The benefits accruing from this movement for the equal rights of woman are not confined or limited to woman only. They will be shared by every effort to promote the progress and welfare of mankind everywhere and in all ages. It was an example and a prophecy of what can be accomplished against strongly opposing forces, against time—hallowed abuses, against deeply entrenched error, against worldwide usage, and against the settled judgment of mankind, by a few earnest women, clad only in the panoply of truth, and determined to live and die in what they considered a righteous cause. Based on the opinions expressed in this excerpt, which of the following would Frederick Douglass likely have supported?

closing the gender wage gap

Which of the following inventions significantly increased the demand for slaves in America?

cotton gin

Which of the following is caused by the rain shadow effect?


Which of the following was not a major consequence of Spanish exploration in the New World?

discovery of previously unknown seafaring technology in use by the Native Americans

Technology is best utilized in the classroom when it can accomplish which of the following?

enhances the learning objective

What type of bias occurs when an author describes an issue in a way that intends to elicit a specific opinion from the audience?

framing bias

The use of annual statistics on the origin of immigrants to the United States would be most helpful in answering which of the following?

how the demographics of the United States is likely to change in the next decade

Which of the following was not a result of Spain's early exploration of the Americas?

identification of more efficient trade routes to Asia

An early winter frost destroys a large portion of the American tomato crop, drastically reducing supply, resulting in an _______ in price and a __________ in quantity demanded.

increase; decrease

Analyzing the impact of governmental policies on the country's economy is an example of studying which of the following?


Multi-party democracies tend to arise in states using what type of electoral system?

proportional representation

A social studies teacher connects a lesson on Manifest Destiny and the building of the transcontinental railroad to geography concepts that include a focus on the major rivers in the U.S. and the locations of mountain ranges. The structure of this lesson demonstrates the teacher's understanding of what instructional concept?

retention of information improves when connections are made across social studies disciplines

Roe v. Wade (1973) ruled that states could not deny women the right to an abortion. Which fundamental freedom is the decision based on?

right to privacy

Which of the following describes an effect of the second industrial revolution?

rise in city population

Which of the following societal institutions can best prepare American citizens to carry out their civic responsibilities?


Which of the following was the primary cause of prehistoric human migration?

search for suitable water sources

Family, religious communities, political parties, and schools are all examples of:

sociological institutions

Which of the following pieces of legislation led to the Trail of Tears?

the Indian Removal Act of 1830

Which of the following geographic features most likely contributed to the lack of cultural consistency and political unity among the Greek city-states?

the mountainous terrain of Greece

Which of the following best describes the main reason why governments decrease taxes?

to increase economic activity in the country

A protective tariff might be instituted to accomplish which of the following?

to increase the cost to trade

Fulton's steamboat had the greatest impact on which two industries?

trade and transportation

A teacher asks her students to consider the following questions when choosing a source for research: Who wrote it and what motivated them to write it? When was this source created? Who is the intended audience for this source? Does the author have any personal connection to the topic? The teacher is most likely encouraging the students to:

understand the credibility of any written or spoken material. The background and purpose of a document can provide useful direction in determining bias.

Suffragists such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton primarily campaigned to gain women the legal right to do which of the following?


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