TFT Set 11 Units & Traits

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Garen [1], Jax [1], Gnar [2], Amumu [3], Illaoi [3], Nautilus [4], Sett [5] Wardens take less damage. For the first 10 seconds of combat, they take an additional 15% less damage. (2) 10% Damage Reduction (4) 20% Damage Reduction (6) 33% Damage Reduction Powerful if you give them Armor & MR 3/18/24 DR bonus for 10s 12% >>> 15%. DR 15/25/40% >>> 10/20/33%


Sivir [1], Teemo [2] Bard [3], Kai'Sa [4], Xayah [5] Trickshots' abilities ricochet. Each ricochet deals a percentage of the previous bounce's damage. (2) 1 ricochet; 40% of previous damage (4) 2 ricochets; 60% of previous damage The reduction also applies to Rakan's healing.


A Brush with Fate [Mana 30/105] : Create an expanding paint pool around the most units that heals allies within for 40/60/1000 (AP) Health every second for 3 seconds. After 3 seconds, it explodes, healing allies within for 80/120/1000 Health and dealing 180/270/2000 (AP) magic damage to enemies. Artist The Artist paints the champion you place in a special bench slot. Get a 1-star copy of the champion placed there when the Artist's work is complete. Rounds to Complete = Unit Cost Note: Put Hwei in back corner and your tanks closer to enemy carry 4/17/24 Health: 800 ⇒ 900 4/3/24 Ability damage: 200/300/2000% AP ⇒ 180/270/2000% AP. Ability end healing: 100/150/1000% AP ⇒ 80/120/1000% AP


Absolution [Mana 20/75] : Fire a laser 2 Hexes beyond the current target, dealing 137/205/322 (AD) physical damage to enemies hit. Grant 20/25/30% Attack Damage to Senna and allies to the left and right for 4 seconds. Note: Can put in center like Ahri or give AD to allies 4/17/24 Ability damage: 245/245/255% AD + 20/30/45% AP ⇒ 230/230/240% AD + 10/15/25% AP. Ability now more reliably hits targets if her current target dies during the cast windup.137/205/322


Ace in the Hole [Mana 10/105] : Fire a bullet towards the farthest enemy, dealing 450/675/1013 (AD) physical damage to the first enemy hit. Note: Position to snipe backline carry


Ahri [1], Lux [2], Neeko [2], Illaoi [3], Zoe [3], Syndra [4], Lissandra [5] Arcanists gain Ability Power and grant Ability Power to allies. (2) 20 AP to all allies. (4) 50 AP for Arcanists; 20 AP for others (6) 90 AP for Arcanists; 50 AP for others (8) 135 AP for Arcanists; 135 AP for others 5/1/24 Arcanist AP: 20/50/85/125 ⇒ 20/50/90/135. Team AP: 20/20/40/125 ⇒ 20/20/50/135 4/3/24 AP for Arcanists: 20/45/80/125 ⇒ 20/50/85/125


Ahri [1], Yasuo [1], Kindred [2], Aphelios [3], Thresh [3], Syndra [4], Sett [5] Hover one Fated unit over another to form a pair and unlock a Fated Bonus. Your pair gains 20% Health. (3) Pair gets the Fated Bonus. (5) All Fated champions get 200% of the Fated Bonus. (7) All Fated champions get 300% of the Fated Bonus. (10) All Fated champions gain 300% of EVERY Fated Bonus. (1 cost) Ahri - 30% AP (1 cost) Yasuo - 300 HP Shield (2 cost) Kindred - 18% AS (3 cost) Aphelios - 25% AD (3 cost) Thresh - 20 Armor & MR (4 cost) Syndra - 11% more damage (5 cost) Sett - 10% Omnivamp (Emblem) - 3% HP regen per sec 3/18/24 Yasuo Bonus 350 HP Shield >>> 300. Thresh Bonus 25 Armor & MR >>> 20


Blade Dance [Mana NA] : Passive: Attacks send blades that dart between enemies, dealing 120/180/2520 (AD) physical damage and 30% Sunder for 5 seconds. Cast every 8 attacks. Active: Command the blades to swiftly strike the three lowest Health enemies, dealing 340/460/3700 (AD) physical damage and applying on-hit effects. Irelia converts 25% of bonus attack speed into faster blade movement, and 70% into Attack Damage. Sunder: Reduce Armor Note: Ranged backline AA. Runaans. AD scales on AS. Same side of enemy carry. 4/18/24 AD: 75 ⇒ 80 4/17/24 Irelia's auto-attacks now target the 4 enemies closest to Irelia rather than choosing between the closest 4 enemies to the blade's current position. 3/12/24 AS to AD Ratio 50% >>> 70%


Blight [Mana 70/130] : Fire a beam through the current target, dealing 500/750/5000 (AP) magic damage to enemies hit. Spawn a Guardian adjacent to the first enemy hit with 1100/1500/1800 Health. The Guardian does not move or attack. Note: Position near backline center 4/17/24 Health: 800 ⇒ 900


Boulder Toss [Mana 0/70] : Passive: Gain 2.5% Attack Damage upon attacking or getting hit, up to 40 times. Active: Fling a boulder at the current target, dealing 186/279/432 (AD) physical damage to targets in a line. Note: Want Gnar to stand in enemy 1st row to hit all tanks 4/18/24 Passive AD per stack: 4% ⇒ 2.5%. Passive max stacks: 25 ⇒ 40 4/17/24 Passive AP to AD conversion upon attacking or getting hit: 2% ⇒ 4%. Passive max stacks: 50 ⇒ 25


Broken Wings [Mana 0/25] : Deal 105/157/248 (AD) physical damage to the current target. Every 3rd cast, instead deal 165/248/384 (AD) physical damage to the current target and enemies adjacent to them, then heal for 175/225/275 (AP) Health. Note: Damage scales with AD. Heal scales with AP. 5/1/24 Ability damage: 150/150/155% AD ⇒ 190/190/200% AD 4/17/24 AD: 50 ⇒ 55. Ability heal: 150/180/220% AP ⇒ 175/225/275% AP


Bunny Binding [Mana 15/75] : Throw a spirit bunny towards the farthest enemy, dealing 225/340/525 (AP) magic damage to enemies along the way, reduced by 30% each time it hits an enemy. The first 2 enemies hit are Stunned for 1.5 seconds. Note: Can position for (1) max dps (2) stun important backline (3) chipping (3rd row) 4/3/24 Ability damage: 210/315/480% AP ⇒ 225/340/525% AP


Caitlyn [1], Aatrox [2], Shen [2], Illaoi [3], Kayn [4], Morgana [4] Upon dealing or taking damage 6 times, Ghostly units send 2 spectres to haunt nearby enemies and heal 3% max Health every 2 seconds. Haunted enemies take bonus damage for each spectre on them, and pass spectres on death. (2) 5% per spectre (4) 10% per spectre (6) 16% per spectre (8) 32% per spectre 4/3/24 Ghostly Damage per spectre: 5/12/20/35% ⇒ 5/10/16/32%


Caitlyn [1], Kog'Maw [1], Senna [2], Aphelios [3], Ashe [4] Innate: Snipers gain 1 Attack Range. Snipers deal more damage to targets farther away. (2) 7% damage per hex. (4) 15% damage per hex. (6) 30% damage per hex. Snipers gain an additional 2 Attack Range. 3/12/24 Damage per hex 7/14/30% >>> 7/15/30%


Calculated! [Mana 0/60] : Passive: Kills increase the number of ricochets by 1 for the rest of combat. Active: Fire a missile dealing 290/435/695 (AP) magic damage to the current target. The missile ricochets to the farthest unit with 2 hexes, dealing 95/140/225 (AP) magic damage. Note: Put on weak enemy side 5/1/24 Ability damage: 275/415/640% AP ⇒ 290/435/695% AP. Ability ricochet damage: 90/135/215% AP ⇒ 95/140/225% AP 3/13/24 Primary Damage 250/375/580 >>> 275/415/640. Bounce Damage 100/150/240 >>> 90/135/215 3/12/24 Mana 20/60 >>> 0/60. Primary Spell Damage 220/330/530 >>> 250/375/580


Cho'Gath [1], Kog'Maw [1], Neeko [2], Bard [3], Tahm Kench [3], Lillia [4], Nautilus [4], Hwei [5] Mythic champions gain Health, Ability Power, and Attack Damage. After 4 player combats, they become Epic, increasing the bonus by 50%. (3) +10% Health, 12% AP/AD (5) +20% Health, 22% AP/AD (7) +30% Health, 35% AP/AD (10) Instantly become Epic. The bonus is increased by 250% instead. Note: Like Warlords without the win condition 3/12/24 HP Percent 10/16/24% >>> 10/20/30%. AD & AP: 12/20/32% >>> 12/22/35%


Cho'Gath [1], Malphite [1], Shen [2], Yorick [2] Thresh [3], Ornn [4], Udyr [5] Behemoths gain increased Armor and Magic Resist. Whenever a Behemoth dies, the nearest Behemoth gains 50% more for 5 seconds. (2) +25 Armor & MR (4) +55 Armor & MR (6) +80 Armor & MR 3/12/24 Armor & MR 25/45/75 >>> 25/55/80


Counter Strike [Mana 20/60] : Gain 60 Armor and Magic Resist for the next 2 seconds. Afterwards, deal 100/150/225 (AP) magic damage to adjacent enemies. The current target takes 250/375/560 (AP) magic damage and is Stunned for 1.5 seconds. Note: Position on outside so enemies wrap 3/12/24 Spell Damage 325/490/735 >>> 250/375/560


Courage [Mana 30/80] : Gain 275/325/375 (AP) Shield for 5 seconds. Garen's next attack deals 248/371/557 (AD) physical damage. 4/17/24 Ability shield: 250/275/300% AP ⇒ 275/325/375% AP


Darius [1], Yasuo [1], Qiyana [2], Tristana [3], Volibear [3], Lee Sin [4], Irelia [5] Duelists gain Attack Speed on each attack, stacking up to 12 times. (2) 5% AS (4) 10% AS (6) 14% AS; Duelists take 12% less damage (8) 18% AS; Duelists take 18% less damage 5/1/24 Attack Speed per stack: 5/9/13/18% ⇒ 5/10/14/18% 3/12/24 AS per stack 5/9/14/22% >>> 5/9/13/18%. Damage Reduction 0/0/15/24% >>> 0/0/12/18%


Darius [1], Yorick [2], Alune [3], Yone [3] Sylas [4], Sett [5] The moon illuminates hexes, Shielding units term-70placed in them at the start of combat. Umbral units in illuminated hexes execute low Health enemies. (2) 200 Shield; 10% Health execute (4) 500 Shield; 18% Health execute. More hexes are illuminated. (6) 1000 Shield; 25% Health execute. Illuminate the whole board. (9) Executed enemies have a 100% chance to drop loot; 60% Health execute Note: Always the same shape in a left arc, or right arc 5/1/24 Execute threshold: 10/18/20/45% HP ⇒ 10/18/25/60% HP 4/17/24 Execute threshold: 10/18/18/40% ⇒ 10/18/20/45% 3/12/24 Execute 10/15/15/40% >>> 10/18/18/40%. Shield amount 200/450/750/750 >>> 200/500/1000/1000


Dark Despoil [Mana 40/90] : Sap power from the 2 nearest enemies, gaining 300/360/420 max Health and dealing 160/240/375 (AP) magic damage to them over 3 seconds. 3/12/24 Armor & MR 45 >>> 50


Decimate [Mana 0/30] : Deal 200/300/450 (AP) magic damage to adjacent enemies. For the next 4 seconds, attacks deal 80/120/200 (AP) bonus magic damage. Note: AS carry. 5/1/24 Ability on-hit damage: 90/135/200% AP ⇒ 80/120/200% AP 3/12/24 Mana 0/40 >>> 0/30. On Hit Damage 80/120/180 >>> 90/135/200


Depth Charge [Mana 60/160] : Send 3 shockwaves towards the most enemies in a line, dealing 150/225/1000 (AP) magic damage and Stunning all enemies hit for 1.75/2/8 seconds. Note: AoE CC tank. Position near center of board away from enemy carry as he ults diagonally 4/17/24 Health: 1000 ⇒ 1200. Mana: 80/180 ⇒ 60/160


Dim-Dim Delivery [Mana 0/30] : Throw a spoiled dumpling at the nearest non-poisoned enemy, poisoning them for 380/570/1050 (AP) magic damage over 8 seconds. Note: AP carry with hight DOT damage. Put in opposite corner of enemy carry. 4/18/24 Ability damage: 420/630/1050% AP ⇒ 380/570/1050% AP 4/17/24 Ability damage: 420/630/1000% AP ⇒ 420/630/1050% AP 3/12/24 Spell Damage 400/600/1000 >>> 420/630/1000


Divine Judgement [Mana 0/60] : Passive: Each time your team loses 20% of their total Health, gain 8 Ability Power for the rest of combat. Active: Mana Reave the largest group of enemies within range. Deal 230/345/550 (AP) magic damage to the center enemy and 120/180/290 (AP) magic damage to adjacent enemies. Mana Reave: Increase max Mana by 20% until the next cast Note: Put 1 or 2 hexes from the side to target largest clump 4/3/24 Ability damage: 220/330/510% AP ⇒ 230/345/550% AP. Ability secondary damage: 110/165/255% AP ⇒ 120/180/290% AP

Lee Sin

Dragon's Dance [Mana 40/100] : Kick the target's spirit out of their body, dealing 338/506/1519 (AD AS) physical damage, 30% Mana Reaving them, and Stunning them. Enemies hit by the spirit take 113/169/759 (AD AS) physical damage. Gain 200/250/1000 (AP) Shield for 3 seconds. Mana Reave: Increase max Mana until the next cast Note: TR. Full crit build: have him kick frontline to the corner. If primarily AA, have him kick horizontally across enemy frontline. 4/17/24 Health: 950 ⇒ 1200. AD: 70 ⇒ 75 3/18/24 AD 65 >>> 70 3/13/24 Spell AS to Damage 50% >>> 30%


Duskwave [Mana 40/100] : 20% Sunder the nearest 3 enemies for 7 seconds. Then fire 3 shots at them, dealing 141/212/333 (AD) physical damage each. Fated Bonus: Gain 25% AD Sunder: Reduce Armor


Eep! [Mana 0/50] : Hurl an orb towards the current target, dealing 240/360/900 (AP) magic damage to the first enemy hit and adjacent enemies. It continues rolling as a smaller orb, dealing 120/180/400 (AP) magic damage to enemies it hits. Every third cast launches a mega orb at her target that deals 360/540/1600 (AP) magic damage and splits into 3 smaller orbs that roll towards the farthest enemies. Note: Opposite side of enemy carry/direction of splash. 5/1/24 Ability small orb damage: 120/180/400% AP ⇒ 120/180/600% AP. 4/17/24 Health: 700 ⇒ 900. Ability damage: 220/330/900% AP ⇒ 240/360/900% AP. Small orb damage: 100/150/350% AP ⇒ 120/180/400% AP 3/12/24 Primary Spell 200/300/900 >>> 220/330/900. Mega Spell 300/450/1350 >>> 360/540/1600. Small orb Damage 100/150/450 >>> 100/150/350. No. Small orbs 3/3/3 >>> 3/3/5


Eruption [Mana 40/90] : Gain 280/350/420 (AP) Shield for 4 seconds and breathe a cone of fire, dealing 200/300/450 (AP) magic damage, Burning, and Wounding enemies hit for 9 seconds. Note: Put on the outside to hit multiple frontline units 3/13/24 Spell Shield 250/300/350 >>> 280/350/420


Fate Sealed [Mana 10/70] : Dash in spirit form to the furthest enemy within 3 Hexes for 3 seconds, dealing 107/161/256 (AD) physical damage and Wounding enemies along the way for 5 seconds. While in spirit form, gain 250/300/350 (AP) Shield and 75% Attack Speed. Afterwards, Yone returns to his starting position. Each cast this combat increases his dash range by 1 Hex. Wound: Reduce healing received by 33% Note: Note the 4-hex range 3rd cast. 4/17/24 Attack Speed: 0.9 ⇒ 0.85 4/4/24 Mana 0/60/ >>> 10/70. Ability shield 280/340/400% AP >>> 250/300/350% AP


Firecracker Frenzy [Mana 40/100] : Gain 40/40/50% Attack Damage for 6 seconds. Jump on the current target and deal 230/345/527 (AD) physical damage to adjacent enemies, before bouncing to a safe location. Note: EoN front line! IE, DB. Avoid GRB, Runaans. Put on weak enemy side. Can put in 2nd row w/ Sage. 5/1/24 AD: 55 ⇒ 60. Ability damage: 265/265/270% AD + 75/115/185% AP ⇒ 300/300/305% AD + 50/75/115% AP/ Ability AD% buff: 50/50/60% ⇒ 40/40/50%


Flourish of Arrows [Mana 0/30] : Dash away from the current target and deal 125/185/285 (AP) magic damage to them and 70/105/165 (AP) magic damage to the nearest enemy. Fated Bonus: Gain 18% Attack Speed. Note: Good early unit, item holder, solid reroll carry, pairs with Kha'Zix 4/3/24 Ability damage: 115/175/260% AP ⇒ 125/185/285% AP. Ability secondary damage: 65/100/155% AP ⇒ 70/105/165% AP70/105/165


Forge of the Forest [Mana 80/120] : Gain 480/674/1783 (AP Health) shield for 4 seconds. Channel and forge unstoppably over 2 seconds, dealing 300/450/1500 (AP) magic damage to adjacent enemies over the duration. After, toss an ephemeral Completed item to the nearest ally. Note: Put next to strongest tank w/ fewer than 3 items. 4/18/24 Ability shield: 20% HP + 300/350/1200% AP ⇒ 15% HP + 300/350/1200% AP 4/17/24 Health: 1000 ⇒ 1200 3/12/24 Mana 100/140 >>> 80/120


Gain unique Inkshadow items. Inkshadow champions gain 5% bonus damage and damage reduction. (3) 1 Item (5) 2 Items and 5% more bonus damage and damage reduction (7) 4 Items and 10% more bonus damage and damage reduction Note: You will know which items you'll get ahead of time. Each Tattoo will take up an item slot (unlike Zaun). Tattoos can go on ANY champion. Tattoos will pop off benched units. 4/3/24 Damage Amp and Damage Reduction: 5/10/10% ⇒ 5/10/20%.


Garen [1], Sivir [1], Riven [2], Zyra [2], Zoe [3], Galio [4], Irelia [5] Storyweavers summon a Hero named Kayle and evolve her. Storyweavers gain max Health. (3) Pick a supportive effect. +60 Health (5) Pick a combat effect. +100 Health (7) Pick a combat effect. +150 Health (10) Ascend. 250 Health Each Storyweaver star level increases Kayle's Health and Ability Power. Kayle gets 10% Attack Speed for each game Stage. Kayle Celestial Flames [Mana 0/100] Passive: Attacks deal 20/30/40/90 bonus magic damage. Kayle Active: Fire a wave at the current target that deals 180/270/450/800 magic damage to all enemies hit. 5/1/24 Kayle on-hit damage: 15/30/40/90% AP ⇒ 15/35/45/90% AP. Scroll of Haste AS per stack: 5% ⇒ 6% 4/17/24 3 Kayle on hit damage: 18% AP ⇒ 15% AP. 3 Kayle ability damage: 140% AP ⇒ 125% AP 4/4/24 Kayle's ability now stops shortly after hitting its primary target. 4/3/24 3 Kayle on-hit magic damage: 20% AP ⇒ 18% AP. 3 Kayle ability cast damage: 150% AP ⇒ 140% AP. 5 Kayle AP Per Champion Star Level: 5/7.5/12/15/17.5 ⇒ 5/7.5/10/15/17.5. 7 Kayle AP Per Champion Star Level: 10/10/12/15/17.5 ⇒ 10/10/10/15/17.5


Get 'em, Tibbers! [Mana 70/140] : Passive: Heal 53/95/170 (Health) Health when damaging a Burning enemy. Active: On first cast, hop on Tibbers, gaining (Health AP) max Health and Stunning enemies within 2 hexes for 1.5 seconds. Deal 150/225/2500 (AP) magic damage, Burn, and Wound enemies within 2 hexes for 8 seconds. Burn: 1% of the target's max Health as true damage every second Wound: Reduce healing received by 33% Note: Put in center to hit most of enemy frontline. Gargoyles, Warmog. 4/17/24 Health: 850 ⇒ 1050 3/12/24 AD 65 >>> 55. Spell Damage 180/270/2500 >>> 150/225/2500. HP on Transform AP Ratio 325/400/1500 >>> 300/350/1500


Great Every 3 casts, Wukong grows his weapon, modifying his abilities. Legendary Prowess [Mana 0/30] : Cycle through the following abilities: Throw staff out, dealing 240/360/1620 (AD) physical damage to the current target and Stunning them for 1.5/1.5/8 seconds. Spin, dealing 240/360/1620 (AD) physical damage to enemies within 1-hex range. Dash to hit the most enemies in a 3-hex line, then slam down staff dealing 310/465/2855 (AD) physical damage to enemies hit. Note: BT, TR, IE. B1 or B7 so he can dash and avoid damage.


Guided Passage [Mana 30/90] : Grant 360/400/450 (AP) Shield to Thresh and the lowest Health ally for 4 seconds and deal 100/150/250 (AP) magic damage to enemies adjacent to both. Thresh shares 15/15/20% of his Armor and Magic Resist with the shielded ally for 6 seconds. Fated Bonus: Gain 18 Armor and Magic Resist. 4/3/24 Fated Bonus Armor/MR: 20 ⇒ 18. Ability Shared Armor/MR: 30/30/35% ⇒ 15/15/20%


Heavenly Invoker [Mana 25/75] : Grant 120/170/220 (AP) Shield to Janna and the lowest Health ally for 4 seconds. Then, deal 180/270/415 (AP) magic damage to the 2 nearest enemies. Note: Traits scale well into the end game


Herbal Tea-rs [Mana 40/80] : Over the next 3 seconds, heal 250/300/375 (AP) Health and cry on adjacent units. Tears heal allies for 80/100/125 (AP) Health and deal 150/225/360 (AP) magic damage to enemies. 3/13/24 Mana 50/100 >>> 40/80. Spell AOE Heal 60/85/110 >>> 80/100/125


Hop Blossom [Mana 40/80] : Hop into the air, reducing damage taken by 30/30/35% and Healing 275/300/350 (AP) Health over 2 seconds. After, slam down and deal 200/300/475 (AP) magic damage to adjacent enemies. Note: Have her hit at least 2 units with her ult 3/12/24 Spell Heal 250/280/320 >>> 275/300/350. Spell Damage Reduction 35/35/40% >>> 30/30/35%


Ink Smash [Mana 10/60] : Empower the next three attacks. The first two heal for 150/180/240 (AP) Health and deal 35/50/80 (AP) bonus magic damage. The final attack deals 170/282/477 (Health AP) magic damage and Stuns the target for 1 second. Note: Same side as Tristana 5/1/24 Ability healing: 140/170/210% AP ⇒ 150/180/240% AP. 4/17/24 Max Mana nerf: 0/50 ⇒ 10/60 3/12/24 Spell Heal now scales with AP. Spell Heal 210/240/270 >>> 140/170/210. Spell Small Damage 50/75/120 >>> 35/50/80. Spell Large Damage 100/150/240 >>> 80/120/185


Janna [2], Diana [3], Lee Sin [4], Rakan [5], Xayah [5] After 8 seconds of combat, the Dragon strikes the board, dealing true damage to enemies and granting all allies Attack Speed for the rest of combat. (2) 5% Health damage, 12% AS (3) 10% Health damage, 18% AS (4) 10% Health damage, 18% AS and Stuns for 1.5 seconds. (5) 15% Health damage, 40% AS 4/17/24 True damage: 5/10/12/18% ⇒ 5/10/10/15% 3/13/24 AS 12/25/25/45% >>> 12/18/18/40% 3/12/24 Team AS 20/30/30/40% >> 12/25/25/45%


Kha'Zix [1], Kindred [2], Yone [3], Kayn [4] (2) Reapers' Abilities can critically strike and they gain 20% Critical Strike Chance (4) Additionally, Reapers' bleed enemies for 45% true damage over 3 seconds. Note: Flexible emblem 4/3/24 4 Reaper bleed damage: 50% ⇒ 45%


Kha'Zix [1], Malphite [1], Neeko [2], Qiyana [2], Soraka [3], Wukong [5] Heavenly champions grant a unique stat bonus to your team, increased by their star level and each Heavenly unit in play. (2) 100% bonus (3) 110% bonus (4) 135% bonus (5) 165% bonus (6) 200% bonus (7) 225% bonus Kha'Zix - Critical strike chance 10% Malphite - Armor MR 8 Neeko - Health 60 Qiyana - AD 10% Soraka - AP 10% Wukong - AS 10% Emblem - 5% Omnivamp 5/1/24 No longer scales with unit star levels. Now gives 70% more stats to Heavenly units. Bonus stats: 100/115/135/165/200/225% ⇒ 100/110/125/145/170/200% Heavenly Emblem Omnivamp bonus: 6% ⇒ 5% 4/17/24 Bonus stats: 100/115/135/165/200/240% ⇒ 100/115/135/165/200/225% 4/3/24 Wukong bonus Attack Speed: 12% ⇒ 10%. Emblem Omnivamp: 3% ⇒ 6%


Kobuko [1], Rek'Sai [1], Aatrox [2], Riven [2], Tahm Kench [3], Galio [4], Sylas [4] Your team gains 100 maximum Health. Bruisers gain additional maximum Health. (2) 20% Health (4) 40% Health (6) 70% Health (8) 85% Health; Every 3 seconds, Bruisers deal 6% Health bonus physical damage on their next attack.


Kobuko [1], Teemo [2], Tristana [3], Zoe [3], Annie [4] When you lose a fight, gain Luck. The more fights in a row you lose, the more Luck you get. Lose Luck when you win. (3) Roll a die; in that many player combats, hold a Festival where you may convert your Luck into rewards. (5) Heal 2 player health at the start of each player combat. (7) Fortune smiles! Gain extra rewards and more luck every turn no matter what, and hold a Festival every turn. Each Festival, roll a new die. 5/1/24 7 piece flat bonus 25 ⇒ 12. 7 piece average orb value 16 ⇒ 8. Adjusted several cashout options. 4/17/24 5 Tactician healing per round: 3 ⇒ 2 4/3/24 Fortune 7 Piece Luck Bonus: 30 ⇒ 25. Lowered the value of the 7 Fortune Orbs a bit.


Kog'Maw [1], Janna [2], Alune [3], Annie [4], Lillia [4], Azir [5] Every 3 seconds, your units gain Mana. (2) +5 to all allies. (4) +20 to Invokers; +5 to others. (6) +35 to Invokers; +20 to others.


Leap! [Mana 0/40] : Leap towards the lowest Health enemy within 3 hexes and deal 190/285/428 (AD) physical damage. Note: Want him to end up enemy 1st row to target backline. Default A2 4/3/24 Ability AD ratio: 310% ⇒ 340%


Let 'em Brew [Mana 60/120] : Steep the current target in a teapot, Stunning and dealing 640/960/8888 (AP) magic damage over 3/3/15 seconds. If they die, there's a 40% chance that Lissandra turns them into a loot orb. Otherwise, Lissandra throws the teapot at the largest group of enemies, dealing 150/225/600 (AP) magic damage to all enemies hit. If the target is the last enemy remaining, kill them instantly. Note: Ranged item printer. DC, Gunblade. Place in front of tankiest enemy unit. 5/2/24 Max Mana nerf: 40/100 ⇒ 60/120 5/1/24 Health: 1200 ⇒ 1100. Ability loot chance: 50% ⇒ 40% 4/17/24 Health: 1000 ⇒ 1200


Light and Shadow [Mana 100/180] : Passive: At the start of combat, squat adjacent units in the same row. Permanently gain 2% Attack Damage for each 1000 Health squatted. Gains are doubled in Hyper Roll Active: Slam the current target forward, Stunning them and dealing 176/263/13164 (AD) physical damage. Deal 108/162/2176 (AD) plus 8/12/1000% of the target's maximum health as physical damage to enemies within 2.5 hexes. Fated Bonus: Gain 15% Omnivamp. Note: Displace frontline tank into their backline 5/1/24 Omnivamp bonus: 12% ⇒ 15%. BUGFIX Omnivamp bonus no longer applies before resistances come into effect and only applies to damage from attacks and abilities. 4/17/24 Sett Omnivamp bonus: 15% ⇒ 12%. Health: 1100 ⇒ 1200


Love Bomb [Mana 0/60] : Deal 280/420/630 (AP) magic damage to the current target and 130/195/295 (AP) magic damage to adjacent enemies. Fated Bonus: Gain 30 AP Note: Put closer to center to hit multiple units 3/13/24 Primary Spell 260/390/585 >>> 280/420/630. Secondary Damage 120/180/270 >>> 130/195/295

Xayah & Rakan

Lovers Change which Lover takes the field depending on whether they are placed in the front or back 2 rows. When the fielded Lover casts, the other provides a bonus effect. Front: Trickshot Xayah Back: Altruist Rakan Rakan Grand Entrance [Mana 30/90] : Dash into the largest group of enemies and deal 185/275/2000 (AP) magic damage to enemies in a 2-hex range. Gain 160/200/600 (AP) Shield for each enemy hit for 2 seconds and reduce their damage by 10% for 4 seconds. Xayah Feathers Fly! [Mana 30/90] : Throw 12/12/30 feathers at the 4 closest enemies, each dealing 60/89/956 (AD) physical damage. Then, recall the feathers, dealing 45/70/1031 (AD AP) physical damage to enemies they pass through. Note: Xayah backline AD: IE, DB. Rakan frontline AP carry: CG, DC. Put Rakan on 2nd row. Declump against Rakan. Place Xayah to focus fire weaker enemy side. 4/18/24 Xayah Ability feather recall damage: 50/50/500% AD + 15/25/75% AP ⇒ 35/35/500% AD + 15/25/75% AP 4/17/24 Rakan Health: 1100 ⇒ 1200. Xayah Health: 850 ⇒ 900. Xayah fixed a bug with her 12th feather and Trickshot that should result in a roughly 2% power increase without the trait active and closer to 10% with Trickshot active. 4/3/24 Xayah AD: 80 ⇒ 85


Lunar Barrage [Mana 0/60] : Rain meteors through the row with the most total enemy Health. Meteors deal 380/570/900 (AP) magic damage split between all enemies hit. Deal 160/240/380 (AP) magic damage to the current target. All enemies hit are 20% Shredded for 6 seconds. Grant 20/25/30% Attack Speed split amongst allies in Alune's row for 5 seconds. Shred: Reduce Magic Resist 5/1/24 Attack Speed: 0.7 ⇒ 0.75 4/17/24 Ability row damage: 360/540/860% AP ⇒ 380/570/900% AP


Lux [2], Amumu [3], Ashe [4], Lissandra [5] After casting, Porcelain champions boil, gaining Attack Speed and taking less damage for 4 seconds. (2) +30% AS; 20% reduced damage (4) +60% AS; 35% reduced damage (6) +100% AS; 50% reduced damage 4/17/24 Attack Speed: 30/60/125% ⇒ 30/60/100%. Damage reduction: 20/35/60% ⇒ 20/35/50% 3/12/24 AS 30/60/100% >>> 30/60/125%. Damage Reduction 20/30/50% >>> 20/35/60%


Meep Meep! [Mana 0/50] : For the next 6 seconds, attacks instead throw 2 Meeps, each dealing 36/54/87 (AD) physical damage and 24/36/60 (AP) magic damage. Note: Can use both AD & AP items 5/1/24 AD: 50 ⇒ 55 4/4/24 Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.8 4/3/24 Attack Speed: 0.8 ⇒ 0.75 (~6.25% nerf to Bard's damage plus slows down AS scaling)


Money Dance [Mana 30/80] : Passive: Gain 10/12/20 permanent Health for each gold gained from interest. Active: Heal 350/400/475 (AP) Health over 2 seconds. Kobuko's next attack deals 90/162/292 (Health) bonus magic damage. In Hyper Roll, instead gain 60/80/200 permanent Health per Round. Note: Damage scales with health like Set 9 Cho'Gath 4/3/24 Ability damage: 10% HP ⇒ 15% HP


On the Hunt [Mana 0/50] : Gain 95/95/100% Attack Damage and grant 15/20/25% (AP) Attack Speed to self and adjacent allies for 6 seconds. Note: Consider putting in row 3 to buff more units. Don't greed late game. 4/3/24 Ability duration: 8 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds


Paper Thorns [Mana 30/75] : Summon 2 Vine Lashers that attack the nearest enemy 3 times. Their attacks deal 95/140/220 (AP) magic damage and Wound their targets for 6 seconds. Wound: Reduce healing received by 33% 4/17/24 Ability damage: 90/135/210% AP ⇒ 95/140/220% AP Zyra Plant attack missile speed increased.


Phantom Blade [Mana 40/90] : 20% Shred the current target for 4 seconds and deal 260/390/600 (AP) magic damage to them. Heal 200/250/300 (AP) Health. Shred: Reduce Magic Resist Note: Damage and Health scale from AP. Bruiser. Can hold BT, Titans as well as tank items.


Phantom Butterflies [Mana 0/30] : Passive: Start combat with 8/8/10 butterflies and gain one every 1 casts. Active: Throw all butterflies at the current target, dealing 40/60/180 (AP) magic damage for each butterfly. Fated Bonus: Deal 11% more damage. Note: Ramping champion 5/1/24 Syndra Ability starting butterflies: 7/7/10 ⇒ 8/8/10 4/17/24 Fated Damage bonus: 10% ⇒ 11%. Health: 700 ⇒ 900


Prophet of Spirits [Mana 30/90] : Gain 325/400/500 (AP) Shield and summon a tentacle near the current target for 4 seconds. The tentacle slams every second, dealing 80/120/190 (AP) magic damage in a line and healing Illaoi for 50/60/70 (AP) Health. Note: Solo tank until Stage 4 unless 3* 3/12/24 Mana 0/80 >>> 30/90. Spell Shield 400/450/550 >>> 325/400/500


Purification Rites [Mana 50/100] : Heal 275/300/375 (AP) Health and create a 1-hex sacred zone around Diana for 4 seconds, taking 30% reduced damage from enemies outside the zone. While the zone is up, Diana's attacks deal bonus 75/110/170 (AP) magic damage. Note: On the side as split AP tank. 4/3/24 Mana: 70/120 ⇒ 50/100


Rain of Shards [Mana 30/90] : Passive: Start with 15 arrows. Gain 1/1/3 every 3 attacks. Active: Fire a volley split between the current target and the 3 closest enemies within range, dealing 32/48/178 (AD) physical damage per stored arrow for a total of 480/720/2663 (AD) physical damage. Note: GRB. Opposite side of enemy carry. 4/17/24 Health: 700 ⇒ 900. Mana: 25/100 ⇒ 30/90 4/3/24 Ashe AD: 65 ⇒ 70


Raining Artillery [Mana 0/30] : Deal 160/240/335 (AP) magic damage to the lowest Health enemy within range. Every 3 casts, gain +1 Attack Range. 5/1/24 Ability damage: 160/225/315% AP ⇒ 160/240/335% AP 4/4/24 Deployed range nerf from 4/3/24 4/3/24 Ability casts per +1 range: 2 ⇒ 3


Rek'Sai [1], Gnar [2], Kindred [2], Ornn [4], Azir [5] Dryads gain Ability Power and 150 Health. Each enemy death grants permanent additional Health. (2) 15 AP; 3 Health per enemy death (4) 30 AP; 7 Health per enemy death (6) 55 AP; 10 Health per enemy death 5/1/24 Health per stack: 3/7/11 ⇒ 3/7/10. AP: 15/30/65 ⇒ 15/30/55 3/18/24 Base HP 250 >>> 150. HP per stack 2/6/10 >>> 3/7/11


Riven [2], Soraka [3], Rakan [5] Altruists heal the lowest Health ally for 15% of damage they deal. Your team gains Armor and Magic Resist. (2) +10 AR/MR (3) +20 AR/MR (4) +40 AR/MR 4/3/24 Armor/MR: 10/25/45 ⇒ 10/20/40


Savior's Protection [Mana 70/140] : Taunt enemies within 3 hexes and gain 160/205/106 (Armor) Armor and 130/160/1000 (MR) Magic Resist for 4/4/2 seconds. Galio is immobile and unstoppable during this time. After, deal 100/150/1800 (AP) magic damage to all enemies in range and grant 160/200/2000 (AP) Shield to allies in range for 4 seconds. Taunt: enemies that are able and in range must attack the taunter 4/17/24 Health: 1100 ⇒ 1200 3/13/24 Spell Resists 175/200/1000 >>> 130/160/1000 3/12/24 Spell Base Bonus Armor & MR 100/150/500 >>> 175/200/1000. Spell Ally Shields 200/250/2000 >>> 160/200/2000. 3* Spell Duration 4 >>> 2s


Shadow Assassin [Mana 0/60] : On first cast, transform, dealing 300/450/1688 (AD) physical damage to nearby enemies. While transformed, gain 30% Critical Strike Chance and critical attacks damage adjacent enemies. If the spin only hits one enemy, the damage is increased by 100%. Subsequent casts deal 210/315/1148 (AD) physical damage to units in a line through the target instead. Note: B1. Put tank in front to protect him from enemy carry. Avoid getting him stuck on enemy tank. 5/1/24 Armor/MR: 70 ⇒ 60 4/17/24 Health: 1000 ⇒ 1200 3/13/24 AD 80 >>> 75 3/12/24 Armor & MR 60 >>> 70. Second Spell Cast AD% 200/200/500% >>> 240/240/600%


Spirit Walker The first time the Spirit Walker drops below 50% Health, he unleashes the rage within, healing to full Health, gaining increased movement speed, and changing his Ability from Ram Slam to Tiger Strikes. Ram Slam / Tiger Strikes [Mana 30/90] : Ram Slam: Gain 300/375/5000 (AP) Shield for 3/3/10 seconds and charge through the current target, briefly knocking up any enemies he hits. Grab the nearest enemy and slam them into the ground, dealing 300/450/4800 (AP) total magic damage to them and adjacent enemies. Tiger Strikes: Gain 60/70/500% Attack Speed and empower Udyr's attacks for the next 6/6/30 seconds to strike 4/4/6 additional times dealing 150/225/4500 (AP) bonus magic damage. Notes: Scales with AP: CG, TR, BT 4/17/24 Health: 950 ⇒ 1050 3/13/24 3* spell fires shurikens 3/12/24 AS 1.0 >>> 0.95. Ram Shield 350/425/3000 >>> 300/375/3000. Tiger Strikes AS 80/80/500% >>> 50/50/500%


Spirit's Refuge [Mana 25/75] : For 4 seconds, reduce damage taken by 40/50/70 (AP) for Shen and (AP) for 15/20/30 adjacent allies. Shen's next 3 attacks deal 55/124/291 (Armor) bonus true damage. Note: Put him in between tanks. Hero Augment: GRB, put in back corner. 4/3/24 Self damage reduction: 40/50/90% AP ⇒ 40/50/70% AP. Shen is no longer mana-locked if he uses all three empowered attacks before his ability duration expires.


Steel Tempest [Mana 0/70] : Passive: Attacks while Shielded deal 14/21/35 (Armor MR) bonus magic damage. Active: Gain 193/232/309 Shield for 5 seconds and deal 200/300/450 magic damage to the current target. Fated Bonus: Gain 300 Shield at the start of combat. Note: Good solo tank. Fate bond him. 4/3/24 Ability Shield: 175/200/250 + 100/110/125% Armor+MR ⇒ 175/200/250 + 50/60/75% Armor+MR


Supreme Display of Talent [Mana 0/20] : For 4 seconds, attacks deal 103/154/231 (AD) bonus physical damage to the target and 103/154/231 (AD) physical damage to enemies behind them. Qiyana will dash to find the best angle. Note: Damage scales primarily with AD. Put her behind a tank to the side, opposite enemy carry so she steps up and then ults 1 hex to find best angle 4/17/24 Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.8 4/3/24 Ability AD ratio: 135% AD ⇒ 150% AD


The Tempest's Torment [Mana 0/60] : Create a blizzard around a random enemy that deals 265/400/2000 (AP) magic damage over 3 seconds and Chills for 1 second. Chill: Reduce Attack Speed by 10% Note: Stagger backline against Morgana 5/1/24 Ability damage: 265/400/1600% AP ⇒ 265/400/2000% AP. Morgana is now more likely to cast her ability at clumps of enemies. 4/17/24 Health: 750 ⇒ 950. Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.8 4/3/24 Morgana Ability damage: 250/375/1600% AP ⇒ 265/400/1600% AP

Tahm Kench

Tongue Lash [Mana 40/100] : Gain 170/306/551 (Health) Shield for 3 seconds and deal 300/450/700 (AP) magic damage to the current target. If Tahm Kench has more Health than them, deal 480/720/1120 (AP) magic damage instead. Otherwise, gain 200/250/300 (AP) more Shield. Note: Tank + Damage. Like old Nunu, if he has more health than target he eats them. Position to split aggro.


Topaz Skin [Mana 40/80] : For 8 seconds, gain 75/90/110 (AP) Armor and attacks deal 45/90/180 (Armor) magic damage to enemies in a cone. Note: Put Malphite on outside


Unchain The Demon [Mana 0/40] : Dash around the target and slam, dealing 200/300/1200 (AP) magic damage and healing for 120/140/600 (Health) Health. Then, swipe twice, dealing 90/135/550 (AP) magic damage to nearby enemies. Note: AP carry. BB, Deathcap, Crownguard. Not a tank! Position away from enemy carry when he dashes. 5/1/24 Ability damage: 200/300/1000% AP ⇒ 200/300/1200% AP. Ability swipe damage: 90/135/450% AP ⇒ 90/135/550% AP. Ability heal: 120/140/500% AP ⇒ 120/140/600% AP 4/17/24 Health: 1000 ⇒ 1200 3/13/24 Armor & MR 60 >>> 50 3/12/24 Armor & MR 50 >>> 60. Primary Spell 150/225/675 >>> 200/300/1000. Swipe Spell 100/150/450 >>> 90/135/450. Self Heal on Cast 125/150/400 >>> 120/140/500


Uproot [Mana 40/100] : Gain 50 Armor and Magic Resist for 5 seconds. Stun nearby enemies for 1 second and deal 148/230/373 (Health AP) magic damage. Note: Damage scales from Health and AP. Position to hit as many units with her stun.


Your team gains 5% bonus damage, plus more based on your level. After combat, store 1 XP in a Soul Core. Sell the Core to claim the XP. (3) 1% damage per level (5) 3% damage per level Each game a different set of units is Exalted 4/17/24 Base damage: 4% ⇒ 5%. Damage bonus per level: 1/2.5% ⇒ 1/3% 3/12/24 Base Damage Amp 2% >>> 4%. If you have a full bench with Exalted, you automatically get XP/Gold


Zyra [2], Diana [3], Morgana [4], Wukong [5] Combat start: Allies in the front 2 rows gain Omnivamp. Allies in the back 2 rows gain Ability Power. (2) +12% Omnivamp, +15 AP (3) +20% Omnivamp, +30 AP (4) +30% Omnivamp, +45 AP (5) +45% Omnivamp, +75 AP Note: Applies to all allies! 3/12/24 5 Piece AP 70 >>> 75


nkstorm [Mana 20/75] : Fire 20 waves at the current target over 2 seconds, each dealing 38/57/205 (AD) physical damage to the first enemy hit. If an enemy is hit by 10 waves, they take 57/85/272 (AD) damage per wave instead. Note: Hit weaker side of enemy frontline. 4/18/24 Ability wave damage: 45/45/100% AD + 10/15/45% AP ⇒ 40/40/100% AD + 8/12/36% AP. Ability amplified wave damage: 70/70/140% AD + 10/15/45% AP ⇒ 65/65/140% AD + 8/12/36% AP 4/17/24 Health: 700 > 900, Attack Speed: 0.85 ⇒ 0.8 4/3/24 Kai'Sa AD: 70 ⇒ 75

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