The Best AP U.S. History Review

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black, civil

2 centuries of slavery created deeply entrenched racial prejudices that could not be easily changed. Southerners bitterly resented governments imposed by Radical Republicans that repealed ___________ Codes and guaranteed voting and other ___________ rights to African Americans. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)


Despite massive American aid, Chiang's Nationalist forces lost ground to the ___________ in China after World War II. An American military advisor reported that the Nationalist losses were due to "the world's worst leadership" and "a complete loss of will to fight." (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

morally unacceptable

Few 17th and early 18th century white colonists questioned human bondage as _____________. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

Napolean, revolutionary, republics

Following the defeat of _______________, the European powers suppressed _______________ movements in Europe. Humiliated by the loss of its New World colonies, Spain turned to France for help. President Monroe and John Quincy Adams feared that France might use force to help Spain overthrow the new Latin American _______________. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)


Following the election of 1844, Congress approved a resolution annexing this state as the nation's 28th state. President Tyler signed the resolution 3 days before Polk took office. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)


Great Awakening promoted religious pluralism and thus religious _____________. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

John C. Calhoun

In 1828, this vice president anonymously wrote the "South Carolina Exposition and Protest" to denounce the Tariff of Abominations. He argued for the doctrine of nullification. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

Miranda v. Arizona

In this Supreme Court case, the Supreme Court ruled that persons apprehended by the police must be advised of their constitutional rights to remain silent and to have legal counsel at public expense. If the police do not read these "Miranda rights" to an accused person, his or her testimony would be inadmissible in state or federal courts. This Supreme Court was led by Chief Justice Earl Warren. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Pueblo Revolt

In this event in 1680, the Pueblo rebels killed over 400 Spanish settlers and destroyed all the Catholic churches. It successfully achieved its goal of driving the Spanish out of the American Southwest. However, the victory proved to be short-lived. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

mill, farm, 12, 6, church, curfew

Inspired by the success of the Waltham mill, Francis Lowell built a model factory town at Lowell, Massachusetts, 27 miles from Boston. Lowell built a clean red-brick factory center and dormitories designed to avoid the drab conditions and English _______________ towns. He hired young New England _______________ women to work in his mill. The girls worked _______________ hours a day, _______________ days a week. They lived together in boarding houses under the watchful eyes of older women who enforced mandatory _______________ attendance and strict _______________. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

Era of Good Feelings

Monroe's presidency begin this era with a surge of nationalism and a spirit of harmony. Americans looked forward to enjoying the benefits of peace and prosperity. One Boston newspaper captured the optimistic spirit of the times when they proclaimed that Monroe's election marked the beginning of this era. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

resigned, Watergate, Gerald Ford

On August 9, 1974, Richard Nixon became the first President to ___________ from office. He made this decision after the ___________ scandal. Vice President ___________ first became the nation's 38th President. "My fellow Americans," he declared, "our long national nightmare is over. Our Constitution works." (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Boston Tea Party

On December 16th, 1773, a group of Boston patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians boarded three British ships and threw 342 chests of tea in the harbor. What was this event called? (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

encomienda system

This was used by the Spanish to exploit the Pueblos and other Native American peoples. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

Church of England

This was what the Puritans wanted to reform or "purify." (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

Turner's Thesis

"From the beginning of the settlement of America, the frontier regions have exercised a steady influence toward democracy ... American democracy is fundamentally the outcome of the experience of the American people in dealing with the West." Where is this quote from? (The West, 1865-1900)

environmental, standards, wildlife, Earth

"Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson helped launch the national ___________ movement. By the early 1970s, 70% of Americans ranked the environment as the nation's most pressing problem. Congress responded by passing 35 environmental laws that set clean air and water ___________ and protected ___________. Beginning in 1970, millions of Americans participated in ___________ Day activities to help clean up the environment. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

private, regulation, tariffs, entreprenuers

19th century federal and state governments were committed to the concept of ___________ property and limited ___________ of business activity. While the federal government was reluctant to regulate business, it did enact high protective ___________ to shield companies from foreign competition. A group of ambitious and sometimes ruthless ___________ took advantage of the stable business environment to build a number of enormously profitable corporations. This government support was a key characteristic of the new industrial era. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

married woman

A _____________ had no legal identity apart from her husband. For example, a woman generally lost control of her property when she married. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

neutral, British, U-boats

A a ___________ nation, the United States could legally trade with all belligerent nations involved in World War I. Enforcing America's neutral rights proved to be difficult. The ___________ fleet established a blockade that prevented countries from trading with Germany. The Germans retaliated by using their new ___________ or submarines to sink without warning all enemy merchant ships found approaching Great Britain. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

republican values, self-government

A belief in _____________ inspired the American revolutionaries who defied British authority. They took root early in the American experience. For example, New England town meetings and sessions of the Virginia House of Burgesses provided colonial leaders with valuable experience in the art of _____________. As they developed the habit of self-government, colonial leaders developed a firm sense of their rights. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)


A children of middle-class families, hippies had been taught to value a neat appearance, hard work, and economic success. Their ___________ was the exact opposite of that. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

states' rights

A doctrine asserting that the Constitution arose as a compact among sovereign states. The states therefore retained power to challenge and if necessary nullify federal laws. It was first formulated in the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

advertising, consumption, objects

A growing ___________ industry fueled interest in the new consumer products. Advertisements in the Roaring Twenties glorified mass ___________ and celebrated an enticing lifestyle based upon the possession of material ___________. by 1929, advertising accounted for 3% of the nation's gross national product. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

towns, rural, workers

A large number of the new urban dwellers came from small ___________ and ___________ areas. New mechanical farm equipment pushed ___________ off the land. Still others wanted to exchange the drudgery of farm life for the excitement of living in cities. Electricity, indoor plumbing, telephones, and department stores all combined to make cities an irresistible magnet that promised an exciting new life. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Northwest, neutral

A number of issues strained relations between the United States and Great Britain in the 1790s. The British still refused to evacuate forts in the _____________ Territory. In addition, British naval commanders seized _____________ ships trading with the French West Indies. This policy led to the seizure of some 250 American merchant ships. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

segregation, voting

A number of motives combined to cause the outburst of lynchings in the South. For many perpetrators, lynching was a way of enforcing ___________ by punishing perceived violations of Jim Crow customs. It was also a way to dissuade blacks from ___________ and intimidate successful African Americans whose economic progress threatened white ideas about black inferiority. (The New South, 1877-1900)

New York City

A political machine in ___________ was controlled by a group of corrupt politicians known as the "Tweed Ring" after their leader "Boss" William Marcy Tweed. Boss Tweed and his cronies stole as much as $200 million from the public treasury. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Great Plains, wheat, Great Plains

A strong, protective carpet of buffalo grass had once covered the ___________. The grass held moisture in the soil and kept the wind from blowing it away. However, as the demand for ___________ increased, farmers plowed under the buffalo grass, exposing the land to wind and sun. During the early 1930s, farmers watched apprehensively as a prolonged drought and intense heat dried out the ___________. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Federal Highway Act of 1956

A system of new highways also promoted suburban growth in the 1950s. This act appropriated $25 billion for a 10-year project to construct a 40,000 mile system of four-lane interstate highways. The new interstates accelerated suburbanization by enabling people to work in the cities and commute to their homes in the suburbs. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)


A type of government with a loose union among several states. The central government is weak while the member states retain most of their sovereign powers. An example is the modern United Nations. (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)

Great Awakening

A wave of religious revivals that began in New England in the mid-1730s. The revival swept across all of the colonies during the 1740s. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)


A word meaning anti-foreign or anti-immigration. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

New Deal

African Americans formed an important part of the ___________ coalition that formed during the 1930s. The coalition also included labor unions, ethnic minorities, and white Southerners. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Double V, fascism, discrimination

African Americans were keenly aware of the contradiction between fighting for democracy abroad while enduring racial discrimination at home. Blacks enthusiastically supported a "___________" campaign to win victory over ___________ in Europe and victory over ___________ in the United States. This new assertive attitude helped to spark the civil rights movement in the 1950s. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Lyndon B. Johnson

After Kennedy's assassination, this new president plunged into his presidential duties in the dark days following the tragedy in Dallas. He understood that civil rights was the nation's most urgent social problem. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Stokely Carmichael

After Malcolm X was assassinated, this man became the most militant black leader. He was impatient with King's nonviolent marches. In a speech in Mississippi, he excited his followers by boldly calling for "black power." This meant that blacks should control their own communities by developing black-owned businesses and electing black representatives. As the head of SNCC, he implemented his separatist philosophy by ousting whites from the previously integrated organization. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

yellow, Maine, public, Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Cabot Lodge

After ___________ journalism and the explosion of the U.S.S. ___________, popular passion against Spain now became a major factor in the march to war. President McKinley faced mounting pressure from an outraged ___________ and from belligerent leaders of his own party, such as ___________ and ___________. Faced with the imminent prospect of war, the Spanish yielded to almost every American demand. McKinley could have defied public opinion and avoided war. However, McKinley decided that the political risk of ignoring an aroused public was too high. This was one cause of the Spanish-American War. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Turner's Thesis

After he learned the western frontier had closed, Frederick Jackson Turner wrote that the frontier experience profoundly shaped the American character. For 3 centuries, land-hungry settlers had been forced by trial-and-error to create a new way of life. According to Turner, the frontier promoted democracy and encouraged individualism. It produced a unique combination of traits that included resilience, restlessness, and self-reliance, together with an optimistic faith in democratic institutions. The Western frontier also promoted opportunity by providing open society where rigid class lines did not block social mobility. He did NOT state that the frontier was the sole force shaping the American character. He acknowledged the importance of religious freedom, sectionalism, and industrialization. However, he continued to insist that the frontier experience left an indelible impression on the American character. What was the short name for this essay? (The West, 1865-1900)

Steven A. Douglas

After months of rancorous debate, Senator _______________ of Illinois successfully maneuvered Clay's proposals through the Senate as separate bills. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

revolted, independent, independence, lease, Panama Canal

After much debate, Congress approved a canal through the Isthmus of Panama. At the time, Panama was a province of Columbia. United States offered to pay Columbia $10 million dollars for the right to dig a canal across the isthmus. But the Colombian Senate refused to ratify the treaty and held out for more money. Encouraged and supported by Roosevelt, Panama ___________ against Colombia and declared itself an ___________ nation. Roosevelt promptly recognized Panama. He signed a treaty with the new nation, which guaranteed its ___________ and also gave the United States a ___________ on a 10 mile wide canal zone. This would lead to the construction of the ___________. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)


After reaching a peak of 4.3 million births in 1957, the baby ___________ began to decline. Between 1970 and 1988, an average of less than 3.5 million births occurred each year. The declining birth rate caused a significant drop in the percentage of Americans under the age of 17. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

cities, 1900, 1917

After the collapse of the Populist Party, the reform spirit shifted into the ___________, where a new generation of middle and upper-middle class reporters focused on a broad range of problems cause by industrialization and urbanization. The term progressivism embraced a widespread, many-faceted effort to build a more democratic and just society. The Progressive Era is usually dated from ___________ to America's entry into World War I in ___________. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Okies, The Grapes of Wrath

Agriculture virtually ceased in the hardest-hit areas of the Dust Bowl. Over 350,000 desperate people fled the Great Plains during the 1930s. Called "___________," they loaded their meager belongings into battered cars and headed west along Route 66 to California. John Steinbeck captured the ordeal faced by these proud but impoverished migrants in his powerful novel, "___________." (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

22nd Amendment

Although not initially provised in the Constitution, this amendment limited presidents to two terms in 1951. (The Constitution)

racist, Henry Clay

Although American Colonization Society members opposed slavery, many were openly _______________. Leaders did not believe the free blacks could be integrated into American society. For example, _______________ argued that since an "unconquerable prejudice" would prevent free blacks from assimilating into white society, it would be better for them to emigrate to Africa. (The Crusade against Slavery, 1815-1860)

slave owners

Although the majority of white families in the South did not own slaves, they did aspire to become _____________. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

machines, fertilizer

American farmers seemed to have much to be proud of. Between 1870 and 1900, the population of the United States doubled to just over 76 million people. New ___________ and ___________ enabled American farmers to increase the number of acres under cultivation. As a result, farmers were able to dramatically expand production and feed the nation's soaring population. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

superiority, manifest, Latin, Asia

Americans also believed in the inherent ___________ of their political and economic systems. During most of the 19th century, America fulfilled its ___________ destiny by spreading its civilization from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Now America had a responsibility to bring the benefits of its civilization to less advanced peoples in ___________ America and ___________. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Coxey, road, Coxey, Coxey, Coxey

An Ohio Populist named James S. ___________ urged the federal government to launch a $500 million ___________-building program to provide unemployed workers with desperately needed jobs to alleviate the Depression of 1893. When Congress ignored his proposal, ___________ led a ragtag army of unemployed workers on a protest march to Washington. When "___________'s Army" finally reached the U.S. Capitol, armed police arrested ___________ for walking on the lawn. He was fined $5 and sentenced to 20 days in jail. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

interests, republic

Anti-Federalists believe that the proposed Constitution will not work in a large nation with diverse _____________. A _____________ works best in a small nation with a homogenous population. (The Ratification Debate)

Eugene McCarthy, Robert Kennedy

As Johnson's popularity sank after Tet Offensive, two Democratic Senators launched campaigns to challenge him for the Democratic presidential nomination. The campaigns by ___________ and ___________ inspired and placed enormous additional pressure on the beleaguered President. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)


Both the Populists and the Progressives rejected ___________ government policies. Instead, they wanted government to play an active role in public life. The Progressives believed that complex social problems required a broad range of government responses. "The real heart of the movement," declared one Progressive reformer, was "to use the government as an end agency of human welfare." (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

38, China

By the end of September 1950, General MacArthur's reinforced army recaptured all of South Korea. The next month, MacArthur confidently crossed the ___________th parallel in a bid to reunite the entire Korean peninsula. The Chinese warned that they would not "stand idly by" and allow a North Korean defeat. On November 25th, ___________ launched a devastating counterattack that caught MacArthur by surprise and drove the UN forces back into South Korea. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

early 1700s

By what time period was slavery legally established in all of the colonies? (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

-stock market crash -overproduction and underconsumption -plight of the farmers

Causes of the Great Depression: (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

mortality, scarcity, mortality

During its first decade, the Jamestown settlement experienced a very high _____________ rate. The _____________ of women and the high rate of men's _____________ strengthened the socioeconomic status of women in the Chesapeake colonies. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

Rachel Carson

During the 1950s, most biologists accepted the prevailing scientific paridigm that DDT and other chemical pesticides were useful tools to eradicate mosquitoes and other harmful insects pests. However, this American marine biologist refused to accept this viewpoint. Her research studies indicated that DDT and other chemicals were in fact having a harmful effect upon the environment. Who was this woman? (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

finances, propertied, financial, agriculture

Hamilton's financial program wanted to strengthen national _____________ and promote economic growth, give the _____________ and _____________ classes a stake in the success of the new government, and move of the country away from its reliance on _____________ and toward an economy based on commerce and manufacturing. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Aztecs, Incas, centralized

Hernan Cortes conquered the _____________. Francisco Pizarro conquered the _____________. Both Cortes and Pizarro defeated and overthrew rulers who led _____________ governments. Each had advanced weapons, horses, ruthless tactics, and diseases that enabled them to topple these empires. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

assembly line, assembly line, assembly line

Henry Ford fulfilled his prediction by applying the principles of ___________ production to the manufacture of automobiles. In the first automobile factories, cars were made in one place while a number of skilled mechanics built the vehicle from the ground up. In contrast, on Ford's new ___________ the car moved from one worker to the next. Each worker performed the same operation on each passing car. The ___________ enabled Ford to reduce the time it took to build a car from 12.5 hours of work to just 1.5 hours of work. By 1925, the Ford Motor Company produced a new car every 10 seconds. The price for a Model T fell from $850 in 1908 to $290 in 1924. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

Cuban Missile Crisis

High-flying U-2 spy planes discovered the missile sites in Cuba on October 14th, 1962. After careful deliberation, Kennedy announced a "quarantine" or blockade of Cuba to prevent the arrival of new missiles. If the Soviets refused to remove the missiles already in Cuba, the United States would launch a massive invasion force to destroy them. For the next week, the world faced the terrifying possibility of a nuclear war. After tense negotiations, Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles in return for an American pledge not to invade Cuba. What was the name of this crisis? (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Francis Cabot Lowell

In 1813, this man and a group of investors known as the Boston Associates constructed a textile factory in Waltham, Massachusetts. The Waltham Mill used both modern spinning machines and power looms to produce cheap cloth. Investors earned a 20% profit as sales soared from $3,000 in 1814 to $300,000 in 1823. The profitable commercial manufacture of textiles marked an important step in moving production from the home to the factory. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

Missouri Compromise

In 1819, the North controlled a solid majority in the House of Representatives. However, the Senate was evenly divided between 11 free states and 11 slave states. In 1819, the territory of Missouri applied for statehood as a slave state. The issue of extending slavery into the new territories ignited a passionate sectional debate. House Speaker Henry Clay promoted a compromise that settled the dispute by admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. In addition, it prohibited slavery in the remaining portions of the Louisiana Territory north of Latitude 36° 30'. It temporarily diffused the crisis over slavery. It is important to note that the North initially perceived slavery as a political and economic threat and not as a moral issue. What was this compromise called? (Making Key Comparisons, 1789-1865)

Tallmadge Amendment

In 1819, the northern-controlled House of Representatives passed this amendment in response to the application of the territory of Missouri for statehood as a slave state. This amendment prohibited the further introduction of slaves into Missouri and also provided for the gradual emancipation of slaves already in the territory. The Senate rejected this amendment, but the issue of extending slavery into the new territories ignited a passionate sectional debate. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

Alfred Mahan

In 1890, this man published "The Influence of Sea Power upon History." He argued that sea power is the key to commercial prosperity and national greatness. He forcefully argued that the United States must have no longer view the Atlantic and Pacific as protective barriers. Instead, these oceans were best understood as commercial highways that could only be controlled by a powerful navy. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

white, racial

In 1895, the organizers of an international exhibition in Atlanta invited Booker T. Washington to speak to a predominantly ___________ audience at the opening ceremonies of their exposition. Although the organizers worried that public sentiment was not prepared for such an advance step, they decided that inviting a black speaker would demonstrate ___________ progress in the New South. This was where he gave the "Separate as the Fingers" speech. (The New South, 1877-1900)

Northern Securities Company, trust

In 1902, Teddy Roosevelt used his executive power to order the Attorney General to break up the ___________, a giant trust that monopolized rail traffic in the Northwest. 2 years later, the Supreme Court upheld the antitrust suit and dissolved the company. This victory established Teddy Roosevelt certification as a "___________-buster." (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Villa, Villa, Villa, Villa

In October 1915, Wilson changed his mind and recognized the Carranza government in Mexico. Feeling betrayed, ___________ stopped a train in Northern Mexico and killed 17 U.S. citizens. 2 months later, ___________ and his men burned Columbus, New Mexico, and killed 17 more Americans. Outraged by these events, Wilson ordered a force of 11,000 men commanded by General John J. Pershing to invade Mexico and capture ___________. Pershing failed to apprehend the elusive ___________ and his invasion alienated the Carranza government. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

1860, 1948, 1948, Southern

It is important to note that the Democratic Party split along North-South sectional lines in both the elections of ___________ and ___________. The ___________ Dixiecrat defection foreshadowed Richard Nixon's successful "___________ strategy" in the 1968 presidential election. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)


Kansas marked the 1st important test of popular sovereignty. Within a short time, "_______________ Kansas" became a battleground between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

-government control of railroads -free and unlimited coinage of silver -eight-hour work day -graduated income tax -direct election of senators

Key characteristics of the Populist platform: (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

Colonel Stephen W. Kearny

Led by this man in the Mexican War, American forces captured Santa Fe, New Mexico, and then helped secure California. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

boom, supply, price

Many economists predicted that a new depression would follow the end of World War II. Instead, the economy began a new ___________. During the war, Americans saved about $140 billion. Consumers were now eager to spend their savings on new homes, cars, and household appliances. Unfortunately, frustrated consumers soon found that the demand for goods exceeded the ___________. When Congress removed the wartime wage and price controls, the ___________ of food, clothing, and fuel jumped 50% between 1946 and 1948. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Spanish, independent, McKinley, Emilio Aguinaldo

Most Americans were unaware of that Filipino patriots had been fighting a war for independence since 1896. Filipinos hoped the United States assist them in expelling the ___________ and establishing an ___________ Philippine state. Despite strong evidence that Filipinos wanted independence, the ___________ administration decided that they were not ready for self-government. Led by ___________, the Filipinos resisted American control of their country. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)


On February 6th, 1778, France signed a treaty formally recognizing the United States. The _____________ alliance provided the United States with crucial diplomatic, financial, and military support. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

1964 Civil Rights Act

On July 2, 1964, President Johnson proudly signed this act into law. The new act was the most important civil rights law since Reconstruction. It barred discrimination in public facilities such as hotels, restaurants, and theaters. It authorized the Attorney General to bring suits to speed school desegregation. In addition, the act outlawed discrimination in employment on the basis of race, religion, national origin, or sex. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Camp David Accords, Iran hostage crisis

President Carter's biggest success, the ___________, and his biggest failure, the ___________, both occurred in the Middle East. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)


Reaganomics encouraged private ___________ by cutting taxes for business and the wealthy. It did NOT eliminate taxes for the poor. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

Virginia Stamp Act, liberty, death

Republican values inspired the _____________ Resolves and Patrick Henry's famous "Give me _____________ or give me _____________" speech. Henry insisted that the Stamp Act infringed on the colonists right to tax themselves. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

States' Rights or "Dixiecrat" Party

Segregationist delegates from the Deep South promptly walked out of the Democratic national convention for the presidential election of 1948. Two weeks later, they met in Birmingham, Alabama and nominated South Carolina governor Strom Thurmond to head a new party. Although Truman eventually won the election, this political party carried 4 Southern states. The election showed that lifelong Southern Democrats would desert their party over the issue of segregation. What was the name of this short-lived political party? (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Since its founding in 1909, this organization had adopted the strategy of filing legal cases to gain justice and civil rights for African-Americans. Led by Thurgood Marshall, their legal team chose 5 test cases to challenge state laws mandating segregation in the public schools. one of the cases they LED was Brown v. Board of Education. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

-defensive war -experienced commanders

Southern advantages in the Civil War: (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

mass, Labor, leisure

The 1920s witnessed the ___________ production of a new generation of affordable consumer products. ___________-saving devices such as refrigerators, washing machines, electric irons, and vacuum cleaners made household chores easier, thus creating time to enjoy ___________ activities. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

Liberia, gradual

The American Colonization Society was instrumental in founding the colony of _______________ on the west coast of Africa. However, the Society's _______________ approach could never resolve the problem of slavery. By 1860, the Society helped approximately 12,000 free blacks migrate to Liberia. At that time, there were about 4 million slaves in the South. (The Crusade against Slavery, 1815-1860)

Eugene "Bull" Connor, Letter from Birmingham City Jail

The Birmingham demonstrations began in April, 1963. The City Commissioner of Public Safety ___________ promptly arrested over 3,000 demonstrators, including Dr. King. While in jail, Dr. King wrote his famous "___________." (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

central, governors

The Confederacy was founded on the principle of preserving states' rights. But a strong ___________ government is needed to conduct an efficient war effort. Independent-minded Confederate ___________ often frustrated the Davis government's attempts to raise the money and troops it needed to fight the war. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

loans, programs

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation marked Hoover's belated attempt to provide emergency ___________ to distressed banks and businesses. It also set an important precedent for government ___________ during the New Deal. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Warsaw Pact

The Russians retaliated to NATO by forming a military alliance with its Eastern European satellites. This led to hostile alliances confronting each other across a divided Europe. What was the name of this alliance? (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Great Britain, textile, King Cotton

The South enjoyed the initial advantage of believing that ___________ would aid the Confederacy because its ___________ industry would grind to a halt without Southern cotton. However, this advantage proved to be illusory when "___________ diplomacy" failed. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

Rachel, 1893

The Supreme Court does not reach decisions in a political and social vacuum. By the 1890s, more and more white Southerners rejected the idea of ___________ equality. The Crash of ___________ and the ensuing economic depression further sharpened racial tensions. The Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson reflected the ongoing trend toward enacting Jim Crow segregation laws. (The New South, 1877-1900)

Vietnam Syndrome

The Vietnam War also created skepticism about international involvement. Many Americans questioned foreign entanglements that might become "another Vietnam." What was the name for this skepticism? (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

management, labor unions

The Wagner Act placed restrictions on ___________, while the Taft-Hartley Act placed restrictions on ___________. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

1890, urban

The closing of the western frontier in ___________ symbolized the end of a historic era in American history. As the western frontier experience drew to an end, a new ___________ frontier began to emerge. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Chesapeake, church, state

The had Puritans embraced a more rigorous faith than the _____________ settlers. The typical Puritan community was characterized by a close relationship between _____________ and _____________. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)


The launch of this spacecraft in 1957 by the Russians jolted America's self-confidence. A stunned public concluded that the Russians had overcome America's scientific and technological lead. Time Magazine grimly warned that the spacecraft "posed the United States with the most dramatic military threat it has ever faced." (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

federal system

The proposed Constitution created this system in which power is shared between state and federal governments. The powers of the national government are limited to issues affecting the entire country. All other powers are reserved to the states. (The Ratification Debate)

Anti-Imperialist League

The provision in the Treaty of Paris ceding the Philippines to the United States aroused a powerful anti-imperialist movement to block ratification of the treaty. This group pointed out the inconsistency of liberating Cuba and annexing the Philippines. They also insisted that annexation would violate America's long-standing commitment to human freedom and rule by the "consent of the governed." (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

cotton plantations

The spread of _______________ into the Deep South hastened a major change in the movement and distribution of slavery. In 1790, planters in Virginia and Maryland owned 56% of all Americans slaves. During the 1800s, tobacco-depleted Chesapeake planters sold as many 700,000 slaves to planters in a vast cotton belt that extended from Western Georgia to Eastern Texas. By 1860, just 15% of all slaves lived in Virginia and Maryland well over half lived in the Deep South. A majority of the blacks in the Deep South lived on large plantations with communities of 20 or more slaves. (The Old South, 1815-1860)


The spreading affluence promoted a zeal for this concept in the 1950s. Shopping became a major recreational activity as suburban families drove to the new shopping centers mushrooming across the country. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert Kennedy

The sudden violent deaths of ___________ and ___________ deeply disturbed an already troubled nation. While these tragedies occurred, little progress took place in the ___________ talks that had begun with the North Vietnamese. The great hopes for peace in Vietnam that followed Lyndon B. Johnson's speech now faded. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

-"graying" of America -rise of the Sunbelt -new wave of immigrants

The three key demographic trends from 1981 to 2000: (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

-black pride -black separatism -black nationalism

The three main things Marcus Garvey promoted: (The New Era, 1919-1929)


The year in which the Spanish founded universities in Mexico City and Peru, 85 years before the Puritans founded Harvard. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

-Stamp Act -Townshend Acts -Tea Act

These 3 acts were passed by Parliament to raise revenue to help pay for imperial expenses. Instead these tax laws raised questions about the Parliament's right to tax the colonists: (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

Sons and Daughters of Liberty

These groups led outraged colonists to use the threat of violence to "persuade" almost every stamp agent to resign when the Stamp Act was passed. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Black Codes

These laws during Reconstruction deprived blacks of their basic civil rights. They set off a chain of events that led Congress to pass the 14th Amendment. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

"New Light" ministers

These ministers of the Great Awakening stressed that individuals could attain salvation only by first experiencing a "new birth"--a sudden, emotional moment of conversion and salvation. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

-F. Scott Fitzgerald -Sinclair Lewis

These were the two best-known Lost Generation authors: (The New Era, 1919-1929)

Land Ordinance of 1785

This act established uniform procedures for surveying Western lands into townships and sections. It provided for the sale of public lands in the West at $1/acre with a 640-acre minimum. It reserved one section in each township to support public schools. This marked the first instance of federal aid to education. (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)


This idea was began by George Kennan. It involved adopting a strategic policy of blocking the expansion of Soviet influence. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

"Sisterhood is powerful"

This phrase was the title of an anthology first published by Robin Morgan in 1970. The phrase became a popular rally cry for the women's movement during the 1970s. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

spoils system

This system of rewarding loyal party workers with government jobs was supported by Andrew Jackson. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

manifest destiny

This term was coined by John L. O'Sullivan to give the nation's expansionist spirit a name. It was the belief that America had the right to expand across the entire continent. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

Treaty of Paris

This treaty ended the Spanish-American War and ceded Puerto Rico and Guam to the United States. Spain recognized Cuban independence and agreed to cede the Philippine Islands to the United States for $20 million. This marked the 1st time the United States acquired overseas territory. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

"Silent Cal"

This was Calvin Coolidge's nickname: (The New Era, 1919-1929)


This was an American philosophical and literary movement that developed in the 1830s and 1840s in New England. It rejected Deism's reliance upon reason and its lack of emotion. It emphasizes the use of human intuition to discover spiritual truths. They advocated living a simple life and celebrating personal emotion and imagination. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Margaret Fuller were writers that believed in this. It shared many similarities with Romantic artists and writers. For example, Hudson River School artists celebrated America's natural beauty while the Romantic writers such as Walt Whitman rejected reason and discovered insight from their own feelings. (Making Key Comparisons, 1789-1865)


This was financed by a joint-stock company for the express purpose of making a profit. Religion played a very minor role in the founding of it. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

Alliance for Progress

This was one of two new programs announced by Kennedy in March, 1961, to help developing nations (Latin America particularly in this case). Widespread poverty, a soaring birth rate, and high illiteracy threatened the stability of this region. Kennedy called upon the nations of this region to join the United States in this program. The U.S. pledged to contribute $10 billion over 10 years to help construct new houses and hospitals and increase agricultural productivity. Like the Marshall Plan, it used America's economic strength to build prosperity and thus thwart Communist expansion. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Peace Corps

This was one of two programs announced by Kennedy in March, 1961, to help the developing nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. He recommended the creation of this group to train volunteers to live and work for 2 to 3 years in a developing nation. Thousands of Americans volunteered to help battle hunger, disease, and illiteracy by working as agricultural agents, nurses, and teachers. Their goodwill and hard work made them a symbol of American idealism and generosity. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Sacco and Vanzetti case

This was the most celebrated criminal trial of the 1920s. It involved 2 Italian-born anarchists who were arrested for a payroll robbery and murder. The evidence against them was inconclusive. Many were convinced that the two men were victims of prejudice against radicals and recent immigrants. After 7 years of litigation, they died in the electric chair. Their execution sparked protests around the world. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

Big Stick Diplomacy

This was the name of Teddy Roosevelt's strategy of foreign affairs. Nations such as the United States and Great Britain had a duty to police the world and maintain order. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Emma Willard

This woman was an early advocate of women's education. She founded the Troy Female Seminary, America's first woman's school of higher education. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

Anne Bradstreet

This woman was the first published American poet and the first woman to be published in colonial America. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)


Unlike the early Chesapeake settlers, these people migrated to America in families. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

wealthy, tariffs, antitrust

Warren Harding's economic policies reconfirmed the partnership between business and government. His Secretary of Treasury Andrew Mellon reduced the tax rates for the ___________, raised ___________, and ignored ___________ regulations. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

World War I

Washington's earnest warning in his Farewell Address influenced American foreign policy following _____________. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

elastic clause

What constitutional clause did Hamilton use to justify Congress's right to charter a national bank? (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

equal, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

When the 1953-1954 school year opened, 2.5 million African American children attended all-black schools in 17 Southern states and the District of Columbia. The black schools were separate from the schools white students attended, but their facilities were far from being ___________. In 1954, the South spent an average of $165 for its white students and $115 for its black students. This inequality would lead to the ___________ Supreme Court case. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Holy Experiment

William Penn founded Pennsylvania as a "_____________" that would serve as a refuge for Quakers. (The Middle Atlantic Colonies, 1664-1754)

Nat Turner, pace, equipment, illness

With the exception of _______________'s Rebellion in 1831, vigilant planters successfully suppressed slave rebellions. Instead of rebelling, a majority of slaves did not reveal or run away. Slaves retaliated against their masters by slowing the _______________ of work, damaging _______________, and feigning _______________. (The Old South, 1815-1860)

zoot suits

Young Latinos in Los Angeles enjoyed a youth culture that included this distinctive clothing featuring a long coat and baggy trousers fitted snugly at the ankles. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

this Supreme Court case in 1819 established the following: 1. Ruled that a state cannot pass laws to impaired a legal private contract. 2. Upheld the sanctity of private contracts against state encroachments. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

"City upon a Hill" Sermon

"For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we shall have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a by-word through the world." (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)


"I hear the whistle. I must hurry. It is time to go is the shop ... I work until the whistle blows to quit." What is this describing? (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)


"If the end be clearly comprehended within any of the specified powers, collecting taxes and regulating currency, and if the measures have an obvious relation to that end, and is not forbidden by any particular provision of the Constitution, it may safely be deemed to come within compass of the mutual authority." Which man, Hamilton or Jefferson, said this in support of the creation of a National Bank? (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Booker T. Washington

"In all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to material progress ... The wisest among my race understand that the education of questions of social equality is the extremist folly, and that progress in the enjoyment of all the privileges that will come to us must be the result of severe and constant struggle rather than of artificial forcing." Who gave this "Separate as the Fingers" speech? (The New South, 1877-1900)

Abigail Adams's "Remember the Ladies" letter

"In the new Code of Laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not push such unlimited power into the hands of Husbands." (The Constitution)

Harry Truman, Truman Doctrine

"It must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. I believe that we must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way." Who said this quote and what would it later be called? (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

William Lloyd Garrison

"Let Southern oppressors tremble ... I shall strenuously contend for immediate enfranchisement ... I will be as harsh as truth, and as uncompromising as justice ... I do not wish to think, or speak, or write with moderation - I will not excuse - I will not retreat a single inch - and I will be heard!" Who said this quote? (The Crusade against Slavery, 1815-1860)

radical, biracial

"The Liberator"s modest circulation misrepresented its significance. Garrison's uncompromising call for immediate and uncompensated emancipation marked the beginning of a _______________ movement to abolish slavery and transform American society. Unlike the American Colonization Society, Garrison believed that blacks and whites could live together as equals. "The Liberator" boldly called for _______________ cooperation in the anti-slavery movement. (The Crusade against Slavery, 1815-1860)

Rachel Carson

"The history of life on Earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings. To a large extent, the physical form and habits of the Earth's vegetation and its animal life has been molded by the environment ... The most alarming of all man's assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers, and sea with dangerous and even lethal materials." Who said this key quote? (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Andrew Carnegie

"This, then, is held to be the duty of the man of wealth: to consider all surplus revenues which come to him simply as trust funds ... the man of wealth thus becoming the mere agent and trustee for his poor brethren." Who said this quote? (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)


"To take a single step beyond the boundaries especially drawn around the powers of Congress is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition." Which man, Hamilton or Jefferson, said this in opposition to the creation of a national bank? (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)


A word that describes a group of people as living in one area, not migratory. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

-corn -potatoes -tomatoes

3 crops that were introduced to Europe from the New World: (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

James Earl Ray

3 days after President Johnson's speech about halting Vietnam attacks and not trying for re-election, Dr. King traveled to Memphis to support the demands of striking sanitation workers. Tragedy struck the next day. A man later identified as ___________ shot and killed Dr. King as the civil rights leader stood on a balcony near his motel room. His motives for the crime are still unknown. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Moscow, space, Arms

3 months after returning from China, Nixon stunned the world again by becoming the first American president to visit ___________. During the seven-day summit, Nixon and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev agreed upon a joint ___________ mission and signed a Strategic ___________ Limitation Treaty (SALT I). (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)


About 1 million African Americans served in the armed forces during World War II. These black soldiers and sailors continued to serve in ___________ units. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

buffalo, transcontinental railroads, buffalo, diseases, warfare

About 250,000 Native Americans lived on the Great Plains in the early 1860s. They relied upon the ___________ herds for food, clothing, and shelter. The construction of the ___________, the slaughter of the ___________, the spread of epidemic ___________, and the destructive effects of constant ___________ all caused a decline a Native American. (The West, 1865-1900)


About 44,000 Native Americans served in the armed forces during World War II. This represented over 10% of the total Native American population of 350,000. About 40,000 Native American ___________, aged 18 to 50, left their reservations for the first time to find jobs in defense industries. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)


As the federal government's role expanded, so did the size of the federal ___________. The New Deal created a number of federal agencies. By the end of the 1930s, the federal government became the largest single employer in the country. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Great Compromise

According to this compromise, representation in the House of Representatives would be apportioned on the basis of population while each state would be allotted two seats in the Senate. (The Constitution)

Voting Rights Act of 1965

After the 1964 Civil Rights Act, President Johnson and civil rights leaders now turned to the issue of voting rights. A second civil rights bill made the 15th Amendment (black suffrage) an operative part of the Constitution. It ended literacy tests and other devices used to prevent blacks from voting. This and the 24th Amendment allowed millions of blacks to register and vote for the first time. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Eastern, special

As the first president from the West, Jackson shared the frontier's distrust of the _______________ elite. He promised to represent the interests of the Common Man by attaking special _______________ in American life. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

New York, James Duke of York

After Peter Stuyvesant surrendered New Netherlands to the English, both the town of New Amsterdam and the colony of New Netherland were renamed _____________ after the king's brother, _____________. (The Middle Atlantic Colonies, 1664-1754)


After nearly 3 years of bloody fighting and intense U.S. bombing raids, the ___________ negotiations between Henry Kissinger and the North Vietnamese finally reached a conclusion in 1973. Dr. Kissinger later wrote that the talks were filled with "peaks and valleys of extraordinary intensity." (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Sussex Pledge

After sinking the British passenger liner the "Lusitania" and the French steamer the "Sussex," the Germans issued this pledge promising not to attack merchant vessels without warning. Wilson sternly warned Germany that a violation of this pledge would risk war with the United States. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

The Significance of the Frontier in American History

After studying the 1890 population count, the superintendent of the U.S. Census issued a statement declaring that the Western frontier had closed. The finding surprised and intrigued Frederick Jackson Turner, a young professor of history at the University of Wisconsin. He concluded that the close of the frontier symbolized the end of a great historic movement. He wrote a paper entitled "___________." (The West, 1865-1900)

Federal Reserve Act, Federal Reserve Board, interest, money, credit, money

After tariff reform, Wilson then turned to reform of the nation's banking system. The landmark ___________ of 1913 established a system of 12 district banks coordinated by a ___________ appointed by the president. The "Fed" had the power to raise and lower ___________ rates and issue paper ___________. These financial tools and enabled the Federal Reserve Board to control both ___________ and the supply of ___________. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)


After the Freedom Writers Victory, the focus of the civil rights struggle now shifted to this town in Alabama, where Dr. King planned to lead a massive demonstration to protest segregation. At that time, this was the largest segregated city in the United States. "If we could break through the barriers in [this city]," Dr. King predicted, "all the South would go the same way." (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Appalachian Mountains

After the French and Indian War removed the French from North America, American fur traders and land speculators looks forward to exploiting the best new lands west of the _____________. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

escalation, air

After the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, the situation in South Vietnam continued to worsen. In March 1965, President Johnson took the fateful step of ordering a massive ___________ of U.S. forces in Vietnam. When he realized that North Vietnam could not be quickly defeated, Johnson poured additional men and money into the war effort. The ___________ war soon became more destructive than anyone had expected. Huge B-52 bombers dropped more tons of bombs on North and South Vietnam than had been used in all of World War II. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)


After the Pueblo Revolt, the Spanish eventually regained control over New Mexico. They then worked to create a mixed Indian and Spanish culture that nonetheless continued to be dominated by Spanish officials responsible to the king. In what year did the Spanish regain control over New Mexico? (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

inflated currency

After the Revolutionary War, Congress issued an _____________ and failed to halt paper money abuses in Rhode Island and other states. (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)

-relief -recovery -reform

Franklin Roosevelt's programs had three goals. List them. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

idealistic, purchased, discriminatory

All blacks were not slaves. By 1860, as many as 250,000 free blacks lived in the South. Many of these "free persons of color" were the descendants of men and women who have been freed by _______________ owners following the Revolutionary War. Others successfully _______________ their freedom. Free blacks occupied a precarious position in southern Society. For example, they were often subject to _______________ laws that denied them property rights and forbade them from working in certain professions and testifying against whites in court. (The Old South, 1815-1860)

Black Codes

All of the Southern states soon complied with Johnson's Reconstruction plan. Moderate Republicans hoped the restored governments would act responsibly and treat their former slaves fairly. That did not happen. Resentful and intransigent (unyielding) white Southerners called for a renewal of laws to control the freed black population, called the ___________. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

Teapot Dome

Although Warren Harding was personally honest, his relaxed leadership enabled dishonest appointees to profit from corrupt activities. For example, Albert Fall, the Secretary of the Interior, illegally leased the ___________ oil reserves in Wyoming to the Mammoth Oil Company of Harry F. Sinclair. In return, Sinclair "lent" Fall nearly $300,000 in cash. Visibly troubled by this and other scandals rocking his administration, Harding suffered a sudden heart attack and died on August 2nd, 1923. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

Eleanor, Eleanor

Although the New Deal did not directly challenge gender inequity, First Lady ___________ Roosevelt did play an important role in promoting equal treatment for women and African-Americans. In one highly publicized incident, ___________ Roosevelt resigned from the Daughters of the American Revolution to protest the organization's decision to bar Marion Anderson, a world-renowned African-American singer, from performing at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

implementation, tenure of office, Edwin Stanton

Although he had been rejected by the electorate and humiliated by Congress, Johnson remained defiant. He undermined the Radical program by appointing generals who obstructed the ___________ of the Reconstruction Act of 1867. Congress escalated the crisis by passing the ___________ Act. It required Senate consent for the removal of any official whose appointment had required Senate confirmation. Convinced that the law was unconstitutional, Johnson fired Secretary of War ___________, a leading Radical Republican ally. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)


Although most of the discouraged veterans in the Bonus Army left Washington, a few thousand remained with their wives and children. Their presence embarrassed the president. In July, Hoover ordered about 700 soldiers commanded by General Douglas MacArthur to evict the Bonus Army from downtown to Washington. Newsreel cameras captured the jarring spectacle of U.S. Army troops using bayonets and tear gas to drive the veterans and their families from their ramshackle shacks. Hoover misjudged outraged public opinion when he proudly boasted, "Thank God we still have a government ... that knows how to deal with a ___________." (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

anarchists, employers

Although no one knew who threw the bomb, outraged and frightened Americans blamed ___________ for the Haymarket Square riot. Supported by an alarmed public, ___________ compiled blacklists of strikers and used private security firms to break strikes. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

17th Amendment

Although not initially provised in the Constitution, this amendment allowed Senators to be directly elected by the people in 1913. (The Constitution)

presidential cabinet

Although not provised in the Constitution, this body first started during Washington's presidency. As the nation's chief executive, the president does have the power to appoint top-ranking officials. Washington appointed a group of 4 people to advise and assist him in his duties. This currently includes 14 executive departments and the attorney general. (The Constitution)

Japan, Washington Naval Conference

Although the United States refused to join the League of Nations, it was not completely isolated from global affairs. The U.S. could not ignore ___________'s growing threat to American interests in China. In 1921, the Harding administration invited Japan, Great Britain, and other European nations to send representatives to Washington to discuss a range of Asian problems. This was called the ___________. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Arab, oil, prices

Although the fighting had ended with the Yom Kippur War, the consequences of it had only just begun. Nixon's decision to help Israel angered many oil-rich ___________ nations. As the most important members of the Organization of Petroleum Countries (OPEC), they had the power to reduce the supply of ___________ and raise ___________. On October 28th, 1973, they chose to do both. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

legality, equal

Although the word "slavery" did not appear in the original Constitution, it nonetheless guaranteed the _____________ of slavery in every state. This contradicted the assertion in the Declaration of Independence that "all men are created _____________." (The Constitution)


Although they were pockets of industrial development, the "New South" remained overwhelmingly ___________. In 1900, 2/3 of all Southern men still earned their living in farming. At that time, the average income in the South was only 40% of that in the North. (The New South, 1877-1900)

disillusioned, collective security, League of Nations, Dawes, trading

America fought World War I as an idealistic crusade to "make the world safe for democracy." However, the war left many Americans bitterly ___________. Although the United States emerged from World War I as the world's richest and most powerful nation, it rejected the principle of ___________ and never joined the ___________. Economically, however, the U.S. was not isolated at all. Under the ___________ Plan, loans from American banks helped Germany recover from a disastrous 1923 inflation. At the same time, the United States became a major ___________ partner with countries around the world. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Germany, autocratic, British

America had stronger cultural and political ties with Britain and France than with ___________ before World War I. Most Americans viewed Germany has a militaristic country ruled by an ___________ ruler. ___________ propaganda skillfully reinforced this image by depicting the Germans as ruthless barbarians who committed unspeakable atrocities against the defenseless people of Belgium. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

"The Other America"

America's great affluence masked the continuing existence of poverty. In this widely-read book, the social critic Michael Harrington argued that about 1/5 of the nation's families were mired in a "culture of poverty." Shocked by this jarring fact, Lyndon B. Johnson declared an "unconditional War on Poverty." (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

prices, rates

America's increasingly militant farmers believed that they had good reasons to organize a third party. Once praised as the backbone of American democracy, the farmers now saw themselves as victims of an unjust system that penalized them with low crop ___________ and predatory ___________ rates while rewarding Wall Street financiers with extravagant profits. A Populist leader Mary Ellen Lease captured the farmers' militant mood when she advised them to raise "less corn and more hell." (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

Japan, Germany, Germany

America's initial shocking anger about Pearl Harbor were directed at Japan. Outraged Americans demanded a strategy designed to 1st defeat ___________ and then crush Hitler. However, Roosevelt realized that ___________ posed the greatest threat to America's long-term security. If Hitler succeeded in defeating both the Soviet Union and Great Britain, he could transform Europe into an unconquerable fortress. The U.S. and Great Britain therefore agreed upon a military strategy to defeat ___________ first. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

McGuffey Readers

America's public school children learn about literature from a series of graded textbooks called _______________. Also called Eclectic Readers, the books included stories illustrating the virtues of patriotism, hard work, and honesty. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

industrial, transportation, communication

America's railroad network increased from 35,000 miles in 1865 to 193,000 miles in 1900. Railroad construction stimulated ___________ growth by consuming vast quantities of iron, steel, coal, and lumber. The railroads played a key role in creating an interconnected national ___________ and ___________ network. This golden age of railroads would be a key characteristic of the new industrial era. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Battle of Saratoga

American forces led by Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold Ford in the British plan by forcing Burr going to surrender 5500 man at the _____________. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

Americans, markets, materials

As an ever-growing stream of sewing machines, reapers, textiles, and household goods poured out of the nation's factories, business leaders worried that they were producing more products than ___________ could buy. Many corporate executives looked to Latin America, Asia, and the Pacific for new ___________ and new sources of raw ___________. This contributed to American imperialism in the 1890s. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Mayflower Compact

An agreement signed by 41 Pilgrim men pledging to combine "ourselves together into a civil body politic." Their decision to make political decisions based upon the will of the people established an important precedent for self-government in the British colonies. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

Television, Lyndon B. Johnson

An assassin shot and killed President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. The tragic news flashed instantly across the nation and then around the world. ___________ became what one reporter called the "window on the world." Shocked viewers saw a somber Vice President ___________ take the oath of office on the Presidential plane as a grief-stricken Jacqueline Kennedy stood by his side. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Theodore Roosevelt

An assassin's bullet took President McKinley's life just 6 months after his 2nd inauguration. At age 42, ___________ became the youngest president in American history. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)


An eighteenth-century philosophical movement which emphasized that reason could be used to improve the human condition. Thomas Jefferson was a leading thinker in America for this movement. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

War Hawks

Angered by the British practice of impressing American seamen into the Royal Navy, this group in Congress demanded war. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

large, rates

Angry and desperate farmers blamed the railroads for many of their problems, such as crop prices. Railroads made ___________-scale agriculture possible by transporting corn, wheat, and cattle to cities and then shipping heavy machinery and supplies to the farms. Most farmers were thus completely dependent upon the railroads. Farmers bitterly complained that the railroads used their monopoly to charge unfair ___________. For example, the Burlington line charged its customers west of the Missouri River 4 times what they charged customers east of the river. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)


Another word to describe native peoples. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

18th Amendment

As the crusade against alcohol gathered momentum, more and more states outlawed saloons. In 1918, Congress passed this amendment outlawing the manufacture, sale, and transportation of intoxicating liquors. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Electoral College, state legislators

Anti-Federalists believe the proposed Constitution gives too much power to the President and the Senate. Both are too removed from the people since the president is chosen by the _____________ and senators are chosen by _____________. The Senate will become an aristocratic body that will thwart the will of the more democratic House of Representatives. (The Ratification Debate)

slavery, slavery

Apprehensive Southern leaders warned that the Wilmot Proviso marked the beginning of a long postponed attack on _______________. Determined to defend their "peculiar institution," they denounced any attempt to restrict the expansion of _______________. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

unemployment, funding, Roosevelt Recession, unemployment

As 1937 opened, Roosevelt optimistically pointed to several promising indicators of economic success. ___________ fell to 14% and industrial output returned to pre-Crash levels. Confident that the economic crisis was receding, FDR reduced ___________ for New Deal programs. These cuts triggered a sudden economic downturn known as the "___________" of 1937-1938. Without the stimulus of federal spending, ___________ jumped to 19%. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

cities, Vietnam

As 1968 began, President Johnson faced a swirling maelstrom of pressing problems. Angry blacks demanded new programs to help the inner ___________. Frustrated students protested the seemingly endless war in ___________. Exasperated middle Americans demanded law and order at home and peace with honor in Vietnam. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Baker v. Carr

As America became more organized, the population shifted from rural areas to cities. However, rural counties continued to be over-represented in state legislatures, while urban counties were greatly under-represented. As a result, in all but 6 states, less than 40% of the population could elect a majority of the state legislature. In this Supreme Court case, the Supreme Court ordered state legislators to create legislative districts with roughly equal populations. The Court later extended this "one man, one vote" rule to congressional districts. This Supreme Court was led by Chief Justice Earl Warren. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Henry Clay

As Speaker of the House, this man occupied a unique position of power during the election of 1824. Although he had been defeated in his run for president, he could use his position to influence the choice for the next president. He despised Jackson as a "military chieftain" who was unfit for office. Although he was not personally close to John Quincy Adams, the two men were both nationalists and strong supporters of the American System. His influence prevailed and Adams won the presidency. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

Soviet Union

As World War II ended, United States hoped for a new period of cooperation with the ___________. "We really believed," recalled one presidential advisor, "that this was the dawn of the new day we had all been praying for." Yet within a short time this optimism vanished as the two former allies became bitter rivals. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Andrew Jackson

As a self-made soldier, politician, and planter, this man believed that the average American could quickly master most government jobs. "Every man is as good as his neighbor," he confidently declared. He enthusiastically supported a "spoil system" by rewarding loyal party workers with government jobs. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

urban, rural-urban, tariffs

As expected, industrialists and the middle class solidly endorsed McKinley. However, McKinley surprised Bryan by also winning a majority of votes from ___________ workers. Despite the pro-labor planks in their platform, the Democrats were unable to build a ___________ coalition. Bryan's obsession with the silver issue diverted attention from labor's traditional focus on wages, hours, and working conditions. Many labor leaders feared that free silver would inflate the value of the dollar and thus shrink the real value of their wages. Industrial workers also approved the Republican support for high ___________. They believed they would protect American industries and thus save working-class jobs. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

Richard Nixon

As expected, this man was nominated by the Republicans for the 1960 presidential election (he had been Vice-President). The veteran politician quickly became the front-runner as he promised to continue Eisenhower's popular policies. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Black Power

As explained by Stokely Carmichael, this meant that blacks should control their own communities by developing black-owned businesses and electing black representatives. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

wages, strike

As prices rose after World War II, Labor leaders demanded higher ___________. When management refused, the unions went out on ___________. In 1946, there were a record 5,000 strikes, involving 4.7 million workers. For a time, walkouts by coal miners and railroad workers threatened to paralyze the economy. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

republic, monarchy

As resistance to British taxes and regulations intensified, colonial leaders became more and more convinced that a _____________ is preferable to a _____________ because it would establish a small, limited government that is responsible to the people. Colonists wanted to replace the British aristocracy with American leaders elected for their superior talent, wisdom, and integrity. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

American Railway, American Railway

As tensions mounted and negotiations failed between the Pullman Palace Car Company and its workers over cut wages, many workers joined the ___________ Union led by Eugene Debs. Fearing that they had no alternative, desperate Pullman workers walked off their jobs. The ___________ Union then staged a nationwide boycott of Pullman cars. Because most railroad companies used Pullman cars, rail traffic grounded to a halt in Chicago and across 27 States and territories. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Henry Clay

As tensions mounted during the Nullification Crisis, _______________ proposed a new compromise tariff that would gradually reduce duties over the next 10 years. The compromise worked and South Carolina rescinded its nullification ordinance. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)


As the 1700s ended, the religious fervor ignited by the First Great Awakening seemed to _______________. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

Farmers' Alliance (National Farmers' Alliance and Colored Farmers National Alliance)

As the Grange lost members, a new organization grew in size and importance. Founded in Texas in the mid-1870s, this group quickly spread through the Southern and Plains' States. By 1891, this movement boasted over 1.5 million members. A separate group for black farmers had another quarter-million members. This movement sponsored an ambitious program of economic and political reforms. As a "grand army of reform," it welcomed women members. Many women embraced this opportunity and assumed key leadership roles. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

trade, credit

As the South devoted more and more resources to growing cotton, the region lagged behind the North in _______________ and manufacturing. Southern cotton was primarily exported in Northern vessels. While Northern factories produced manufactured goods at an ever-increasing rate, Southern farmers purchased finished goods under a _______________ system that kept them in debt. (The Old South, 1815-1860)

New Mexico

As the Spanish slowly expanded Northward they established permanent settlements in this location. By 1630, 3,000 Spaniards lived here. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)


As the air war escalated in Vietnam, the ___________ war became even more violent. By the end of 1967, almost 500,000 American soldiers guarded South Vietnam cities and patrolled its rice patties. Search-and-destroy missions killed over 200,000 enemy soldiers and left 1/4 of the people in South Vietnam homeless. Almost 16,000 American soldiers lost their lives between 1965 and 1967. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

money, Old Light,

As the colonies prospered more and more, people became preoccupied earning and spending _____________. By the 1730s, many ministers worried about a growing sense of religious decline. "_____________" Puritan ministers continued to deliver long intellectual sermons emphasizing elaborate theological doctrines. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

Great Society, Great Society

As the situation in Vietnam worsened and his popularity plummeted, President Johnson felt increasingly bitter and isolated. The cost of the Vietnam War was undermining his ___________ programs. In 1968, the United States spent $322,000 to kill each Communist soldier, while ___________ programs received just $53 for each person being helped. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Black Panthers

As the war in Vietnam escalated, the Black Power movement became angrier and more militant. Carmichael moved to Oakland, California, where he joined Huey Newton and Eldridge Cleaver and their party. As the opposite of King's nonviolent marchers, they captured the imagination of inner-city black youths while alarming the general public. What was the name of this Black Power group? (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

New World

Aside from the Adam Onis Treaty, Spain's losses were not confined to Florida. Spain lost almost an entire _______________ Empire between 1808 and 1822 as Chile, Peru, Colombia, and Mexico all successfully waged wars of liberation. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)


Aside from the use of Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, and literacy tests to discriminate, white racists also used this to terrorize blacks and enforce white supremacy. It is the practice of executing a person without a legal trial. During the peak years from 1889 to 1909, more than 1,700 African Americans were subjected to this in the South. (The New South, 1877-1900)

crash, crash

At first, the Wall Street ___________ in late October of 1929 appeared to have only hurt the 4 million investors who owned stock. United States's vast industrial and agricultural resources were physically unhurt. There seemed to be no reason for prosperity to end. President Hoover tried to reassure the nervous public by confidently predicting, "The crisis will be over in 60 days." But Hoover was wrong. The Wall Street ___________ dealt a severe blow to investors and to banks. It also revealed and intensified serious economic weaknesses in the US economy. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

decline, renewal

At noon on January 20, 1981, Ronald Reagan placed his left hand on a family Bible and solemnly swore to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." As howitzers sounded a 21-gun salute, the new president turned to face the huge crowd gathered at the West Front of the Capitol. Reagan acknowledged that the nation faced serious economic problems. But, he also rejected the idea that America faced "an inevitable ___________." Instead, the new President confidently called upon America to "begin an era of national ___________." (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

Republic, Berlin airlift

At the end of World War II, the Allies divided Germany into 4 separate zones. The city of Berlin, lying 110 miles inside the Soviet zone, was also divided among the Allies. In June 1948, the United States, Great Britain, and France agreed to merge their 3 occupation zones into a new German ___________. Stalin reacted quickly to this plan. On June 24th, 1948, the Soviets suddenly cut off all highway and railroad traffic into West Berlin. The 2.2 million people living in West Berlin had coal supplies for 45 days and enough food for just 36 days. This would lead to the ___________. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

indentured servants, gentry, slaves, peculiar institution

Bacon's Rebellion exposed tensions between poor former _____________ and the wealthy tidewater _____________. It also persuaded planters to replace troublesome indentured servants with _____________ imported from Africa. It thus formed a key link in the chain of events that led planters to begin what a later generation would call the South's "_____________". (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

National Banking Act of 1863

Banking policies had been a source of contention since the formation of the First National Bank in 1791. The rising cost of financing the Civil War highlighted the urgent need for a national currency and an orderly banking system. Under this act, a national banking system to provide a uniform national currency was established. No additional important changes were made in the nation's banking system until the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

southern, eastern

Before the 1880s, most immigrants to the United States came from countries in northern and western Europe. However, the last 2 decades of the 1800s witnessed a massive wave of immigrants from ___________ and ___________ Europe. The overwhelming majority of these new immigrants came from Italy, Poland, Austro-Hungary, and Russia. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

water, electrical, population

Before the Civil War, factories were dependent upon ___________ for their power. As a result, they were usually built in towns near swift rivers and waterfalls. However, in the late 1800s, factories increasingly used steam and then ___________ power. Factory owners could now build their plants near growing centers of ___________. (Urban America, 1865-1900)


Before the Erie Canal, farmers and merchants in the Old Northwest lacked efficient and inexpensive access to the markets along the _______________ coast. For example, farmers surrounding Pittsburgh were forced to use the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to send their products to New Orleans and from there to cities on the east coast. (The Transportation and Market Revolutions, 1815-1860)


Before the War of 1812, the United States tried to avoid war with Great Britain and France by following a policy of _______________. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)


Between 1865 and 1897, America was a continental republic focused on Reconstruction, industrial development, and settling the West. However, this concept gained support in the United States in the late 1890s. It is a policy of extending a nation's power through military conquest, economic domination, or annexation. Advocates of it argued that the United States had to play a more aggressive role in world affairs. They pointed out that American industry needed new foreign markets and sources of raw materials in order to expand. Unlike Manifest Destiny, it included the idea of moral improvement by bringing the blessings of civilization to less technologically advanced peoples. Often called "The White Man's Burden," this idea justified a new national mission to "elevate backward peoples." (Making Key Comparisons, 1866-1919)

personal, 1/3

Between 1869 and 1899, the value of American manufactures increased by 600%. America's booming economy produced unprecedented ___________ fortunes. The new millionaires filled their mansions with fine furniture and precious works of art. By 1900, the richest 2% of American households owned over ___________ of the nation's physical wealth. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

urban, 1920

Between 1870 and 1920, ___________ centers assumed a dominant role in American life and culture. Just after the Civil War, only 1 in 6 Americans lived in a city. By 1900, 1 in 3 Americans made their homes in cities. By ___________, a majority of the population moved in urban areas. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

collapse, unemployment, Poverty

Between 1929 and 1932, all the major economic indicators documented the same devastating story of economic ___________ that marked the beginning of the Great Depression. By 1932, investors lost $74 billion as stocks lost 89% of their value. During these 3 years, 86,000 businesses closed their doors and 9,000 banks declared bankruptcy, wiping out 9 million savings accounts. The burden of hard times fell most heavily on those least able to afford it. ___________ rose from just 3.2% in 1929 to a staggering 24.9% in 1932. ___________ soon became a way of life for 1/4 of the population. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

native, Red

Between 1968 and 1975, Native American activists demanded that the government reform its policies toward ___________ peoples. For example, young "___________ Power" advocates called upon the federal government to recognize the validity of tribal laws on Indian reservations. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

1607, 1676, Virginia, Maryland

Between _____________ and _____________, indentured servants comprised the chief source of agricultural labor in the Chesapeake colonies of _____________ and _____________. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

minority, majority, Democrats, Republicans

Bleeding Kansas soon found itself with two governments. One supported slavery but rested upon a small _______________ of the population. The other government opposed slavery and represented the _______________ opinion in the embattled territory. The _______________ accepted the pro-slavery government and committed their party to the admission of Kansas as a slave state. In contrast, the _______________ opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act and supported the anti-slavery forces in Kansas. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

political, economic

Both Teddy Roosevelt's Big Stick Diplomacy and Taft's Dollar Diplomacy promoted America's twin goals of achieving ___________ dominance and ___________ advantage in Latin America. During the 1920s, however, the 3 Republican administrations began the process of withdrawing American marines from the Caribbean and Central America. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

impeached, convicted

Both presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were ___________ by the House but not ___________ by the Senate. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

welfare, poverty, spending, housing, elderly, employment

Both the Great Society and the New Deal used the federal government to promote social ___________, fight ___________, and solve social problems. Both programs led to an increase in federal ___________ for social services. And finally, both the Great Society and the New Deal supported the arts, encouraged ___________ construction, helped the ___________, and instituted government-sponsored ___________ programs. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

court-packing, independence, powers, conservatives

Both the public and members of Congress opposed Roosevelt's "___________" bill as a violation of judicial ___________ and the separation of ___________. Although the Democrats enjoyed large majorities in both houses, Congress refused to approve the Court Reform Bill. The rejection marked Roosevelt's first major legislative defeat. Aroused ___________ in both parties made it difficult for Roosevelt to pass additional New Deal reforms. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

national debt, 10,000

Britain's _____________ doubled as a result of the French and Indian War. In addition, Britain needed to raise funds to support _____________ troops stationed in North America for defense against Indian troubles and a possible resurgence of French agitation. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Boston Massacre

British authorities viewed Boston is a hotbed of discontent. London dispatched troops to Boston to protect nervous Customs Commissioners. Tension between the townspeople and crimson-coated regulars escalated. On the night of March 5th, 1770, a rowdy group of hecklers taunted a squad of British soldiers outside the Boston Customs house. A provoked soldier fired into the crowd and when the smoke cleared, 5 townspeople lay on the ground dead or dying. What was this event called? (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

underestimated, strategy, George Washington

British commanders _____________ the fighting ability of American soldiers. They also failed to implement a coordinated military _____________. America's vast size enabled commanders to fight a defensive war. Led by _____________, America's military commanders prove to be resourceful and resilient. (Revolutionary War) (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

Clayton Antitrust Act

Buoyed by his tariff and banking reforms, Wilson focused on trusts at last. Wilson passed this act in 1914 to strengthen the Sherman Antitrust Act by prohibiting price discrimination and forbidding interlocking directorates between large companies. It specifically exempted labor unions from antitrust prosecution. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

4, 2

By 1860, there were _______________ million black slaves in the South. At that time, Southern planters had invested $_______________ billion of their capital into slaves. (The Old South, 1815-1860)

new cult of domesticity

By 1960, nearly 3/4 of all women between the ages of 20 and 24 were married. The soaring marriage and birth rates encouraged a return to traditional gender roles in which men were breadwinners and women were housewives. What did this become known as? (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

disenfranchised, racial

By the beginning of the 20th century, Southern states successfully enacted laws which effectively ___________ most black voters. Progressive reform legislation was least concerned with fighting ___________ discrimination. President Taft reflected the depth of white prejudice when he applauded Southern laws as necessary "to prevent entirely the impossibility of domination by ... an ignorant electorate." (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Cotton is King

By the development of the vast cotton belt in 1860, proud Southern planters were confidently boasting that "_______________." (The Old South, 1815-1860)

Mexican Americans, authorities

By the late 1930s, about 3 million Mexican Americans lived in the United States. Los Angeles had the highest concentration of Mexicans outside of Mexico. The population influx created rising tension between ___________ and local ___________. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

National Origins

By the mid-1920s, membership in the KKK swelled to as many as 4 million people. However, passage of the ___________ Act removed the KKK's most popular issue. Divided by recurring leadership quarrels, the KKK once again became a marginal group on the periphery of American society. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

Teapot Dome, conservative

Calvin Coolidge moved quickly to remove everyone involved in the ___________ scandal. After winning the 1924 election, he asserted that "the business of America is business." He retained Mellon as Secretary of Treasury and supported his ___________ economic policies. The popular Coolidge could have easily won the Republican nomination for a second full term. However, the taciturn president unexpectedly announced, "I do not choose to run." (The New Era, 1919-1929)


Calvinists who believed that men and women are by nature sinful. They also believe in the doctrine of predestination. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

good, libraries

Carnegie practiced what he preached in "The Gospel of Wealth." After selling his huge steel and iron holdings to J.P. Morgan for $500 million, Carnegie devoted the rest of his life to promoting the public ___________. His munificent grants supported parks, hospitals, concert halls, and especially public ___________. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

execute, rescue

Carter refused to surrender the Shah in the Iran hostage crisis. The Iranians then paraded the blindfolded hostages before enormous crowds and repeatedly threatened to ___________ them. Carter authorized a secret ___________ mission, which ended in a humiliating failure when rescue helicopters malfunctioned in the desert south of Tehran. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

The Great Railroad Strike of 1877

Caused by the Panic of 1873 and the following wage cuts by railroads, this strike was the first major interstate strike in American history. Walkouts and sympathy demonstrations quickly formed as the strike spread from Maryland to California. Looters and rioters destroyed millions of dollars of property. State militia and federal troops called out by President Hayes finally crushed the strikes. Over 100 workers died before the troops finally restored order. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

indentured servants, slaves, 1600s

Chesapeake Bay Planters initially used _____________ imported from England to cultivate tobacco. The planters began to replace them with _____________ imported from Africa in the late _____________. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

Alexander Hamilton, federal

Clay's American System is similar to _______________'s economic vision. Both programs favored a strong _______________ government that promoted commercial and economic growth. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

free, Utah, New Mexico, Washington, D.C., Fugitive Slave

Clay's proposals for the Compromise of 1850 included the key following points: -The immediate admission of California as a _______________ state. -The organization of territorial governments in _______________ and _______________ without an immediate decision as to whether they would be free or slave. -The abolition of the domestic slave trade in _______________. -The enactment of a very strict new _______________ Act. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

arms, Lebanon, embargo

Colonel Oliver North and other senior administration officials devised an "arms for hostages plan." Their plan called on the United States to sell ___________ to Iran. The Iranians would then use their influence to help free American hostages held in ___________. The secret plan ignored the fact that America had an official trade ___________ with Iran. This would lead to the Iran-Contra Affair in the mid-1980s. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

Lost Generation, Harlem, Beat Generation, social

Comparing literary developments in the 1920s with the 1950s: -The 1920s were a period of prosperity as mass-produced consumer goods, radio, and advertising reshaped American culture. The ___________ was a group of writers disillusioned with this mass culture, criticizing middle-class materialism and conformity. Another group of writers were part of the ___________ Renaissance, outpouring black literary and artistic creativity. - the 1950s witnessed a period of sustained prosperity, rapid suburbanization, and a return of the cult of domesticity. The ___________ was a group of writers and poets rejecting middle-class culture conformity. A second group of ___________ commentators also criticized the conformity of American life. The superficial suburban lifestyle and the culture of stifling conformity created by corporations was rejected. (Making Key Comparisons, 1920-2000)

joint stock-companies

Companies formed by English merchants to maximize profits and minimize risk. Investors share the profits and losses in proportion to the amount they invest. This produced the required amount of capital needed to found overseas colonies. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

purchasing, installment, spending, consumption

Companies in the Roaring Twenties used advertisements to promote a new array of ___________ techniques. Instead of waiting until they could afford a product, consumers could now use ___________ plans to "buy now and pay later." As a result, the old values of thrift and saving gave way to a new culture that emphasized ___________ and ___________. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

tribal, Little Rock

Comparing Andrew Jackson and Worcester v. Georgia with Dwight Eisenhower and Brown v. Board of Education: -President Andrew Jackson refused to enforce Worcester v. Georgia's court order stating to leave ___________ lands outside of state jurisdictions. -President Dwight Eisenhower enforced the decision in Brown v. Board of Education to integrate schools when he sent federal troops to ___________, Arkansas, despite him having disagreements with the civil rights movement. (Making Key Comparisons, 1920-2000)

solidarity, disobedience, conscience

Comparing Marcus Garvey with Martin Luther King, Jr.: - Marcus Garvey championed black separatism and pan-Africanism. He stressed black ___________, believing that they could not achieve black equality. -Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted peaceful integration of all races in all areas of American society. He used nonviolent civil ___________. He recognized the importance of building a nationwide alliance or "coalition of ___________." (Making Key Comparisons, 1920-2000)

Hamilton, Jefferson

Congress passed the bank bill over Madison's objections. Before signing the bill into law, Washington asked _____________ and _____________ to compose written opinions on the constitutionality of the bank bill. His request sparked America's first debate on constitutional interpretation: should there be a strict or broad interpretation of the Constitution? (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

containment, United Nations, Asia, integrated

Comparing the Korean War with the Vietnam War: -The Korean War began when North Korea invaded South Korea on June 25, 1950. It was seen as a test of ___________. It marked the first use of collective military action by the ___________. It extended America's containment policy to ___________. It became a prolonged stalemate that frustrated American people and led to the rise of Senator McCarthy and the election of Dwight Eisenhower. The Korean War marked the first time that American forces fought in ___________ units. (Making Key Comparisons, 1920-2000)

domino, Tonkin Gulf, hawks, doves, Great Society, Tet, Vietnamization, Saigon

Comparing the Korean War with the Vietnam War: -The Vietnam War had been preceded by French-Vietnamese colonial disputes that led to Communist North and French South Vietnams. The French defeat forced President Eisenhower to support South Vietnam. He believed in the ___________ theory. Both President Kennedy and Johnson were determined to meet the challenge in Vietnam. The ___________ Resolution gave President Johnson a "blank check" to escalate the Vietnam War. The United Nations was uninvolved in the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War polarized America into ___________ and ___________. The cost of the war undermined ___________ programs and eroded Johnson's popularity. The ___________ Offensive was a bad turning point. Lyndon Johnson announced he would not run for reelection. President Nixon announced a policy called ___________. The fall of ___________ resulted in a defeat for the U.S. policy of containment. (Making Key Comparisons, 1920-2000)

crisis, deficit, Social Security, prosperity, Poverty, Medicaid, Medicare, preschool, Vietnam

Comparing the New Deal with the Great Society: -The New Deal was a response to an economic ___________. It used ___________ spending for public works projects to revive the economy. It created ___________. There was no major civil rights legislation. It was partially successful. -The Great Society was enacted during a period of economic ___________. It launch a War on ___________. It extended Social Security with the ___________ and ___________ programs. It included ___________ education for disadvantaged children. It included landmark civil rights legislation. It was undermined by government spending during the ___________ War. (Making Key Comparisons, 1920-2000)

Compromise of 1877

Congress created an electoral commission to determine which candidate would receive the disputed electoral votes in the 1876 presidential election. As tensions mounted, Democrats and Republican leaders reached an agreement. The Democrats agreed to support Hayes. In return, Hayes and the Republicans agreed to withdraw all federal troops from the South, appoint at least one Southerner to a cabinet post, and support internal improvements in the South. This ended Reconstruction. the Republican governments in Louisiana and South Carolina quickly collapsed as southern Democrats proclaimed a return to "home rule" and white supremacy. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

compulsory, manufactured

Congress did NOT pass legislation to abolish segregation, make high school education ___________, or grant subsidies to encourage the export of ___________ goods during the Civil War when it was dominated by Republicans. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

antagonism, Chicago

Congress finally passed Douglas's Kansas-Nebraska Act after a divisive debate that sharpened _______________ between the North and the South. Stephen Douglas was indifferent to the moral issues raised by slavery. His primary interest was to secure Southern support for a transcontinental railroad terminus in _______________. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

Greece, Turkey

Congress overwhelmingly approved Truman's request. The aid requested in the Truman Doctrine played a vital role in helping ___________ and ___________ successfully confront the Communist threat. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

-Meat Inspection Act -Pure Food and Drug Act

Congress promptly passed these 2 laws when federal agents confirmed "The Jungle"'s charges and an indignant public demanded action. These laws set new federal standards for food and drugs destined for interstate commerce. List the 2 laws: (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

National Origins Act

Congress responded to the nativist push for the restrictive immigration measures by passing this act in 1924. The law limited annual immigration to 2% of a country's population in the United States at the time of the 1890 census. Since the new immigration began in 1890, the quotas favored immigration for Northern and Western Europe while sharply curtailing the flow of newcomers from Southern and Eastern Europe. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

Reconstruction, political

Congress technically impeached President Johnson for violating the Tenure of Office act. In reality, The Radical Republicans opposed Johnson for obstructing Radical ___________. Johnson's acquittal set a precedent that presidents should not be impeached solely on ___________ grounds. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Congress took vigorous actions to respond to the Sputnik crisis. In July 1958, Congress created this program to compete with the Soviet space program. Within a year, the program named seven men America's first astronauts. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Taft-Hartley Act

Conservative Democrats and Republicans argued that the wave of strikes demonstrated that unions were abusing their power and endangering national security. In June 1947, Congress enacted this act over President Truman's veto. The act contained a number of provisions designed to curb the power of labor unions. It authorized the federal government to issue an 80-day injunction against a strike that would endanger the "national health or safety." It also prohibited direct union contributions to political campaigns and required union leaders to file affidavits that they were not Communists. An especially controversial provision permitted states to enact right-to-work laws that made it possible for a worker to hold a job without being required to join a union. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Panama Canal

Construction of the structure began in 1904. A workforce of about 30,000 laborers completed the 51 mile-long long "Big Ditch" in just 10 years. When it opened in 1914, it gave the United States a commanding position in the Western Hemisphere. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

cotton gin, crop

Cotton irreversibly altered the South's attitude towards slavery. Prior to the invention of the _______________, thoughtful southerners regarded slavery as a necessary evil that would gradually being phased out. However, as the South became committed to a one-_______________ cotton economy, it also became committed to slavery. Of the 2.5 million slaves engaged in agriculture in 1850, 75% worked in cotton production. (The Old South, 1815-1860)

detention, Spanish-American

Cuban rebels waged a guerrilla war against Spanish rule. The Spanish Commander Valeriano Weyler herded Cubans into ___________ centers in a brutal attempt to suppress the rebellion. American media's coverage of this would lead to public outrage. this was one cause of the ___________ War. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Trail of Tears

Defying Worcester v. Georgia, Jackson pushed forward his policy of removing the remaining Eastern tribes west of the Mississippi. In 1838, he used the U.S. Army to forcibly remove about 17,000 Cherokees from their ancestral lands and march them on an 800-mile journey to the Indian Territory. About 1/4 of the Cherokees died from disease and exhaustion. What was the name of this journey? (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)


Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri were all slaveholding ___________ states that remained in the Union. They provided important industrial and agricultural resources that benefited the Union. Maryland was a border state that did NOT secede from the Union. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

potato, the Irish immigration

Desperate living conditions in Ireland made mass immigration inevitable. Most rural Irish were very poor tenant farmers who subsisted on a diet that depended on the _______________. Beginning in 1845, a blight destroyed three successive potato crops. A million people died from starvation and disease while another 1.7 million immigrated to the United States. The Potato Famine led to _______________. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)


Despite American farmers' success in feeding the soaring population, the law of supply and demand worked against the farmers. The more wheat, corn, and cotton they produced, the lower ___________ fell. For example, the price of a bushel of wheat plummeted from $1.19 in 1881 to $0.49 in 1894. Cotton that sold for 15.1 cents a pound in 1870 commanded only 5.8 cents a pound in 1894. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

spending, Soviet, borrow, debtor

Despite its achievements, Reaganomics also produced troubling long-term problems. Despite deep cuts in Social programs, federal ___________ continued to escalate as the defense budget soared to counter the perceived ___________ threat. Because of Reagan's massive tax cuts, the government took in less money and had to ___________ heavily to pay its bills. From George Washington to Jimmy Carter, the United States had accumulated $1.1 trillion in national debt. Under Reagan, the United States added $1.8 trillion in debt. Once the world's biggest lender, the United States had become its largest ___________. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

arsenal of democracy, Lend-Lease

Despite the American aid, the British faced an increasingly dire need for food and war materials. Roosevelt recognized that America's national interests demanded that it help Britain in its fight against Hitler. In a fireside chat on December 29th, 1940, FDR explained that America must become an "___________" by providing or supplies to Great Britain. He then asked Congress to approve a ___________ Act allowing him to send war materials to any country whose defense he considered vital to the United States. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

college, Settlement houses, temperance, vote

Despite the obstacles to women, a new generation of ___________-educated women play a prominent role in the Progressive movement. ___________ often founded by activist women pressed federal, state, and local politicians for better working and living conditions in urban areas. At the same time, women's clubs waged effective campaigns for ___________ and the right to ___________. The boldest of the "new women" declared their right to live independent lives and enjoy legal equality with men. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Jay's Treaty

Determined to avoid war with Great Britain in the 1790s, Washington send Chief Justice John Jay to London with orders to negotiate a treaty resolving the issues dividing the 2 countries. Jay brought back a treaty in which British promised to evacuate the Northwest forts and pay damages for seized American ships. However, they refused to renounce their right to make future seizures. Jay also agreed that the United States would pay the debts owed to British merchants on pre-Revolution accounts. What was this treaty, established in 1794? (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Dust Bowl

Disaster struck without warning or mercy in the Great Plains. Great black clouds of dust darkened the sky and covered home and barns. "The storms were like rolling black smoke," reported one awestruck Texas schoolboy. "We had to keep the lights on all day. We went to school with headlights on and with dust masks on." Large areas of Kansas, the Texas panhandle, Oklahoma, and Eastern Colorado became known by this name. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

prospectors, Mexican, Chinese

Discoveries of gold and silver sparked a frenetic rush of ___________ to mines scattered across the Rocky and Sierra Mountains. For example, the Comstock Lode near Virginia City, Utah, yielded deposits of gold and silver worth more than $300 million. Mining camps included a diverse group of white, black, American-Indian, ___________, and ___________ miners. (The West, 1865-1900)

Rutherford B. Hayes, Samuel Tilden, Samuel Tilden

Disillusioned voters looked to the 1876 presidential election for a return to honest government. The Republicans nominated ___________, an Ohio governor untarnished by the scandals of the Grant administration. The Democrats countered by nominating ___________, a New York governor who earned a reputation as a reformer by battling Boss Tweed. ___________ won a convincing victory in the popular vote and 184 of the 185 votes needed for election. However, both parties claimed 19 disputed electoral votes in Florida, Louisiana, South Carolina, and one in Oregon. The Compromise of 1877 solved this problem. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

cotton, soil, sharecropping, cotton

Displaying important progress, Henry Grady's dream of a diversified Southern economy remained elusive. The South economic future continued to be closely tied to ___________. The crop depleted the ___________, used an inefficient ___________ system, and tied the entire region's economy to unpredictable and often falling ___________ prices. (The New South, 1877-1900)


Due to its vast colonial territory, this imperial power confined the British to territory east of the Appalachians. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

blacks, A. Philip Randolph, executive order

During World War II, over 1 million Southern ___________ moved to industrial cities in the North and West Coast. However, war industries continued to discriminate against black workers. In 1941, ___________, the head of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, organized a March on Washington Movement to protest discrimination. Roosevelt wanted to prevent a highly visible and divisive protest march. Supported by Eleanor Roosevelt, he issued an ___________ banning discrimination in defense industries and government agencies. The order established the Fair Employment Practices Commission to monitor and enforce the presidential directive. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Roman Catholic, Rome

During his campaign for President, John F. Kennedy forcefully dealt with the religious issue of being a ___________ in a speech to a group of Protestant ministers in Houston. He firmly rejected the belief that a Catholic President would have divided loyalties between America and ___________. "I am not the Catholic candidate for President," Kennedy reminded his audience. "I am the Democratic Party's candidate for president, who happens also to be a Catholic." (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

age, televised, Frontier

During his campaign for presidency, John F. Kennedy dispelled lingering doubts about his ___________ during a first-ever series of nationally ___________ presidential debates. While Nixon appeared tense and tired, Kennedy radiated confidence and poise. He impressed viewers with his crisp fact-filled answers and inspiring pledge to lead America into a "New ___________." (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)


During his inaugural address, President Kennedy pledged that the United States would "pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship ... to ensure the survival and the success of liberty." At the time that he made this pledge, there were about 900 American military advisors in ___________ Vietnam. No advisor had yet died in combat. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

single women

During the 1700s, _____________ in the British North American colonies had the legal right to own property. However, they could not vote, hold political office, serve on juries, or become ministers. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

Rocky, 4

During the 1820s, many Americans thought the boundaries of the United States would not go beyond the _______________ Mountains. However, the quest for land, opportunity, and adventure excited a new generation eager to explore and settle the western frontier. By 1860, over _______________ million people lived west of the Mississippi River. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

abolition, subordinate, Seneca Falls

During the 1830s and 1840s, many women dedicated themselves to working for the abolition of slavery. Led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, a small but determined group of feminists realized that they were also the victims of injustice. The _______________ movement thus helped inspire a demand for equal rights for women. Stanton and Mott questioned the prevailing idea that women should be _______________ to men. This led to the _______________ Convention. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

Southern, Republicans

During the 1840s and 1850s, ___________ congressmen consistently blocked tariff, railroad, banking, and land policies favored by the North and West. The secession of the Southern states enabled the ___________ to dominate Congress. They promptly passed a series of landmark acts with far-reaching social and economic consequences. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)


During the 1890s and early 1900s, a new generation of reform mayors ousted machine ___________ and began the process of cleaning up their cities. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

prosperity, automobiles, energy, manufactured

During the 1950s, Americans enjoyed a period of unprecedented ___________. The gross national product soared from $200 billion in 1945 to $500 billion in 1960. With just 6% of the world's population, Americans drove 75% of the world's ___________, consumed half of its ___________, and produced almost half of its ___________ products. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

cowboys, cow towns, Chisholm

During the 20 years after the Civil War, ___________ herded cattle on long drives from Texas to "___________" in Kansas. For example, the ___________ Trail was used to drive cattle from San Antonio, Texas, to a railhead in Abilene, Kansas. (The West, 1865-1900)

Army, Pullman

During the Anthracite Coal Strike, Teddy Roosevelt invited both management and labor to the White House. When the owners refused to negotiate, Theodore Roosevelt threatened to order the ___________ to seize and operate the coal mines. Stunned by Roosevelt's unprecedented threat, the owners reluctantly accepted federal arbitration. Roosevelt's actions went against the precedent set by Grover Cleveland during the ___________ Strike. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

local, distant

During the Era of Good Feelings, most Americans bought goods from friends and neighbors in a _______________ economy. However, the new network of roads, canals, and rail lines enabled people to buy and sell goods with consumers in _______________ markets, caused by the Market Revolution and Transportation Revolution. (The Transportation and Market Revolutions, 1815-1860)

Ho Chi Minh

During the late 1800s, France conquered first Vietnam and then all of Indochina. By the 1930s, Vietnam produced all of France's raw rubber and much of its imported rice. The Nazi occupation of France in 1940 enabled the Japanese to seize control of French Indochina. Following the Japanese defeat in World War II, Communist forces led by ___________ declared Vietnam an independent country. The French, however, refused to accept the loss of their valuable colony. They soon became entangled in a costly war with Vietnam guerrilla forces. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

vote, office, jury

During the beginning of the United States, married women had no legal identity apart from their husbands. They could not _____________, hold a political _____________, or serve on a _____________. (The Constitution)

new deal, funding, Roosevelt

During the campaign in the election of 1932, Roosevelt remained deliberately vague about the details of the "___________." Despite the lack of a real debate on the issues, Hoover and Roosevelt did strongly disagree on the desirability of ___________ a massive program of public works to relieve unemployment. Unlike Hoover, Roosevelt believed government had a responsibility to take aggressive actions to fight the Great Depression. Americans understood that voting for Roosevelt meant endorsing a change in federal policy. ___________ won an overwhelming victory, winning 57% of the vote while carrying 42 of the nation's 48 states. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Mexican, African

During the during the peak years of the 1870s, as many as 40,000 cowboys roamed the Great Plains. About 1/3 of the cowboys were ___________ and ___________-Americans. (The West, 1865-1900)

positive good, inferior, economy, life

During the early 1830s, slaveholders in the South worked out a systematic pro-slavery argument to justify their "peculiar institution." First expressed by John C. Calhoun, the "_______________" argument dominated Southern thought until the Civil War. Pro-slavery advocates insisted that citations in the Bible condoned slavery. They also used "scientific" theories of their day to create a false image of blacks as _______________ people who required paternal white guardianship. And finally, planters warned that abolition would ruin the South's _______________ and destroy its distinctive way of _______________. (The Old South, 1815-1860)


During the early 1900s, popular magazines such as "Collier's" and "McClure's" began to hire writers to expose corrupt practices in business and politics. These investigative reporters expressed the new spirit of progressive reform by uncovering social wrongs. What was the term for these writers? (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Valley Forge

During the first 18 months of the Revolutionary War, Washington's demoralized troops lost New York City and Philadelphia and then suffered through a bitter winter camped at _____________. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

textile, cotton

During the late 1700s, a series of inventions revolutionized the _______________ industry in Great Britain. These advances created a limitless demand for raw _______________. Southern farmers could not meet the demand for rock hard and because of the difficulty of separating cotton fiber from its sticky seeds. It required a full day for a laborer to separate a pound of cotton by hand. (The Old South, 1815-1860)

necessary evil, emancipating, compensating

During the late 1700s, spokesman for the South's "peculiar institution" apologized for slavery as a "_______________" inherited from the past. Leading Southern statesmen such as Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe advocated a policy of gradually _______________ slaves while at the same time _______________ for their owners. (The Old South, 1815-1860)


During the late 1860's, cotton planters and black free men entered a new labor system. Under the system, black families exchanged their labor for the use of land, tools, and seed. These families typically gave the landowner 1/2 of the crop as payment for using his property. In addition to being in debt to the landlord, these families had to borrow supplies from local storekeepers to feed and clothe their families. These merchants then took a lien or mortgage on the crops. The system did not lead to economic independence. Unprincipled merchants often charged these families exorbitant prices and unfair interest rates. As a result, the freedmen became trapped in a seemingly endless cycle of debt and poverty. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

young, unmarried

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the majority of female workers employed outside the home were ___________ and ___________. Women were most likely to work outside their homes as domestic servants, garment workers, and teachers. Women were least likely to work as lawyers and physicians. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

transportation, Chicago, Minneapolis, Cleveland

During the post-Civil War period, ___________ centers became blooming industrial cities. Meat-packing plants in ___________, flour mills in ___________, and oil refiners in ___________ all offered jobs for unskilled workers. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Bill of Rights

During the ratification debate, the Federalists promised to add this to the Constitution. They kept their word. The First Congress ratified 10 Amendments collectively known as this. They became part of the Constitution when ratified by the states in 1791. (The Constitution)

Navajo code talkers

During the war, about 200 Navajo were recruited into the Marine Corps into this group. This group's primary duty was to use their native language to transmit important telephone and radio messages. The Navajo language baffled the Japanese who were unable to decipher the "code." (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Communist, Free, Free, China, foreign

During the years after World War II, American leaders divided the world into two rival blocs of nations -- the ___________ World and the ___________ World. As the leader of the ___________ World, the United States attempted to contain the Soviet expansion and isolate the People's Republic of ___________. Nixon and Kissinger believed that the time had come to pursue bold ___________ policy initiatives that would reshape global politics. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

blacks, Frederick Douglass, 180,000, paid

Emancipation Proclamation permitted ___________ to join the federal army. ___________ urged blacks to rally to the Union cause. Approximately ___________ African Americans served in the Union army. Although black soldiers fought with great valor, they were ___________ less than white soldiers of equal rank. More than 38,000 black soldiers lost their lives during the Civil War. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

unemployment, poverty, persecution

Europe's new industrial economy replaced the older agricultural way of life, uprooting millions of people. Most of the immigrants from Italy and southern Europe were pushed out by ___________ and crushing ___________. Jewish immigrants from Poland and Russia also wanted to escape from widespread ___________. Almost all of these uprooted people viewed America as a land of freedom and opportunity. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

South, Saigon

Even after the Paris Accords, the North Vietnamese chose to ignore their promise to "maintain the ceasefire." In March 1975, they launched a full-scale armored invasion of ___________ Vietnam. As the North Vietnamese advanced upon ___________, helicopters rescued Americans from the roof of the U.S. Embassy to the safety of nearby warships. The South Vietnamese government surrendered on April 30th, 1975. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

China, Filipinos, Filipinos

Expansionists countered the Anti-Imperialist League by arguing that the Philippines would provide a strategic base from which the United States could trade with ___________. While acknowledging that the Philippines offered lucrative commercial opportunities, President McKinley stressed America's duty "to educate the ___________, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them." Although McKinley's argument ignore the fact that most ___________ were already Christians, his views prevailed. After a heated debate, the Senate approved the Treaty of Paris with just one vote to spare. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Second New Deal

Franklin Roosevelt proposed the ___________ because his radical critics were becoming more popular and because the first wave of New Deal measures did not end the Depression. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)


Events in ___________ also tested Wilson's commitment to moral diplomacy. In 1911, Francisco Madero overthrew Mexico's dictator Porfirio Diaz. Madero promised to institute a series of domestic reforms. However, in 1913 he was overthrown and murdered by a general named Victoriano Huerta. The new Mexican leader represented everything Wilson despised. "I am going to teach the South American republics to elect good men." (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

Zimmerman, alliance

Events now pushed the United States to the brink of war. In early February 1917, Wilson broke diplomatic relations with Germany. Less than a month later, British officials released a decoded message from German Foreign Secretary Arthur ___________ to the German ambassador in Mexico. The ambassador was instructed to offer Mexico an ___________ with Germany. In return, Mexico would receive German support to recover Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

North Carolina, Mississippi

Excessive cultivation of tobacco depleted the soil. As old fields in the Chesapeake states wore out, ambitious planters looked south and west for rich new farmlands. By 1860, a vast new cotton belt stretched from Eastern _______________ to the _______________ River Valley. (The Old South, 1815-1860)

Booker T. Washington

Faced with overwhelming white resistance, this man urged blacks to work for economic self-improvement and to avoid political education. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

borrow, deflation

Farmers had to ___________ heavily to build houses and buy land and equipment. Following the Civil War, America experienced a prolonged period of ___________, which meant that both prices and the money supply were falling. As a result, a farmer had to pay back loans with dollars that had doubled in value since he borrowed them. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

military supplies, Benjamin Franklin, Saratoga

Fearful of an American defeat, the French initially followed a cautious approach toward the rebellious colonies. They secretly provided vital _____________ including badly-needed ammunition and firearms. The skillful diplomacy of _____________ how to persuade the French to support the American cause. The American victory at _____________ convinced French leaders that America had the resolve to defeat Great Britain. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

doctrine of nullification

First formulated by Jefferson and Madison in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, it was later used by John C. Calhoun to argue that the union was a compact formed by sovereign states. If a state believed that a federal law exceeded the delegated powers of Congress, the state could declare the law "null and void" within its own boundaries. Calhoun did not advocate secession. Instead, he saw nullification as a viable option that would prevent disunion. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

land, climate, growing season, rivers

Fertile _____________, a warm _____________, and a long _____________ enabled planters to grow tobacco, rice, and indigo as cash crops. Numerous navigable _____________ provided convenient routes for transporting goods to ports such as Norfolk, Charleston, and Savannah. This developed the growth of slavery in southern colonies. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

Separate as the Fingers, segregation, political, immigrants

Finding a place in Southern society for African Americans was one of the most pressing issues facing the New South. Washington's "___________" speech please his listeners. He avoided the defiant stand taken by abolitionist leaders such as William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass. Instead, he encouraged blacks to accept ___________, seek economic opportunities, and avoid ___________ education. Washington urged Southern employers to reject troublesome European ___________ and hire loyal black workers who would be "the most patient, faithful, law-abiding, and unresentful people that the world has seen." (The New South, 1877-1900)


For most of the 19th century, America had been a continental republic focused on settling the western frontier and building democratic institutions. In the 1890s, America became an ___________ republic with interests in the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Pacific. The speed of this change astonished President McKinley. The proud but perhaps a bit perplexed president correctly noted that "in a few short months we have become a world power." (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

William McKinley, tariffs, gold

For the election of 1896, the Republicans correctly sensed that the Depression of 1893 weakened Cleveland and the Democrats. They confidently nominated ___________, the affable and well-liked governor of Ohio. The Republican platform supported ___________ and forthrightly stated that "the existing ___________ standard must be maintained." (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

religious toleration, Indian tribes, speculators, merchants

Founded for _____________, Pennsylvania did not have an established church. He established amicable relations with the local _____________. He paid them for their land and protect them from unscrupulous _____________ and dishonest _____________. (The Middle Atlantic Colonies, 1664-1754)

isolationist, cash-and-carry

Franklin Roosevelt was aware of the continuing strong ___________ sentiment in the United States. He therefore moved cautiously to help Britain resist Nazi Germany. In 1939, Roosevelt persuaded Congress to allow the sale of weapons and other goods to belligerent nations by a ___________ policy. Countries at war could buy needed goods as long as they paid for them immediately and took them away in their ships. In September 1940, during the Battle of Britain, Roosevelt went a step further by giving Churchill 50 overage destroyers in return for British air and naval bases in the Western Hemisphere. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

absolute monarchy, Seven Years' War

France was an _____________ that was not sympathetic to republican values. Instead, France was motivated to ally with U.S. in the Revolutionary War by a desire to regain its prestige in Europe by avenging its humiliating loss to Great Britain in the _____________. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

brain trust, government, programs

Franklin Roosevelt and his "___________" of advisors were resolved to use ___________ to address the economic crisis. They proposed a pragmatic series of trial-and-error ___________ that had 3 goals: relief, recovery, and reform. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

people, stroke

Frustrated by the Senate debate of the Treaty of Versailles, Wilson elected to take his case to the American ___________. He left Washington on September 4, 1919. Wilson travel 8,000 miles and made 37 speeches in 29 cities. 3 weeks into the grueling trip, Wilson collapsed from exhaustion. A few days later, he suffered a severe ___________ that partly paralyzed his left side. For weeks he could not sit up or even sign his name. He was so ill that only his doctors, his wife, and his closest aides were allowed to see him. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

American Anti-Slavery Society

Garrison and "The Liberator" also played a key role in founding the _______________. Organized in 1833, the Society grew rapidly across the north. Within just 5 years, it claimed to have 250,000 members and 1,350 local affiliates. (The Crusade against Slavery, 1815-1860)

spheres, influence, sphere, influence

Great Britain had dominated trade with China for most of the 1800s. However, during the 1880s and 1890s, Germany, France, Russia, and Japan all began carving out their own ___________ of ___________ in an ever-weakening China. Each foreign power controlled trade, tariffs, harbor duties, and railroad charges within its own ___________ of ___________. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Homestead, sod, tools

Great Plains agriculture posed new challenges for farmers eager to take advantage of the ___________ Act. Blizzards, fires, and swarms of locusts swept across the arid and treeless prairies. Farmers used to living in log cabins had to learn how to build ___________ homes. A series of new ___________ including mechanical reapers, wind-driven water pumps, iron plows, and barbed-wire fences enabled determined farmers to overcome natural obstacles and build successful homesteads. (The West, 1865-1900)

employment, goods, Communist

Greece and Turkey were not the only countries that needed Aid after World War II. World War II left Western Europe in ruins. Homeless families struggled to survive in shattered cities. Devastated factories could not provide ___________ or produce badly-needed ___________. In France and Italy, many frustrated workers cast their votes for the ___________ Party. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Depression of 1893

Grover Cleveland began his 2nd term as president on March 4th, 1893. Just 2 months later, a panic on Wall Street touched off a severe economic depression. A worried advisor warned Cleveland, "We are on the eve of a very dark night." His gloomy prediction proved to be accurate. In 1893, over 15,000 businesses and 600 banks closed. By the following year, 1/5 of the nation's workers had lost their jobs. What is the name of this depression? (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

"loose construction" theory

Hamilton's arguments for the creation of the national bank set this important precedent for the expansion of federal power when interpreting the Constitution. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

debt, state, liquor, tariffs, bank

Hamilton's financial program involved funding the federal _____________ at face value and with current holders of government bonds, assuming _____________ debts incurred during the Revolution, adopting an excise tax on _____________ to aid in raising revenue to fund this nation's debts, imposing _____________ on imported goods to raise revenue and to protect America's new industries, and chartering a national _____________ that would provide a stable currency and source of capital for loans to fund the development of business and commerce. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

nature, Realism

Harsh new social realities caused by industrialization and urbanization conflicted with Romanticism's emphasis upon ___________. A talented group of American artists and authors rejected Romanticism, turning instead to ___________'s hard-edged portraits of urban life. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

industrial, self, corporations

Historians believe that Horatio Alger's books are more than just didactic adventure stories for young readers. His novels were written as America made the difficult transition from an agrarian to an ___________ society. Alger's stories reassured Americans that the poor but determined "___________-made man" could still achieve success in an economy increasingly dominated by huge ___________. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Embargo Act

In 1807, Jefferson persuaded Congress to pass this act which stopped all exports of American goods to Europe. He drew again upon implied powers by claiming that the government's power to regulate commerce could be used to justify imposing an embargo. Although it failed to force the British to abandon impressment, it did inflict economic hardship on American farmers and workers. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

Bonus Army

Hoover's already sinking popularity fell even further because of his mishandling of this event. In 1924, Congress promised a bonus of several hundred dollars to World War I veterans. The payment, however, would not be made until 1945. Arguing that they needed the bonus money as soon as possible, many unemployed veterans demanded to be paid immediately. In the spring of 1932, this group of about 20,000 veterans converged on Washington to lobby Congress to pass a bill providing for the immediate payment of their bonuses. However, Hoover opposed the bill, arguing that its $2.5 billion price tag would make it impossible to balance the federal budget. Supported by Hoover, the Senate rejected the bill. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

slave, free, 36, 30

House Speaker Henry Clay promoted a compromise on the acceptance of statehood for Missouri with the following provisions: 1. Missouri would be admitted into the Union as a _______________ state. 2. Maine would be admitted into the Union as a _______________ state. 3. Slavery would be prohibited in the remaining portions of the Louisiana Purchase north of latitude _______________° _______________". (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)


How many Indians lived in New England when the Puritan settlers came? (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

tenement, New York City

Immigrant families packed into rows of squalid ___________ buildings. A single square mile in ___________'s Lower East Side contained 334,000 people, making it the most densely populated place in the world. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

immigration, Latin America, Asia

Immigration has played an important role in shaping American culture. The ___________ Act of 1965 triggered a major new wave of immigration. Between 1990 and 2000, over 10 million immigrants entered the United States, more than in any previous decade in the nation's history. The largest number of immigrants came from ___________ and ___________. By 2000, over half the foreign-born population of the United States came from Latin America, and about 1/4 came from Asia. This new wave of immigrants is a key demographic trend. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

Revolutionary, 1812, French

Immigration to America slowed dramatically during the four decades between the _______________ War and the War of _______________. The _______________ Revolution and the prolonged war between Britain and France reduced immigration from Europe to a trickle. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

settlers, Chicago, industrial, commercial, cash crops, canal, railroad

Impact of the Transportation and Market Revolutions on the Midwest: -Accelerated the migration of _______________ into the Midwest. -Transformed _______________ into an important rail center and agricultural distributor to the West. -Enabled Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, St Louis, Cleveland, and Detroit to become thriving _______________ and _______________ centers. -Increased the production of _______________ such as corn and wheat. -Linked closely to the Northeast by _______________ and _______________ networks. (The Transportation and Market Revolutions, 1815-1860)

industrialization, urbanization, cotton, slavery, planters

Impact of the Transportation and Market Revolutions on the South: -Failed to keep up with the pace of _______________ and _______________ in the Northeast and Midwest. -Extended a plantation system based on _______________ and _______________ westward into Alabama and Mississippi. -Remained an agricultural economy dominated by an elite group of wealthy _______________. (The Transportation and Market Revolutions, 1815-1860)

-tobbaco -rice -indigo

Important cash crops in the southern colonies as slavery grew: (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

black slaves

Impoverished whites still felt superior to this group thus providing further support for the slave system. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

Act of Religious Toleration

In 1649, the primary purpose of this law was to protect Catholics in Maryland from religious persecution by the Protestants. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

King Charles II

In 1664, this king of England sent a fleet of warships to force New Netherland's governor, Peter Stuyvesant, to surrender. Unprepared for a fight with the superior English force, Stuyvesant reluctantly surrendered without firing a shot. (The Middle Atlantic Colonies, 1664-1754)


In 1680, this charismatic Pueblo leader organized a widespread rebellion known as the Pueblo revolt. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

Albany Plan of Union

In 1754, this plan was introduced by Benjamin Franklin to unite colonial defense against French and Native American threats to frontier settlements. It proposed the formation of a Grand Council of elected delegates to oversee common defense, western expansion, and Indian relations. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Proclamation of 1763

In 1763, this forbade settlers from crossing the crest of the Appalachian Mountains. Great Britain wanted to prevent land-hungry settlers from provoking hostilities with the Indians. Hardy settlers soon defied the prohibition as they pushed over into Kentucky and Tennessee. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Moses Brown

In 1790, this man built America's first textile mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. The pace of textile production, however, remained slow until the Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812 simulated domestic production. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

Wilmot Proviso

In August 1846, David Wilmot, a previously little-known Congressman from Pennsylvania, attached this rider to an appropriations bill barring slavery from any territory acquired as a result of the Mexican War. It was supported in the North and opposed in the South, and it was passed in the House twice but was defeated in the Senate. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

Eli Whitney

In 1793, this man invented a machine to perform the tedious chore of separating cotton fiber from its seeds. His cotton gin enabled slaves to separate 50 times as much cotton as could be done by hand. As a result of his invention, cotton production soared from 9,000 bales in 1791 to 987,000 in 1831 and 4 million in 1860. (The Old South, 1815-1860)

Geneva Accords

In 1954, the French suffered a disastrous defeat at the Battle of the Dien Bien Phu during their war with Vietnam. The exhausted French and the victorious Vietnamese reached an agreement. Both sides agreed to divide Vietnam at the 17th parallel. Ho Chi Minh and his Communist government would rule north of the parallel, while a French-backed government would rule south of it. A final agreement specified that free elections would be held in 1956 to unified Vietnam under one government. What was the name of this agreement? (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

William H. Whyte

In 1960, 38% of the nation's workforce was employed by organizations with more than 500 employees. In this social critic's book "The Organization Man," the sociologist described how the corporate emphasis upon "the Team" created stifling conformity that squelched personal identity. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

women, women, political, Liberty, Free-Soil

In 1840, 2 divisive issues split the American Anti-Slavery Society into rival factions: 1. Garrison believed that the group should fully endorse _______________'s rights. Moderate members disagreed, arguing that _______________'s rights was a secondary issue that should not be allowed to distract the organization from its primary goal of abolishing slavery. 2. Garrison opposed _______________. action, arguing that the abolitionists should rely upon moral persuasion to promote change. The moderate pragmatic majority viewed Garrison as an impractical fanatic. The politically-minded abolitionists founded the _______________ party in 1840 and backed the _______________ Party in 1848. (The Crusade against Slavery, 1815-1860)

Worcester v. Georgia

In 1842, this Supreme Court case occurred when the Cherokees legally challenged President Jackson's Indian Removal Act. Chief Justice John Marshall upheld the Cherokee nation's legal right to their land. However, the Supreme Court is dependent upon the president to enforce its decisions. As a famous Indian fighter, Jackson harbored a well-known dislike toward Native Americans. Jackson responded by defiantly declaring, "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it." (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

Seneca Falls Convention

In 1848, this convention was organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott in support of women's rights. The convention met for 2 days in Seneca Falls, New York. The delegates discussed "the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of women." The convention adjourned after 2 days and issued a "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions" modeled after the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration demanded greater rights for women. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

Compromise of 1850

In 1850, the North continued to control an overwhelming majority in the House of Representatives. However, the Senate remained evenly balanced with 15 free states and 15 slave states. In 1850, the territory of California applied for statehood as a free state. The issue of extended slavery into the western territories ignited a dramatic Senate debate. Senators Henry Clay and Stephen Douglas promoted a compromise that finally settled the dispute by admitting California as a free state, allowing for popular sovereignty in Utah and New Mexico, abolishing the domestic slave trade in Washington, D.C., and enacting a stringent fugitive Slave Act. It briefly diffused the political crisis over slavery. It is important to note that for the first time the North began to perceive slavery as both an economic and a moral threat to free labor. What was this compromise called? (Making Key Comparisons, 1789-1865)

Greensboro Four

In 1960, lunch counters throughout the South remained segregated. Dr. King's philosophy of nonviolent civil disobedience inspired 4 black college students in Greensboro, North Carolina, to take action. Calling segregation "evil pure and simple," this group sat down at a whites-only Woolworth lunch counter and ordered coffee and apple pie. Although the waitress refused to serve them, the students did not waver. They returned the next day with more black student protesters. Within six months, the Greensboro Woolworth desegregated its lunch counter. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

rock and roll, Rock and roll

In the beginning, ___________ was the music of teenagers, who bought 70% of all released albums. It proved to be more than just a passing fad. Like Beat Generation writers, singers challenged accepted beliefs about sex, race, and work. ___________ soon became the sound that helped shape and define the new teenage culture. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Equal Rights Amendment

In 1972, Congress passed this amendment and then sent it on to the states for ratification. The amendment stated that, "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex. It quickly passed 35 of the 38 state legislatures needed for ratification. However, opponents led by Phyllis Schlafly mounted a successful campaign to block it. The time limit for ratifying it expired, and the amendment went down to defeat. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

War Powers Act

In 1973, Congress repealed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and passed this law. This legislation required the president to report any use of military force within 48 hours. It also directed that without a declaration of war by Congress, hostilities must cease within 60 days. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Kurt Muller, Lawrence Kelly

In 1903, Oregon enacted a law barring women in factories and launderies from working more than 10 hours a day. Backed by local business groups, a laundry owner named ___________ challenged the law. Led by ___________, the National Consumers' League worked to promote protective legislation for women and children. He hired Louis D. Brandeis, a noted reform lawyer, to defend the Oregon law before the United States Supreme Court. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

The Jungle

In 1906, Upton Sinclair published this muckraking novel, discussing the conditions in the Chicago meatpacking industry. Sinclair included a particularly graphic account of the filthy conditions in the packing houses: "There would be meat stored in great piles in rooms; and the water from leaking roofs would drip over it, and thousands of rats race about on it." It illustrates the relationship between muckraking and reform legislation during the Progressive Era. It led to the passage of the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Hepburn Railway Act

In 1906, this act was passed by Congress to revitalize the Interstate Commerce Commission and empower it to set maximum shipping rates by interstate rail carriers. It marked a significant expansion of the federal government's regulatory powers over business. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

In 1908, over 50 blacks were killed or injured in a bloody race riot in Springfield, Illinois. The riot in Lincoln's hometown shocked white Progressives. The following year, Du Bois and a number of prominent white and black reformers founded this organization. Its founding marks the first major attempt since Reconstruction to make black rights the focus of a national reform effort. It was committed to a strategy of using lawsuits in the federal courts as its chief weapon against segregation. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Warren Harding

In 1920, voters overwhelmingly elected this man president of the United States. He was a small-town Ohio politician who rose through the Republican ranks to become a U.S. Senator. Voters forgave him for never giving an important speech or for never proposing an important law. Instead, he was a handsome man who looked "presidential" and promised the country a "return to normalcy." The American public welcomed an end to Wilson's idealistic crusades and a return to simpler times. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

factories, productivity, distributed

In 1929, American ___________ produced nearly half of the world's industrial goods. Rising ___________ generated enormous profits. This wealth, however, was unevenly ___________. At the time of the crash, the richest 5% of the population earned nearly 1/3 of all personal income. Meanwhile, at the other end of the scale, fully 60% of all American families earned less than the $2,000 a year needed to buy basic necessities. 80% of the nation's families had NO savings whatsoever. Thus, most families were too poor to buy the goods being produced and had no resources to fall back on if they lost their jobs. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Wall Street

In 1929, this place was the financial capital of the world. The heart of it was an imposing gray building, the New York Stock Exchange. Here, soaring stock prices reinforced optimism about America's booming economy. Between January 1921 and September 1929, the New York Times average of stock prices rose from $110 to $455. Many people began to believe that Republican economic policies had ushered in a New Era of rising prosperity. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Good Neighbor Policy

In 1933, Franklin Roosevelt opened a new chapter in America's relationship with Latin America by proclaiming the beginning of this policy. The new policy renounced U.S. armed intervention in Latin America. It is important to note that the United States continued to pursue commercial opportunities in Latin America. During the 1930s, this policy promoted a common hemispheric front against fascism. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Nye Committee

In 1934, Senator Gerald P. Nye, a North Dakota Republican, chaired a special Senate committee that investigated American munitions dealers. After 2 years, this committee concluded that America had been duped into entering World War 1 by avaricious "merchants of death" who earned enormous profits during the war. What is the name of this committee? (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

In 1949, the United States, Canada, and ten Western European nations formed this alliance. Members pledged military support to one another in case any member was attacked. America's decision to join an alliance based upon collective security marked a decisive break from its prewar policy of isolationism. This alliance escalated the Cold War. The Russians retaliated by forming a military alliance with its eastern European satellites. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Mao Zedong, 1979

In February 1972, Nixon took a historic trip to the People's Republic of China. The president met with ___________, exchanged toasts with Chinese leaders, and visited the Great Wall. Nixon's dramatic visit opened a new era of cultural exchanges and trade between the two countries. The United States and the People's Republic of China established formal diplomatic relations in ___________. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

corn, fur

In the beginning, the coastal Indians taught the Puritan settlers how to plant _____________. They also exchanged _____________ for various trinkets and manufactured goods. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

Webster-Hayne debate

In January 1830, Senator Robert Hayne of South Carolina vigorously defended states rights and Calhoun's doctrine of nullification in a Senate speech that attracted national attention. The speech triggered a national debate with Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts. Webster argued that the Constitution was created by the people, not the States. The Supreme Court, not the states, had the power to decide the constitutionality of a law. Webster denounced states' rights and concluded by thundering, "Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable!" (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

Stephen A. Douglas

In January 1854, this senator of Illinois reopened the issue of slavery in the territories by proposing a bill that would organize 2 new territories, Kansas and Nebraska. Both territories were part of the Louisiana Territory, where the Missouri Compromise banned slavery. In order to win Southern support, he included an amendment specifically repealing the Missouri Compromise. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

John Burgoyne, New England

In July 1777, a British force led by General _____________ began a campaign designed to isolate _____________ from the Middle Atlantic colonies and thus cut the United States in two. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

Madison, New Orleans, Navy

In June 1812, President _______________ asked Congress to declare war (War of 1812) against Britain over British impressment. The war proved to be indecisive. The United States controlled the Great Lakes but failed to conquer Canada. The British burned Washington DC, but suffered a major defeat at the Battle of _______________. The American _______________ won a number of duels with British vessels. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

David, Camp David

In September 1978, Jimmy Carter boldly invited Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to meet with him at Camp ___________, the presidential retreat in Maryland. At times, both Sadat and Begin threatened to leave without an agreement. But Carter skillfully persuaded them to continue their talks. After 13 difficult days, a beaming Carter announced that the 2 sides had reached a historic peace agreement. This would be called the ___________ Accords. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)


In November 1917, this group led by Vladimir Lenin seized power in Russia and promptly created a communist dictatorship. The revolutionary upheaval in Russia alarmed many Americans who believed that communist sympathizers and other radicals were secretly planning to undermine the United States government. This would lead to the Red Scare in America. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

Iran hostage crisis

In October 1979, President Carter allowed the ex-Iranian Shah to enter the United States for medical treatment. Carter's action infuriated the Iranians. I November 4, 1979, a mob stormed the American Embassy in Tehran and took over 50 Americans hostage. The Iranians demanded that Carter return the Shah to stand trial. What was this situation called? (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

14th, against

In Plessy v. Ferguson, Judge John H. Ferguson of New Orleans ruled against Plessy's plea that the law violated the equal protection clause of the ___________ Amendment. When the Louisiana Supreme Court upheld Ferguson's decision, the Citizens' Committee appealed the case to the United States Supreme Court. The Supreme Court handed down its decision on May 18th, 1896. The Court ruled ___________ Plessy by a 7-1 vote. The Court's decision upheld ___________ by approving "separate but equal" railroad facilities for African Americans. (The New South, 1877-1900)

Iran-Contra Affair

In Reagan's senior administration officials' "arms for hostages plan," the money derived from the sale of arms to Iran would then be used to fund anti-Communist fighters in Nicaragua called "Contras." The plan therefore attempted to circumvent Congressional legislation regulating how much funds could go to the Contras. This affair forced nearly a dozen Reagan administration officials to resign. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

First Continental Congress

In September 1774, 55 elected representatives met in Philadelphia to reach a unified colonial response to the Coercive Acts. They called for a complete boycott of British goods and urged the colonies to organize militia for defensive purposes. Their gathering showed that the British strategy of isolating Boston failed. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

internal improvements

In antebellum America, this phrase referred to transportation projects. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

people, 1828

In contrast to John Quincy Adams, Jackson was hailed as a military hero and champion of the _______________. While acknowledging that "Adams can write," Old Hickory's followers proudly boasted that "Jackson can fight!" In the _______________ presidential election, Jackson swept the South and West and defeated Adams (in his try for re-election). (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

Soviet Union, Taiwan

In early 1950, Mao Zedong signed a treaty of friendship with the ___________. Alarmed Americans viewed the Chinese Revolution as part of a menacing Communist monolith. The fall of China represented a bitter defeat for American Cold War diplomacy. The U.S. refused to establish diplomatic relations with Mao's new government. Instead, Truman recognized the government in ___________ as the representative of all China. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

fundamentalist, oil, inflation

In early 1979, a ___________ Islamic revolution led by Ayatollah Khomeini overthrew Iran's pro-American Shah. The Shah's fall hurt America's economy. Iran normally produced 10% of the world's supply of ___________. During the revolution, the Iranians suddenly reduced their production. The global demand for oil now exceeded the supply. OPEC used this opportunity to once again raise oil prices. The rising cost of oil pushed ___________ in the United States to over 11%. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)


In his inaugural address, Jefferson stressed that the essential principles of American _______________ were above party politics. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

popular, Hollywood

In late 1903, American audiences shrieked with shock and delight as they watched a movie called "The Great Train Robbery." The popularity of "The Great Train Robbery" helped launch a new American industry that played a significant role in shaping ___________ culture. by 1916, some 25 million people a day spent anywhere from a nickel to a quarter to laugh at the zany antics of Charlie Chaplin and to fall in love with the charms of "America's Sweetheart" Mary Pickford. By 1915, movies had become America's 5th largest industry, and ___________ had become the center of movie production. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Butler Act

In late January 1925, the state of Tennessee passed this act forbidding the teaching of evolution in public schools. The act expressed the alarm felt by many fundamentalist Christians who opposed Darwin's theory of evolution because it challenged a literal interpretation of the Bible. This would lead to the Scopes trial. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

Pearl Harbor

In late November 1941, a Japanese fleet secretly headed into the vast and empty waters of the North Pacific. The fleet included 6 aircraft carriers equipped with more than 400 warplanes. At 7:55 A.M. on December 7, 1941, the first of three waves of planes attacked this place. Within less than 2 hours, the Japanese sank or damaged 18 ships and killed 2,403 men. What was the name of the place they attacked? (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

March on Washington

In order to gain support for President Kennedy's civil rights bill, Dr. King believed in the importance of building a nationwide alliance or "coalition of conscience." He and other black leaders called for a massive march in Washington, D.C., to demonstrate public support for the bill. The public responded to the call in record numbers. As the nation watched on television, over 200,000 black and white marchers staged what was the largest civil rights demonstration in American history. The unified marchers sang "We shall overcome" and repeatedly chanted "Pass the bill!" What was the name of this march? (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)


In the 1870s, about 25,000 black pioneers left the South to start new lives in Kansas. By 1890, over 500,000 blacks lived west of the Mississippi River. What was the name of these black pioneers? (The West, 1865-1900)


In the Manhattan Project, nuclear scientists constructed 3 atomic bombs in a laboratory at Los Alamos, New Mexico. The scientists tested the first bomb on July 16th, 1945, at a desolate stretch of desert called ___________. The blast created a fireball with a core temperature 3 times hotter than the sun. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Separate Car, Citizens' Committee, Homer Plessy

In the Plessy v. Ferguson case, the Louisiana General Assembly had enacted a ___________ Law requiring railroads in the state to provide "equal but separate accommodations for the white and colored races." Outraged African Americans in New Orleans formed a ___________ to challenge the segregation law. On June 7th, 1892, ___________, and young Creole who was 1/8 black, tested the statute by taking a first class seat in a train car reserved for whites. When the conductor asked him to move to the Negro car, he refused and was arrested. (The New South, 1877-1900)

Japanese, Japanese, internment, Japanese

In the days and weeks following the attack on Pearl Harbor, frightened and angry Americans displaced the rage against Japan to the 110,000 people of ___________ birth and descent who lived on the West Coast. The army insisted that evacuation was a necessary precautions to prevent ___________-Americans from posing a threat to national security. This led to the ___________ of ___________-Americans. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)


In the early 1800s, America had over 14,000 distilleries producing 25 million gallons of alcoholic drink each year. By 1830, Americans drank 5 gallons of alcohol per capita. This led to support for the _______________ movement. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

Cuba, segregation

In the fall of 1963, President Kennedy appeared to be fulfilling his promise as a leader. He met the Soviet challenge in ___________ and launched a moral and legislative attack on ___________. About 60% of the public approved his performance. But history can sometimes be unpredictable. No one foresaw the terrible national tragedy that lay just ahead: his assassination. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Fidel Castro

In the late 1950s, this man led a popular revolution that overthrew Cuba's corrupt dictator, Fulgencio Batista. The United States at first welcomed his victory and believed his promise to turn Cuba into a democratic nation. But these hopes quickly faded when he seized dictatorial powers and established close ties with the Soviet Union. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Ku Klux Klan

In the months before the 1946 congressional election, black leaders attempted to start a voter registration drive in the South. ___________ members and their supporters responded by threatening and even killing African Americans who tried to exercise their rights. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Korematsu v. United States

In this Supreme Court case, Fred Korematsu was a Japanese-American who knowingly violated the internment order. He argued that Executive Order 9066 deprives Japanese Americans of life, liberty, and property without due process of law. In a controversial decision, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the government evacuation policy, citing the existence of "the gravest imminent danger to the public safety." (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Andrew Jackson

In the presidential election of 1824, this man received more popular and electoral votes than his three rivals, buoyed by his fame as a war hero. However, since he did not receive a majority of the electoral votes, the election went to the House of Representatives which voted by states. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

Bryan, Bryan, Bryan, Bryan, Cross of Gold, Bryan

In the presidential election of 1896, pro-silver delegates controlled the Democratic convention in Chicago. The Silverites promptly repudiated Cleveland and wrote a platform demanding the free coinage of silver. The Democrats now had an issue but still lacked a candidate. That changed when William Jennings ___________, a 36 year-old former congressman from Nebraska, addressed the convention. ___________ reminded the pro-silver delegates that, "We have petitioned and our petitions have been scorned!" ___________ thundered defiance as he reached his free silver conclusion: "You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold!" ___________'s "___________" speech galvanized the cheering delegates. The next day, euphoric delegates wearing silver badges and waving silver banners nominated ___________ for president. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

Kennedy, Nixon

In the presidential election of 1960, ___________ narrowly defeated ___________ by a razor-thin popular margin of 116,000 volts. "The margin is narrow, he admitted, but the responsibility is clear." (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Elvis Presley, Elvis Presley

In the spring of 1953, a poor truck driver dropped into Sun Records in Memphis and politely introduced himself: "My name is ___________ and I want to make a record." The head of the studio, Sam Phillips, soon realized that he was "a white man who had the Negro sound and the Negro feel." ___________ soon became the best-selling recording artist in America. His songs and sexually suggestive onstage gyrations thrilled teenagers and horrified their parents. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Gideon v. Wainwright

In this Supreme Court case, the Court ruled that states are constitutionally required to provide counsel for indigent defendants. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Griswold v. Connecticut

In this Supreme Court case, the Supreme Court ruled that a Connecticut law criminalizing the use of contraceptives violated the right to marital privacy. The Court further argued that the right to privacy was implied by the rights stated in the Bill of Rights. The NOW supported this decision. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

National Industrial Recovery, Agricultural Adjustment

In the summer of 1935, the Supreme Court began to deliver a series of decisions ___________ key New Deal programs. In Schechter v. United States, the Supreme Court unanimously struck down the ___________ Act because it gave the federal government powers of economic regulation that could not be justified under the interstate commerce clause. A few months later, the Supreme Court also invalidated the ___________ Act. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Plessy v. Ferguson

In this 1896 Supreme Court case, Homer Plessy was arrested for refusing to move to a Negro railroad car in violation of a segregation law. Judge John H. Ferguson upheld the segregation law. The Supreme Court ruled against Plessy by a 7-1 vote, upholding the "separate but equal" doctrine. (The New South, 1877-1900)

Philippine Insurrection

In this Filipino resistance of American control of their country, the Filipino rebels were led by Emilio Aguinaldo. It foreshadowed the wars fought in the 20th century. As the scale of fighting rose, both sides committed atrocities. After 3 years of fighting, America's overwhelming military power finally crushed the rebels. It cost the lives of more than 4,000 American soldiers and between 16,000 and 20,000 Filipino rebels. Disease and starvation may have claimed the lives of as many as 200,000 civilians. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Roe v. Wade

In this Supreme Court case in 1973, the Supreme Court ruled that abortion is protected by the right to privacy implied by the Bill of Rights. The NOW supported this decision. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Dred Scott v. Sandford

In this Supreme Court case, the Supreme Court ruled that neither slaves nor free blacks were citizens in the political community created by the Constitution. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney declared that slaves were "chattel property ... So far inferior that they have no rights which the white man is bound to respect." Since Dred Scott was not a citizen, he was not entitled to sue in a federal court. The court emphatically ruled that Scott did not become free by living in a free state or free territory. The Court ruled that as a constitutionally-protected form of property, slaves could be taken into any state or territory. Therefore, it declared the Missouri Compromise to be unconstitutional. This marks the first time the Supreme Court struck down an act of Congress since the Marbury v. Madison decision in 1803. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

The Gospel of Wealth

In this essay by Andrew Carnegie in 1889, he warned that men who died wealthy would pass away "unwept, honored, and unsung." The public would justly condemn these men because, "The man who dies thus rich dies disgraced." Instead of squandering their money on passing fantasies, men of wealth have a duty to regard their surplus fortunes as a trust to be administered for the benefit of the community. Carnegie encouraged philanthropists to support public libraries, universities, museums, and other "ladders upon which the aspiring can rise." (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Washington's Farewell Address

In this famous speech to the nation in 1796, Washington urged future American leaders to avoid forming permanent alliances with foreign nations. It had a significant impact upon American foreign policy. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Battle of Antietam

In this key Civil War battle, Lee and his troops crossed the Potomac River into Maryland. Lee's objectives included seizing the vital rail center at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, isolating Washington from the rest of the North and convincing Britain and France to recognize the Confederacy. The 2 armies fought the bloodiest one-day battle of the war. The battle ended in a narrow Union victory forcing Lee to withdraw back across the Potomac into Virginia. Disappointed by McClellan's failure to pursue Lee and gain a decisive victory, Lincoln removed his popular but hesitant general from command of the Army of the Potomac. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

Battle of Vicksburg

In this key Civil War battle, Vicksburg was a seemingly impregnable fortress that commanded a key portion of the Mississippi River. Led by General Ulysses S Grant, the Union forces captured Vicksburg following a long siege. The fall of Vicksburg gave the Union control of the Mississippi River, thus splitting the Confederacy in half. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)


Indentured servants faced difficult conditions. They could have their labor bought, willed, and attached for debt. Women serving as indentured servants had to remain _____________ until they completed their indenture. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

burned-over District

Intense religious revivals were especially widespread in central and western New York during the Second Great Awakening. It was given this name because of particularly fervent revivals that crisscrossed the region. It was also the birthplace of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, aka Mormons. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

Wagner, Social Security

Ironically, the Supreme Court proved to be more sympathetic to the New Deal after FDR's court-packing fiasco. The Supreme Court upheld both the ___________ Act and the ___________ Act. In addition, several justices retired, and Roosevelt ultimately appointed nine new members of the Supreme Court. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Force Bill

Jackson angrily called upon Congress to pass this law authorizing him to use the army to enforce federal laws in South Carolina when the state refused to back down during the Nullification Crisis. The South Carolina legislature had adopted an ordinance of nullification that repudiated the tariffs of 1828 and 1832. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

recharter, credit, currency, speculation

Jackson regarded the Second Bank of the United States as a "monster" that concentrated special financial privileges in the hands of an aristocratic elite. In July 1832, Jackson vetoed a bill to _______________ the bank. In his veto message, Jackson denounced the bank is a vehicle used by "the rich and powerful to bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes." Without the bank's restraining policies, state-chartered "pet banks" expanded _______________, flooded the country with paper _______________, and promoted widespread _______________ in Western lands and transportation projects. The death of the Second Bank of the United States contributed to the financial panic in 1837. The Panic of 1837 evolved into a lengthy economic slump is Banks reduced loans, business failed, and unemployment rose. (Bank War) (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

federal, Republicans, impeachment

Jackson stunned Congress by vetoing the Civil Rights Act of 1866. He claimed it was an unwarranted extension of ___________ power that would "foment discord among the races." Johnson's veto galvanized the ___________. They successfully overrode the presidential veto. This marks the first time Congress had prevailed over a veto of a major piece of legislation. It also marks the beginning of a two-year struggle between Congress and President Johnson that ended with an ___________ trial. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

Federalist No. 10

James Madison wrote this specific Federalist Paper, arguing that political factions are undesirable but inevitable. He stated in this article that a large republic with three branches of government would disperse power and thus curb factionalism. (The Ratification Debate)

southern planters, Federalist, Democratic-Republican

Jay's Treaty also had significant domestic consequences. Led by Jefferson, _____________ vehemently opposed the treaty. They protested that it forced them to pay the lion's share of pre-Revolutionary debts while New England merchants collected damages from their seized ships. The ratification fight over Jay's Treaty played a key role in worsening the increasingly bitter disputes between Hamilton's _____________ supporters and Jefferson's _____________ supporters. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Great Britain, France, Spain, Pinckney's

Jay's Treaty had a number of important diplomatic consequences. It kept the peace with _____________, strained relations with _____________, and induced _____________ to agree to a surprisingly favorable treaty. The Spanish feared that Jay's Treaty foreshadowed an Anglo-American Alliance. They therefore signed _____________ Treaty of 1795 granted the United States free navigation of the Mississippi River and the right to deposit goods at New Orleans. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)


Jefferson advocated a _______________ interpretation of the constitution in his debates with Alexander Hamilton. However, as president he adopted a more flexible position as president, especially regarding the Louisiana Purchase. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

Alien and Sedition

Jefferson believed that freedom of speech is essential in a republic. He urged to Congress to repeal the _______________Acts and pardoned those who had been convicted. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

republican simplicity

Jefferson brought a transition to a new set of political ideals, promising to practice _______________, avoiding the formal ceremonies that characterized the Federalist Administrations. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

Coercive Acts

Known in America as the Intolerable Acts, this legislation closed the port of Boston, sharply curtailed town meetings, and authorized the army to quarter troops wherever they needed. It was meant to punish Boston for the Boston Tea Party. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

furs, Native Americans, Native Americans

Like the French, the Dutch did not found agricultural settlements. Instead, they traded _____________ with the _____________. As a result, the Dutch avoided conflict with _____________. (The Middle Atlantic Colonies, 1664-1754)


Jimmy Carter began his presidency after the 1976 election with high hopes. However, he soon faced a seemingly intractable economic problem. The American economy was simultaneously experiencing a combination of both rising unemployment and double-digit inflation. What did economists call this unusual phenomenon? (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

middle, Arab, Israeli

Jimmy Carter's commitment to patient negotiating achieved a dramatic breakthrough in ___________ East diplomacy. The ___________-___________ conflict had exploded into war in 1948, 1956, 1967, and the Yom Kippur War of 1973. World leaders feared that the cease-fire which ended the Yom Kippur War would soon collapse. Jimmy Carter wanted to ease this tension. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

oldest, 20

John F. Kennedy became President on an inauguration day filled with excitement and drama. Millions of television viewers watched as Dwight Eisenhower, then the ___________ man ever to serve as president, sat beside the first president born in the ___________th century. As a brilliant January sun sparkled on a layer of newly fallen snow, the new President proudly announced that "the torch has passed to a new generation of Americans." (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

China, legal

John Hay's Open Door Policy was designed to protect American commercial interests in ___________. The European powers and Japan neither accepted nor rejected Hay's Open Door Policy. Although America's Open Door Policy had no ___________ standing, Hay's boldly announced that all the powers had agreed, and their consent was therefore "final and definitive." (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Communist, non-communist

Korea occupies a strategic peninsula which borders China and Russia and extends to within 100 miles of Japan. After World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to divide Korea at the 38th parallel. The Soviets quickly established a ___________ government in North Korea and the United States supported a ___________ government in South Korea. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)


Joseph McCarthy failed to uncover a single Communist. His practice of making unsubstantiated accusations of disloyalty without evidence got its own name. Nonetheless, his campaign of innuendo and half-truths made him one of the most powerful and feared politicians in America. What was the name of his practice? (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)


Joseph McCarthy finally caused his own downfall in the spring of 1954 when he launched a televised investigation of the U.S. Army. A national audience of more than 20 million people watched as McCarthy bullied witnesses, twisted people's testimony, and used phony evidence. The ___________ hearings swiftly turned public sentiment against McCarthy. In December 1954, the full Senate formally censured McCarthy for his dishonorable conduct. Flashing his famous grin, Eisenhower asked his cabinet, "Have you heard the latest? McCarthyism is McCarthywasm." (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

segregation, integration, discrimination

Kennedy's speech during the Birmingham demonstrations marked a major turning point in the civil rights movement. Eight days later, the president called upon Congress to pass a sweeping civil rights bill that would prohibit ___________ in public places, speed up school ___________, and ban ___________ in hiring practices. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

senators, two, parties, cabinet, Rights

Key provisions not in the Constitution when first ratified: -universal manhood suffrage -direct election of _____________ -presidential _____________-term limit -political _____________ -presidential _____________ -Bill of _____________ (The Constitution)

trade, communication, farm, cities, agricultural, settlement, transporting

Key transportation developments from 1820 to 1860: -Turnpikes such as the National Road promoted _______________ and _______________ with the Old Northwest. -Steamboats carried bulky _______________ products such as wheat, corn, and flour far more cheaply than covered wagons. By the 1840s, steamboats opened the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys to 2-way traffic. -Canals strengthened ties between Eastern _______________ and Western _______________ regions. -Railroads connected cities, encouraged _______________, and reduced the cost of _______________ goods. The number of miles of railroad track soared from just 13 when the Baltimore and Ohio line opened in 1829 to 30,626 in 1860. (The Transportation and Market Revolutions, 1815-1860)

Cuban Missile Crisis

Khrushchev ignored Kennedy warning to temper his aid to Castro. In a daring gamble, the Soviet leader secretly allowed Russian technicians to build 42 missile sites in Cuba. Each missile carried a nuclear warhead 20 to 30 times more powerful than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. Furthermore, the missiles could reach American cities up to 2,000 miles away in less than 5 minutes. This would lead to the ___________. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

declined, slavery

Know-Nothing candidates enjoyed initial success. The party captured over 40 congressional seats in the 1854 election. Its 1856 presidential candidate Millard Fillmore won 20% of the popular vote and 8 electoral votes. The Know-Nothing's success proved to be fleeting. The anti-Catholic fervor subsided as immigration _______________ and the country shifted its focus to the great national debate over the future of _______________. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

slave codes

Laws in early 17th century Virginia did not make a clear legal distinction between a slave and a servant. However, by the early 1700s, new "_______________" made black people and their children the lifetime property of white slave owners. (The Old South, 1815-1860)

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

Led by Chief Justice Earl Warren, the Supreme Court agreed with Thurgood Marshall of the NAACP in this Supreme Court case. In a unanimous decision in 1954, the court reversed the long-standing "separate but equal" doctrine of Plessy v. Ferguson. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Samuel Adams, Paul Revere

Led by _____________, enraged Patriots promptly branded the skirmish in Boston the "Boston Massacre." _____________'s highly partisan engraving of the Boston Massacre further inflamed colonial opinion against the British. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

South Carolina, cotton, manufactured

Led by _______________ in 1828, the southern states attacked the "Tariff of Abominations." Planters argued that while the industrial Northeast flourished, the South was forced to sell its _______________ in a world market unprotected by tariffs and buy _______________ goods at high prices. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

General Winfield Scott

Led by this man in the Mexican War, American forces landed at Vera Cruz and then battled their way to Mexico City. He entered and took control of the Mexican capital on September 14th, 1847. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

General Zachary Taylor

Led by this man in the Mexican War, American forces won a series of victories in northeastern Mexico. He became a national hero when he defeated a much larger Mexican army at the Battle of Buena Vista. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

Herbert Hoover

Like most leaders of business and government, this man did not anticipate the sudden economic downturn that followed the stock market crash on October 29th, 1929. He believed that the economy was fundamentally sound and that the real problem was a lack of confidence. Convinced that economic recovery depended primarily on the business community, he summoned industrial leaders to the White House and urged them to maintain wages, jobs, and production. He also implored private charities and local governments to help unemployed workers. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)


Like other European nations, the British adopted this system as their economic policy regarding the colonies. It argues that a country acquires wealth and power by having a favorable balance of trade. It believes that colonies exist to supply raw materials to their mother country and to purchase manufactured goods from their mother country. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

Church of England, hierarchy, self-governing, visible saints

Like other Protestants, the Puritans yearned to directly approach God. They therefore renounced the elaborate rituals of the _____________ and argued that a _____________ of Church officials was unnecessary. Each Puritan congregation was a _____________ church with membership limited to "_____________" who can demonstrate receipt of the gift of God's grace. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

muckrakers, will

Lincoln Steffens and other ___________ documented how alliances between bosses and special interests corrupted city and state governments across the country. These conditions appalled Progressive reformers, who believed local governments should be responsive to the public ___________. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Ten Percent, pardon, emancipation, John Wilkes Booth

Lincoln suggested a basis for Reconstruction in a Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, issued on December 8th, 1863. His ___________ Plan proposed a generous settlement. Lincoln offered a full ___________ to Southerners who pledged loyalty to the Union and to the Constitution. Southern states in which 10% of the 1860 electorate took such an oath and accepted ___________ would be restored to the Union. We will never know if Lincoln could have fulfilled his inspiring pledge. Just over a month later, ___________ assassinated Lincoln while he was watching a play at Ford's Theater in Washington. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

Andrew Johnson

Lincoln's tragic death placed the burden of Reconstruction the South on the shoulders of his former vice president. This man issued his own Reconstruction plan in May, 1865. Like Lincoln, he offered amnesty to most Confederates who took an oath of loyalty to the Union. High officials and wealthy planters had to apply for a presidential pardon. Whites in each Southern state could then elect delegates to a state convention. The convention had to repeal all session laws, repudiate Confederate war debts, and ratify the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. Who was this man? (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)


Lincoln's victory precipitated the _______________ of South Carolina and 6 other states in the Deep South. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

-16th Amendment -17th Amendment -18th Amendment -19th Amendment

List the 4 Progressive Era constitutional amendments: (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

-Franklin Roosevelt -Winston Churchill -Joseph Stalin

List the Big Three: (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

-Works Projects Administration -Securities and Exchange Commission -Social Security Act -Wagner Labor Relations Act

List the most important legislation from the Second New Deal, 1934 to 1935: (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

-Emergency Banking Relief Act -Civilian Conservation Corps -Tennessee Valley Authority -Agricultural Adjustment Act -National Industrial Recovery Act -Glass-Steagall Banking Act

List the most important legislation from the first Hundred Days of Franklin Roosevelt's presidency: (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

grandfather, 1867, grandfather

Louisiana enacted the 1st ___________ clause in 1898. The law established literacy and property qualifications for voters. However, it exempted the sons and grandsons of those eligible to vote before ___________, the year the 15th Amendment went into effect. The Supreme Court declared the ___________ clause unconstitutional in 1915. (The New South, 1877-1900)

overproduction, China, Chinese

Many American business leaders blamed industrial ___________ for the economic slump and social unrest during the 1890s. They looked to ___________'s "illimitable markets" to spur American economic growth. America's victory in the Spanish-American War gave it possession of strategic coaling stations in Wake, Guam, and the Philippines. As a result, American commercial ships could now reach the fabled ___________ market. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

yield, grain, surplus, loans, banks

Many American farmers never shared in the prosperity of the 1920s. Scientific farming methods combined with new trucks and tractors enabled farmers to dramatically increase the ___________ of crops per acre. At the same time, American farmers faced new competition from ___________ growers in Australia and Argentina. The global ___________ of agricultural products drove prices and farm incomes down. Since they were unable to sell their crops at a profit, many farmers could not pay off their ___________. These bad debts forced weakened ___________ to close. This eventually led to the Great Depression. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Whigs, Mexico

Many Americans opposed admitting Texas into the Union. The Texas constitution allowed slavery. Northern antislavery _______________ opposed admitting another slave state into the Union. Other opponents of annexation warned that this action might provoke a war with _______________. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

exiles, Pigs

Many Cubans who had supported Fidel Castro in the revolution felt betrayed by his dictatorial powers and Soviet Union relations. Thousands became ___________ and fled to the United States. When he became president, Kennedy learned that the CIA had been secretly training a small army of Cuban exiles. The plan called for them to invade Cuba at the Bay of ___________ on the island's southern coast. The armed exiles would then set off a popular uprising that would lead to the overthrow of the Cuban government. Despite having serious doubts, Kennedy allowed the invasion to take place on April 17th, 1961. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

the Grange

Many farmers endured a lonely existence on widely separated farms. However, this movement began as a social and educational organization in response to the farmers' isolation. As local chapters spread across the southern and western farm belts, membership rolls reached 1.5 million people by 1874. It soon became more than an organization to end the loneliness of farm life. They founded cooperatives through which they sold their crops and bought supplies as a group. They even tried to manufacture farm machinery. At the same time, it began to fight the railroads, succeeding in getting several states to pass laws regulating railroad freight rates. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)


Many observers noted that ___________ seemed invisible during the Great Depression. The PWA and other New Deal agencies almost exclusively hired men. The CCC excluded women entirely, prompting critics to ask, "Where is the she-she-she?" (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Joseph McCarthy

Many of President Eisenhower's advisors urged him to use his own great prestige to confront ___________. But I refused, saying, "I will not get in the gutter with that guy." (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)


Many older citizens chose to retire in the South and West. This band of states from the Carolinas to Southern California also attracted millions of other Americans. Fast-growing electronics and computer industries offered job opportunities to go along with this region's mild climate. By 2000, a majority of Americans lived in this region of states. In 1994, Texas passed New York as the nation's 2nd most populous state. The rise in this region is a key demographic trend. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

political, direct, initiative, referendum, recall

Many states enacted measures designed to enable voters to have greater control over the ___________ system. The ___________ primary allows the people to choose candidates for office instead of politicians or nominating conventions. ___________ allows voters to bypass state legislatures by signing a petition to place a proposed statute or constitutional amendment directly on the ballot. The ___________forces legislature to return proposed laws to the voters who then approve or reject the proposals. The ___________ allows voters to remove an elected official from office before the completion of his or her term. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Black Star Line

Marcus Garvey's fame and influence did not last long. In 1919, he founded this steamship company to promote trade between New York, Africa, and the West Indies. Garvey proved to be a poor business man. The steamship line collapsed in 1921, costing investors over $750,000. Irregularities in fundraising led to Garvey's arrest and conviction for mail fraud. President Coolidge commuted Garvey's sentence and he was deported to his native Jamaica. what was the name of this steamship company? (The New Era, 1919-1929)

"Letter from Birmingham City Jail"

Martin Luther King, Jr., wrote this famous letter while in jail in Birmingham, Alabama. In this letter, he defended civil disobedience as a justified response to unjust segregation laws. Dr. King insisted that African-Americans would no longer endure "the stinging darts of segregation." He called upon white clergymen to join him in being "extremists for the cause of justice." (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

religious, birth, age, meeting house, 1691, ministers, merchants

Massachusetts was founded by Pilgrims and Puritans seeking _____________ freedom. It was settled by families who experienced a high _____________ rate and a high average _____________. It developed a _____________ economy based on shipbuilding, fishing, and a leading role in the triangular trade. Massachusetts utilized a labor system based upon independent farmers, craftsman, and merchants. They lived in tightly-knit communities centered around a _____________. It was forced to become a royal colony in _____________. It was dominated by an elite group of Puritan _____________ and wealthy _____________. (Making Key Comparisons, 1492-1789)

Little Rock, Little Rock

Massive resistance against desegregation of schools became a reality in ___________, Arkansas. The local school board adopted a desegregation plan that called for nine black students to integrate ___________'s Central High School when classes began on September 3, 1957. The crisis began when over 1,000 whites attacked blacks and sympathetic whites outside the school. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

McKinley, Bryan, McKinley

McKinley's well-financed campaign overwhelmed Bryan in the election of 1896. ___________ won the popular vote by 7.1 million to 6.5 million and the electoral vote 271 to 176. The South and much of the thinly populated West supported ___________. ___________ captured all of the Northeast and the Upper Midwest, including the crucial swing states of Ohio and Illinois. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

revenue, colonial boycott

Parliament passed the Stamp Act to raise _____________ and rescinded it because of the _____________. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Knights of Labor, Samuel Gompers

Membership in the AFL grew steadily is it replaced the ___________ as America's most powerful labor union. By 1904, it had 1.7 million members, and ___________ was recognized as a national spokesman for American laborers. It is interesting to note that the AFL's traditional goals attracted support from late 19th century middle-class reformers. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)


Mercantile policies intentionally subordinated the colonial _____________ to Great Britain's economic interests. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)


Mercantilism impeded the growth of colonial _____________. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

slave, Senate, 7

Most Southerners believed that the Republican victory in the election of 1860 posed an unacceptable threat to a way of life based upon _______________ labor. They assumed that the Western territories would become free states, thus increasing the political imbalance in the ___________ between free and slave states. Led by South Carolina, ___________ states in the Deep South seceded before Lincoln took office. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

Bank War

The 20-year charter of the Second Bank of the United States was scheduled to expire in 1836, leading to the _______________ between Jackson and the Second Bank of the United States. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

politically, machines, boss, welfare

Most immigrants were ___________ inexperienced. America's federal system with its local, state, and national governments seemed too complex and overwhelming. As a result, many immigrants became clients of big city political ___________. The ___________ and his ward leaders provided poor immigrants with some welfare in exchange for their votes. The political machines provided the new immigrants with a rudimentary form of ___________. At the same time, corrupt bosses often engaged in illegal schemes that cost their cities millions of dollars. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

New York, theoretical underpinnings

Most political scientists now agree that the Federalist Papers did not achieve their goal of influencing delegates in _____________ to ratify the Constitution. However, the Federalist Papers are considered a definitive explanation of the _____________ of the Constitution. (The Ratification Debate)

Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, David Graham Phillips

Muckraking magazines published more than 2,000 investigative reports between 1903 and 1912. ___________ wrote a devastating expose of the ruthless practices John D. Rockefeller used to eliminate competitors and build the Standard Oil Company into the "Mother of Trusts." ___________ documented the corrupt alliance between big business and urban bosses in a series of articles in "McClure's" entitled "The Shame of the Cities." ___________ published an essay in Cosmopolitan entitled "The Treason of the Senate," which charged that most the United States senators were puppets controlled by the railroads and trusts. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

foreign, strict, treaties

Napoleon's offer of the Louisiana Purchase presented Jefferson with a difficult dilemma. The Constitution did not expressly grant the president or Congress the power to acquire _______________ territory. As a supporter of a _______________ interpretation of the Constitution, how could Jefferson approve the purchase of Louisiana? Jefferson's advisors argued that his Presidential Power to make _______________ gave him the implied power to purchase territory. Fearing that Napoleon might change his mind, Jefferson relented and the Senate overwhelmingly approved the Louisiana Purchase. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

-mass production -mass consumption -mass culture

The 3 "mass" aspects of the Roaring Twenties: (The New Era, 1919-1929)

privately, individuals

Native Americans believe that land could be used but not _____________ owned. In contrast, the North American colonists believed that land could be divided and owned by private _____________. (Making Key Comparisons, 1492-1789)


Native Americans did not possess advanced _____________. In contrast, the North American colonists were equipped with guns, cannons, warships, and horses. (Making Key Comparisons, 1492-1789)

matrilineal society

Native Americans often lived in this type of society in which property passed through the maternal line on the death of the mother. The Iroquois is one example. (Making Key Comparisons, 1492-1789)

republican, Pope Pius IX, low

Nativist leaders argued that Catholics posed a danger to America's _______________ institutions. They pointed to a statement by _______________ denouncing republican institutions because they relied upon the sovereignty of the people instead of the sovereignty of God. Nativists also argued that immigrants would work for _______________ wages and therefore take jobs away from native workers. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

Chinese, working

Nativist resentment of immigrants was not limited to Eastern and Midwestern cities. ___________ immigrants were the largest non-European group in California. Most of California's 75,000 Chinese residents lived in sections of cities called "Chinatowns." ___________ class Californians bitterly complained that Chinese laborers provided unfair competition because they worked for low wages. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Asia, fur, Jesuit, male trappers, trading posts, cooperative

New France was explored by sea captains looking for a northwest passage to _____________. It was settled by traders and trappers who developed a lucrative _____________ trade with the Indian tribes. It included Canada, the entire Mississippi River Valley, and Louisiana. it was Christianized by _____________ priests who did not require Native American converts to move to missions. It was populated primarily by _____________ who lived and worked in widely scattered _____________. New France was characterized by generally _____________ relations with the Native American tribes. (Making Key Comparisons, 1492-1789)

Quasi-War, commerce, Navy, army, Franco-American

New President John Adams inherited an undeclared _____________ with France. By mid-1797, French corsairs had plundered some 300 American merchant ships. Congress responded by suspending _____________ with France, creating a _____________ Department, and enlarging the _____________, and renouncing the _____________ alliance of 1778. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

textile, cheap, taxes, cotton

New South enthusiasts began by promoting the ___________ industry. During the antebellum years, planters shipped cotton to textile factories in New England and Great Britain. Investors recognized that the South's ready supply of ___________ labor, low ___________, and proximity to ___________ fields created ideal conditions for building a profitable textile industry. Mills soon flourished in small towns across the Piedmont region of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The number of cotton mills in the South quickly doubled from 161 and 1880 to 400 in 1900. (The New South, 1877-1900)

Watergate scandal

Nixon was never directly implicated in the Watergate break-in. However, instead of firing the corrupt officials responsible for the crime, he chose to "play it tough" and attempt to cover up the ordeal. The House Judiciary Committee ultimately voted to recommend the impeachment of Nixon for obstruction of justice. What was the name for the scandal? (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Asia, centralized, Spain, Christianized, ecomiendas

New Spain was explored by sea captains looking for a short route to _____________. It was conquered by conquistadores who toppled the _____________ Aztec and Inca empires. It included the Spanish Southwest, Mexico, Central America, and Peru. It was exploited by royal officials who mined Mexican and Peruvian gold and silver and shipped the mineral wealth to _____________. New Spain was dominated by Spanish officials and priests who _____________ the native peoples and forced them to live and work on _____________. It imposed Spanish culture, language, and religion on a mixed Indian and Spanish population. (Making Key Comparisons, 1492-1789)

trolley, trolley

New forms of transportation had a profound effect on urban life. In 1888, Richmond, Virginia, successfully tested their first electric ___________ system. Within 2 years, 200 other cities opened ___________ lines. By 1900, 30,000 cars carried passengers on 15,000 miles of track. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

individual, traditional, writers

New inventions and greater leisure time made a new kind of ___________ freedom possible. A rebellious generation of young adults challenged ___________ values while a critical group of ___________ questioned the conformity and materialism they saw in American society. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

Black Codes

Newly-elected state legislators in the South during Reconstruction promptly enacted laws to limit the freedmen's basic civil and economic rights. These laws circumscribed the socioeconomic opportunities open to black people. For example, the codes barred blacks from owning land, marrying whites, and carrying weapons. They were forced to return to farm labor under conditions reminiscent of slavery. It underscored the difficulty of assimilating 4 million former slaves into Southern society. Racial tensions soon erupted into violent riots in Memphis and New Orleans. Mob violence in the cities claimed the lives of 80 African-Americans and 5 whites. Writers looted and burned hundreds of black homes, churches, and schools. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

boycotted, Washington, D.C.

News of the shooting at Kent State University ignited a tidal wave of student protest. Over 400 colleges closed as thousands of protesting students ___________ classes. Almost 100,000 anti-war demonstrators staged a huge protest march in ___________. The demonstrators chant, "All we are saying is give peace a chance," could be heard throughout the nation's capital. Nixon later wrote that "Those few days after Kent State were among the darkest of my presidency." (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

silent majority

Nixon appealed to this group of Americans to support his policies. They included hard-working "nonshouters and nondemonstrators" who were typically white Americans living in fast-growing states in the South and West. This conservative group formed the core of a new Republican coalition of voters. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

peace, South

Nixon found himself squeezed between an impatient public at home and and an unyielding enemy abroad. The President and his National Security Advisor, Dr. Henry ___________, developed a two-track strategy to end American involvement and prevent a Communist takeover of South Vietnam. First, they would continue to negotiate for a ___________ settlement. Second, the United States began a gradual ___________ of American forces and their replacement by ___________ Vietnamese soldiers, called Vietnamization. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Gulf of Tonkin, War Powers, Watergate

Nixon had promised the South Vietnamese government that he was support them if the North Vietnamese launched a major attack. However, Nixon was unable to keep his promise. Congress repealed the ___________ Resolution and in November 1973 passed the ___________ Act. In addition, serious charges of misconduct in the ___________ scandal weakened Nixon and led to his resignation on August 9th, 1974. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Watergate, checks, balance

Nixon helped orchestrate the cover-up of the ___________ scandal. The following backlash by Congress showed that the Constitution's system of ___________ and ___________ worked. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

South, peace

Nixon inherited a difficult situation in Vietnam. At the time of his inauguration, 540,000 American soldiers were still in Vietnam. A growing number of Americans wanted to end a war that had already claimed the lives of 31,000 of their countrymen. The North Vietnamese, however, remained determined to control ___________ Vietnam. Thus, no real progress has been made at the Paris ___________ talks. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

doves, college, Kent State University

Nixon's announcement of invading Cambodia stunned the nation. Outraged ___________ questioned Nixon's strategy of shortening the war by escalating it. Skepticism turned to anger as indignant ___________ students protested the invasion of Cambodia. Police and even National Guard soldiers had to be called upon to maintain order on some campuses. Then on May 4, 1970, tragedy struck at ___________ in Ohio. Frightened National Guard soldiers open fire on demonstrators, killing 4 student bystanders. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Vietnamization, Cambodia, Cambodia

Nixon's strategy of ___________ appear to be working. Then, on April 30th, 1970, Nixon surprised the nation by announcing that he was sending American ground troops into ___________. Nixon explained that the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese used bases inside ___________ to launch attacks on South Vietnam. The bases had to be destroyed before American forces could leave Vietnam. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

patrilineal society

North American colonists lived in this type of society where property and hereditary leadership passed through the paternal line. (Making Key Comparisons, 1492-1789)

-lack of skilled commanders -non-consensus on war aims

Northern disadvantages in the Civil War: (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

Paris Accords

On January 23, 1973, President Nixon announced that an agreement had been reached to end the war and bring peace with honor to Vietnam and Southeast Asia. 4 days later, American and North Vietnamese officials signed an 18-page treaty. What was the name of this treaty? (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

U.S.S. Maine

On January 25th, 1898, this 7000-ton new battleship of the Navy arrived in Havana Harbor on what was called a visit of "friendly courtesy." 3 weeks later, a deafening explosion tour through the vessel, sinking the ship and killing over 260 sailors. Although the cause of the blast was never fully determined, the press and most Americans blamed the Spanish. A "New York Journal" headline screamed "Whole Country Thrills with War Fever." This was one cause of the Spanish-American War. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Margaret Sanger

Not all women welcomed the Court's decision in Muller v. Oregon. Feminists led by ___________ rejected the Court's reasoning that women needed legal protection because of their physical frailty and role as future mothers. Gilman, Margaret Sanger, and other early feminists supported a single standard of behavior for men and women. Several feminists joined the birth-control movement led by ___________. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)


Nothing seemed to occupy more leisure time than ___________ in the 1950s. In 1946, there were just 7,000 TV sets and 6 TV stations in the entire country. By 1953, half of all homes had a TV set. Many people rescheduled social engagements so they could be home to watch such favorite shows as "The Honeymooners," "Father Knows Best," and "I Love Lucy." On January 19th, 1953, a record audience turned on over 70% of Americans television sets to watch an episode featuring the birth of Lucy's baby. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Tet Offensive

Of all the problems in America as 1968 began, the Vietnam War concerned President Johnson the most. On January 31, 1968, the first day of the Vietnamese New Year, Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces attacked over 100 cities, villages, and military bases across Vietnam. What was this attack called? (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

suburbs, G.I.

Of the 13 million new homes constructed in the 1950s, 11 million sprung up in the ___________. The ___________ Bill enabled veterans to buy new homes with little or no down payments and then make modest monthly payments for 20 to 30 years. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Mexican, 1846

On April 25th, 1846, a large _______________ force crossed the Rio Grande and attacked a small American reconnaissance party. In the ensuing fight, 11 Americans were killed and the rest wounded or captured. Polk promptly demanded that Congress declare war on Mexico, declaring that "Mexico has ... shed American blood upon American soil." Congress agreed and approved a declaration of war on May 13th, _______________. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)


On August 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein ordered Iraqi forces to invade this country. Hussein's decision to conquer the country was part of his plan to become the Arab world's most powerful leader. This country owned almost 10% of the world's proven oil reserves. Since Iraq also had 10%, taking this country would double Iraq's oil reserves. Hussein would then be in a position to intimidate Saudi Arabia and dominate the global oil market. What is the name of the country Saddam Hussein invaded? (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

Rosa Parks

On December 1st, 1955, a white Montgomery city lines bus driver ordered this woman to give up her seat to a white passenger. She was a 42-year-old black seamstress who was a respected member of the local black community. Even though she was tired from a long day at work, she was also tired of enduring the injustices of racial segregation. As the driver impatiently waited for an answer, she did the unexpected. She refused the driver's order by saying just one word, "No." The bus driver promptly called the police, who arrested her and fined her $10. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Executive Order 9066

On February 19, 1942, President Roosevelt issued this executive order authorizing the military to evacuate all people of Japanese ancestry from the West Coast. About 110,000 Japanese-Americans were interred, or kept confined, in 10 detention camps located on desolate lands owned by the federal government. No specific charges were ever filed against the Japanese Americans and no evidence of subversion was ever found. The internment constituted the most serious violation of civil liberties in wartime in American history. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Palmer Raids

On January 2, 1920, agents of the Department of Justice arrested over 4,000 people in a dozen cities across America. This series of raids violated civil liberties by breaking into homes and union offices without arrest warrants. Although most of those arrested were released, the Department of Justice deported about 500 aliens without hearings or trials. It marked the end of the Red Scare. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

submarine, United States, Western

On January 31, 1917, Germany announced that it would resume unrestricted ___________ warfare, in spite of the Sussex Pledge. The Germans understood that this action would bring the ___________ into the war. However, they gambled and that they could defeat France and Great Britain before America could mobilize and train an army large enough to thwart their offensive along the ___________ Front. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

Fourteen Points, international, determination, League of Nations

On January 8, 1918, Woodrow Wilson announced a peace program known as the ___________. The first 5 points called for general principles of ___________ conduct that included open diplomacy, freedom of the seas, removal of trade barriers, reduction of armaments, and impartial mediation of colonial claims. The next eight points contained specific recommendations for adjusting post-war boundaries based upon the principle of self-___________ for the population involved. Wilson's fourteenth and most famous point called for "a general association of nations" that would protect "great and small states alike." This association or ___________ would keep the peace by encouraging its members to solve problems by negotiation. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

Watergate, Reelect

On June 17, 1972, police arrested 5 burglars who had broken into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the ___________ apartment and office complex in Washington. Painstaking investigation later revealed that the break-in was part of a much larger campaign of "dirty tricks" financed and directed by the Committee to ___________ the President (CREEP). (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)


On June 25th, ___________, the North Korean army suddenly attacked South Korea. Supported by artillery and heavy tanks, about 90,000 North Korean soldiers smashed through the South Korean defenses and rolled south. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

halt, peace

On March 31, 1968, President Johnson announced a series of shocking decisions. He rejected General Westmoreland's request for 206,000 more troops, and instead ordered a ___________ to most of the bombing in North Vietnam. He also called upon the leaders of North Vietnam to begin ___________ talks. Johnson then paused and told a nationally televised audience a final decision: "I have decided that I shall not seek, and will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your President." Johnson hoped that these decisions would restore a sense of national unity. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Emergency Banking Relief Act

On March 5th, FDR proclaimed a four-day bank holiday. This act provided for the reopening of the banks under the supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury. A few days later, FDR addressed to the nation by radio in the first of his "fireside chats." He emphasized that most of the banks would reopen in a few days. The next day, people making deposits far outnumbered those making withdrawals. As a result, the immediate banking crisis subsided. This legislation was passed in the first Hundred Days. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Anthracite Coal Strike

On May 12, 1902, 147,000 members of the United Mine Workers struck coal mines across Pennsylvania and West Virginia. They demanded official recognition of their union, a reduction in daily hours from 10 to 9, and a 20% increase in their average annual salary of $560. The mine owners refused to negotiate, this precipitating a long and bitter strike. Theodore Roosevelt threatened the use of the Army to force the owners to negotiate with the strikers. What was the name of the strike? (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

demonstration, sin

On May 3rd, Eugene "Bull" Connor and his men used clubs, snarling police attack dogs, and high-pressure fire hoses to disperse a peaceful ___________ in Birmingham. Although the fire hoses knocked demonstrators to the ground, they did not wash away their dignity. Connor's strategy backfired when outraged Americans watched news broadcasts of what one journalist called, "a visual demonstration of ___________, vivid enough to rouse the conscience of the entire nation." (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Haymarket Square riot

On May 4th, 1886, nearly 1,500 working people gathered at Chicago to protest the violent police actions the previous day at a strike at the McCormick reaper factory. As about 180 policemen tried to disperse the crowd, an unidentified person hurled a bomb into the police ranks. The explosion killed 7 officers and injured 67 other people. The police fired wildly into the crowd, killing 4 people and wounding over 100 others. What was the name of this riot? (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)


On Monday, November 25, 1963, all work stopped as America mourned its fallen President, John F. Kennedy. Mrs. Kennedy ended the ceremony by lighting an eternal ___________ over the president's grave. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

KDKA, radio, culture

On November 2, 1920, radio station ___________ in Pittsburgh announced the news that the Republican candidate Warren Harding won a landslide victory over his Democratic rival James Cox. The broadcast signaled the birth of a new industry. Just 7 years later, millions of Americans anxiously listened to breathless accounts of Charles Lindbergh's solo flight across the Atlantic. As the ___________ mania swept across the country, families could now gather around their sets and listen to the same programs, laugh at the same jokes, sing the same songs, and of course hear the same advertisements. the rise of the radio industry contributed to mass ___________. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

atomic bomb, Manhattan Project

On October 11th, 1939, President Roosevelt received a letter from the world famous physicist Albert Einstein explaining the destructive potential of nuclear fusion. Einstein warned that if the United States did not act quickly, the Germans might develop an ___________ first. FDR responded by approving the $2 billion top secret ___________. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Yom Kippur

On October 1973, Egypt and Syria attacked Israel on ___________, the holiest day of the Jewish year. The attack caught the Israelis by surprise and forced them to send President Nixon an urgent request for emergency equipment. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

People's Republic of China

On October 1st, 1949, Mao Zedong announced the birth of the ___________. Meanwhile, Chiang Kai-Shek and the remnants of his defeated Nationalist army fled to Formosa (aka Taiwan), an island 100 miles from the Chinese mainland. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

prosperity, Communism, subversion, nuclear

On the surface, a majority of Americans seemed to enjoy a good life in the mid-1950s. The country liked Eisenhower because his administration brought a material ___________ unequaled in memory. And of course, everyone loved TV shows because they brought a weekly dose of comic relief. However, the surface appearance of calm misrepresented the reality of an underlying sense of anxiety and even fear. The fear of international ___________, the fear of domestic ___________, and, most of all, the fear of ___________ annihilation all produced a deep sense of anxiety. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

-tariff -banks -trusts

Once in office, Wilson launched a vigorous legislative offensive against what he called the "triple wall of privilege." List the triple wall: (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Southern Manifesto

One year after issuing the Brown versus Board of Education decision, the Supreme Court unanimously directed the states to desegregate public schools with "all deliberate speed." Outraged Southern leaders responded by calling for massive resistance to the Court's decision. In Congress, 82 Representatives and 19 Senators signed a ___________ that accused the Supreme Court of a clear abuse of judicial power. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

plantation, slavery

Outraged Southerners believed that the Tallmadge Amendment threatened the future of the _______________ system while also implying a moral attack on _______________ and thus the Southern way of life. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)


Owners enjoyed enormous ___________ while their workers earned meager salaries. For example, Marshall Field, the founder of a Chicago-based chain of department stores, earned $600 an hour while his shopgirls survived on a salary of just $3 to $5 a week. In 1900, a male industrial worker earned an average of $597 a year while his female counterpart earned an average of only $314 a year. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

-Proclamation of 1763 -Quartering Act -Coercive Acts

Parliament passed these 3 laws to tighten its control over the increasingly rebellious colonists. Instead, these regulatory acts intensified the colonists' resistance to British rule and their commitment to republican values: (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

Stamp Act

Parliament passed this on February 13th, 1765. It required colonists to affix stamps to over 50 items including newspapers, legal documents, almanacs, college diplomas, and playing cards. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Navigation Acts

Parliament passed this series of laws to implement its mercantilist philosophy. They regulated colonial shipping by enumerating colonial products that could be shipped only to England and by requiring that all commerce flowing to and from the colonies be routed through English ports in British or colonial vessels. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

cult of domesticity, gender

Pictures that illustrate the _______________ typically show a middle or upper-class father benignly watching as his wife reads to his children. Pictures that illustrate the lack of _______________ equality depict rows of women workers supervised by a stern male supervisor. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

Jim Crow

Plessy v. Ferguson allowed ___________ segregation laws to spread across the South. Within a few years, state and local statutes required segregated schools, restaurants, and hotels. Ubiquitous signs saying "white only" or "colored" appeared on restroom doors, above water fountains, and inside stores. (The New South, 1877-1900)

60, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

Plessy v. Ferguson sanctioned a pattern of court-supported segregation that lasted about ___________ years. Segregated schools used separate facilities that were rarely equal. The Supreme Court finally reversed itself and overturned Plessy v. Ferguson when it ruled in ___________ in 1954 that segregated schools are inherently unequal. (The New South, 1877-1900)

scandals, business

Political cartoons about Warren Harding would be about ___________, while political cartoons about Coolidge are about his wealthy ___________ supporters. (The New Era, 1919-1929)


Political opponents led by Henry Clay and Daniel Webster hated Jackson and derisively called him "King Andrew I." Jackson's rivals left the Democratic party and drew together into a newly-formed _______________ Party. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

-speech -press -religion

The 3 freedoms guaranteed in the 1st Amendment: (The Ratification Debate)

silver, 1896

Populist leaders believed the free ___________ offered a compelling solution to the Depression of 1893. With the ___________ presidential election fast approaching, Populists prepared for a climactic battle with the Republicans and Democrats that many believed would determine the nation's future for generations to come. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

wheeled, water, private property

Pre-Columbian Native Americans did NOT develop _____________ vehicles, _____________ wheels, or a tradition of _____________ rights. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)


President Carter's idealistic foreign policy resembled that of Woodrow Wilson. He pledged that human ___________ would be the soul of our foreign policy. He vowed that his actions would be guided by "fairness, not force." (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

"New Look" defense policy

President Eisenhower and his Secretary of State John Foster Dulles added to public anxiety by announcing this defense policy. The United States would no longer become involved in expensive limited wars. Instead, Dulles announced a new strategy called MASSIVE RETALIATION. This meant that the United States would consider using its nuclear weapons to halt Communist aggression. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

oil, Desert Storm

President George H.W. Bush argued that Iraq had to be confronted after its invasion of Kuwait. The United States could not allow any nation to dominate the Persian Gulf and thus control the world's ___________ supply. Bush skillfully forged an international coalition of 28 nations to force Hussein to withdraw from Kuwait. Led by the United States, Operation ___________ successfully crushed Hussein's army and liberated Kuwait. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

directly, individualism, Constitution, individualism, individualism, voluntarism

President Hoover rejected calls for federal programs to ___________ help unemployed workers. He stubbornly opposed a government dole because it ran counter to his belief in "rugged ___________." Hoover argued that a program of direct federal relief to individuals would violate the ___________ and undermine the cherished value of "rugged ___________". Hoover's philosophy of rugged ___________ and local ___________ hardened into a dogma that prevented him from supporting federal programs to combat unemployment. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Hamilton, Napolean

President John Adams resisted enormous pressure to declare war on France during the Quasi-War. He defied _____________ and other war hawks by sending new envoys to France. Now led by _____________, the French preferred to avoid war with the United States and concentrate on their conflicts with Great Britain. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

President Johnson was determined to meet the Communist challenge. On August 4, 1964, he received unsubstantiated reports that North Vietnamese gunboats fired on two American destroyers patrolling the Gulf of Tonkin. The next day, Johnson asked Congress to pass a resolution authorizing him to take "all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression." The House unanimously supported the resolution while only 2 Senators opposed it. What was the name of this resolution that gave President Johnson a blank check to escalate the American war effort in Vietnam? (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Emancipation Proclamation

President Lincoln issued this on New Year's Day, 1863. It declared that all slaves in the areas "wherein the people ... are this day in rebellion ... are, and henceforward shall be free." It only freed slaves living in states that had rebelled against the Union. It did not free slaves in the border states such as Kentucky and Missouri. Slavery was not legally and completely abolished until the enactment of the 13th Amendment in 1865. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

Ngo Dinh Diem

President Lyndon Johnson inherited a dangerous situation in South Vietnam. In late 1963, a group of generals overthrew and killed ___________. At the same time, bombings by Viet Cong terrorists became an almost daily occurrence. Sensing that South Vietnam was on the verge of collapse, the North Vietnamese sent more aid to reinforce the Viet Cong. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Yom Kippur War

President Nixon now faced a momentous decision. He understood that American military aid would anger the entire Arab world. However, Nixon also recognized that he could not permit Soviet-backed countries to defeat an American ally. Within days, huge American transport planes airlifted 20,000 tons of weapons to Israel. This massive aid enabled the Israeli army to push back the Arab forces. After over two weeks of intense fighting, both sides agreed to a United Nations cease-fire. What was the name of this war in 1973? (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

inflation, high, spending, taxes, unemployment

President Reagan wasted little time in announcing his plans to revive the economy. Less than 3 weeks after taking office, the President told the nation, "We're in the worst economic mess since the Great Depression." He then identified ___________, ___________ interest rates, too much government ___________, high ___________, and ___________ as five key problems that had to be solved. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

economic, foreign

President Reagan's popularity rose as the 1984 election approached. Americans liked Reagan's can-do personality and admired his ability to lead the nation. The president proudly pointed to the nation's strong ___________ recovery and to his tough new ___________ policy. Declaring that he wanted to "make America great again," the president told voters, "You ain't seen nothin' yet." (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

Japan, surrender, Soviet Union, cooperative

President Truman authorized the use of atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At least four factors seems to influence Truman's decision: 1st and foremost, he wanted to avoid a costly invasion of ___________. 2nd, he wanted to shock the Japanese government into an immediate ___________. 3rd, he wanted to end the war before the ___________ could gain any influence over the postwar settlement with Japan. And finally, he wanted to convince Stalin to be more ___________ in formulating postwar plans. Since the atomic bomb was a secret, ___________ opinion played no role in Truman's decision. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

General Douglas MacArthur

President Truman placed this man in charge of the Japanese occupation after World War II. Under his direction, Japan adopted a new constitution that created a democratic government. At the same time, American aid helped Japan rebuild factories, launch new electronic industries, and implement a program of land reform. By 1953, the Japanese economy was performing at pre-war levels. This man's display of firm but fair leadership won the respect of the Japanese people. United States and Japan gradually came to view each other as allies. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Committee on Public Information

President Wilson recognized that the American public had to be mobilized to support a war against an enemy that did not present a direct threat to the nation's homeland. As a result, he issued an executive order creating this committee. Led by George Creel, it worked to convince the public that America was fighting a righteous war for freedom and democracy. An army of 75,000 Four-Minute Men gave speeches urging citizens to buy Liberty Bonds and conserve fuel and food. Meanwhile, propaganda films and posters portrayed the Germans as barbaric enemies of freedom. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

Cleveland, Eugene Debs

President ___________ had no sympathy for the striking workers in the Pullman Strike. He called out federal troops to break the strike on the grounds that it obstructed delivery of the U.S. mail. The Pullman Strike once again demonstrated that the federal government would actively intervene to crush strikes and protect management. The strike left ___________ disillusioned and embittered. Within a few years, he became a key leader of the Socialist Party of America. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

assembly line

Prior to World War II, airplanes and ships had been built one at a time. Led by Henry Ford and Henry J. Kaiser, American companies learn how to use ___________ techniques to mass-produce these and other weapons. By 1944, round-the-clock shifts were turning out a new bomber every hour and a cargo ship every 17 days. Between 1940 and 1945, factories in the United States produced a staggering total of 296,429 war planes, 5,425 cargo ships, and 102,351 tanks and self-propelled guns. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Omaha, Sacramento, Central Pacific, Union Pacific

Prior to the Civil War, Southern congressmen strongly supported a transcontinental railroad that would link New Orleans with Los Angeles. Following the outbreak of the Civil War, Congress approved a transcontinental railroad connecting ___________, Nebraska with ___________, California. The government provided the ___________ and ___________ companies with generous loans and extensive land grants. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

Industrial Revolution, division, home

Prior to the _______________, many men and women worked together as an economic unit on small family farms. However, as the Industrial Revolution gained momentum, if encouraged a _______________ of labor between home and work. While men held jobs in a competitive market economy, the _______________ became the appropriate place or "sphere" for a woman. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

business, commission, city manager

Progressive reformers believed that city governments should be run like a ___________. Many cities adopted either the commission system or the city manager plan to achieve the school. First adopted in Galveston, Texas, the ___________ system placed authority in the hands of a board composed of 5 professional administrators who each ran one of the city's major departments. The more widely adopted ___________ plan gave executive power to a professional administrator who ran the government in accordance with policies set by the elected council and mayor. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

urban, entrenched

Progressive reformers had confidence in the ability of experts to devise rational solutions to complex ___________ problems. During the Progressive Era, they launched a widespread political movement to replace "___________ interests" with reform leaders committed to promoting the public good. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Social Darwinism, informed

Progressive were idealists who rejected the main tenets of ___________. They believed that conflict and competition would not inevitably improve society. Instead, they optimistically believed that ___________ citizens would create a just society that would reduce poverty, regulate corporations, protect the environment, and elect honest leaders. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

college graduates, Taylorism

Progressives were often ___________ who believed that modern cities were too complex to be left in the hands of corrupt party bosses. They prized social scientific knowledge and had confidence in the use of experts to efficiently manage public affairs. This "gospel of efficiency" was inspired by the principles of "scientific management" developed by Frederick W. Taylor. This was the development of ___________. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

-Internationalists -Irreconcilables -Reservationists

The 3 groups of senators that debated the passage of the Treaty of Versailles: (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)


Prolonged unemployment created an army of homeless people in the Great Depression. The jobless stood in bread lines, sold apples on street corners, and slept anywhere they could find shelter. This was the sarcastic term given to shantytowns inhabited by these unemployed and homeless people. For Americans used to living in a land of abundance, they were among the most sobering sites of the Great Depression. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

work ethic

The Puritans believed in the Protestant _____________. They taught their children that "idle hands are the devil's workshop." (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)


Public outrage over police brutality against Birmingham demonstrators forced President Kennedy to act. In a televised address on June 11, 1963, he forcefully argued for ___________ justice: "We are confronted primarily with a moral issue ... The heart of the question is whether all Americans are to be afforded equal rights and equal opportunities, whether we are going to treat our fellow Americans as we want to be treated." (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

moral conduct

Puritan leaders enforced a strict code of _____________. For example, communities in colonial New England banned the theater. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

taxes, celibacy

Quakers did NOT refuse to pay _____________ and did NOT practice clerical _____________. (The Middle Atlantic Colonies, 1664-1754)

"Silent Spring"

Rachel Carson published her findings in this groundbreaking book. She forcefully warned that the unrestricted use of chemical pesticides was destroying much of America's wildlife. Readers were shocked to learn that the California condor, the whooping crane, and even the bald eagle were all threatened with extinction. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)


Radical Republicans had long been the driving force behind the program to restructure Southern society. Sympathy for the freedmen begin to wane as these leaders died or left office. A new generation of "___________" began to focus their attention on a series of issues that included western expansion, Indian wars, tariffs, and railroad construction. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

Promontory Point, Irish, Chinese

Railroad workers and company officials celebrated the completion of the first transcontinental railroad on May 10th, 1869, at ___________, Utah. By 1900, 4 additional transcontinental railroads crisscrossed the West. ___________ and ___________ workers played an important role in these vast construction projects. (The West, 1865-1900)

competition, consolidated

Railroads, steel companies, and oil refineries all faced intense ___________ from ambitious rivals. During the 1880s and 1890s, corporate executives used horizontal and vertical integration to create huge ___________ organizations. This horizontal and vertical integration would be a key characteristic of new industrial era. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

funding, spending, inflation, income, stimulate, businesses

Reagan called upon Congress to sharply reduce government ___________ of social and welfare programs. He argued that these cuts would help control federal ___________ and fight ___________. He also asked Congress to enact a three-year 30% cut in personal ___________ taxes. The president believed that these cuts would ___________ the economy. With more money to spend, consumers would buy more goods. At the same time, Reagan also called upon Congress to ease government regulations of ___________. He believed that free market capitalism would create jobs and promote economic growth. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

New Right

Reagan enjoyed strong support from this conservative movement in the presidential election of 1984. Its emphasis upon patriotism and family values attracted strong support from the South, the middle class, and from working class "Reagan Democrats." (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

solution, problem, stagflation

Reagan opposed the use of a New Deal-type program to revive the economy. "Government is not the ___________ to our problem," Reagan declared. "Government is the ___________." Reagan boldly championed a series of new solutions to deal with ___________. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

Reaganomics, growth

Reagan's confidence in ___________ eventually proved to be justified. America enjoyed a sustained period of economic ___________ from 1982 to 1988. During that time, the economy added more than 17 million jobs, inflation dropped to single digits, and the gross national product showed the biggest percentage increase in 33 years. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

hostage, presidency

Reagan's inauguration marked a new beginning for America. The Iran ___________ crisis had finally ended, and a new ___________ had begun. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

recession, Unemployment

Reaganomics failed to produce immediate results. Instead of reviving, the economy sank into a steep ___________. ___________ climbed to over 10% -- the highest since the Great Depression. Despite the difficult beginning, Reagan urged the public to "stay the course." (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

equality, civil, enforced

Reconstruction failed to establish durable political ___________ for African Americans. However, the 3 Reconstruction amendments did recognize that black Americans had ___________ rights. A future generation of black leaders could thus demand that these constitutional rights be ___________ since they had already been legally established. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

Margaret Fuller, citizenship

Reformers such as _______________ recognized that the cult of domesticity relegated women to a separate domestic sphere that continued to deny them the basic rights of American _______________. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

implied, public, Jackson

Regarding domestic policy, Jefferson used Hamilton's doctrine of _______________ powers to justify the Louisiana Purchase. Unlike Hamilton, Jefferson believed that the _______________ should be trusted to govern itself. He supported public education and the expansion of voting rights to more white, male citizens. He thus laid the foundation for the expansion of suffrage during the _______________ administration. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

bank, whiskey, spending

Regarding economic policy, Jefferson accepted Hamilton's national _______________ as an essential convenience despite his opposition to its creation. He pleased frontier farmers by repealing the _______________ tax. Jefferson also reduced federal _______________ by cutting the size of both the Army and the Navy. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)


Regarding foreign policy, Jefferson continued _______________'s policy of remaining neutral and avoiding foreign wars, even though he was an ardent supporter of the French Revolution. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

music, pop

Relatively few Americans read Beat Generation poems or visited trendy art galleries to see Abstract Expressionist paintings. However, most Americans did listen to ___________ on their radios. The ___________ sound that dominated the early 1950s was typically emotionless, cute, and bland. For example, in one hit song, A perky Patti Page hopefully asked, "How much is that doggie in the window?" (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)


Reporters promptly labeled Reagan's supply-side economic program with this name. Critics argued that it would hurt the needy and fail to stimulate the economy. But, Reagan skillfully used television speeches to generate support for his program. The president's success soon earned him the nickname "the Great Communicator." Within a few months, Congress passed Reagan's budget and tax cuts involved with his economic program. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, Richard Nixon, Richard Nixon

Republican primary voters strongly supported ___________ in the 1968 presidential election. As a result, he easily won the party's presidential nomination. The dissension within the Democratic Party gave him an early lead. However, the Democrats finally rallied behind ___________ when he announced that, if elected, he would stop all bombing of North Vietnam. On election day, ___________ won a solid majority of the electoral votes while winning a narrow margin of the popular votes. ___________ now assumed the burden of ending the Vietnam War and reuniting a badly divided country. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

budget, tax collectors, whiskey

Republican simplicity promised a "wise and frugal government." Believing that the government governs best that governs least, Jefferson cut the _______________, fired federal _______________, eliminated the tax on _______________, and reduced both the Army and the Navy. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

William Levitt

Robust economic growth in the 1950s sparked a strong demand for new homes. This man successfully applied assembly-line production techniques learned in the automobile and shipping industries to building homes. His affordable mass-produced homes provided a model for builders across the country. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Oregon, Oregon

Roosevelt and other expansionists focused on the pressing need to build a ___________ through Central America. The much publicized voyage of the battleship "___________" dramatically illustrated the need for a canal. When the "Maine" blew up, 71 days passed before the "___________" could reach Cuba because it had to sail from San Francisco around the tip of South America. Expansionists persuasively argued that the Oregon's 12,000 mile voyage would have been 8,000 miles shorter had their been a canal across Central America. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Court Reform Bill

Roosevelt and the New Dealers feared that the court would soon strike down both the Wagner Act and the Social Security Act. In 1937, FDR sent Congress the ___________. The president surprised Congress by asking for the authority to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice for every member older than 70. This would allow Roosevelt to appoint 6 new justices more receptive to the New Deal. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Roosevelt Corollary

Roosevelt responded to the crisis in the Dominican Republic by proclaiming this corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. Roosevelt updated the Monroe Doctrine by declaring that "flagrant cases of wrongdoing" in Central America and the Caribbean "may force the United States to exercise an international police power." It was a unilateral declaration motivated by American national interest. It changed the Monroe Doctrine from a statement against the intervention of European powers in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere to a justification of the unrestricted American right to regulate Caribbean affairs. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Rosa Parks's refusal to give up her seat sparked this event. Led by her young minister, the 26 year-old Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the black community supported Parks by boycotting the Montgomery buses. The boycott worked. 15 months later, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling that bus segregation was unconstitutional. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Open Door Policy

Secretary of State John Hay became increasingly worried that the European powers and Japan would restrict American trading opportunities in China. On September 6th, 1899, he dispatched a series of notes to Great Britain, Germany, Russia, France, Italy, and Japan asking the governments of the 6 nations to agree to respect the rights and privileges of other nations within its sphere of influence. In short, no nation would discriminate against other nations. What was his policy called? (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Adam-Onis Treaty

Secretary of State John Quincy Adams exploited Spain's weakness in 1819 by negotiating this treaty. Under the terms of this agreement, Spain ceded Florida to the United States. In exchange, the United States abandoned claims to Northern Mexico (Texas). In addition, this treaty defined the southwestern boundary of the Louisiana Purchase. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Nationalism, Freedom

Sensing an opportunity to defeat the divided Republicans, the Democrats nominated New Jersey's popular reform governor ___________. The 1912 election turned into a contest between two contrasting legislative programs - ___________'s New Nationalism and ___________'s New Freedom. The New ___________ insisted that America needed a strong federal government to regulate large corporations. In contrast, the New ___________ insisted that the federal government needed stronger antitrust laws to break up large corporations into smaller, more competitive units. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Sensing victory in the election of 1932, the Democrats nominated this man, the popular reform-minded governor of New York. In a dramatic gesture, he broke tradition and flew to Chicago to personally accept his party's nomination. He inspired the convention by promising cheering delegates, "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people." (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Ronald Reagan, no, Ronald Reagan, George Bush

Sensing victory, the Republicans nominated ___________ for president in the election of 1980. During his campaign, he repeatedly asked the American people to answer one question: "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?" On election day, the voters overwhelmingly answered ___________. ___________ and his running mate, ___________, won a landslide victory. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)


Separatists who wanted to sever all ties with the church of England. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

defense, Communism, Korean, rationing

Several factors combined to produce the remarkable economic boom in the 1950s. Cold War ___________ spending represented the single most important catalyst. America's commitment to contain ___________ in Europe and fight the ___________ War in Asia pushed the defense budget from $13 billion in 1949 to over $50 billion in 1953. At the same time, World War II ___________ created a pent-up consumer demand for cars, appliances, and, most of all, new homes in the suburbs. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

conservatives, national government

Shay's Rebellion frightened many _____________ who feared the breakdown of law and order. The great commotion in Massachusetts convinced George Washington, James Madison, and other key leaders that the United States needed a stronger _____________. (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)

farmers, merchants

Shays' Rebellion reflected the tensions between impoverished _____________ and the wealthy _____________ who dominated the Massachusetts legislature. (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)

Sherman's "March to the Sea"

Sherman burned Atlanta on November 15th, 1864. He then began this famous journey. Determined to wage a total war on the people of Georgia, Sherman's army promptly made the Georgians "feel the hard hand of war." His soldiers burned homes, ruined crops, killed animals, and destroyed railroad tracks as they left a path of destruction 60 miles wide. He arrived in Savannah in time to present the city to President Lincoln as a Christmas present. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)


Sherman captured ___________ in September 1864. His victory helped boost Lincoln's sagging popularity, thus enabling the president to defeat the Democratic candidate General McClellan in the November election. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

corrupt bargain

Shortly after winning the House vote for presidency in 1824, John Quincy Adams named Henry Clay his new Secretary of State. Jackson's outraged supporters promptly accused Adams and Clay of a "_______________" that thwarted the will of the people by cheating Old Hickory out of the presidency. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

The Birth of a Nation, The Jazz Singer, culture

Silent films first appeared in the early 1900s. However, the modern American motion picture industry began with the release of D.W. Griffith's "___________" in 1915. Soon feature length films turned Rita Garbo, Charlie Chaplin, and Rudolph Valentino into celebrities. In 1927, enthralled fans watched and listened to the first "talkie," "___________." Silent films quickly vanished, and by 1930 motion pictures became the nation's most popular form of entertainment. the rise of the motion picture industry contributed to the developing mass ___________. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

village communities, spiritual, gender, agriculture

Similarities between Indians and North American colonists: Both lived in _____________, had strong _____________ beliefs, practiced a division of labor based on _____________, and had economies based predominantly upon _____________. (Making Key Comparisons, 1492-1789)

slavery, competing

Since the passage of the Missouri Compromise of 1820, the Democratic and Whig parties had attempted to suppress divisive questions about the status of _______________ in the western territories. David Wilmot defended his proviso as a necessary means of ensuring the "rights of white freemen" to live and work in the new territories without the unfair burden of _______________ with slave labor. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

Revolutionary War, livestock

Slavery faced an uncertain future in the Chesapeake region in 1790. The tobacco market had already experienced a slow-down before the _______________ and continue to decline in the post-war years. As slave labor became less necessary, Chesapeake planters began to switch to grain and _______________. (The Old South, 1815-1860)


Slaves comprised the majority of South Carolina's population. The slaves hoped to reach Spanish-controlled _____________, where they would be granted their freedom, which led to the Stono Rebellion. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

planters, Indian tribes, tobacco, taxes, fertile land

Small farmers opposed Governor Berkeley's policy of favoring wealthy _____________ and protecting _____________ engaged in the lucrative fur trade. They were frustrated by falling _____________ prices, rising _____________, and dwindling opportunities to purchase _____________ near navigable rivers. This caused Bacon's Rebellion. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

wage, welfare, free

Social Darwinism explained that wealth is a reward for hard work and talent while poverty is a punishment for laziness and bad judgment. Governments must therefore avoid the temptation to regulate economic activities by supporting ___________ increases and social ___________ programs. These policies are doomed to fail because they interfere with the natural workings of a ___________ market. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Afghanistan, Solidarity, Lech Walesa, Lech Walesa, Solidarity

Soviet actions seemed to support Reagan's "Evil Empire" accusations. In late 1979, the Red Army invaded ___________. Events in Poland further strained U.S.-Soviet relations. In 1980, Polish workers formed an independent labor union called ___________. Under the leadership of ___________, this labor union demanded greater freedom for the Polish people. The Soviet leader refused to permit a more open Polish government. In December 1981, Communist authorities in Poland arrested ___________ and abolished ___________. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

treasury, Christianity, prestige, metals, manufactured goods

Spanish imperial objectives included enriching their national _____________, converting the native population to _____________, enhancing Spanish _____________, and using New World precious _____________ to dominate Europe. The Spanish did NOT attempt to create New World markets for _____________. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

taxes, oil

Stagflation at the beginning of Carter's presidency had at least 2 deep-rooted causes. First, President Johnson attempted to pay for both the Vietnam War and the Great Society without raising ___________. This created strong inflationary pressures. Second, the United States economy had become dangerously dependent upon inexpensive imported ___________. The OPEC price increases played a significant role in driving up the cost of everything from gasoline to groceries. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

blockade, airlift

Stalin's Berlin ___________ in response to the plan to create a German Republic represented the first great Cold War test of wills between the United States and the Soviet Union. If Truman withdrew from West Berlin, he would lose the city and the confidence of all Western Europe. Truman refused to give in to Stalin. He ordered a massive ___________ to supply the 4,500 tons of food and fuel which Berliners needed each day. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)


Strong ___________ ties also connected the United States with Britain and France before World War I. In 1916, the U.S. sold $275 million worth of goods to Britain and France and only $29 million worth of goods to Germany. During this time, American investors loaned $2.3 billion to the Allies and just $27 million to the Germans. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

good, bad

Teddy Roosevelt made a distinction between "good trusts" and "bad trusts." ___________ trusts were efficient and responsible manufacturers of needed goods and services. In contrast, ___________ trusts unscrupulously exploited the public and consumers. Teddy Roosevelt was determined to use the power of the federal government to regulate good trusts and break up bad trusts. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

-Sacco and Vanzetti case -Scopes Trial

These were the two most important cases of the 1920s: (The New Era, 1919-1929)

spokesperson, philanthropists

Supporters of the New South praised Booker T. Washington's message of accommodation and self-help. In a short time, the speech catapulted to Washington into the position of being the nation's acknowledged ___________ for African Americans. As a result, he gained access to wealthy Northern ___________ who generously supported the Tuskegee Institute and other industrial education projects in the South. (The New South, 1877-1900)

liberty, competition, rise

Supporters of the Wilmot Proviso argued that slavery degraded _______________ labor. They believed that "free soil" would guarantee _______________, free _______________, and a worker's "right to _______________." (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

white settlement, King Phillips

Surviving Indian leaders quickly realized that the English settlers intended to take their land and drive them away. Many New England Indians were determined to defend their way of life from the relentless growth of _____________. Led by Chief Metacom, aka _____________, the Indians attacked and burned settlements across Massachusetts. Although they suffered great losses, the colonists killed Metacom and defeated his followers. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

Wounded Knee Massacre

Suspicious government agents wanted to suppress performances of the Ghost Dance. Fearing that the Indians intended to go on the warpath in 1890, the Army dispatched troops to reservations in the Pine Ridge area of present-day South Dakota. Tensions mounted when the Army assumed that Sioux wearing Ghost Dance shirts were preparing to revolt. When a Sioux fired a single shot at the troops, the soldiers returned fire with repeating rifles. As many as 300 men, women, and children died in what became to be called the ___________. (The West, 1865-1900)

dialects, relationships, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, Sister Carrie

Talented authors also rejected Romanticism for Realism. They strived to create a more authentic or realistic portrayal of American life by using regional ___________ and describing true ___________ between people. Stephen Crane and Theodore Dreiser were two of America's foremost Realist authors. Crane captured the impacts of poverty in "___________." Dreiser's novel "___________" described the story of a young Wisconsin farm girl who moved to Chicago to pursue a new life. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Tariff of Abominations

Tariffs traditionally raised revenue and protected American industry from European competitors. In 1828, Congress passed this protective tariff that set rates at record levels. It was hated by the Southern states and led to the Nullification Crisis. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

5, 50, executive

Teddy Roosevelt approved ___________ new national parks and added ___________ federal wildlife refuges. He also signed ___________ orders protecting millions of acres of forest land. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Interstate Commerce Commission, Interstate Commerce Commission, Interstate Commerce Commission, Hepburn railway, Interstate Commerce Commission

Teddy Roosevelt continued to strengthen federal regulation of railroads. Created in 1887, the ___________ had the power to investigate and expose unfair rates and practices among interstate rail carriers. Although creation of the ___________ established a precedent for federal regulation of business and industry, the ___________ accomplished very little. Teddy Roosevelt was determined to revitalize the agency. In 1906, Congress passed the ___________ Act, empowering the ___________ to set maximum shipping rates. The act marked a significant expansion of the federal government's regulatory powers over business. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

reduce, income

Teddy Roosevelt failed to address the issue of tariff reform. In contrast, Wilson called a special session of Congress to ___________ tariffs. Prodded by the president, Congress lowered tariff rates by 8%. Congress made up for the lost revenue by using its authority under the recently-ratified 16th Amendment to enact a modest tax on ___________. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

bully pulpit

Teddy Roosevelt used this to educate the public about the need to halt the destruction of America's natural resources. He believed in the managed development of natural resources. He opposed both rapacious commercial interests and "romantic" preservationists. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Latin, 20

Teddy Roosevelt's Big Stick Diplomacy, Taft's Dollar Diplomacy, and Wilson's Moral Diplomacy all represent different American approaches to ___________ America. Although these policies differed, it is important to remember that in the early ___________th century, America exercised its greatest in international influence in the Caribbean and Latin America. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

1821, Catholics, citizens

Texas belonged 1st to Spain and then, after _______________, to Mexico. The Mexican government opened Texas to settlers from the United States. The Anglo-Americans received generous land grants at low prices. In exchange, they agreed to become Roman _______________ and _______________ of Mexico. By 1830, there were about 30,000 people in Texas, 90% of whom were Anglo-Americans. Friction soon developed between the Mexican government and the Anglo-American settlers. Few converted to Catholicism or applied to become Mexican citizens. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

desegregation, Eisenhower

The 150 city policemen failed to protect the 9 black students from the howling mob in Little Rock, Arkansas, in resistance to ___________ of schools. This display of resistance forced President ___________ to act. The next day, he sent 1,100 paratroopers to Little Rock to protect the black students and enforce the desegregation order. He explained his action by stating that, "The very basis of our individual rights and freedoms rest upon the certainty that the President and the Executive Branch of Government will support and insure the carrying out of the decisions of the federal courts, even, when necessary, with all the measures at the President's command." (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Korean War

The 1950 North Korean attack on South Korea began this war. Despite UN interference to support South Korea, this war continued for another 2 years. The prolonged stalemate was a source of mounting frustration that influenced both the rise of Senator McCarthy and the election of Dwight Eisenhower's in 1952. The North Koreans finally signed an armistice agreement on July 27th, 1953. The armistice provided for a cease-fire that left the border between the two Koreas along the 38th parallel. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Lyndon B. Johnson, Barry Goldwater

The 1964 presidential election gave voters a choice between Democratic and Republican candidates with very different political philosophies. Like other liberals, ___________ believed that government should play an active role in public life. In contrast, the Republican candidate ___________ championed a conservative vision that opposed big government and favored states' rights and individual liberty. Although Lyndon Johnson won a landslide victory, Goldwater's conservative views influenced future Republican candidates. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

elect, Halfway Covenant

The 1st generation of Puritans was dedicated to building a model community based on a strict moral code. Their churches only accepted for persons who could demonstrate that they were among God's "_____________." As the Puritan communities became increasingly prosperous, the original Puritan mission became less important to 2nd and 3rd generation settlers. As a result, fewer adults could provide testimony of their own "election." The _____________ was made as a result. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

-fear of strong centralized authority -fear of big states dominating government -belief that the United States was too big for a representative republican government

The 3 reasons for which the drafters of the Articles of Confederation created a weak central government: (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)

-Canada -Mississippi River Valley -Louisiana

The 3 regions New France comprised of: (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

-won Revolutionary War -negotiated mutual defense treaty with France -negotiated Treaty of Paris

The 3 things that the Articles of Confederation succeeded with in the Revolutionary War: (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW aka Wobblies)

The AFL's commitment to craft unionism excluded many workers. Like the Knights of Labor, this other labor union was intended to be "One Big Union" that would unite all skilled and unskilled workers. While the AFL pursued "bread and butter" goals, this labor union was founded on what one of its early leaders called "the irrepressible conflict between the capitalist class and the working class." It advocated a socialist economic system in which government would own the basic industries and natural resources. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

1808, natural

The African slave trade was outlawed in _______________. However, as the cotton economy expanded so did the slave population. In the half-century before the Civil War, the number of slaves increased from 1.2 million to just under 4 million. Most of this increase was due to the _______________ population increase of American-born slaves. (The Old South, 1815-1860)

autonomy, authority

The Albany Plan failed because the colonial assemblies did not want to give up their _____________. At the same time, the British government feared that colonial unity would undermine their _____________. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)


The automobile provided a convenient form of personal transportation. At the same time, radio and motion pictures publicized the new lifestyle of urban America that promoted the rise of a homogenized mass ___________. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

labor, working, square

The Anthracite Coal Strike marks the 1st time that a president had successfully intervened in a ___________ dispute as an impartial arbiter. The settlement established Teddy Roosevelt's reputation as a fearless champion of the ___________ class. Teddy Roosevelt later wrote that his purpose was "to see it that every man has a ___________ deal." (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Bill of Rights

The Anti-Federalists believed that the proposed Constitution should contain a _____________ listing individual liberties that cannot be violated by the central government. (The Ratification Debate)

liberties, state

The Anti-Federalists believed that the proposed Constitution would create a powerful central government that will threaten individual _____________. Anti-Federalists favored a weak national government and strong _____________ governments. (The Ratification Debate)

unicameral, legislators, one

The Articles of Confederation created a central government consisting of a _____________ Congress elected by state _____________. Each state, regardless of size, had just _____________ vote in Congress. (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)


The Articles of Confederation did not give Congress the power to levy _____________. The inability to raise revenue made it very difficult to pay off the Revolutionary War debt. (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)

commerce, manufactured goods

The Articles of Confederation did not give Congress the power to regulate interstate or foreign _____________. It failed to restore exports of rice, indigo, and tobacco to Britain while allowing the British to flood the states with _____________. These ineffective policies produced a huge balance of trade deficit. (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)

executive, judiciary

The Articles of Confederation did not give the government an _____________ branch to enforce national policy and provide national leadership or a national _____________ to resolve disputes between states. (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)


The Articles of Confederation lacked the flexibility needed to make necessary changes. _____________ required the unanimous vote of all 13 states. (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)

moral free agent, perfectionism

The Puritans believed that God controlled the destiny of each human being. In contrast, Second Great Awakening preachers stressed that each individual was a "_______________" who could improve both himself and society. The Second Great Awakening inspired a belief in _______________. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

Indochina, embargo

The Battle of Britain and the debate over the Lend-Lease Act overshadowed ominous events taking place in Asia. The long-standing rivalry between the U.S. and Japan for Pacific supremacy further escalated when Japanese forces overran French ___________ in July 1941. President Roosevelt retaliated by ordering a total ___________ on all trade with Japan. At that time, Japan imported about 80% of its oil and scrap iron from the United States. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Coercive Acts

The Boston Tea Party infuriated British authorities. Parliament promptly passed the _____________ to punish Boston for the one-time destruction of private property. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

"virtual representation"

The British argued that Parliament was based on this system that represented the interests of all Englishmen, including the colonists. For example, a member of Parliament from London represented the interests of Great Britain and the entire empire. As a result, Philadelphia had as much representation in Parliament as London. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

patriarchal society

The Puritans established this type of society in which women and children played a subordinate role to men. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

impressment, Henry Clay

The British practice of _______________ violated American neutrality in an insult to national pride, leading to support for the War of 1812. Led by _______________, the War Hawks supported war to drive the British from Canada and to remove the Indian threat from the frontier. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

equal, Freedom

The Brown versus Board of Education decision opened a new era in the African-American struggle for ___________ rights. The Supreme Court's landmark ruling awakened the nation's more than 15 million black citizens to begin demanding "___________ Now!" (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Energy, Education

The Carter administration added the Department of ___________ in 1977 and the Department of ___________ in 1979 to the cabinet. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

indentured servants, tobacco

The Chesapeake Bay economy was originally built around using a labor force of _______________ to work on _______________ plantations. (The Old South, 1815-1860)

Communist, Alger Hiss, Rosenberg

The Chinese Revolution, the Korean War, and the Soviets' new atomic bombs heightened the public's fear that ___________ agents had infiltrated the State Department and other sensitive government agencies. This apprehension did not seem unjustified. Prodded by the relentless investigation of Richard Nixon, the House Un-American Activities Committee discovered that a prominent State Department official named ___________ had been a Soviet spy in the 1930s. Even more disquieting, news surfaced when the government discovered that a British-American spy network had transmitted secret information about the development of the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. This discovery led to the arrest and ultimate execution of Julius and Ethel ___________ for espionage. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

1875, 1883 Civil Rights Cases

The Civil Rights Act of ___________ guaranteed blacks "full and equal enjoyment of public facilities." However, the Supreme Court began handing down a series of decisions that limited federal protection of African-Americans and opened the door to racial segregation. For example, the "___________" ruled that the 14th Amendment only applies to state actions and could not be used to regulate the behavior of private individuals or private organizations. This set a legal precedent that would be used in Plessy v. Ferguson. (The New South, 1877-1900)

40, mule

The Civil War brought freedom to the slaves. However, Reconstruction Brought few freedmen the "___________ acres and a ___________" promised by zealous reformers. Many former slaves stayed on their old plantations because they cannot afford to leave. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)


The Civil War disrupted plantation life throughout the South. Soon thousands of escaped slaves sought refuge from behind Union lines. This was the official term given to fugitive slaves who sought protection behind Union lions. The First Confiscation Act authorized Union troops to seize all property, including slaves, used on behalf of the Confederacy. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

Espionage and Sedition Acts

The Committee on Public Information's propaganda campaign promoted a national mood of suspicion and distrust. Upon Wilson's request, Congress passed these 2 acts to outlaw criticism of government leaders and war policies. Ironically, while the United States embarked on a crusade to "make the world safe for democracy," these 2 acts stifled dissent and encouraged intolerance. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

atomic, Communist, Red Scare

The Communist victory in China followed by the outbreak of the Korean War shocked America. Public apprehension deepened when the Soviet Union exploded its first ___________ bomb, thus ending America's nuclear monopoly. These stunning reversal heightened the public's fear that ___________ agents had infiltrated the State Department and other sensitive government agencies. This would lead to the second ___________. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

government authority

The Constitution as originally written, contained a number of specific rights and restrictions on _____________. For example, the new government could not grant titles of nobility or require a religious oath for a holding a federal office. (The Ratification Debate)

runaway slaves, 1808

The Constitution contained a provision requiring all states to return _____________ to their masters. Congress could not end the importation of slaves until _____________. (The Constitution)

Stephen A. Douglas, John C. Breckinridge

The Democratic Party fragmented into 2 factions in the election of 1860. Northern Democrats nominated _______________ on a platform promising Congressional non-interference with slavery. Deep South Democrats nominated _______________ on a platform calling for a national slave code that would protect slavery in the territories. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

George C. Wallace

The Democrats also face another divisive problem when this Alabama Governor ran as a third-party candidate in the presidential election of 1968. He began his career as a determined opponent of civil rights, whose motto was "segregation now ... segregation tomorrow ... segregation forever." He threatened to take away many traditional Democratic votes by appealing to working-class Americans who were upset by the urban riots and anti-war demonstrations. He was a well-known opponent of integration who also opposed the counterculture and anti-war movement. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)


The Democrats and Whigs formed a two-party system that dominated American politics from the 1830s to the early 1850s. The furor over the _______________ Act dealt the Whigs a fatal blow by leading to the formation of the Republican Party. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

John F. Kennedy

The Democrats countered Nixon's Republican nomination by nominating the Senator from Massachusetts for the 1960 presidential election. He was young, handsome, and a Roman Catholic. At age 43, his youth suggested inexperience. If he won, he would become the youngest person ever elected President. In addition, many worried that voters would reject him because of his religion. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

McKinley, Bryan, Bryan

The Democrats' decision to nominate a pro-silver candidate presented the Populists with a difficult choice in the election of 1896. Nominating their own candidate would divide the silver vote and ensure ___________'s election. Endorsing ___________ would mean giving up their identity as a separate party. After much debate, the Populists chose to support ___________. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

Missouri, slavery, Supreme

The Dred Scott Decision repealed the _______________ Compromise, thus establishing the principle that Congress could not limit the spread of slavery in the territories. It invalidated the Republican Party's platform pledge opposing the extension of _______________ into the territories. Although this initial appeared to be a serious setback, Republicans redoubled their efforts to win the presidency. They promised that a victory would enable them to change the composition of the Southern-dominated _______________ Court and reverse the Dred Scott decision. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

slavery, Freeport, Freeport

The Dred Scott decision played a key role in a series of debates between Stephen A. Douglas and his Republican rival Abraham Lincoln. During the debate in Freeport, Illinois, Lincoln asked Douglas if there was any way the people of a territory could keep _______________ from their land before they were organized into a state. In what came to be called the _______________ Doctrine, Douglas responded that the settlers could prevent slavery by refusing to pass a slave code to defining a slave's legal status and the rights of an owner. The _______________ Doctrine outraged the South and cost Douglas political support he would need in the 1860 presidential election. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

slavery, Union

The Emancipation Proclamation strengthened the Union's moral cause. The Civil War was now widened into a crusade against ___________. With slavery doomed, public opinion in Britain and France swung decisively behind the ___________ cause. The Emancipation Proclamation thus ended any chance that European powers would support the Confederacy. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

Alien and Sedition Acts

The Federalists took advantage of the anti-French furor during the Quasi-War to pass this series of laws. These acts were intended to punish the Democratic-Republicans. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

majority, minority

The Federalists believed that the proposed Constitution allows a _____________ to express its will while at the same time protecting _____________ rights. For example, the separation of powers and checks and balances make it difficult for any special interest to dominate the government. (The Ratification Debate)

domestic tranquility

The Federalists believed that the proposed Constitution will create a federal government with enough power to preserve the _____________ by quickly responding to the services such as Shays' Rebellion. (The Ratification Debate)

republic, minority, majority

The Federalists believed that the proposed Constitution would work in a large _____________. It would fragment political power and thus curb the threat posed by the wealthy _____________ and the non-wealthy _____________. (The Ratification Debate)

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

The Federalists controlled all 3 branches of the federal government 1798. Jefferson and Madison believed that the Alien and Sedition Acts embodied a threat to individual liberties caused by unchecked Federalist power. Jefferson and Madison anonymously wrote this series of resolutions that were approved by the Kentucky and Virginia legislators. They denounced the Alien and Sedition Acts as infractions of constitutional rights. They formulated a states' rights doctrine. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Monetary, alliances, Soviet Union, currency

The Fourteen Points did NOT include the International ___________ Fund, secret ___________, recognition of the ___________, or a call for a global ___________. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

limited, branches

The Framers believed that the government should be _____________ and that power should be divided into separate legislative, executive, and judicial _____________. (The Constitution)


The Framers believed that they needed to write a new constitution in order to form "a more perfect _____________." (The Constitution)


The Framers believed to the widespread ownership of _____________ is a necessary foundation of representative government. (The Constitution)

political parties

The Framers opposed _____________, seeing them as vehicles of ambition and selfish interests that would threaten the existence of representative government. (The Constitution)

tributes, encomiendas, Christianity

The Franciscan friars and Spanish political officials forced the Pueblos to pay _____________, work on _____________, and convert to _____________. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)


The French Alliance in the Revolutionary War prevented any chance of an _____________ reconciliation. French military and financial aid played a decisive role in enabling America to win the Revolutionary War. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

Neutrality Proclamation

The French Revolution soon led to a prolonged war between Great Britain and France that did not end until Napoleon's final defeat at Waterloo in 1815. Under the terms of the Franco-American alliance of 1778, the United States was a French ally, bound to defend her possessions in the West Indies. Washington resisted pressure from supporters of both France and Great Britain. On April 22nd, 1793, he issued this to declare the United States was neutral in the French Revolution. it did not require the consent of either Congress or his cabinet to issue it. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

fur traders, trading posts

The French _____________ developed a cooperative relationship with the Native American tribes. Unlike the British settlers they did not build plantations and farms on lands claimed by Native Americans. Instead, they build widely dispersed _____________ on lands that were not claimed by Native American tribes. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

upper Ohio River valley, Seven Years' War

The French and Indian War began as a struggle for control of the _____________. It was also part of a wider struggle between Great Britain and France known in Europe as the _____________. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

debt, revenue taxes, separate identity

The French and Indian War left Britain with a large _____________. As a result, British leaders planned to impose _____________ on their American colonies. The French and Indian War also awakened from colonists sense of _____________. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

dominoes, South

The French defeat in Vietnam forced President Eisenhower to make a fateful decision. Eisenhower refused to abandon Vietnam to the Communists. At a news conference, he explained that, "When you have a row of ___________ set up, you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very quickly." Eisenhower's message was clear. The United States would not allow Ho Chi Minh to take over ___________ Vietnam. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

incentive, Montreal, Quebec

The French government providing little economic _____________ for its citizens to settle in New France. Although New France did include permanent settlements at _____________ and _____________, its vast lands were sparsely populated. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Harriet Beecher Stowe

The Fugitive Slave Act after the Compromise of 1850 drew much outrage from the public. For example, this woman wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin" to gain anti-slavery sentiment. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

Berlin Wall, Soviet Union

The George H.W. Bush presidency witnessed both the fall of the ___________ in 1989 and the collapse of the ___________ in 1991. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)


The Germans opposed the Whigs because of the party's commitments to _______________. It is interesting to note that German immigrants introduced kindergardens, beer holes, and the Christmas tree to American culture. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

mismanagement, Granger, interstate

The Grange's early success proved to be short-lived. Many of the cooperatives failed because of ___________. Meanwhile, the railroads successfully challenged in federal courts the "___________ laws" passed by several states regulating railroad freight train rates. By 1890, the Supreme Court ruled the state could not regulate railroads engaged in ___________ commerce. These setbacks let to the decline of the Grange after ___________. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

Native Americans, African slaves, itinerant, women, colleges

The Great Awakening encouraged missionary work among _____________ and _____________; promoted growing popularity of _____________ ministers; led to an increase in the number of _____________ in church congregations; and led to the founding of "New Light" _____________ such as Princeton, Rutgers, Dartmouth, Brown, and Columbia. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

churches, Presbyterian, Congregational, pluralism, toleration

The Great Awakening undermined the authority of established _____________ and led to a decline in the power of traditional "Old Light" Puritan ministers; split the _____________ and _____________ churches into "New Light" factions that supported the Great Awakening and "Old Light" actions that opposed it; and fragmented American Protestants thus promoting religious _____________ and _____________ since no single denomination could impose its dogma on the other sects. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

inflation, regulation, production

The Great Depression was NOT caused by ___________ in workers' wages, excessive government ___________, or declining agricultural ___________. (meaning it didn't happen) (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

labor, management

The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 signaled the beginning of a period of strikes and violent confrontations between ___________ and ___________. Between 1880 and 1900, over 23,000 strikes, the most in the industrial world, shook America and hardened relations between unions and owners. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

losing, Joseph McCarthy

The Hiss and Rosenberg cases touched a sensitive public nerve. The American people believe that they were locked in a life-or-death struggle with world Communism. Angry and bewildered citizens wanted to know why America appeared to be ___________ the Cold War. ___________ would successfully exploit this political climate of paranoia to become very powerful. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)


The House of Representatives ___________ President Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice. However, the Senate did not uphold the charges. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

Catholic, Catholic

The Irish played a key role in the growth of the _______________ Church in the United States. The number of _______________ churches in America increased from 700 and 1842 to over 2,500 in 1860. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

industrial, 90

The North enjoyed an enormous advantage in ___________ capacity. The Union produced over ___________% of the nation's manufactured goods. In addition, the Union had far more wagons, ships, and miles of railroad track than the Confederacy. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)


The KKK's reign of terror worked. Without the support of black voters, Republican governments fell across the South. By 1876, ___________ replaced Republicans 8 of the 11 former Confederate states. Only South Carolina, Louisiana, and Florida remained under Republican control. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

Missouri, Whig, Republican

The Kansas-Nebraska Act broke the uneasy truce between the North and the South. Outraged Northerners denounced the act as a violation of the _______________ Compromise's "sacred pledge" to ban the slavery north of the 36°30" line. It placed Whigs opposed to slavery in a difficult position. As a result, it's destroyed the _______________ Party In the Deep South and contributed to the downfall of the party in the North. The act mobilized a spontaneous outpouring of popular opposition in the North that led to the formation of the _______________ Party. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

Ostend Manifesto, slavery

The Kansas-Nebraska Act even affected American foreign policy. The Pierce administration hoped to buy Cuba from Spain. American ministers meeting in Austin, Belgium, drew up a secret memorandum urging Pierce to invade Cuba if Spain refused to sell the island. When the so-called _______________ became public, it ignited a storm of opposition to what seems like a plot to extend _______________. The public outcry forced Pierce to abandon his plan to obtain Cuba. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

open, strikes, Haymarket Square, anarchists, 1893

The Knights of Labor's ___________-membership and a few successful ___________ contributed to a period of rapid growth in the 1880s. Membership rolls swelled from 42,000 in 1882 to over 700,000 in 1886. However, they began to lose strength when newspapers unjustly blamed them for causing the ___________ riot. As a result of this misrepresentation, the public wrongly linked the Knights of Labor with violent ___________ who opposed all forms of government. The economic depression following the Panic of ___________ ended the union's importance. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Catholic immigrants

The Know-Nothing Party directed its hostility toward _______________ from Ireland and Germany. The party's platform demanded that immigrants and Catholics be excluded from public office, claiming that they would corrupt the political process. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

Eisenhower, Japan, South, China, Soviet Union, 30,000

The Korean War had a number of important and enduring consequences. The prolonged stalemate contributed to public frustration that helped elect ___________ in 1952. The war strengthened American ties with ___________ and ___________ Korea while at the same time exacerbating tensions with ___________ and ___________. And finally, it is important to remember that about ___________ US troops remain stationed in South Korea. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Adolf Hitler

The League's failure to deter Benito Mussolini from invading Ethiopia encouraged this man to defy the Versailles treaty. In 1936, he sent troops into the Rhineland, German territory that had been demilitarized by the Treaty of Versailles. Although he expected France to resist, its leaders were unwilling to risk a new war. This man later admitted that "The 48 hours after the march into the Rhineland were the most nerve-wracking in my life. If the French had then marched into the Rhineland, we would have had to withdraw." Emboldened by French inaction, he now planned for additional aggressive actions. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Oregon, northwestern, Mississippi

The Lewis and Clark expedition accomplished the following goals: 1. It strengthened American claims to the _______________ Territory. 2. It added to the knowledge about _______________ America. 3. It mapped and explored the _______________ River and the Columbia River. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

profit, wages, Irish

The Lowell experiment worked well at first. By the early 1830s, young unmarried women from rural New England comprised the majority of workers in Massachusetts textile mills. However, the factory owners soon became more interested in _______________ than in the welfare of their employees. In 1834 and 1836, the owners cut _______________ without reducing working hours. The women responded by going out on strike and petitioning the Massachusetts state legislature to pass a law limiting the work day to 10 hours. Although this measure failed to pass, it convinced the owners that the female workers were too troublesome. Factory owners then turn to the very poor and compliant _______________ immigrants who were then pouring into Massachusetts. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

-population -industrial capacity -presidential leadership

The North's advantages in the Civil War: (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

combat, continental, slavery, disunion

The Mexican War gave _______________ experience to a group of junior officers that included Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant. The war transformed America into a _______________ nation that's banned from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The Mexican War added vast new territories, thus igniting an increasingly bitter dispute about the extension of _______________. It marked a key step in the road to _______________. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

winters, soil, harbors, growing season

The Middle Atlantic colonies enjoyed moderate _____________, fertile _____________, fine _____________, and a longer _____________ than the New England colonies. (The Middle Atlantic Colonies, 1664-1754)

Ronald Reagan

The Mondale-Ferraro Democratic team ran a spirited race in the presidential election of 1984. However, they proved to be no match for Reagan and Bush. Millions of voters agreed with Republican ads proclaiming that "America's back, standing tall." On election day, ___________ won a landslide Victory carrying 49 states. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

republican, colonization, hostile, internal

The Monroe Doctrine included a unilateral declaration of the following key points: 1. The _______________ governments in the Americas are different and separate from those in Europe. 2. The American continent is no longer open to European _______________. 3. The United States will regard European interference in the political affairs of independent New World nations as _______________ behavior. 4. United States will not interfere in the _______________ affairs of European nations. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

warships, foreign

The Monroe Doctrine received little attention at the time. The European powers refrained from interfering in the New World because of the power of British _______________, not the eloquence of Monroe's words. However, when those principles were not forgotten. First called the Monroe Doctrine in 1852, they became the cornerstone of American _______________ policy in the Western Hemisphere. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

Martin Luther King , Jr.

The Montgomery Bus Boycott catapulted this man into America's most recognized and influential African American leader. He inspired his followers with a message of nonviolent civil disobedience derived from the writings of Henry David Thoreau and the actions of Mahatma Gandhi in India. He energized the Montgomery boycotters by reminding them that they stood for truth and righteousness. "The strong man," he insisted, "is the man who can stand up for his rights and not hit back." (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

grandfather, The Crisis

The NAACP achieved a noteworthy success in 1915 when the Supreme Court struck down a ___________ clause in an Oklahoma law. The statute had denied the vote to any citizen whose ancestors had not been enfranchised in 1860. While NAACP lawyers filed lawsuits against Jim Crow segregation, Du Bois wrote articles for an NAACP Journal called "___________." Du Bois criticized racist films such as "The Birth of a Nation" while calling for equal rights and black pride. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Spain, Spanish

The Napoleonic Wars in the early 1800s accelerated _______________'s decline as a great power. The weak _______________ government found it increasingly difficult to maintain control over its possessions in the Americas. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

1763, salutary neglect

The Navigation laws were not rigorously enforced prior to the year _____________. During this period of "_____________," enterprising colonial merchants successfully evaded burdensome mercantilist regulations. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

federal, welfare

The New Deal accelerated the process first begun during the Progressive Era of expanding the role of the ___________ government. Under the New Deal, the federal government assumed responsibility for the collective ___________ of the American people. Social Security payments, farm loans, and relief projects all provided tangible examples of how the federal government became a growing part of everyday life in America. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Republican, Democratic

The New Deal caused a dramatic change in how African Americans viewed the Republican and Democratic parties. In 1932, 75% of African-American voters supported Herbert Hoover as the candidate of the ___________ Party. Even though the New Deal did not oppose Jim Crow segregation, it did help African Americans survive the Great Depression. In the 1936 presidential election, 95% of black voters switched their allegiance to Franklin Roosevelt and the ___________ Party. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

banks, courts, Lend-Lease, capitalist

The New Deal did NOT nationalize the ___________, restructure the ___________, established the ___________ program, or attempts to replace America's ___________ system. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

World War II

The New Deal did not bring about the full economic recovery FDR had promised. The United States finally emerged from the Great Depression when the federal government sharply increased military spending at the start of ___________. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

racial, CCC, poverty

The New Deal did not directly confront ___________ injustice. For example, the ___________ camps were often segregated. African-Americans nonetheless benefited from New Deal relief programs that attempted to alleviate ___________ regardless of racial background. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

production, unemployment, radical, Supreme Court

The New Deal helped pull America out of the depths of the Great Depression. Industrial ___________ slowly rose and ___________ fell from about 13 million in 1933 to 9 million in 1936. Despite these gains, full recovery still seemed elusive. A small but contentious group of critics attacked the New Deal and offered ___________ plans to revive the economy. At the same time, the New Deal faced and even greater Challenge from the ___________. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

-textile industry -tobacco industry -iron and steel industry

The New South's 3 industrial bases: (The New South, 1877-1900)

containment, UN Security Council, North, South

The North Korean surprise attack in 1950 stunned the United States. Truman saw the invasion as a test of ___________ and an opportunity to prove that the Democrats were not "soft" on Communism. He immediately called for an emergency meeting of the ___________. Normally the Soviets would have vetoed any plan of action. However, the Soviet representative was boycotting the Security Council because it would not seat Communist China in place of the Nationalist government in Taiwan. The Security Council promptly condemned the ___________ Korean aggression and called upon member nations to aid ___________ Korea. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

population, 21, 9

The North enjoyed a significant ___________ advantage. in 1861, the 23 states in the Union had a population of about ___________ million. In contrast, the 11 Confederate States had just ___________ million people, about 1/3 of whom were slaves. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

presidential, Republican

The North enjoyed a significant advantage in ___________ leadership. Lincoln proved to be an inspiring leader and forceful commander-in-chief. He successfully held the ___________ Party together despite its internal conflicts. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

Neutrality Acts

The Nye Committee's revelations led isolationists to demand that Congress pass laws to prevent a repeat of the mistakes that pushed the United States into World War I. Between 1935 and 1937, Congress passed this series of 3 laws. These laws banned loans and the sale of arms to nations at war. They also warned Americans not to sail on ships of countries at war. The isolationists were convinced that these laws would keep the United States out of a new foreign war. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

money, economic, silver

The Populists believed that there was a direct relationship between the amount of ___________ in circulation and the level of ___________ activity. Strict adherence to the gold standard reduced the supply of money in circulation and thus limited economic activity. This policy benefited bankers and creditors while punishing debtors. The free and unlimited coinage of ___________ would bring back prosperity by putting more money in circulation and thus increasing business activity. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

Weaver, Weaver, 1896

The Populists nominated former congressman and Union general James B. ___________ of Iowa to run for president. ___________ received just over 1 million votes, more than any previous third-party candidate. In addition, the Populists elected 10 Congressman, 5 senators, and almost 1,500 members to different state legislators. Buoyed by their success, the Populists eagerly looked forward to the ___________ presidential election. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

Appalachian Mountains

The Proclamation line of 1763 runs along the crest of the _____________. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Carrie Chapman Catt, Alice Paul, 19th

The Progressive movement sharpened the nation's social conscience and motivated a new generation of suffragists. Led by ___________ and ___________, women organized rallies, signed petitions, and demonstrated in public marches. Their campaign of mounting pressure finally became irresistible. On June 4th, 1919, Congress passed the ___________ Amendment stating that no citizen could be denied the right to vote, "on account of sex." The amendment received final state ratification 14 months later. "The Kansas City Star" underscored the historic importance of this amendment when it proclaimed that women suffrage "is a victory for democracy and the principal of equality upon which the nation is founded." (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Pullman Palace Car

The Pullman Strike was one of the most serious labor strikes of the late 1800s. It began as a dispute between the ___________ Company and its 3,000 workers. Following the Panic of 1893, the Pullman company cut the wages of its workers by about 25%. However, the company did not reduce the rent or prices it charged workers in company-run stores at the "model" town of Pullman just outside of Chicago. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

original, goodness, improvement

The Puritans in the First Great Awakening believed that humanity was doomed by _______________ sin and thus marked at birth for membership in either the small group of the "elect" or the much larger mass of the "damned." The Second Great Awakening preachers instead emphasized humanity's inherent _______________ and each individual's potential for self-_______________. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

villages, meetinghouse

The Puritans lived in compact _____________ clustered around a community _____________ where they met to discuss local issues. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)


The Puritans valued this as a means to read and understand the Bible. As a result, they required each community of 50 or more families to provide a teacher of reading and writing. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

Massachusetts, Rhode Island

The Puritans were unable to stamp out religious dissent. Ironically, religious intolerance in _____________ promoted religious tolerance in _____________. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

Federalist, Alien and Sedition Acts

The Quasi-War lead to an anti-French furor that prompted _____________-controlled Congress to pass the _____________. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

military, defense, Strategic Defense Initiative

The Reagan Doctrine led to a massive ___________ buildup. Between 1980 and 1985, U.S. ___________ budgets increased from $144 billion to $295 billion. In 1983, President Reagan proposed a ___________ as an additional check on Soviet nuclear capability. Reagan envisioned creating a space-based missile defense system capable of striking down nuclear missiles before they reached the United States. The press promptly called Reagan's plan "Star Wars." (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

industrialization, railroad, taxes, state, education

The Redeemers included merchants, financers, and politicians who promoted economic growth based on ___________ and ___________ expansion. At the same time, they cut ___________ and reduced ___________ spending. As a result, they reversed the gains in public ___________ made during the years of Republican rule. (The New South, 1877-1900)

white, disenfranchising

The Redeemers were committed to economic development and to ___________ supremacy. Poor whites did not see blacks as fellow victims of economic forces they could not control. Instead, they supported the Redeemers' policy of ___________ African American voters. (The New South, 1877-1900)

14th, Dred Scott

The Republican majority in Congress feared that Johnson would not enforce the Civil Rights Act of 1866. They also worried that the courts would declare the law unconstitutional. These concerns prompted Congress to pass the ___________ Amendment to the Constitution in June 1866. It overturned the ___________ decision by declaring that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside." (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

John C. Fremont, James Buchanan, Buchanan, Fremont

The Republicans held their 1st national convention in 1856. The party nominated _______________ for president and adopted a platform opposing slavery. The Democrats turn to _______________ of Pennsylvania and endorsed the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The 1856 election was quickly transformed into a sectional contest. Although _______________ won the election, _______________ carried 11 free states. The results underscored the ominous sectionalisation of politics in an increasingly divided nation. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

Democrats, expansion, 18

The Republicans in the election of 1860 met in Chicago sensing that they had an excellent opportunity to defeat the now-divided _______________. The Lincoln-Douglas debates transformed Abraham Lincoln into a nationally known figure. The Republicans nominated Lincoln on the 3rd ballot. The Republican platform stated that slavery would continue to be protected in the states where it already existed. However, the Republican Party firmly opposed the _______________ of slavery into the western territories. Lincoln won the election by carrying all _______________ free states. He did not win a single state in the south. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

Herbert Hoover

The Republicans turned to this Secretary of Commerce to be their party standard-bearer in the 1928 presidential election after Coolidge decided not to run. He was widely respected as a generous humanitarian and a skilled administrator. He decisively defeated the Democratic candidate Al Smith of New York. His landslide victory seemed to confirm the public's endorsement of the Republican New Era of peace and prosperity. He confidently predicted, "We in America are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land." (The New Era, 1919-1929)


The SALT I treaty signaled the beginning of a new period of relaxed tensions between the two rival superpowers (America and the Soviet Union) that Kissinger called ___________. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Southern, Eastern

The Sacco and Vanzetti case highlighted the public's fear of recent immigrants. A new post-war wave of arrivals from ___________ and ___________ Europe sparked a nationwide movement to limit immigration from these regions. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

Sedition Act

The Sedition Act made it illegal to speak, write, or print any statements about the president that would bring him into contempt or disrepute. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, Woodrow Wilson

The Senate never approved the ___________ and the United States never joined the ___________. ___________ left office a beaten and embittered man. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)


The Seneca Falls Convention marked the beginning of the _______________'s rights movement in the United States. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

tradition, commanders

The South enjoyed the advantage of a strong military ___________ that produced an exceptional group of experienced ___________. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)


The South enjoyed the advantage of fighting a ___________ war on its own familiar territory. The South needed only to hold back the invading Union armies and wait for the North to tire of fighting a prolonged and costly war. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)


The South's commitment to growing cotton slowed _______________ growth. With the exception of New Orleans and Charleston, the South had few urban centers. Instead, most Southerners lived on widely dispersed farms and plantations. (The Old South, 1815-1860)

Eastern, Communist, Iron Curtain, Eastern

The Soviet Union steadily tightened its grip on ___________ Europe after World War II. While the United States demobilized its forces, the Red Army supported new ___________ governments. Communist officials imprisoned opponents, censored newspapers, and established state-controlled radio stations. Guards patrolled the borders to prevent people from escaping. In a speech in Fulton, Missouri, Winston Churchill warned that, "an ___________ has descended across the continent." The nations of ___________ Europe were now satellites controlled by the Soviet Union. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Reagan Doctrine

The Soviet actions in Afghanistan and Poland helped convinced many Americans that the United States needed a much more aggressive approach toward the Soviet Union. President Reagan agreed. This is the name given to the Reagan administration's strategy to confront and oppose the global influence of the Soviet Union. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

the middle of the 16th century

The Spanish built flourishing cities and towns and totally dominated millions of Native Americans by what time period. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

silver and gold

The Spanish discovered and mined rich deposits of these two precious metals. For example between 1500 and 1650, New World mines produced an estimated 16,000 tons of the first one and 200 tons of the second one. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

Rio Grande River

The Spanish reluctantly concluded that the rich deposits of gold and silver found in Mexico and Peru did not exist north of the _____________. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

St. Augustine

The Spanish were the first to colonize Florida. At what location did they build a fortress in 1565 to protect the sea-lanes to the Caribbean? (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

New World, world, Hawaii

The Spanish-American War marked the end of Spain's once vast ___________ empire. It marked the emergence of the United States as a ___________ power. It also gave McKinley an excuse to annex ___________ in July 1898. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

groups, money, read

The Stono Rebellion was important because the South Carolina legislature enacted strict laws prohibiting slaves from assembling in _____________, earning _____________, and learning to _____________. It highlighted the growing tensions in colonial society between slaves and their owners. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

Muller v. Oregon

The Supreme Court agreed unanimously with Brandeis and upheld the Oregon law barring women in factories and laundry from working more than 10 hours a day. This victory opened the door for a wave of other special laws protecting women and children. Brandeis's use of sociological data rather than legal precedents would later play a key role in influence in how the Supreme Court reached its ruling in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision overturning the "separate but equal" doctrine in public schools. What was the name of this Supreme Court case? (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Boston, not

The Transcendentalists often held informal discussion meetings at their homes in _______________ and Concord. It is important to note that Edgar Allan Poe did not attend these meetings since he was _______________ a Transcendentalist. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

Great Britain, France, Emancipation Proclamation

The Union victory at Antietam persuaded ___________ and ___________ to remain neutral. It also enabled Lincoln to issue the ___________. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

Selective Service Act

The United States Army had a total of just 280,034 men when Congress declared war on Germany in World War I. This act quickly remedied this lack of manpower in 1917 by requiring all men aged 21-30 to register for military service. By the end of the war, the armed services enlisted 3.7 million men, about half of whom reached Europe. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

Articles of Confederation

The United States began as a confederation of sovereign states under this document. It established a "firm league of friendship" with a deliberately weak central government. (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)

overproduction, underproduction, Great Depression

The United States economy was thus simultaneously experiencing ___________ by business and ___________ by consumers in 1929. As a result, store owners reduced their orders and factories begin to cut back production and lay off workers. These actions started a downward economic spiral, leading to the ___________. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Mesabi, women, children, immigrants

The United States was blessed with abundant supplies of coal, iron, petroleum, and timber. For example, the ___________ Range in Minnesota contained the world's largest deposits of iron ore. Labor was both plentiful and inexpensive. A huge pool of unskilled American workers included many ___________ and ___________. In addition, waves of European ___________ provided a seemingly inexhaustible supply of low-wage laborers. Natural and human resources would prove key to the new industrial era. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Great Society, resign

The Vietnam War has had a number of important and long-lasting consequences. More than 58,000 U.S. troops died and another 300,000 were wounded. The war took funds away from ___________ programs and ultimately forced President Johnson to ___________. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Viet Cong, economic, military

The Vietnam War presented Kennedy with a difficult problem. The ___________ continued to spread terror across much of South Vietnam, thus threatening the stability of the Diem government. Afraid of either negotiating a settlement or committing American combat troops, Kennedy cautiously chose to follow a middle path. In late 1961, he ordered a substantial increase in ___________ and ___________ aid to Diem. At the time of Kennedy's death, over 16,000 American advisors helped to train the South Vietnamese army. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Congress of Industrial Organizations, industry

The Wagner Act guaranteed every laborer the right to join a union and use the union to bargain collectively with management. John L. Lewis, the leader of the United Mine Workers, took the lead in forming the ___________ to unionize workers at all levels within an industry. The AFL and CIO split apart at their national convention in 1935 because the AFL refused to grant charters to new unions organized on an ___________-wide basis. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

industrial workers

The Wagner Act guaranteed laborers the right to organize and bargain collectively. As a result, ___________ gained the most from the New Deal. Needless to say, industrialists were not part of the New Deal coalition. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

nationalism, bank, tariffs

The War of 1812 intensified the spirit of _______________. The war "federalized" Madison who now supported rechartering the national _______________ and increasing _______________ to protect the nation's "infant" industries from foreign competition. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

temporary, depression, Stimpson, Stimpson

The Washington Naval Conference appeared to reduce the dangerous escalation of tensions between the United States and Japan. But the pause proved to be ___________. The global ___________ delivered a devastating blow to the Japanese economy. A group of militarists soon dominated Japan's government. In 1931, Japan broke its treaty promises by invading China's northern province, Manchuria. Secretary of State Henry Stimson responded by declaring a policy of non-recognition called the ___________ Doctrine. The Japanese ignored the toothless ___________ Doctrine and incorporated Manchuria's rich iron and coal resources into their rapidly expanding empire. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

geographic, classes, common

The Whigs and Democrats had sharply contrasting views on tariffs, internal improvements, the national bank, and Indian Removal. However both parties were spread across broad _______________ regions, included a variety of social _______________, and endorsed the increased political participation of the "_______________ man." (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

sectional, Civil War

The Wilmot Proviso reawakened dormant _______________ tensions over the expansion of slavery. It thus marked the beginning of a long series of increasingly acrimonious crises that dominated American politics until the outbreak of the in 1861. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)


The Wobblies never attracted more than 150,000 members. Branded as dangerous ___________ and agitators, they faded from the national scene by the end of World War I. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Palmer Raids, traditional, rural, urban, nativism

The ___________ marked the end of the Red Scare. However, they did not mark the end of the postwar drive for "100% Americanism". The defenders of ___________ values both resented and resisted the changes sweeping across America. The conflict between the "old," insular ___________ America and the new, more-cosmopolitan ___________ America expressed itself in 2 famous legal cases and a resurgence of ___________. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

mass media, Leave it to Beaver, Life

The ___________ reinforced and idealized the new cult of domesticity in the 1950s. A popular TV show, "___________," June Cleaver is a middle-class housewife who is dedicated to her family. When her two boys arrive home from school, June is usually preparing dinner in her immaculate kitchen. A special issue of "___________" magazine featured ideal suburban housewives who, like June Cleaver, were dedicated to their husbands and children and yet still found time to attend PTA meetings. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)


The ___________ was founded and led by Dr. King. ___________ originally included both black and white students who were committed to nonviolence. However, Stokely Carmichael ousted whites and committed SNCC to the principles of Black Power. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Zimmerman, submarine, democracy

The ___________ Telegram and the sinking of several unarmed American ships due to Germany's resumption of ___________ warfare compelled Wilson to ask a special session of Congress for a declaration of war against Germany. Wilson told Congress that the United States "had no selfish ends to serve" by entering the war. "The world," Wilson insisted, "must be made safe for ___________." (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The ___________ and the ___________ represented the first two phases of America's new containment policy. The third phase came in 1949 when the United States, Canada, and ten Western European nations formed the ___________ (NATO). (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Iran hostage, inflation

The ___________ crisis and the soaring rate of ___________ damaged Jimmy Carter's popularity. Opinion polls reported that less than 25% of the public approved his leadership. This would be bad news for Carter in the election of 1980. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Camp David Accords, Iran

The ___________ marked Jimmy Carter's greatest triumph. Within months, events in ___________ plunged the Carter presidency into a crisis it was unable to successfully resolve. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Republican, Joint

The ___________-dominated Congress refused to admit the senators and representatives elected by the Southern states during Reconstruction. Dismayed by the results of Johnson's lenient policies and eager to assert its own authority, Congress formed a ___________ Committee on Reconstruction. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

Federalist, Democratic-Republican, Federalists, Democratic-Republicans

The _____________ Party supported Hamilton's programs while opponents led by Jefferson formed the _____________ party. The question of how America should respond to the French Revolution further deepened the division between _____________ who supported Great Britain and _____________ who sympathized with France. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Federalists, Anti-Federalists

The _____________ drew support from large landowners, wealthy merchants, and professionals during the ratification debate. The _____________ drew support from small farmers and rural areas. (The Ratification Debate)

British, French

The _____________ government was confused, and inept, and divided during the Revolutionary War. The _____________ Alliance provided indispensable military, financial, and diplomatic support. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, states' rights

The _____________ were a response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. They received little support from the other states. However they set an important precedents for later _____________ advocates. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

domestic, kinship, culture, Religion

The _______________ slave trade uprooted countless families. Despite forced separations and harsh living conditions, slaves maintained strong _______________ networks while creating a separate African-American _______________. _______________ played a particularly important role. For example, spiritual songs enabled slaves to express their sorrows, joys, and hopes for a better life. (The Old South, 1815-1860)

Burned-Over District, Joseph Smith

The _______________ was the birthplace of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or the Mormons. The Mormons were originally led by their founder _______________. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

Henry Clay, James K. Polk

The annexation of Texas and territorial expansion emerged as the key issues in the 1844 presidential campaign. The Whig Party nominee _______________ refused to support the annexation of Texas. In contrast, the Democratic candidate _______________ ran on a platform demanding the annexation of Texas and asserting America's right to all of Oregon. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

Zoot Suit Riots

The armed forces' demand for textiles lead to shortages of wool and rayon. The War Production Board then issued ration orders restricting the yardage in clothes. Although the regulations effectively forbade the manufacture of zoot suits, bootleg tailors continued to manufacture the popular garments. Sailors and soldiers stationed in Los Angeles resented the baggy zoot suits. They accused Mexican American youth of being unpatriotic by deliberately flouting the rationing regulations. In 1943, a series of incidents between young Mexican Americans and off-duty servicemen escalated into riots that lasted a week. What was the name of these riots? (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Hiroshima, Nagasaki, atomic, Cold

The atomic bombs destroyed both ___________ and ___________. Aghast at the horrible loss of life, Emperor Hirohito told his war counsel, "I cannot bear to see my innocent people suffer any longer." The formal surrender ceremony took place on September 2nd, 1945, on the deck of the American battleship "Missouri" in Tokyo bay. World War II was over, but the ___________ age and the ___________ War were about to begin. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)


The battle over ___________ rights continued at the Democratic National Convention for the presidential election of 1948. Minneapolis mayor Hubert H. Humphrey called upon the delegates to support a civil rights plank in the party platform. He passionately declared: "The time has arrived for the Democratic party to get out of shadow of states' rights and walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights." (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

American exceptionalism

The belief that America has a mission to be a beacon of democratic reform. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)


The belief that government should be based on the consent of the governed. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

enclaves, language, religious

The bewildered immigrants often congregated into urban ___________. The "Little Italys," "Little Hungarys," and other ethnic neighborhoods provided close-knit communities where the new immigrants could speak their native ___________ and practice their ___________ faith. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

liberal, conservative

The bitter public debate over the Vietnam War divided families, friends, and eventually the entire nation. It shattered the ___________ consensus that supported the New Deal and the Great Society and helped spark the ___________ resurgence that begin with the rise of Nixon's silent majority. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Parliament, self-government

The colonists viewed the Coercive Acts as the beginning of a movement to give _____________ greater control over colonial government. Parliament's attempt to limit political autonomy in Massachusetts seem to confirm that colonists fear that Britain intended to restrict each colonies right to _____________. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

New York City, manufacturing, agricultural, canals

The consequences of the Erie Canal: -It helped transform _______________ into America's greatest commercial center. -It created commercial ties between the Eastern _______________ centers and Western _______________ regions. -It inspired a mania for building _______________ that lasted throughout the 1830s. (The Transportation and Market Revolutions, 1815-1860)

Caribbean, European, Roosevelt Corollary

The construction of the Panama Canal made the security of the ___________ a vital American interest. Roosevelt became concerned when the Dominican Republic borrowed more money from its European creditors than it could pay back. Roosevelt worried that financial instability in the Dominican Republic would lead to ___________ intervention. this eventually resulted in the ___________. After the passage of this, American personnel supervised the Dominican customs office to assure the payment of debts to European creditors. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Pancho, Villa

The crisis in Mexico continued when Venustiano Carranza overthrew Huerta in 1914. Wilson welcomed the change, but was dismayed when Carranza refused to accept American advice. For a time, Wilson supported Francisco "___________" ___________, a bandit who opposed both Huerta and Carranza. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

upper, middle, factories, black

The cult of domesticity created a cultural ideal that best applied to _______________ and _______________-class white families that could afford to maintain separate spheres for their work life and for their home life. It is important to note that there was a wide gap between the ideas of the cult of domesticity and the harsh realities faced by women working in _______________ and on the frontier. In addition, enslaved _______________ women were completely excluded from any hope of participating in the cult of domesticity. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

Republican, Andrew Jackson

The death of the Federalist Party left the _______________ Party unchallenged at the national level. In February 1824, a small group of congressional Republicans attended a caucus where they selected William Crawford of Georgia as their party's presidential nominee. Critics led by _______________ challenged the caucus as elitist and undemocratic. The Tennessee state legislature promptly nominated Jackson while the Kentucky legislature nominated Henry Clay. And finally, a group of New England Republicans nominated John Quincy Adams. (presidential election of 1824) (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

March 7 Speech

The debate over Clay's proposals in the Compromise of 1850 featured dramatics speeches by Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun. Webster's _______________ implored Northern and Southern senators to find common ground "for the preservation of the Union." (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

markets, materials

The deep depression from 1893 to 1897 exerted a powerful influence on American political leaders. Fearing renewed labor unrest, they linked economic growth and social stability to their quest for foreign ___________ and raw ___________. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

1932, insensitive

The deepening depression crippled any chance Hoover had of winning reelection in ___________. The ubiquitous breadlines and Hoovervilles seemed to confirm the popular image of Hoover as a leader who was ___________ to the plight of the American people. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Hubert Humphrey

The deeply divided Democratic Party met in Chicago, where they nominated this Vice President for the presidency in the 1968 election. However, violent anti-war demonstrations marred his nomination. The spectacle of police firing tear gas at demonstrators badly tarnished this man's campaign. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

war, Jefferson Davis, cabinet, strategy

The disparities in population, industrial capacity, and railroad mileage meant that the South could not sustain a prolonged ___________. ___________ proved to be an ineffective political and military leader. He frequently quarreled with his ___________ and failed to implement a consistent military ___________. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

republican ideals

The dispute with Great Britain over economic policy soon exposed irreconcilable political differences. America lacked a monarchy or a hereditary aristocracy. Instead of fighting for the crown, American soldiers fought for _____________. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

Bay of Pigs invasion, international

The dream of overthrowing Castro in the ___________ turned into a nightmare. A Cuban army of 20,000 men supported by tanks attacked and surrounded the exiles. Despite heroic resistance, the outnumbered exiles were forced into surrender. This fiasco handed Kennedy an embarrassing defeat that damaged his ___________ credibility. Nonetheless, he took full responsibility for the failure. Although Kennedy warned that he would resist any further Communist expansion in the Western Hemisphere, Castro defiantly welcomed additional Soviet aid. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Ngo Dinh Diem, Viet Cong

The election called for in the Geneva Accords never took place. Instead, the United States sponsored a new government in South Vietnam headed by ___________. Within a short time, South Vietnamese Communists called ___________ begin to fight a guerrilla war to overthrow him. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Populist, gold, grain

The election of 1896 led to the swift collapse of the ___________ Party. The silver issue melted away as ___________ strikes and South African, the Yukon, and Alaska enlarged the money supply and reversed the deflationary spiral. In addition, crop failures in Europe led to an increase in the American ___________ exports. As commodity prices rose, farmers entered a period of renewed prosperity that lasted until the end of World War I. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

Pearl Harbor, Dutch East Indies

The embargo ordered by Roosevelt forced the Japanese leaders to make a fateful decision. They could either give in to the U.S. demand that they withdraw from China and Indochina, or they could attack the American fleet at ___________ and then seize the rich oil fields in the ___________. When negotiations with the United States reached an impasse, the Japanese decided to launch a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)


The end of Reconstruction left political control in the South in the hands of these white Democratic Party leaders. Their supporters referred to these postwar leaders because they "saved" the South from Republican rule. (The New South, 1877-1900)

boom, inflation, natural, global

The energy crisis in America did not end with the lifting of the Arab oil embargo. The oil crisis marked the end of the post-World War II economic ___________ and the beginning of a period of ___________ that plagued the U.S. economy during the rest of the 1970s. The Arab oil embargo also forced the United States to confront an unsettling new economic reality. For the first time in its history, the United States could not rely upon an endless supply of its own inexpensive ___________ resources. The Arab oil embargo compelled Americans to realize that their economic future was linked to an often unpredictable ___________ economy. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Three Mile Island

The environmental movement also expressed concerns about the waste produced by nuclear power plants. At this place, an accident at the nuclear plant intensified these concerns. On March 28, 1979, some 800,000 gallons of radioactive water leaked from a reactor, threatening a meltdown of the reactor core. About 100,000 people were forced to evacuate their homes. The crisis at this place increased public support for a movement opposed to nuclear power. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

1880s, prices

The era of long drives ended by the late ___________. Open-range cattle ranching became less profitable as beef ___________ fell. In addition, many ranchers lost half or more of their herds because of unusually cold winters that struck the Great Plains in 1886 and 1887. (The West, 1865-1900)

Columbian Exchange

The exchange began by the Spanish of plants and animals between Europe and the New World. For example, the Spanish first introduced horses and gunpowder to the New World. At the same time, New World crops such as corn, potatoes, and tomatoes enriched the European diet and lengthened average lifespans. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

naval, China, Open Door

The expensive and growing ___________ arms race among the U.S., Great Britain, and Japan posed the most pressing problem in the Washington Naval conference. After much negotiation, the powers agreed to limit battleship and aircraft carrier production in the the ratio of 5:5:3 for the United States, Britain, and Japan. The Japanese also signed a treaty agreeing to respect ___________'s independence and America's ___________ policy. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

New Freedom, Mexico, neutral

The explosive events in Europe pertaining to World War I stunned Wilson. He was now forced to shift his focus from the ___________ and relations with ___________ to how the United States would respond to the war in Europe. On August 19th, 1917, Wilson announced that "the United States must be ___________ in fact as well as name." (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)


The faith in the human ability to consciously build a just society. This belief was inspired by the Second Great Awakening, and became a close link between religion and reform that awakened many Americans to a variety of social and moral issues. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

nuclear, terror

The fear of ___________ war in the 1950s was not imaginary. By 1954, both the United States and the Soviet Union had exploded hydrogen bombs. What Winston Churchill called a "balance of ___________" seemed real. Popular magazines warned that in the new missile age, Americans would have at most 35 minutes warning before a Soviet missile attack hit the United States. Millions of public school students hid under their desks as part of Duck and Cover drills. Adults could dash into newly built fallout shelters located in many public buildings. Worried homeowners added an extra layer of security by building bomb shelters in their basements. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

bombs, strikes, riots, Red

The fear of subversives in America after the revolutionary upheaval in Russia escalated in late April 1918, when the post office intercepted 38 packages containing ___________ addressed to prominent citizens. A wave of labor ___________ and race ___________ further intensified public anxiety, adding to calls for action. Anyone who appear different or foreign was branded as "un-American" and therefore a "___________." (The New Era, 1919-1929)

Sumter, eastern, western, western, Richmond

The firing on Fort ___________ and Lincoln's call for troops forced the states in the upper South to take sides. It is important to note that slaves were scarce and Union support was strong in ___________ Tennessee, ___________ Virginia, and ___________ North Carolina. Nonetheless, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas all seceded. The Confederate Congress meeting in Montgomery welcomed the states and moved its capital to ___________, Virginia. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

northwest passage

The first French explorers tried and failed to find a _____________ to Asia. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Ireland, Germany

The first great wave of 1800s immigration took place between 1820 and 1860. During this period, almost 5 million people immigrated to America. While many immigrants came from England and Scandinavia, over 2/3 of the total came from _______________ and _______________. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

literacy, public

The first half of the 1800s witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of newspapers from about 1,200 in 1833 to 3,000 in 1860. The proliferation of newspapers promoted _______________ and a well-informed _______________. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

populated, unskilled, domestic servants, Lowell

The flood of Irish immigrants transformed Boston, New York City, and Philadelphia into densely-_______________ centers that experienced high rates of poverty and crime. Most Irish immigrants were forced to work in the lowest-paying and most demanding _______________ jobs. Irish women found work as _______________ while the men built roads, canals, and railroad beds. The percentage of Irish workers employed in the _______________ mills jumps from 8% in 1845 to 50% in 1860. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

tariff, national bank, roads, trade

The following are the four components of Clay's American System: 1. A _______________ that would protect American industries and raise revenue to fund internal improvements. 2. A _______________ that would promote financial stability. 3. A network of federally funded _______________ and canals. 4. A vibrant economy with increased _______________ among the nation's different regions. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

defense, Selective Service

The frightening events in Europe at the beginning of World War II persuaded many Americans to support rebuilding the nation's military strength. In 1940, Congress increased the ___________ budget from $2 billion to $10 billion. Later that year, Congress also approved a ___________ Act providing for the country's first military draft during peacetime. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)


The great wave of Irish and German immigration sparked a _______________ reaction among native-born Protestants. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

compromise, Civil

The heated atmosphere of distrust allowed those who refused to compromise in both the North and South to oppose all efforts to achieve a _______________. The nation thus continued on in an inexorable road to disunion and a bloody _______________ War. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)


The horrible cost of World War I created a deep desire for peace. In America, this group argued that the United States should avoid political commitments to other nations. They urged their fellow countrymen to remember George Washington's Farewell Address admonition to avoid being involved in European affairs. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

1801, Nullification Crisis

The immediate dispute over the Alien and Sedition Acts faded when it was expired in _____________. However, the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions advanced arguments that John C. Calhoun adopted during the _____________ of the 1830s. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

progress, disillusionment

The immense human suffering and economic destruction caused by World War I dealt a shattering blow to the comforting belief that ___________ was inevitable. John F. Carter expressed the pervasive post-war mood of ___________ when he wrote in the "Atlantic Monthly": "I would like to observe that the older generation had certainly pretty well ruined this world before passing it on to us. They gave us this Thing, knocked to pieces, leaky, red-hot, threatening to blow up; and then they are surprised that we don't accept it with the same enthusiasm with which they received it." (The New Era, 1919-1929)

industrial, textile mills, trade, capitalists

The impact of the Transportation and Market Revolutions on the Northeast: -Accelerated the rate of _______________ growth. -Prompted the construction of _______________ in New England. -Created a close _______________ relationship between New England and the Old Northwest. -Created a wealthy class of urban _______________. (The Transportation and Market Revolutions, 1815-1860)

trade, industrialization

The interruption of _______________ during the War of 1812 led to an increase in domestic manufacturing thus promoting _______________. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

popular, sports, baseball

The last 2 decades of the nineteenth century witnessed the birth and growing popularity of a number of new forms of ___________ culture. While many of these activities were short-lived, ___________ generated major businesses that have endured to the present day. Professional team sports first became popular during the last quarter of the 1800s. ___________ began its reign as the national pastime when they teams formed the National league in 1876. The American League followed in 1901. The 2 rival leagues held the first World Series in 1903. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

citizen, Missouri

The legal questions of the Dred Scott case: Did Dred Scott have a right to bring his case into the federal courts? Scott had that right only if he were a _______________ of the United States. Did Dred Scott become a free man by living in a free state and in a free territory? If yes, this would limit slavery since most slave owners would not risk taking their human "property" into a free state. Did Congress have the authority to prohibit slavery in the territories? if not, then the _______________ Compromise restriction on slavery in the territories was unconstitutional. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

automobiles, Henry Ford, automobile

The mass production of ___________ had the greatest impact upon American society. When they first appeared in the late 1890s, they seemed to be a luxury toy for the rich. However, a gifted self-taught engineer named ___________ audaciously vowed to "democratize the ___________. When I'm through," he predicted, "everybody will be able to afford one." (The New Era, 1919-1929)

Federal Highway

The mass production of automobiles in the Roaring Twenties had far-reaching consequences for American economic and cultural life. Surging car sales stimulated the growth of companies that produced steel, rubber tires, glass, and gasoline. Spurred by the ___________ Act of 1916, a network of new roads crisscrossed the nation. Within just a few years, the automobile transformed America from a land of isolated farms and small towns into a mobile nation on wheels. (The New Era, 1919-1929)


The muckraking reports of Tarbell, Steffens, Phillips, and others enabled the ___________ spirit to reach a wide national audience. They helped mobilize public opinion to demand and support needed reforms. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

married, baby, generation

The nation's thriving economy in the 1950s provided jobs and incomes that renewed people's faith in the future. More and more Americans ___________ at an ever younger age. By 1956, the average age of marriage for men dropped to 22 and just 20 for women. The marriage boom triggered a post-war ___________ boom. The 1950s witnessed 40 million births. They were part of a huge baby boom ___________ that included 76 million people born from 1946 to 1964. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Francis Ferdinand, World War I

The nations of Europe enjoyed an extended period of prosperity and progress in the century following the defeat of Napoleon in 1815. But an arms race between Germany and Great Britain, competition for colonies in Africa, and the formation of rival alliances created an atmosphere of tension and suspicion. The assassination of Archduke ___________ on June 28th, 1914, set in motion and inexorable chain of events that led to the outbreak of ___________ forces over ran Belgium and soon threatened France. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

equality, rights

The new American republic promoted _______________ and social democracy. Women, however, were denied many basic _______________. For example, they could not vote, hold political office, or serve on juries. In addition, married women were denied rights to own and manage property, to form contracts, and to exercise legal control over children. This meant that women's role in America would soon change. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)


The new Johnson state governments provided further evidence that the South remained unrepentant. When Congress reconvened in December 1865, a large number of former ___________ politicians and Military officers were waiting to take seats in the House and Senate. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

taxes, war, interstate

The new constitution gave Congress the authority to levy _____________, declare _____________, and regulate interstate _____________. (The Constitution)

small, slave

The new constitution included a series of compromises that created a government acceptable to large and _____________ states, as well as to free and _____________ states. (The Constitution)

business, expansion, segregating

The new electric street cars encouraged the growth of the central ___________ district. They also promoted the physical ___________ of cities. For the first time, employees could commute to work from a new ring of streetcar suburbs. It is important to note that the suburbs mark the beginning of a process of ___________ urban residents by class, race, and ethnicity. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

women, young, educated, feminists, birth control, college

The new independent spirit after World War I expressed itself in the changes post-war ___________ were making in their lives. Although most women still followed traditional paths of marriage and family, a growing number of ___________, well-___________ women began choosing a different lifestyle. Influenced by ___________, women wanted greater freedom in their lives. They argued that wives should be equal partners with their husbands and supported Margaret Sanger's campaign for ___________. A vanguard of ___________-educated women sought new careers in medicine, law, and science. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

social critics

The new suburban lifestyle did not enjoy unanimous approval. This group decried mass-produced Levittowns filled with endless rows of identical box houses. To this group, the suburbs created a superficial lifestyle and a generation of spoiled children in the 1950s. They extended their criticism of the new suburban lifestyle to the large corporations where many suburbanites worked. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

peaceful, Sirhan Sirhan

The news of Dr. King's death touched off a wave of violent riots. After Dr. King's funeral, many blacks looked to Robert Kennedy as the only national leader who can bring about ___________ change. Hispanics and many working-class whites also looked to Kennedy for leadership. Backed by these groups, Kennedy defeated McCarthy in the crucial California primary. On June 5, 1968, an already shaken nation watched in stunned disbelief as Robert Kennedy was shot and killed after he thanked his triumphant supporters for their help. The assassin was an Arab nationalist named ___________, who opposed Kennedy's support for Israel. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

collective security

The opponents of the League of Nations argued that the organization's commitment to ___________ violated America's traditional policy of avoiding entangling alliances. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

intolerance, immigration, white

The original Ku Klux Klan terrorized newly-freed blacks in the post-Civil War South before dying out in the 1870s. The post-World War I mood of distrust and ___________ fueled a revival of the KKK. This new Klan was hostile toward immigrants, Catholics, Jews, and African-Americans. It favored ___________ restriction and ___________ supremacy. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

urban, farms, slave

The overwhelming majority of the antebellum immigrants chose to settle in _______________ areas of the North and on Midwestern _______________. Most immigrants avoided the South because they did not want to compete for jobs with _______________ laborers. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

Northeast, Midwest, tenements, gold

The overwhelming majority of the new immigrants settled in large cities in the ___________ and ___________. They quickly faced a grim reality that tested their optimistic faith in America as the land of opportunity. Many immigrants lived in crowded ___________ and worked 12-hour days in grimy factories, dangerous coal mines, and dreary garment-making sweatshops. One Italian saying expressed the sense of disillusionment felt by many immigrants: "I came to America because I heard the streets were paved with ___________. When I got here, I found out three things: First, the streets weren't paved with gold; second, they weren't paved at all, and third, I was expected to pave them. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Great Society

The passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 marked a climatic moment in the civil rights movement. President Johnson believed that his landslide victory in the 1964 election gave him a mandate to pursue his dream of creating this image of society that would end poverty and create educational opportunities for all Americans. What was Lyndon Johnson's name for his ideal American society? (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

"a moral pestilence invented by Satan"

The phrase through which the Spanish missionary Bartolome De Las Casas branded the encomienda system. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

slavery, seaports, Ireland, Germany

The presence of _______________ discouraged immigrants from moving to the South. In 1860, just 4.4% of the Southern population was foreign-born. Meanwhile, between 1844 and 1854 over 3 million European immigrants flooded into Eastern _______________. The overwhelming majority of these immigrants came from _______________ and _______________. (The Old South, 1815-1860)

poverty, homes, jobs

The racial riots in Detroit and other inner cities in the summers of 1966 and 1967 were not unique. During the years since Pearl Harbor, almost 3 million blacks left the South and moved to cities in the North and West coast. Unskilled and unprepared for urban life, many were forced to live in ___________-stricken inner-city neighborhoods. The civil rights movement and the war on poverty raised high hopes which could not be quickly fulfilled. Freedom marches could win loss against segregation, but they could not build new ___________ or create ___________. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

peaceful, militant

The racial riots in the summers of 1966 and 1967 shook the civil rights movement's confidence in ___________ reform. Dr. King still preached non-violence and insisted that "we can't win violently." However, in the tumultuous atmosphere of the late 1960s, some blacks questioned King's nonviolent tactics and his dream of a fully-integrated society. New leaders such as Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael called for a more ___________ approach. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

1830, 1836

The rapid growth of the Anglo-American population of Texas alarmed Mexican officials. In _______________, the Mexican government announced that slaves could no longer be brought into any part of Mexico and that Americans could no longer settle in Texas. Faced with these restrictions, the Texans rebelled and declared their independence on March 2nd, _______________. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

Progressive, Republican

The return of prosperity after the election of 1896 did not end the spirit of reform. A new generation of ___________ reformers successfully fought for many of the Populist reforms. The election of 1896 began a generation of almost unbroken ___________ dominance that lasted until the election of Franklin Roosevelt in 1932. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

Red Scare, Red Scare

The second ___________ even extended to Hollywood. Motion picture executives drew up a "blacklist" of about 500 writers, directors, and actors who were suspended from work for their supposed political beliefs and associations. The popularity of movies about alien invasions from outer space also reflected the anxieties caused by the second ___________. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Wovoka, Ghost

The slaughter of the buffalo caused an irrevocable destruction of Plains Indian culture. Inspired by visions of a Paiute prophet named ___________, many desperate Native Americans performed a ritual ___________ Dance they believed would hasten the return of the buffalo and the departure of the white settlers. (The West, 1865-1900)

encomienda system

The system practiced by Spanish autocratic monarchs determined to maintain tight personal control over their American possessions. They awarded local officials by granting them villages and control over native labor. This cruelly exploited Indian laborers. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

black, political

The tactics used to evade the 15th Amendment worked. During the 1890s, the number of ___________ voters plummeted. For example, and 1896, 130,000 blacks were registered to vote in Louisiana. Just four years later, the number plunged to just 5320. By the early 1900's, African Americans had effectively lost their ___________ rights in the South. (The New South, 1877-1900)


The talented group of American artists and authors that focused on the facets of the modern world they could personally experience followed this style. It replaced Romanticism towards the end of the 1800s. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

market, shared, moral, units

The various utopian communities all shared the following common goals: -They rejected the competitive business practices of the _______________ economy. -They tried to build an equal social order by creating an economy based on _______________ wealth. -They regulated _______________ behavior in order for members to realize their full spiritual potential. -They organized their members into cooperative work and living _______________. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

Greece, Turkey, Greece, Turkey, Truman Doctrine

The threat of Communist expansion was not limited to Eastern Europe after World War II. In early 1947, Communist pressure threatened the independence of ___________ and ___________. President Truman accepted America's responsibility to become the leader of the Free World. On March 12th, 1947, he asked Congress for $400 million for military and economic aid to help ___________ and ___________. This would be called the ___________. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

-geographic -economic -social

The three types of factors involved in the growth of slavery in the southern colonies: (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)


The total value of goods and services produced by America's farms and factories quadrupled between 1870 and 1900. This burst of ___________ transformed America into the world's foremost industrial power. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

First Family, Camelot, Camelot

The vigorous Kennedy and his glamorous wife and young children fascinated the American public. The ___________'s youthful charm seemed like a fairy tale come to life. A popular musical at the time portrayed the romance and adventure of King Arthur's court at ___________. Kennedy and his dedicated band of advisors reminded many of a modern-day ___________. The nation waited with high expectations as Kennedy began the difficult task of transforming his campaign promises into concrete realities. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

lynching, civil, Southern

The violence against African Americans who tried to exercise their voting rights outraged the black community in the 1946 congressional election. President Truman responded to the complaints by appointing a presidential commission to study mob violence and civil rights. In the fall of 1947, the committee issued a report calling for a federal anti-___________ law, a ___________ rights division within the Justice Department, and a permanent Fair Employment Practices Committee. However, ___________ opposition blocked any action by Congress. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Richard Nixon

The war in Vietnam, the deaths of Dr. King and Robert Kennedy, and the violence at the Chicago Democratic convention dominated the news during most of 1968. While these events captured the headlines, this man staged a remarkable political comeback, giving him a very good chance at the 1968 presidential election. He believed that most Americans were tired of hippies, anti-war demonstrators, and urban rioters. He carefully avoided controversy while promising that he had a plan to find an honorable end to the Vietnam War. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Catholic, schools

The wave of Irish immigration aroused intense anti-_______________ prejudice. Many native-born Protestants stereotyped the Irish as an ignorant and clannish people who would never assimilate into American life. Prejudiced employers posted "No Irish Need Apply" signs, while Protestant leaders complained that Irish-sponsored parochial _______________ would undermine support for public education. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

Populist Party (aka People's Party)

The wave of agrarian discontent gave birth to this political party. Farmers' Alliance leaders discussed plans for a third party at conventions held in Cincinnati in May 1891 and in St Louis in February 1892. Finally in July 1892, 1,300 exhilarated delegates met in Omaha, Nebraska, to formulate a platform and nominate a candidate for the fall presidential election. The platform emphatically demanded government control of the railroads. It also called for the free and unlimited coinage of silver. They believed that free silver would increase the money supply and therefore spur inflation. Finally, it endorsed the 8-hour workday, a graduated income tax, and the direct election of senators by voters instead of state legislatures. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

nativist, languages, religions, wages, nativists

The wave of new immigrants at the end of the 1800s sparked a new ___________ response. The new immigrants spoke different ___________, practiced different ___________, and works for low ___________. Alarmed ___________ accused the new immigrants of being a threat to their jobs and way of life. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

supremacist, Ku Klux Klan, blacks

The years immediately following the Civil War witnessed the proliferation of white ___________ organizations. The ___________ began in Tennessee in 1866 and then quickly spread across the South. Anonymous Klansmen dressed in white robes and pointed cowls and used whippings, house-burnings, kidnappings, and lynchings to keep what ___________ "in their place." (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

world, police, order, softly, stick

Theodore Roosevelt was keenly aware that America's victory in the Spanish-American War gave it a new role in ___________ affairs. In his inaugural address, he reminded Americans of their new responsibilities: "We have become a great nation, forced by the fact of its greatness into relations with other nations of the earth, and we must behave as beseems a people with such responsibilities." Roosevelt believed that civilized and orderly nations such as the United States and Great Britain had a duty to ___________ the world and maintain ___________. To do that, he said that the United States should, and the words of a West African proverb, "Speak ___________ and carry a big ___________." (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

trusts, Progressives

Theodore Roosevelt's commitment to using the power of the federal government to protect the public interest can also be seen in his approach to ___________. By 1901, giant trusts dominated American economy. Like the Populists before them, ___________ complained that trusts restrained trade, fixed prices, and posed a threat to free markets. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

sea power

Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Cabot Lodge, and other influential leaders championed Alfred Mahan's recommendations in "The Influence of Sea Power upon History." As a result, his views on ___________ soon became the cornerstone of American strategic thinking. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

utopian communities

These communities were concrete social expressions of the Perfectionist vision of achieving a better life through conscious acts of will. Idealists founded over a hundred of these between 1800 and 1900. The movement reached its peak between 1830 and 1860. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

Shays', Whiskey

These 2 rebellions involved backcountry farmers protesting the strength of new governments. _____________ Rebellion demonstrated the weakness of the Articles of Confederation and the need for a stronger national government. The suppression of the _____________ Rebellion demonstrated the strength of the new federal government. Washington's prompt use of force showed that it was no longer acceptable to challenge unpopular laws with the type of revolutionary tactics used during the Stamp Act crisis. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

-Stamp Act Congress -First Continental Congress -Second Continental Congress

These 3 groups further underscored the colonists' commitment to republican values and determination to assert and defend their rights: (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

-Father Charles Coughlin -Dr. Frances E. Townsend -Huey Long

These 3 men were the biggest critics of the New Deal: (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

-Hudson River -Delaware River -Susquehanna

These 3 rivers enabled early settlers to tap into the lucrative interior fur trade in the Middle Atlantic colonies: (The Middle Atlantic Colonies, 1664-1754)

-Nullification Crisis -Indian Removal Act -Bank War

These 3 things during Jackson's presidency were all divisive issues that provoked very argumentative national debates: (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

-canals -steamboats -railroads

These 3 vehicles of transportation revolutionized American economic and social life during the antebellum period between 1820 and 1860: (The Transportation and Market Revolutions, 1815-1860)

Jesuit priests

These French settlers made a concerted effort to convert Native Americans to Catholicism. Unlike the Spanish, they did not require a Native American converts to move to missions. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Eastern Woodland tribes

These Native Americans lived in village communities and had agricultural economies based on the domestication of corn. They lived east of the Mississippi River. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

Alien Acts

These acts authorized the president to deport dangerous aliens in the late 1790s. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Old World diseases

These caused a catastrophic decline in the Native American population. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

transcontinental railroads

These enabled diverse groups of miners, cattlemen, and farmers to settle in the West. They also enabled hunters to nearly exterminate the herds of buffalo that roamed the Great Plains. This indiscriminate slaughter dealt a catastrophic blow to the culture of the Plains Indians. (The West, 1865-1900)

Pre-Columbian Native Americans

These people will domesticated maize, tomatoes, and potatoes. They created a mathematically based calendar, constructed irrigation systems, and built multi-family dwellings. They typically lived in cities inhabited by 100,000 or more people. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

French settlers

These settlers were predominantly single men who quickly developed a lucrative fur trade with the Native American tribes. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

These two men organized the Democratic-Republican Party around the 1800s. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

-Stephen Crane -Theodore Dreiser

These two men were America's foremost Realist authors: (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott

These two women organized the Seneca Falls Convention: (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)


These were Northerners who supposedly packed their belongings into a carpetbag suitcase and then headed South to seek power and profit. They were despised by white Southerners. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)


These were Southerners who "betrayed" the South by supporting and then benefiting from Republican Reconstruction policies. White Southerners despised them. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

Federalist Papers

These were a collection of newspaper editorials written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay to support ratification of the Constitution of 1787. It challenged conventional political wisdom when they asserted that a large republic offered the best protection of minority rights. (The Ratification Debate)


These were a small group of writers and thinkers who lived in and around Boston. The main leaders included Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Margaret Fuller. They published a journal of literature, art, and ideas called "The Dial." Margaret Fuller served as its first editor. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)


These were group of religious dissenters who appeared in England in the mid-1600s. They believe that every person had an inner light and needed only to live by it to be saved. Since every person had an inner light, all people were equal. They were pacifists to refuse to bear arms. They advocated religious tolerations, supported a greater role for women in public worship, and opposed the institution of slavery. (The Middle Atlantic Colonies, 1664-1754)

political parties

These were not mentioned in Constitution. In fact, the Framers opposed these as divisive vehicles for self-interest and personal ambition. They first emerged during the Washington administration in response to Hamilton's controversial economic program. (The Constitution)

political parties

These were not mentioned in the Constitution. Led by James Madison, the Framers of opposed them as sources of corruption and vehicles for self-interest and personal ambition. They began to form during the Washington administration around the economic policies and political philosophies of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)


These young women provided the most visible and shocking model of the new American woman in the Roaring Twenties. They challenged conventional norms of feminine appearance by wearing short skirts, heavy makeup, and close-cut bobbed hair. They further jolted the traditional guardians of morality by enjoying carefree dances such as the Charleston, listening to the lively, loose beat of jazz, and attending parties that featured drinking, smoking, and petting. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

welfare, nuclear, college

Things that did NOT characterize the Eisenhower years: Eisenhower did NOT dismantle New Deal ___________ programs, students did NOT protest the ___________ arms race, and women did NOT complete ___________ before getting married. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Earl Warren

This Chief Justice agreed with Thurgood Marshall's contention that the doctrine of "separate but equal" should be struck down. He also believed that the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment gave the Supreme Court the necessary authority to reverse Plessy v. Ferguson. Speaking for a unanimous Supreme Court, he declared that, "We conclude that in the field of public education, the doctrine of separate but equal has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Daniel Riesman

This Harvard sociologist also studied alienation and conformity in large corporations. In the social critic's best-selling book "The Lonely Crowd," he argued that the corporate culture produced other-directed employees who prized getting along above taking individual risks. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Sinclair Lewis

This Lost Generation author lampooned middle-class conformity and materialism in "Main Street," "Babbitt," and other novels. The character George F. Babbitt was a gung-ho real estate broker who lived in the fictional Midwestern city of Zenith. Babbit represents most of what appalled this author about America. He was a superficial person with no ideas of his own and very little awareness of the world outside Zenith. Babbitt parroted Republican positions on issues and prized material objects as symbols of his success. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

James Monroe

This Republican candidate overwhelmed his Federalist opponent in the 1816 presidential election. He was then realized it in 1824 without opposition. He was the last president of the Virginia dynasty that began it with Washington and included Jefferson and Madison. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

George Marshall

This Secretary of State argued that the United States had to act quickly after World War II to repair Western Europe. Speaking at Harvard University in June 1947, he proposed a bold plan to offer massive economic aid to help reconstruct Europe. "Our policy," he said, "is directed not against any country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos." (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

McCulloch v. Maryland

This Supreme Court case in 1819 established the following: 1. Declared the National Bank constitutional. 2. Confirmed the right of Congress to utilize its implied powers. 3. Denied the right of a state to tax the legitimate activities of the federal government. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

Gibbons v. Ogden

This Supreme Court case in 1824 established the following: 1. Declared that only Congress has the Constitutional power to regulate interstate commerce. 2. Established the Commerce Clause as a key mechanism for the expansion of federal power. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

Dred Scott v. Sandford

This Supreme Court case occurred in 1857 involving a slave named Dred Scott who belonged to John Emerson, an army surgeon assigned to a post in Missouri. When the Army transferred Emerson from the slave state of Missouri to the free state of Illinois, he took Scott with him as a servant. The pair then moved to the Wisconsin territory, an area where the Missouri Compromise expressly forbade slavery. When Emerson died, Scott returned to Missouri where he was placed under the authority of his former master's wife. Helped by abolitionists, Scott sued for his freedom. He contended that living in a free state and in a free territory made him a free man. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

This Supreme Court case took its name from the first name on the list that the NAACP legal team team had of test cases to challenge state laws mandating segregation in the public schools: Oliver Brown of Topeka, Kansas. This man wanted his 8 year-old daughter, Linda, to attend a nearby all-white elementary school instead of traveling 25 blocks to a black elementary school. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Tet Offensive

This Viet Cong advancement marked a turning point in the Vietnam War. Although U.S. forces regained the initiative and won a military victory, the heavy fighting under Johnson's confident prediction that "victory was just around the corner." As Americans questioned the president's credibility, public support for the war dropped. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Sherman Antitrust Act

This act of 1890 forbade unreasonable combinations "in restraint of trade or commerce." The law, however, had been applied more vigorously to curb labor unions than to break up trusts. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Naturalization Act

This act raised the residency requirement for U.S. citizenship from 5 to 14 years. Outraged Democratic-Republicans insisted that the act's real purpose was to prevent immigrants from voting for their party. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Morrill Land Grant Act

This act stipulated that public lands be donated to the states for the purpose of providing colleges to train students in agriculture and mechanical arts. Land-grant colleges played an important role in promoting agriculture, engineering, and veterinary medicine. This law was passed in 1862 as a result of the domination of Congress by Republicans after the southern states seceded. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

Jones Act

This act was passed by Congress in 1916, formally committing the United States to eventually granting the Philippines independence. The Filipinos finally gained their full independence on July 4th, 1946. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Lend-Lease Act

This act was passed by Congress in March 1941. The new law marked an important turning point. America's mighty industries now roared to life, producing weapons to fight Hitler and Mussolini. By the fall of 1941, the U.S. was arming merchant ships and using its navy to protect British ships in the North Atlantic. Although a state of undeclared war existed between the United States and Germany, polls show that 80% of the American people still wanted to stay out of World War II. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Indian Removal Act

This act was passed by Congress in response to the pressure by white settlers who wanted the 125,000 Native Americans who lived east of the Mississippi to resettle across the Mississippi. They provided for the exchange of Indian lands in the East for government lands in the newly-established Indian Territory. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

Reconstruction Act of 1867

This act was passed by the Radical Republicans against Johnson's will. It eliminated the state governments created by Johnson's plan. It divided the South into 5 military districts, each under the command of a union general. In order to be readmitted into the Union, a state had to approve the 14th Amendment and guarantee black suffrage. It deepened the growing rift between the Radical Republicans and President Johnson when Johnson vetoed this act. Congress had immediately overridden his veto. This act was meant to punish the former Confederate states and protect the rights of black citizens. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

Teller Amendment

This amendment was attached to Congress's resolution declaring war on Spain in the Spanish-American War. It guaranteed American respect for Cuba's sovereignty as an independent nation. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

This agreement created a free-trade zone with Canada and Mexico. It was created during the Clinton presidency. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)


This alternate way of life that hippies advocated emphasized the importance of being "groovy" by "doing your own thing." Being groovy meant wearing jeans, love beads, and long hair instead of business suits and dresses. It also meant living with large groups of friends on rural communes instead of owning a home in the suburbs. Hippies had a particular penchant for huge outdoor music concerts, such as the Woodstock Music Festival. What was the name for this alternate way of life? (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

14th Amendment

This amendment declared all people born or naturalized in the United States, including blacks, were citizens. It also gave the federal government responsibility for guaranteeing equal rights under the law to all Americans. It prohibited the states from "depriving any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." It intensified the struggle for power between President Johnson and Congress. Saying that blacks were unfit to receive "the coveted prize of citizenship," Johnson urged state legislators in the South to reject this amendment. He also vigorously campaigned for congressional candidates who supported his policies. Johnson's strategy backfired. Outraged voters repudiated the president's policies by giving the Republicans a solid 2/3 majority in both houses of Congress. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

18th Amendment

This amendment forbade the sale or manufacture of intoxicating liquors, beginning the Prohibition. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

16th Amendment

This amendment gave Congress the power to lay and collect income taxes. Prior to this amendment, tariffs and land sales constituted early government's primary source of income. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

19th Amendment

This amendment granted women the right to vote. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

6th Amendment

This amendment guarantees defendants the right to a speedy trial. (The Ratification Debate)

1st Amendment

This amendment guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of religion. (The Ratification Debate)

4th Amendment

This amendment guards against unreasonable searches and seizures. (The Ratification Debate)

15th Amendment

This amendment marks the last of the 3 Reconstruction Amendments. Ratified on February 3rd, 1870, it forbade either the federal government or the states from denying citizens the right to vote on the basis of "race, color, or previous condition of servitude." It enabled African American males to exercise political influence for the first time. Freedmen provided about 80% of votes in the south. Over 600 blacks served as state legislators in the new state governments. In addition, voters elected 14 blacks to the House of Representatives and 2 to the Senate. Black voters supported the Republican Party by loyally casting votes that helped elect Grant in 1868 and 1872. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

Platt Amendment

This amendment of the Cuban constitution after the Spanish-American American War made the withdrawal of U.S. troops contingent upon this amendment's acceptance. It prohibited Cuba from making any foreign treaties that might impair its independence or involve it in a public debt that it could not pay. It also gave the United States the right to maintain a naval station at Guantanamo Bay on the southeast corner of Cuba. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

24th Amendment

This amendment outlawed the poll tax in federal elections. This amendment and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 allowed millions of blacks to register and vote for the first time. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

15th Amendment

This amendment prohibited states from denying anyone the right to vote because of race. Redeemer governments used literacy tests and poll taxes to evade this amendment. For example, literacy tests required voters to read and explain the Constitution in a way that satisfied voting registration officials. Needless to say, the white registrars rarely passed black voters. Poll taxes ranged from $1 in Georgia to $3 in Florida. Voters who skipped an election found that the tax accumulated from one election to the next. (The New South, 1877-1900)

17th Amendment

This amendment provided that United States senators would be elected by a popular vote within any state. Senators had previously been elected by the state legislatures. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Armory show

This art show in New York City in 1913 exposed American artists, such as the Ashcan school artists, for the first time to Europe's revolutionary Cubist and Modern artists. After touring the exhibit, Stuart Davis, a leading Ashcan artist, called the show the "greatest single experience ... in all my work." This show marks a watershed event that had a lasting impact upon American art. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Battle of New Orleans

This battle in the War of 1812 restored American Pride and transformed Andrew Jackson into a national hero. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

Battle of Saratoga

This battle marked a crucial turning point in the Revolutionary War. The victory revived the colonial cause and helped convince France to declare war on Great Britain and openly support the American cause. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

Kansas-Nebraska Act

This bill was propose by Stephen A. Douglas, saying that Kansas and Nebraska would be organized into 2 new territories. It included an amendment specifically repealing the Missouri Compromise. It proposed that the people of Kansas and Nebraska would be allowed to decide for themselves whether their states would be free or slave. It was based on popular sovereignty. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

Stamp Act Congress

This body rejected Parliament's right to tax the colonists and called for a boycott of British goods. The boycott proved to be a success. British merchants hurt by the loss of trade persuaded Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

electoral college

This body was designed to safeguard the presidency from direct popular election. The framers believed this would insulate the presidency from the threat of "excessive democracy." (The Constitution)

"The Feminine Mystique"

This book was written by Betty Friedan to express the sense of injustice felt by many women in 1963. It challenged the cult of domesticity that prevailed since the 1950s. It also exposed the frustration felt by suburban housewives with their monotonous lives. "Is this all?" is a famous quote from the first paragraph of this book. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Uncle Tom's Cabin

This book was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe in response to the Fugitive Slave Act. A dedicated abolitionist, she wrote it to help her readers understand the cruelty of the slave system by vividly describing the fear and panic endured by slaves. First published in book form in 1852, it sold 305,000 copies within a year. It soon became an international sensation, selling over 2.5 million copies worldwide. It intensified anti-slavery sentiment in the North. At the same time, it aroused resentment in the South. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

A Century of Dishonor

This book was written by Helen Hunt Jackson in 1881 documenting the misdeeds of corrupt Indian agents, duplicitous government officials, and land-hungry settlers who encroached onto tribal reservations. Jackson castigated the U.S. government for its role in "a tale of wrongs and oppressions ... that is too monstrous to be believed." It was key in mobilizing public support for the Dawes Act. (The West, 1865-1900)

How the Other Half Lives

This book was written by Jacob Riis to show the poverty and despair of the Lower East Side in New York City. Jacob Riis hoped to shock a complacent public into calling for reforms. New York City tore down some of the worst slums and replaced them with new parks and playgrounds. (Urban America, 1865-1900)


This border state provided especially important industrial and agricultural resources that proved vital to the Union. Lincoln recognized its strategic importance when he declared, "I hope to have God on my side, but I must have ___________." (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

executive branch

This branch of the government was created by the Constitution. It is led by the President, who would be required to deliver an annual State of the Union message. The President can veto an act of Congress. The President also negotiates treaties that must be ratified by the Senate. (The Constitution)

Judiciary branch

This branch was created by the Constitution. It consists of federal judges appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. As a result, this branch would be insulated from popular control. (The Constitution)

poor whites

This class of the Old South comprised as many as 25 to 40% of Southerners, who were unskilled laborers owning no land and no slaves. This class often lived in the backwoods where they scratched out a meager living doing odd jobs. Although they did not own slaves and frequently resented the aristocratic planters, they nonetheless supported the South's biracial social structures. The existence of slavery enabled even the most impoverished to feel superior to blacks. (The Old South, 1815-1860)

"necessary and proper" clause (aka elastic clause)

This clause in the Constitution gives Congress the power to make laws necessary to carry out its enumerated powers. It contradicted states' rights. (The Constitution)

Harvard College

This college was founded by the Puritans to train ministers. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

New Netherland

This colony was a rich prize located between New England to the north and other English colonies further south. Its capital, New Amsterdam, had one of the finest harbors on the eastern coast of North America. (The Middle Atlantic Colonies, 1664-1754)

Rhode Island

This colony was founded by Roger Williams. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

Massachusetts Bay Colony

This colony was founded in New England by John Winthrop in 1630, leading a fleet of 11 ships and 700 Puritans. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

Joint Committee on Reconstruction

This committee formed by Congress during Reconstruction recommended a civil rights act to clarify the rights of freed slaves. The act stated that blacks were citizens who had the same civil rights as those enjoyed by whites. Congress passed the bill in March 1866, only for it to be vetoed by Johnson. Congress overrode the veto. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

Dutch West Indian Company

This company founded the colony of New Netherland in 1614 in order to develop a commercial network in the New World. (The Middle Atlantic Colonies, 1664-1754)

Three-Fifths Compromise

This compromise resolved the dispute between the slave states and free states. Under the terms of the compromise, each slave counted as three-fifths of a person for purpose of determining a state's level of taxation and representation. This increased the congressional representation of the slave states and gave them a greater force in the Electoral College. (The Constitution)

Missouri Compromise

This compromise temporarily diffused the political crisis over slavery. However, the debate over its passage foreshadowed a the divisive intersectional debates over the expansion of slavery that resurfaced during the 1840s and 1850s. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

cult of domesticity

This concept idealized women in their roles as wives and mothers. As a nurturing mother and faithful spouse, the wife created a home that was a haven in a heartless world. The home thus became a refuge from the world rather than a productive economic unit. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

Gospel of Wealth

This concept is promoted by Andrew Carnegie in an essay published in 1889. Carnegie believed that great wealth brought great responsibility. He argued that the rich have a duty to serve society by supporting what Carnegie called "ladders upon which the aspiring can rise." Over his lifetime, Carnegie donated more than $350 million to support libraries, schools, peace initiatives, and the arts. (Making Key Comparisons, 1866-1919)


This concept used time-and-motion studies to eliminate wasted movements, reduce costs, and promote efficiency. It is the "scientific management" of workforce. Progressives believed that this approach could be used to streamline municipal government. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Iroquios Confederacy

This constituted the most important and powerful North American political alliance. It ended generations of tribal warfare and formed the most important North American political organization to confront the colonists. They lived in permanent settlements. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

Great Britain

This country emerged as the world's foremost naval power because of the French and Indian War. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)


This country lost the French and Indian War because its absolute government impeded the development of its colony by imposing burdensome economic and immigration restrictions. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Great Britain

This country won the French and Indian War because its colonies were far more populous than those of the opposing colony. In 1754, its mainland colonies contained 1.2 million people compared to just 75,000 inhabitants of the opposing colony. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)


This crop quickly became America's most valuable cash crop after the invention of the gin by Eli Whitney in 1793. In 1840, production of this cash crop accounted for more than half of the value of all American exports. (The Old South, 1815-1860)


This disease caused an epidemic in the Indian population. It decimated the Indians. For example, by 1675 the population of Southern New England tribes fell from 65,000 people to just 10,000. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

Freeport Doctrine

This doctrine was declared by Stephen A. Douglas, saying that the settlers of territories could prevent slavery by refusing to pass a slave code defining a slave's legal status and the rights of an owner. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

"Declaration of Causes of Taking up Arms"

This document was issued by the Second Continental Congress to declare that the colonists could either submit to tyranny or choose armed resistance. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Declaration of Independence

This document, written by Thomas Jefferson, discusses concise and compelling statements of principles and self-evident truths, discusses the philosophy of natural rights, and contains a list of specific grievances against King George III. However, it did not call for the abolition of the slave trade, contradicting republican ideals. It was established in 1776. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

Panic of 1837

This economic slump was a direct result of the death of the Second Bank of the United States during the Bank War. Banks reduced loans, business failed, and unemployment rose. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

American System

This economic system was designed by Henry Clay to promote economic growth and national unity. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

Panic of 1873

This economics panic triggered a severe depression that bankrupted 47,000 firms and drove wholesale prices down by 30%. As orders for industrial goods fell, railroad lines in the East began a series of pay cuts. This led to the great Railroad Strike of 1877. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)


This elite class of the Old South comprised just 4% of the South adult white male population. The small but powerful group owned more than half of all the slaves and harvested most of the cotton and tobacco. They dominated Southern economic and social life. A paternalistic nature and a white-columned mansion came to represent the image of a distinctive Southern way of life that valued tradition, honor, and refined manners. (The Old South, 1815-1860)


This enabled the Chesapeake Bay colonies to become economically viable. It's profitable cultivation created a demand for a large and inexpensive labor force. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

Peace of Paris of 1763

This ended French power in North America. Britain took title to Canada, Spanish Florida, and all the French lands east of the Mississippi River. It was an important effect of the French and Indian War. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Arab oil embargo

This event stunned America. It was caused by the OPEC's decision to reduce the supply of oil and raise prices for America. Frustrated Americans waited in long gas lines only to discover that the price of a gallon had soared from $0.35 to over $1. The Arabs finally agreed to lift this in April 1974. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Lewis and Clark Expedition

This expedition was sponsored by Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Territory. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

"Join or Die" cartoon

This famous cartoon by Benjamin Franklin dramatically illustrated the need for greater colonial unity (Albany Plan of Union). (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Works Projects Administration (WPA)

This funded a massive program of public projects ranging from building bridges to painting murals in post offices. This legislation was passed in the Second New Deal. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)


This goal of Franklin Roosevelt's programs was to adopt measures to help promote industrial and agricultural recovery. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)


This goal of Franklin Roosevelt's programs was to adopt measures to restore public confidence and achieve immediate relief. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)


This goal of Franklin Roosevelt's programs was to implement long-term measures to reform business practices. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Japanese militarists

This group also took advantage of the leaves failure to stop aggression. By 1936, they renounced the Washington Naval Conference treaties and left the League of Nations. In 1937, they invaded northern China, touching off a full-scale war that marked the beginning of World War II in Asia. Few seemed to notice that their invasion violated the 1928 Kellogg-Briand Act condemning recourse to aggressive war. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Second Continental Congress

This group began its deliberations in Philadelphia on May 10th, 1775. As tensions mounted and fighting spread, it assumed more of the functions of a de-facto American government. It issued the "Declaration of Causes of Taking up Arms." It authorized an army and appointed George Washington as commander-in-chief. As events unfolded, Washington demonstrated a rare combination of soldier and statesman. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Social Darwinists

This group believed that Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest could be applied to the rise and fall of nations. During the late 19th century, strong European powers led by England, France, and Germany began to dominate weak nations in Africa and Asia. Supporters of expansion warned that the United States had to play a more aggressive role in world affairs. If the U.S. failed to accept this challenge, it risked falling behind its rivals in the global race for markets and natural resources. This contributed to imperialism in the 1890s. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)


This group in the 1890s favored building a strong navy, constructing the Panama Canal, acquiring fueling stations in the Pacific, and exercising a dominant role in the Caribbean. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)


This group of Native Americans lived in the Southwest as a sedentary agricultural people who built elaborate pueblos. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

Lost Generation

This group of novelists in the Roaring Twenties also found much to criticize in America's new mass culture. These writers were given this name because they were disillusioned with American society and often moved to Paris. (The New Era, 1919-1929)


This group of young people believe that love, not war, was the solution to America's problems. They were usually young people between the ages of 17 and 25. They wanted to replace violence and and justice with peace and love. They argued that this could only be done by creating an alternate way of life, or counterculture. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Anti-Imperialist League

This group opposed the annexation of the Philippines. They argued that imperialism violated America's long-established commitment to the principles of self-determination and anti-colonialism. They opposed a policy they felt betrayed America's democratic institutions. (Making Key Comparisons, 1866-1919)

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

This group was founded by Martin Luther King following the success of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Under his leadership, it sought to apply the principles of nonviolent civil disobedience to other Southern cities. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

American Colonization Society

This group was founded in 1817 and soon became the dominant anti-slavery organization of the 1820s. It advocated the gradual abolition of slavery combined with the goal of returning freed slaves to Africa. (The Crusade against Slavery, 1815-1860)

Knights of Labor

This group was founded in 1869 and led by Terence V. Powderly. It attempted to unify all working men and women into a national union under the motto, "An injury to one is the concern of all." It experienced a period of rapid growth in the 1880s as membership rolls swelled from 42,000 in 1822 to 700,000 in 1886. It called for an end to trusts, restrictions on child labor, a graduated income tax, an eight-hour day, and equal pay for equal work for both sexes. It wanted to eliminate conflict between labor and management. They were idealists who hoped to create a cooperative society in which workers collectively purchased mines, factories, and stores. It was blamed for the Haymarket Square riot in 1886. Membership plummeted as they were unfairly linked with violent anarchists. (Making Key Comparisons, 1866-1919)

Knights of Labor

This group was founded in 1869. It attempted to unify all working men and women into a national union under the motto, "An injury to one is the concern of all." With the exception of lawyers, bankers, and saloon keepers, they accepted anyone who worked for wages, including women and African-Americans. They denounced "wage-slavery" and were dedicated to achieving a "cooperative commonwealth" of independent workers. They hoped to achieve this goal by encouraging workers to combine their wages so that they could collectively purchase mines, factories, and stores. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

American Federation of Labor

This group was founded in 1886 and led by Samuel Gompers. It was organized as an alliance of skilled workers and craft unions. It did not welcome unskilled workers, women, or racial minorities. It advocated using collective bargaining and, if necessary, strikes to win concrete "bread and butter" goals such as higher wages and better working conditions. It experience a period of rapid growth as it replaced the Knights of Labor as America's most powerful labor union. By 1904, it had 1.7 million members, and Gompers was recognized as a national spokesperson for American laborers. (Making Key Comparisons, 1866-1919)

American Anti-Slavery Society

This group was radical, uncompromising, and intensely moralistic. Garrison forcefully argued that one did not ask sinners to gradually stop sinning. He believed that slavery was a sin and that slave owners were sinners who should repent and immediately free their bondspeople. The leaders of this group were predominantly religious middle-class men and women. Initially, they were united by their unyielding opposition to slavery. (The Crusade against Slavery, 1815-1860)

horizontal integration

This is the process by which one company gains control over other firms that produce the same product. It was primarily a response to economic competition. For example, John D. Rockefeller believed that his competitors reduced profits by flooding the market with too much refined oil. He used this concept to take over 22 of his 26 competitors. As a result, Standard Oil control almost 95% of the oil refining in America. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)


This group were predominantly well-educated middle and upper-middle class reformers living in urban areas. They focused on a broad range of problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, and immigration. They wanted government to play an active role in solving social problems and improving the quality of American life. They supported a wide range of reforms, including women's suffrage, temperance, a graduated income tax, and a popular election of United States Senators. They devoted little attention to the plight of African Americans. They challenged America's two-party system by joining Theodore Roosevelt's short-lived Bull Moose Party. It split the Republican vote and led to the election of Woodrow Wilson. They achieved many of their goals. This spirit began to rapidly decline when America entered World War I. (Making Key Comparisons, 1866-1919)

Republican Motherhood

This idea began to emerge after the Revolutionary War. Its advocates stressed that the new American republic offered women the important role of raising their children to be virtuous and responsible citizens. By instructing their children, and especially their sons, in the principles of liberty, women played a key role in shaping America's moral and political character. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

Social Gospel

This idea was promoted by Walter Rauschenbusch and Washington Gladden. It was a reform movement based on the belief that Christian principles of love and justice should be applied to the nation's pressing urban problems. Supporters of it believed that America's churches had a moral responsibility to take the lead in actively confronting social problems and helping the poor. (Making Key Comparisons, 1866-1919)

yeoman farmers

This independent class of the Old South comprised the majority of white families in the antebellum South who owned few, if any, slaves. Although the South's numerical majority, they did not set the region's political and social tone. Instead, they deferred to the large planters since many aspired to become large landowners themselves. (The Old South, 1815-1860)


This is a large business combination formed by merging several smaller companies under the control of a single governing board. They dominated the American economy by 1901. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)


This is the belief that God created the world but then allowed it to operate through the laws of nature. These natural laws could be discovered by human reason and expressed as mathematical formulas. It was led by many late 1700s American intellectuals. Writers and artists in the early 1800s began to rebel against this. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

deficit spending

This is the idea of spending money beyond that which was raised by taxes to stimulate the economy. This idea was supported by British economist John Maynard Keynes. The Roosevelt Recession forced many New Dealers to turn to this unorthodox concept. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

domino theory

This is the idea that the fall of South Vietnam would inevitably lead to Communist expansion throughout the rest of Southeast Asia. Eisenhower used this idea when deciding what to do about Vietnam. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Market Revolution

This is the name for the creation of a national economy that connected distant communities for the first time during the antebellum period. The creation of large, profitable markets led to an American System of manufacturing that utilized machines with interchangeable parts to mass-produce standardized low-cost goods. (The Transportation and Market Revolutions, 1815-1860)

New Spain

This is the name of the Spanish gave the region following the collapse of the Aztec empire. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)


This is the name the king gave the large grant of fertile New World land when he bestowed it upon William Penn. It is named after William Penn's father. (The Middle Atlantic Colonies, 1664-1754)

vertical integration

This is the process by which a single company owns and controls the entire productive process from the unearthing of raw materials to the manufacture and sale of finished products. It was primarily motivated by a desire to control raw materials. For example, Andrew Carnegie used this concept when he bought the mines that produced iron ore and the ships and railroad lines that carried the ore to his steel plants near Pittsburgh. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

This jobs program was created for unemployed young men aged 18 to 25. The men lived in camps and worked on a variety of conservation projects in the nation's parks and recreation areas. This legislation was passed in the first Hundred Days. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

John Marshall Harlan

This judge's famous dissenting opinion in Plessy v. Ferguson argued that the Louisiana law created a "badge of servitude" that violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. (The New South, 1877-1900)

divinity of man

This key belief of transcendentalism meant that Transcendentalists believed that God lives within each individual. Each person possesses an inner soul or spirit and thus a capacity to find spiritual truth. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

value of human intuition

This key belief of transcendentalism meant that Transcendentalists minimized logic and reason. They believed that human intuition transcended or rose above the limits of reason. Intuition enabled humans to discover and understand spiritual truths. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

importance of nature

This key belief of transcendentalism meant that the Transcendentalists believed that truth could be found in nature. Transcendentalists viewed communion with nature as a religious experience that enlightened their souls. For example, Thoreau turned away from the artificiality of civilized life and lived for 2 years in a cabin at the edge of Walden Pond near Concord. He strives to acquire self-knowledge by living close to nature. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

nonconformity and dissent

This key belief of transcendentalism meant that the Transcendentalists were spiritually and uncompromisingly individualistic. They rejected the "tyranny of the majority." "If a man does not keep pace with his companions," Thoreau wrote, "Perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer." (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

This labor union began to grow as the Knights of Labor declined in national importance. Founded in 1886, it was an alliance of skilled workers in craft unions. Unlike the Knights of Labor, they did not welcome unskilled workers, women, or racial minorities. It was led for 37 years by Samuel Gompers, and it opposed political activity not directly related to the union. Instead, it advocated using collective bargaining and, if necessary, strikes to win concrete "bread and butter" goals such as higher wages, shorter hours, and better working conditions. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Texas Revolution

This lasted less than 2 months. After suffering defeats at the Alamo and Goliad, Texan forces led by Sam Houston destroyed the Mexican army at the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21st, 1836. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

This law established an orderly procedure for territories to become states equal to the original 13 states. It banned slavery from the Northwest Territory thus becoming the first national law to prohibit the expansion of slavery. It did NOT provide free land for settlers. (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)

Fugitive Slave Act

This law was passed as a result of the Compromise of 1850. It imposed heavy fines and jail sentences for those who helped runaway slaves escape. The act intensified anti-slavery sentiment because it required Northerners to enforce slavery. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

Dawes Act

This law, passed in 1887, divided tribal lands into individual homesteads of 160 acres, which were then distributed to the head of each Indian family. They tried to "civilize" Native Americans by turning them into self-supporting farmers. Although well-intentioned, the policy failed to work. The Plains Indians were nomadic warriors and hunters who were unprepared for a culture based on private property and settled agriculture. The Plains Indians ended up losing much of their land. (The West, 1865-1900)

G.I. Bill

This legislation showed America's gratitude to its returning World War II veterans. They received one year of unemployment compensation, low-cost mortgages, loans to start a business or farm, and cash payments of tuition and living expenses to attend college. However, this law did NOT provide loans to buy cars. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

This legislation was passed to regulate the stock market. This legislation was passed in the Second New Deal. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Thomas Jefferson

This man advocated a strict interpretation of the Constitution. However, he proved to be a flexible and pragmatic president. Under his view on TERRITORIAL EXPANSION, he agreed to the Louisiana Purchase in order to eliminate the French threat to the port of New Orleans and to fulfill his vision of enabling America to become an agrarian republic that would become an Empire of Liberty. The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States. The lands acquired in the Louisiana Purchase soon sparked a sectional dispute over the spread of slavery into the new western territories. (Making Key Comparisons, 1789-1865)

William Lloyd Garrison

This man began his career as a newspaper editor working with abolitionist Benjamin Lundy in Baltimore. Like Lundy, Garrison originally supported the American Colonization Society's gradual approach to ending slavery. However, he soon became convinced that the Society's gradual approach would never end the "peculiar institution." His contact with slavery in Baltimore transformed him into a radical abolitionist who believed that slavery was a cruel, brutal, and sinful institution that should be immediately abolished. As his views became more militant, he resolved to move to Boston and begin his own anti-slavery newspaper. On January 1st, 1831, the 26 year-old man began to published "The Liberator." (The Crusade against Slavery, 1815-1860)

Henry Clay

This man began his career as one of the leading War Hawks. Following the War of 1812, This man became the foremost advocate of a legislative program called the "American System." (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

Booker T. Washington

This man believed that white racism was a consequence of slavery. He advocated black economic self-help. He called upon African Americans to master trades. He believe that economic progress would earn white respect and gradually end racism. He supported accommodation to white society. In his Atlanta Compromise speech, he offered a conciliatory approach that was welcomed by his white audience. Here, he gave the "Separate as the Fingers" speech. (Making Key Comparisons, 1866-1919)

Stamp Act crisis

This marked the first major event that provoked colonial resistance to British rule. It also intensified the colonists' commitment to Republican values. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

W.E.B. Du Bois

This man believed white racism was the cause of slavery and the primary reason why African Americans were forced into a subordinate position in American society. He advocated the intellectual development of a "talented tenth" of the African American population. The talented tenth would become a vanguard of influential leaders who would fight for social change. (Making Key Comparisons, 1866-1919)

Roger Williams

This man challenged the religious authority of Puritan leaders by arguing for the complete separation of church and state. Declaring that, "Forced worship stinks in God's nostrils," he called for freedom from coercion in matters of faith. Banned from Massachusetts, he fled to Rhode Island where he founded a new colony based on the freedom of religion. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

John O'Sullivan

This man coined the term "manifest destiny" in 1845. He was an influential journalist and proponent of Jacksonian democracy. He believed that the United States had a right to claim the entire Oregon Territory. He argued that America's claim to these lands "is by the right of our Manifest Destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federated self-government entrusted to us." (Making Key Comparisons, 1866-1919)

Edward Hopper

This man continued to paint in the realistic tradition in the 1950s. His paintings capture the loneliness and alienation of American life. An excellent example is "Office in a Small City." (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

William Marcy Tweed (aka "Boss" William Marcy Tweed)

This man controlled a political machine in New York City. His reign of unbridled greed and theft finally came to an end from an unlikely source. Thomas Nast exposed his fraudulent practices in a series of political cartoons that mercilessly portrayed the boss as the leader of a group of thieves and scoundrels. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

George Washington

This man decided that Hamilton's arguments for the creation of a national bank prevailed. He signed the bank bill into law thus chartering the First National Bank of the United States. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Thomas Jefferson

This man defeated John Adams in the election of 1800 thus ending the Federalist Decade. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)


This man dreamed of restoring the French Empire in America. However, led by Toussaint L'Ouverturr, slaves in the West Indian island of Santo Domingo successfully revolted against French rule. This man is then decided to abandon Santo Domingo and sell Louisiana to the United States for about 15 million dollars (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

Benito Mussolini

This man dreamed of resurrecting the glories of ancient Rome by building in Italian colonial empire in Africa. In October 1935, he ordered a massive invasion of Ethiopia. The invasion represented a crucial test of the League of Nation's system of collective security. Although the League condemned the attack, its members did nothing to stop this man. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

W.E.B. Du Bois

This man emerged as Booker T Washington's most prominent black critic. In his book "The Souls of Black Folk," he repudiated Washington's accommodationist philosophy and instead called for full political, economic, and social equality for African Americans. He urged a "talented tenth" of educated blacks to spearhead the fight for equal rights. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Marcus Garvey

This man emerged as one of the earliest and most influential black-nationalist leaders in the 20th century. He organized the Universal Negro Improvement Association to increase racial pride and promote black nationalism. He championed black separatism. His meteoric rise captured the imagination of black people in America, the Caribbean, and Africa. Within a short time, he was one of the most famous black spokesman in the world. .(The New Era, 1919-1929)

Charles G. Finney

This man emerged as the most popular and influential preacher from the Burned-Over District. His emotional sermons stressed that each individual could choose to achieve salvation by a combination of faith and good works. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

Malcolm X

This man first came to public attention as a minister for the Nation of Islam, a religious group known as the Black Muslims. He underscored his differences with Dr. King when he told his followers, "When I say fight for independence right here, I don't mean any nonviolent fight, or turn the other cheek fight. Those days are gone, those days are over." Assassins representing a rival faction of Black Muslims shot and killed him in Harlem in 1965, thus silencing the most articulate spokesman for black militancy since Marcus Garvey. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Lord Baltimore

This man founded Maryland as a refuge for his fellow Roman Catholics. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

Christopher Columbus

This man had hoped to discover a new trade route to Asia. He set the pattern for future Spanish explorers and conquistadors. He was very ethnocentric and saw no reason to respect or learn about the cultures of the Native Americans he encountered. Instead, he proposed to Christianize the indigenous peoples, exploit their labor, and teach them to speak Spanish. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

Henry Clay

This man hoped to once again play his historic role as the "Great ompromiser" in the Compromise of 1850. The now 73-year-old Senator from Kentucky offered a package of resolutions designed to settle the outstanding issues and restore sectional harmony. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

Samuel Gompers

This man led the AFL for 37 years. He advocated using collective bargaining and, if necessary, strikes to win concrete "bread and butter" goals such as higher wages, shorter hours, and better working conditions. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Eugene Debs

This man led the American Railway Union in the Pullman Strike. After the strike, he was disillusioned and embittered. Within a few years, he became a key leader of the Socialist Party of America. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Henry Cabot Lodge

This man led the Reservationists in debating the Treaty of Versailles in the Senate. He was the Senate Majority Leader and Wilson's bitter political enemy. He objected to the collective security provision in the League covenant obligating member nations to take joint action to protect nations from "external aggression." He argued that this provision would limit American sovereignty and undermine the power of Congress in foreign affairs. He preferred America's long-standing policy of avoiding entangling foreign alliances. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

Jonathan Edwards

This man provided the initial spark for the Great Awakening by delivering emotional sermons warning sinners to repent. His most famous sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," painted a picture of torments of hell and the certainty of God's justice. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

D.W. Griffith

This man quickly established himself as Hollywood's most innovative and controversial director. His epic movie "The Birth of a Nation" was Hollywood's first blockbuster film and the highest grossing movie of the silent film era. Although "The Birth of a Nation" was a triumph of cinematic art, it is best remembered for its glorified depiction of the rise of the KKK after the Civil War. His movie helped inspire the resurgence of the KKK in the 1920s. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Jackson Pollock

This man refused to portray specific subject matter in the 1950s. Instead, he created Abstract Expressionist paintings by spontaneously dripping oil on a canvas spread across the floor. An excellent example is "Autumn Rhythm." (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Andrew Jackson

This man resisted admitting Texas into the union. He feared that a prolonged debate over the admission of a slave state would ignite a divisive campaign issue that would cost the Democrats the presidential election. As a result, he postponed annexation and Texas remained an independent "Lone Star Republic." (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

George Whitefield

This man spread the "New Light" fervor as he preached emotional sermons to huge crowds of enthralled listeners. Gripped by fear of divine justice, audiences from Georgia to New England promised to repent and accept Christ. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

Calvin Coolidge

This man succeeded Harding after he died of a heart attack. He was a former governor of Massachusetts who became a national figure by suppressing a Boston police strike in 1919. As Vice President, he had been untouched by the scandals that tarnished the Harding administration. He was a man of few words. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

William Howard Taft

This man succeeded Teddy Roosevelt in the election of 1912. Roosevelt expected him to continue his progressive reforms. However, he was an inept politician who soon alienated Roosevelt's Progressive supporters. When the Republican convention renominated this man, Roosevelt formed the new Progressive or Bull Moose Party. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

W.E.B. Du Bois

This man supported legal action to oppose Jim Crow segregation. He helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The NAACP adopted a strategy of using lawsuits in federal courts to fight Jim Crow segregation. He opposed Booker T. Washington's policy of gradualism and accommodation. In "The Souls of Black Folk," he called upon African Americans to "insist continually, in season and out of season, that voting is necessary to modern manhood, that color discrimination is barbarism, and that black boys need education as well as white boys." He believed that economic success would only be possible if African Americans first won political rights. He therefore advocated a strategy of "ceaseless agitation" and litigation to achieve equal rights. (Making Key Comparisons, 1866-1919)

Booker T. Washington

This man supported vocational education. He helped found the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama to provide industrial education for African American students. He opposed public political agitation to challenge Jim Crow segregation. He recognized that African-Americans faced a wall of discrimination that could only be overcome by gradual and patient progress. He believed that political rights would follow economic success. (Making Key Comparisons, 1866-1919)

John L. Lewis

This man took the lead in forming the Congress of Industrial Organizations to unionize workers at all levels within an industry. Undaunted by the split with the AFL in 1935, he led a series of strikes in the automobile and steel industries. Workers walked off their jobs or in many cases staged sit-ins inside their plants. Eventually, the workers won new contracts guaranteeing better wages, hours, and safety measures. By the end of the decade, unions represented 9 million workers or 28% of the non-farm workforce. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Thomas Jefferson

This man wanted America to become a nation of independent farmers. The Louisiana Purchase seemed to fulfill his vision of enabling America to become an agrarian republic. During the pre-Civil War period, the sturdy settler building a log cabin embodied the agrarian dream. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Frederick Douglass

This man was America's foremost black abolitionist. Born a slave in Maryland, he escaped from bondage in 1838 when he was just 21. Recruited by William Lloyd Garrison, he became a lecturer for the American Anti-Slavery Society. He was a gifted orator who enthralled his audiences with his commanding personal presence and authentic stories about the horrors of slavery. He was also a prolific writer, writing an autobiography and the "North Star." His eloquent speeches and writings played an important role in persuading a growing number of Northerners that slavery was evil and that its further spread into the Western lands should be halted. (The Crusade against Slavery, 1815-1860)

Walt Whitman

This man was America's leading Romantic poet. In "Leaves of Grass," first published in 1855, he rejected reason and celebrated his own feelings and emotions. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

Truman Doctrine

This marked the first use of containment. As the leader of the Free World, America pledged to use its strength to limit the spread of Communism throughout the world. This global commitment dominated American foreign policy from 1947 to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Horace Mann

This man was America's leading educational reformer. As Secretary of the newly-created Massachusetts Board of Education, he wrote a series of annual reports that influenced education across America. He sponsored many reforms in Massachusetts including a longer school year, higher pay for teachers, and a larger public school system. As a result of his tireless work, he's often called the "Father of the Common School Movement." (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

Horatio Alger

This man was America's most popular author of juvenile fiction. He was a prolific writer who published over 100 novels which together sold more than 20 million copies. Each novel tells the formulaic story of how an impoverished young boy became successful through hard work, honesty, perseverance, and luck. His name soon became synonymous with finding fame and fortune through "luck and pluck." Indeed, he believed that his novels owed their success to stories that brought to life "inspiring examples of what energy, ambition, and honest purpose may achieve." (Urban America, 1865-1900)

John Marshall

This man was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1801 to 1835. He issued a number of landmark decisions that strengthened the power of the federal government, upheld the supremacy of federal law over state legislatures, and promoted business enterprise. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

Dr. Francis E. Townsend

This man was a California physician who argued that the New Deal did not do enough for older Americans. He wanted every person older than 60 to receive a monthly government check for $200. The recipient had to promise to spend all the money each month. The movement led by him contributed to the congressional approval for the Social Security Act. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Huey Long

This man was a Louisiana governor and U.S. Senator. He wanted to take money from wealthy Americans and distribute $5,000 checks to needy people. His "Share Our Wealth" program attracted widespread support, prompting him to plan a presidential campaign for 1936. Then in September 1935, an assassin shot and killed him on the steps of the Louisiana Capitol in Baton Rouge. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Father Charles Coughlin

This man was a Michigan-based priest whose popular Sunday radio program reached 40 million listeners. He opposed the New Deal and supported nationalizing the banks and coining more silver dollars. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)


This man was a Native American commander in the War of 1812. He tried to organize a Native American Federation as a way to resist white encroachment. During the War of 1812 he joined forces with the British. His death at the Battle of the Thames in 1813 led to the collapse of Native American unity. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

Booker T. Washington

This man was a former slave who attended the Hampton Institute, a school in Virginia that stressed industrial education. He later founded a similar school, the Tuskegee Institute, in Alabama. He became a leading spokesman for industrial education. He believed that blacks were poor because they had few skills. With a practical vocational education, black people would be able to improve their lives by learning useful trades. (The New South, 1877-1900)

Jacob Riis

This man was a journalist and photographer who exposed the poverty and despair of the Lower East Side in New York City. His book "How the Other Half Lives" included particularly poignant photographs of destitute families struggling to survive against overwhelming odds. He was not content to simply document the wretched conditions in New York's disease-ridden tenements. He hoped that his photographs would shock a complacent public into calling for reform. His concern for the plight of the poor was not in vain. New York City tore down some of the worst slums and replaced them with new parks and playgrounds. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

George Kennan

This man was a leading expert on Soviet affairs. He believed the Cold War hostility would remain a constant factor for years to come. In an influential 1947 article, he recommended that the United States should adopt a policy of "long-term, patient but firm and vigilant containment." He is called "the father of containment." (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Thomas Jefferson

This man was a leading figure in the American Enlightenment. He embraced Deism. He opened the Declaration of Independence with a concise and compelling statement of principles and "self-evident" truths. He was inspired by John Locke's philosophy of natural rights. He left a lasting impact on the conscience of the world by appealing to universal "laws of Nature and Nature's God." (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

Benjamin Franklin

This man was a renowned polymath whose varied achievements included founding an academy that became the University of Pennsylvania, conducting experiments with electricity, and publishing popular books. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

William Penn

This man was a wellborn son of a prominent British admiral. He embraced Quaker teachings when he was just 16 years old. He secured a large grant of fertile New World land as payment for a monetary debt the crown owed his deceased father. (The Middle Atlantic Colonies, 1664-1754)

James Polk

This man was an ardent expansionist who supported America's manifest destiny to send its civilization across the continent. Manifest destiny can thus be seen as an extension of Jefferson's idea of an Empire of Liberty. Under this view on TERRITORIAL EXPANSION, this man ran for president on a platform demanding the annexation of Texas and the right to acquire all of Oregon. Despite his campaign slogan "Fifty-four forty or fight," he agreed to a compromise settlement with Britain that divided Oregon at the 49th parallel. While he avoided conflict with Great Britain, he deliberately provoked a war with Mexico. The United States won the Mexican War. Under the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the U.S. acquired more than 500,000 square miles of territory including Texas, New Mexico, and California. The lands acquired from Mexico soon sparked an increasingly bitter sectional dispute over the spread of slavery into the western territories. (Making Key Comparisons, 1789-1865)

Andrew Carnegie

This man was an ardent supporter of Social Darwinism. He believed that disparities in wealth were inevitable in a free economic system. However, he also believed that great wealth brought great responsibilities. He wrote "The Gospel of Wealth" essay in 1889. He was a great philanthropist and devoted much of his life to promoting the public good. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Henry Clay Frick

This man was determined to replace expensive skilled workers with new labor-saving machinery at the Homestead plant, one of Carnegie's. He reduced the number of workers and slashed salaries by nearly 20% in a deliberate attempt to break the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Lieutenant-Colonel Theodore Roosevelt

This man was made a military hero in the Spanish-American War when he led a volunteer regiment called the "Rough Riders" in a dramatic charge up San Juan Hill. Grateful voters in New York promptly elected him governor of their state. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

Commodore Dewey

This man was made a military hero in the Spanish-American War when he led the US Navy's mighty Asiatic Squadron to a decisive victory over the Spanish Fleet at the Battle of Manila Bay. Grateful consumers nicknamed a chewing gum after him to honor him. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

William Henry Harrison

This man was nominated by the Whigs in 1840 to oppose Van Buren. The Whigs emphasized his heroic military victories over Indians and blamed "Van Ruin" for the economic slump. His election marked a triumph of a new democratic style of running political campaigns. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

Thomas Edison

This man was one of the most prolific inventors in American history. His list of inventions including the first phonograph and the first commercially successful incandescent light bulbs. He established his famous "invention laboratory" at Menlo Park, New Jersey. It was the prototype for the modern research laboratory. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Jack Kerouac

This man was the best-known Beat Generation author. His autobiographical novel "On the Road" describes the eclectic mix of people he met on spontaneous road trips across America. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Charles G. Finney

This man was the foremost Second Great Awakening preacher. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

James K. Polk

This man won a narrow electoral victory in the 1844 presidential election. As an ardent expansionist, he used manifest destiny as an argument to justify annexing Texas, claiming Oregon, purchasing California, and displacing Native American tribes. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

John Brown

This man's doomed raid on Harper's Ferry in 1859 set off a wave of fear throughout the slaveholding South. As rumors of slave insurrections swept across the region, frightened Southerners suppressed all criticisms of slavery. Proslavery Southerners incorrectly linked him to the now-hated "Black Republican" Party. Although his raid was a military failure, he became a martyr for the anti-slavery cause. His raid on Harper's Ferry intensified the sectional bitterness and left the nation on the brink of disunion. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

John Quincy Adams

This man's political deal ("corrupt bargain") with Clay tarnished his presidency and energized Jackson's supporters. Although he possessed a brilliant intellect, he lacked personal charm and a common touch. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

Walter Rauschenbusch

This man, a Baptist theologian, was deeply stirred by the plight of his parishioners in the "Hell's Kitchen" section of New York City. Convinced that something had to be done, he advocated that the Christian principles of love and justice should be applied to the nation's pressing urban problems. His religious philosophy became known as the Social Gospel. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Joseph McCarthy

This man, a previously obscure Senator from Wisconsin, skillfully exploited the political climate of paranoia. On February 9th, 1950, he told an audience in Wheeling, West Virginia, that America's foreign policy failures can be traced to a Communist infiltration of the State Department. He menacingly declared, "I have in my hand a list of 205--a list of names known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working in shaping policy in the State Department." In speeches given the next two days, he repeated his charges, but dropped the number of names on his list to 57. He failed to uncover a single Communist. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

John L. O'Sullivan

This man, as the editor of the Democratic Review, gave the nation's expansionist spirit a name when he coined the term Manifest Destiny. He declared that America's right to expansion lay in "our Manifest Destiny to occupy and to possess the whole of the Continent which Providence has given us." He and other supporters of manifest destiny believed that expansion was necessary to extend the democratic institutions and the blessings of American agriculture and commerce to sparsely populated regions. America had a God-given destiny to extend its civilization across the continent and create a country that would serve as a shining example for the rest of the world. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

Thurgood Marshall

This man, leading the NAACP, argued in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka that the segregated schools in Topeka were unconstitutional because they denied black children "the equal protection of the laws" guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment. The Supreme Court agreed with him. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Sam Houston

This man, the hero of San Jacinto, was elected president of the newly-founded Republic of Texas in October, 1836. He and most Texans wanted to join the United States. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

George Grenville

This man, the new first Minister and First Lord of the Treasury, persuaded Parliament that the prosperous and lightly taxed colonists did not pay their fair share of imperial expenses. This led to the Stamp Act crisis. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Annapolis Convention

This meeting was held just before Shays' Rebellion, with 5 states sending delegates to discuss trade problems among the states. It failed to resolve commercial problems, but it did call upon Congress to summon a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation. (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)


This movement developed during the 1820s and 1830s, when artists and writers in Europe and America began to revolt against Deism's logical and well-ordered world. "Feeling is all!" became the guiding spirit of a new generation of painters and poets. Inspired by the Transcendentalists, this movement in America emphasized nature, emotion, and spontaneous feelings. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

Great Migration

This movement of African Americans from the rural South to industrial cities in the North and Midwest began during World War I. Attracted by the promise of jobs and the possibility of escaping Jim Crow segregation, over 400,000 African Americans left the South between 1910 and 1920. It continued during the 1920s. By 1930, another 600,000 blacks moved to cities in the North. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

temperance movement

This movement was a widespread campaign to convince Americans to drink less alcohol or to drink none at all. Founded in 1826, the American Society for the Promotion of Temperance soon boasted 5,000 state and local temperance groups. Their campaign against "Demon Rum" worked. By the mid-1840s, Americans drank just 2 gallons of alcohol per capita. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

sit-in movement

This movement was began by the Greensboro Four, energizing activists throughout the South. Later that year, black and white students formed the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) to work with Dr. King's SCLC. Soon, a wave of student protesters held "read-ins" at libraries, "watch-ins" at movie theaters, and "swim-ins" at pools and beaches. Although they were taunted by segregationists, the black and white activists demonstrated courage and conviction as they remained true to Dr. King's principles of nonviolent protest. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Niagara Movement

This movement was formed by W.E.B. Du Bois and a small group of black activists to oppose Jim Crow laws in 1905. This movement failed to generate either financial or public support. It made Du Bois recognize that biracial cooperation was essential to achieving racial progress. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

The Birth of a Nation

This movie was directed by D.W. Griffith. It was a triumph of cinematic art, yet it is best remembered for its glorified depiction of the rise of the KKK after the Civil War. This movie helped inspire the resurgence of the KKK in the 1920s. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Revolution of 1800

This name is given to the election of 1800 because it is marked as a watershed in American political history. It is called that because there was a peaceful transfer of political power between the victorious Democratic-Republicans and the defeated Federalists. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

Jacksonian Democracy

This new era in American political history began with Jackson's election. As the hero of the common man, Jackson vowed to include the voice of the people in the election process. This political group dramatically expanded suffrage to include virtually all white men. In addition, Jackson created a more open political system by replacing legislative caucuses with a party nominating convention. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

Whig Party

This new political party favored protective tariffs, internal improvements, and a renewed national bank. Above all, they were united by their dislike toward Jackson and his chosen successor Martin Van Buren. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

Free Soil Party

This new political party rallied around the Wilmot Proviso as an anti-slavery coalition. They became active participants in the 1848 election. They pledged to support "free soil, free speech, free labor, and free men." (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

Theodore Roosevelt

This new president quickly became a major voice in the Progressive movement. Like other Progressives, he believed that government should be used to solve the nation's pressing problems. The dynamic force of his personality revitalized the presidency and established the White House as the focal point of American life. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Second Great Awakening

This new wave of religious enthusiasm during the early 1800s swept across much of the country. It began on the Western frontier and then quickly spread to the more densely populated East coast. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)


This occupied a central position in Puritan society. Convinced that they were undertaking God's work, the Puritans emphasized religious conformity. Although the Puritans came to America for religious freedom, they did not tolerate dissent. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

the Irish immigration

This occurred between 1840 and 1860 when almost 1.7 million men, women, and children left Ireland for America. By 1860, Irish-born immigrants comprised over 4% of the U.S. population. Most Irish immigrants settled in the fast-growing port cities along the northeast coast. By 1860, the Irish made up over 1/3 of the population of Boston and New York City. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

Bacon's Rebellion

This occurred in 1676 when land-hungry freemen in Virginia led by Nathaniel Bacon rebelled against the arbitrary rule of Governor Berkeley. Bacon's discontented followers challenged Berkley's power and burned down Jamestown. Bacon's sudden death enabled Berkeley to crush the now leaderless rebels. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

Stono Rebellion

This occurred in 1739 near the Stono River in South Carolina. It began when about 20 enslaved Africans kill 2 storekeepers and seized a supply of guns and ammunition. The rebels gathered new recruits and burned 7 plantation killing about 25 whites. The local militia finally suppressed the rebellion following a battle in which 20 whites and 44 slaves were killed. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

Stamp Act crisis

This occurred in 1765 when colonists were outraged over the Stamp Act. Lawyers, newspaper publishers, merchants, and planters denounced the Stamp Act. It provoked a contentious debate over Parliament's constitutional right to tax American colonies. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Shay's Rebellion

This occurred in 1787 when frustrated Massachusetts farmers were losing their farms because they could not repay their debts to eastern creditors in hard currency. The farmers demanded that the state legislature halt farm foreclosures, lower property taxes, issue paper money, and end imprisonment for debt. Led by Captain Daniel Shays, armed farmers closed a courthouse where creditors were suing to foreclose farm mortgages. Wealthy Bostonians raised an army that quickly crushed the rebellion. (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)

Whiskey Rebellion

This occurred in 1794, when Hamilton's excise tax on liquor provoked resistance and evasion among frontier farmers. Outraged farmers in Western Pennsylvania tar and feathered federal tax collectors, stopped court proceedings, and blew up the stills of those paid the tax. Encouraged by Hamilton, Washington call out 12,900 militia-men to suppress this rebellion. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Camp David Accords

This peace agreement in 1978 included two key provisions. First, Israel and Egypt agreed to sign a peace treaty ending 30 years of hostility. And second, Israel agreed to return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

judicial review

This principle was established by John Marshall in the famous case of Marbury v. Madison. It gave the Supreme Court the authority to determine the constitutionality of congressional acts. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

the German immigration

This occurred when just over 1.5 million Germans immigrated to America between 1830 and 1860. Unlike the Irish, the Germans typically settled in rural areas of the Midwest rather than in East Coast cities. They were a very diversified group that included exiled political refugees and displaced farmers. Although the majority of Germans were Protestants, about 1/3 were Catholics and a significant number were Jewish. Because the Germans were such a heterogeneous group, they were difficult to stereotype. As a result, the Germans experienced less prejudice than did the Irish. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

Compromise of 1850

This occurred when the growing sectional differences between the North and the South over the extension of slavery touched off one of the most dramatic Senate debates in American history. Henry Clay hoped to once again play his historic role of the "Great Compromiser." He offered a package of resolutions designed to settle the outstanding issues and restore sectional harmony. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

Marshall Plan

This operation after World War II helped revive European hopes and spark a dramatic economic recovery. During the next four years, 16 Western European countries received $13 billion. American dollars helped to rebuild apartments and retool factories. Within 4 years, industrial production in the countries receiving this aid was 41% higher than it had been on the eve of World War II. The operation thus accomplished its twin goals of reconstructing Europe and containing communism. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Berlin airlift

This operation by United States succeeded in supplying Berliners during the Berlin blockade. Tensions slowly eased during the process. The constant roar of planes over Berlin provided a vivid imagination of American power and will. On May 12th, 1949, Stalin reopened road and rail traffic into West Berlin. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

World Trade Organization (WTO)

This organization was established in 1994, Clinton's presidency, to oversee trade agreements and enforce trade rules. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

This organization was formed by black and white students during the sit-in movement. It was created in order to work with Dr. King's SCLC. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

National Organization for Women (NOW)

This organization was formed in 1966 by Betty Friedan and other women activists to work for equal rights and challenge sex discrimination in the workplace. Supported by this group, women filed suit for equal wages and also demanded that companies provide daycare for their infants and children. Congress responded to the call for reform by requiring colleges to institute "affirmative action" programs to ensure equal opportunity for women. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Common Sense

This pamphlet published in 1776 by Thomas Paine rejected monarchy as a form of government. It urged Americans to reject British sovereignty and create an independent nation based on the republican principle that government should be responsible for the will of the people. It helped to sway the public indecision between independence and loyalty to the crown. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

Whig Party

This party completely disintegrated under the pressure of the violence in Kansas. As their party collapsed, they joined the rapidly-growing Republican Party. Anti-slavery Democrats and former Know-Nothings also joined the rapidly-growing Republican coalition. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

American Party (aka Know-Nothing Party)

This party was formed by nativists in the early 1850s. The party began as a secret society, complete with special passwords and elaborate handshakes. When members were asked about their party, they were instructed to reply: "I know nothing!" (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

Fourteen Points

This peace program offered generous peace terms to the defeated Central Powers. When the German government surrendered in November 1918, it was assured that the peace conference would be based upon this peace program. It articulated the hopes of people for a just settlement that would ensure a lasting peace. However, it raised expectations that would be very difficult to achieve. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

Abigail Adams

This person was a well-educated woman who was an early proponent of women's rights. She since a letter to her husband, John Adams, to advocate greater rights for women. It showed that there were colonial women who sought to benefit from republican ideals of equality and individual rights by asking for a greater political voice. (The Constitution)

manifest destiny

This phrase is associated with the territorial expansion of the United States from 1815 to 1860. During this time, the United States expanded to the Pacific Ocean. It was coined by John O'Sullivan in 1845. It assumes that from its earliest beginnings, America had embarked upon a special experiment in freedom and democracy. The United States thus had a divinely-sanctioned mission to spread its democratic institutions across the continent. President Polk and other leaders used it to justify the annexation of Texas and the Mexican War. Whigs criticized it as an excuse for justifying the war with Mexico. New England abolitionists forcefully argued that the slogan "extending the area of freedom" really meant extending the institution of slavery. (Making Key Comparisons, 1866-1919)

Big Three

This phrase referred to Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. They first met in November of 1943 at Tehran, Iran. The meeting confirmed that the United States and Great Britain would open a second front by invading France. They also reaffirmed their demand for the unconditional surrender of Germany and Italy. They held their second and final meeting at Yalta in February 1945. Churchill and Roosevelt agreed to a temporary division of Germany. In return, Stalin agreed to join the war against Japan 3 months after the Nazis surrendered. Stalin also agreed that Poland should have a representative government based on free elections. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities

This piece of legislation was part of Lyndon Johnson's goal for better American education in his Great Society. It provided federal funding and support for artists and scholars. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Elementary and secondary Education Act of 1965

This piece of legislation was part of Lyndon Johnson's goal for better American education in his Great Society. It provided over $1 billion in federal aid to help school systems purchase textbooks and new library materials. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Harlem Renaissance

This place soon emerged as a vibrant center of African American culture. During the 1920s, a new generation of black writers and artists created an outpouring of literary and artistic works. Langston Hughes, Claude Mckay, Jean Toomer, James Weldon Johnson, and Zora Neale Hurston formed the core group of writers in this movement. Taken together, their poems, novels, and essays comprised a distinctive African American literature. these writers had little immediate impact upon a majority of African Americans. What was the name of this movement? (The New Era, 1919-1929)

Populist Party

This political group were predominantly angry farmers living in the Midwest and South. They focused there attention on problems faced by farmers. Militant farmers believed they were being unfairly exploited by discriminatory railroad rates, high protective tariffs, and a deflationary monetary policy based on the gold standard. The party platform called for free coinage of silver, government control of the railroads, and the direct election of United States Senators. Racism prevented poor white and black farmers from working together to improve their standard of living. The defeat of William Jennings Bryan in the 1896 presidential election led to the collapse of this party and a new period of Republican dominance. (Making Key Comparisons, 1866-1919)


This political party included large landowners, wealthy merchants, and professionals. It favored a strong central government and weak state governments. It promised to add a Bill of Rights specifically protecting individual liberties. (Making Key Comparisons, 1492-1789)


This political party included small farmers, shopkeepers, and laborers. It favored strong state governments and a weak national government. It called for a Bill of Rights to protect individual liberties. (Making Key Comparisons, 1492-1789)

Whig Party

This political party supported a strong federal government, a loose construction of the Constitution, the Second National Bank, Clay's American system, and social reform. It opposed Andrew Jackson, the spoils system, Indian removal, and the Mexican War. Henry Clay and Daniel Webster were the party's most prominent leaders. Supporters included small businessmen, professionals, manufacturers, and some Southern planters. It dissolved in the early 1850s because of sectional differences over the expansion of slavery in the western territories. The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act led to the party's final demise. (Making Key Comparisons, 1789-1865)

Democratic Party

This political party supported states' rights, a strict construction of the Constitution, Indian removal, and western expansion. It opposed the Second National Bank and Clay's American System. Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren were the party's most prominent leaders. Supporters included Irish immigrants, poor farmers in the North and Midwest, small planters in the South, skilled and unskilled workers in cities and towns, and the "common man." It split into Northern and Southern factions in the election of 1860. It nonetheless emerged from the Civil War as a national party with a strong base in the "Solid South." (Making Key Comparisons, 1789-1865)

Federalist Party

This political party was led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. It drew support from New England eastern port cities. It favored a strong central government and a loose interpretation of the Constitution. It supported the national bank and protective tariffs, favored commercial interests, and favored the British over the French. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Democratic-Republican Party

This political party was led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. It drew support from the South and frontier farmers. It favored a weak central government and a strict interpretation of the Constitution. It opposed the national bank and tariffs, favored agricultural interests, and favored the French over the British. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Dwight D. Eisenhower

This president did not use his enormous personal prestige to morally support the civil rights movement. He privately believed that, "You cannot change people's hearts merely by laws." He was not a strong supporter of the civil rights movement. Nonetheless, he did take vigorous action by sending federal troops to Little Rock. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Ulysses S. Grant

This president showed little enthusiasm for Reconstruction. His administration soon became distracted by scandals and charges of corruption. In addition, a business panic followed by a crippling economic depression further undermined public support for Reconstruction. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

"no taxation without representation"

This principle was used by colonists to argue that as Englishmen they could only be taxed by their own elected representatives (a cherished right of British subjects). Giving up this privilege would lead to tyranny. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)


This principle was used by the Constitution to divide power between a central government and state governments. (The Constitution)

National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)

This program attempted to combat the Depression by reducing competition. It created a National Recovery Administration to work with business and labor to write codes regulating production, wages, and hours. This legislation was passed in the first Hundred Days. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

This program attempted to increase farm income by paying farmers to leave acres unplanted. New Dealers hoped this action would reduce farm surpluses and thus raise prices. This legislation was passed in the first Hundred Days. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

This program authorized the construction of a system of dams and hydroelectric plants to provide inexpensive electricity and prevent devastating floods. It provided an important experiment in regional planning and rehabilitation. This legislation was passed in the first Hundred Days. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Social Security Act

This program guaranteed retirement payments for enrolled workers beginning at the age of 65. This act proved to be the most far-reaching New Deal program. This legislation was passed in the Second New Deal. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Wagner Labor Relations Act

This program recognized labor's right to bargain collectively. It created the National Labor Relations Board to protect workers from unfair practices and to arbitrate labor-management disputes. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Glass-Steagall Banking Act

This program separated commercial and investment banking to prevent speculative abusive. It also established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to guarantee bank deposits up to $5,000. This legislation was passed in the first Hundred Days. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Louisiana Purchase

This purchase doubled the size of the United States. Jefferson optimistically believed that the purchase would fulfill his vision of enabling America to become an agrarian republic that would become an Empire of Liberty. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

Bacon's Rebellion

This rebellion in 1676 was sparked by the anger of land-hungry former indentured servants who opposed Governor Berkeley's arbitrary rule and policies that protected Indian tribes and favored wealthy tidewater planters. It exposed tensions in Virginia between poor former indentured servants and the wealthy and entrenched tidewater gentry. It convinced planters to replace troublesome indentured servants with slaves imported from Africa. (Making Key Comparisons, 1492-1789)

Shays' Rebellion

This rebellion in 1787 was sparked by the anger of frustrated Massachusetts farmers who were losing their property because they could not repay their debts to Boston creditors in hard currency. It exposed tensions in Massachusetts between the struggling farmers and the wealthy bankers and merchants who dominated the Massachusetts legislature. It convinced George Washington, James Madison, and other leaders that the United States needed a stronger national government to protect property owners and creditors. (Making Key Comparisons, 1492-1789)

Roosevelt Recession

This recession from 1937 to 1938 forced many New Dealers to turn to the unorthodox theories of British economist John Maynard Keynes. Traditional economists had always argued that government should strive to balance their budgets. Keynes disagreed and recommended that governments use deficit spending. Although FDR did not fully embrace Keynesian economics, he did resume funding the New Deal programs. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Ashcan School of Art

This school of artists wanted above all to connect with the crowds and congestion in New York City. They relished being part of the city's vibrant and unruly life. They typically portrayed working-class taverns, bleak tenements, and dark alleys. A famous example is "Cliff Dwellers" by George Bellows. They pride themselves as being young and urban. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Compromise of 1850

This seemed to diffuse the crisis in establishing uneasy sectional peace. Americans now turned to what they hoped would be a bright future undisturbed by the issue of slavery in the territories. This hope, however, proved to be feeding. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

"City upon a Hill" sermon

This sermon expresses Winthrop's belief that the Puritan colonists had a special pact with God to build a model Christian society. It would serve as a beacon of righteousness that would inspire reforms in England. It is often cited as the first example of American exceptionalism. President Reagan used this image to express his ideal of America. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

Hull House

This settlement house was founded by Jane Addams in 1889 in one of Chicago's poorest immigrant neighborhoods. It began with day nurseries for working mothers and adult education classes for immigrants who want to learn English. It expanded to a dozen buildings that served 2,000 people a week. It served as a model for other settlement houses. Idealistic middle-class women took the lead and founded over 400 settlement houses in cities across America. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Sloan Wilson

This social critic's novel "The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit" tells the story of a young couple, Tom and Betsy Rath, who struggle against the pervasive pressures of middle-class conformity. The book's title comes from Tom's sudden realization that all "I could see was a lot of bright young men in gray flannel suits rushing around New York in a frantic parade to nowhere." Tom then looks at himself and his guests to discover and is aghast to discover that he too is wearing a gray flannel suit. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Spanish-American War

This started when Congress declared war on Spain on April 25th, 1898. The "splendid little war" lasted just 114 days. The United States suffered minimal casualties as it quickly defeated the Spanish forces in the Philippines and Cuba. The war produced two military heroes, Commodore Dewey and Lieutenant-Colonel Theodore Roosevelt. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)


This state proved to be more difficult to annex than Texas. Both the United States and Great Britain claimed the territory. The Democrats' campaign slogan "Fifty-four forty or fight!" meant that the United States would go to war with Britain in order to obtain the entire territory of the state. Despite his belligerent campaign slogan, Polk proposed a compromise that would divide the state at the 49th parallel. The British accepted the proposal, thus averting a war with the United States. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

Pullman Strike

This strike was one of the most serious labor strikes in the late 1800s. Caused by the wage disputes between the Pullman Palace car company and its workers, it led to full-on striking and boycotting by the American Railway Union. The strikes were broken by President Cleveland. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Erie Canal

This structure connected Albany on the Hudson River with Buffalo on Lake Erie. When it opened in 1825, the 363-mile-long waterway created an all-water route that cut travel time from New York City to Buffalo from 20 days to 6 and reduced the cost of moving a ton of freight between the cities from $100 to $5. (The Transportation and Market Revolutions, 1815-1860)

sharecropping system

This system encouraged a cycle of debt that tied tenant farmers to the land. The system offered little hope for economic improvement to impoverished black or white farmers, therefore limiting the development of the "New South." (The New South, 1877-1900)

checks and balances

This system in the Constitution included the following: -The president can veto an act of Congress. -Congress can override a presidential veto by 2/3 vote in each house. -The president negotiates treaties that must be ratified by the Senate. (The Constitution)

headright system

This system was used by planters to attract more settlers to Virginia. Under the system, planters received 50 acres for each person they brought to the colony. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

progressive ISM

This term embraced a widespread, many-faceted effort to build a more democratic and just society. Middle and upper-middle class reformers focused on a broad range of problems caused by industrialization and urbanization. Its era dated from 1900 to 1917. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

bicameral legislature

This type of Congress was created based upon the Great Compromise between large and small states. According to this compromise, representation in the House of Representatives would be apportioned on the basis of population while each state would be allotted two seats in the Senate. (The Constitution)

SALT I (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty)

This treaty between the Soviet Union and America did not end the nuclear arms race, but it did place limitations on both the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles and the construction of anti-ballistic missile systems. It signaled the beginning of a new period of détente between the Soviet Union and America. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Paris Accords

This treaty called for the United States to withdraw its remaining troops within 60 days. In return, the North Vietnamese would release almost 600 American prisoners of war. It left the South Vietnamese government in power. However, they also permitted almost 150,000 of North Vietnamese troops to remain in South Vietnam. Both sides agreed "to maintain the cease-fire and to ensure a lasting and stable peace." (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Treaty of Paris of 1783

This treaty recognized the independence of the United States. It recognized American sovereignty over territories extending from the Mississippi River on the West, to the Great Lakes on the North, and to Spanish Florida to the South. America pledged to compensate Loyalists whose land had been confiscated by state governments. The Franco-American alliance influenced Great Britain to offer generous peace terms, ending the Revolutionary War. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

Scopes Trial

This trial involves a Tennessee high school science teacher who accepted the American Civil Liberties Union's offer to test the constitutionality of the Butler Act. Clarence Darrow, a well-known champion of civil liberties, agreed to defend this teacher. William Jennings Bryan, a three-time Democratic presidential candidate and well-known religious fundamentalist, represented the state. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

Scopes Trial

This trial ostensibly tested the legality of teaching the theory of evolution in Tennessee's public schools. However, for a national and international audience, the case illustrated a cultural conflict between fundamentalism represented by Brian and modernism represented by Darrow. In the end, the court found the teacher guilty and fined him $100. The Tennessee Supreme Court overruled the fine on a technicality while upholding the Butler Act. (The New Era, 1919-1929)

French and Indian War

This war from 1754 to 1763 culminated the long struggle between Great Britain and France for control of the North American continent. (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)

Hudson River School

This was America's first native School of Art. Its members concentrated on painting landscapes that portrayed America's natural beauty. Artists here typically painted large compositions which suggested America's unlimited opportunities and boundless future. A famous example is "The Oxbow" by Thomas Cole. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

agrarian republic

This was Jefferson's ideal vision of America. He strongly believed that farmers were the back of American society because they were the nation's most productive and trustworthy citizens. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

War on Poverty

This was Lyndon B. Johnson's name for his efforts to battle poverty in America. Congress passed a host of new federal programs to help the poor. High school dropouts learned new skills in over 50 Job Corps camps. 500,000 preschool children attended special Head Start programs to help prepare them for school. In Appalachian communities stretching from Pennsylvania to northern Georgia, unemployed workers built highways and new health centers. Although it had many critics, it gave hope to millions and helped reduce the number of poor by nearly 10 million people from 1964 to 1967. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Crittenden Compromise

This was a desperate attempt by Senator John Crittenden of Kentucky proposing to restore the boundary line between slave and free states established by the Missouri Compromise of 1820. The line would be extended to include the new territories in the West. Lincoln refused to support this because it violated the Republican position against the further extension of slavery into the western territories. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

triangle shirt waste fire

This was a fire that claimed the lives of 146 New York City garment workers in 1911, most of whom where young women. The tragedy led to a series of new regulations that improved building safety and working conditions. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Red Scare

This was a nationwide fear of aliens caused by the revolutionary upheaval in Russia and the discovery of bombs in the post office. It led to labor strikes, race riots, and public calls for action. (The New Era, 1919-1929)


This was a part of an 18th century European intellectual movement known as the Enlightenment. It thought of God as a cosmic watchmaker who created the universe and then let it operate according to unchanging natural laws. It believed the natural laws regulate both the universe and human society. These natural laws could be discovered by human reason. The discovery of laws of economics and government would improve society and make progress inevitable. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin believed in this. (Making Key Comparisons, 1789-1865)


This was a philosophy that thought of God as a cosmic watchmaker who created the universe and then let it run according to natural laws. It believes that natural laws regulate both the universe and human society. These natural laws could be discovered by human reason. Many members of the educated elite in Western Europe and America embraced this. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

Social Gospel

This was a religious philosophy began by Walter Rauschenbusch. Supporters of this philosophy believed that America's churches had a moral responsibility to take the lead in actively confronting social problems and helping the poor. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Social Darwinism

This was a set of beliefs that both explained and justified how a small group of business and industrial leaders could accumulate such great wealth. People who believed in this applied Charles Darwin's theory that plants and animals are engaged in a constant "struggle for existence" to society. According to these people, individuals and corporations are also engaged in a ruthless struggle for profit in which only the fit survive and succeed. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Beat Generation

This was a small but culturally influential group of self-described "beats" that also rejected middle America's carefree consumption and mindless conformity. The beats congregated in San Francisco and New York's Greenwich Village. These urban enclaves enabled them to avoid the "square" world. They often met in small book shops where they listened to jazz, discussed Buddhist philosophy, and read works by popular poets that were part of this group. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

"The Liberator"

This was a small newspaper with a low circulation. In its first year, the 4-page weekly had only 6 subscribers. Its maximum circulation was never more than about 5,000. It was published by radical abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison. (The Crusade against Slavery, 1815-1860)

First Great Awakening

This was a wave of religious revivals that began in the New England in the mid 1730s and then swept across all of the colonies during the 1740s. "New Light" ministers advocated an emotional approach to religious practice that undermined the authority of traditional ministers. Leading New Light ministers such as Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield delivered emotional sermons warning sinners to repent. This new emotional approach fragmented American Protestants, thus creating religious pluralism and toleration since no single denomination could impose its will on the other sects. As the movement spread across the colonies, more and more women became active in their churches. (Making Key Comparisons, 1789-1865)

Second Great Awakening

This was a wave of religious revivals that began on the western frontier in the early 1800s and then quickly spread to the more densely populated East coast. Leading preachers such as Charles Finney delivered inspiring sermons that advocated spiritual rebirth, individual self-improvement, and perfectionism. The emphasis upon individual self-improvement sparked a variety of movements to reform American society. The close link between religion and reform awakened America to the evils of slavery. Middle-class women played an especially important role in the reform movements. (Making Key Comparisons, 1789-1865)

First Emancipation

This was already being implemented in the North when the Framers met in Philadelphia. At the time, northern states had eliminated or were gradually eliminating slavery. In addition, the Confederation Congress had already excluded slavery from the Northwest Territory. As a result, slavery was becoming a distinctive southern institution. (The Constitution)


This was an effective instrument used by the Spanish to exercise colonial control. Franciscan missionaries established Catholic missions where they imposed Catholicism on the native population. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

Halfway Covenant

This was designed to respond to the decline of religious zeal among second-generation Puritans. It eased the requirement for church membership by allowing the baptism of children of parents who cannot provide testimony of their own "election." (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

World's Columbian Exposition of 1893

This was held in Chicago, celebrating the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America. It was more than a tribute to Columbus. It also celebrated Chicago's dynamic growth and America's amazing technological progress. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

racial intermarriage

This was highly encouraged by both the Spanish Catholic Church and royal government between colonists and native peoples. It demonstrated that the people of New Spain had greater racial tolerance of racial differences than the English settlers in North America. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

popular sovereignty

This was involved in the Kansas Nebraska Act. This idea would let settlers of a given territory have the right to decide whether or not slavery would be permitted within their borders. (The Road to Disunion, 1846-1860)

Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

This was issued after the Seneca Falls Convention was adjourned. It was modeled after the Declaration of Independence, demanding greater rights for women. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

National Defense Education Act

This was one of Congress's responses to the Sputnick crisis. This law was passed to fund enriched science and math programs in the nation's public schools and colleges. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Immigration Act of 1965

This was one of the Great Society legislation. It abolished the system of national quotas instituted in the National Origins Act of 1924. Although it was not recognized at the time, the new law had the unintended consequence of permitting a new wave of immigration from Latin America and Asia. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Monroe Doctrine

This was presented by James Monroe regarding the American position on Latin America in a speech to Congress delivered on December 2nd, 1823. The speech included a unilateral declaration basically establishing Western Hemispheric isolation from Europe. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

Poor Richard's Almanack

This was published by Benjamin Franklin when he was just 27. It featured a popular mixture of weather forecasts, practical household advice, and common sense maxims on success and happiness. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

Social Security Amendments of 1965

This was the Great Society's far-reaching health care legislation. It created Medicare and Medicaid. These programs established government health insurance coverage for elderly and poor Americans. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

"I Have a Dream" speech

This was the climax of the March on Washington. Dr. King addressed the crowd with this famous speech, leaving an indelible memory on everyone who heard it. Dr. King articulated the hopes and dreams of both black and white Americans. The speech increased public support for Kennedy's civil rights bill. It did not, however, guarantee that Congress would quickly pass the bill. Strong opposition from Southern conservatives insured a long and difficult struggle. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

House of Burgesses

This was the first representative legislative assembly in British North America. It was in Virginia. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

Amalgated Association of Iron and Steel Workers

This was the largest craft union in the AFL. The union's history of friendly relations with Andrew Carnegie's company abruptly changed in 1892 when Henry Clay Frick became president of the Homestead plant outside Pittsburgh. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Brook Farm

This was the most celebrated utopian community. Founded at West Roxbury, Massachusetts, in 1841, it enjoyed the support of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, and other leading Transcendentalists. Its experiment in plain living and high thinking proved to be short-lived. The community disbanded following a devastating fire in 1846. It nonetheless had a lasting impact upon its members. Years later, Nathaniel Hawthorne remembered, "our beautiful scheme of a noble and unselfish life, and how fair, in that first summer, appeared the prospect that it might endure for generations." (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

moral diplomacy

This was the name for Wilson's strategy of foreign policy. He believed that his foreign policy should be guided by moral principles and not power and money. He believed that the United States should practice this type of diplomacy by promoting democratic values and moral progress. This strategy would soon prove to be very difficult to get things done in international politics. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

massive retaliation

This was the new strategy announced in the "New Look" defense policy. This meant that the United States would consider using its nuclear weapons to halt Communist aggression. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Democratic Party

This was the political party that Irish voters supported as the party of the "common man." Irish bosses soon played a key role in the formation of big city political machines. (Immigration in Antebellum America, 1815-1860)

Anne Hutchinson

This woman advocated unorthodox religious views that challenged the authority of Puritan magistrates. Claiming to have had a revelation from God, she questioned established religious doctrines and the role of women in Puritan society. In 1638, Massachusetts authorities banished her to Rhode Island. She later moved to Long Island where she was killed by Indians. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

Catherine Beecher

This woman argued that Republican Motherhood gave women a unique opportunity to use their moral influence to shape America's political character: "The mother writes the character of the future man; the sister bends the fibres that hereafter are the forest tree; the wife sways the heart, whose energies may turn for good or for evil the destinies of a nation. Let the women of a country be virtuous and intelligent, and the men will certainly be the same." (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

Jane Addams

This woman chose to devote her life to bettering the condition of the urban poor. In 1889, she rented Hull House, an old mansion in one of Chicago's poorest immigrant neighborhoods. She began by providing day nurseries for working mothers and offering adult education classes for immigrants who wanted to learn English. As Hull House became more successful, she opened a reading room and installed showers in the basement. At its peak, Hull House expanded to a dozen buildings that served 2,000 people that week. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Dorothea Dix

This woman launched a crusade to create special hospitals for the mentally ill. A tireless champion of reform, she traveled more than 10,000 miles and visited almost every state. She and other reformers created the first generation of American mental asylums. By the 1850s, there were special hospitals in 28 States. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

Ida B. Wells

This woman resisted the wave of lynching. She was an elementary school teacher and journalist, who was galvanized to take action when a white mob in Memphis lynched 3 of her friends. She believed that the victims' crime was successfully competing with a white-owned grocery store. Outraged by the crime, she began a lifelong crusade against lynching. She attempted to educate the public by publishing articles, writing books, and organizing black women's clubs. After a particularly horrifying lynching of a black postmaster in South Carolina, she spent 5 weeks in Washington, D.C. in a futile effort to persuade the federal government to intervene. (The New South, 1877-1900)

Phillis Wheatly

This woman was the first notable African American poet. She holds the distinction of being the first African American whose writing was published. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

Betty Friedan

This woman was the first to express the sense of injustice felt by many women. Her book, "The Feminine Mystique" (1963), challenged the cult of domesticity that prevailed since the 1950s. She exposed the previously unspoken frustration felt by suburban housewives as they performed a seemingly endless routine of buying groceries, cooking meals, and chauffeuring their children. She ultimately asked a silent question that suburban women had all been afraid to ask -- "Is this all?" (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Helen Hunt Jackson

This woman wrote "A Century of Dishonor" in 1881. She was an outspoken and prolific writer who championed the cause of Native Americans. She was a great critic of the U.S. government. She supported policies designed to bring Native Americans into the mainstream of American life. Her book played a key role in mobilizing public support for the Dawes Act. (The West, 1865-1900)

Women's Christian Temperance Movement (WTCU)

This women's organization play a leading role in the temperance movement to outlaw the sale of alcohol beverages. It boasted nearly 1 million members, making it the largest organization of women in the world. It convinced many women that they had a moral duty to eliminate alcohol abuse and thus strengthen the stability of American families. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)


This word describes someone as believing in the superiority of one's own ethnic group. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

-smallpox -influenza -measles

Three European diseases that Native Americans lacked resistance to: (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

unconstitutional, inferior

Thurgood Marshall argued in Brown v. Board of Education that separate schools were inherently ___________ because they unjustly Brandon all black children. He insisted that the system of racially segregated schools perpetuated ___________ treatment for black Americans. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Tenure of Office, impeached, impeached, convict, Ulysses S. Grant

To no one's surprise, Johnson's violation of the ___________ Act prompted the Radicals to pass a resolution declaring that the President should be ___________. On February 24th, 1868, the Republican-dominated House of Representatives ___________ Johnson for high crimes and misdemeanors in office, including violating the Tenure of Office Act. After a tense trial, the Senate failed to ___________ Johnson by 1 vote. Although Johnson escaped conviction, the trial crippled his presidency. 10 months later, voters sent the Union war hero ___________ to the White House. The Republicans completed their overwhelming Victory by retaining 2/3 majority in both houses of Congress. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

Federal Reserve Act

To reform the nation's banking system, Wilson passed this act in 1913. It established a system of 12 District Banks coordinated by a board appointed by the president. This board had the power to raise and lower interest rates and issue paper money. These financial tools enabled the board to control both credit and the supply of money. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)


To threaten the use of using nuclear weapons would require nerves of steel with the "New Look" defense policy. "If you are scared to go to the brink," Dulles warned, "you are lost." What was the term that journalists soon called this policy of going to the brink of nuclear war without going over the edge? (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

inexpensive labor, indentured servants, African slaves

Tobacco and other cash crops required a large supply of _____________. The spread of tobacco cultivation beyond the Chesapeake colonies created an additional demand for slave labor. As the English Civil War ended and economic conditions improved, the number of people willing to become _____________ sharply declined. Indentured servants proved to be a both unreliable and rebellious. After Bacon's Rebellion, Planters begin to replace indentured servants with imported _____________. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

cash, James Buchanan Duke, American Tobacco

Tobacco had long played an important role in the South's history and economy. Still the region's second most important ___________ crop, tobacco helped launch one of the South's great industrial success stories. ___________ took over his father's small but successful tobacco company in the early 1880s. In 1885, he acquired a license to use the first automated cigarette making machine. His shrewd investment soon paid spectacular dividends. Within 20 years, his ___________ Company produced 80% of the cigarettes manufactured in the United States. (The New South, 1877-1900)

cash crop, cotton gin

Tobacco was the most valuable _____________ produced in the southern colonies until the invention of the _____________ in 1793. (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)

hunting, fishing

Tribes in the Pacific Northwest relied on _____________ and _____________ for food. (Spain and the New World, 1492-1700)

Potsdam Declaration

Truman learned about the Manhattan Project as American generals warned that an invasion of Japan would be a desperate struggle that would inflict heavy casualties on both the American forces and Japanese civilians. On July 26th, 1945, Truman, Churchill, and Stalin issued this declaration calling upon Japan to surrender unconditionally or suffer "the utter devastation of the Japanese homeland." The Japanese government ignored the warning as "unworthy of public notice." what was the name of this declaration? (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Homestead Act

Under the terms of this act, a settler 21 years or older could acquire a free tract of 160 acres of surveyed public land. Title to the land went to the settler after 5 years of continuous residence. It was passed in 1862 and opened the Great Plains to settlers. By 1935, 1.6 million homesteaders received 270 million acres of federal lands. This act was passed due to the domination of Congress by Republicans after the secession of the Southern states. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Under the terms of this treaty, Mexico lost about 1/3 of its territory. It ceded New Mexico and California to the United States and accepted the Rio Grande as the Texas border. It is important to remember that New Mexico actually included present-day Arizona, Nevada, and Utah, as well as parts of Colorado and Wyoming. The United States acquired more than 500,000 miles of new territory. In return, the US agreed to pay Mexico $15 million and pay all the claims American citizens had against the Mexican government. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)


Unemployed workers and debt-ridden farmers called for an immediate solution to the end of the Depression of 1893. Populist leaders believed that the depression underscored the urgent need for the free coinage of ___________. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

Teller, Platt

United States surprised many skeptics by keeping its promise in the ___________ Amendment not to annex Cuba. However, in 1901 Congress made the withdrawal of U.S. troops contingent upon Cuba's acceptance of the ___________ Amendment. This amendment was incorporated into the Cuban constitution and provided the grounds for American intervention 4 times in the early 1900s. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

preschool, African Americans

Unlike the New Deal, the Great Society created a program to provide ___________ education for disadvantaged children. Also unlike the New Deal, the Great Society included significant legislation to protect the civil liberties and voting rights of ___________. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)


Violence did not stop the Freedom Riders. By the end of 1961, Attorney General Robert Kennedy convinced the Interstate Commerce Commission to issue an order banning ___________ in interstate bus terminals. The Freedom Riders thus proved that direct action would work. Across the country, more and more blacks marched against segregation as they sang the civil rights anthem, "We shall overcome." (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

joint-stock, mortality, tobacco, indentured, slaves, plantations, royal, tidewater gentry

Virginia was founded by a _____________ company to make a profit. It was settled by males who experienced a high _____________ rate. It developed an agricultural conomy based upon _____________ as a cash crop. It utilized the labor system based on _____________ servants from England and then _____________ from Africa. They lived on widely dispersed _____________ and small farms. Virginia was founded as England's first _____________ colony. It was dominated by an elite group of _____________. (Making Key Comparisons, 1492-1789)

Black Thursday

Wall Street's speculative bubble burst on October 24th, 1929. Waves of panic selling overwhelmed the New York Stock Exchange. The wild shouting of 1,000 frantic brokers produce what one observer called "a weird roar." The selling reached a crescendo on Tuesday, October 29th. Within less than a week, stocks lost 37% of their value. What was the name for October 24th, the day that this stock market crash began? (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

captains, competition, free

Wealthy "___________ of industry" such as Rockefeller and Carnegie used the "law of ___________" to explain their wealth and praise the ___________ market economic system that made it possible. In an often quoted statement, Rockefeller explained that "the growth of a large business corporation is merely the survival of the fittest ... The American Beauty rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance which bring cheer to its beholder only by sacrificing the early buds which grow up around it. This is not an evil tendency in business. It is merely the working out of a law of nature and a law of God." (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

Pinckney's Treaty

Westerners depended on the Mississippi River to ship their goods to New Orleans where they were reloaded aboard ocean-going vessels for shipment to the East Coast or foreign imports. This treaty with Spain granted the United States the right of deposit at New Orleans. However, in 1802 the Spanish revoked this privilege. To make matters worse, Spain ceded Louisiana back to France. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)


What fraction of white Southern families owned no slaves in the Antebellum South? (The Old South, 1815-1860)

wealthy planters

What small but powerful group dominated southern Society? (The Chesapeake Colonies, 1607-1754)


What was the name for Nixon's new policy of training the South Vietnamese to take over the fighting in Vietnam? The United States had begun a gradual withdrawal of American forces and their replacement by South Vietnamese soldiers. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

What was the name of Frederick Douglass's autobiography? (The Crusade against Slavery, 1815-1860)

Bill of Rights, First Congress

When Anti-Federalists objected to the absence of a _____________, the Federalists pledged that the _____________ would draw up a list of safeguards to protect the rights of individuals and states. (The Ratification Debate)

Woodrow Wilson

When this man became president in 1913, he focused his attention on implementing his New Freedom program of domestic reforms. He revised the tariff, reformed the banking system, and signed the Clayton Antitrust Act. Although he was an expert on domestic issues, he had little experience in foreign affairs. "It would be an irony of fate if my administration had to deal chiefly with foreign affairs," he wryly observed. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

MacArthur, MacArthur

When China's counterattack drove MacArthur back into South Korea, Truman decided to give up the attempt to unify Korea and instead adopted a policy of fighting a limited war to save South Korea. ___________ publicly questioned Truman's decision, saying, "We must win. There is no substitute for victory." This open act of insubordination forced Truman to remove him from all his commands. Truman's action ignited a firestorm of public outrage. However, the American public gradually came to accept ___________'s recall as a necessary decision to protect the principle of civilian control of the military. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

unemployment, banks, businesses

When Franklin Roosevelt took the oath of office on March 4, 1933, the country had just endured a bleak winter of rising ___________, failing ___________, and closing ___________. The American people called for immediate action to prevent the nation from slipping into economic chaos. He understood the gravity of the crisis. In his Inaugural Address, he announced, "I shall ask the Congress for ... broad executive power to wage a war against the emergency as great as the power that would be given me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe." (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

Hartford Convention

When New England merchants strongly opposed the War of 1812, leading Federalists met at this convention and proposed a number of Constitutional Amendments designed to limit the power of the federal government. However this convention contributed to the death of the Federalist Party by making its leaders appear to be disloyal. (Jefferson, Madison, and the War of 1812, 1800-1815)

Declaratory Act

When Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, it also passed this law reaffirming its right to "make laws and statutes ... to bind the colonies ... in all cases whatsoever." (The Road to Revolution, 1754-1775)


When President Johnson escalated the Vietnam War, about 2/3 of the public approved his decision. "I don't like being over here," wrote one marine, "but I am doing a job that must be done." Supporters of the ward agreed. They argued that America was fighting a just cause to defend the freedom of South Vietnam. Without American help, South Vietnam would fall, and the Communists would eventually control all of Southeast Asia. What was the name for the supporters of the Vietnam War? (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

production, production

When Stalin met Roosevelt in Tehran, the Soviet dictator offered this admiring toast: "To American ___________, without which this war would have been lost." Stalin was right. American ___________ crushed the Axis powers beneath an overwhelming weight of weaponry. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

equal, North, South

When Washington took office, the North and South were roughly _______________ in wealth and population. However, with each passing decade the _______________ steadily outgained the _______________ in population growth. As a result, by 1819 the free states in the North had 105 representatives in the house while they slave states in the South had just 81 representatives. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

Senate, Internationalists, Irreconcilables, Reservationists

When Wilson returned to the United States from the peace conference, he faced a tough fight to win ___________ approval for the Treaty of Versailles. The 96 Senators divided into three groups. First, the ___________ who supported the treaty without reservations. Second, the ___________ who opposed the treaty in any form. And finally, a large group of ___________ who were willing to accept the treaty with changes that would clarify or limit the League of Nation's authority over American actions. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

Chinese Exclusion Act

When proponents of immigration restriction demanded that Congress enact a law restricting Chinese immigration, Congress submitted and passed this law in 1882. It suspended immigration of all Chinese laborers for 10 years. Congress renewed the law in 1892 and then made it permanent In 1902. It marked the first law enacted to exclude a specific ethnic or racial group from immigrating to the United States. (Urban America, 1865-1900)

Homestead Strike

When the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers called for a strike, Henry Frick closed the Homestead plant and hired 300 union-busting Pinkerton detectives to protect nonunion workers. Enraged strikers fired at barges carring Pinkertons to the plant. 3 detectives and 10 workers died before the Pinkertons finally surrendered. The workers' victory proved to be short-lived. The governor of Pennsylvania ordered the states entire contingent of 8,000 National Guard troops to Homestead to protect the plant. The strike finally ended 4 months later, leaving the Amalgamated Association broken and defeated. The strike underscored the government's determination to protect property rights and maintain law and order. The strike ushered in a decade of violent strikes that set back the industrial union movement for 40 years. What was the name of this strike? (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

aims, preserve, slavery, Copperheads

When the Civil War began, the North did not enjoy a consensus on its war ___________. While Lincoln's announced goal was to ___________ the Union, abolitionists argued that the Union should also fight to abolish ___________. Although most northern Democrats supported a war to save the union, a vocal group of "___________" called for peace by negotiation even if it risked the Union. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

commanders, South

When the Civil War began, the North lacked an able group of military ___________. Lincoln had to frequently replace generals as he searched for commanders who could rival those of the ___________. (The Civil War, 1861-1865)

universal manhood suffrage

When the Constitution was ratified, each state set requirements for who could vote. Although not provised in the Constitution, this principle became a reality for white males during the 1830s. (The Constitution)

American Federation of Labor

When the Great Depression began, trade unions represented only about 3 million workers. Most were skilled workers organized by the ___________. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

vote, office, servants, garment

When the Progressive Era began, most women lived in states where they could neither ___________ nor hold public ___________. There were very few female lawyers, physicians, engineers, or scientists. The majority of women who did work outside the home were young and unmarried domestic ___________ and ___________ workers. Teaching, nursing, and library work were widely regarding is "helping" professions best filled by women. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Seneca Falls Convention

When the Progressive Era began, the law denied criminals, lunatic, idiots, and women the right to vote. Beginning with the ___________ in 1848, a determined group of women fought a long and at times frustrating haul battle for female suffrage. By 1900, only 4 Western states allowed women to vote. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)

Radical Republicans

When the Republicans gained a strong majority in Congress during Johnson's presidency, they returned to Congress in an angry but determined mood. Led by Representative Thaddeus Stevens of Pennsylvania and Charles Sumner of Massachusetts, this group of Republicans now controlled Congress. They were resolved to punish the former Confederate states and protect the rights of black citizens. They passed the Reconstruction Act of 1867 and overrode Johnson's veto. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)


When the Vietnam War did not end quickly, a growing number of people began to question America's involvement in Vietnam. They argue that the U.S. could not win a guerrilla war in Asia. The tragic loss of life was too great. Instead of saving South Vietnam, American bombers were destroying it. They pointed out that the billions spent in Vietnam would be better spent at home rebuilding American cities and helping the poor. What was the name for the citizens who opposed the Vietnam War? (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Woodrow Wilson, Senators, Republicans

When the peace conference opened in Paris on January 18, 1919, ___________ personally headed the American delegation. It is important to note that Wilson made the mistake of not asking any ___________ or ___________ politicians to join the delegation. This proved to be a serious error in judgement because the Senate would have to ratify the peace treaty he proposed and because the Republicans had won control of both houses of Congress in 1918. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

women, women, Anthony, Stanton, property, poll, literacy

While African Americans celebrated the passage of the 15th Amendment, leading ___________'s rights activists felt outraged and abandoned. They angrily demand to know why the suffrage was granted to ex-slaves but not to ___________. Julia Ward Howe and other leaders of the women's suffrage movement finally accepted that this was the "Negro's hour." However, both Susan B. ___________ and Elizabeth Cady ___________ actively opposed passage of the Fifteenth Amendment. It is important to note that the South would soon find ways to circumvent the Fifteenth Amendment. For example, ___________ qualifications, ___________ taxes, and ___________ tests all denied blacks to vote without legally making skin color a determining factor. (Reconstruction, 1865-1877)

Poland, Great Britain, France, Great Britain

While America tried to remain at peace, Hitler plunged Europe into war. On September 1, 1939, Germany launched a sudden massive blitzkrieg or "lightning war" against ___________. ___________ and ___________ responded by immediately declaring war on Germany. After a 6 months lull in fighting, devastating German blitzkriegs led to the fall of Denmark, Norway, Belgium, and France. Only ___________, now led by Winston Churchill, held out against Hitler. Churchill defiantly about that Britain would "defend our Island, whatever the cost may be ... we shall never surrender." (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)


While Americans prepared for the worst, the Soviets appeared surprisingly confident. In Moscow, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev told visiting British and French officials that, "Whether or not you like it, history is on our side." His boast seemed to come true on October 4th, 1957. That night, millions of Americans turned on their television sets and heard a newscaster tell them, "Listen now for the sound which forever separates the old from the new." The beeping sound they heard came from a 184 pound satellite called "___________" which the Russians shot into orbit earlier that day. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

porch, Mark Hanna, Mark Hanna

While Bryan campaigned across the country, McKinley stayed home in Canton, Ohio, and ran a "front ___________" campaign skillfully managed by his close friend ___________ during the election of 1896. Friendly railroads provided reduced fares enabling over 750,000 people to visit Canton and hear McKinley earnestly promised "good work, good wages, and good money." ___________'s strategy cleverly allowed McKinley to maintain an image of decorum and dignity. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

While Hoover rejected federal programs to help the poor, he did listen to bankers who pleaded for federal aid. In early 1932, Congress created this corporation to make emergency loans to distressed banks and businesses. It loaned $1.78 billion to 7,400 banks, insurance companies, and railroads that needed help. It went far beyond anything the federal government had ever done before. Its emergency loans helped limit the number of bankruptcies. However, indignant critics accused Hoover of insisting on rugged individualism for people standing in breadlines while at the same time supporting a billion-dollar "soup kitchen" for distressed bankers. (The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939)

diplomatic, Rio Grande

While Polk avoided a war with Great Britain, the explosive Texas question remained to be settled with Mexico. Outraged by the annexation of Texas, Mexico broke off _______________ relations with the United States. Polk worsened tensions by supporting Texas's claim to the _______________ River as its southwestern boundary. The Mexican government denied this claim, insisting that Texas went no further than the Neuces River. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

Iran, 444

While President Reagan delivered his Inaugural Address, a bus 6,300 miles away carried 52 American hostages onto an airport runway outside Tehran, ___________. A beaming President Reagan told the nation the news it had waited ___________ days to hear: "Some 30 minutes ago, the planes bearing our prisoners left Iranian airspace and are now free of Iran." The President's dramatic announcement triggered a wave of national joy and relief. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

Second Great Awakening, Puritan

While Puritans in the First Great Awakening believed in a just-but-stern God, _______________ preachers replaced the hellfire-and-damnation _______________ God with a gentler divinity of love and grace. (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

economic, foreign, Evil Empire

While ___________ problems received Reagan's highest priority, relations with the Soviet Union played a dominant role in his ___________ policy. Reagan believed that the Soviet Union caused much of the world's problems. In a speech given on March 8, 1983, Reagan charged the Soviet Union with being "the focus of evil in the modern world." Reagan's "___________" speech electrified dissidents behind the Iron Curtain. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

John Winthrop

While on board the flagship Arabella, this man preached a sermon describing his expectations for the new Puritan colony, the Massachusetts Bay Colony. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

1840, voting masses

While running for president, Harrison's election marked a triumph of a new democratic style of running political campaigns. Although Harrison's father was a prominent Virginia planter who signed the Declaration of Independence, the Whigs adopted the log cabin and hard cider as campaign symbols to connect with the common man. Many historians consider the "log cabin and hard cider" campaign of _______________ the first modern election because both parties actively campaign among the _______________. (The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840)

civil, Chiang Kai-Shek, Mao Zedong

While the Japanese recovered, a ___________ war divided China after World War II. As World War II ended, conflict between the Nationalists led by ___________ and the Communists led by ___________ spread across the country. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)


While the North controlled a solid majority in the House of Representatives by 1819, the _______________ was evenly balanced between 11 free and 11 slave states. (The Era of Good Feelings, 1816-1824)

Walter Mondale, female

While the Republicans unanimously renominated Reagan and Bush for the 1984 election, the Democrats selected former Vice-President ___________. In a bold break with tradition, he chose a ___________ running mate, Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro of New York. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

1966, 1967, Detroit

While the hippies preached love and peace, inner cities across America burst into flames. During the long hot summers of ___________ and ___________, racial riots struck over 100 cities and towns. The most serious violence occurred in ___________, where the worst racial riot in American history left 43 dead and 5,000 homeless. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

graying, Social Security

While the number of young Americans declined, the number of older Americans increased. This was a key demographic trend. In 1900, just 4.1% of the population was over 65. By 2000, the percentage climbed to about 12%. This "___________" of the population poses a threat to the long-term viability of ___________. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

rhythm and blues, rock and roll

While white Americans listened to pop music, black musicians combined gospel, blues, and jazz into a new sound called ___________. Within a short time, an increasing number of young white music fans began to buy rhythm and blues records and attend concerts by black performers. A Cleveland disc jockey named Alan Freed renamed the new sound "___________." This would become a new expression of criticism against the new suburban lifestyle. (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

tradition, silver

William Jennings Bryan ignored ___________ and launched a whirlwind campaign that crisscrossed the country in the election of 1896. The "Boy Orator" conveyed boundless energy and an almost evangelical enthusiasm as he delivered over 600 speeches extolling the benefits of free ___________. (The Populist Revolt, 1880-1896)

advertising campaign

William Penn launched this to encourage people to move to his colony. He published pamphlets in several languages promising settlers fertile land, low taxes, religious freedom, and a representative assembly. It worked very well. (The Middle Atlantic Colonies, 1664-1754)

ethnic, religious, Philadelphia

William Penn's advertising campaign Works. Pennsylvania's policy of religious toleration and its economic prosperity attracted a diverse mix of _____________ and _____________ groups. By 1700, only Virginia and Massachusetts had a larger population than Pennsylvania. _____________ quickly became a prosperous for that rivaled Boston and New York City. (The Middle Atlantic Colonies, 1664-1754)

yellow journalism, Spain, Spanish-American

William Randolph Hearst's "New York Journal" and Joseph Pulitzer's "New York World" were locked in a furious ___________ war for readers. Both papers published daily stories about the atrocities committed by the Spanish Commander against rebel Cubans. Known as "___________," these sensational and often lurid stories sparked widespread public indignation against ___________. this was one cause of the ___________ War. (Expansion and Empire, 1890-1908)

leadership, Senate

Wilson denounced critics of the League of Nations by saying that they were myopic "pygmies" who failed to see that membership in the League would give the United States ___________ in the world. Wilson's refusal to compromise with Lodge and the Reservationists hardened ___________ opposition to the treaty. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

Caribbean, financial

Wilson found it difficult to practice his moral ideals in the ___________. Despite his objections to using military force, Wilson sent Marines to Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua to protect American ___________ interests in these countries. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

League of Nations, postwar, international

Wilson recognized that the Treaty of Versailles was too punitive. However, he signed it in exchange for Allied support for the ___________. The League of Nations represented Wilson's hopes for the ___________ world. He was convinced that the League of Nations would rectify problems in the Treaty of Versailles and that its provisions for collective security would ensure ___________ peace. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

Fourteen Points, Versailles, reparations

Wilson soon faced the grim realities of European power politics while at the peace conference in Paris. Both Great Britain and France wanted to make Germany pay for the terrible suffering their people endured in the war. Although Wilson argued for the principles of his ___________, the final treaty reflected the Allies' vindictive attitude towards Germany. The Treaty of ___________ forced Germany to give up 13% of its territory and all of its colonies. In addition, the treaty compelled Germany to accept full blame for starting the war and to pay ___________ later set at $33 billion. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

compromise, international

Wilson's stubborn adherence to his moral view of international politics inspired many people in America and throughout the world. However, getting things done often required practicing the art of ___________. Wilson's idealistic moral diplomacy would soon be tested by the hard realities of ___________ politics. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

Cold War

With each report about the loss of freedom in Eastern Europe after World War II, tensions increased between the United States and the Soviet Union. The two nations soon entered a prolonged era of economic and political conflict. This, however, did not involve direct military conflict between the two rival powers. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

150,000, George III

Within 3 months of publication more than a _____________ copies of Common Sense circulated throughout the colonies. Paine attacked _____________ as a "royal brute" and a "hardened pharaoh" who callously permitted his troops to slaughter innocent countess. (The American Revolution, 1776-1783)

MacArthur, war

Within days of the UN Security Council meeting in response to the North Korean attack on South Korea in 1950, American troops commanded by General ___________ rushed into South Korea. The American forces formed the core of a UN army that included units from 14 other nations. It is important to note that Truman decided to fight the war under the auspices of the UN. As a result, he did not ask Congress for a declaration of ___________. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)


Women comprise a majority in many New England church _____________. (Key Aspects of Colonial Life and Thought, 1730-1776)

civil rights, women

Women played an active role in the ___________ movement. This experience sharpened their awareness that ___________ also suffered from unfair discrimination. For example, women with college degrees earned only half as much as similarly educated men. (Nixon and Carter Presidencies, 1969-1980)

stick, dollar, moral

Woodrow Wilson rejected both Teddy Roosevelt's policy of big ___________ diplomacy and Taft's policy of ___________ diplomacy. Instead, he believed that his foreign policy should be guided by ___________ principles and not power and money. Wilson believed that the United States should practice moral diplomacy by promoting democratic values and moral progress. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

Great Migration

World War I created a labor shortage by moving about 4 million men from the nation's farms and factories to the armed services. The wartime demand for industrial workers encouraged over 400,000 Southern blacks to move to Northern industrial cities. This mass movement opened new opportunities for African Americans while also exacerbating racial tensions in many Northern cities. (Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1909-1919)

Rosie the Riveter, Rosie the Riveter

World War II created new job opportunities for women. As their husbands left to serve in the military, about 5 million additional women joined the nation's workforce. The popular song "___________" celebrated the women who worked in factories. "___________" soon became more than a nickname for women who performed industrial work. For millions of American women, it was a proud symbol of their patriotism and determination to contribute to the war effort. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

agenda, pay, birth

Written primarily by _______________, the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions opened by declaring, "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal." The document called for greater divorce and child custody rights, equal opportunities in education, the right to retain property after marriage, and the extension of suffrage to women. Taken together, these demands formed the _______________ of the women's rights movement into the 20th century. It is important to note that the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions did not call for equal _______________ for equal work or for greater access to _______________ control methods. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)

Freedom Riders

Young black and white activists continued to press for a faster pace of desegregation. In May 1961, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) sent this integrated group of 13 on a bus trip scheduled to begin in Washington, D.C., and end in New Orleans. They hoped to find out if a 1960 Supreme Court decision outlawing segregation in bus stations was being obeyed. They quickly learned that it wasn't. A mob of angry whites attacked them in Anniston, Montgomery, and Birmingham, Alabama. What was the name for those on the bus? (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

W.E.B. Du Bois, Atlanta

Younger, educated blacks led by ___________ strongly criticized Washington's commitment to gradual progress. He scornfully called Washington's speech the "___________ Compromise" and instead advocated an alternate program of "ceaseless agitation" to challenge Jim Crow segregation and demand full economic, social, and political equality. (The New South, 1877-1900)

Franklin Roosevelt, atomic bomb

___________ died on April 12th, 1945. Two weeks later, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimpson informed President Truman about the new ___________. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

African Americans, Hispanics

___________ have historically been in America's largest minority group. It is important to know that the ___________ became the largest minority group in the United States between 1970 and 2010. (Key Events and Demographic Trends, 1981-2000)

Factory, regulations

___________ laborers typically worked 10-hour days, 6 days a week. Hours were even longer in steel mills, where workers put in 12-hour shifts for $1.25 a day. America's poorly-paid workers were also unprotected by safety ___________. American industry had the highest accident rate in the world. Health hazards abounded in factories, mines, and railroad yards. In 1890, railroad accidents injured one railroader for every 30 employed workers. (Big Business and Labor Unions, 1865-1900)

iron, mills

___________ ore mines near Birmingham, Alabama, helped fuel the South's third great industrial success story. Founded in 1871, Birmingham quickly became a major industrial center and railroad hub. The city's thriving iron and steel ___________ led Pride boosters to call their city the "Pittsburgh of the South." (The New South, 1877-1900)

Cotton, slavery, New, diversified

___________ plantations and ___________ dominated the Old South's economy. As a result, the region had few cities and little manufacturing. Henry Grady, editor of the "Atlanta Constitution," called for a "___________ South" that would be home to thriving cities, bustling factories, and rewarding business opportunities. Grady inspired a new generation of Southern leaders who strived to fulfill his vision by building a more ___________ Southern economy. (The New South, 1877-1900)

Southern, segregation

___________ resistance continued to block civil rights action in Congress. Truman was able to use the power of the presidency to issue an executive order ending racial ___________ in the armed forces. As a result, African Americans served in integrated units in the Korean War. (Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952)

Woodrow Wilson, Democrat

___________ won the election with just 42% of the popular vote. However, he did win an overwhelming victory in the Electoral College with 435 votes to Teddy Roosevelt's 88 and Taft's 8. He thus became only the 2nd ___________ to win the White House since the Civil War. (The Progressive Era, 1900-1917)


___________'s groups would use the 1964 Civil Rights Act clause barring discrimination based on sex to secure government support for greater equality in education and employment. (The New Frontier, Great Society, and Vietnam War, 1961-1968)

Mussolini, Hitler, militarists

___________, ___________, and a group of iron-fisted Japanese ___________ emerged from the chaos and economic depression following World War. Each seized power promising to restore national pride. (The United States and the World, 1921-1945)

Shays', Bacon's

_____________ Rebellion occurred after the Revolutionary War and contributed to calls for a stronger national government. _____________ Rebellion occurred in 17th century Virginia and contributed to calls to import African slaves to work in the tobacco fields. (The Articles of Confederation, 1777-1787)

Jefferson, forbids, states

_____________ admitted that a bank would be a convenient aid to Congress in regulating the currency and collecting taxes. However, he forcefully argued that a national bank was not absolutely necessary. The Constitution did not specifically authorize Congress to create a national bank. He argued that what the Constitution does not permit, it _____________. He concluded that the _____________, not Congress, had the power to charter banks. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

Hamilton, elastic, permits

_____________ argued that the Constitution specifically empowered Congress to collect taxes and regulate trade. A national bank would be more than a convenience; it would be a necessary institution for carrying out these powers. He believed that the _____________ clause gave Congress the implied power to charter a national bank. He argued that what the Constitution does not forbid, it _____________. (The Federalist Era, 1789-1800)

James Madison, factionalism

_____________ believe that a large republic would cub _____________. He reasoned that "in an expanding Republic, so many different groups and viewpoints would be included in the Congress that tyranny by the majority would be impossible." (The Constitution)

New England abolitionists, Civil Disobedience

_______________ denounce the Mexican War as an unjust conflict designed to extend slavery into new territories. Henry David Thoreau refused to pay his state poll tax as a gesture of opposition. He then wrote a classic essay "_______________" urging passive resistance to laws that require a citizen to be "an agent of injustice." Thoreau's essay later influenced Dr. King's philosophy of non-violent protest. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)

Whig, Whig

_______________ leaders also opposed the war with Mexico. Abraham Lincoln, then an obscure _______________ congressman from Illinois, challenged Polk to identify the exact spot on American soil where American blood has been shed. Like other wigs, Lincoln believed that Polk used the skirmish as an excuse for declaring war so that he could claim new territories. (Territorial Expansion, 1836-1848)


_______________-class women dominated the women's rights movement. Poor women did not have the time or resources to participate. (Women in Antebellum America, 1789-1848)


in a press conference in 1954, President Eisenhower noted that Americans were "suffering from a multiplicity of ___________." (The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1960)

Mitchell Palmer

the Red Scare forced this Attorney General to act. Although no more than one tenth of 1% of adult Americans actually belong to the domestic communist movement, he launched a massive roundup of foreign-born radicals. (The New Era, 1919-1929)


the doctrine stating that by God's grace a few people called the "elect" will be saved. Because God is all-knowing, he has known from the beginning of time the identity of these lucky souls. (The New England Colonies, 1620-1754)

divinity, intuition, conformity, nature

transcendentalism included the following key beliefs: -_______________ of man -value of human _______________ -non_______________ and dissent -importance of _______________ (Religion, Reform, and Romanticism, 1815-1860)

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