The Book of Isaiah Pt1

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More than one interpreter has called the book of Isaiah what?

"The gospel of the Old Testament"

How does Isaiah 40-66 develop the motif of the Lord's servant? What characteristics best describe the servant?

-God's spirit rests on the chosen servant -Humble, draws little attention to himself, achieves powerful results -Called from the womb -Salvation

If you only had Isaiah 1-12, what insights could you learn about the role of Messiah?

-Judgement -New kingdom & a remnant

The three ways God prepared his people to see his blessings

1) heal their infirmities 2) make water abundant 3) prepare a highway of holiness to the place where people could worship him

What is a woe oracle?

A judgment speech that typically begins with the word "woe".

What does remnant mean?

A small remaining quantity of something.

What was the "sign" God would give to Ahaz

A virgin would conceive a son and name him "Immanuel"

The Babylonians celebrated an annual festival parading statues of their gods called what?

Akitu Festival

Isaiah was the son of whom?


When did Isaiah's prophetic ministry take place?

Around 740bc-690bc

Who did Ahaz trust in instead of God?


who was Sennacherib? why was he important

Assyrian king, burned babylon and established Assyria's capital at nineveh

Identify the main details of chapters 36-39. What function do these chapters serve in the book of Isaiah?

Ch 36-37 deals with Assyria and serve to "tie-off" the first part of the book. Chapter 38-39 focus on Babylon whose empire served as the backdrop for Isaish 40-66.

When do scholars think the book of Isaiah was written?

Early 7th Century B.C.

What is Premillennialism?

Earthly reign of Christ after he returns.

Isaiah 41 Three Fold Theme

First: God's people are in captivity for their sins Second: The captivity proves tht God is God Third: He will now restore and redeem them

Chapter 34 and 35 are the climax that describes what?

God's coming judgement and kingdom

Isaiah 24-27 he announces what?

God's final judgement of the world and the ultimate salvation of His people.

What are two things Isaiah focuses on?

God's grace and God's love.

What are the themes found in Isaiah 40-66?

God's people are in captivity for their sins and captivity proves that God is God and that he will restore his people.

What three features would the future kingdom include?

God's people, God's temple, and God's peace.

Who was Hezekiah, and why is he important?

He was a very good king, remembered for promoting one of the greatest revivals in Judah's history.

Who was Manasseh, and why is he important?

He was the most wicked king of Judah. He was the one who locked in Gods judgement on the people. And Hezekiah's son.

God's instrument of blessing was who?


Who were Isaiah's two sons?

Shear-jashub (means a remnant shall return) and Maher-shalal-hash-baz (means swift is the plunder and speedy is the prey)

Isaiah pictured what two pictures of leadership?

Shebna- used his office for dishonest gain Eliakim served his people as a father

How many "woe oracles" did Isaiah pronounce against the various segments of Judah's population?



Something very large; giant sea creature in the Bible

Scholars have named Isaiah what and why? (ch 24-27)

The Little Apocalypse, because these chapters read like a mini Revelation

What does Isaiah's name mean?

The Lord has saved

What is "God's coming branch"?

The branch, part of David's line, serves as God's instrument to bring in his kingdom.

What are the arguments some interpreters have given to support the multiple-author view of the book of Isaiah? What evidence have others used to support the single-author view?

They believe the entire book was written by Isaiah and suggest other writers-perhaps Isaiah's disciples wrote ch 40-66. The second author is known as Dutero-Isaiah (second Isaiah). Another group of scholars believe the Dutero-Isaiah wrote 40-55 and another (Trito-Isaiah) wrote 56-66 somewhat later. Arguments fof Multi-Author: -There is different vocab used -The mention of Cyrus by name -The timespan of the book -Different subject matter -Poetic style of 40-66

How many Judgement speeches did Isaiah present?


Who was the Assyrian king Ahaz trusted?


Isaiah's words concerning gentiles joining God's family suggest God intended Israel to bring spiritual light to them. What responsibility do you have personally in God's plan to reach the world?

To bring others into God's kingdom.

Against which nations did Isaiah pronounce judgment in chapters 13-23? Why did he take the time to deal with each one?

BABYLON-Babylon's ruler had made godlike claims. ASSYRIA-God used them to humble the northern kingdom of Israel & then humbled them PHILISTIA- The philistines rejoiced when Ahaz died MOAB- Isaiah described that God's judegment affected all Moab's major cities. DAMASCUS AND ISRAEL- God would level Damascus and proised to judege Israel although a remnant would come. CUSH AND EGYPT- The Lord promised to humble these two kingdoms, judge Egypt and her idols BABYLON, EDOM, AND ARABIA- Isaiah announced further judgement of Babylon and judgmet would sweep Edom and Arbia away within a year. JERUSALEM- They believed God would protect them no matter how they lived TYRE- Was rich &God would destroy the city's pride.

What kingdom topped the list of kingdoms God would judge?


Isaiah 40-66 is referred to as the ___ section of Isaiah.


The term "Ariel" refers to what?


What do we know about Isaiah the man from the details in his book? What themes were most important to him?

Isaiah was a prophet in Judah's royal court. The themes that were important to him were Remnant, the Soverignty of God, servant, Holy One of Israel, and Messiah.

The suffering servant has been identified as who?

Isaiah, Israel, Jesus

How do the concepts of chapter 40 lay a foundation for the rest of the book? What key ideas occur there?

It answers the question: "Can God really do what he says?"

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