The Catcher In The Rye Study Guide English III Honors

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How does Maurice respond when Holden says that he is going to scream his head off if Maurice roughs him up?

Maurice implies that he will notify Holden's parents that he has been with a prostitute.

Does Holden think that Stradlater seduced Jane Gallagher? (Ch 11)

No, he does not. But Holden says that it drives him crazy just thinking about it.

Is Holden looking forward to his date with Sally?

No, he seems to regret having made the date.

What behavior of Charlene, the maid, does Phoebe object to? (Ch 23)

Phoebe says that Charlene breathes all over the food and everything.

What habit of Holden's does Phoebe wants him to change?

Phoebe wants Holden to stop swearing.

Does Sally like school?

Sally says that school is a terrific bore.

After Sally tells Holden that she loves him, how does she want to change him?

Sally wants Holden to let his hair grow.

Why is Mrs. Morrow concerned about Ernest? (chapter 8)

She worries about Ernest because he is a shy boy and she was worried that he wouldn't mix well with others.

How does Holden know that Stradlater would not tell Jane Gallagher that he had been kicked out of Pencey Prep? (chapter 4)

Stradlater doesn't care enough about holdens predicament to even bother to mention it to Jane Gallagher

Why does Stradlater not like the composition which Holden wrote for him? (chapter 6)

Stradlater's understanding is that the essay should be a description of a room or a house. Holden wrote a description of his brother's baseball glove

Give one reason why Luce prefers Eastern philosophy to Western philosophy.

According to Luce, Eastern philosophies regard sex as both a physical and a spiritual experience.

Give an example of something which Ackley considered very funny (chapter 3)

Ackley thought it was funny when the tennis racket hit Holden on the head

In the movie, what happens to Alec that causes him to regain his memory?

Alec gets hit in the head with a cricket ball.

How does Holden feel when he arrives back at the hotel?

Although Holden is not sleepy, he is depressed. He says that he almost wishes he were dead.

Why did Bob Robinson have an inferiority complex?

Bob had an inferiority complex because his parents were uneducated and not wealthy.

Describe the entertainment at the Wicker Bar. (Ch 19)

Entertainment is provided by two French girls, Tina and Janine. Tina plays the piano and Janine sings.

What is it about Gertrude Levine, his partner at the museum, that Holden remembers?

Gertrude always wanted to hold Holden's hand, but her hand was always sweaty.

Was Pencey prep really the fourth school from which Holden was asked to leave? (chapter 2)

He said that it was the fourth school he was asked to leave, but at Elkton hills school, he said that he quit

What does Holden think about other students who attend Pencey? (chapter 1)

He thinks they're crooks

Does Holden look forward to meeting with the prostitute?

He vacillates between looking forward to meeting her and being nervous about the encounter.

Why was Holden trying to feel some kind of goodbye? (chapter 1)

He wants to know that he has made connections and will be missed, he's trying to miss it

Name two outstanding characteristics of Harris Macklin.

He was very intelligent and was a good whistler.

While in the restroom, what advice does Holden give the piano player at the Wicker Bar? (Ch 20)

Holden advises the piano player that he needs a manager.

What is it that really upsets Ackley? (chapter 7)

Holden asks Ackley about joining a monastery. Ackley interprets this as making fun of his religion.

When does Holden begin to feel sorry for Sunny?

Holden begins to feel sorry for Sunny when he hangs up her dress. He feels sad when he thinks of her buying the dress and the store employees not knowing that she is a prostitute.

To what does Holden compare Phoebe's behavior when she finds out that he was expelled from Pencey?

Holden compares Phoebe's behavior to that of the fencing team at Pencey who ostracized him after he left the foils on the subway.

Even though Holden likes Mr. Spencer, why does he consider him a phony?

Holden considers Mr. Spencer a phony because of his obsequious behavior while Mr. Thurber was observing him teach.

How does Holden describe Horwitz's personality? (Ch 12)

Holden describes Horwitz as impatient and the type of man who always sounds angry about something when he speaks.

Why was Holden not able to attend his brother, Allie's, funeral?

Holden did not attend his brother's funeral because he was in the hospital as a result of injuries sustained when he learned of his brother's death.

In Holden's opinion, what was inconsistent about D.B.'s liking the novel A Farewell to Arms?

Holden did not understand how D.B. could hate war and like the novel A Farewell to Arms.

How does Holden feel about such social amenities as saying to someone, "Glad to have met you?"

Holden dislikes using those expressions when he does not mean them. But he believes that "If you want to stay alive, you have to say that stuff. . . ."

Why does Holden not call Jane Gallagher?

Holden does not call Jane Gallagher because he says he is not in the mood (an excuse he has used before).

Why does Holden not want to tell his mother that he was expelled again?

Holden does not want to tell his mother about the expulsion because her health has not been good since Allie died. Holden says that she is very nervous.

Why does Holden feel sorry for Ernie?

Holden feels sorry for Ernie because Ernie may not know anymore whether he is playing well or poorly, since people applaud regardless of how he plays the piano.

What is the reality of Pencey prep in contrast to the advertisements, as seen by Holden? (chapter 1)

Holden feels that Pencey has high academic standards, but he is skeptical about its claim to mold boys into splendid, clear thinking young men

How does Holden feel about "necking" with girls whom he does not really care about?

Holden feels that he should not "neck" or have sex with a girl unless he really cares about her. He, however, does admit to having trouble living up to his principles.

What is it about Ackley that Holden finds annoying? (chapter 3)

Holden is annoyed by Ackleys poor personal hygiene, his lack of respect for the privacy of others, and his overall thoughtlessness

What does Bernice say that betrays how shallow she is?

Holden is appalled by the fact that Bernice thinks seeing Peter Lorre in person the night before is significant.

What is it that Holden worries about after he decides to go home and see Phoebe?

Holden is concerned that he will waken his parents and they will catch him sneaking into the house.

Why does Holden decide not to call Phoebe? CH 10 Start

Holden is concerned that one of his parents will answer the telephone. Moreover, even if he hangs up, he thinks that his mother will know it is he because she is "psychic."

What is it that Holden finds disturbing about Jesus' disciples? (Ch 14)

Holden is disturbed that, although Jesus' disciples were all right after He died, they kept letting Him down while He was alive.

How does Holden feel about Phoebe?

Holden is very fond of Phoebe. He says that she is pretty and smart. In a discussion, she understands exactly what you are talking about. She can distinguish a good movie from a bad one. She, however, is sometimes too affectionate and very emotional.

How does Holden overstep the bounds of propriety with Bernice?

Holden kisses Bernice on the head, then uses profanity.

What type of rules does Holden have difficulty observing? (Ch 9)

Holden makes up "these sex rules" for himself. He says that he then breaks them right away. Sex is something, he says, he just does not understand.

Why did Holden miss Dick Slagle after they were given different roommates?

Holden missed Dick Slagle because he had a good sense of humor and they sometimes had much fun together.

How does Holden feel after Faith Cavendish refuses to meet him for a cocktail?

Holden obtained Faith's name and telephone number from Eddie Birdsell, a student at Princeton, whom Holden met at a party.

How does Holden feel as he is about to leave Pencey Prep? (chapter 7)

Holden reflects that his mother bought him this thoughtful gift, and he is disappointing her again by being expelled. He adds that almost every time someone gives him a present, it ends up making him sad.

Why is Holden depressed when he is sitting in the lobby of the Biltmore? (Ch 17)

Holden says it is depressing when he keeps wondering about what will become of all the girls when they finish school.

What does Holden find annoying about Catholics?

Holden says that Catholics are always trying to find out whether you are Catholic or not.

What does Holden find especially irritating about Ernie?

Holden says that Ernie is a snob. He will talk to you only if you are a big shot or a celebrity.

How does Holden say that Jesus chose his disciples?

Holden says that Jesus chose his disciples at random.

What is the one positive thing Holden says about Luce at the end of the chapter?

Holden says that Luce has a good vocabulary; he had the largest of any boy at Whooton.

What is it about Stradlater that makes him so dangerous on a date? (chapter 7)

Holden says that Stradlater has a sincere voice coupled with a handsome body, which make him irresistible to girls

What is one of the annoying things about Luce, according to Holden?

Holden says that at Whooton, Luce would make you describe the most personal things that happened to you. But if you asked him personal questions, he became angry.

What excuse does Holden give for not committing suicide by jumping out the window?

Holden says that he does not "want a bunch of stupid rubbernecks looking at me when I was all gory."

What does Holden say that he may do now that he has been expelled from school?

Holden says that he may get a job on a ranch in Colorado.

What is Holden's explanation for going home on Saturday? (chapter 8)

Holden says that he needs an operation because he has a small brain tumor.

What does Holden say he wants done with his body when he dies?

Holden says that he wants to be dumped in the river—anything rather than being buried in a cemetery.

Where does Holden say that his father will send him when he learns that Holden has been expelled?

Holden says that his father will send him to a military school.

How does Holden describe his mother's hearing ability? (Ch 21)

Holden says that his mother can hear like a bloodhound (sic!).

What does Holden say about Jane Gallagher's home life that piqued Stradlater's curiosity? (chapter 4)

Holden says that janes stepfather used to run around the house naked in front of her

How does Holden characterize the patrons at Ernie's?

Holden says that most of the patrons are college and prep school students who are jerks.

How does Holden describe the bellman at the Edmont Hotel? (ch 9)

Holden says the bellman looks to be about 65. He is even more depressing than the room—having to carry people's suitcases and wait around for a tip.

How would you describe Holden's attitude toward athletes? (chapter 6)

Holden sees athletes as a clique which is dispensed from following the rules

While at the lagoon in Central Park, Holden counts his money. What does he do with the coins?

Holden skips the quarters and the nickel across the pond.

What excuse does Holden give to Mrs. Morrow for not being able to visit Ernest in the summer? (chapter 8)

Holden tells her that he will be going to South America with his grandmother in the summer.

What is Holden's opinion of the Edmont Hotel? (Ch 9)

Holden thinks the Edmont Hotel is "lousy with perverts." He thinks Stradlater would have fit right in.

Did Holden agree with Dr. Thurmers description of life as a game? (chapter 2)

Holden was thinking that life was a game when you are on the side where all the hot shots are. but if you're on the side where there aren't hot shots,

When Holden awakens on Sunday morning, he thinks about the time of his last meal. When was that? (Ch 15)

Holden's last meal was the two hamburgers he had with Brossard and Ackley, the night before.

What was it that made Jane Gallagher cry when she and Holden were playing checkers?

It had to do with her mother's husband. But Holden says that he never did find out what was the matter.

How important was necking in Holden's relationship with Jane Gallagher?

It was not important at all. Actually, they preferred to hold hands.

Why did James Castle commit suicide?

James Castle committed suicide rather than "take back" what he said about another student.

From Lillian Simmons' point of view, what is most impressive about D.B.?

Lillian Simmons is most impressed by the fact that D.B. is a writer in Hollywood.

What advice did Luce give to Holden?

Luce advised Holden that he should consult a psychoanalyst.

What does Mrs. Morrow suspect is the reason for Holden's going home late on a Saturday night? (chapter 8)

That someone in Holden's family was sick.

How did the little boy walking with his family lift Holden's spirits? (Ch 16)

The boy was singing, "If a body catch a body coming through the rye."

In Holden's opinion, how do girls defend a boy they like if someone criticizes him by calling him mean or conceited? (Ch.18)

The girls say he has an inferiority complex.

How does Holden feel while he thinks about Miss Aigletinger taking his class to the museum?

These pleasant memories make Holden feel very good.

What does Holden write about for Stradlater's composition? (chapter 5)

about his brother allies baseball mitt

Why did Holden write Mr. Spencer a note at the end of his examination paper? (chapter 2)

as an apology for his failing grades he cares about Mr. Spencer's perception of him and shows he doesn't want to offend his favorite teacher

What makes Holden so lonely that he wakes up Ackley? (chapter 7)

because Stradlater returns to the room without showing any interest in Holden's well-being

Why does Ackley not like Stradlater? (chapter 3)

because he embarrassed him

According to Holden, Ackley and Stradlater are both slobs. In what way are they different as slobs? (chapter 4)

both are slobs, but stradlater is a secret slob, who looks good on the outside

Why does Holden punch Stradlater? (chapter 6)

he assumes that Stradlater had seduced Jane on their date

What does Holden think about as he lies in Ely's bed? (chapter 7)

he thinks about Jane and Stradlater

What does Ackley usually do when he comes to visit Holden? (chapter 3)

he usually walks around the room and picks up holdens personal things from his desk. what is equally irritating to Holden is that he always puts things back in the wrong places, seemingly on purpose

How did Holden react to Allie's death? (chapter 5)

he was distraught broke his hand punching the windows out of the garage of their summer home

Why did Holden leave Elkton hills high school? (chapter 2)

he was surrounded by "phonies"

Does Holden express dislike or sympathy for Ackley at the end of this chapter? (chapter 5)

holden catalogs all of Ackley's physical problems and concludes that one had to feel sorry for him

According to Holden, how can you identify a moron? (chapter 6)

in that he never wants to discuss anything intelligently

Why is Stradlater nervous after hitting Holden? (chapter 6)

may have seriously injured Holden

Does Holden blame others for his flunking out of school? (chapter 1)


How did Allie die? (chapter 5)

of leukemia while the family was vacationing in Maine

According to Stradlater, what constitutes a good composition? (chapter 4)

one which has all the punctuation in the right places

What is Holden's reaction to all the blood? (chapter 6)

puts on his hunting cap

How does Holden feel as he is about to leave Pencey Prep? (chapter 7)

sad, but covers up his feelings by shouting, "Sleep tight, ya morons!"

What does Holden say in defense of Stradlater? (chapter 3)

that stradlater is generous in sharing his clothing

What does Holden decide when he leaves Ackley's room? (chapter 7)

to leave Pencey Prep right away instead of waiting until Wednesday

What advice did Dr. Thurmer give to Holden? (chapter 2)

treat life as a game

What favor does Stradlater ask of Holden? (chapter 4)

write a composition for him

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