The Crucible Act 3 Review

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Be familiar with the following quotes: Who said them and what do they mean? 1. "There is a prodigious fear of the court in the country." 2. "Do that which is good, and no harm will come to thee." 3. "God is dead." 4. "My wife cannot lie. I have paid much to learn it sir;" 5. "But witch craft is ipso facto and by its very nature invisible is it not?"

1.Hale said this and In this quote, Reverend Hale is addressing the judge Danforth, to try to persuade him to read Mary Warren's deposition, because Hale wants him to realize that the "bewitched" girls are actually faking. 2.Proctor is saying this to Mary. He means that if you tell the truth, (since he's on trial and all that) then God should see that, and no harm can come to him. 3.Proctor says this, When Danforth demands that Proctor confess to witchcraft, John Proctor responds that "God is dead" and they will all burn in hell together. He says this because the people of Salem are the ones committing sins by continuing the hysteria of the witch trials. 4.Proctor is saying this and means his wife cannot help but not lie. Proctor is defending Elizabeth and is trying to keep her from lying. Unfortunately, Elizabeth lies in court just to save John. 5.Danforth is saying this to Hale.The problem with Danforth's position is that in supposing that there are "victims" at all, he has already posited the existence of a crime. But the point of the trial is to decide if a crime has been committed!

At what point does John Hale begin to show that he is less than satisfied with the court's procedures?

After signing seventy-two death warrants, especially Rebecca Nurse's, Hale has started to question what is going on in Salem. He recognizes that the people are fearing the court more than they fear God.

What compromise, or deal, does Danforth offer to Proctor? What is Proctor's response?

Elizabeth told the court that she is pregnant. Danforth is willing to spare Elizabeth for a year for her pregnancy which should satisfy John if his purpose is to save Elizabeth. However, John is unwilling to accept the deal because he does not want to abandon his friends. He wants to help everyone, not just himself.

What does Giles Corey allege in his deposition about Thomas Putnam's motives?

Giles claims that Thomas Putnam is accusing people so that he can buy their land once they are executed.

How does John Hale show his disapproval?

Hale denounces the proceedings and quits the court.

What confession does Proctor make in open court? How does Danforth test the truth of this confession?

John confesses to his affair with Abigail. Danforth questions Elizabeth in court about John's indiscretions while John and Abigail have their backs turned.

As the act opens, who is being interrogated, and on what charge?

Martha Corey is being interrogated and is accused of reading fortune

What happens to John Proctor at the end of the act?

Mary Warren accuses John Proctor of witchcraft and corrupting her. He is arrested

What is Mary Warren now prepared to tell the court?

Mary is prepared to tell the court that the girls' accusations are fake ("pretense").

How does Abigail threaten Danforth?

She reminds Danforth that he is not excluded from the Devil's company and that he could be accused too.

This act contains much irony. Explain how the following are ironic: a.John Proctor's confession - b.Proctor's passionate outburst at the end of the act with the court's interpretation of his remarks - c.Miller's comment in the stage directions that Abigail, "out of her infinite charity, reaches out and draws the sobbing Mary to her..." -

a.Proctor's confession should have been the thing that saved Elizabeth but instead she lies to protect her husband which in turn condemns him. b. Proctor means that God has left Salem; evil has overtaken the town. However, the court interprets his comments as blasphemy and evidence that he is compacting with the Devil. c.Abigail created hysteria in the courtroom to distract from Mary Warren's and John's claims about her reputation, but makes herself look like a good person who comforts Mary even though she is evil.

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