The Crucible Act One

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Who is Reverend Hale?

A minister from Beverly who can detect witchery.

What/Who did Parris see in the woods the night before?

Abigal, Betty and other girls dancing around a fire.



What does Betty Parris reveal about what happened in the woods?

Betty reveals that Abigail drank blood as a charm to kill Elizabeth.

Ipso Facto

By the fact itself


Complaining Party



What did Reverend Parris see in the woods?

Dancing, frog in a pot, Tituba singing, girl running naked

What was the play that Miller wrote within 6 weeks?

Death of a Salesman




Drilling Tool

What has Elizabeth Proctor said about Abigail?

Elizabeth knows that Abigail and her husband had an affair, so she fired her from their service.

What does the doctor say is wrong with Betty?

He cannot find any medical reason for her illness.

What makes Proctor stop going to church?

He doesn't like the way Reverend Parris preaches about hell.

Why is Revered Hale in Salem?

He has been called by Parris to stop the rumors of witchcraft.

What does Giles Corey reveal to Reverend Hale?

He is worried because his wife reads some "strange" books at night. He basically suspects witchcraft.

Why does Reverend Parris send for a doctor in the beginning of the play?

His daughter, Betty, is "sick". As if she were in coma.

What is Parris' main concern?

His reputation as a minister



What does Revered Parris question Abigail about?

If her name in the village is "white" (meaning she is known for having a good reputation





How does John Proctor feel about Reverend Parris?

John Proctor does not like reverend Parris

Who is the senator that accused Arthur Miller of connections with Communists?

Joseph McCarthy

Who replaced Abigail as the Proctors' servant?

Mary Warren

Who did Miller marry?

Marylin Monroe

Two things that motivate Thomas Putnam

Money, Land, Power

Why did Mrs. Putnam contact Tituba?

Mrs. Putnam lost 7 children in childbirth and wants to know who is the one that is killing her babies.

How many living children do the Putnams have?


What rumors have circulated about Betty Parris?

People in town said they saw her flying over a barn.


Promiscuous Woman



What is the function of Rebecca Nurse in the play?

Rebecca believes that the girls are just going through a stage and just being childish.





What does Tituba accuse of being a witch?

Sarah Good and Sarah Osburn

When Abigail is questioned by Reverend Hale, who does she blame?

She blames Tituba and claims that Tituba has caused her to laugh during prayer.

Why does Betty Parris start accusing people

She follows Tituba and Abigail

Why does Abigail say she was dismissed by the Proctors?

She says that she was dismissed because she refused to be treated as a slave.

What threat does Abigail make to the other girls?

She threatens to hurt them physically if they tell


Sworn Statement

What play did Miller write for Monroe?

The Misfits


The which has been disclosed

What is the dispute between John Proctor and Thomas Putnam?

They are fighting about land and boundaries

What happened in the past between John Proctor and Abigail? How do they now feel about it?

They had an affair when she worked at the Proctors. John wants to put a stop to it but Abigail still pursues him.

How did Abigail's parent die?

They were killed in the middle of the night by indians

Who does Abigail accuse of conjuring spirits?


What final statement is given to Tituba?

To confess to witchcraft, bless the Lord, and name others who are witch with her (or she will be hanged)

What university did Arthur Miller attend?

University of Michigan

Why does Abigail start accusing people?

When Tituba saves herself by "confessing" Abigail decides to do the same



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