The Crucible - Reverend Samuel Parris Act 2 Scene 3

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DANFORTH: Vanished!

I had thought to advise you of it earlier in the week, but...

DANFORTH: (Strongly protesting.) There is no rebellion in Andover.

I tell you what is said here, sir. Andover have thrown out the court, they say, and will have no part of witchcraft. There be a faction here feeding on that news, and I tell you true, sir, I fear there will be riot here.

DANFORTH: Mister Proctor, you have been notified, have you not? I see light in the sky, Mister; let you counsel with your wife and may God help you turn your back on hell.

If you desire a cup of cider, Mister Proctor, I am sure I... God lead you now.

DANFORTH: Cheever, give me the list.

It cannot be forgot, sir, that when I summoned the congregation for John Proctor's excommunication, there were hardly thirty people come to hear it. That speaks a discontent I think, and...

HALE: Excellency, it is enough he confess himself. Let him sign it, let him sign it...

It is a great service, sir - it is a weighty name, it will strike the village that he confess. I beg you, let him sign it. The sun is up, Excellency.

DANFORTH: What think you, Mister Parris?- You have closer knowledge of this man; might her presence soften him?

It is possible, sir - he have not laid eyes on here these three months. I should summon her.

HATHORNE: Riot!- Why, at every execution I have seen naught but high satisfaction in the town.

Judge Hathorne - it were another sort that hanged till now. Rebecca Nurse is no Bridget that lived three year with Bishop before she married him. John Proctor is not Isaac Ward that drank his family to ruin. Let Rebecca stand up the gibbet and send up some righteous prayer, and I fear she'll awaken a vengeance on you.

DANFORTH: Why - this is indeed a providence. And they soften, the soften?

Not yet, not yet. But I thought to summon you, sir, that we might think on whether it be not wise to... there is news, sir, that the court, the court must reckon with. My niece... I believe she has vanished.

DANFORTH: There will be no postponement.

Now Mister Hale's returned, there is hope, I think - for if he bring even one of these to God, that confession surely damns the others in the public eye, and none may doubt more that they are all linked to Hell. This way, unconfessed and claiming innocence, doubts are multiplied, many honest people will weep for them, and our good purpose is lost in their tears.

DANFORTH: Now, sir - which of these in your opinion may be brought to God? I will myself strive with him till dawn.

There is not sufficient time till dawn.

HATHORNE: (Astonished.) She have robbed you?!

Thirty-one pound is gone. I am penniless.

DANFORTH: Why? - how long is she gone?

This be the third night - Mercy Lewis is gone, too.

DANFORTH: What did you say?

Tonight, when I open my door to leave my house - a dagger clattered to the ground. You cannot hang this sort. There is danger for me. Ii dare not step outside at night.

DANFORTH: Why, for the good instruction of the village, Mister; this we shall post upon the church door! (To Parris, urgently.) Where is the Marshal?

Willard! Hurry [for Rebecca]!

ELIZABETH: Let me speak with him, Excellency.

You'll strive with him?

DANFORTH: (Alarmed.) I will send a party for them. Where may they be?

Excellency, I think they be aboard a ship. My daughter tells me now she heard them speakin' of ships last week, and tonight I discover my... my strongbox is broke into.

HATHORNE: Excellency, she is condemned a twitch. The court have... DANFORTH: (In deep concern, he raises a hand to Hathorne.) Pray you. (To Parris.) How do you propose, then?

Excellency, I would postpone these hangin's for a time.

DANFORTH: Reverend Hale have no right to enter this...

Excellency, a moment.

HATHORNE: Do you leave him alone with the prisoners? DANFORTH: What's his business here?

Excellency, hear me. It is a providence. Reverend Hale has returned to bring Rebecca Nurse to God.

DANFORTH: (Rising.) Mr. Parris, you are a brainless man!

Excellency, it profit nothing you should blame me. I cannot think they would run off except they fear to keep in Salem any more - since the news of Andover has broken here...

DANFORTH: There will be no postponement. (2)


DANFORTH: I shall do my utmost. Which of them do you have hope for?

Excellency... a dagger...

REBECCA: I have not had my breakfast. (Willard on her R., Proctor on other, they go out.)

Go to him, Goody Proctor! There is yet time! Procto! Proctor!

DANFORTH: He bids her confess?

Hear me. Rebecca have not given me a word this three month since she came. Now she sits with him, and her sister and Martha Corey and two or three others, and he pleads with them confess their crimes and save their lives.

HALE: Why, it is all simple. I come to do the Devil's work. I come to counsel Christians they should belie themselves. There is blood on my head! Can you not see the blood on my head!!


DANFORTH: Andover is remedied. The court returns there on Friday, and will resume examinations.

I am sure of it, sure. But the rumor here speaks rebellino in Andover, and it...

DANFORTH: You misunderstand, sir; I cannot pardon these when twelve are already hanged for the same crime. It is not just.

Rebecca will not confess?

CHEEVER: There be so many cows wanderin' the highroads, now their masters are in the jails, and much disagreement who they will belong to now. I know Mister Parris be arguin' with farmers all yesterday - there is great contention here, sir, about the cows. Contention make him weep, sir, it were always a man that weep for contention. (Parris enters.)

Oh, good morning, sir, thank you for comin', I beg your pardon wakin' you so early. Good morning, Judge Hathorne.

DANFORTH: Now, then, Mister, will you speak slowly, and directly to the point for Mister Cheever's sake? Mister Proctor, have you seen the Devil in your life? Come, man, there is light in the sky; the town waits at the scaffold; I would give out this news. Did you see the Devil? PROCTOR: I did.

Praise God!

DANFORTH: DO you sport with me? You will sign your name or it is no confession, Mister! Your second name, man.

Praise be to the Lord!

DANFORTH: (Pointing at confession in Proctor's hand.) Is that document a lie? If it is a lie I will not accept it! What say you? I will not deal in lies, Mister! (During this speech Proctor looks at Danforth, then Rebecca, then Elizabeth.) You will give me your honest confession in my hand, or I cannot keep you from the rope. What way do you go, Mister? (Proctor deliberately tears paper once.) Marshal. (Willard comes from entrance to inside room.)

Proctor, Proctor!

PROCTOR: No-no. I have signed it. You have seen me. It is done! You have no need for this.

Proctor, the village must have proof that...

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