The Declaration of Independence

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What are some ways people can alter our government?

People can alter our government by: •amending the constitution •impeaching the president •expeling members of congress •petitoning, protesting, or boycotting the government (putting social or ecoomic pressure on the government) •voting people in and out of the government

What does prudence mean?

Prudence means wisdom.

What does rectitude mean?

Rectitude means to corect or make right.

What is the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence is a document that declared that the United States were independent from Britian and that a new country would be formed out of its former colonies.

What was the second Continental Congress?

The Second Continental Congress was a group of delegates from the thirteen colonies that met in Philadelphia beginning in May of 1775. Members were chosen by their respective colonies.

What does the second to last paragraph in the British Wrongs Section claim?

The second to last paragraph in the British Wrongs Section claims that the people have tried peaceful methods, they sent multiple petitions, but the the king is a tyrant and he's a really, really bad leader, so he is unfit to rule a free people.

Who wrote Common Sense?

Thomas Paine an Englsih-born author/journalist and American Patriot wrote Common Sense.

What are two British Wrongs?

1. "For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world" 2. "For quartering large bodies of troops among us."

What does abolish mean?

Abolish means to get rid of.

What must happen after the Declaration of Independence is written for the colonies to secure their independence?

After the Declaration of Independence is written the colonies still have to win the war against Britian in order to to secure their independence.

What does alter mean?

Alter means to change.

What did Common Sense argue?

Common Sense argued that we should break way from Britian and create a representative democracy.

What was the impact of Common Sense?

Common Sense convinced the average person that we should be independent, it made the idea of independence popular.

What are the forms of government that have been abolished in the U.S.?

In the U.S. we violently abolished the British monarchy through the American Revolutionary War. We also peaceully abolsihed the Articles of Confederation.

What did the founders write in the last sentence of the Declaration of Independence?

In the last sentence of the Declaration of Independence the founders wrote "we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. " (We are willing to risk our lives, because we mght be hanged for treason or killed in the war, our money, and our reputations for the hope of establishing a free independent nation.)

Are people likely to abolish their government? Why or why not?

No, people aren't likely to abolish their government, instead it's more likely that they will complain but still endure their old government, because people like the things that they are accustomed to. So if people are willing to establish a whole new government, it must mean that they're old government is really bad.

What is Part I of the Declaration of Independence about?

Part I of the Declaration of Independence is about Natural Rights. It explains why the declaration was written, and it makes a philosophical argument; it discusses the principles of human rights and the responsibilities of government.

When was the Lee Resolution proposed?

The Lee resolution was proposed on June 7th 1776.

What are the colonists trying to say when it says "We, therefore, the representativs of the United States of America, in general Congress assembled, apealling to the Supreme judge of the world for rectitude of our intentions, do in the name and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare that these united colonies are and of right ought to be free and independent states. "

The colonists are trying to say god/Supreme Judge of the world, I hope we're doing the right thing but we, the delegates of the second continental congress, are going to Declare our Independence.

What does the last paragraph of the Natural Rights Section say?

The last paragraph of the Natural Rights Section is where Thomas Jefferson finally pivots from the general principles of human rights to the situation that the current American colonies are in. In addition in this line he's setting up the next section (British wrongs), he's saying "Britian has repeatedly abused us, but you don't need to take my word for it, I'lll prove it to you."

How many people attented the Second Continental Congress from each colony, did this affect who had the most say in decision making?

The number of delegates per colony varied, but it didn't affect who had the most say in decision making because each colony only had one vote.

What happens after the Declaration of Independence is written?

After the Declaration of Independence is written the final version is approved by the Second Continental Congress, and it goes into effect on July 4th 1776. Copies of the Declaration are printed by the Second Continental Congress and they are given to each of the states.

After the Delclaration of Independence is written what happens to the colonies? What must they do as a reult of this?

After the Declartion of Independence is written the colonies are no longer colonies, they are now states. As a result of this each state must write a state constitution and form a state government.

What document was written as a result of the Declaration of Independence?

As a result of the Declaration of Independence a committee writes the Articles of Confederation, which establishes the first national government for the former colonies.

After the colonists declare themselves independent what do they have the right to do?

As free and independent states, they have full power to: •Levy war (fight in wars against other countries) •Conclude peace (make peace with other countries) •Contract Alliances (form foreign alliances with other countries, usually done in the form of a treaty) •Establish commerce (trade with other countries)

Before the Declaration of Independence how does the Second Continental Congress prepare for war with the British?

Before the Declaration of Independence the Second Continental Congress prepares for war with the British by creating the Continental Army, America's first professional army.

Before the Declaration of Independence how does the Second Continental Congress try to make peace with the British?

Before the Declaration of Independence the Second Continental Congress tries to make peace with the British by sending the Olive Branch Petition, written by John Dickinson, to England, where they plege loyalty to the King, ask for a repeal of the Intolerable Acts, and ask to be treated fairly as British subjects.

What was Common Sense?

Common Sense was a pamphlet published in January of 1776, it was a best seller (500,000 copies were sold in the first six months) and it was widely read through the colonies.

Why was Common Sense popular?

Common Sense was popular because it was written plainly (for the average person) and convincingly.

Why was George Washington chosen as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army?

George Washington was chosen as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army because: 1. He is virginian, which helps bring the south into the war 2. He has military experience from the French and Indian War (he was the commander of the Virginia militia) 3. He had a reputation for being a man of great character, so he would probably be well-respected by the soldiers

Who was commander in chief of the Continental Army? How did they get the position?

George Washington was commander in chief of the Continental Army. He was nominated by John Adams.

Where does government get it's power from?

Government gets it's power "from the consent of the governed" (the people give their permission to be governed, in the United States we do this by voting for our government officials).

What is the beginning of the opening line of the Declaration of Independence?

It is "When in the course of human events..."

When should you overthrow your government?

It is your right and your duty to overthrow your government when they opress and abuse and you over and over again. (You are obligated to overthrow your government if you have to suffer through "a long train of abuses and usurptations," designed to "reduce [you] under absolute despotism." )

What is the part of the Lee Resolution that was used in the Declaration of Independence?

It was "these United Colonies are and of right ought to be, free and independent States."

Who was the President of the Second Continental Congress?

John Hancock was the president of the Second Continental Congress.

How does King George III react to the Olive Branch Petition?

King George III reacts to the Olive Branch Petition by: 1. Declaring the colonies in a state of rebellion 2. Hiring Hessians (German mercenaries) 3. Sending a large military force to America

What is Part II of the Declaration of Independence about?

Part II of the Declaration of Independence is about British Wrongs. It demonstrates how Britian has violated the principles mentioned in Part I, by listing grievances against King George III

Part III of the Declaration of Independence about?

Part III of the Declaration of Independence is about Declaring Independence. It declares America independent from Britian. In addition it says that the new nation is "open for business:" meaning they can make war, sign treaties, enter alliances with foreign nations, and establish commerce/trade.

When shouldn't people change their government?

People shouldn't change their government for things that don't carry a lot of weight/aren't very important, or for things that are temporary (light and transient causes).

Who proposed the Lee Resolution?

Richard Henry Lee a delgate from Virginia to the Second Continental Congress proposed the Lee Resoultion.

What were the three things that the Lee Resolution Proposed?

The Lee Resolution proposed that the colonies: 1. Declare independence from Britian 2. Form foreign alliances 3. Write/create a confederate form of national government.

What method did the delegates at the Second Continental Congress decide that they should use to declare Independence from Britian?

The deleagtes at the Second Continental Congress decided that they should write a formal declaration to declare Independence from Britan, so they formed a committe to write it.

What are the "self evident" truths?

The first self evident truth is that "all men are created equal." The second self eveident truth is that all people "are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

What does the opening line of the Declaration of Independence mean?

The first sentence of the Declaration of Independence means that when a nation believes that they should break away from another nation and then become a great nation themselves it's necessary for them to explain why they are breaking away.

Who were the members of the commitee that wrote the Declaration of Independence and what did they do?

The members of the commitee that wrote that Declaration of Independence were Thomason Jefferson, a delegate from Virginia who was the primary author of the document, John Adams, a delegate from Massachusetts who helped edit the document, and who suggested that Thomas Jefferson should write the document, Ben Franklin, a delegate from Pennsylvania who helped edit the document, and Roger Sherman, a delegate from Connecticut, and Robert Livingston, a delagte from New York, who also were part of the committee but didn't really contribute very much to the document because they felt that the other delegates were doing a great job and didn't need any help.

What did the other delgates at the Second Continental Congress think of the Lee Resolution?

The other delgates at the Second Continental Congress were in favor of the Lee Resolution. We know this because it was seconded by Massachusetts delegate John Adams, and then it was put to the Second Continental Congress for a vote. They voted to approve it. By doing so, they were deciding to declare Independence.

What is the purpose of government?

The purpose of government is to secure our inalienable rights (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness).

Why did Thomas Paine claim that we should break away from Britian and create a representative democracy?

Thomas Paine claimed that we we should break away from Britian and create a representative democracy because: 1. Monarchy is a terrible form of government 2.Mercentalism is great for Britian but awful for America 3. It is illogical for a small far away country to rule over a big one 4. America is always being dragged into British wars, and it is ruining American trade 5. America is not a British nation; people in America came from all over Europe 6. As "mothers" go Britian isn't a very nice one...

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