The Killer Angels Questions

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How did the battle begin?

General Heth thought it was only militia was in town. Buford waited to repel Heth's army's advance to town. The Union dismounted cavalry held while Reynold's troops moved up.

Who were the "Black Hats"?

Simon Cutler's Iron Brigade, said to be the best troops in the Union army.

How do you interpret Longstreet's reaction to the discussions around the campfire revolving the purpose of the war and the concept of honor?

(Page 133) Honor without intelligence is a disaster. Honor could lose the war. The point of the war is not to show bravery and how to die. He thinks Jackson ruined Garnett's honor in court-martial. Thinks he still has honor and AP Hill does not need to duel for honor. Longstreet thinks other have their purpose wrong.

General James Longstreet

-Confederate -42 -Lee's second in command -most important general since death of Stonewall Jackson -full-bearded, slow talking, and crude - is aware of the new nature of warfare and technology -all three of his children were killed by a fever during the winter before Gettysburg -has depression

General Robert E. Lee

-Confederate -57 -most famous man in the South -believed absolutely in God - has led his army through many victories -has heart problems when Gettsyburg starts -died of heart disease in 1870


-Confederate -Aide to Longstreet

General J. E. B. Stuart

-Confederate -Calvary leader -assigned by Lee to track the movements of the Union -Stuart is off joyriding for the first two days of the battle -Because of Stuart's absence, during the first two days the Confederates never know where the Union troops are or what the surrounding area looks like

General Jubal Early

-Confederate -has been given a part of Jackson's old command -tries to take greater control even though he shares his army with Ewell -Longstreet and Armistead despise him

General Lew Armistead

-Confederate -he is a widower, and his wife's death constantly causes him sorrow -general serving in Pickett's division -his friend Hancock is on the other side of the war -is at Battle of Gettysburg

General Ambrose Powell Hill

-Confederate -his troops do much of the fighting on the 1st day -fought Buford's cavalry then Reynold's infantry

General Isaac Trimble

-Confederate -old -participates in Pickett's Charge

General Richard Ewell

-Confederate -recently chosen to replace part of "Stonewall" Jackson's command -suffered an injury that cost him his leg - Lee is troubled by the way that Ewell submits to Early's desire for control

General John Hood

-Confederate -under Longstreet's command -Longstreet's most competent soldier -prefers defensive strategies

General George Pickett

-Confederate -uses perfume -has bouncy, curly hair -is a "Dandy" (gives exaggerated attention to personal appearance) -was last in his class at West Point -rose to the rank of major general and has an entire division -is in love with a girl half his age -swore to her that he would never drink -he longs for a chance to prove himself and his men because has not been in battle

Arthur Fremantle

-Spy for the Union -Englishman -he reminds Longstreet of Ichabod Crane -is trusted by Confederacy because South thinks that England will eventually help them (but will never happen because South supports slavery) -admires Lee and Longstreet -is very enthusiastic about the battles, but he rarely has any idea of what is really going on

Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

-Union - left his home in Maine and a comfortable professorship at Bowdoin College to come to war -is the colonel of the Twentieth Maine Infantry regiment -spoke 7 languages and was an excellent student at school -has lovely singing voice but always wanted to be a soldier -lied to Bowdoin and told them he was going on sabbatical to France because they would not let him go to war -

Private Buster Kilrain

-Union -Irishman -former sergeant who was demoted to private for drunkenly assaulting a fellow officer -becomes a friend and mentor to his colonel, Joshua Chamberlain

Thomas Chamberlain

-Union -brother of General Joshua Chamberlain - is in the Twentieth Maine -becomes a liability when Joshua Chamberlain realizes that he might order his brother to his death

General John Buford

-Union -cavalry commander -comes from the great plains of the Midwest -dislikes the tame and political East -has an eye for finding the best ground on a battlefield -was given two brigades and ordered to follow the movements of the Confederate army

General Winfield Scott Hancock

-Union -directs much of action at Gettsyburg -old friend of Armistead (Confederate)

General John Reynolds

-Union -has a gift for positioning troops -refused to become the commander of the Union army and instead Meade was appointed

General George Meade

-Union -recently appointed and arrived late to Gettysburg -rarely mentioned in book

Who was John Reynolds? How did Lee react to his death?

A well-respected Union Major General. Offered the command of the whole Federal Army, but turned it down. He is killed the first day; Lee grieves and prays silently to himself.

What is the relationship between Armistead and Hancock?

Armistead and Hancock are old friends that grew a very strong relationship with each other in many years before the war.

What was "Dan Butterfield"?

Chamberlain's 20th Maine battle bugle call. Dan Butterfield used to be the brigade commander.

What role did Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain play on Little Round Top?

Chamberlain's troops were the extreme left flank of the whole Union army. They could not retreat or the whole Union army side would fall.

In what respect did Ewell's troops fail to execute the plans of Lee?

Ewell did not continue his troops on to take the high ground on either Culp's or Cemetery Hill.

What are Arthur Fremantle's views of the war and Southerners?

Fremantle felt at home with the Southerners, the winners, a fellowship of proper Englishmen. They had the same names, behavior, church, and all. He thinks the South is like Europe and the northern aristocracy is wealth. The Southerners are really just transplanted Englishmen.

What is odd about Garnett?

Garnett had been court-martialed by Stonewall Jackson and many think that he has lost his honor. Garnett fights now to prove that he is a man full of honor. Before the day's battle he is wounded in the leg and can barely walk. He rides on horseback into the charge on Cemetery Ridge. Nobody else was ordered to ride horseback and so he is the only one standing out.

Why is Longstreet delayed in launching his attack?

He has to wait for Hood and McLaw to move up. Union forces moved position so Longstreet had to re-plan the attack on the hills

What role did John Buford's troops play during Day One?

Held off initial attacks, sent messages to other Union forces; began planning around the battlefield and took the good high ground.

What happens to Hood during the fighting?

Hood lost half his division, was majorly wounded and could lose his arm. Barely survives.

Who does the author hold accountable for the failure of Pickett's charge?

It seems as though much blame was placed on Lee by looking through Longstreet's eyes.

How does Shaara depict Kilrain and his motives for fighting?

Kilrain fights to prove he is a better man than many and for justice... (pg 178)

What is Lee's plan for Day Three? How does Longstreet react?

Lee decides that the Union army would have strengthened their flanks after the previous attacks, so he decides for a full charge straight into the center of the Union army. Longstreet is sure that the attack will fail. He reasons that the distance is too long to march while under cannon and musket fire. Longstreet thinks it will be a complete disaster and begins to talk against Lee. He even asks not to command the attack. Right before the battle, he is seen with tears in his eyes.

What was Lee's plan for July 2? What did Hood and Longstreet advise?

Lee wanted a front assault on the left flank of the Union Army along Little Round Top and Devil's Den. Hood and Longstreet wanted to move further to the right to get around the Union flank. (Could have been better for the Confederate troops to move right around the flank and would have completely changed the battle)

How does Longstreet view the situation at the end of the day?

Longstreet views the first day as a victory, but a great position to defend. He suggests redeployment farther south between the Union army and Washington.

What does the novel get its title?

Man being a killer angel. Chamberlain's studies on a Shakespeare speech where killer angels are mentioned.

What does "Lee's Lost Eyes" mean?

Not knowing where Stuart's cavalry is. Stuart's cavalry was the eyes of the C.S.A and had not reports coming in to Lee.

How is George Picket depicted throughout the novel?

Pickett is depicted as a party kind of man with lots of good stories. Somewhat of a crazy man.

When Tom Chamberlain confronts some Confederate prisoners, what do they tell him they are fighting for?

The prisoners say they are fighting for their "rats." In a thick Southern accent, they meant "rights."

What happened to the troops of Sickles?

They moved off the hills against orders and were overrun by the Confederate forces.

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