The Pardoner's Tale Review

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What do the rioters find underneath the tree?

8 bushel baskets full of coins

Why could the rioters not bring the treasure back by day? What does this suggest about the towns' view of them?

Because it would seem as if they had stolen it, and they would most definitely be hanged. This shows that the town knows just what kind of men these are, and are deeply distrustful of them.

Why do the rioters conspire against each other? What quality does this show?

Because they believe they will get more money if they have to divide it less, this shows greed.

How do they decide who goes into town and who stays?

By drawing lots (similar to drawing cuts or straws)

Who killed their friend? How many has he killed lately?

Death; a thousand (the plague is going on)

What were the men searching out in the first place? Did they find it?

Death; yes, they found Death because they died

What examples of luxury does the pardoner give when he says he will not stop taking money from people?

Drinking wine, and keeping a wench in every town.

What did the three rioters see as they were drinking in the tavern?

Funeral procession

Describe the old man's plight.

He is very old, poor, and sickly, and he has travelled all over the world but has not found any youth that would trade places with him. That has convinced him that he should die soon. He really wants to go to heaven, but is upset because the Earth-mother will not let his body perish, although he is so old.

What does the Pardoner tell us in his prologue that is unexpected?

He tells us the theme before he even begins the story

How does the pardoner exact revenge on his enemies?

He will create a sermon highlighting the injuries they have committed, and will drop subtle hints that will let the congregation know who the perpetrator is, all the while making him seem like he is saying something holy.

Where were the rioters sitting in the beginning of the story, at what time?

Inside a bar, long before 9am.

Radix malorum est cupiditas

Latin for "Greed is the root of all evil."

Who is being buried?

One of their old friends

What type of irony is used in this story, and why?

Situational irony, because while the Pardoner condemns gluttony and avarice, he is guilty of them as well.

Why does the Pardoner remind the pilgrims that they may die at any time?

So that they would give them money for pardon and indulgences

What was the lie the young rioter told the apothecary to get his poison?

That he had rats and a polecat in his yard, and that the polecat kills his chickens.

What does the rioter infer from the old man's lines "Not even Death, alas, will take my life"?

That the old man is a spy, working for Death.

What does the pardoner mean when he says "they can go blackberrying for all I care!"

That when he gets the congregation to seek penance, he is not actually doing it to help them get to heaven. He does not care about their salvation, and just wants their money. In fact, their souls can go pick blackberries, for all its worth.

What is the pardoner's intent when he tells this story?

The pardoner wants to get his business even better. He tells this story to make the people fear dying sinfully and falling into the trap of gluttony. This will fill his pockets even more.

Why does the old man have a problem withe rioters?

The rioter was very rude to him, and it says in the Bible to respect your elders. He also states that the rioter should do to eldery people what he would want done to him as an elderly person.

What happens to the young man when he returns to the tree?

They kill him as planned and then drink the wine and die

What do the lines "And thus I preach against the very vice I make my living out of---avarice" mean?

They mean that he preaches against greed, even though greed is the reason he gets money and is the reason he is preaching in the first place.

What was the plan of the two rioters who stayed behind?

To pretend to mock wrestle with the other one, as a jest and then actually hold him in place and stab him in the back.

What did the three friends decide to do?

To search for death and kill him

Where does the old man say to go to find Death?

Turn up this crooked way towards that grove, and he will be under a tree.

What is an exemplum?

a story that teaches a moral lesson

What do they hear going by when they are drinking in the tavern? What do they want to know?

the hand-bell clink; whose corpse is in the coffin passing by

What killed the 3 rioters?

their greed


unsophisticated people living in a rural area

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