The People/Dates/Events for AP World

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30 years war in Europe

1756 to 1763

7 years war/French and Indian War


9/11 attacks / War in Afghanistan

Theodoore Roosevelt

A champion of U.S. imperialism, as president he exerted the right to intercede in Latin American affairs to protect U.S. interests including by supporting a Panamanian revolt against Colombia to guarantee U.S. control of the future Panama Canal.

Kawame Nkrumah

After nonviolently leading Ghana to be the first African colony to win independence and becoming its first prime minister, he became a symbol of black pride and a champion of pan-African unity during the Cold War

Sixteenth century

Akbar Ignatius Loyola Afonso I Martin Luther

Otto Van Bismark

Appointed prime minister of Prussia, his rhetoric of "blood and iron" led to a rise in German nationalism and the establishment of the Second Reich, an important step in the unification of Germany.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

As head of the Muslim League, he played a major role in the struggle for Indian independence from the British, though his fear of the Hindu domination over the Muslim minority led him to break with Gandhi and fight for the creation of a separate Pakistan as a Muslim nation.

Gamal Abdet Nasser

As leader of Egypt, he took an internationalist position in which he refused to take sides in the Cold War which he perceived as the source of new forms of imperialism and generated a strong pan- Arab nationalism through his anti-Israel stance and his strong actions that led to the seizure of the Suez Canal.

Sergei Witte

As the Russian minister of finance, he was the primary force behind Russia's industrialization typified by a huge railway construction program that stimulated other areas of the economy.


Berlin Conference


British Abolition of the slave trade

James Cook

British explorers, he extensively explored the Pacific leading to the first contacts between Europeans and the indigenous peoples of Australia, New Zealand, and many Pacific islands including Hawaii and Polynesia.

Osman Bey

Chief of a nomadic band of Turks attempting to create an army of ghazi, or religious warriors. He founded the dynasty that would later establish the Ottoman Empire.


Chinese Communist Revolution


Chinese Cultural Revolution/ 6 Day War


Chinese Revolution


Commodore Perry opens Japan

Nineteenth century

Congress of Vienna (after Battle of Waterloo: the Napoleonic Empire ends) European revolutions Emancipation Proclamation issued in US New Zealand is the first to award women suffrage; other nations in the Commonwealth soon follow Boer War - Dutch under British rule in South Africa


Cortez conquered the Aztecs

Thirteenth century

Crusades into Holy land by Europe Genghis Khan begins his conquest of Asia Marco Polo travels in China


Cuban Revolution and Invention of the silicon chip (beginning of computer age).

Bennito Mussolini

Disenchanted with socialism, he embraced a new political ideology of extreme militarism and nationalism in Italy that would evolve into the first movement of the political ideology known as fascism, seizing power as he gained popularity and later allying with Hitler


End of Ming Dynasty - rise of the Qing


Fall of USSR/1 st Gulf war

Emiliano Zapata

Fighting for "land and liberty," this mestizo peasant became one of the leaders of the Mexican Revolution which ultimately failed though it pushed for the drafting of a new Constitution that implemented land redistribution, universal suffrage, and an extension of freedoms.

Jawaharlal Nehru

Following independence from the British, he guided India to democracy as its first prime minister and at the Bandung Conference in Indonesia, strongly promoted the strategy of nonalignment which encouraged post-colonial nations to chart their own course free of the Cold War influences of the U.S. and U.S.S.R.


French Revolution - The French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen • Olympe de Gouges's "Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen"(1791) • Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792)

Thirteenth century

Genghis Khan Marco Polo


Genocide in Rwanda/1 st all race elections in S. Africa


German unification


Ghana is first African nation to gain independence


Glorious Revolution/English Bill of Rights

Twenty-first century

Great Global Recession begins Wikileaks - Tunisian, Egyptian, Libyan, Yemenese, Syrian, Bahraini etc. democracy movement


Haitian independence

Vasco de Gama

He captained the first European sea voyage to reach India where he reportedly said he had come for "Christians and spices" and where Portugal soon established a trading post giving them a head start in the Indian Ocean trade.

Joseph Stalin

He emerged as the leader of the Soviet Union out of the power struggle that followed the death of Vladimir Lenin and pushed his nation through a series of Five Year Plans to industrialize and imprisoned or executed many communists within the government who dared to confront his power.

St. Thomas Aquinas, thirteenth century

He is the most famous scholastic theologian trying to reconcile the teaching of Christianity with the scientific and philosophical ideas of Aristotle, which had been recently reintroduced to western Europe through the contacts with the Byzantines & Muslims

Ayatollah Khomeini

He led Iran on a fundamentalist path after the successful Islamic Revolution which expelled Westerners from the country, sent the CIA-imposed shah fleeing into exile, and led to an extended hostage crisis when Muslim students seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran.

Fifteenth century

Henry the Navigator Mehmed II Afonso I Vasco Da Gama Louis the sixteenth

Louis the sixteenth

His actions as king of France led the third estate to secede from the government and establish the National Assembly which led the French Revolution and soon created the Convention, a legislative body that ordered him executed.

Mehmed II

His military conquest of Constantinople strengthened the Ottoman Empire and marked the end of the Byzantine Empire. Constantinople was renamed Istanbul.

Foruteenth century

Ibn Buttuta Mansa Musa Osman Bey Hongwu ZhengHe Tamerlane

Eigteenth century

Industrial Revolution begins - steam locomotive, textiles, etc. Invention of the Spinning Jenny: man-using machines

Simon Bolivar

Inspired by both the ideas of the Enlightenment and the actions of the American Revolution, this Venezuelan creole led a movement of independence from Spain in which he hoped to create a federation in South America similar to the United States in North America.


Iranian Revolution

Twentieth century

Italian invasion of Ethiopia German blitzkrieg in Poland Pearl Harbor Soviets defeat Germans at Stalingrad birth of Israel / The U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights Vietnamese defeat French at Dien Bien Phu (French out of Vietnam) Yom Kippur War 1 st Palestinian Intifada Namibia is the last country to gain independence in Africa

Eighteenth century

James Cook Louis the Fourteenth Olympe De Gorges


Japanese invasion of Manchuria

Seventeenth century

John Lock Louis the Fourteenth Tokugawa Ieyasu

Mustafa Kemal

Known as the "Father of the Turks," he modernized and secularized the new nation the Republic of Turkey after the final dissolution of the Ottoman Empire saving his people from much of the post- war chaos experienced throughout Europe after World War I.

1950 to 1953

Korean War

1810 to 1825

Latin American independence (first Mexican Revolution)


Magna Carta signed by King John


Martin Luther/95 theses - Protestant Reformation begins


Marx & Engels write Communist Manifesto

1910 to 1920

Mexican Revolution


Mongols conquer Russia (Golden Horde)


Mongols sack Baghdad (Il-Khanate)

Nineteenth century

Napoleon Bonaparte Sergie Witte Simon Bolivar Otto Van Bismark Toussaint L'Ouverture Karl Marx Cecil Rhodes Queen Victoria

Cecil Rhodes

One of the most successful imperialists of all times, he dominated the diamond industry and worked for British interests in Africa most notably pushing for a belt of British control across the continent to enable for the construction of a Cape-to-Cairo railroad.


Opium Wars begin in China

Seventeenth century

Ottoman attack Vienna unsuccessfully

Ignatius Loyola

Part of the Catholic Reformation (Counter Reformation) responding to Protestant Reformation. Founded the Society of Jesus (aka Jesuits) which became one of the strongest forces of missionary activities in the following centuries- three main activities: spread Catholic faith, end Protestantism and build schools.

Deng Xiaoping

Perhaps more responsible than any other individual for the changes in China since the death of Mao Zedong, he opened up China to foreign and capitalist influences, though his liberalization policies did not extend to political freedoms as seen in the bloody response to the pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square


Pizarro toppled the Inca

Henry Navigator

Portuguese prince that began a school of navigation that led his kingdom to an early lead in the race of exploration. Sent explorers down the coast of Africa in hopes to find a sea passage to India for trade purposes.

Olympe de Gorge

Pushing the barriers of revolutionary thought, she wrote one of the earliest assertions of the equality of women in the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen for which she went to the guillotine.


Reconquista of Spain

Fourteenth century

Rise of Ottomans Renaissance begins in Italy Mansa Musa's pilgrimage travels of Ibn Battuta Bubonic plague in Europe


Russian Revolution


Russo-Japanese war and Einstein's theory of special relativity published


Sepoy Mutiny in India

Twentieth century

Sergie Witte Theodoore Roosevelt


Spanish-American War - Spain loses colonies (Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines)


The American Declaration of Independence American Revolution/ Adam Smith writes Wealth of Nations

John Locke

This English philosopher during the Enlightenment. Attacked theory of divine right and declaring that political sovereignty lay in the people being governed (choose your own government), an idea that inspired revolutions.

Afonso I

This king of Kongo furthered Portuguese success during the early years of the age of exploration when his conversion to Christianity allowed for closer diplomatic, economic, and religious ties though a rise in the slave trade would eventually lead to the destruction of his kingdom.

Tokugawa Ieyasu

This man established a shogunate that would dominate Japan for hundreds of years

Ho Chi Minh

This popular Vietnamese nationalist led the war for independence against the French to become the communist leader of North Vietnam, and later the chief enemy of the United States in the region as he tried to reunited the country under his leadership.

Queen Victoria

This ruler of the British empire at its height of global imperial control led Great Britain for more than sixty years during the Berlin conference and the peak of British territorial control in both India and Africa.


Tiananmen Square/fall of Berlin Wall

1914 to 1919

WWI/ Treaty of Versailles (1919)

Twentieth century

Woodrow Wilson Emiliano Zapata Mikhail Gorbachev Ho Chi Minh Mao Zhe Dong Gamal Abdet Nasser Ayatollah Khomeini Mustafa Kemal Jawaharlal Nehru Joseph Stalin Muhammad Ali Jinnah Deng XiaoPing Benito Mussolini Kawame Nkrumah


Yuan Dynasty established in China


beginning of Tokugawa Shogunate


de-Stalinization/Nationalization of Suez Canal


end of Russian serfdom/Italian unification


end of WWII - and dropping of atomic bombs on Japan

Fifteenth century

end of Zheng He's voyages Rise of the Inca Gutenberg Bible printed on printing press Aztec Empire at its height Dias rounded Cape of Good Hope


founding of Jamestown


freedom & partition of India


stock market crash/Great Depression

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