The Realist Period

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Realism rejected the ___________________ of the 18th century that sought to replicate ancient Roman and Greek aesthetics


How did ragtime get its name?

From the syncopated rhythm that is characteristic of the style

Darwin's 1859 book On the Origin of Species introduced the concept of____________while rejecting the religious belief in a special divine creation of each species

"Natural Selection"

American Realists

-Mark Twain belonged to this group of writers. His most famous work is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in which a boy runs away from home along with a runaway slave. -The themes explored by these authors included urbanization, industrialization, and the expression of moral and psychic exhaustion caused by the Civil War.

French Realists

-More concerned with documenting the people, places and contemporary social mores of all classes of French society. -Honoré de Balzac belonged to this group of writers. He found literary success with his collection of fiction titled La Comédie humaine.

A period characterized by both optimism and anxiety. This sense of uncertainty showed an attitude of foreboding about the effects of modernization.

Age of Doubt

English Realists

-The most notable author from this group is Charles Dickens -Dealt with subjects and characters that were seemingly inconsequential in an upwardly mobile society.

Realist literary themes included:

-Unidealized, objective portrayals of contemporary life -Reverence for scientific inquiry and observation Liberal use of local and regional "flavor," such as dialect, traditions, and detailed descriptions of particular places -Physical, social and economic mobility driven by the industrial revolution and urbanization -Emerging preoccupation with social issues, such as conflicts involving race, class, gender, and labor -Extensive character development, often detailing the psychological state and inner workings of the character's mind -Naturalism and the Darwinian notion of individuals being shaped by their hereditary and environmental factors

Art Nouveau style

A popular late 19th and early 20th century architectural style marked by the frequent depiction of leaves and flowers arranged in flowing sinuous lines


An artistic movement that expressed world that could not normally be seen, like dreams and fantasy. Okay


An artistic movement that sought to capture a momentary feel, or impression, of the piece they were drawing

Who wrote On the Origin of Species?

Charles Darwin

Realists were invested in this theme for its empirical proof of the origin of life; as such, they rejected Romantic idealism and embraced the view that nothing exists but the physical reality that can be seen through the natural sciences.


Which of the following informed Realism's depiction of nature?


The main themes of the Realist Era.

Darwinism, Industrialization, Individualism, and Age of Doubt

Charles Dickens was a Realist author known for depicting the grimness of the Industrial Revolution in ________, his native country.


Realism was a movement that took place about 50 years after Romanticism ended.


n The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck decides to accept his society's views on slavery and betray his friend, Jim, to the authorities. True or False?

False Huck chooses to defy social norms and refuses to betray Jim.

Marxists believe only a few people should own the means of production, and they should hire other people to work for them. True of False?

False Marx believed social unrest and revolution would inevitably follow from a system in which the means of production are owned by a few and where workers are not directly profiting from their labor. He suggested a system of co-operative ownership would eliminate this class conflict.

Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species explains Social Darwinism. True of False?

False Social Darwinism was based on Darwin's evolutionary theories but distorted to explain human social order within society.

In Realist fiction, character was not held to be as important as plot. True or False?

False This is a false statement. In Realist fiction, character was considered to be at least as important as plot. This focus reflects the Realist spotlight on human behavior.

Realism was a counter-reaction to feudalism. True or False?

False This is a false statement. Realism was a late-19th century counter-reaction to Romanticism.

Realists glorified the importance of nature and ignored the effects industrialism had on the natural world. True or False?

False This statement is false. Realism grappled with the brutal consequences of industrialism on the natural world, the economy, and social classes.

Art Nouveau is a style that applies only to architecture, building design, and furniture at the end of the 19th century. True or False?

False, Art Nouveau applied to paintings, lithographs, jewelry, and many other media, in addition to building design.

The tone of "The Entertainer" reflects the tone of the era, created by the industrial culture and race relations. True or False?

False, It is believed that "The Entertainer" was intended to ease, entertain, and even distract people from the tension created by social and economic events during the era. created by Scott Joplin.

The Realist art movement only occurred in France. True or False?

False, Realism expanded beyond France due to rapid industrialization and urbanization.

Realist plays tended to rely on soliloquies and asides to give the audience insight into what characters are thinking. True or False?

False, Soliloquies were common in drama prior to the Realist Period. Realist plays used real everyday language, conversation, and cadence to reveal true feelings of characters.

Japanese woodblock prints were primarily produced in the late 19th century. True or False?

False. While Western artists in the late 19th century were influenced by the Japanese art form, woodblock prints were popular with Japanese artists in the late 1600s and early 1700s.

Realists were fixated on portraying as much accurate detail as possible on a singular and personal level, believing that focusing on this theme would best showcase the hard reality they wanted to represent.


Which of the following movements lured immigrants and farmworkers to American cities in the second half of the 19th century?


The shift away from agrarian economy to one dominated by machine manufacturing exposed large gaps between wealthy and working classes, causing Realists to be deeply concerned about how this theme affected economy and social class.


What is true of the term "Ukiyo-e"?

It is a Japanese name for an artistic genre of woodblock prints

Why is "The Entertainer" a notable piece of American music?

It is representative of ragtime, which is a uniquely American style. It has been featured in movies as a work that is representative of turn of the century. It was written by Scott Joplin, one of the most famous ragtime composers.

Karl Marx was a German philosopher who lived from 1818 until 1883 and developed the theory of__________________a social, political, and philosophical theory that responded to the socioeconomic conditions that were the result of capitalist political and economic systems.


Which of the following musical styles was composer John Philip Sousa best known for?

Military march

Russian Realists

One of the most famous authors from this group is Leo Tolstoy whose famous works include Anna Karenina and War and Peace.

Which of the following was developed during the 19th century and contributed to Realism's desire for accurate portrayal of reality


The movement that overlapped chronologically and, in some ways, thematically with the Romantic Period.


Which of the following Western artistic genres were heavily influenced by Japanese art forms?

Realism, Art Nouveau, Impressionism

Darwin's theories are less likely to be accepted in __________ circles.

Religious Some religious communities do not accept Darwin's theories of evolution and natural selection

The philosophical view that nothing exists but the physical reality that one can see through the natural sciences

Scientific materialism

________ is the philosophical view that the only reality that exists is the one that can be seen through the natural sciences.

Scientific materialism

Which of the following developments MOST contributed to the rise of Realist literature?

The Industrial Revolution

Which of the following works was inspired by the decorative art of the Art Nouveau age?

The Peacock Skirt

Those who support the utilitarian view of maximizing a society's overall happiness consider environmental resources to be free for the taking. True or False?

This is a false statement. Those who support the utilitarian view of maximizing a society's overall happiness consider the selfish wastefulness of environmental resources to be a profoundly negative thing, not just for the quality of the earth but also for the way humanity functions.

The German political thinker Karl Marx argued that the growing tension between the workers and the owners of factories could only lead to revolution. True or False?

True Karl Marx argued that the growing tension between the workers—the proletariat—and the owners of factories—the bourgeoisie—could only lead to revolution.

Realism became popular around the same time photography was introduced as a new source of visual images. True or False?

True The introduction of photography aided in the Realist mission to capture life accurately and objectively.

Utilitarian thinkers would argue that governments should intervene when private institutions fail to protect the interests of society. True or False?

True Utilitarianism supports the free rights of individuals (or individual institutions) until they prove detrimental to society as a whole.

Urbanization provided Realist authors with an increasing source of subjects to write about. True or False?

True As diverse groups of people came to live near and amongst one another as a result of urbanization, authors gained insight into the lives of varied subjects.

The sōsaku hanga movement shifted away from traditional collaborative printmaking, while the shin hanga movement refocused on it. True or False

True. The sōsaku hanga movement shifted away from traditional collaborative printmaking, while the shin hanga movement refocused on it. Unlike shin hanga, in sōsaku hanga, the artist works alone through every step of the printmaking process.

Which of the following philosophies argues that ethical decisions must be made for the greater good?


Japanese woodblock prints generally depicted which of the following?

everyday urban life

Most Realist art focused on which of the following subjects?

ordinary people and places


photograph created by exposing a positive image on a metal plate

Rapid economic change and industrial growth had which of the following effects during the Realist Period?

polarized people and nations according to wealth, gender, class and power

One chief concern that Realist playwrights shared with Realist authors and artists was ________.

showing likeness to life

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