The Reformation

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When would England become truly Protestant?

After Henry's death

Who reigned after Henry VIII dies? What was she known as (nickname)? Who reigned after her?

Bloody Mary

What were indulgences?

Certificates issued by the church that reduced punishment for a person's sins

What is the idea of predestination?

God determines the fate of every person

Explain how the Anglican Church (Church of England) came into being?

Henry wanted a divorce

Why did Henry VIII view his marriages as cursed?

His wives weren't giving him a boy

What were the four major things Luther wanted to change about the Catholic Church?

Selling church positions, Selling indulgences, Luxurious life of the popes, Corruption and immorality of some clergy

What did states and businesses want as a result of the Counter Reformation?

Separation of church and state

Know the two different Inquisitions and what they were known for

Roman Inquisition - tried people for being protestant, witchcraft, and breaking with Church Law. Spanish Inquisition - tried to convert jews, muslims, and protestants.

Why might working for the church have been attractive for non-nobles?

You are able to advance your station and move up ranks based on merit

Who first translated (parts of) the Bible into English?

William Tyndale

Be able to match the five Lutheran Complaints and the responses of the Council of Trent.

1."By faith alone the just shall live" and go to heaven - Denied the Lutheran idea of justification by faith. They affirmed, in other words, their Doctrine of Merit, which allows human beings to redeem themselves through Good Works, and through the sacraments. 2. Denied purgatory and legitimacy of indulgences - Affirmed the existence of Purgatory and the usefulness of prayer and indulgences in shortening a person's stay in purgatory. 3. No miracle in communion, only 3 sacraments kept - Reaffirmed the belief in transubstantiation and the importance of all seven sacraments 4. Authority in Scripture alone - Reaffirmed the authority of both scripture and the teachings and traditions of the Church 5. Religious art seen as symbolic, not divine - Reaffirmed the necessity and correctness of religious art, while asserting that it was not divine

After the English Reformation started, who was considered to be the supreme head of the church of England (not a specific person)?

A British Monarch

What did Henry VIII need to obtain a divorce from Catherine of Aragon?

A papal annulment

This treaty said that only popes could select church leaders:

Concordat of Worms

For what was Sir Thomas More executed?

Denying the Royal Supremacy

This man was a Dutch scholar, humanist, theologian, and was considered an early reformer as he sought to reform the Catholic Church from within:

Desiderius Erasmus

What did the Jesuits primarily use as a means of combating the Protestant Reformation?


What gave the church enormous influence over almost all aspects of everyday life?

Its efficient organization

What Catholic religious order came out of the Counter Reformation?


Which reformer preached the idea of predestination?

John Calvin

Which monarch wrote to the pope and told him that the monarch's power was independent from that of the pope?

King Henry IV

Papal authority was often greater than that of ___


Who appointed bishops and cardinals in the 800s?


What was the language of instruction in church education


Explain excommunication

Not allowing someone to become a member of the church

What and when did Martin Luther nail to the door of the church at Wittenberg?

Oct 31, 1517 - Posted 95 Theses

How would the church's power of excommunication affect the way people lived their lives?

People were removed from their hope for salvation along with being shunned in society.

Who is the supreme head of the RC church? What is his other title?

Pope - Bishop of Rome

Which pope declared that kings had no right to appoint anyone to the church?

Pope Gregory

What were the five levels in the structure of the Medieval Catholic Church?

Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Monks/Nuns

Know the three main ideas of "Why Reform?"

Popes corrupted by power ,scientific advances contradicted the Church, people wanted to know how to save souls

What were the two primary tactics of the Catholic Church during the Counter Reformation?

Reform the church from within and stop the spread of protestantism

What caused the ideas of the Reformation to spread so quickly?

The printing press

This man argued that classical philosophy could exist in harmony with church teachings:

Thomas Equinas

What is clergy?

Workers in the Church

This is where monarchs had the power to appoint church officials:

lay investiture

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