The Renaissance and Reformation

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Which statement best expresses an idea held by many Renaissance humanist philosophers? (1) People should study worldly subjects as well as sacred matters. (2) Governments should establish overseas empires. (3) Individuals should withdraw from the world and study religion. (4) Scholars should dedicate themselves to the study of life after death.

(1) People should study worldly subjects as well as sacred matters.

Which point of view best represents the philosphy of the Renassiance? (1) The Greek and Roman Civilizations are worthy of study (2) Class Distinictions in society should be abolished (3) Religious doctrines are the only subject of value (4) The glorification of human beings is sinful

(1) The Greek and Roman Civilizations are worthy of study

A key feature of European Renaissance culture was (1) an outlook emphasizing classicalism, secularism, and individualism (2) a reliance on the Pope and his knights to maintain political stability (3) a shift in production from the domestic system to the factory system (4) a way of thinking stressing humility and Christian faith

(1) an outlook emphasizing classicalism, secularism, and individualism

Which idea about leadership would Niccolo Machiavelli most likley support? (1) leaders should do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals (2) Leaders should fight against discrimination and intolernce (3) Leaders should listen to the desires of the people (4) ELected leaders should be fair and good

(1) leaders should do whatever is necessary is achieve their goals

Which innovation had the greatest impact on the Protestant Reformation? (1) movable-type printing press (2) Mercator map projection (3) magnetic compass (4) triangular sail

(1) movable-type printing press

A major goal of the Counter-Reformation was to (1) reinstate the power of the Roman Catholic Church (2) reduce the authority of absolute monarchs (3) encourage new ideas in science and philosophy throughout Europe (4) compromise with European Protestants

(1) reinstate the power of the Roman Catholic Church

What was a major characteristic of the Renaissance in Europe? (1) secular achievements were emphasized (2) surface was granted to men and women (3) most literature was written in Arabic (4) most ancient Greek and Roman ideas were rejected

(1) secular achievements were emphasized

A direct impact that the printing press had on 16th-century Europe was that it encouraged the (1) spread of ideas (2) beginnings of communism (3) establishment of democracy (4) development of industrialization

(1) spread of ideas - It also created the mass production of books which lowered the prices and made it easier to make them. - Think of H&M mass producing the clothing they make. If there is a lot of that shirt, the price will be lower than a Valentino dress that is one of a kind.

One way in which the writers of the Renaissance were influenced by the writers of ancient Greece was that the Renaissance writers (1) stressed the power of human reason (2) promoted the religious doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church (3) showed little interest in secular affairs (4) produced few new scientific ideas

(1) stressed the power of human reason

•Leonardo DaVinci used movement and perspective in his work. •Machiavelli's The Prince advised rulers on how to gain and maintain power. •Humanist scholars examined worldly subjects and classical culture. Which period is associated with these statements? (1) French Revolution (2) Renaissance (3) Early Middle Ages (4) Enlightenment

(2) Renaissance

Which statement concerning the Renaissance in Europe is based on opinion rather than on fact? (1) Literature began to appear in languages other than Latin. (2) The art of the Northern Renaissance was superior to that of the Italian Renaissance. (3) Art reflected the ideas of humanism and individualism. (4) Art produced during the Renaissance had religious as well as secular themes.

(2) The art of the Northern Renaissance was superior to that of the Italian Renaissance. Opinion = Superior is the key word. Thinking someone is superior (being above other people) is not a fact. That is someones opinion, since another may have another idea about that same person. Fact = information that does not change, that is proven by science or historical research **These questions will come up often on the regents!! Do not get confused !**

Base your answers to the following two questions on the quotation below and on your knowledge of social studies. "Kings and Princes coin money only out of metals, but the Pope coins money out of everything, -- indulgences, ceremonies, dispensations, pardons; all fish come to his net." -- Martin Luther, 1519 The ideas presented in this passage led directly to the (1) Commercial Revolution (2) Spanish Inquisition (3) Protestant Reformation (4) French Revolution

(3) Protestant Reformation

In western Europe, a long-term effect of the invention of Gutenberg' s printing press was that the (1) monarchies were restored to absolute power (2) feudal system declined (3) literacy rate increased (4) development of new ideas was discouraged

(3) literacy rate increased Think about it! More people were able to have access to literature and articles. Compare this to the technological boom of the iPhone. If everyone had the iPhone and is learning how to use it, others will adapt and become familiar with it as well. There is now available resources for literacy to take place.

The revival of Greek and Roman culture, the economic growth of Italian city-states in the 1400s, and the development of humanism were aspects of the (1) Age of Revolutions (2) Protestant Reformation (3) spread of Islam (4) European Renaissance

(4) European Renaissance

Which factor contributed to the beginning of the Renaissance in Italian cities? (1) occupation by foreign powers (2) interaction with Latin America (3) surplus of porcelain from Japan (4) access to important trade routes

(4) access to important trade routes key questions: Which important sea was Italy located by? Which continents can you reach by traveling on this sea? Why is this a great place for trade?

The Renaissance in western Europe is best described as a period marked by (1) unquestioned reliance on the teachings of Aristotle (2) an advance of Muslim culture (3) Christian unity throughout the region (4) great intellectual and artistic creativity

(4) great intellectual and artistic creativity Intellectual = the ability to use your mind and think logically ("I think therefor I Am")

List some of the steps that were taken in the Counter Reformation:

- Assess what is wrong with the Catholic Church - Have a meeting to discuss issues (council of trent) - Send people out to spread the word - take out the people who are going against the church (Inquisition)

How did Martin Luther want to practice his faith?

- by reading and interpreting the bible for himself

What did Martin Luther think about the Catholic Church?

-He believed that the Church was corrupt - called out the Church on their corruption with the 95 Theses

How did the importance of the Catholic Church change from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance?

-The Catholic Church was at the center of society during the Middle Ages (Why?) -During the Renaissance the importance of the individual

What did John Calvin believe in?

He believed in predestination and that all people were decided by God whether they would enter heaven or hell at conception. He also created the religion Calvinism.

What did Martin Luther write?

He translated the Christian Bible in to modern vernacular, wrote multiple hymns, wrote the 95 thesis, and had many speeches and pamphlets.

King Henry VIII Protestant Reformation

In his fight with the Pope over his divorce of Catherine he cut himself off from the Catholic church and made the Church illegal in England. He began the Church of England and started to take the church properties from the Catholic church and close churches. He had churches destroyed, arrested clergy, and took church property. Thus, the Protestant Reformation was begun under his rein. Anne Boleyn added to it by pushing Henry to keep up his fight with the church and published articles against the church. They were enable to enrich the Crown with the goods and property of the Catholic church. This event effectively lead to England breaking away from the Roman Catholic Church based in Rome. Henry placed himself as head of the church and in that sense, in his eyes, his divorce was perfectly legal. In 1533, few were brave enough to tell him otherwise!

Name the three branches of Catholicism and who created each of them

Lutheranism Calvanism Anglicanism

What did Martin Luther believe in?

Martin Luther believed in the need for reformation of the Roman Catholic Church. He believed that Christian can get salvation from Christ alone. He also believed that unethical and injustice practices can be suppressed in a peaceful manner. He abhorred and criticized buying of indulgences, a practice that is common in the Catholic Church during his time.

Place the following terms in Chronological Order: The Renassiance, Fall of Rome, Crusades, Neolithic Revolution, Feudalism in Europe, The Black Death, The Protestant Reformation, Paleolithic Age * Use the Index card in front of you to place them in order** Be ready to explain each event and why it led to the other one

Paleolithic Age Neolithic Revoltuion Fall of Rome Feudalism in Europe The Crusades The Black Death Renassiance Protestant Reformation

Martin Luther Created what form of Catholicism?

Protestants --> Lutheranism

John Calvin

Started Calvinism in France during the Protestant Reformation. Calvinism said that everyone is going to hell but only a few chosen ones, graced by God, will go to heaven. The chosen ones are going to heaven no matter what. Also, you can tell who is chosen or not; the chosen ones will be good, upright citizens. This will later lead to the puritans that helped settle America.

Martin Luther

Started the Protestant Reformation in Germany when he declared that only the Bible is the source of all faith/belief so religion is just between man and the Bible; there was no need for the Pope, bishops, priests, etc.

When you hear the names: Leonardo Da Vinci, Michaelangelo, William Shakespeare, and Copernicus what time period should you think of?

The Renassiance

Henry VIII

Wanted the Pope to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon so he can marry Anne Bolyn. The Pope refused so Henry declared himself head of the Church of England which became known as the Anglican church. There weren't much difference between Catholic church and the Anglican church during that time.

What is the purpose of Machiavelli's book ? What does he advise rulers to do?

how to gain power and become sucessfull rulers *a how to on how to rule* Does he want to make everyone he rules happy?

What two terms do we relate to the Renaissance?

humanism, secularism

What was the purpose of the counter-reformation?

to gain back power of the Catholic Church

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