The Resurrection

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, by the power of the Holy Spirit, conforms us to the dying and rising of Christ and initiates us into His Church


, in a most special and unique way, Jesus Christ is alive and the Eucharist is the heart and the summit of the Christian life. The Eucharist contains your Paschal sacrifice, who is Christ Himself. By His sacrifice, He pours out the graces of salvation on the Church.


- Jesus' passage from this world into divine glory in God's Heavenly domain 40 days after His Resurrection; It is from this domain that Jesus will come again

Paschal Lamb

- Jesus, whose death leads to His Resurrection and to salvation for all humanity; His Resurrection means that redemption is accomplished and the promise of salvation fulfilled. Recalls the lamb slaughtered by the Israelites in preparation for the Passover in the Book of Exodus


- a Greek word meaning "proclamation" is the core teaching about Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. It is the basic Christian message that Jesus of Nazareth died and was raised from the dead by God the Father for the forgiveness of sins. The heart of the kerygma is the Resurrection of Jesus


= separation from God so that souls cannot see Him Until Jesus descended there after His death, this was true for the JUST and the DAMNED


An event which extends beyond history and a common understanding of space and time No Gospel account reports anyone witnessing it It has meaning not only for the life of Jesus but for every human person - it offers newness of life to the whole world Jesus' human body was gloriously transfigured, filled with the Holy Spirit into an incorrupt, immortal body Jesus' glorified body has certain qualities that transcend ordinary life; immortality and eternity, possessing supernatural qualities; His Body would not die again - unlike the body of Lazarus raised only to die again The way He can become present - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity - in the Eucharist His Body is now a living sign of God's redemptive love and the communion we will one day share with God after our own resurrection

Blessed Trinity

Beginning at Baptism, when you participate in Christ's Paschal Mystery, you die to sin's power over you and to the influence of satan. You also receive grace in this life and eternal life with the _____________ in Heaven.


By His Death, descent into hell and Resurrection, Jesus has destroyed the power of ______________ (death) and delivers us from the power of darkness and transfers us to the Kingdom of God.


Christ instituted the Seven Sacraments as powerful signs of His living, ongoing presence and love:

Last Judgment

Christ's judgment of the living and the dead at His return at the end of time All human beings will appear in their own bodies before Christ's tribunal to render an account of their deeds Will reveal that God's justice triumphs over all the injustices committed by His creatures Will reveal that God's love is stronger than death Afterwards, the Kingdom of God will come in it fullness The righteous will reign forever with Christ, glorified body and soul The universe itself will be renewed

Elements of the Kerygma

God's promises foretold by the prophets have now been fulfilled through Jesus Christ God has exalted His Son, Jesus Christ, at His right hand The Holy Spirit is present in the Church and is the sign of Christ's present power and glory Christ will come again, at which time the messianic age will reach its fulfillment Because all of this is true, you should repent of your sins, be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit


Happened at a specific place and time Supported by facts Connected with the statement of witnesses: Real life people both friends & enemies The empty tomb (accounted in all Gospels) No finding of a body or proof of its theft Inability of the posted guards to account for Jesus' missing body (Mt 27:62-66) Reports of eye witnesses of His Risen Body Mary Magdalen, Simon Peter and the Disciples


Her Assumption is a "singular participation in Her Son's Resurrection and an anticipation of the resurrection of other Christians" (CCC, 966). In ___________, She has not ceased to assist in human salvation. She advocates on our behalf and acts as Benefactress and Mediatrix with Her Son, the true Mediator. While we venerate and honor Her for Her holiness, She always points us to Her Son, Jesus. When we know Mary, we know Jesus.

Queen of Heaven

Her role is known as Advocate, Helper, Benefactress and Mediatrix Because of Her state of perpetual grace, She was taken up body and soul into Heavenly glory where the Lord exalted Her and made Her _______________ - This is the Assumption

Paschal Mystery

His _________- gives human beings access to Heaven Jesus inaugurated the Kingdom of God through His works and teachings on earth; at the Father's right hand, He has the glory and dominion of that Kingdom... a Kingdom which will never pass away

Kingdom of God

Jesus inaugurated the __________ through His works and teachings on earth; at the Father's right hand, He has the glory and dominion of that Kingdom... a Kingdom which will never pass away; He continuously intercedes for us with The Father and prepares a place for us with Him in Heaven Just as Jesus came down from The Father, He returns to the Father in the Ascension


Jesus sent the _________ so that all He accomplished - His victory over sin and death and His life entirely given in obedience to the Father - may be accomplished in the Church and, through the Church, in the world Christ is the first-born and the head of the new creation Through the work of the Spirit, we follow Christ and become transformed into Him as part of the new creation The Divine Plan accomplished in the Church by the Spirit entails "the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting."


Jesus went to free the ____________-; the damned remained unable to see God

Death and Resurrection

Jesus' _____________________ have defeated sin and this means your soul will survive physical death and your body will rise again at the Last Judgment


Jesus' descent into hell is related to His rising from the _________________. 1 Pt 4:6 "For this is why the gospel was preached even to the dead that, though condemned in the flesh in human estimation, they might live in the spirit in the estimation of God."


Just as Jesus came down from The _________, He returns to the Father in the Ascension His Paschal Mystery gives human beings access to Heaven


Refers to the time when Jesus stopped appearing to His disciples in visible form and His glorified __________took its rightful place in Heaven at the right hand of The Father Jesus' Body was glorified at the moment of His Resurrection, as proved by the supernatural qualities it manifested During His appearances during those 40 days, His Glory remained partially hidden under the appearance of ordinary humanity His "final apparition ends with the irreversible entry of His humanity into Divine Glory, symbolized by the clouds and by Heaven where He is seated from that time forward at God's right hand (CCC, 659)

Son of God

The Ascension indicates that there is a difference between the glory of the Risen Christ on earth after the Resurrection and the glory of "Christ exalted to His Father's right hand," (CCC 660) "Seated at the right hand of The Father" - Christ now glorifies the Father as the Incarnate The Ascension indicates that there is a difference between the glory of the Risen Christ on earth after the Resurrection and the glory of "Christ exalted to His Father's right hand," (CCC 660) "Seated at the right hand of The Father" - Christ now glorifies the Father as the Incarnate _________; He continuously intercedes for us with The Father and prepares a place for us with Him in Heaven

Christmas Day

The Resurrection confirms the truth of ______________: God entered the world to bring about the salvation of humanity.


The Resurrection fulfilled God's promises after the Fall and throughout the Old Testament that He would ___________ abandon humankind.


The Resurrection is always considered as part of the Paschal Mystery, the saving action of Christ which comprises Jesus' __________ (Good Friday), His ___________ to the dead (Holy Saturday) and His ______________. Glorification consists of His Resurrection (Easter Sunday); His Ascension into Heaven (40 days after Easter) and Pentecost (50 days after Easter) when the Apostles and Mary are gathered in the Upper Room in Jerusalem and receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

eternal life

The Resurrection of Christ is the source of our own resurrection to ____________.

Paschal Mystery, historical and transcendental

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is part of the __________ and has both _____________ and _________________dimensions


The Resurrection validates all of Christ's works and teachings. It is the fulfillment of all of the promises Jesus made during His time on _________.


The ____________ of Christ culminates in the sending of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

Paschal Mystery

The _________________ - refers to Christ's Passion, Death and Resurrection These events are inseparable Paschal - refers to the Passover, Christ's passing through death to new life It is a mystery in the sense that the salvation won by Jesus Christ is a visible sign of the invisible action that God accomplished on our behalf


The __________________ of Jesus Christ turned the despair of Christ's disciples into hope and helped them to better understand God's plan.The Resurrection of Jesus Christ turned the despair of Christ's disciples into hope and helped them to better understand God's plan.


The day on which the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and gave them the power and courage to preach the Good News that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead and is Lord of the universe. Acts 2:1-13 - People understood them even through many did not speak their language. Acts 2:14-41 - Peter is empowered by the Holy Spirit; people are amazed and 3,000 convert to Jesus Christ... they are baptized and receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enables the Apostles to understand more clearly Jesus' significance and the totality of the Paschal Mystery. The Holy Spirit is fully revealed at Pentecost and bestows divine life on the Church's members and makes them partakers of the divine nature. By joining us to the Risen Lord, the Holy Spirit makes it possible for us to live holiness of life and to put Jesus' moral and spiritual teaching into practice.


The spiritual principle of human beings (CCC) Soul and body together form one human nature It is eternal Will be reunited with the body in the final resurrection


This fact supports the validity of the Gospels in that eyewitnesses knew exactly what happened and they refused to change anything in their testimony. The __________________ include: The Resurrection took place early in the morning on the first day of the week Women were present at the tomb. Mary Magdalen is mentioned in all accounts and there were also "messengers" at the tomb who told the women to tell the disciples what they witnessed. The empty tomb was important to the Resurrection accounts. It was an essential sign of Christ's Resurrection, a first step in acknowledging God's work in bringing the Son back to life. It corroborates that something happened. The enemies of the early Christians were never able to produce Jesus' corpse!


Though Jesus Christ entered the sanctuary of Heaven once and for all, He did not abandon the people among whom He lived. Jesus shows us the _______________ order to salvation in that The Son reveals and embodies the Father's love and the Son makes the Father present. The Spirit makes the Son present. Jesus fulfills His promise to be with the Church forever (Mt 28:20) by sending His Spirit to the Church


We will live forever Time and space will never have control over us We will never again be burdened with sickness, disease, pain and suffering Because Christ is raised from the dead and because we are united to Christ, we can live knowing that one day we will be reunited with our family members and friends who have already died THIS IS THE GOOD NEWS OF __________________

Our Faith would be useless! The Gospels would not have been written We would remain in our sins with no way to receive salvation Those who have fallen asleep in Christ would have perished God's promises foretold by the prophets would have been lies God would not have His exalted Son, Jesus Christ, at His right hand The Holy Spirit would not have come to us at Pentecost Christ would not be able to come again in the Parousia

What if the Resurrection hadn't happened?

Hell and Redeemer

Where did Christ go after His death? The Apostles' Creed professes that Christ's soul wen to the abode of the dead: Sheol - Hebrew Hades - Greek ___________ - English There He proclaimed the Good News of salvation to the just who were awaiting the _________________.


_______________ can be accounted for by remembering that the Gospels were handed down originally by oral tradition. Each account is written by a separate individual who wrote about the account from a different perspective.


_________________ Leads the Way to Heaven The Ascension of Jesus is a reminder that our rightful home is Heaven and that we live in hope that we may one day follow Him there Our model of Christlike human living is the Blessed Mother, Mary Mary was united to Her Son from the moment of His conception until His Death on the Cross After Jesus' Ascension, Mary prayed for the early Church and asked the Holy Spirit to come upon them


_________________- The Church dogma that teaches that the Blessed Mother was taken body and soul into Heaven when Her earthly life was over. The Feast of the Assumption is celebrated on August 15th and is a Holy Day of Obligation (Opportunity) for Catholics


allows us to experience the Lord's forgiveness

Anointing of the Sick

allows us to receive the healing touch of the Lord in stressful times of illness

Holy Orders and Matrimony

bring Christ to us to help us live a loving life of service to build up the People of God


strengthens us with the power of the Holy Spirit and through His spiritual gifts, we can live a Christlike life

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