The Scientific Method Lab
theory hypothesis variable control - Hypothesis
An experiment is a specific test of a:
true false - False
Based on your experimental results, detergent (soap) exposure does not negatively impact plant growth
type of fertilizer used type of plant used amount of fertilizer given to plants height of plants
Consider the following hypothesis, "Does fertilizer make a plant grow bigger?" Which of the following would be an independent variable in an experiment designed to test the hypothesis?
Marigold, plastic pot, hyponex soil, no exposure to dawn detergent Chamomile, plastic pot, hyponex soil, no exposure to dawn detergent Chamomile, terra cotta pot, miracle-gro soil, exposure to dawn detergent Marigold, terra cotta pot, miracle-gro soil, no exposure to dawn detergent Marigold, terra cotta pot, miracle-gro soil, exposure to dawn detergent 1. 5 - 5.5 cm 2. 3. 3 cm 4. 5. 4 - 4.9 cm
Match the average plant growth with the correct condtions.
make conclusions (5) observe and question (1) develop a hypothesis (2) analyze the data (4) test a hypothesis (3)
Number the steps of the scientific method in order from (1) to last (5)
type of potting soil exposure to detergent (soap) type of pot type of plant plant growth
The manipulated (independent) variable that was tested in this experiment was
type of potting soil type of plant type of pot plant growth exposure to detergent (soap) - Plant Growth
The responding (dependent) variable in this experiment was:
conclusion hypothesis data prediction
Which of the following is an educated possible answer based on what you know and observe?
type of potting soil plant growth -type of plant -type of pot
Which of the following were controlled variables in this experiment?
constants dependent variables independent variables controlled variables - Dependent Variables
Which variables are usually observed for change in an experiment?