The Spanish Armada

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What did T. Fernandez-Armesto say about the attempt of the Spanish to invade England?

"Good weather... was essential for spanish success. It was the least of the miracles they expected from God"

Quote part of Elizabeth's speech at Tilbury:

"I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman but I have the heart and stomach of a king"

What did Adams say about the outbreak of war with Spain?

"War broke out... because Elizabeth and Philip both lost their nerve"

When did Philip annexe Portugal?


When did Philip make his original plans for the invasion of England?


What year did relations between England and Spain worsen?


What was the strength of the spanish Armada?

17,000 troops in flanders and 6000 from the Armada after they won a footing on English soil (never happened)

When was Elizabeth's speech a Tilbury?

9th August 1588

Essentially, what was the Spanish Armada?

A huge fleet sent to protect the Duke of Parma's crossing from Flanders to Kent

What did Philip want to use the Azores for?

A vital communications base for the new world

What does Drake do in September 1585?

Attacks spanish ports

What did the fire ships do to the spanish fleet?

Caused maximum disruption due to good winds and tides Not much damage but did disperse them - had to leave main anchorage and the winds forced them away from calais Meant they had less chance of meeting Parma Undermined their entire strategy

Why did preparations for the launching of the Armada take over two years?

Delayed by Drake's attack of Cadiz in 1587 Duke of Parma less supportive (he believed they should deal with Netherlands first)

What would an English settlement in the Azores do?

Destroy Spain's trade with America

Who was the spanish leader of the Armada?

Duke of Medina Sidonia

Why did the leader of the Armada contribute to its failure?

Duke of Medina Sidonia lacked command experience at sea (but he did know his limits and delegated to more experienced officers)

What were Philip's 3 main reason for going to war with England (beginning in the 1560's)?

Elizabeth challenged his sovereignty over the netherlands Disliked Elizabeth's reaction to his acquisition of Portugal Elizabeth had assisted Don Antonio in an attack of the Azores (1580-81)

What happened at the Treaty of Nonsuch in 1585?

Elizabeth sends Leicester in charge of troops to help the Netherlands but Philip sees this as an act of war

What happened at Gravelines near calais?

English sent fire ships towards spanish vessels

Why did Philip decide to send the Armada?

Felt that Elizabeth's actions had cause a virtual state of war It was better to have victory rather than a long term conflict in the Caribbean and Netherlands

Why was plundering seen as good?

Helped to pay for English wars on land and hindered the Spanish

What did Haigh say about the defeat of the Spanish Armada?

It solved nothing. There was still a successful spanish army in the netherlands, still spanish support for french catholics agains the huguenots, and still a risk of spanish invasions

Why were the English wary of trying to board Spanish ships

It would play into Spain's hands (that was their preferred tactic)

Who was the main person to thank for the English skill advantage over spain?

John Hawkins, Treasurer to the Navy and his reforms

When did the Armada enter the English channel?

July 1558

What was the English fleets main problem?

Lacked finance (Elizabeth reduced funding from Mary's reign)

What did Elizabeth's defeat of the Spanish Armada show?

Leadership skills How brave, ingenius and well led her sailors were But: How important the protestant winds were (luck)

Who was the leader of the English Naval forces?

Lord Howard of Effingham

What was the name of the experience spanish leader who died before the launch of the Armada?

Marquis of Santa Cruz

What main advantage did the English have regarding their skills

More manoeuvrable force and longer range gunnery (153 vs 21)

What was the outcome of the naval engagements between 30th july and 6th august?

No decisive outcome

What were Philip's 2 main motives for the invasion?

Religion Imperial defence

Why were events at sea less significant than those in land?

Sailors sidetracked by plundering Navy couldn't win the war

What consequence did Elizabeth sending troops to the Netherlands have?

Seen as a challenge to Philip's sovereignty More costly for spain to suppress the revolt in the netherlands

What does Philip do in the spring of 1585?

Seize all English ships and goods in Spanish ports

What did the treaty of joinville in 1585 provoke Elizabeth to do?

Send her own troops to the Netherlands

Who does Elizabeth try to ally herself with which is seen by Spain as a threat to their territory?

Sharif of Fez

What happened at the treaty of joinville in 1585?

Spain and the french catholic league agree to attack all protestants

Why did Elizabeth decide (essentially) to go to war with Spain?

Spain were involved in plots against her (e.g Mendoza in Throckmorton plot) She had to defend England's interests against the spanish threat due to pressure for the public and her Privy Council

What were the four main reasons for the Armada's defeat?

Strategy Lack of experience leader The English benefit from strategic decision English skill

Why was the launching of an armada always a huge gamble for spain?

Success depended on a large number of variables (e.g Weather, communications and timing)

Why was Drake annoyed at the time?

That more Spanish ships weren't captured That Elizabeth wanted to defend the channel rather than invade Spain

Why did the Armada's strategy fail?

The fleet had to land in the Netherlands to collect parma's army but they didn't have enough control of the coastline at the time to do so (Parma was blockaded by the Dutch Justin of Nassau) No plans for enemy moves (arrogance)

What did Philip's decision ignore Parma's advice to deal with the Netherlands before going to war with England cause?

The long term conflict that he hoped to avoid

What happened on the 29th july?

The spanish tried and failed to board english ships off the coast of Flanders

What do Historians agree about the Spanish Armada?

They were both to blame Elizabeth had to go to war with spain in 1585 to stop its extension of power

What two treaties worsened relations between England and Spain in 1585?

Treaty of Joinville Treaty of Nonsuch

Why was this heroic achievement limited in its effect?

War with spain continued for 10 years after

Why did medina Sidonia abandon his want to continue fighting?

Winds drove the force towards the North Sea so he had no chance of meeting Parma and the remaining ships had to go home via scotland and ireland (lost many more ships)

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