Theology Chapter 3: The Church is Holy

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(Page 106) Write the phonetic spelling of the two Latin terms: sancta ecclesia and corpus permixtum.

-Sang-tuh Ih-Klee-Zhee-Uh -Kawr-puhs Purh-mix-teeh-uhm

(Page 118) Of the six distinctions of vocations in your notes, name those that are part of the ministerial priesthood.

Bishop, priest, deacon.

(Page 107) Match the terms most closely associated with each other.

Bishop: governance Priest: preaching Deacon: service Sister/Brother: evangelical councils Husband/Wife: domestic church Single Person: dedicated career

(Page 106) What is the meaning of St. Augustine's description of the Church as corpus permixtum, a "mixed body"?

Corpus permixtum means that the Kingdom of Heaven has saints and sinners intermingling.

(Page 100) 1. Besides the ways for holiness listed on the chart, what gift does God provide to help you live a Holy life?

God provides me with the gift of redemption so that I could live a Holy life.

(Page 101) How is God Holy?

God's holiness is a part of his identity. He created goodness, love, and beauty in his own power.

(Page 106) Write a one-sentence definition of holiness that combines the understandings of the term from both the Old and New Testaments.

Holiness comes from God alone, so people and things can only be Holy if they're related to God.

(Page 101) What does the Son of God incarnate tell us about holiness?

Humans are also called to be Holy.

(Page 126) How could you apply Saint Terese of Lisieux's "little way" as a model for your own

I could use Saint Terese of Lisieux's "little way" as a model for my own by being more patient and not allowing rude customers at work bother me, and being slower to anger with my younger sister.

(Page 126) How do you interpret Sain Francis de Sale's call to holiness: "Bloom where you are planted"?

I interpret this as being the best that you can be and living a holy life despite where you are. Whether the "soil" you are in is perfect or flawed, you should still live a Christian life.

(Page 100) 2. In the Liturgy of the Hours, what is the name for evening prayer?

In the Liturgy of the Hours, vespers are evening prayer.

(Page 101) How was holiness understood in the Old Testament?

People and things could only be Holy if they're related to God.

(Page 119) Saint Therese of Lisieux:

Prayer: Self-Denial: "true love is found in self denial" Living the Virtues: accept the bothersome events in her life in Jesus' name (the little way)

(Page 119) Saint Francis de Sales:

Prayer: "bloom where you are planted" Self-Denial: you must combine self-denial with prayer Living the Virtues: worked to restore peace within the Church

(Page 97) Ways you can be Holy:

Prayer: praying before meals Good Works: donating to food drives Living a Christian Vocation: regularly attending mass

(Page 97) Ways Thomas Merton is Holy:

Prayer: the Liturgy of the Hours Good Works: Writing to those in need Living a Christian Vocation: Joining the Trappists

(Page 119) Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

Prayer: through prayer and the eucharist, you can find the energy to fight your inner battles Self-Denial: "give your faith and self denial, and you will remain one family" Living the Virtues: went to great lengths to support justice and social causes.

(Page 118) Rewrite each sentence to make it true.

Sacramental graces are the grace of the Holy Spirit, given by Christ, that is proper to each sacrament. A vocation is the calling or destiny we have in this life and in the hereafter. The common priesthood of the faithful is exercised by the unfolding of baptismal grace--a life of faith, hope and charity, a life according to the Spirit. The evangelical counsels are vows of personal poverty, chastity understood as lifelong celibacy and obedience to a bishop or to the superior of a religious community. The domestic church is a name for the Christian family.

(Page 126) Briefly describe the process of canonization today.

Someone dies, and then a friend asks the bishop for begin cause. The bishop is called in, and they are declared a "servant of God" There's a formal review, then they send the cause to Rome. The congregation of saints decides if they are venerable. If a miracle happens after their death, so they are called "blessed". A feast day is given to the blessed. After beatification, a second miracle must be performed. The saint is canonized.

(Page 100) 5. What is the primary meaning of holiness?

The primary meaning of holiness is living in communication with God and others.

(page: 132) Define annunciation, immaculate conception, and assumption

annunciation: the visit of Gabriel to mary to announce that she is the mother of the savior. She accepted and conceived Jesus through the holy spirit immaculate conception: belief that MAry was born without original sin assumption: the dogma that the mother of god was taken directly into heaven when her earthly life was over

(Page 126) Why is it natural for Catholics to pray to saints known to be in heaven to ask for their intercession?

because we all have the obligation to pray for the needs of one another

(Page 127) Different titles for Mary:

ever-virgin: virgin before, during, and after the birth of Jesus figure of the Church: announces christ's presence with her faith charity, and perfect union with christ Mother of the Church: model of faith Catholic's should strive to imitate mother of God: mother of the poor: she has a special care for the poor

(Page 126) What was Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati's advice for reaching holiness?

to approach the Communion table as often as I can.

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