Theology Final :)))))

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Latin for "in the year of our Lord," usually abbreviated "AD" to reference a given year in history. The fact that today we count the years from the date of Jesus' Birth bears witness to his importance in the entire world.

Anno Domini

Which fourth and fifty century heresy, in opposing Arianism, fell into error itself by denying that Christ had a human mind and a human will? A. Apollinariaism B. Eutychianism C. Monophysitism D. Gnosticism E. Nestorianism

A. Apollanariaism

Which OT covenant is the image of the Church as the Temple related? A. Davidic B. Abrahamic C. Noahic D. Mosaic

A. Davidic

An essential element of the Sacrament of Penance in which the priest, by the power entrusted to the Church by Christ, pardons the sins of the penitent.


Fundamental element of the Sacrament of Penance by which a bishop-priest- through the power given by Christ through the Church- forgives the sins of a penitent


What means to abstain from sexual acts?


A Sacrament administered by a priest to a baptized person who begins to be in danger of death becuase of illness or old age, celebrated with prayer and anointing with oil in the name of Christ; it provides the recipient with grace for healing, strength, forgiveness of sins, and, if near death, preparation for death and the afterlife; one of the 7 Sacraments of the Church.

Anointing of the Sick

Gives Strength in time of serious illness....

Anointing of the Sick

There are three Sacraments of Initiation. The other four are Penance, ____ __ __ ____, _____ _____, and Matrimony.

Anointing of the sick; holy orders

Book of the New Testament written by St. John describing the end of the world and christ's ultimate victory over sin and death.


From the Greek word meaning "to uncover or unveil", another name for the Book of Revelation attributed to St. John while on the island of Patmos. This prophetic work foretells the final victory of Christ and his Church.


another name for the book of revelation, the final book of the Bible, which is attributed to St. John and written during his exile on the island of Patmos. This prophetic work in symbolic language was meant to encourage and strengthen persecuted Christians by foretelling the final victory of Christ and his Church over sin and evil.


Describes any book purporting to be inspired but ultimately not accepted by the Church as part of Sacred Scripture (the Bible).


A fourth century heresy claiming that Jesus Christ was neither God nor equal to the Father, only that he was sent by the Father and only did the will of the Father; it also taught that Christ was an exceptional creature and was raised to the level of "Son of God" because of his heroic fidelity to the Father's will and his sublime holiness.


What is the heresy that denies Christ's human nature; says that Jesus is true God and has a human body but not a human mind and will?


Christ institutes the hierarchy but who does it start with?


The total repudiation of the Christian Faith. This is forbidden by the First Commandment and is against the theological virtue of faith.


From the Greek for 'one sent forth.' Refers to the 12 chosen by Jesus during the course of his public ministry to be his closest followers, as well as Sts. Matthias, Paul of Tarsus, Barnabas, and the engligherners of whole nations.


Literally, "one who is sent." Jesus selected Twelve Apostles to be his inner circle of companions and to carry out the mission after his ascension.


The work of the laity toward building up the Church through initiatives and efforts that evangelize, educate, or serve the needs of others.


The Church was founded by Christ and was given to the APostles, has heirachy, and tradition///


The fourth mark of the Church, indicating that the Church was founded by Christ and given to the Apostles. The Church is Apostolic in three ways: It has an Apostolic Foundation, having been built and remaining on the foundation of the Apostles; it has Apostolic Faith, because she guards and transmits the teachings of the Apostles with the help of the Holy Spirit who dwells in her; and it has an Apostolic succession, because she continues to be taught, sanctified, and directed by the Apostles in the persons of their successors in the pastoral ministry: the College of Bishops, presided over by St. Peter's successor, the Pope.


The truth that the Catholic bishops today can trace their authority in a direct line back to the Apostles and ultimately from Christ himself, each consecrated a bishop by another bishop.

Apostolic Succession

A bishop of the highest rank, generally the bishop of the archdiocese


Who advises the Pope, governs an archdiocese, and oversees other Bishops?


A larger diocese, under the care of an archbishop, which has an elevated status over the dioceses in its region.


What is seeing Christ as the supreme creation of God, but not eternally begotten Son?


a fourth century heresy claiming that Jesus Christ was neither God nor equal to the Father only that he was sent by the Father and only did the will of the Father; it also taught that Christ was an exceptional creature and was raised to the level of "Son of God" because of his heroic fidelity to the Father's will and his sublime holiness.


The Church established by Christ on the foundation of the Apostles, possessing the fullness of the means of salvation which he has willed; the pilgrim Church on earth, in which the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church subsists. Literally, "universal," in the sense of "according to the whole." The Church is Catholic in the dual sense that it (A) possesses the fullness of the means of salvation and (B) has been sent by Christ to the whole human race.

Catholic Church

The dogma that recognizes the Blessed Virgin Mary's singular participation in her Son's Resurrection by which she was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory when the course of her earthly life was finished


An enumeration of Christian beliefs authored by St. Athanasius, a key fourth opponent of the Arian heresy.

Athanasian Creed

The Church is sometimes called the pilgrim Church because..... A. It is the Church of the Pilgrims, the Catholic refugees who came to America on the Mayflower fleeing religious persecution in England. B. The faithful are on a pilgrimage,filled with danger, and our final destination has not yet been reached. C. Pilgrim is another word for disciple, and we are all disciples of Christ D. Pilgrim comes from the greek word pilkrimae, meaning the People of God E. None of the Above

B. The faithful are on a pilgrimage,filled with danger, and our final destination has not yet been reached.

Which is not one of the 3 nuances of Liturgy? A. The work of the people for the praise of God. B. The work of the Trinity to praise the people of the Church C. the work of christ is done on behalf of the People D. The work of God in which the people participate

B. The work of the trinity to praise the people of the Church

What situation does the Council of Jerusalem discuss in regards to developing the early church? A. The specific situation of Phillip baptizing the Eucnch. B. Whether Gentiles needed to follow Mosaic Law before becoming a Christian C. Jewish people Being the only group that can have admittance into the Church D. Finding a new apostle after Judas left

B. Whether Gentiles needed to follow Mosaic Law before becoming a Christian

How is divine filiation obtained?


The first Sacrament recieved by a Christian, involving immersion or the pouring of water on the recipient's head while pronouncing the innovation of the Trinity; it forgives sins, including Original Sin, begins a new life in Christ, and incorporates the new Christian into the life of the Church, the Body of Christ; it is one of the 7 Sacraments of the Church and the first of the three Sacraments of Initiation.


The first of the Seven Sacraments and the door that gives access to the other sacraments; first and chief Sacrament of Forgiveness of Sins because the baptized Christian receivers the remission of both personal and original sin. It incorporates a person into the Church, the Body of Christ.


Through the sacrament of _________ we become adopted sons and daughters of Christ.


Washes away original sin....


The martyrdom of un baptized person who thereby receives the graces of Baptism for having died or been killed for the Faith.

Baptism by Blood

The graces of Baptism recieved by an un baptized person who would have sought Baptism explicitly had he or she been aware of the gospel of Christ but has sought the truth and tried to follow God's will in keeping with his level of understanding it.

Baptism of Desire

What symbolizes a sharing in the Passion, Death, and resurrection of Christ which is more evident by the immersion....

Baptism water

A consecrated successor to the Apostles, usually given charge of the pastoral and catechetical care of a particular jurisdiction, or diocese; he is called to teach, sanctify, and govern the faithful of his own diocese, and also to work together in caring for the worldwide church.


Successor to the apostles; his si called to teaching, sanctify, and govern the faithful of his dioceses.


who are direct successors of the Apostles who exercise the fullness of Christ's priesthood?


A name of the Church used frequently by St. Paul; it highlights the unity of Christ and the church.

Body of Christ

A name of the church derived from the writings of St. Paul; it highlights the purity and holiness that Christ has bestowed upon the church.

Bride of Christ

Christ is the head of his Body the Church, like a husband is the head of his wife?

Bride of Christ

Which is not an example of a type? A. Israel wandering in the desert B. Noah's Ark C. Eucharistic Sacrifice D. Adam

C. Eucharistic Sacrifice

A Heresy that teaches the material world is corrupt, seeks salvation through secret knowledge, and is related to modern New Age movements is called... A. Apollinaraianism B. Arianism C. Gnosticism D. Monophysitism E. Nestorianism

C. Gnosticism

The vocation of every Christian to increase in personal sanctity is called.... A. The lay apostolate B. The consecrated life C. The universal call to holiness D. An evangelical counsel E. State of life

C. The universal call to holiness

What two apostles were both martyred in Rome, a place that is central to the Roman Catholic Church? A. John and Peter B. Peter and Phillip C. Peter and Paul D. Paul and Matthew

C. peter and Pual

The definitive list of the books of the Bible, by virtue of having been declared by the Church as inspired by the Holy Spirit; the term also refers to an official law of the Church (canon law.)


The official internal law of the Catholic Church; the Code of Canon Law. Currently, there are two bodies of canon law: one for the Latin Rite of the Church and one for the Eastern Catholic Churches.

Canon Law

The CHurch's official process by which she declares someone a saint.


A bishop or archbishop who has been selected by a Pope to become part of the College of Cardinals and thus an adviser. The main purpose of a cardinal is to serve as a papal elector. some cardinals lead archdioceses; others serve in the administration at the Vatican.


Who assists the pope in carring out certain duties, papal electors, can speak infallibly with the Pope...


A process used in the early Church; persons who wished to join the Church were instructed in the teachings of the Fiath and prepared for the Sacraments of Initiation. It became customary for hot Church to initiate these new members at the Easter Vigil, the night before the commemoration of Christ's Resurrection. The process was restored in the late twentieth century as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.


The official church of the local bishop, his seat of authority, usually located in the city from which the diocese takes its name.


A denominational term and also says that the Churchis whole nad complte and universal///


Literally, "universal." As used in the early Church, the term referred to the fact that the Gospel of Christ was for the entire world; today it is also the name for the Catholic Church, the universal Church established by Christ.


Those born into the Church through faith in Christ and Baptism. The term is taken from the Old Testament, in which God chose Israel to be his people. Christ instituted the new and eternal covenant by which a new priestly, prophetic, and royal People of God, the Church, participates in the mission and service of Christ.

People of God

Divine attribute of the church: she will exist until the end of time


Will exist until the end of time; an attribute of the Catholic Church as a result of its divine origin.


The dogma that recognizes Mary's virginity before, during, and after the conception and Birth of Jesus Christ.

Perpetual Virginity

After Judas killed himself, which of the 12 Apostles led the 11 in finding a replacement?


Name sometimes used to describe the Church because it is on a "journey" in this world; although the Church itself is perfect as created by Christ, its Faithful seek greater holiness and intimacy with Christ and thus are ever traveling toward the house of God and the Father.

Pilgrim Church

A council involving all the bishops of a particular nation.

Plenary Council

A new relationship between man and God that has been established in Christ, is communicated through the Sacraments, and also extends a new relationship of men among themselves; it implies a spiritual solidarity among the members of the Church inasmuch as they are members of one Body, united in Christ. It is a translation of the Greek koinonia.


The unity in Christ of all the redeemed, those on earth and those who have died, especially the unity of faith and charity through the Eucharist.

Communion of Saints

The unity in Christ of all the redeemed, those on earth and those who have died: the Church Triumphant, the Church Militant, and the Church Suffering. It is professed in the Apostles' Creed, where it has also been interpreted to refer to unity in the "Holy Things," especially the unity of faith and charity achieved through participation in the Eucharist.

Communion of Saints

A gathering of the world's cardinals in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome for the Purpose of electing a new Pope.


Sacraments that completes the grace of Baptism by a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit that confirms the baptized in union with Christ and equips them for active participation in the worship and apostolic life of the church; it is one of the 7 sacraments of the chrurch and one of the 3 sacraments of initiation.


What completes the initiation that was started at Baptism?


what completes the sacrament of Baptism....


A woman who, with the Church's approval, has decided to cling only to the Lord and to live in a state of virginity "for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven" and is consecrated in that state by a solemn rite.

Consecrated Virgin

Sorrow of the soul and hatred for the sin committed, together with a resolution not to sin again. It is the most important act of the penitent and is necessary for the reception of the Sacraments of Penance. It is one of the our main types of prayer.


: A council of the Church held AD 49 or 50 to decide whether Gentile converts to the Church would have to abide by the Jewish requirement of circumcision. It is the archetype for the later Ecumenical Councils.

Council of Jerusalem

Recounted in Acts 15, the synod of the AD 49 or 50 spoke with the authority of CHrist in deciding that Gentile converts to Christianity did not have to be circumcised according to the Law of Moses.

Council of Jerusalem

Baptism is called the doorway of the Church because.... A. It is the way a person becomes a member of the Church B. It is always the first of the sacraments to be received C. It is a sacrament of initiation into the Church D. All of the Above E. None of the above is correct

D. All of the above

How does martyrdom actually help to develop Christianity instead of stifle it, as was its intended purpose? A. They became the greatest testimonies to the Christian faith B. They became witnesses to the Truth of Christ C. They imitated Christ's love to the point of dying for what they believed in. D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Which is a key element of the incarnation? A. Jesus shows he is fully God and fully man. B. The incarnation takes place in the fullness of time. C. Our redemption is accomplished by being made sons and daughters of Christ. D. All of the above.

D. All of the above

Why does the incarnation take place? A. God wanted to institute the Church through Christ B. A savior was promised in the protoevangelium C. Jesus came to establish the Kingdom that was promised in the OT D. All of the above

D. All of the above

The heresy that claimed Christ's human nature was aborbsed into his divine nature, this leaving him with only one nature was.... A. Apollinarianism B. Arianism C. Gnosticism D. Monophysitism E. Nestorianism

D. Monophysitism

Sacred Tradition is.... A. The word of God, received from Christ himself through the Apostles B. The way we known which writings were inspired and belong in Sacred Scripture C. Transmitted to us without alteration by the Church with the help of the Holy SPiirt D. Prior to Scripture, in a certain sense, since many revealed truths are not written down years later E. All of the above F. Only A and C

D. Prior to Scripture, in a certain sense, since many revealed truths are not written down years later

The Catholic CHurch's communion with the Eastern Orthodox churches is especially profound because.... A. The Orthodox recognize that the pope is the Vicar of Christ, but they remain separated largely due to language barriers B. It was a friendly parting of ways when the Orthodox split from the Church in 1054 C. The Catholic and Orthodox Churches allow the faithful to receive Eucharist in each other's Churches D. The Orthodox have maintained apostolic succession among their leadership and validly celebrate the Eucharist

D. The Orthodox have maintained apostolic succession among their leadership and validly celebrate the Eucharist

A man who is ordained to assist the mission of the Church; transitional deacons are men who are preparing for ordination to the priesthood; permanent deacons are mature men, married or unmarried, who are ordained deacons in a permanent capacity; from the the Greek for 'helper.'


The ____ of ______ comprises Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.

Deposit of Faith

The revealed truths contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Traditions that are entrusted to the care of the Church.

Deposit of Faith

What is the definitive Revelation of Christ given through the Apostles to the entire Church and is found in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition?

Deposit of Faith

The definitive Revelation of Christ given to the Apostles and, through them, to the entire Church as Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition; the time of the Apostles, from which the Magisterium draws all that it proposes for belief as being divinely revealed.

Deposit of Fatih

The office of deacon in the Catholic Church.


: Often called a synod, a meeting of the bishop and representatives of the clergy, religious, and laity in which matters of diocesan Church discipline and procedure are discussed.

Diocesan Council

A portion of the People of God that is entrusted to a bishop to be nurtured by him, with the cooperation of his priests, in such a way that, remaining close to its pastor the bishop and fathered by him through the Gospel and the Eucharist in the Holy Spirit, it constitutes a particular Church. In this Church, the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church of Christ truly exists and functions.


The territory and the churches under a bishop's authority; a community of the Christian Faithful in communion of faith and Sacraments with their bishop ordained in apostolic succession; also called a 'particular church.' In the East, it is often called an eparchy.


Literally, "one who follows." Sometimes in scripture, the term is applied to the Twelve Apostles; at other times, and more generally, it refers to the entire crowd of Jesus' followers and believers.


Refers to the fact that the Sacrament of Baptism makes us spiritual sons and daughters of God. While our divine filiation is not the same as that of Jesus, the Only-Begotten Son of God, it is a participation in the Sonship of Christ. Jesus' Sonship is uncreated and eternal. Ours is a grace that is created, adoptive, and real. It means that through Baptism, we are just as much a child of God as we are children of our earthly parents, and we are truly at home in Heaven.

Divine Filiation

What are the 4 taught dogmas of Mary?

Divine Motherhood, Perpetual Virginity, Immaculate Conception, Assumption

What does Arianism deny?

Divine Nature

A revealed teaching of CHrist defined to its fullest extent by the authority of the Church's Magisterium. The faithful are obliged to believe the truths of dogmas as defined by the Magisterium.


The falling asleep of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This term, used primarily in the East, refers to the end of her earthly life when she was assumed into Heaven.


In fourth - and fifth- century heresy that claimed Christ had two persons, human and divine, and objected to calling Mary the Mother of God is called... A. Appolanarianism B. Arianism C. Gnosticism D. Monophysitism E. Nestorianism

E. NEstorianism

The extraordinary Magisterium teaches infallibly when.... A. The bishops in communion with the pope, prose a teaching on faith and morals through an Ecumenical Council B. A group of theologians who are professors at pontifical universities agree upon a new teaching on faith and morals, sign and dicumanent, and publish it in the Vatican newspaper C. When the pope speaks ex cathedra on a matter of faith and morals in a definitive act D. All of the above E. Only a and C

E. only A and C

Often called the Eastern Rites of the Catholic Church, any of the various Churches in union with the Pope whose rites, devotions, customs, and culture developed in connection to the lands associated with the eastern half of the Roman Empire (especially entered in Antioch, Alexandria, and Constantinople).

Eastern Catholic Churches

From the Greek word oikumene, meaning "the whole inhabited world." In one sense, the term refers to the twenty-one councils of the world's bishops that have been held since the fourth century to discuss important issues affecting the whole church, in another sense, it refers to Ecumenism.


A meeting of Church leaders. The Council of Jerusalem described in Acts is the spiritual archetype of a council of the whole Church. The most recent Ecumenical Council was the Second Vatican Council.

Ecumenical Council

From the Greek oikoumene meaning " the whole inhabited world." A formal synod of bishops ( sometimes with other Ecclesiasticus ) from the whole inhabited world convened to define doctrine, regulate the CHristian life, or apply discipline in the Church. The first ecumenical Council was held in Niceae AD 325.

Ecumenical Council

From the Greek oikoumene, meaning "the whole world." A formal synod of bishops (sometimes with other ecclesiastics) from the whole inhabited world conceived to define doctrine, regulate the Christian life, or apply discipline in the Church. The First Ecumenical COuncil was held in Nicaea.

Ecumenical Council

Efforts to renutiie all Christians and to work towards common Christian ends


The efforts to reunite all Christians on earth and to cooperate among Christian Faith traditions in achieving common goals.


When speaking of the Sacraments, the term indicates an action or sign that confers the grace it signifies; for example, the pouring of the water and reciting with proper intent the words of Baptism confer the sanctifying grace of the Sacrament.


A small village a few hours' journey away from Jerusalem. After his Resurrection, two of Jesus' followers met him on the road to Emmaus, but did not recognize him until he broke bread with them.


Successor of St. Peter; Bishop of Rome; supreme pontiff of the Catholic Church. The Pope exercises a primary of authority as Vicar of Christ and shepherd of the whole Church; he receives the divine assistance promised by Christ.


who is the head of the church, guides the faithful, and unifier of people of God?


Term used to describe the Eucharist, in which Jesus is really and fully present- Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity- under the species of bread and wine which have been consecrated to become his Body and Blood.

Real Presence

Gives absolution from Christ through a priest.....


Previously known as _______, St. Paul was initially a great Persecutor of Christians. He, however encounter Christ and had a powerful conversion experience not eh road to _______.

Saul, Damascus

A breach of the unity of the visible Church; the refusal to submit to the Pope of be united with the Church.


Refusal to accept the authority of the pope and bishops leading to a disruption of the unity of the Church


An individual who is part of an organized group that breaks away from the unity of the Catholic Church and thus creates a schism.


The most recent of the Ecumenical Councils of the Catholic Church, held in Rome in 1962-65. It produced documents and teachings on a wide range of concerns, including the nature of the Church, the role of the laity, the liturgy, and the Church's relationship with other faith traditions.

Second Vatican Council

what oversees the political and diplomatic functions of the Church, handles the Pope's everyday administrative function, and handles the Vatican's diplomatic relations with civil governments?

Secretariat of State

The office of bishop in the Catholic Church; from the Greek episkopos ("overseer"), from which also is derived the word 'bishop.'


The assembly of the world's bishops.

Episcopal College

The Sacraments by which bread and wine are consecrated by a priest and become the true Body and Blood of Christ, which the faithful consume in Holy Communion; more broadly, Eucharist means "Thanksgving", refers to the Catholic Mass itself.


The sacrament by which bread and wine are consecrated by a priest and become the true Body and Blood of Christ, which the faithful consume in Holy Communion; more broadly, Eucharist, which means "thanksgiving," refers to the Catholic Mass itself.


Persons who were born into schismatic communities, including Protestant. Communities and Orthodox Churches, and thus cannot be considered guilty prima facie of the sin of separation because it is often through no fault of their own that they remain unaware of the truth of the Catholic Faith.

Separated Brethren

Those who are properly baptized and known by the name Christian, but who do not profess the entirety of the Catholic Faith or have not preserved unity with the Pope. Separated Brethren possess a certain, albeit imperfect, communion with the Catholic Church.

Separated Brethren

The mission given to the Apostles by Christ to preach the Gospel to the whole world and to make converts of every nation; also, witnessing to our faith in the Gospel in our daily lives.


A definitive teaching by the Pope when he speaks as pastor of the Universal Church on matters of faith and morals, with the intention of officially teaching a certain truth for all Catholics to believe, which is therefore an infallible teaching; Latin for 'from the chair.'

Ex Cathedra

Latin term used to state that a Sacraments dispenses the grace it signifies and does not depend upon the holiness of the minister, not on the holiness of the person receiving that Sacrametns , as long as the minsiter of the Sacraments intends to convey the Sacraments and the participant intends to recieve it; literally, it means "from the work performed."

Ex Opre Operato

The teaching office of all the bishops gathered with the Pope, as happens in an Ecumenical Council, or the Pope alone speaking ex cathedra in an exercise of infallibility.

Extraordinary Magisterium

A term formerly used for the Sacraments of the Anoiting of the Sick; it is no longer use becuase it refers to the use of the Sacrament only in instances of imminent death, whereas the Church encourages the Sacrament for anyone in danger of death from disease, infirmity, or old age.

Extreme Unction

Among the five precepts of the church are the requirements that the faithful must.... A. Help provide for the needs to the church B. Receive the sacrament of penance at least annually C. Volunteer for a lay ministry in the parish D. Observe fast and absence according to Church rules E. Only A B and D are correct F. B C and D

F. B C D

In the Sacrament of Penance, also known as the Sacrament of___________, the Penitent makes a full ________ of his or her sins to a priest, expresses true _______ for those sins and resolves never to commit them again, receives ___________, then does the assigned ______ so as to receive ________ for his or her sins.

Reconciliation; Confession; Contrition; Absolution; Penance; Satisfaction

An interrelated series of schisms from the Catholic CHurch that took place from 117 to 1648. These include the breaking away of Martin Luther and other reformers in the sixteenth century as well as the schism of King Henry VIII.


Obligation of the faithful to accept the teachings of the Magisterium.

Religious Assent

The obligation of the faithful to accept teachings of the Magisterium even when the teaching is not solemnly and infallibly defined.

Religious Assent

A _____ order is one of the main types of consecrated life. Members of men's orders are generally referred to as ______, while members of women's order are often called sisters.

Religious; brothers

Mary's Assumption is a participation in her son's ....


Perpetual Virginity?

From the moment Mary said yes, she conceived a child. Mary remained a virgin for her entire life. Her virginity makes her the Mother of the Whole Church. It shows that Christ is fully man, born of Mary; and fully divine, born of a virgin.

Elements of the Mass in the second century described by St. Justin Martyr include _____ ___ _____, _____ ____ and ______.

Gathering on Sunday; Scripture Readings; a Homily

An ancient heretical sect that believed, among other things, that salvation came from obtaining secret experiential knowledge.


Forty days after his ______, CHrist ascended into Heaven and directed his Apostles to evangelize and baptize all ____.

Resurrection; Nations

The literal meaning of the name Peter, taken from its Greek from Petros. Jesus gave St. Peter his name to indicated that he would be the rock upon which Jesus would build his Church.


Administrative or governing body of the Church

Roman Curia

what is the administrative or governing body of the CC, that assists the Pope in his role as pastor of the universal church?

Roman Curia

An efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by Christ and entrusted to the CHurch, by which divine life is dispensed to a Christian through the work of the Holy Spirit. There are 7 Sacraments.


An efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us through the work of the Holy Spirit. Specifically, any of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. In the East, a Sacrament is often called a "mystery."


Refers to the Catholic Church because she is the sign and the instrument of the communion of God and men, established by Christ as a means to achieve the salvation of souls.

Sacrament of Salvation

A sacred sign that bears a certain resemblance to the Sacraments and by means of which spiritual effects are signified and obtained not efficaciously but through the disposition of the recipient and the intercession of the Church.


An indelible mark connferred by the Sacraments of Baptism, COnfirmation, and Holy orders that configures the CHristian to Christ and his CHurch, remains within him or her as a positive disposition for grace, promises and guarantees divine protection, and greats him or her a vocation to divine worship and to the service of hte CHurch; therefore, these Sacrametns can be recieved validly only once in a lifetime.

Sacramental Character ( or SEAL)

The 3 Sacrametns of penance, an act whereby the sinner makes amends for sin, especial in reparation to God for offenses against him; the penance assigned by the priest during confession is the reparation for that sin.

Sacraments of Initiaton

what completes the four vows that you say at the altar?


First Chrsitian Martyr

St. Stephen

A title of the Church used by St. Paul; it highlights the relationship between the Church and the Old Testament Temple in Jerusalem.

Temple of the Holy Spirit

Related to time, being on this earth. A temporal king rules his kingdom on earth; an eternal or Everlasting King rules both Heaven and earth.


: An ancient heresy that taught, among other things, that salvation came from obtaining secret experiential knowledge and that the material world was evil, a corruption of spirit. Jesus was the Redeemer, but he was neither true God nor true man; he was an apparition, a lesser divine being who inhabited a human body; he neither has a body nor died on the Cross.


What refers to secret knowledge that is the basis for salvation?


The eternal state of supreme and definitive happiness with God; communion of life and love with the Trinity and all the blessed.


The eternal state of supreme and definitive happiness with God; the communion of life and love with the Trinity and all the blessed.


When we are in ______ we are standing before Christ with the angels and the saints.


The worship of God in Heaven by the Angels and saints, led by Christ the High Priest, who re-presents the sacrificial offering of himself to the Father, this renewing the work of our redemption.

Heavenly Liturgy

The worship of God in Heaven by the angels and saints, led by Christ the High Priest, who re-presents the sacrificial offering of himself to the Father, thus renewing the work of our redemption.

Heavenly Liturgy

The eternal state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God.


The obstinate denial by a baptized person of some truth that must be believed with divine faith.


The order of teaching authority in the Church, given such authority by Christ himself, with the Pope as its head, followed by bishops, priests, and deacons; from the Greek hierarchia ('sacred order').


The Church is what through her origin, goal, and means she has been given to bring people into communion with God, the teaching of Christ, the sacraments, and the life of prayer


Source and Summit of the Church's Life.....

Holy Communion

Saints means....

Holy One.

Sacrament by which men are ordained to the episcopacy, priesthood, or diaconate.

Holy Orders

The Sacrament by which men are ordained to the episcopacy, priesthood, or diaconate.

Holy Orders

The Sacraments by which the mission entrusted by Christ to his Apostles continues to be exercised in the Church through the laying on of hands in ordination; the Sacrament has three distinct orders - bishop (episcopate), Priest presbyterate), and deacon (diaconate) - and confers an indelible character on the soul.

Holy Orders

ordains a bishop, priest, or deacon....

Holy Orders

the diocese of the Pope, Bishop of Rome; also, a term used to refer to the central administration of the worldwide Catholic Church.

Holy See

Refers to the souls in Purgatory being purified in anticipation of entering Heaven. We can pray on their behalf to ease their suffering and hasten their journey to Heaven.

Holy Souls

The Bible; the canonical writings validated by the Church as inerrant and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Together with Sacred Tradition, it makes up a single deposit of the Word of God - the Deposit of Faith - a single gift of God to the Church

Sacred Scripture

The Bible; the canonical writings validated by the Church as inerrant and inspired by the Holy Spirit; together with Sacred Tradition, it makes up a single deposit of the Word of God - the Deposit of Faith - a single gift of God to the Church.

Sacred Scripture

From the Latin tradito ("to hand down"); the Church's teachings that have been passed down through the ages through the successors of the Apostles, Together with Sacred Scripture, it makes up a single deposit of Faith - a single gift of God to the Church.

Sacred Tradition

The Church's teachings that have been passed down through the ages through the successors of the Apostles; together with Sacred Scripture, it makes up a single deposit of the Word of God - the Deposit of Faith - a single gift of God to the Church; from the Latin traditio ("to hand down").

Sacred Tradition

A member of Church - the Mystical Body of Christ - on earth, in Purgatory, or in Heaven. The CHurch may officially declare a member of the Church in Heaven to be a saint by canonization, adding him or her to the calendar and promoting his or her public veneration.


In its more specific sense, any individual who has died and been canonized by the Catholic Church, meaning that the person is known to be in Heaven. The members of the Church on earth, the People of God, are also called Saints.


A revelation or visible appearance of God, as in the case of Moses at Mount Sinai, at the Transfiguration, or at the Baptism of JEsus.


: Greek for "Bearer of GOd." This title of the Blessed Virgin Mary was confirmed at the Council of Ephesus AD 431; it acknowledges Jesus Christ is true God and true man.


Greek for Bearer of God, often translated Mother of God. Used since the early centuries of the Church, this title of the Blessed Virgin Mary was defended by the Ecumenical Council of Ephesus.


THe remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sin whose guilt has already been forgiven, available to the faithful under certain conditions inductions prescribed by the Church. The prescribed conditions usually involve particular prayers, devotions, pilgrimages, timely reception of the Sacraments, acts of charity, or some combination thereof, all done with the proper disposition. "Temporal punishment due to sin" refers to time spent after death in Purgatory, a place of purification for those who are saved before entering Heaven; in life, when sins are sacramentally forgiven, the temporal punishment remains. A partial indulgence removes part of this punishment, while a plenary indulgence removes all the punishment.


Divine attribute of the Church : she will never parish or go astray


Having no flaw or defect; an attribute of the Catholic Church as a result of its divine origin.


: Many prayers on behalf of another person. We intercede for otehrs when we pray for them; the saints in Heaven and the Holy Souls in Purgatory intercede for us when they pray for us. We can pray to the saints and to the Blessed Virgin Mary asking their intercession before God on our behalf.

Intercessory Prayers

What does the Immaculate Conception teach us about Mary?

It is Mary being conceived and brought into the world with no sin. She has no effects of original sin. It teaches that Mary is the Mother of Jesus and is the chosen Mother of God. She remains pure all her life.

In the Old Testament, the sign of the office of prime minister, who is appointed by the king to have primacy over all his other servants; in the New Testament, Jesus gives the 'keys to the kingdom' to St. Peter, indicating that he would be both the leader in this CHurch and Christ's own representative on earth - in other words, the first Pope.

Keys of the Kingdom

Sign authority of the prima minister of the Davidic Kingdom; in the New Testament, the sign of authority given by Christ to St. Peter.

Keys to the Kingdom

The Church as a kingdom...

Kingdom of God

A name of the Church used frequently by Jesus; it highlights the relationship between the Davidic kingdom and the Church.

Kingdom of Heaven

All the faithful, except those in Holy Orders and those in the state of religious life specially approved by the Church. These faithful are by Baptism made one body with Christ and are constituted among the People of God, and are in their own way made sharers in the priestly, prophetical, and kingly functions of Christ. They carry out for their own part the mission of the whole Christian people in the Church and in the world.


Who evangelize, receive sacraments, and are personal witnesses to the people around us?


The Passover sacrifice at the Exodus. This was a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ, the perfect sacrifice, "who takes away the sins of the world."

Lamb of God

The judgement on the living and the dead at the second coming of Christ, at which time those who died before the second coming and have gone through the Particular Judgment will have their bodies reunited with their souls.

Last Judgment

The _____ _____ includes the Parousia, judgement, resurrection of the body, Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell.

Last Things

Usually refers to death, judgment, Heaven, and Hell; a longer list would include Purgatory and the resurrection of the Body.

Last Things

The principal sacramental celebration and worship of the Catholic Church, established by Jesus at the Last Supper, in which the mystery of salvation through participation in the sacrificial Death and glorious resurrection of Christ is renewed and accomplished; also called the Eucharist or Lord's Supper. This name is derived from the Latin dismissal of the faithful, 'Ite, missa est.'


The Sacrament by which a man and a woman are joined in CHrisitan marriage, a lifelong and exclusive bond recognized by the Church; one of the 7 Sacraments of the Church.


Unites man and woman in lifelong, exclusive union....


Comprised of those men who have received Holy Orders to be at the service of the faithful

Ministerial Priesthood

The priesthood of those who have received Holy Orders, which is at service of all the faithful; along with the common priesthood of all the baptized, all share in the one preisthood of Christ and in his mission of salvation.

Ministerial Priesthood

what is being pure and such in your actions and outfits?


: A heresy arising in the fifth century that claimed there is only one nature in the Person of Christ, his human nature having been incorporated into his divine nature.


What is saying that there is only one nature in Christ and his human nature was incorporated into his divine nature


The moral virtue that provides for the successful integration of sexuality within the person leading to the inner unity of the bodily and spiritual being; in other words, a commitment to the moral of one's sexuality in keeping with one's state of life. For unmarried men and women, including those in Holy Orders and the consecrated life, this means complete abstinence from all sexual activity; for married Christians, it means complete fidelity to one's spouse and respect for both the unitive and procreation purposes of married love.


What is a lifestyle of purity?


A specific gift or grace of the Holy Spirit that directly or indirectly benefits the Church. It is given in order to help a person live out the Christian life or serve the common good in building up the Church.


Consecrated oil used in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders


Perfumed oil used for Consecration in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders; the oil is consecrated by the bishop and signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit.


what did Gnostics deny?

Christ's human nature

A name given the assembly of the People of God called together from the ends of the earth. This word has three meanings: the people that God gathers together, the local church (diocese), and the liturgical assembly. When we speak of "the Church", it normally refers to the Catholic Church. The word is a translation of the Latin ecclesia, the Greek ekklesia, and the Hebrew qahal ("assembly" or "convocation"); it is derived from the Greek Kyriake('what belongs to the Lord').


Generally, the entire assembly of the faithful People of God; more specifically, particularly when spelled with a capital C, it refers to the Catholic Church. The word comes from the Greek ekklesia meaning assembly.


Jesus Christ establishes the Kingdom of God on earth through the ____.


The members of the Church on earth, part of the Communion of Saints.

Church Militant

The members of the Church in Purgatory; part of the Communion of Saints.

Church Suffering

What are those in Purgatory?

Church Suffering

The members of the Church in Heaven; part of the Communion of Saints

Church Triumphant

Who are those in Heaven?

Church Triumphant

What is the pilgrim Church on earth?

Church militant

The faithful of the Church who have received the Sacrament of Holy Orders; that is, bishops, priests, and deacons.


The principle that all the bishops of the Church with the Pope at their head from a single 'college,' which succeeds in every generation the 'college' of the 12 Apostles, with Peter at their head, which Christ instituted as the administrative foundation of the Church.


The priesthood of all the faithful; by virture of our Baptism and confirmation, the laity and those in the ministerial priesthood (bishops, priests, deacons) share in the one priesthood of Christ and share in his mission of salvation.

Common Priesthood

At the Council of Jerusalem, they decided that Gentiles did not have to follow ....

Mosaic Law

Instead of following ______ ____, Phillip converts the Ethiopian, the first Gentile convert, by _____ him.

Mosaic Law; Baptizing

An inexhaustible truth, something that can be known with certainty through faith but can never be fully understood by human reason.


The faithful People of God, who in a supernatural way become one body, with Christ as its head. The faithful are united together in Christ's Mystical Body; that is, we are brought into communion with one another through our communion with Christ. For this reason, St. Paul refers to Jesus as the head of the Mystical Body: "he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. He is the head of the body, the church." As the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church extends throughout time Christ's work of salvation.

Mystical Body of Christ

What indicates that the Church is not simply a community of members gathered around Christ but the Church is united in him, his Body

Mystical Body of Christ

Can Scripture change?


A pagan school of thought based upon the ideas of the Greek philosopher Plato that held the existence of a Supreme Being, "the One," who creates through an emanation of lesser beings, one of which is the logos.


A heresy arising in the fourth century advanced by Nestorius, who taught that Christ was the unity of a divine person and a human person - in other words, Jesus was two persons United in one nature rather than one person with both a divine nature and a human nature. He opposed the title Theotokos for Mary, teaching that Mary was the Mother of Christ, but not of God.


What believes that Christ is two people?


The symbol or formula of the Catholic Faith that was developed at the Ecumenical Councils of Nicea 1(325) and COnstantinople 1( 381). It is sung or said by the congregation during the Mass/Divine Liturgy.

Nicene Creed

Against the Arian heresy, the _____ ____ and Athanasian Creeds asserted Jesus Christ consubstantial with the ______.

Nicene Creed ; Father

Latin for "whole Christ," made up of Jesus, the head, and the Church, his Mystical Body.

Totus Christus

What cant change?


Change of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ at the consecration.


what is the bread and wine transforming into the substance of Christ's body and blood


: Scholastic term used by the Church to describe how the bred and wine are changed into the Eucharist; consecration of the bread and wine by a priest at Mass changes the substance of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ while leaving the appearances as bread and wine.


Who safeguards the rights within the Church and with assisting lower tribunals?

Tribunal of the Roman Rota

T or F: A person can sanctify any activity by making it an opportunity to be a witness to Christ in the world


T or F: An example of intercessory prayer is when the roman centurion came to Jesus and asked for his servant to be healed.


T or F: Christians can have an intimate relationship with Mary because she draws us closer to her son.


T or F: Fatih is a gift from God- made possible through his grace- which requires an active response from the believer


T or F: The Church has a dual nature: human and divine.


T or F: The Church is catholic because she is universal, embracing all people of all times


T or F: The marks of the Church are essential and visible signs that allow the true Church founded by Christ to be distinguished from other Churches.


T or F: The source of the Church's unity, catholicity, holiness, and apostolicity is God


T or F: the church is called the sacrent of salvation because it is the sign and the instrument of the communion of God and humanity, the link between the invisible and visible elements of ecclesial communion


The study of how the New Testament is foreshadowed in the Old Testament. Certain figures and actions in the Old Testament are types that are reflected or fulfilled in the New Testament; for example, Christ as a type of the new Adam, or the Ark of Noah as a type for the saving role of the Church itself.


Uniqueness; the term is sometimes used to describe the Church. It is the only Church founded by Christ.


: From the latin "vicarius," meaning "in the person of." It emphasizes the role of the Pope as a representative of Christ himself.

Vicar of Christ

Term used for the Pope that emphasizes his role as a representative of Christ himself; from the Latin vicarious, meaning ' in the person of.'

Vicar of Christ

The conception of Jesus in the womb of the Virgin Mary solely by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Church teaches not only that Mary conceived and gave birth to Jesus as a virgin, but also that she remained a virgin her entire life.

Virign Birth

Specific calling to which God invites each individual; it can also refer to a calling to the priesthood and religious life or, more generally, the universal call to love and serve God and work for this Kingdom.


The particular plan or calling that God has for each individual in this life and hereafter. All people have a vocation to love and serve God and are called to the perfection of holiness. The vocation of the laity consists in seeking a the Kindom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and by directing them according to God's will. Priestly and religious vocations are dedicated to the service of hte Church.


What is the second nuance?

Work f Christ done on behalf of the people

What is the third nuance?

Work of God, in which people participate

What is the first nuance?

Work of the people to imitate Christ

Three sins against the unity of the Church are _____, heresy, and _____.

apostasy and schism

To be elected pope, a baptized male needs a 2/3 majority of votes of the _____, who make up the ______ that meets in the sistine chapel to twenty days after the death or resignation of a pope.

cardinals, concave

A permanent state of life recognized by the Church, characterized by the profession of the evangelical counsels.

consecrated life

God prepares his people for the Church by using _____.


Who are called to a ministry of service?


Peter concluded from his vision of the animals that one did not have to follow _____ ____ on order to become a Christian.

dietary law

How did the church respond to Gnosticism?

emphasized the goodness of the created world, and the existence of one true God, and the reality of Christ's human nature and divine nature

Catholics _____- the saints as a means of providing the faithful with examples of virtue.


The Church is one; sh has a unity of _____, a unity of worship, and a unity of ______.

faith and leadership

T or F: Catholics worship Mary and that is why we try to emulate her


T or F: the 3 orders, or ministerial offices, of the church are bishops, priests and nuns


T or F: the pope is infallible in all matters concerning the Church


T or F:An example of an archetype would be Mary.


Let it be done to me according to your word is called Mary's....


Christ gave he apostles the authority to _______ _____.

forgive sins

what are the 4 things you vow when you marry?

free, totally, faithful, and fruitful

In the light of God's free choice of Mary from all eternity to be the Mother of his Son, this dogma was defined by Pope Bl. Pius. From the moment of her conception, Mary - by a singular grace of God and by virtue of the merits of JC - was preserved from all stain of Original Sin.

immaculate conception

Two doctrines infallibly defined recently are _____ _____ and _____.

immaculate conception and Assumption

during the protestant reformation, catholic practices were in need of reform and sold.....


Immunity from error and any possibility of error. The gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church whereby the Magisterium can definitively proclaim a doctrine in faith or morals without error. The Church possesses this character as promised by Christ, as does the Pope as defined by the Twentieth Ecumenical Council (Vatican 1, 1870).


What did the Church do to reemphasize Christ as the hypostatic union?

stated the hypostatic union and celebrated the feast of Mary

Which is not a part of the Roman Curia? A. nine congregations B. Three tribunals C. the Magisterium D. Secretariat of State

the Magisterium

The virtues of faith, hope, and love.

theological virtues

what did Gnostics teach referring to God

they teach that there is one from the new testament and one from the old testament

What can change?


T of F: Mary can be referred to as the New Eve because of her yes to God's will.


T or F: Before his ascension, Christ instructed his Apostles to spread the Good New so the ends of the earth and to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


T or F: God sends His son to establish the Kingdom of God on earth.


T or F: St. Peter had a vision in which God told him it was permissible to kill and eat animals that previously had been considered unclean under Jewish Law.


T or F: The papacy is the foundation for leadership and unity in the Church


T or F: through the sacreamnet of holy orders, bishops and print act in persona christi- in the person of christ


The schismatic movements hurt the Church's _____ _____/

visible unity

The office of Pope in the Catholic Church.


A defined territorial district within a diocese, with its own church and congregation, which is placed in the care of a priest.


Greek term for the second coming of Christ, who will come for the FInal Judgment at the end of time.


_____ is the term for the second coming of Christ, who will come for Final Judgment at the end of time.


The judgment of those who have died or will die before the second coming of Christ. This judgment takes place immediately after death and is confirmed by teh eventual Last Judgment.

Particular Judgment

The Sacrament of God's forgiveness of sins that reconciles the penitent with God and with the Church; the acts of hte penitent - contrition, confession of sins, and satisfaction or reparation - together with the prayer of absolution by the priest, constitute the essential elements of the Sacrament of Penance. The word penance also refers to the particular prayers or acts the penitent is assigned by the priest as satisfaction for the sins confessed.


A Jewish festival, 50 days after Passover, celebrating the giving of the Law to Moses at Sinai. On the fifteenth day after the resurrection, the Holy Spirit was manifested, given, and communicated to the Apostles, fulfilling the mission of Christ. This is the birthday of the church.


Feast celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles in the Upper Room fifty days after the Resurrection.


The descent of the Holy Spirit, in the form of a rushing wind and tongues of fire, upon the Apostles after Jesus' Ascension. This even fulfilled Jesus' promise to send his Spirit to teach, guide, and empower the Apostles in their mission.


At ____, the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles was marked by what appeared to be tongues of fire appearing over their heads and their ability to speak in different ______.

Pentecost; Language

All the faithful from among the humanity who seek and desire to know and love God.

People of God

All those who believe in Christ...

People of God

_____ __ ____ and _____ _____ and ______ ______ are three times in which we see Christ reveal the mystery of God through food and drink.

Feeding of the 5000, Last Supper, and Meal at Emaus

Mary's response of consent at the Annunciation: A Latin word meaning let it be done.


In the Latin Rite of the CC, the season of _______ immediately precedes the Christmas season, while the season of _____ immediately precedes the Easter Triduum.

Advent; Lent

Mary's Assumption is her....

Falling Asleep.

T of F: Intercessory prayer is used when you don't want to pray so you get someone else to do it for you.


T or F: Apostolic Succession is transmitted by a bishop through the Sacrament of Confirmation


T or F: As the first pope, St. Peter was spared execution and permitted to die peacefully in old age.


T or F: Christ affirmed the traditional practice of divorce, which had been established by Moses


T or F: In order to achieve unity with separated brethren, it might be necessary to abandon some Church doctrines that divide Christians.


T or F: Mary is the Queen of Heaven because she reigns equally next to God.


T or F: Mortification and other practices of spiritual discipline such as poverty, chastity, and obedience are medieval perversions of Christianity and have no other place in the modern world.


T or F: Not everyone who is on Heaven is a saint.


T or F: St. Thomas unreservedly believed in Christ's Resurrection upon hearing about it from the other Apostles.


T or F: The Immaculate conception refers to Mary giving birth to Jesus who is without sin.


T or F: The apostles appointed successors that were called priests.


T or F: The study of events in the NT that allegorically foreshadow what is in the OT is called eschatology.


T or F: Venial sins destroy the life of grace in the soul and must be foreign in Confession before receiving the Eucharist


T or f: A cathedral si an honor given to he oldest and most ornate church in a dioceses?


A name of the Church derived from the teaching of Christ; it highlights the intimate communion that the Father offers to man in the Person of Jesus Christ, in whom we are made sons and daughters of God.

Family of God

All a family in the Church?

Family of God

What are the 3 Theological virtues?

Fatih, Hope, and Love

Made explicit when we receive the Eucharist

Image of the Bible

Christ is the head of the Church and the two become one flesh.

Image of the Body

Christ is the source of our spiritual life in which we bear fruit when we maintain in relationship with Him.

Image of the Branches

God forms a people for Himself that is fulfilled through Christ

Image of the People

Brought together through the gateway which is Christ and protected from evil.

Image of the Sheepfold

Divine attribute of the Church: she will never change in her essential aspects


Will never change in its essential aspects; an attribute of the Catholic Church as a result of its divine origin.


Literally, " in the person of Christ"; refers to the fact that by virtue of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the ordained priest participates in the priesthood of Christ and acts in the place of Christ, particularly in the Mass and in conferring the Sacraments.

In Persona Christi

From the Latin meaning "to make flesh." The mystery of the hypostatic union of the divine and human natures in the one divine Person, the Word, Jesus Christ. To bring about man's salvation, the Son of God was made flesh and became truly man.


In recent years, the church has engaged in ecumenical dialogue with Protestant communities and Orthodox Churches; additionally she had engaged in interfaith dialogue with eh _____ and Muslims faiths, which share _____ in common with the true faith.

Jewish and the one God

The priestly action of Jesus Christ, continued in and by the Church under the impulse of the Holy Spirit. In the liturgy, the Holy Spirit himself brings about his works of salvation through effective signs, thus giving a most perfect cult to God and salvation to mankind; more generally, the word indicates the Mass, as in "Eucharistic liturgy" which itself comprises the Liturgy of the Word and the liturgy of the Eucarist; or an official prayer of the Church outside of Mass, such as Litrgy of the Eucharist; or an official prayer of the Church outside of Mass, such as the Liturgy of the hours. It comes from the Greek ergos and leiton. In the Greek Christian culture, it meant public work, why work performed for the common good; in the Greek translation of the Old Testament it refers t the Levitical cult of the Jewish Temple on behalf of the people.


In the New Testament, a reference to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Word made flesh; it is a Greek term meaning word. In pagan Neoplatonic thought, the logos was an elevated being created by but inferior to the Supreme Being; this etymology led some early Christians to doubt the true divinity of Christ and fall into heresy.


The name given to the ordinary and universal teaching authority of the Pope and the bishops in communion with him, who guide the members of the Church without error in matters of faith and morals through the interpretation of Sacred Scripture and Tradition.


What is the teaching office or authority with which Christ endowed his Church to defend, guard, and interpret the truth down through the ages?


what gives us the content of the Church's official teaching?


THe four attributes of the Chrued mentioned in the Nicene Creed: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic.

Marks of the Church

Who started the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther

Greek for 'witness'. A witness to the truth of the Faith in which a Christian endures suffering and even death for Christ.


Greek for witness. A witness to the truth of the Faith in which a Christian endures even death for Christ.


Explain, Mother of God.

Mary is Mother of God because she gave birth to Jesus, who is God. Since Jesus has the Body of Christ on Earth, Mary is also our spiritual Mother. She gave birth to Jesus and became his Mother. We can go to Mary so that she can help us reach Christ.

As one of the evangelical consels, it refers to a vow to obey and respect one's religious superiors, an elements of consecrated life.


The obligation of the faithful to accept and believe in the authoritative and fallible teachings of the Magisterium.

Obedience of Fatih

The church is unique and singular, solidarity of the Church that comes from God...


The Church is four marks:

One, holy, catholic, and apostolic

The teaching office of the bishops in their own dioceses, teaching the same doctrine with moral unanimity, or that of the Pope for the whole Church.

Ordinary Magisterium

he various Churches of the Eastern Roman Empire and other associated lands that broke from communion with the Catholic Church in the eleventh century; they retain many elements of the Catholic Church, including apostolic succession and the 7 Sacraments.

Orthodoxy Eastern

As one of the evangelical councils, a commitment to detachment from worldly goods and simplicity of life as a way of seeking justice and solidarity with the world's poor.


The office of priest in the Catholic Church; the priesthood.


A aman ordained to assist his bishop by ministering to the faithful and celebrating many of the sacraments, including the Eucharist.


One of the Tribe of Levi. In the New Testament, an abbreviation of the Greek presbyteros ('elder'). A member of the order of presbyters; this baptized and confirmed male is ordained to be a co-worker with his bishop, to preside at public liturgies in his stead, and otherwise to assist the bishop in priestly service to the People of God.


Who acts in the person of Christ, and can confer the sacraments?


: The highest rank. The Acts of the Apostles shows the "primacy" of St. Peter, that is, it shows he had the highest rank among the Apostles.


Authority of the Head of the Apostles.

Primacy of Peter

The position of being first in rank or authority. The Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles bear witness to St. Peter's primacy among the Apostles.

Primacy of Peter

What is sex used for within Marriage?

Procreate children & unity

The general name given to any of the Christian denominations that broke from the Catholic CHurch during the sixteenth - century Reformation And to the splinter churches from these communities; today these include the Lutherans, Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, and many others. More generally, the term refers to any western Christian community not in union with the Catholic Church.


What are the Cardinal Virutes?

Prudence, Temperance, Fortitude, and Justice

A state of final purification after death and before entrance into Heaven for those who died in God's friendship but owe reparation for confessed sins; a final cleansing of human imperfection before one is able to enter the joy of Heaven.


A state of final purification after death and before entrance into Heaven for those who died in God's friendship but were only imperfectly purified; a final cleansing of human imperfection before one is able to enter the joy of Heaven.


The ________ is composed of the pope and bishops united to him; it is _______ in matters of faith and morals.

magisterium and authoritative

Also called the Eucharist or Lord's Supper. This name is derived from the Latin dismissal of the faithful, "Ite, missa est." The principal sacramental celebration of the Church established by Jesus at the Last Supper, in which the mystery of salvation through participation in the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of Christ is renewed and accomplished.


People called to the religious life live the evangelical counsels of _____, chastity, and ______.

poverty, obedience

The visible hierarchy of the church that receives the sacrament of holy orders are _____, _____ and deacons.

priests & bishops

How did the Church respond to Arianism?

reaffirming Christ's divinity in the Nicene Creed

List three responsible of a bishop...

rule over a diocese and all the people in it elect other bishops to continue apostolic succession can speak infallibly with the pope on matters of faith and morals

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