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"God is going to save everybody". Everyone is saved because we are human beings.

Augustine (354-430 AD) Confessions, 48-49

"I was ignorant of these principles and laughed at your hold servants and prophets (i.e, Schripture), By my mockery I only achieved the result that I became ridiculous to you. Gradually and unconsciously I was led to the absurd trivialities of believing that a fig weeps when it is picked, and that the fig tree, its mother sheds milky tears." Augustiine (354-430 AD) , Confessions, 48-49


(1) biblicism, (2) conversionism , (3) Crucientrism centrality of the cross, (4) Activism respectful evangelism and social action, and (5) deep respect for Christian history and tradition. Are Christians who define themselves, their faith, and their lives according to the Good News of Jesus of Nazareth.

Know some of the ways Jesus and the Apostles held to the authority of the Old and New Testament.


neccesity of scripture

..."The necessity of Scripture means that the Bible is necessary for knowing the gospel, for maintaining spiritual life and for knowing God's will


...Philippians 2:15 so that you may become blameless and pure, "children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation."[a] Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky

The One Historic Christian view

1. Exclusivism A person must have explicit faith in Christ during his life ( Rom 10:13-15' Acts 4:12' Heb 9:27; Luke 16:26

Five categories of special revelation

1. God Acts in History (Israel - god of salvation, Egypt - god of wrath 2. Dreams, visions, oracles, prophecies - God appearing in dreams to Jacob, Joseph, Paul 3. Jesus of Nazarath - Jesus is God's revelation 4. Personal address by god - Moses, Saul 5. The writings of the OT & NT - what we have in the bible is revelation

Categories of Special Revelation

1. God acts in History )Ps 44:1-3) God revealed himself to Israel and Egypt as God of Salvation and to Egyptt as god of wrath. 2. Dreams, visions, oracles, prophecies (1 Sam 3:1) God appearing in dreams to Jacob, Joseph, Paul. 3. Personal Address by God (John 12: 28-29) Moses, Saul. 4. Jesus of Nazareth (Heb 1:1-2; John 1:18) Jesus is God's revelation. 5. The writings of the OT and NT (2 Peter 1:20-21. What we have in the bible is revelation.

Know the five categories of special revelation.

1. God's Acts in History 2. Dreams, Visions, Oracles, Prophecies 3. Personal Address by God 4. Jesus of Nazareth 5. The Writings of the OT & NT

Know the five points of theological fundamentalism (IosVbocSaBrocBscoc)

1. Inspiration of Scripture 2. Virgin birth of Christ 3. Substitutionary atonement 4. Bodily resurrection of Christ 5. Bodily second coming of Christ

The five theological fundamentals

1. Inspiration of scripture 2. Virgin birth of Christ 3. Substitutionary atonement 4. Bodily resurrection of Christ 5. Bodily second coming of Christ

Theories of inspiration (IIEDMDVP)

1. Intuition theory 2. Illumination Theory 3. Encounter theory 4. Dynamic Theory 5 Mechanical Dictation Theory 6. Verbal plenary theory

Know and describe the five levels of development toward an evangelical theology. (PoRtEmAfEr)

1. Patristic Orthodoxy-essential doctrines from the early church 2. Reformation Theology-Doctrines from the reformation that clarify Christian belief 3. Evangelical Movement- A movement among British & American protestants 4.American Fundamentalism- Subtype of evangelicalism which is militant in opposition to liberal theology 5. Evangelical Renaissance- A call to cultural engagement in a positive manner

Grudem's 2 initial assumptions

1. The Bible is true and is our absolute standard of truth 2. The God of the Bible exists

Know the three forms of general revelation.

1. The Created Order 2. The Human Conscience 3. The Flow of Human History

Three forms of General Revelation

1. The Created Order - everyone participates in created order, nature bears witness to God through the beauty, complexity, design, usefulness. 2. The Human Conscience - plain, clear, and without excuse. Everyone has a conscience that bears witness to God's law. 3. The Flow of Human History - History has a goal and purpose. God is providentially ordering the world.

Carl F. Henry's 2 axioms (all of our theology is based on these two axioms)

1. The one true living God is the primary ontological (philosophical study of nature of being, becoming, existence, or reality, as well as the basic categories of being and their relations) axiom. 2. Divine revelation is the primary epistemological (branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge and is also referred to as "theory of knowledge") axiom.

Content of General Revelation

1. There is One Creator God who deserves our exclusive worship. 2. He is eternal and independent. 3. He is invisible and powerful. 4. He is personal and wise; lawgiver.

Be familiar with some of the content of general revelation.

1. There is one creator God who deserves our exclusive worship 2. He is eternal & independent 3. He is invisible & powerful 4. He is personal & wise; lawgiver

describe three essential elements of inerrancy.

1. bible contains no errors 2. original manuscripts - does not affirm anything contrary to the fact. 3. is completely true in all that it affirms to the degree of precision intended by the author's purpose.

Theories of inspiration (IIEMDVP)

1. intuition theory - bible authors exhibit natural insights into religion also found in other great philosophical or religious thinkers, NOT Holy Spirit, but naturally inspired. 2. Illumination Theory (similar to above) - Shedding light HS impresses himself upon writers, (not the text) but not in a way that is essentially different from the way he communicates with all. 3. Encounter theory (Carl Barth and Neo-Orthodoxy) - bible is not word of god, but word of men, yet god chose good men to write bible and becomes god as you read it, not from HS, but uses the book to drive him into your heart. 4. Dynamic theory (Middle ground between encounter and Plenary theories) The HS inspires to concept (i.e. thoughts) of the bible but not the actual words. 5. Mechanical Dictation theory - God using prophets as keyboard god dictated the exact words to human authors will and personality from the writing. God is the only author. 6. Verbal Plenary Theory - Inspiration Words all God breathed (theoneustos) * 2 Timothy 3:16 All graph (OT 39 books, NT 27 books. * Asserts dual authorship The latter doctrine plenary inspiration means that the bible not only is an account of important things, but that the account itself is true, the writers having been so preserved from error, despite a full maintenance of their habits of thought and expression that the resulting book is the infallible rule of faith and a matter of fact, the doctrine of plenary inspiration does not deny the individuality of the biblical writers, it does not ignore their use of ordinary means for acquiring information, it does not involve any lack of interest in the historical situations which gave rise to the biblical books. What it does deny is the presence of error in the bible (Machen, Christianity and Liberalism, 62-63

Know and describe the four contemporary perspectives on general revelation and the world religions

1. universalism everyone is saved because we are humans 2. pluralism - more than one way to get to god. we all follow our own path and meet in the middle. 3. inclusivism,- one way to god, but Jesus will include those who are good in this life. 4. exclusivism - Key to this position is the understanding of God's general and special revelations. God is manifested through creation (general revelation), but Man has responded by freely going against this revelation and, thus, stands guilty before a holy God. However, God has demonstrated a reconciliatory mercy through His word and deed, fulfilled completely in Jesus Christ. The historical person of Jesus, then, is the unique, final, decisive, and normative self-revelation of God to Man (special revelation). Exclusivists believe that Jesus Christ is the sole criterion by which all religions, including Christianity, should be understood and evaluated. Calvin

The Human Conscience Romans 2: 14-16

14 For when Gentiles who do not have [a]the Law do [b]instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having [c]the Law, are a law to themselves, 15 in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, 16 on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus. PLAIN, CLEAR, AND WITHOUT EXCUSE. EVERYONE HAS A CONSCIENCE THAT BEARS WITNESS TO GOD'S LAW THEIR CONSCIENCE AT TIMES DIRECTS THEM AND OTHER TIMES CONDEMNS THEM.

Evangelical movement

A movement among the British & American protestants


A person must have explicit faith in Christ during his life


A seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true.

Systematic Theology

Any study that answers the question, "what does the whole Bible teach us today about any given topic?" A study of accepted church doctrines assimilated by categorizing and summarizing

Christian ethics

Any study that answers the question, what does god require us to do and what attitude does He require us to have today with regard to any given situation?

3 criteria for NT canonicity

Apostolic, Orthodox, Catholic

Verbal-the actual words of the Bible Plenary-all of it Inspiration- God breathed (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Matthew 4:4)

Be able to describe the essential elements of verbal plenary theory (key scriptures also).

Be able to explain the "Beddington Quadrilateral" for evangelicalism.

Beddington identifies four main qualities which are to be used in defining evangelical convictions and attitudes: 1. biblicism, a particular regard for the Bible (e.g. all essential spiritual truth is to be found in its pages) 2. crucicentrism, a focus on the atoning work of Christ on the cross 3. conversionism, the belief that human beings need to be converted 4. activism, the belief that the gospel needs to be expressed in effort


Believing that the bible and the words contained within are inerrant, the infallible word of God, must resolve to abandon as false any idea found to be clearly contradicted by the teaching of scripture. But it is also very important for each person to resolve not to believe any individual doctrine simply because this or other textbook says it is true, unless this book or the instructor in a course can convince the student from the text of Scripture itself. It is scripture alone not any human authority, that must function as the normative authority for the definition of what we should believe.

What are the major doctrines we cover in THE 3301 & THE 3302 at CIU

Bibliology, Theology Proper, Christology, Pnematology


But know first of all , that no prophesy of scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God (2Pet 1:20-21) By inspiration of Scripture we mean that supernatural influence of the Holy Spirit on scripture writers, which rendered their writings an accurate record of the revelation which resulted in what they wrote actually being the word of God" (Millard Erickson, Christian Theology, 225)

What is the differences between Roman Catholics and Protestants on Scriptures sufficieny

Catholics have 2, scripture and tradition, Protestants have 1, sola scriptura.

Necessity of Divine Revelation

Christianity is the only divinely revealed religion while others are products of man. The Christian God speaks and acts. Humans have no other way of finding out about God apart from Him revealing Himself.

Evangelical worldview

CiU educates people from a biblical worldview to impact the nations with the message of Christ. A worldview is a commitment of a fundamental orientation of the heart that can be expressed as a story or in a set of presuppositions (assumptions which may be true, p;artily true, or entirely false) which we hold (consciously, consistently, or inconsistently) about the basic constitution of reality, and that provides the foundation on which we live and move and have our being, James Sire, The Universe Next Door 5ht ed.

General Revelation

Creation - God has revealed, communicated Himself to all persons at all times and in all places (Mildred Erickson Christian Theology, 178)

Reformation Theology

Doctrines from the reformation that clarify Christian belief

Verbal Plenary Theory (theories of biblical inspiration.)

Every word of scripture is breathed out by God. All 3 words are important: Verbal-the actual words of the Bible Plenary-all of it Inspiration- God breathed

Religious experience

Fredrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834) Father of Modern Liberal Theology. Modernism - operates on a naturalistic worldview--having an experience of absolute dependence. Theological Modernism teaches creeds are merely the changing expression of a unitary Christian experience.....according to the Christian conception, a creed is not a mere expression of Christian experience, but on the contrary it is a setting oath of those facts upon which the experience is based.

what are differences between "general revelation" and "special revelation" in light of Mildred J. Erickson's definitions.

General Revelation - Creation - God's communication of Himself to all persons, at all times, and in all places. Special Revelation - God's manifestation of Himself to particular persons at definite times and places, enabling those people to enter into a redemptive relationship with Him. Mildred J. Erickson's definitions.


God (Eternal One, the Real) has revealed Himself through Jesus Christ, but also in other ways. We all follow our path and will all end up in the middle.

General Revelation and the World Religions (Humanity's Relationship to God)

God - eternal ONE has revealed himself through Jesus Christ 1. Universalism - everyone is saved because we are humans. 2. Pluralism - More than one way to get to god - we all follow our path and we will all end up in the middle. 3. Inclusivism - one way to to god through Jesus, but Jesus will include those who are faithful and good in this life. *Anonymous Christian Thesis (Carl Rahner) A person who does not claim to be a Christian, but God treats as a Christian because of their acceptance of general revelation. * Post -modern evangelism - Jesus will witness and heal upon his death.

Special Revelation

God manifests Himself to particular persons at definite times and places enabling those persons to enter redemptive relationship with Him (Erickson)

general revelation (Erickson's definition)

God's communication of Himself to all persons at all times and in all places

Kingdom of God (social gospel)

God's kingdom is moving society towards a universal brotherhood of man & fatherhood of God

Special Revelation (Erickson's definition)

God's manifestation of Himself to particular person at definite times and places, enabling those persons to enter into a redemptive relationship with himself

Archetypal Theology

God's theology of himself; what God knows about himself & the created order

Political Liberation

Having the Bible to help liberate us politically, economically, & socially is called....

The flow of Human History PSALM 47:7-8' DANIEL 2:21' ACTS 17:26

History has a goal and a purpose God is providentially ordering the world.

Why divine revelation necessary for us

Humans have no other way of finding out about God apart from God revealing Himself.

credo ut intellegam What is deductive theology and starting point?

I believe in order to understand. start w/General truths (basic beliefs) & then work out of these

credo ut intellegam The Augustine formula What is deductive theology and starting point)?

I believe so that I may understand) is reasoning from general to specific every theology, philosophy, science.

verbal plenary theory essential elements and key scripture

Inspiration, words of bible, all God breathed - 2Tim 3:16

Know some of the ways Jesus and the Apostles held to the authority of the Old and New Testament.

Jesus acknowledged all the OT prophets from Gen to 2Chron. to be sent by God w/His authority, Jesus acknowledged endurance and authority of the very letters of the OT, Jesus acknowledged even the verb tenses to be authoritative IAM. Jesus apostles would be spirit led into all truth. The spirit would take Jesus teachings and give it to them.

The relationship of general and special revelation

Just as old or bleary-eyed men and this with weak vision, if you thrust before them a most beautiful volume, even if they recognize it to be some sort of writing, yet can scarcely construe two words, but with the aid of spectacles will begin to read distinctly, so Scripture gathering up the others confused knowledge of god in our minds, having dispensed our dullness, clearly shows us the true God (Calvin, Institutes, 37 NONE OF GENERAL REVELATION MAKES ANY SENSE APART FROM SPECIAL REVELATION.

evangelical centers

Justification by FAITH (Martin Luther), God created everything for his glory(John Calvin),

Evangelical Centers

Justification by Faith, The Glory of God, The Kingdom of God in Christ

7 ecumenical (representing a number of different Christian churches.synonyms: nondenominational, universal, catholic, latitudinarian, all-embracing, all-inclusive) councils of patristic orthodoxy (200-500AD) essential doctrines (trinity, Person of Christ and HS).

Nicea (325), Constantinople (381), Ephesus (431), Chalcedone (431), Constantinople II (553), Constantinople II (680), Nicea II (787)

Systematic Theology's influence on our wv

Noetic structure - sum total of everything a person believes. As we form our systematic theology we are simultaneously forming our noetic structures which inform and determine our world views.

The great schism (1054)

One side Western Church/ Roman Catholic, The Protestant Reformation (1517), Reformation Theology (1517-1650) - 1. Scripture alone 2. Grace Alone 3. Faith Alone 4. Christ Alone 5. God's Glory Alone to Evangelical Movement (1730-1900) Protestants in Britain and America to Theological Fundamentalism (1900-1950) 1. Scripture inspiration 2. Virgin Birth 3. Substitutionary Atonement 4. Bodily Resurrection 5 Christ's 2nd coming to Evangelical Theology into the 21st century. After Protestant Reformation (1517) broke away to Fundamentalist - Modernist Controversy: Theologians/Pastors reject traditional Christianity for naturalistic wv (1850-1940)

Why cant general revelation save us?

People are only saved by hearing, believing and calling on the name of Jesus. Humans have no other way of finding out about God apart from God revealing himself


People are only saved by hearing, believing, &calling on the name of Jesus


People need to be changed & that occurs as people become "justified by faith alone"

Describe perspicuity and know the difference between Catholic and Protestants over the perspicuity of Scripture

Perspecuity is clarity of Scripture. Catholics believe Scripture is difficult to understand and requires an infallible interpreter (the Magisterium) Protestants say Perspicuity and sufficiency go hand in hand and are inseparable.


Places greater focus on the individual than on society

what are the 3 implications of the doctrine of divine revleation?

Revelation is unified, truthful, authoritative.

natural revelation

Revelation of God in nature. . Rom. 1:20 says, "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse."

The created order (Psalm 19:1; Romans 2:14-16

Romans 2:14-16 (NASB)14 For when Gentiles who do not have [a]the Law do [b]instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having [c]the Law, are a law to themselves, 15 in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, 16 on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus. Psalm 19:1 The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.

The 5 solas

Scriptura (scripture), Christus (Christ), Fide (faith), Gratia (grace), Soli Deo Gloria (all glory to God)

Christian Theology

Study of Triune God and his purposes w/in the created order as revealed in Jesus through Divine revelation

Biblical Theology

Study of the Bible's theology & it's unified message as t is developed along its historical framework

Pastoral Theology

Study of the application of theology to the church (preaching, counseling, spiritual disciplines)

Historical Theology

Study of the development of doctrine throughout church history

Philosophical Theology

Study of theological issues by means of philosophy

American fundamentalism

Subtype of evangelicalism which is militant in opposition to liberal theology

What are the major doctrines we cover in THE 3301 & THE 3302 at CIU?

THE 3301 - Biblioloby (study of scripture), Theology Proper (study of God), Christology (study of Christ), Pnematology (study of Holy Spirit) THE 3302 Theological Anthropology (study of Man), Soteriology (study of Salvation), Ecclesiology (study of the Church), Echatology (study of Last Things)

Encounter Theory (theories of biblical inspiration.)

The Bible is like all other books, but God has chosen to meet people through it. The Bible's words are not from the Holy Spirit, but he uses them as a vehicle

Intuition Theory (theories of biblical inspiration.)

The Biblical authors exhibit natural insights into religion (also found in other great philosophical or religious thinkers) Not Holy Spirit, but naturally inspired.

Illumination Theory (theories of biblical inspiration.)

The Holy Spirit impresses himself upon the writers (not the text), but not in a way that is essentially different from the way he communicates with all humanity

Basic beliefs Christians typically begin with as they do theology

The bible is true and absolute standard of truth. The God of the bible exists.

What is "theological prolegomena" and what three questions does it seek to answer?

The introductory section of a system of thought in which basic principles and premises are enunciated 1.what is theology? 2.what is the relationship between God's knowledge & our knowledge? 3. how does human reason relate to theology?

Central to the evangelical gospel

The proclamation of Christ's saving work

Noetic structure

The sum total of everything a person believes plus the relationships between those beliefs. As we form our systematic theology we are simultaneously forming our ____________which inform and determine our world views - Relationship to Worldview - there is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is sovereign over all, does not cry, "Mine!" Abraham Kuyper, 1837-1920

Ectypal Theology

The theology God has revealed in created order & scripture

Pilgrim theology

The theology we learn along the way; our understanding of ectypal theology


Theo (God), logos (word) refers to what we know about God


There is only one way to God, through Jesus, but Jesus will include those who are faithful & good in this life.

What are 3 implications of the doctrine of divine revelation?

Unified, Truthful, Authoritative


Unified, truthful Authoritative - Not going to contradict itself logically (i.e. consistent), not going to lie or lead us astray. It is necessarily truthful because God is truth. It is Authoritative not a suggestion.


a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or other group.

Identify the various non-evangelical integrative motifs discussed in class and the proponents of each.

a concept which serves as systematic theology's central organizational feature, the theme (integrative motif) around which it (systematic theology) is structured 1. Religious experience - The purpose of religion is to have an experience of absolute dependence (we are finite) .........operating on a naturalistic wv - Modernism,. naturalistic. 2. The Kingdom of God ("social gospel") The good news of the Bible is that God's kingdom is moving society towards a universal brotherhood of man & fatherhood of God ............Socialistic - removing class distinctions 3. Political Liberation - We have the Bible to help liberate us politically, economically and socially........liberation theology - Marxist - an economic & sociopolitical wv , feminist theology

What is not meant by verbal-plenary inspiration?

a. not that prophets, apostles themselves were inspired, but their canonical writings are inspired. b. not that prophets, apostles were merely passive in the process or that all inspiration falls into prophetic mold. c. not that the inspiration pertains to the intentions of human authors who prophesied more than they themselves knew.

Difference between Roman Catholics and Protestants in regard to cannon of scripture?

catholics hold that some doctrines which all Christians are bound to believe, are only imperfectly revealed. Protestants believe sola scripture.

history of inerrancy - especially know the three big mile-posts in the setting forth of the doctrine of inerrancy (Princeton formulation, Harold Lindsell's book, and ICBI).

church has historically held to inerrancy of bible. Inerrancy assumed by Church until the Enlighenment (mid 17th c.), Inerrancy Fully Articulated (IFA late 19th, 20th c. ) mileposts - Princetone Formuation of inerrancy (1st full blown treatment of inerrancy articulated), Harold Lindsells The Battle for the Bible (1976) exposed excessive infiltration of liberalism and neoorthodoxy, The International Council on Biblical Inerrancy (ICBI) (1977-1987)




comparing various ideas about what salvation is and how it is obtained.


critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture

definitions of dynamic and formal equivalence in biblical translations.

dynamic equivalence - clarity of English expression (thought for thought), formal equivalence - Correspondence to original language (word for word)

Patristic development

essential doctrines from the early church (Trinity, Christ's deity & humanity)


it has been interpreted as meaning any presentation of the facts which lie at the basis of the christian religion with the true meaning of the facts.

major and minor doctrines

major - Unchanging, inerrant - John 3:16, minor - Revelation

some qualifications of inerrancy

only applies to autographs, respects the authorial intent of the passage and literary conventions under which the author wrote, allows for partial reporting, paraphrasing, and summarizing, allows for phenomenological language (description of phenomena as they are observed and experienced), allows the reporting of speech w.out the endorsement of the truthfulness of that speech, not invalidated by colloquial or nonstandard grammar or spelling.


presuppositions derive from the Word of God and correspond to the presuppositions that the Word of God has.


providing a defense of the truthfulness of the Christian faith for the purpose of convincing unbelievers.

Non evangelical centers

religious experience, political liberation, and the kingdom of God(social gospel)


stresses the centrality of Christ's sacrifice on the cross "as a substitute for mankind"


technically it is the closed list of books


the bible, in the autographs, contains no error of any kind, philosophically, historically, scientifically, ethically, or theologically (Paige Patterson). * The idea that scripture in the original manuscripts does not affirm anything that is contrary to fact. (Wayne Grudem) * when all the facts are known, the bible (in its autographs, that is, the original documents) properly interpreted in light of the culture and the means of communication that had developed by the time of its composition, is completely true in all that it affirms to the degree of precision intended by the author's purpose, in all matter relating to god and his creation (David Dockery, The Doctrine of the Bible, 80)


the branch of knowledge that deals with interpretation, especially of the Bible or literary texts.


the view that the Bible is fully inspired by God

Dynamic Equivalence ---- Formal Equivalence

thought for thought The Holy Spirit inspires the concepts (i.e., thoughts) of the Bible but not the actual words.---- Correspondance to original language ( word for word)

If we hold to verbal plenary inspiration

we believe all the words of bible are God breathed and that the bible is inerrant...........*And now, O Lord God, you are God and your words are true (2Sa 7:28 ESV) * Sanctify them in the truth, your word is truth (Joh 17:17 ESV * This is the disciple who is bearing witness about these things, and who has written these things, and we know that his testimony is true (Joh 21:21 ESV) * I am speaking the truth in Christ - I am not lying, my conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit (Rom 9: 1 ESV) * The following together with other Christian principles of doctrine and practice, including the affirmation of the full trustworthiness of Scripture, which in its original writing was verbally inspired and without error, shall be the basis of the faith and doctrine of CIU. The bible is the inspired word of god, the written record of his supernatural revelation of himself to man, absolute in its authority, complete in its revelation, final in its content, and without any errors in its teachings (CIU statement of faith) VERBALLY INSPIRED WITHOUT ERRORS

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