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Germany industail feudal society composed of a modern industrail economy which allowed for the survival of pre industrail elites determined to hold back democratic development


Germna government hoped for great diplomotic and military victory to consolidate monarch holld back refrom and prevent revolution


The crisis in the balkans was the occasion rather than the cause of WW1

Evans and others

peculiar german way is pure speculation


AH responsible for local conflict which was linked to its fear about Balkan nationalism but Germany used the opportunity to launch the European war which AH never desired

David Lloyd George war memoirs

All the nations of Europe slithered over the edge of boiling cauldron of war 1914


Dairy of Kurt Reilzer private secretary Hollweg shows Hollweg knew that action on Serbia by AH might lead to war German did take advantage of austo Serb crisis to further own aims main aim of Hollweg was to a diplomatic victory or war if TE remained united. terrotorail aims product of war not fulfilment of pre war aims. Wasn't started because of domestic problems, German aims were to ensure AH survival and reordering alliance


Fishcer idea of continuity in Germany 1871 - 1914 is best way to understand orgins of WW1


German government purising pre exsiitng plan in july 1914 to either break up TE or provoke European war to do this AH had to be on frontline and Russia declare 1st so public opion could swing miltrary planners and govt so simlar in pursiut of these aims liekly milatray planning had become bound with german diplomacy. German place for war developed after adgir and gathered pace during Balkan wars

Brandenburg german historian

Germany didn't plan for war 1914 it's Russia's fault for wanting control of the Balkans and France's for wanting revenge for Alsace- Lorraine


Hasbo- Serb quarrel major issue which brought about war rest of the Europe dragged into third Balkan war

David Kaiser

Hollweg didnt regard major European war as useful means of diverting attention from domestic difficulties socilaist threat was'nt maor influence on policy Hollweg protracted European war would be likely to destroy the monarchy not strengthened


Hollweg lacked patience to setle things by negotiation entente powers paralysing Germany and Russia growing stronger in Balkans making ah weaker after blank cheque realised it might escalate into European war German policy took advantage of Austro serb crisis hoped it would divide entente powers and give Germany bloodless diplomatic victory if failed war they wen to war wanting to break free of encirclement not territorial aims Holman desired quick victory and diplomatic settlement


Imperialism highest level of capitalism 1916 war is direc tconsqence of imperial rivialry which led capitlist buisnessmen to seek new markets and encourged governments to support ecomic interests. Germna monopoly capital was behind its forgein policy primary aim to gain terrotiry it wad denied in new era of new imperilaism. Forgien policies of major european powers was fucntion of capilist buiness. monopoly cpaiatil the hidden hand behind WW1


Long term cause - Weltpolick - belligerent created hostile reaction increasing tension until peace became impossible July crisis was the cummaltion of German challenge of status quo and risked war to ahcive weltpolitick and short term is German actions in July Crisis blaque check escalated war and provoked other powers to join


WW1 grew out of clash between Slav nationalism and multi ethic AH empire assassination was final straw offered AH opportunity to rouse public opinion in support of war which aimed to weaken the drive for self determination in Balkans

Fisher 1969

War of Illusions Kaiser's government plotted the outbreak of WW1 from 1912 German government had an expansionist foreign policy, formulated in the aftermath of Social Democratic gains in the election of 1912 and had started a war of aggression in 1914


a de facto parliamentary system existed in germany before 1914

A J P Taylor

allainces were too fragile and precarious that they can not be seen as a major cause of war

L F C Turner

crisis cannot be understood without knowlegde of balance of military power military planning and military stragtery the balance of power in the Balkans was turning sharpley agasisnt AH


doemstic factors prime moving force behind germna forgien policy


each announcement of increased amaments expenditure by a European power before 1914 was viewed as a threat by a percieved rival and thus created an atmostphere of mutaul fear and suspicion which played a major part in creating the mood for war

Kennedy - economics

economic interests are key reality behind diplomatic

Zechlin and Erdmann

hollweg took caluclated risk july 1914 to either gain diplomatic victory or fight preventitive war. Tehey decied on preventive war out of desparatin and no plan for vast expainson


issue at stake in july crisis was struggle to decide the balance of power in Europe for indefine time ahead between TA and TE allainces orginally designed for peace enusured a local quarell turned into a general war


no European power really accepted alliance system consited of two firm and balacned power blocs and no power belived that the allaicne system was complete deterant to war

1930 Fay

no Eurpeoan power wanted war and all should at lesser and stronger deegress take the blame for it starting - France determination to support Russia Germnay didn't plot the war and was a causaalty of alliance with AH, AH most responsible but felt it was acting in self defence Seriba mightn't of wanted war but thought it would be forced to fight. Russia partly ressponaible for encouring Serbia and mobalsing troops Brtian tried for peace but didn't try to restrain it's alliance with France


no european went to war becuase of treaty obligations moral issues or right of small nations but to defend imperial interests which consisted of private interests of finance and monopoly capital

Ritter counter thesis of fischer

no eveidence of unfied Germna plan for war or world domination germany acted defensivlty in july crisis to preserve postiton in exsiitng status qou main german aim to support AH, too much reliance on military planners bound to lead to escalation Hollweg tried to stop war and was victim of military planners. Stumbled into war through supporting AH and relaining on military powers in 1914 saw chance to put wedge between TE and promote AH status wanted to risk threat of european war not fight one


no government desired war and it wasn't premediated however the attudite of war as inevitable in ruling circles distrust at peak and each power accused the other of aggressive intentions and risk of war accepted seeing hope in system of alliances and development of arms

Fisher on Hollweg

prime mover in July crisis and key developer of expansionist aims after war began believed Germany had to break out of encirclement and that AH needed Germany support tried to improve Anglo - German relations in hope they would remain neutral Blank Cheque and last minute plea for Br neutrality were part of pre existing policy so the war wasn't preventive war born out of fear and desparainton it was launched and planned by Germany with aim of European domination

Fischer thesis 1961

published Grab for World Power - Germany to blame for preparing and provoking the war Germany prepared to start WW1 to become great power it encouraged AH to start war with Serbia and continued to when clear it wasn't going to be localised once war began having been discussed prior to war of terrotiail gains in central and eastern Europe

Computer 1960 two American political scientests

put the documents of key descions makers of 5 main powers during July Crisis and found all major powers saw rivals as antagonistic and themselves as friendly during crisis leaders became obbseessed with short term descisons, all major parties saw themselves as injured party. NOT ONE POWER RESPONSIBLE !

Eley and Blackbourn

reject idea of unquie German path to democracy they also rehject the idea germnay used war and forgien adventures to divert masses from dometic problems it had a bourigse revoltuion in 1800s and was modern Army was gradually incorparating members of middle class to officer ranks. idea of Germna government using nationlism to divert attention from growth of SD's has been exagrated and didnt see war as best way of resovlign doemstic diffuculties examnination of military nationalistic and radical groups shows not all of them favoured expansionist policy

albertini 195

suggested germany was most responaible for WW1

Berghahn and Wehler

support Fischer arsticratic Junker supported agressive forgein policy as ecape from political consequences of industrialisation especially the desire fore greater democracy in Germany


the belief that any nation or statesman was the arch criminal in 1914 is no longer held by serious students of history

Ballin and Warburg

they were ideal type Germna capilists opposed war


weltpolick was used as a distration from domestic probklems and fear of SD was factor i for war

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