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What is Serif?

Serif is the short lines at the ends of characters.

What is the purpose of a mask?

A mask allows you to select or subtract areas of your image without destroying the original image.

What is shape (elements of design)?

A shape is a self contained defined area of geometric (squares and circles), or organic (free formed shapes or natural shapes). A positive shape automatically creates a negative shape.

What are the principles of design?

Balance Proximity Alignment Repition Contrast Space

What is the contrast?

To avoid conflict, many designers avoid using two font families of the same variety such as two serif fonts.

What are types of storage devices?

• Floppy disk - 1.44 Megabytes (mb) • Memory Sticks/USB Flash Drives - 8 gigabytes (gb) • Hard Disk and External Hard Drives (tb) • Magnetic Tape Drive

What is a magnetic storage device?

A magnetic storage device works on a principal of magnetic charge. It can then be "read" magnetically and its recorded "data" played back.

What are serif's?

Serifs create distinctions between practice They can appear blurry online, but helps the reader follow text easily in print.

What is the similarity and alignment in text?

Similarity and alignment uses typography to create relationships between similar kinds of information. Aligned text also creates a line in your design; such lines help readers draw connections between different parts of the document

What is size (elements of design)?

Size is simply the relationship of the area occupied by one shape to that of another.

What are smart filters?

Sometimes when scaling an object (making it bigger and smaller), we loose information which reduces the quality of the image. We use the FREE TRANSFORM tool in order to resize both the images in your Photoshop file.

What is space (principles of design)?

Space in art refers to the distance or area between, around, above, below, or within elements. Both positive and negative space are important factors to be considered in every design.

What is spacing?

Spacing (called leading) between words need to be consistent to promote legibility; too much variation leads to eyestrain.

What is information architecture?

Structural desifgn of a websites navigation

What is texture (elements of design)?

Texture is the surface quality of a shape - rough, smooth, soft hard glossy etc.

What is L2 Cache?

The L2 cache is a memory buffer that passes information to the processor.

What is CPU?

The brains of any computer responsible for running the operating system

What is the colour mode?

The colour mode contributes to file size • RGB and greyscale = smaller file size • CMYK = larger file size

What is javascript?

The language responsible for managing interaction within a browser

What is line (elements of design)?

The linear marks made with a pen or brush or the edge created when two shapes meet.

What is the processor speed, and what is it measured in?

The processor speed indicates how many calculations the processor can make in one second. It is measured in gigahertz (Ghz).

What is the resolution?

The resolution is the quality of an image depending on the amount of dots-per-inch (DPI).

What is tracking?

Tracking refers to the space between letters

What is a typeface?

Typeface is the visual representation or interpretation of a set of characters; it is their appearance.

What is uniformity?

Uniformity is repeating familiar elements to focus your audiences attention.

What is text alignment used for?

Use text alignment to create relationships between different types of information.

What are vector graphics?

Vector graphics use math to describe the image and tell a computer how to use the maths to generate the image.

What is contrast in typography?

creates interest and distinguishes different types of information in different type faces. You can add interest by contrasting display type and body type. To create contrast, you could use two font families, one Serif and san serif. You can also use Italics, bold, tracking, or colour to the same effect.

What are the colour modes?

• RGB-red green blue (monitors) • CMYK-cyan magenta yellow black (print) • GREYSCALE- are composed exclusively of shades of grey, varying from black at the weakest intensity to white at the strongest • RGB can look bright and shiny, while the CMYK can be a bit dull and muddy.

What is direction (elements of design)?

All lines have direction - Horizontal, Vertical or Oblique. Horizontal suggests calmness, stability and tranquillity. Vertical gives a feeling of balance, formality and alertness. Oblique suggests movement and action

What is alignment (principles of design)?

Allows us to create order and organisation. Aligning elements allows them to create a visual connection with each other.

What is balance (principles of design)?

Balance in design is similar to balance in physics. A large shape close to the center can be balanced by a small shape close to the edge. Balance provides stability and structure to a design. It's the weight distributed in the design by the placement of your elements.

What is the purpose of centre-aligned and right-aligned text?

Centre-aligned and right-aligned text is hard to read, because your eyes are used to following text from left to right.

What is colour (elements of design)?

Colour is light reflected off objects. Color has three main characteristics: hue or its name (red, green, blue, etc.), value (how light or dark it is), and intensity (how bright or dull it is).

What is contrast (principles of design)?

Contrast is the juxtaposition of opposing elements (opposite colours on the colour wheel, or value light / dark, or direction - horizontal / vertical). Contrast allows us to emphasize or highlight key elements in your design.

What shortcut key can you use to duplicate a new layer?

Control/command + J

What is FSB?

Front side bus (connects the processor to the RAM)

What are GIF's?

GIF's are used to export graphics with solid areas of colour and hard edges (e.g.logos) GIF's are used to create animations.

What does GIF stand for?

Graphics Interchange format.

What is storage?

Hard drive space

What are bitmaps/raster graphics?

Here bits are the individual pixels (dot of colour) on the screen which we see as a co-herent image.

What is HTML?

Hypertext Markup language

What is illustrator?

Illustrator is used for creating parts and vector graphics and is ideal for logos and typography. Not bitmap images so resizing does not cause pixelation.

What are JPEG's?

JPEG's are used for photographs and images with continuous colour (artwork). JPEG's support the 3 colour modes.

What does JPEG stand for?

Joint photographic expert Group

What is the purpose of justified text?

Justified text is also legible,but less because of shorter line lengths creating uneven spaces between words.

What is leading?

Leading is the space between lines of text.

What is the purpose of left aligned text?

Left aligned text is most legible, because spacing between words is uniform.

What does legibility mean?

Legibility means making sure the audience can read and understand your text

What are the elements of design?

Line Shape Direction Size Texture Colour

What are PNG' S?

PNG' S are developed to GIFS, smaller in size They provide greater depth of colour (24 bits in colour). PNG's do not support animation.

What does PNG stand for?

Portable network graphics

What is proximity (principles of design)?

Proximity creates relationship between elements. It provides a focal point. Proximity doesn't mean that elements have to be placed together, it means they should be visually connected in someway.

What is RAM?

Random access memory-A type of computer memory

What is repition (principles of design)?

Repetition strengthens a design by tying together individual elements. It helps to create association and consistency. Repetition can create rhythm (a feeling of organized movement).

What is sans serif?

San serif fonts have uniform strokes throughout. It helps readers easily read text online, but makes words in a sentence hard to follow.

What is San serif?

San serif is the best type face for body text that is to be displayed in print.

What are the file size conversion?

1 Bit = Binary Digit 8 Bits = 1 Byte 1024 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte (kb) 1024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte (MB) 1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte (GB) 1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte (TB) 1024 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte (PB) 1024 Petabytes = 1 Exabyte (EX) 1024 Exabytes = 1 Zettabyte (ZB) 1024 Zettabytes = 1 Yottabyte (YB) 1024 Yottabytes = 1 Brontobyte (BB)

What does file size determine?

1. hard drive space 2. computer speed 3. How quickly you can download data

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