Thinking Like a Scientist and Engineer (English Only)

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-an event that can be observed in the real world. -what is happening? example- coral bleaching

provide reasoning for the following scientific question: Which mask was the most effective at filtering smaller sized particles?

1) Why does the evidence support the claim? This evidence supports the claim because the N95 mask filtered 20.3% more particles than the surgical mask and 38.9% more particles than the tea cloth mask. 2) Why do you think this is happening? The N95 is probably made out of thicker material than the other mask types. It also has a better fit around the nose and mouth which helps it filter more effectively.

what criteria do good scientific questions need to have?

1) addresses phenomenon or problem 2) testable through experimentation. 3) leaves out any words related to opinions and beliefs. 4) identifies the nature of the question through cross cutting concepts

what practices do scientists and engineers engage in?

1) observe phenomenon/problem 2) ask scientific questions 3) construct explanations 4) plan and carry out investigations 5) engage in argument from evidence

how do scientists engage in arguments from evidence?

1) obtain and organize the evidence (data/numbers) 2) look for patterns 3) make a claim 4) connect the evidence and claim with a chain of reasoning 5) communicate information through research posters or published scientific articles

what are some patterns you see in the following graph?

1. The N95 has the highest particle filtration when compared to the other types of masks.

what would be an appropriate scientific question for the following graph?

1. what is the effect of cacao farms on the amount of different bird types? 2. does the abundance of different types of birds differ in the cacao farm and rain forest?

what is the first step in engaging in argument from evidence?

Collect evidence from experiments you did or data that other scientists have published. Organize the data into tables and graphs.

what does DRY MIX stand for?

DRY-- (D)ependent variable (R)esponding (Y)-axis MIX--(M)anipulate OR (M)easurable (I)ndependent variable (X)-axis

provide evidence, claim and reasoning for the following scientific question: are face masks effective in reducing the spread of COVID cases?

Evidence: According to the graph, ___days before the face mask mandate was signed, there were ___ percentage point change in daily case rate. ___ days after the mandate was signed, the percentage point in daily case rate was ___. Claim: Face masks are effective in reducing the spread of COVID cases. Reasoning: 1) Why does the evidence support the claim? The evidence supports the claim because the graph shows the percentage point change in daily case rate decreased 1.8% (subtraction) 21 days after the mandate was signed. 2) Why do you think this pattern is happening (explain the science)? Face masks block the spread of large viral droplets that are released into the air when someone talks, sings, sneezes or coughs, thus this results in less viral droplets being spread into the air.

make a claim that answers the following scientific question: Which mask was the most effective at filtering smaller sized particles?

The N95 filtered more particles when compared to the tea cloth mask and surgical mask.

state the evidence from the following graph.

The graph demonstrates that the N95 masks filtered 98.9% of particles while the surgical mask filtered 78.6% and the tea cloth mask filtered only 60% of particles.

which cross cutting concept does the following scientific question best fit: "are coral reefs bleaching due to warmer ocean temperatures?"

cause and effect

what is the fifth step in engaging in argument from evidence?

communicate information through research posters or published, peer reviewed scientific articles.

what is the fourth step in engaging in argument from evidence?

connect the evidence and claim through reasoning.

which cross cutting concept does the following scientific question best fit: Can giving higher quantities of serotonin to patients help alleviate anxiety or depression?


why is it important for anyone, not just scientists, to first look at evidence and make claims that are backed up by scientific evidence?

so that misinformation (false information) is not spread. when false information is spread: 1) It can put people's health and lives at risk 2) It stops us from solving problems that need to be addressed

which cross cutting concept does the following scientific question best fit: are the same geologic process that shaped the Earth still occurring today?


which cross cutting concept does the following scientific question best fit: "does the structure of the coronavirus spike proteins determine how effectively it binds to human cells?"


which cross cutting concept does the following scientific question best fit: "can a computer simulation model accurately predict how fast coronavirus can spread?"

system and system models sistemas y modelos del sistema

what is evidence in science?

the numbers/data that have been collected from an experiment. (the more data you provide, the stronger your evidence)

scientific inquiry

the process of investigating the natural world

what is a claim?

a statement that restates AND answers the scientific question by using the data. *should be done after finding patterns in the data.

what is reasoning?

an explanation that connects the evidence to claim by answering the following questions: 1) how does the evidence support the claim? 2) why do you think this (pattern) is happening?

cross cutting concepts

core ideas/lens in the major disciplines in all of the sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, earth science) -how scientists look at the world

which cross cutting concept does the following scientific question best fit: "what happens to sunlight and carbon dioxide in organisms that carry out photosynthesis?"



human needs and wants

what is the second step in engaging in argument from evidence?

look for patterns in the data.

what is the third step in engaging in argument from evidence?

make a claim that answers the scientific question. the claim should answer the question by stating patterns that were found in the data.

which cross cutting concept does the following scientific question best fit: "how do the base pairs of DNA repeat?"


independent variable

variable that is manipulated/chosen as a treatment in an experiment -Exception, you can't manipulate time, but you can choose to focus on a particular time period mnemonic device: (M)anipulate (I)ndependent (X)-axis Example-Fertilizer

dependent variable

variable that we can measure and responds to/or effected by the independent variable mnemonic device: (D)ependent (R)esponding (Y)-axis Example-Plant growth

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