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A maternal homologue and a paternal homologue synapse to form:a. sister chromatidsb. a paternal pairc. a tetradd. a maternal paire. a parental pair

a tetrad

In asexual reproduction, new combinations of genes arise bya. crossing overb. random assortment of gametesc. mutationd. random segregation of chromosomes into gametese. all of these


Sister chromatids are joined at the centromere in all of the stages of meiosis listed below excepta. anaphase IIb. metaphase Ic. telophase Id. prophase IIe. metaphase II

anaphase II

The sister chromatids become separated during _______ of meiosis.a. telophase Ib. metaphase Ic. anaphase IId. prophase IIe. anaphase I

anaphase II

A brilliant zoologist examined an intestine cell from a crayfish and counted 200 single chromosomes. What was the chromosome count of the eggs the crayfish was carrying?a. 100 paired chromosomesb. 50 single chromosomesc. none of the aboved. 100 single chromosomese. 200 paired chromosomes

100 single chromosomes

An animal with a diploid number of 36 chromosomes will have ______ chromosomes in its gametes and ________ chromosomes in its somatic cells.a. 36; 72b. 36; 18c. 36; 36d. 18; 36e. 18; 18

18; 36

In a human cell at prophase I, there are ________ tetrads.a. 32b. 92c. 64d. 46e. 23


Dogs have a diploid number of 78. How many chromosomes do their gametes have?a. 39b. 156c. 78d. 234e. none of the above


Meiosis typically results in the production ofa. 4 diploid cellsb. 1 triploid cellc. 2 diploid cellsd. 2 haploid cellse. 4 haploid cells

4 haploid cells

If a parent cell has 16 chromosomes and undergoes meiosis, the resulting cells will have how many chromosomes?a. 64b. 8c. 32d. 4e. 16


Which of the following is most probable at a metaphase I alignment?a. All paternal chromosomes are on the same side.b. All maternal chromosomes are on the same side.c. Each side has a mixture of maternal and paternal chromosomes.d. All maternal chromosomes are on one side, all paternal on the other.e. All of these are equally probable.

Each side has a mixture of maternal and paternal chromosomes

Which of the following is one of the very important difference between mitosis and meiosis?a. Interphase occurs only in mitosis.b. Chromosomes align midway between spindle poles only in meiosis.c. Sister chromatids separate only in meiosis.d. DNA is replicated only in mitosis.e. Homologous chromosomes pair up only in meiosis.

Homologous chromosomes pair up only in meiosis.

Which is NOT true of human chromosomes?a. The haploid number is 23.b. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes.c. The diploid number is 46.d. Human gametes end up with two of each type of 23 chromosomes.e. Human gametes end up with one of each type of 23 chromosomes.

Human gametes end up with two of each type of 23 chromosomes.

In comparing mitosis and meiosis, which of the following statements is true?a. Chromatids are present only in mitosis.b. Both processes result in four cells.c. Meiosis II resembles mitosis.d. Meiosis I is more like mitosis than is meiosis II.e. Synapsis (pairing of chromosomes) occurs in both.

Meiosis II resembles mitosis.

Through meiosisa. alternate forms of genes are shuffledb. offspring are provided with new gene combinationsc. the diploid chromosome number is reduced to haploidd. parental DNA is divided and distributed to forming gametese. all of these

alternate forms of genes are shuffledoffspring are provided with new gene combinationsthe diploid chromosome number is reduced to haploidparental DNA is divided and distributed to forming gametes

Crossing overa. alters the composition of chromosomes and results in new combinations of alleles being channeled into the daughter cellsb. involves nucleolic. involves breakages and exchanges being made between sister chromatidsd. generally results in binary fissione. all of the above

alters the composition of chromosomes and results in new combinations of alleles being channeled into the daughter cells

Homologous chromosomes separate duringa. metaphase Ib. anaphase IIc. anaphase Id. metaphase IIe. telophase II

anaphase I

During which of the following stages of meiosis do the sister centromeres separate?a. metaphase IIb. anaphase Ic. metaphase Id. anaphase IIe. telophase II

anaphase II

Homologous chromosomesa. have genes for the same characteristics (even though the alleles may not be the same)b. pair up during meiosisc. are the same sized. are in pairs, one chromosome of each pair from the father and one from the mothere. are all of these

are all of these

Which does NOT produce variation?a. genetic recombination of allelesb. asexual reproductionc. crossing overd. random alignment of chromosomes during meiosise. sexual reproduction

asexual reproduction

The essence of meiosis is thata. cells are formed that receive two members of each pair of homologous chromosomesb. cells are formed that receive one member of each pair of homologous chromosomesc. cells are formed that receive two copies of each member of each pair of homologous chromosomesd. cells are formed that receive one copy of each member of each pair of homologous chromosomese. none of these occur

cells are formed that receive one member of each pair of homologous chromosomes

Crossing over mixes up _________.a. zygotesb. allelesc. gametesd. chromosomes


The sources of genetic variation during meiosis are:a. crossing-over and the random assortment of maternal and paternal chromosomesb. random pairing of tetradsc. crossing-over and random pairing of tetradsd. random pairing of tetrads and random assortment of maternal and paternal chromosomese. random pairing of tetrads and mutations

crossing-over and the random assortment of maternal and paternal chromosomes

Which does NOT occur in prophase I of meiosis?a. condensation of chromatinb. cytokinesisc. formation of groups of four chromatidsd. crossing overe. homologous pairing


A zygote contains the _____ complement of chromosomes.a. diploidb. tetraploidc. polyploidd. haploide. none of the above


Which of the following events does not occur in prophase II?a. condensation of chromatin into chromosomesb. formation of a new cell membranec. formation of the spindled. none of the abovee. removal of the nuclear membrane

formation of a new cell

Which of the following events does not occur in prophase?a. removal of the nuclear membraneb. formation of the spindlec. none of the above, since all the events occur in prophased. formation of a new cell membranee. condensation of chromatin into chromosomes

formation of a new cell membrane

Four of the five answers listed below concern cells with two chromosome set. Select the exception.a. zygoteb. diploidc. skin cellsd. somatic cellse. gamete


Meiosis __________ the parental chromosome number.a. mixes upb. halvesc. maintainsd. doubles


Each of the cells formed during telophase I isa. ready to be fertilizedb. tetraploidc. diploidd. haploide. in synapsis


Asexually produced daughter cells area. different from each otherb. different from the mother cellc. identical to each otherd. identical to each other and identical to the mother celle. identical to the mother cell

identical to each other and identical to the mother cell

The chromosomal DNA is duplicated in ______ of meiosis.a. prophase IIb. prophase Ic. metaphase Id. interphasee. anaphase II


Crossing over is one of the most important events in meiosis becausea. the number of chromosomes allotted to each daughter cell must be halvedb. it produces new arrays of alleles on chromosomesc. homologous chromatids must be separated into different daughter cellsd. homologous chromosomes must be separated into different daughter cellse. all of these

it produces new arrays of alleles on chromosomes

The image of the chromosomes of an individual organism is called a:a. kinetochoreb. karyotypec. centromered. centriolee. chromosome plot


Which process is absolutely necessary for sexual reproduction to occur in a life cycle, but is not necessarily required for organisms that only reproduce asexually?a. karyokinesisb. meiosisc. prokaryotic fissiond. cytokinesise. mitosis


The correct number of chromosomes is maintained during sexual reproduction by:a. meiosis, which reduces the chromosome number by halfb. replication of chromosomes twice during meiosisc. mitosis, which maintains the original chromosome numberd. a process by which one half of the chromosomes in gametes are removede. chromosome doubling in the newly formed zygote

meiosis, which reduces the chromosome number by half

If a child more strongly resembles the maternal grandmother than the maternal grandfather, the explanation could be due to random chromosome alignment during the mother'sa. telophase Ib. metaphase IIc. prophase Id. metaphase Ie. anaphase II

metaphase I

The main evolutionary advantage of sexual over asexual reproduction is that it produces _________.a. all of the aboveb. more variation among offspringc. healthier offspringd. more offspring per individuale. clones of the parent

more variation among offspring

How many mature eggs are produced from a single initial oocyte?a. fourb. twoc. threed. onee. eight


The mature ovum is produced by maturation of thea. oogoniumb. oocytec. secondary polar bodyd. polar body Ie. none of these


Which of the following is not a location where meiosis occurs?a. human ovaryb. plant ovaryc. human testesd. dog ovarye. plant root tip

plant root tip

Which of the following are produced by meiosis?a. all of the aboveb. polar bodiesc. animal spermd. plant sperme. animal eggs

polar bodiesanimal spermplant spermanimal eggs

Crossing over usually occurs in which of the following stages of meiosis?a. metaphase Ib. prophase Ic. interphased. telophase IIe. anaphase II

prophase I

Homologous chromosomes synapse or pair during:a. anaphase IIb. anaphase Ic. prophase IId. telophase IIe. prophase I

prophase I

Under favorable conditions, during which phase of meiosis will the chromosomes appear as packets of four chromatids?a. prophase Ib. anaphase IIc. anaphase Id. telophase IIe. metaphase II

prophase I

Sexual reproductiona. produces genetic clones and requires less tissue differentiation than asexual reproductionb. results in new combinations of genetic traitsc. leads to uniform characteristics in a populationd. produces genetic clonese. requires less tissue differentiation than asexual reproduction

results in new combinations of genetic traits

Four of the five answers below are characteristics of meiosis. Select the exception.a. involves two divisionsb. reduces the number of chromosomesc. occurs in the gonadsd. produces haploid cellse. results in producing genetically identical cells

results in producing genetically identical cells

Which of the following events does not occur during meiosis I?a. crossing-over between homologous chromosomesb. separation of homologous chromosomesc. DNA exchanged. separation of sister chromatidse. pairing of homologous chromosomes

separation of sister chromatids

Meiosis functions in _________.a. none of the aboveb. asexual reproduction of single-celled eukaryotesc. growth and tissue repair in multicelled speciesd. asexual reproduction of single-celled eukaryotes and growth and tissue repair in multicelled speciese. esexual reproduction

sexual reproduction

Which of the following reproductive strategies would allow the most rapid adaptation to a changing environment?a. switching between sexual and asexual reproductionb. asexual reproductionc. simultaneous sexual and asexual reproductiond. neither strategy is more adaptive than any othere. sexual reproduction

sexual reproduction

Copies of chromosomes linked together at their centromeres at the beginning of meiosis are appropriately called what kind of chromatids?a. daughterb. sisterc. homologousd. mothere. none of these


During meiosis IIa. sister chromatids of each chromosome are separated from each otherb. homologous chromosomes separatec. homologous chromosomes pair upd. cytokinesis results in the formation of a total of two cellse. sister chromatids exchange parts

sister chromatids of each chromosome are separated from each other

If meiosis did not occur in sexually reproducing organisms,a. the zygote would be haploidb. gametes would be haploidc. the chromosome number would double in each generationd. mitosis would be sufficiente. eggs would be diploid but sperm would be haploid

the chromosome number would double in each generation

Four of the five answers listed below are characteristics of polar bodies. Select the exception.a. are produced during meiosisb. have no known biological functionc. dumping places for excess genetic materiald. genetically identical to oocytese. will serve as gametes if something happens to the egg

will serve as gametes if something happens to the egg

Four of the five answers listed below are haploid cells. Select the exception.a. eggb. sporec. gametophyted. sperme. zygote


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