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48. A bridge rose over the bayou, a car going one way and a truck the other, with a little settlement on the far side. (P52)


49. A very pleasant spot, with a grove of palm trees and lots of shade. (P52)


54. His lips moved and after a slight delay - what was that about? The sound of his voice came drifting over the water. (P54)

Mysterious Howling

55. Very carefully, so as not to frighten anyone she made a quiet rumble in the back of her throat that was hald purr, half growl. P38

Mysterious Howling

72. Despite their sad history of neglect, they are alert and healthy-looking but strong limbed, with shining auburn hair that is even more vivid in color now that it has been washed and the burrs have been taken out. P67


72. Night itself has a smell, by the way, much cleaner than day and kind of exciting in a way that's hard to describe. (P92)

Mysterious Howling

73. She backed out of the nursery, cradling her hands as if it had been burned. P71


73. Tiny silvery two-pointed moons wobbled on the water. (P92)


74. I tried to remember that last time I'd really been afraid, and sort of could, but also didn't want to, so I didn't. Plus there's no scaring me; almost forgot. (93)

Mysterious Howling

75. As it turned out, she need not have worried about the children running away, P72


75. The emporium was big, unlit, and boxy, somehow darker than the night. (P93).


86. I was a little tired, although I'd never admit it. (P118)

Mysterious Howling

90. The three young scholars stood before her, wriggling with pride. P94

Mysterious Howling

91. "Poetry? It disagrees with me, I'm afraid. All that bum-de-bum-de-bum-de-bum; it's like riding in the back of a hay wagon on a bumpy road.." P96


91. I gazed out the window, as any innocent dude might do at such a moment. (P122)


92. A shiny black pickup was cruising down the street. (P122)

Mysterious Howling

92. It was like one of those distressing dreams in which one must take a quiz for which one has had no chanced to prepare. P97

Mysterious Howling

93. For those of you with maps close at hand, you will note that the city of Christiania has long since been renamed Oslo. P100


98. " How come it's a crime scene if nothing got taken?" (P128)

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

A tear ran down her cheek.


Also, why I couldn't been an only child. P41


Always it started with a single word. (P2)

Roller Girl

Because believe me the best things in life are worth fighting for. (p190)


Because if you want me to do you a big favor I guess I could eat them for you. P17


Because of whoops? Or the brussels sprouts? P180

Mysterious Howling

Before them was a forest, r rather a painted backdrop of a forest, but a convincing one. (P214)

Book Scavenger

By Sunday morning, her attempts to make sense of it had amounted to nothing.

Mysterious Howling

By this point the children were giddy with fatigue. (P168)

Mysterious Howling

By which I mean no offense, of course! (P171)

Roller Girl

Can we come in to hear the verbal beatdown you're about to get from your mom? (p118)

Book Scavenger

Can't really call this a driveway, though, can you?


Cerealball is a good truck for when you're hungry and there nothing much to eat till morning. P14


Collars are half off. P165

Mysterious Howling

Composing English poetry is hardly something to brag about. (P207)

Mysterious Howling

Despite her usual misgivings about eavesdropping, she could not help it; she could hear every word through the carriage window. (P161)

Mysterious Howling

Did you neglect to look under the tree this morning? (P184)

Book Scavenger

Distant horns honked--reassuring bleats that the men were still being held back.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Do not proceed with other organisms until you can successfully grow the bean plant.

Mysterious Howling

Even from a distance she looked woefully unsteady. (P203)


Even if the flavor is gone your teeth get a workout. P15

Book Scavenger

Even if two kids didn't get along, they usually opted for each other over the strange new girl.

Book Scavenger

Funny how only two weeks ago she would have preferred it that way.

Book Scavenger

He gave an almost imperceptible nod and took the slightest step away from her and toward the front door.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

He gave me a big nod, and said he thought I was doing just fine. (209)

Book Scavenger

He give it some more thought then shook his head firmly.

Book Scavenger

He had the hood up on his sweatshirt.


He had to "invent" the bow and arrow - he almost laughed as he moved out of the water and put his shoes on. (P112)


He had to keep hoping. (P102)

Book Scavenger

He held the notepad out.

Book Scavenger

He help a book closed to his eyes, then wagged it like a winning lottery ticket.

Book Scavenger

He hoed desperately that the right person would find his book.

Book Scavenger

He is, he's enjoying humiliating her!


He would never leave now, never get out of here. (P117)

Book Scavenger

He'd been studying her paper over her shoulder.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I finally convinced Mom and Dad I could ride my bike into town on my own, to go to the library. (P97)


I flipped through the pages of the book. But sometimes you know when you're alone ?P83

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I followed. (P168)

Book Scavenger

I found it when I was researching ciphers online.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I found this typewriter up here, and a desk, and I moved things around very carefully until I could sit here and type. (P6)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I froze, and I waited. (P92)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I gave a big sniff and a big gulp. (P179)

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

I get to carry the signs out in the morning and put flags of African countries in holders near the curb.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

I need your help, my friend.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I sat right down on the barn floor and cried hard. (P178)


I thought about whether it might be an ax murderer.P56

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I tried calling my parents over and over, while the chickens rolled around in the dust. (P175)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I tried to shush her as quietly as I could, and kept my eyes wide open so I could try and grab her if anything moved at all. (P37)


I waited a few minutes to be sure the coast was clear. When I headed back to my room, my dad


I waited for my parents to return. To ask what's wrong, to yell at me for breaking something, but no one came. P189

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I was afraid they would be expensive, but they're mostly under thirty dollars. (P100)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I was at an exciting part, and you know I don't notice everything around me when I'm reading a good book, so I didn't see the black streak arrive. (P111)

Mysterious Howling

I was dreaming we were in church, and everyone was singing Latin hymns. (P209)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I was so relieved, I kind of wanted to throw up. (P194)

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

I was supposed to be sitting right beside him.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I was too tired and nervous to be mad. (P188)

Mysterious Howling

I will continue my search by heading upstairs. (P234)


I'm serious, I said, picking up my two pieces. P16

Book Scavenger

It meant beetle, like the glittering gold one on the cover.

Mysterious Howling

It might be seen as presumptuous, but on the other hand, who didn't like presents? (P150)

Book Scavenger

It never felt like enough when you knew you'd be saying your good-byes soon.


It was June, nice and warm, but I shivered.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It was hot, so I don't really blame them, but it was still boring. (P165)

Mysterious Howling

It was kind of tense, held-breath expression designed to conceal some strong emotion, like anger, or revulsion, or even fear. (P164)

Book Scavenger

It was like starting a bunch of books and never finishing any of them.


It was like turning on a television. (P141)

Mysterious Howling

It was not a change of expression, nor of complexion - it was more as if a sheer curtain had suddenly been drawn across his face. (P197)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It wasn't scary, but it still gave me goose bumps. (P57)

Book Scavenger

It's a way to conceal a message.


Last year my principal told me I was an old soul. P146

Book Scavenger

Maybe if you asked if I wanted to make five bucks...

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Maybe that lady had been watching too much TV, and only thought she had a good plan. (P58)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Maybe you think I'm just a kid with no money, whose parents probably won't let her have chickens anyway. (P9)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Maybe you think sending me a catalog would be a waste of paper. (P9)

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Me and my dad talk about important things.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Mom hates charity even more than Dad does, so I thought maybe things would be okay. (P117)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Mom is very big on education. (P80)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Mom put her arm around my shoulders. (P53)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Mom rolled her eyes and said she's never seen a super-speedy raccoon. (P7)


My dad ruffled my hair. He looked at me. Really looked in the way only parents can do. P161

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

Our people must prepared to fight.


Our school librarian likes to say you can't judge a book by its cover. Maybe it's the same way


Outside the sun was going down, finally, and in the initial coolness the mosquitos came out again and clouded in on him. (P66)

Roller Girl

Parents always say "Go get some fresh air," like getting kicked out of the house is a real treat. (p45)

Book Scavenger

She couldn't wrap her head around that.

Book Scavenger

She didn't know what role to play anymore.

Book Scavenger

She fell on her bottom, the manuscript clutched to her stomach.

Book Scavenger

She only wished there wasn't a giant, invisible timer lording over her family, ticking down to when they would inevitably more again.

Book Scavenger

She opened her own door instead and trudged up the stairs.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She opened one eye and looked mad. (P32)

Book Scavenger

She placed the note in the sand pail.

Book Scavenger

She plumped up her mushroom-cap hair with one hand.

Book Scavenger

She pushed his door open and shouted his name but, if he'd heard, he didn't turn around.

Book Scavenger

She sat on the edge of the fountain for a minute.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She saw me admiring all the colors of the paint chips and told me I could take some, but I just shook my head. (P100)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She says I don't have to be a farmer either. (P23)

Book Scavenger

She walked up the stairs.

Mysterious Howling

She wants you to meet with her in the drawing room as soon as you're ready. (P172)


So that means no breakfast or lunch when school's out. P159

Book Scavenger

So what did it even matter anyway?


Some birds were singing. (P32)

Book Scavenger

Some of the pages were typed, some torn out of a notebook.


The mall manager made us leave. P10

Book Scavenger

The man held his battered briefcase in front of himself, almost protectively.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

The men chopped down the massive tree.

Book Scavenger

The movement of the bus rocked them side to side.

Mysterious Howling

The noise was coming from outside the store. (p156)

Mysterious Howling

The other two may be forgiven for leaving the bookstore without permission, but you are old enough to know better. (P156)

Book Scavenger

The passenger-side door had been thrown open and one of the men was running toward the stairway.


The peace finally came to him and he settled his breathing. (P181)

Mysterious Howling

There was moment of confusion at the table. (P208)

Book Scavenger

There were rugs draped over them, and then frame and trinkets on top of the fabric.

Book Scavenger

There were snickers behind her.

Book Scavenger

There's got to be a reason why he chose this particular one.

Book Scavenger

They circled the neighborhood of the music venue looking for street parking.


They exasperated him to the point where they were close to driving him insane. (P139)


They seemed flammable, dry and nearly powdery. (P88)

Book Scavenger

They were safe now, on a tour bus with Flush, of all places.

Mysterious Howling

This afternoon the party guests would start to arrive. (P185)

Book Scavenger

This profile gave very little personal information and no photo.

Mysterious Howling

To get presents at all must be a novelty to them, and of course they had lived under trees all their lives. (P173)

Book Scavenger

To start a game.


We walked in silence, following our usual route. Past the little park with the fountain. P213


We watched the raccoon finish his food. P149

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

We were met by fifteen armed braves.


When I don't answer, he settled into a doughnut shape, tail wrapped around himself, and closed his eyes. P71

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

When I hear that clicking, it always makes me think of you. (P6)

Book Scavenger

Whenever he turned a page, robotic sounds mysteriously accompanied his movement.

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

While I'm doing my homework, mom gets a phone call. She covers her face and turns away.

Book Scavenger

Who is this guy you partnered me with, anyway?

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Who would want to carve such a horrible thing? (P124)


Why isn't it moving?

Book Scavenger

Why not live once in every state?

Book Scavenger

Why would someone want to leave them in?

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

You inherited the farm and all its contents, right?

Book Scavenger

"I have to go. But we can work on this at lunch tomorrow."

Mysterious Howling

108. I've heard about the new craze among the high-society types. Folk dancing, they call it. P111


111. Not far away, the road split in two parts, one headed along the lake, the other across the green fields, both empty of traffic. (P156)

Mysterious Howling

132. I can't lie for toffee, it makes my head ache! P129


19. What a place, filled with smells and sights, way too many to describe now. (P12)

Mysterious Howling

31. The drawing room had been prepared for the interview as if it were a stage set, with two chairs drawn near each other and a tea tray already in place on the sideboard. P18

Mysterious Howling

They returned to the house in high spirits, with tingling red cheeks and snow-frosted eyelashes. (P171)

Book Scavenger

They run to the computer bank to lookup the ISBN number.

Book Scavenger

They sat on the wooden benches that ran along the outside of the cable car, facing the sidewalk.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

They seemed pretty pleased to hear it. 9P149)

Book Scavenger

They seesawed the stake back and forth to loosen the dirt until they could pull it free.

Book Scavenger

They showed the book as it would look when it was published, with the pages printed side by side on each rectangular sheet.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

They sounded like they were coming closer, and I looked up as they walked by the end of my aisle, still talking. (P101)

Mysterious Howling

They spent the journey looking wide-eyed out the carriage windows. (P149)

Book Scavenger

They stepped into the room and walked up to a smaller pile.

Book Scavenger

They stepped up into a larger room washed in sunshine from tall windows.

Book Scavenger

They studied all the papers and odds and ends.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

They swooped and flew around a big fir tree, diving at something in the branches. (P87)

Book Scavenger

They turned away from the water and headed down a busy street.

Book Scavenger

They turned to a closed set of double doors.

Book Scavenger

They used the shovel as well as cupped hands to scoop the dirt.

Book Scavenger

They walked from the bus stop to the Bayside Press building.

Book Scavenger

They walked silently past slamming lockers and laughing students.

Book Scavenger

They were both fans of the monoalphabetic substitution cipher.

Book Scavenger

They were on the wooden walkway behind the stores and restaurants.

Mysterious Howling

They would eat, dance, play, enjoy themselves, and the chips, as they say nowadays, would simply have to fall as they may. 9P169)


They would find him. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon. Soon. Soon. (P54)

Book Scavenger

They'd been stalking the area since Saturday, hoping the kids would come back, but no luck.

Book Scavenger

They'd gotten away.

Book Scavenger

They'd seen purple backpacks before.

Book Scavenger

They'd solved the last clue.

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Things like truth and what it means to be free.

Book Scavenger

This book I;m looking for.

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

This house is packed with all the facts about all the blacks all over the world.

Mysterious Howling

This is how I was raised, and I turned out perfectly well. (P205)


This is only for a few days. P96

Book Scavenger

This kide made no sense, and she was impatient to get back to here notebook hunt.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

This might seem a little strange to you, but I wanted to make sure I didn't just dream about it. (P23)


Those things on your tongue are called papillae. P64


Those were the normal things he would say. (P9)

Book Scavenger

Those were the pieces of this plans that I knew.

Book Scavenger

Three copies were hidden by different people, but the other forty-nine were all hidden by the same person.

Book Scavenger

Three small pirates held hands, shrieking in circles until they fell down.

Roller Girl

Throw in my aching muscles and some new blisters on my feet, and soon I felt like Lawrence of Arabia. (p71)


Time had come, time that he measured but didn't care about; time had come into his life and moved out and left him different. (P122)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Today seemed like it was going to be great. (P86)

Mysterious Howling

Tonight I shall cook you a nice lamb chop to celebrate... (P159)

Roller Girl

Tonight, we are having an evening of cultural enlightenment! (p8)


Tough hope, he thought that night. I am full of tough hope. (P127)


Truth is important To you. So it's important to me. P196

Mysterious Howling

Truthfully, she was afraid to imagine the scope of destruction the children might have left in their wake. (P234)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Turns out, it's easier to unscrew door hinges than it is to break locks. (P59)

Mysterious Howling

Wasn't that ever so naughty of me? (P177)


Water droplets flew like crystal fireworks. When he'd finished, his fur was spikey. P65

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

We are all very busy with important things. (P19)

Mysterious Howling

We are lucky to get them, and I am quite sure they cannot come any other day. (P162)

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

We we arrived, they yelled and pushed us away.


We were almost o the car when I heard the policeman call hey ratsman. P111

Roller Girl

We were best friends, and that's what best friends do. (p27)


We were going to sleep in the parking lot. But a security guy knocked at the window. P106

Book Scavenger

We were told to look for an old book.

Book Scavenger

We'll walk home different ways, leave from a different school exit.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

We're still clearing all kinds of things out of the house, so I can't really even see the walls yet. (P100)

Roller Girl

We're working on your strength and stamina. (p66)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

We've decided to make a comic book, and I'm going to do the writing. (P139)


Well I sometimes worry I have a bit of fish in me. I rather like water. P219


Well okay then . As long as you're eating something nutritious. P17


Well refusing to ask for help isn't going to. P52

Book Scavenger

Well, I must have locked it out of habit.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Well, I think it's better if you don't tell Mom or Dad about her superpowers until I find out more. (P122)


Whap. Inches from my toes, the umbrella landed in the sand like a giant dart. P5


What do you want its name to be? P181

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

What else could I do? (P168)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

What if there people don't think I look responsible enough? (P119)

Mysterious Howling

What if they had wandered away and were now lost in the city, with its busy, dangerous streets and large, succulent population of pigeons?

Mysterious Howling

What on earth is going on out here? (P156)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

What was I supposed to do now? (P170)


What's he mean about how even his mom could be jiving him, Dad? P97

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

When I got to the ballroom, everybody was rushing out, screaming and hollering. I went inside and there he was lying dead.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

When I looked up, the hens were clustered near the door, squawking to get out. (P176)


When I opened my eyes, I sighed with relief. P5


When I try to remember my whole entire life, it feels like a lego project where you're missing some of the important pieces, like a robot mini-figure or a monster truck wheel. P30


When I was a kid, I didn't dress up like batman or talk to stuffed animals or worry about monsters under my bed. P9

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

When dad went to bank to borrow money to open a bookstore for black people, the banker said no.

Book Scavenger

When he didn't respond, she yanked it down, revealing his earbuds plugged in.


When he got too tired to walk, he sat in a folding chair and played songs on his guitar and sang.P200


When he learned he had MS, my dad acted like it was no big dea, even though he had to quit his job, which was building houses. P41


When he stopped there was sudden silence, not just from him but the clicks and blurps and bird sounds of the forest as well. (P51)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

When he went off to work on his resume, I decided to stay out of the plants and the sunny places for the rest of today while I get used to things around here. (p16)

Book Scavenger

When she looked behind once again, she saw the car arc in a U-turn at the intersection.

Book Scavenger

When they got to the music concourse, the jazz was already in full swing.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Will you wait just a minute while I grab my bike? (P182)

Mysterious Howling

With no prompting at all the children sprang to their feet. (P145)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

With the shutters open, I can look out down the driveway at the street, and hear the birds making a racket. (P7)

Mysterious Howling

Women gaily called to one another, men bellowed greetings and clapped one another on the back. (P187)


Wow I would love a piece of pepperoni pizza, my stomach would growl. P14

Book Scavenger

Yeah, I'm here at the library, but we haven't seen a glimpse of him.


Yeah, they would probably come today. (P48)


Yep. I pointed to the miniature zig zag staircase she was building, P178


Yes, but not very much. I am gravely injured.


Yesterday she told me that a bat can eat 1200 mosquitos in an hour. P9


You are a dog so you eat dog food, young lady. P16

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

You are not necessarily a fool because you didn't go to school.

Mysterious Howling

You are very kind to invite us. (P147)

Mysterious Howling

You can imagine how delighted I was about that! (P195)


You can learn a lot from them.


You can't hold a manatee in your hand either. P9

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

You could probably hear her all the way at the library. (P84)

Book Scavenger

You earn one point for each book you hide or find, or if someone finds one of your hidden books.

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

You go on to school. There are things you can learn from your teachers, but don't you stop thinking yourself. And don't you stop asking questions.

Book Scavenger

You just never knew, so it was better to be prepared.

Book Scavenger

You lose money that's not yours on house races.

Book Scavenger

You may earn a maximum of three homework passes.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

You might have to unscrew the latch too, and wiggle everything a lot, but you can probably make it work. (P59)

Book Scavenger

You might occasionally see someone in a T-shirt or hat with the logo on it.

Mysterious Howling

You must never wear that awful collar again. (P159)

Book Scavenger

You never knew when you might have time to sit down and study a book for more typos.

Book Scavenger

You print the number on a label and put it inside the book.

Book Scavenger

You talk about them like they're your best friends.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

You will be the great keeper of peace and the protector of all the people.

Book Scavenger

You wouldn't be interested in the prize anyway.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

"I know it's a long shot, but I'd like to look around, just in case." (P50)

Book Scavenger

"I'd get my tickets back, obviously."

Book Scavenger

"I'll be right back!" she called to her dad as she thundered down the stairs.

Book Scavenger

"I'm almost at the end of the story, so I better have them all."

Mysterious Howling

"Irony is when you say one thing but mean something else," she explained quickly, "or when you expect things are going to happen one way and then they into words." (P153)

Book Scavenger

"Looking for this," she said, and lugged it to the ground.

Mysterious Howling

"Ma'am, I am deeply sorry that the children disturbed you during your walk." (p157)

Book Scavenger

"Oh good! I caught you two before you left."

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

"She told us she had a mixed flock and some went missing..." Dad frowned. (P77)

Book Scavenger

"Well, it's never too late to reach out to someone. That's what he told me, actually."

Book Scavenger

"Well, she did tell us something at least. She didn't say our query was wrong, just incomplete."

Book Scavenger

"Will we be tested on this?" asked a boy slumped in his desk in the far row next to wall.

Book Scavenger

'I don't have the information you seek,' like maybe if she did she would answer the question.


133. We hit the road, made a few turns, were soon rolling through country that seemed a bit familiar, with green fields on one side and a big lake on the other, bright orange flares rising above whitish buildings on the far side. (P245)

Mysterious Howling

134. "This must be what the great cathedrals of Europe look like!" she thought, as she stared with amazement at the high, beamed ceiling and rows of arching windows." P130


134. Don't worry - I'm sure your eye setup has advantages, too, none occurring to me at present. (P250)

Mysterious Howling

134. It had even occurred to her that the police might be summoned and criminal charges filed in front of a stern, white-wigged judge. P132

Mysterious Howling

135. "Oh we were magpies! We would steal Papa's cigars and hide them in the sofa cushions!" P133


135. But treasure rumors started up and they never really died away, not completely. (P270)

Mysterious Howling


Mysterious Howling

136. "Truly, he is not mean or cross as a rule, as I say, just every now and again, when he's been away at his club and then comes home late at night." P134


136. Her face had gotten sweaty and all that makeup was sort of melting, almost like her face was changing shape. (P271)

Mysterious Howling

137. "The charms of the city are quite preferable to this rustic life, in my opinion." P135


137. But the idea of a nighttime expedition sounded brilliant. (P272)


138. I looked forward to meeting him. (P272)

Mysterious Howling

138. She had brought dozens of different fabrics with her, plus swatches of ribbons and lace, scissors, boxes of pins and armloads of taffeta. P139

Mysterious Howling



139. Did I hear another throb-throb-throb, deeper than ours but somewhat distant? (P278)

Mysterious Howling

14. "All book are judged by their covers until they are read." P7


14. We zipped along two-lane blacktop, a strip-mall-and-trailer-park kind of town on one side, a narrow bayou on the other, with lots of bugs hovering over the water, like clouds of tiny sparks in the sunshine. (P9)

Mysterious Howling

140. She knew her hair was not particularly striking. It was very dark, nearly black, and lacked shine. P140


140. We glided along the far side of the lake, trees rising high above us. (P278)

Mysterious Howling

141. "The dress will be modest and plain. You would not want to be mistaken for one of the guests after all." P142


141. One quick spring was all I needed to do the same thing myself. (P281)

Mysterious Howling

142. "Alors, alors! It makes no difference what you wear really. I'll out you in dark gray. I believe I have some left over from a funeral." P142


142. Tears streamed down her face and the look on it was pure human terror. (P286)


143. Nothing actually froze but a strange stillness settled over us. (P288)


144. A stream of reddish bubbles hissed up from below. (P299)


145. Then came some lovely shut-eye, and when I woke up I was all by my lonesome in the kitchen. (P292)


15. Another pause, this one heavier than the last and a bit uncomfortable, hard to explain how. (P10)

Mysterious Howling

15. In spite of her youth, he addressed her with all the deference due a professional educator. P7

Mysterious Howling

16. She dearly hoped there would be ponies on the premises. P9


16. Was that the beginning of the end of my city life? (P10)

Mysterious Howling

17. "I don't imagine a proper young lady like you would have come for the interview otherwise," he said, giving her a sly, sideways look. P11


17. I got the feeling of being close to some sort of understanding. (P10)

Mysterious Howling

18. "She's very young, very pretty and a bit on the spoiled side, in my opinion." P11


18. It was low and yellow with a long porch crowded with fishnets and buoys and barrels and coils of rope, and had a big sign on the roof in the shape of a fish. (P11)

Mysterious Howling

19. Startled by the sudden rise of a flock of geese from the roadside, the horses had broken into a canter. The coachman quickly pulled them back to a steady trot.


2. I should have been doing everything I could to make a good impression. (P2)

Mysterious Howling

2. She had never personally encountered a bandit, but she had read of such things in books, and the very idea gave her goosebumps. P2

Mysterious Howling

20. For sport, he loves to hunt. Fox and deer, hares and badgers and all manner a'birds. P11


20. She gritted her teeth, old teeth and yellow as the paint job in this place, but unchipped and very even. (P13)


21. Imagine having a mouth that was mostly gaps! (P13)

Mysterious Howling

21. On occasion, he's bagged more unusual prey. P11

Mysterious Howling

22. After sharing such a pleasant journey in the fresh air, she felt that she and the coachman were now friends and could trust each other. P12


22. You don't have to be big to make your presence felt in this world. (P15)

Mysterious Howling

23. And, except for one brief and heartfelt outburst (which would not occur for another three-quarters of an hour), that was the last word he spoke for the rest of the journey. P12


23. I have dreams where I lock up guys like you and throw away the key. (P18)

Mysterious Howling

47. The flocked wallpaper had a delicate floral print, the floors were covered with fine Arabian carpeting in a leaf-and-ivy pattern, and the mahogany dresser had drawer-pulls carved in the shape of mushrooms. P32

Mysterious Howling

48. Out here she could sit and take the air, read, admire the gardens near the house, and gaze at the majestic forest in the distance- p32

Mysterious Howling

49. Once she saw him cure a dog of excessive howling by pulling a single badly rotted tooth. P33


5. There the air was fresh, and a dude might actually feel like playing. Freedom! (P5)

Mysterious Howling

5. Would she be served tea and toast upon her arrival, and if she were, would she end up with marmalade all over the front of her dress and run from the room weeping? P2


50. I had a deck out front, right over the water, and a sign in the shape of a fish on the roof. (P52)

Mysterious Howling

50. She would visit the barn at once, to see what aid she might render to the miserable creature- or creatures- within. P34


51. A total puzzle that I spent zero time trying to solve. (P53)

Mysterious Howling

51. The barn smelled strongly of leather and hay, but the stalls at least, those she could see-were empty. P36


52. Meanwhile, the sun moved lower in the sky the way it did toward the end of each and every day - yes, but still always a bit of a surprise. (p53)

Mysterious Howling

52. The creatures obeyed. P36


53. He scanned the water, and for a moment might have been looking in our direction. (p53)

Mysterious Howling

53. They were not dogs, or ponies, or any other kind of four-legged animal. P36

Mysterious Howling

54. All three were wrapped in coarse saddle blankets but wore no other clothing, not even shoes. P36


55. What an amazing understanding, and very important to hold on to. (P56)


56. He also smelled a bit fishy, but so did everybody and everything in this burg. (P57)

Mysterious Howling

56. The other two watched him carefully; as soon as he was on the ground, they relaxed their tense postures and joined him. P39

Mysterious Howling

57. She also instructed the kitchen to bake plum cakes, and the scent of fruit and cinnamon was already wafting through the house. P46


57. This conversation seemed to be about me all of a sudden, but I was understanding just about none of it. (P58)


58. Maybe yours do, too, although human teeth are small and kind of dull, whereas mine are big and sharp. (P58)

Mysterious Howling

58. She found his expression decidedly unpleasant and made a point of averting her smoke-stung eyes from the harsh, heavy lidded gaze. P47

Mysterious Howling

59. Except for where the paintings hung, the walls of the study were completely covered with stuffed and mounted heads if every imaginable type of beast - from tiny rabbits to a massive, antlered elk. P48


6. I can turn my head practically straight back if I need to - although I did not in this case, the layout of my eyes being somewhat better than humans, if you don't mind me saying - and took a glance at my tail. (P5)

Mysterious Howling

6. To be more specific: She was lost in a dream of long ago, a dream filled with laughter and Black Forest cake and sun-dappled meadows that rang with the singing of adorable birds- P3

Mysterious Howling

60. "Hunting is a marvelous pastime. Communing with nature and all that!.." P49


60. After that, I lingered in a comfortable and fuzzy space between sleep and wakefulness. (P70)

Mysterious Howling

61. "I can't see for toffee at distances, I'm afraid." P50


61. Busy humans were happy humans, in my experience. (P70)

Mysterious Howling

62. "I can read the newspaper as well as the next man, if I hold it close, but more than twelve paces away and your guess is as good as mine." P51


62. The human mind does better with rest. (P71)


64. I liked it here, in this kitchen, in this house, in this town. (P82)

Mysterious Howling

65. As you probably know from personal experience, there are children who love to take baths and there are children who absolutely do not. P57


65. Get them unscrewed. Use the plug wrench in the box, one with the red handle. (P85)


66. I circled around a few times, got myself in the best position, and settled down, all curled up in total comfort. (P87)

Mysterious Howling

66. Meanwhile the noise made by the plumbing and the sight of the water gurgling down the drain was a source of fascination to the boys. P59

Mysterious Howling

67. She had one woolen stocking pulled halfway up her arm and was flapping it around with delight. P60


67. Then the night got quiet, except for faint music coming from far away. (P88)

Mysterious Howling

68. "The 'Silkies' have been washed and curry-combed, and I think you will find their appearances much improved." P62


68. What lovely breathing! Lovely, yes, but after a while it hit me that it was the breathing of a wakeful human, not a sleeper. (P89).

Mysterious Howling

69. "Pardon me!" she shrieked, clapping her hand over her eyes . Her sudden outburst caused the children to whimper in fear and hide behind the bathtub. P63


69. The moon appeared in one corner of the window, not the whole round type of moon, just the thin curved kind with the pointy ends. (P89)


7. I took a crack at thinking what it could be, and just as I was giving up - isn't this always the way? - it came to me: freedom!

Mysterious Howling

7. The conductor stood in the aisle next to her seat and spoke a bit louder than he normally would, in order to be heard over the screechy din of the train's brakes being applied. P3


70. A lowlife that we know or don't know is out there somewhere. (P89)

Mysterious Howling

70. It would have been pleasant to have parents, of course, or at least parents whom she could more clearly recall. P65

Mysterious Howling

71. She recalled being told about a mother and father who needed to take a long, dangerous journey and would someday return for her- or perhaps that was something she had read in a book. P65


71. We stepped off the breezeway and into the night. (P92)

Mysterious Howling

74. "The best way to find out how fast a horse can run is to smack it on the rump." P72

Mysterious Howling

76. "No hopeless case is truly without hope." P77


76. Start what? I listened to our two heartbeats, waiting for the confusion to go away. (P99)


77. Click, and the light was back on, surrounding me in a bright circle. (P101)

Mysterious Howling

77. Standing on the floor is perfectly correct; standing upon the loveseat is not. P78

Mysterious Howling

78. She thought of her pupils as unusual, not unteachable.

Mysterious Howling

81. She did not know what to do except freeze in place and wait for an opportunity to make her presence known. P81


82. A flashing blue light, with a pair of headlights just below, also flashing, yes, a police cruiser, approaching the bridge. (P110)

Mysterious Howling

82. As for the almanac, I merely wish to check the weather predictions. The farmers will want to know what sort of winter to prepare for- P85

Mysterious Howling

83. "Nothing good was ever learned from eavesdropping, so mind your business and let others mind theirs." P85


83. Footsteps moved back across the pavement. The springs of the cruiser made a sound like groaning. (P113)

Mysterious Howling

84. "You must develop self-control, that is all there is to it," she said firmly, looking at each of them in turn. P87


84. The last house on Gentilly Lane - our house - was till and quiet, just how we'd left it. (P115)


85. It seemed like a possibility, and then she shook her finger at me and I was sure. (P118)

Mysterious Howling

86. Thy scurried tantalizingly up and down the trunk, heedless of any danger- so close, yet just out of reach- P88


87. Her heartbeat slowed down to normal. We went to sleep. (P118)

Mysterious Howling

87. She maneuvered all three of them back into position at the base of the tree and implored them to stay, just for a few seconds this time. P88

Mysterious Howling

88. However she had already made a false start with Dante's Inferno and had to abandon reading it partway through and she did not want to repeat this misstep with the Hesperus. P91


88. What a notion, maybe the single most horrible thing I'd ever heard in my life! (P119)


89. "Well, of course that wasn't my first thought. But it did indeed turn out to be water." (P120)

Mysterious Howling

89. Besides, she personally found poetry very interesting and since her students were more or less blank slates when it came to literature, she felt she might as well do what she liked. P93

Mysterious Howling

9. Had she really said something about bandits? P3


9. I was giving some considerations to testing how strong that hand would be in action of the real sudden kind, when we came to an old pickup truck, all battered and dented and rusty. (P6)


90. Cleaning up involved scraping the remains of breakfast off the plates and into the trash under the sink. (P121)


94. I was one of the luckiest dudes around: a new development in my life, and very nice. (P1212)

Mysterious Howling

95. But 'finders keepers" he says and laughs! Oh how ridiculous men can be. P102


95. You see all sorts of teeth in the human mouth - big, little, white, yellow, brown, nicely shaped, chipped, broken, metallic, or sometimes none at all. (P124)

Mysterious Howling

96. A girl of your station will likely stay a spinster and not have to concern yourself with such matters. P102


96. His face darkened and for a moment I thought trouble was on the way, big -time. (P125)


97. "The kid was off the charts, although I wasn't sure why I was having that thought at this particular moment." (P127)

Mysterious Howling

97. After all, it will be my first Christmas as lady of the house! I would be devastated, utterly devastated, if anything were to spoil the occasion. P102

Mysterious Howling

98. However, she assumed that any country with so sterling a reputation must be equipped with mountains somewhere; the rest of the necessary information she knew she could easily find in an encyclopedia. P104


99. The last part about a broken window and glass all over the place awoke a faint memory in my mind. (P128)

Mysterious Howling

99. What could be more natural than children enjoying themselves at a party? P104


A bunch of bog guys , fourth and fifth graders, walked by. They pointed at me and laughed, making cuckoo circles with their fingers. P139


A bunch of our things were going to be sold at a yard sale on Sunday , except for important stuff like shoes and mattresses and a few dishes. P33

Book Scavenger

A cabdriver slowed and honked his horn, learning to his passenger-side window.

Book Scavenger

A canopy of trees provided momentary relief from the October sun blasting on high.

Book Scavenger

A car honked behind them, followed by others like a cacophony of quarreling gees.

Book Scavenger

A car sputtered through the intersection ahead, causing them both to jump, but it was only a cab.

Mysterious Howling

A chunk of plaster had been clawed or kicked out of the wall, with a long network of cracks emanating from the spot. (P234)

Mysterious Howling

A collective gasp of appreciation rose from the guests (P214)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

A couple of times today I thought I saw something black run behind a junk pile really fast. (P7)


A driver in the red SUV rolled down his window. He smiled and something to my dad. P126

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

A feeling of strength and trust ran down my spine.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

A figure appeared in the doorway of the dwelling.

Book Scavenger

A fog had descended on this part of the city.


A friend and a guard, he thought. (P93)

Book Scavenger

A gleaming black-and-gold bus was parked along the curb with the front sliding doors open. P299


A good laugh, that -cleaning the camp. (P103)

Book Scavenger

A group of four sat on the other side, looking at menus.

Book Scavenger

A group of girls she barely knew sprawled near her on the grass.


A hissing madness that took his brain. (P122)

Book Scavenger

A lot of elderly people hang out here during the day.

Book Scavenger

A shrieking chaotic mass of boys and girls ran down the sidewalk, jumped off the stairs, clustered in groups.

Book Scavenger

A simple question, but it always threw her.

Book Scavenger

A spiteful person becomes a spiteful person with money.

Book Scavenger

A student called out, "It doesn't make sense!"


A summer day camp bus stopped at the light. Its windows were fogged up. P127

Book Scavenger

A third-floor window slid open with a squawk.

Book Scavenger

A tinier version than the cover beetle, drawn in black ink.

Book Scavenger

A tray filled with magnetic poetry sat beside a rack of bookmarks.

Book Scavenger

A velvet curtain concealed the back of the bus.

Book Scavenger

A voice barked through the phone.


A voice in my head said, never take candy from strangers. P20

Book Scavenger

A while later the ceiling creaked.

Book Scavenger

A woman crouched next to him and repeated, "hang on. Everything will be okay."

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But I liked the way it sounded. (P57)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But I made it to the shed, and ducked under the short eave. (P170)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But I managed to get there when he did. (P182)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But I still didn't really want to discuss chicken stealing with my mom either. (p165)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But I told myself that if you could be brave when you first came to LA, I could be brave here. (P133)


But I told myself that in nature it's survival of the fittest. Eat or be eaten. P172

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But I told myself there's no shame in hard work, just like you would have said, and that all the work has to get done by somebody. (P111)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But after dragging about twenty tires through the dirt, I gave up on that. (P17)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But all those animals had to live somewhere. (P13)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But don't worry, they're all back where they belong, and nobody got hurt. (P198)

Book Scavenger

But it was hard to tell from day to day if the gray suit he wore was the same or different from the one he wore before.


But it was too late, too late to do anything. (P155)


But lately we'd been running out of everything, and I had the feeling my parents felt lousy about it. P17

Mysterious Howling

Once inside, she was able to settle her three charges in a corner of the children's section to watch the packages and flip through books. (P152)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Once she got busy with that, she stopped squawking and started making her little chortling noises again. I think she's fine now. (P59)

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

One cold day I'm down at Rockerfeller center ice-skating with my friends.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But later this afternoon, I saw the barn door had swung open again, so I went back up and found them. (P204)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But maybe no one can read her handwriting, like with my grandmother. (P137)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But most of them aren't poisonous, except for the rattlers. (P16)


But my parents were optimists. They looked at at half a glass of water and figured it was half full, not half empty. P40

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But not the kind of bad feeling that meant I could just go home. (P170)

Mysterious Howling

But now was no time for regrets. (p233)

Book Scavenger

But part of her was upset with hie anyway.

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

But people call him the professor, even though he didn't go to school much.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But she was my responsibility now. (P125)

Roller Girl

But the other part of me was still on a frantic sugar-laughing high. (p136)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But the thing I wanted to tell you about wasn't in a pile at all. (P18)

Mysterious Howling

But there are alternatives: One could peer inside using some sort of periscopelike magnifying device, for example. (P143)

Mysterious Howling

But there was no sign of the children, anywhere. (P155)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But things weren't going to get any better standing around in her yard. (p123)


But this wasn't like going to sleep back home.

Mysterious Howling

But we came all this way to meet you! (P163)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But why was he saving half a refrigerator door and five rusty stop signs? (P18)


Crickets are considered delicious in Thailand. P216


Curving his body, he rested his head on his arm, and began to sleep when a picture came into his head. (P163)

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Customers stay as long as they want, even if it's past closing time.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Dad and I were both quiet as we drove into town. (P75)

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Dad doesn't have to sell on the street now, but sometimes we do anyway.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Dad has enough to worry about. (P134)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Dad looked at this watch and sighed. (P119)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Dad told me to put the cone-on-a-string part up to my ear and just talk really loudly at the cone part stuck onto the phone on the wall. (p116)


Dad took my trash can to sell at the yard sale. P72

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Dad was talking about weeding the old vegetable patch the other day, but he didn't get around to it. (P110)

Mysterious Howling

Darkness came early, as it always does in December, but the pageant of arriving revelers continued. (P186)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Dead-looking grapevines and blackbirds and junk piles and bugs, that's it. (P6)

Book Scavenger

Do you know it wasn't supposed to be in his personal collection when you found it?

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Don't get took! Read a book!

Book Scavenger

Don't want to be a downer, but I just had a sad thought.

Book Scavenger

Don't want to wasn't as reassuring as aren't going to.

Roller Girl

Each afternoon, I capped off my wonderful day with an hour-long hike through the blazing sun. (p78)


Early in the new time he had learned the most important thing, the truly vital knowledge that drives all creatures in the forest - food is all. (P129)

Mysterious Howling

Even more embarrassed, she crept into the carriage where the children were already busy gobbling up. (P162)

Book Scavenger

Even though he had said he'd go book hunting with her after school, she'd half-expected he would bail on her.

Book Scavenger

Even though she didn't yet know what to do with the next clue, the fact that she'd

Book Scavenger

Every clue has led us to another book or story, so I'm thinking this one will too.


Everybody in my family was named after somebody or something else. P26


For a second, perhaps two, he did not know where he was, was still in his sleep somewhere. (P69)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

For the first while, I had to work to keep up, and to try and keep track of which road we went down, since they all looked the same to me, and I was going to have to come back alone. (P165)

Book Scavenger

Freshly shaved swirls dotted his skull.

Book Scavenger

From somewhere down the hallway, a door squeaked open.

Book Scavenger

From the ceiling she heard a ghud, then three fast thuds, followed by another thud.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

From the highway, it looks like a wrinkle in the hills, or like the space in between fingers in a fist. (P14)

Book Scavenger

Gently, she ran her fingers over the top.

Book Scavenger

Give me the gun and I'll pay you double.

Mysterious Howling

Gives you more time to fuss over the house, too - all your hanging wreaths and gilt-edged baubles and whatever else you have planned. (P161)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She gave me a hard look, first with one eye and then with the other, and fluffed out her feathers. (P59)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She glared at me, and took off running, the long way that isn't really a path, around the barn. (P51)

Book Scavenger

She grabbed it and slid out the frog-shaped note.

Book Scavenger

She grabbed the antlers and put them on her head and make a noise like a horse neighing.

Roller Girl

She had a faraway look in her eyes, like when Mom is hatching a new evil plan to ruin my life. (p80)

Book Scavenger

She had an uncle who was in Europe, at least she thought that was where he was.

Book Scavenger

He give me tickets for the games.

Book Scavenger

He glanced up at her once, maybe to check if she was still there.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

He got me a stool so my mouth would be at the right height, and I stuck my fingers in the holes and moved the dial around. (p116)

Book Scavenger

He grimaced, his mustache folding into the deep lines of his face.


He had sat a whole night and shaped the limbs carefully until the bow looked beautiful. (P123)


He hopped off his board and headed my way. He was standing on two legs just like a human. P22

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

He hung around for a while, but I'm better at waiting than he is, and we only found one chair. (P78)

Book Scavenger

He knew I was hunting it, and so he got to it first.

Book Scavenger

He leaned closed to the screen and blinked his eyes to make sure she was seeing straight.

Book Scavenger

He leaned into the adventure and all that.

Book Scavenger

He leaned over to study the torn news clipping.

Book Scavenger

He let out a sigh and dropped his head back against the red pleather of the booth.

Book Scavenger

He likes banana bread and drives a station wagon.

Book Scavenger

He listened for a moment and then slapped his thigh.

Book Scavenger

He lived in your apartment before you. He was more of a word puzzle than a match puzzle guy.


He looked at his surroundings again. (P39)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

He looked at the blank paper in the typewriter on the desk and sighed. (P178_

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

He looked deep into my eyes as he spoke to the people.

Book Scavenger

He looked to her, some of his dreadlocks swinging over his shoulder.

Book Scavenger

He moved in a sideways sway, long dreadlocks swinging across his back, and he carried a duffel bag.

Book Scavenger

He must have a very different idea of the kind of person she actually was.


He needed something finer, something soft and fine and fluffy to catch the bits of fire. (P87)


He needed to add air. He had to fan on it, blow on it. (P91)


He nibbled his diamond carefully. He seemed glad we'd joined him for dinner. P147

Mysterious Howling

He nips and bites at the slightest provocation. (P158)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

He pushed the barn door open and walked over to a box on the desk in there marked outbox. (P178)


He reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled twenty dollar bill. P112

Book Scavenger

He released the nozzle as they walked by so the water stopped, then started blasting it again after they'd passed.

Book Scavenger

He returned to the book he'd been wrapping in brown paper.


He rolled out and almost bellowed with pain from his ribs. (P158)


He said that no animals were allowed at either shelter. P110

Book Scavenger

He shoved both hands deep into his pockets, pulling his jacket closed against the misty night.

Book Scavenger

He snapped his fingers, an idea occurring to him.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

He spends most of his time walking around the grapevines, shaking his head. (P110)

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

He spoke to me of healing through forgiveness.

Book Scavenger

He spread his arms wide and rotated in a circle.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

He started to say we could make it all like it used to be. (P13)

Book Scavenger

He started to take on freelance copyediting jobs.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

He went off inside before I thought of anything else to say. (P126)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

He went out and got a flat piece of cardboard and folded it up into a box, sticking a big piece of tape on the bottom. (P178)

Book Scavenger

He wheeled himself toward a bookcase that opened to reveal a small room filled with computer equipments.

Book Scavenger

He would have liked the whole hiding-a-book-underwater thing.


He'd grabbed a good wave, and his ride was smooth. p4

Mysterious Howling

Her new gray gown had been delivered the previous day along with the children's clothes and was now hanging in the closet of her bedroom. (P187)

Book Scavenger

Hopefully that would help, as long as they could cause a big enough distraction to get to the door first.

Book Scavenger

Hospital staff noticed that he was missing, and a rumor spread that he had died, which his team decided not to address until his health stabilized.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

How could I forgive him?

Book Scavenger

How could he want to return the book after everything she'd just told him?

Book Scavenger

How did you know I was working on a puzzle?

Mysterious Howling

How different this moment of gift giving was from that of the previous evening! (P185)

Mysterious Howling

How easy it was to imagine the worst when one was nervous! (P172)

Mysterious Howling

How fascinating these Incorrigibles are. (P149)

Book Scavenger

How had she ever enjoyed being a solo book hunter before?


How you liking life in the big city?

Roller Girl

I could keep running from my battles and live in fear or I could embrace the fear. (p202)

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

I could think only of revenge.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I couldn't help it then; I started to cry. (P178)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I couldn't lift the garbage can either, so I had to get my dad to help. (P84)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I did all my own packing and unpacking when we had to move. (P1)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I did like the math part. (P84)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I did ride a little extra carefully into town. (P98)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I didn't see any sticky stuff on theirs. (P16)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I didn't try to catch her or touch her. (P25)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I do think you should know I'm a very responsible twelve-year-old. (P1)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I felt even lonelier too. (P18)

Roller Girl

I felt like a zombie had taken over my brain. (p142)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I felt so mad at her then, but also so useless. (P170)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I felt the goose bumps run all over my skin. (P124)


I felt the way you do in the instant before you leap into the deep end of the pool .p5


I figured my parents had a plan for making everything okay, because parents always have a plan. P45


I glanced around me. I saw sand-castle builders and Frisbee tossers and crab chasers. P4

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I glanced around. (P171)

Roller Girl

I got a very bad feeling that this summer wasn't going to go the way I planned. (p42)

Roller Girl

I got bruises on my hips and arms, and they felt good. (p145)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I got confused for a minute and lost my place in my notes. (P190)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I guess I might as well tell you I was kind of afraid to go back. (P37)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I had to think hard about that. (P180)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I hate feeling like I can never catch up. (P167)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I hid them in the fridge in one of your old plastic containers. (P137)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I hope it's still there when I go check on them after dinner. (p112)

Book Scavenger

I insist. The more Poe you read, the more familiar his language will be.


I invented you when I was seven and that means I can uninvent you now. P58

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I just breathed until my lungs caught up with my heart and everything calmed down. (P174)

Roller Girl

I just licked my Popsicle, feeling happier than I had in weeks. (p85)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I knew in my heart I was right and that I had to get the chickens back as quickly as I could. (P165)

Book Scavenger

I knew they were doing an underground tour, but I didn't know they'd be here.

Book Scavenger

I knocked earlier but nobody answered.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I know he hates it when people think we might need special help. (P117)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I know you would never approve of messing with someone else's property. (P126)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I know, I shouldn't read so many scary books. (P31)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I left so fast I was almost running, all the way back down the hall to the main part of the library. (P133)


I like dinosaurs, too, except for them all being dead. P8


I like facts. Always have. True stuff. Two-plus-two-equals-four facts. Brussels-sprouts-taste-like-dirty-gym-socks facts. P7

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I like the patterns that all the rows make when you walk by them. (P14)


I like you apartment. There's always something going on. P178

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest opportunity. (P1)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I looked at the sky, feeling all sorts of wriggling anxious thoughts, but even I knew it was getting too dark to go tonight. (P159)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I mean, I don't know exactly how old she is and I don't want to damage her kidneys. (P83)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I mean, you need someone responsible to make sure we still have tigers. (P137)


I meant to come by earlier but something came up.


I miss my things and I don't want to live in a car with no potty and also my tummy keeps growling. P84

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I must have frowned pretty hard, because he looked at my face and he swallowed a few times, but he wasn't budging. (P164)

Book Scavenger

I need to make up for the time I took driving ups out here so I can meet my deadline.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

I need you to help me carry this message.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I never knew someone could know so much about regular old geese. (P188)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I never thought I would have a yard with a creak and big trees and blackberry bushes. (P15)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I noticed he didn't laugh at the funny parts, though. (P78)


I noticed several weird things about the surfboarding cat. P3

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I picked up the pencil from the hall table and uncovered the phone. (P117)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I pushed the statue in their pond. (P126)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I really wished I could show someone. (P136)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I really, really don't like talking in front of people. (P188)


I rummaged around in the brown paper bag. A bald doll packed out of the top, sizing me up with blank and beady eyes. P82

Book Scavenger

I said old friend. It's been at least thirty years since we've had a sensible conversation.


I said that I did not think a crocodile would enjoy taking a bath. I'd just read a whole library book about reptiles. P36

Roller Girl

I sat on the bleachers for the rest of practice, feeling like a complete idiot. (p69)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I saw something black run really fast down the road today. (P42)

Mysterious Howling

I should not have left them unattended even for a moment. (P156)

Mysterious Howling

I should not have left them unattended even for a moment. (P158)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I started back behind the barn, in the part with all the big trees and acorns. (P14)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I started toward the tree, but I stopped short as soon as I came around the corner of the barn, and flattened myself to the wall. (P87)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I still couldn't see anyone, but someone was going to notice all this racket pretty soon. (P171)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I thought Mom didn't care where she lived, as long as she had her computer and printer and me and Dad, since she always begs everyone to just leave her alone so she can write. (P7)


I thought about the stuff I'd put in my keepsakes bag. Some photos. A spelling bee trophy.a bunch of nature books. P43


I thought hard about the feet problem. Finally I came up with a plan. What's the worst the can happen, is how I figured it. P102

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I thought he was just waiting on me to catch up, and to tell you the truth, I was too tired to even be really mad about it. (P166)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I thought maybe I could catch and keep it in there until it got used to me. (P110)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I walked for a long time, more than an hour, and ended up all the way back behind the barn again. (P15)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I walked over to the doorway and checked the sky; still clear, but for how long? (P179)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I walked round toward a big blackberry bush and found some dirty sawhorses next to a bunch of stumps. (P18)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I wanted to go home right then and there. (P166)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I was feeling a little shaky, the way you do when you're not sure if someone's mad at you, or why they'd be mad when you haven't even met them before. (P123)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I was glad I still remembered how to put the paper in, and that the ribbon wasn't all worn out yet. (P6)

Book Scavenger

I was happy to help. Sometimes two eyes are better than one.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I was nervous for her, and sad for me. (P24)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I was nervous, and I went to check behind the barn one more time, and something moved in the grass. (P92)

Mysterious Howling

I was only worried that they might get hurt. (P158)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I was pretty scared too. (P169)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I was scared, and I was mad, and I wanted her to leave my farm and my chicken alone. (P88)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I wasn't quite sure what part of the phone to cover, but I did my best. (P117)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I watched the lady go, and bit my lip until it got all bloody. (P51)


I went to the window and peered outside. I checked behind the couch. I flung open the hall closet. P18

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I went up to my attic room then, since I couldn't get any more words out without crying, and read my library books for a while. (P81)

Mysterious Howling

I will have to point out one example when one arises. (P153)

Book Scavenger

I will personally hand deliver it to you so you don't have to trek back to my shop.

Mysterious Howling

I will return as soon as I have done with my shopping. (P153)

Mysterious Howling

I will take a walk in the air to refresh myself while you young people enjoy these revels. (P211)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I wish I could tell you what exactly what it looked like, but I was so scared I closed my eyes. (P172)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I wish you could come have some of my migas too. (P150)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I wonder if he's riding home from the library. (P19)

Book Scavenger

I would be willing to meet with you tomorrow morning before school.


I would put Krispy crème doughnuts in the magic category. P38

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I'm good at math, and you explained how to do it all very clearly. (P84)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I'm good at planning ahead. (P10)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I'm not a very good liar, and my mom is really, really good at telling when people aren't telling the truth. (P49)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I'm not sure my dad will ever learn that; it's not his style. (P158_

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I'm not very proud of that, but it's the truth. (P172)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I'm pretty sure my parents are going to freak out, and I really need to figure out what to do. (P33)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I'm pretty sure the library won't have any books on what to do next. (p39)

Mysterious Howling

If they behave like wild animals at my party tomorrow, I will implore my husband to set them loose in the woods again, where they belong! (P181)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

If we can't afford to take responsibility for them, he'll try to find someone else who can. (P117)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

If we had any money left, I'd think we might be moving somewhere else soon. (P81)

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

If you don't know and you ain't got no dough, then you can't go, and that's for sho.

Book Scavenger

If you wouldn't mind calling my office, I'd be happy to speak with you at a later date.

Mysterious Howling

In all our years together you have never shown me such affection! (P159)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It makes me feel kind of funny, only not really funny, but sad, and maybe a little mad, to think about how he knew you better than I did. (P138)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It makes me think of horses sleeping. (P6)

Book Scavenger

It opened stiffly, as if she was the first to do so.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It said they like sunflower seeds, and you sure have a lot of those in that trash can in the barn. (P47)


It seemed so out of place, the sound. (P45)

Book Scavenger

It sounded melodramatic, but her brother was probably right.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It took a few seconds for the words to start making sense. (P124)


It took an hour, perhaps two - he could not measure time yet and didn't care - for the sun to get halfway up. (P36).

Book Scavenger

It was a big family adventure.


It was a clear, a blue-sky day with fluffy bits of clouds here and there and he looked out the window for a moment, hoping to see something, a town or village, but there was nothing. (P16)

Book Scavenger

It was a corner building with a white-arched entry framed with black lanterns.

Book Scavenger

It was a ghost town on the weekend, with only a few cars and the occasional passersby.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It was a little creepy. (P18)


It was a motor, far off but seeming to get louder. (P115)

Book Scavenger

It was a narrow room with a small table squeezed in at one end.

Book Scavenger

It was a wooden box designed to look like a raven.


It was all freeze-dried and in such quantity that he thought, with this I could live forever. (P188)

Book Scavenger

It was always difficult to choose which of her books to give away.


It was cool and quiet inside. I walked past shelf after shelf of dog food. P164

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It was dark and windy and kind of spooky, the way pumpkin patches are at the end of October. (P31)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It was dark in the barn, except for a little bit of light from the high dusty windows, but I didn't care. (P174)


It was early evening, and my family and I had parked at a rest stop off a highway. P21

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It was for margarine, and you can't see inside it unless you take the lid off. (P137)


It was his first good luck. (P58)

Mysterious Howling

It will be our pleasure to accompany you to town. (P147)

Mysterious Howling

It wore a large, garishly jewel-studded collar. (P156)

Book Scavenger

It would be nice if he could see that and understand.

Mysterious Howling

It would be our pleasure to consent to join you for dessert. (P199)

Mysterious Howling

It would have been a comfort to have close by, but even the thought of it was enough to remind her what to do. (P199)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It's about as long as I am tall, but I dragged it out of the bushes eventually and got it upright. (P24)

Book Scavenger

It's an old joke with my brother.

Book Scavenger

It's easy to miss stuff like that.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It's filled up with old furniture and dust and things in wooden boxes and under plastic tarps. (P6)

Book Scavenger

Knowing that he was looking for her and the book would make it harder for her to act normal if he happened to be there again.

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Knowledge is power. You need it every hour.

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Later I hear dad's key in the door. He hugs mom and me and sags into his chair.he takes off his glasses and cleans them.

Mysterious Howling

Let us take a walk and play outdoors. (p171)

Roller Girl

Listen, kids can be cruel in junior high, especially if you smell bad. (p89)

Mysterious Howling

Look at you, all covered with ice like three wild things. (P171)

Book Scavenger

Look, I can't go without you.


Look, can't we talk this over? Can't we talk this out? (P8)


Looking at my family, all there together, I felt like a relative from out of town. P35


Luck, he thought. I have luck, I had good luck there. (P40)

Roller Girl

Luckily, the part of me that wanted to live overruled. (p174)


M&m's would be good too, if your mom isn't around to say no sugar. But unless its right after

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Maybe I'll get it again tomorrow if neither of these is as good. (P99)


Maybe because the puppy had just peed on his shoe. P165

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Maybe he had friends that snuck their junk in his piles too? (P17)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Maybe he was just scared. (P169)

Book Scavenger

Maybe he wasn't in his room.

Book Scavenger

Maybe if she checked word by word she would uncover more typos, or something else that would help her solve the puzzle once and for all.

Book Scavenger

Maybe it wasn't his complete game, but maybe they'd found one piece.

Book Scavenger

Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to have a book-hunting partner, even if only for a while.

Book Scavenger

Maybe she hadn't lost out on everything, after all.

Book Scavenger

Maybe she should even mention this new puzzle.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Mom found her dust-bathing under the blueberries. (P125)


My dad scribbled something on the cardboard, like he was in a hurry to be somewhere else.P117

Book Scavenger

My eyes are fine. I've been in a car for two days--that's all.

Book Scavenger

My family has lived in our building forever.


My hair and eyes are darker and sometimes so is my mood. P35

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

My heart, which had been sort of soggy and sad with all that crying, starting pounding and pounding again. (P179)

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

My mind was flooded with images of the battle that had taken my family.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

My mom always says when things are really bad, stop and think your hardest, because most people don't think at all under those circumstances and then they make things worse. (P59)

Roller Girl

My mom made me watch this for an evening of Puerto Rican cultural heritage. (p108)


My mom said something about winning the lotter, and my dad said if they won the lottery, could he please get a Ferrari, and she said how about a Jaguar, and then I could tell they wanted to change the subject. P42


My mom wondered if she should have let me watch so many nature shows where animals eat each other. P11

Roller Girl

My mother's face drained from red to white like in a cartoon. (p174)


My parents say, when I was in pre-k, I marched around telling everybody I was the mayor of the Earth. But that was just for a couple of days. P89

Book Scavenger

My sister is bummed about what happened to you, so she's making me sign this.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

My stomach felt even worse. (P49)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

My stomach felt funny. (p116)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

My stomach felt pretty bad, and I'd had a really long day, and I really didn't want to talk about any of it. (P187)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

My stomach hurts just thinking about it. (P89)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

My stomach settled down a little bit and I started to think again. (P117)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

My throat didn't feel like I could get any words through it, so I didn't say anything. (P76)

Book Scavenger

My vision was to keep the bookstore small, a community place.

Mysterious Howling

She had been working very diligently with the children on good manners, socially useful phrases and appropriate party conversation topics; perhaps this expedition could serve as a valuable rehearsal. (P147)

Mysterious Howling

She had brought many treats along as a safety precaution, and the wool for her knitting could always be used as a leash in a pinch. (P151)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She had enough of working on a farm when she was younger. (P23)

Mysterious Howling

She had her own thoughts to occupy her in any case. (P150)

Book Scavenger

She had left her own front door wide open and walked back through, closing it softly behind her.

Book Scavenger

She had no idea other that they were both dead and had been for a long time.

Book Scavenger

She had to look that one up to make sure it was an actual word.

Book Scavenger

She had to make him understand.

Book Scavenger

She had to raise her voice to be heard over the roar of a stove fan that had been switched on in the kitchen.

Mysterious Howling

She had to rub a circle in it to see out. (P228)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She hit the screwdriver at a weird angle, and it flew into the bushes. (P51)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She kept looking around, though, so I wonder if she was lonely. (P25)

Book Scavenger

She knew she was holding a one-of-a-kind literary treasure and should be feeling something along the lines of awe or amazement, but all she felt was disappointment.

Book Scavenger

She knew she was ruining the moment for her parents.

Mysterious Howling

She knew there was no chance of it receiving a suitable welcome now. (P181)

Book Scavenger

She leaned out the window and peered up, but there was no one to see.

Book Scavenger

She leaned over so far that her backpack was almost parallel to the ground.

Book Scavenger

She lifted her head trying to find something to focus on.

Mysterious Howling

She looked as if she might cry. (P159)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She looked at me for a long time, and I got more and more nervous. (P122)

Mysterious Howling

She looked like a woodland pixie from a storybook. (P189)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She looked like she might be about my age, and she was reading a book about llamas. (P99)

Mysterious Howling

She looked out the window. (P185)

Book Scavenger

She looked over and he pulled out an earbud.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She looked surprised but impressed when I showed her your worksheet and my chicken books from the library. (P80)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She looked them over carefully, and then she told Dad that it was true that if we're going to stay, I ought to learn something about farm life. (P80)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She looked up from her book and smiled at me, and I smiled back. (P99)

Book Scavenger

She never knew if she should say where she was born or the last place she lived.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She put her hands on her hips and looked at Dad. (P77)

Book Scavenger

She put the box down and raced to her window.

Book Scavenger

She raised the plastic bin filled with clothes.

Mysterious Howling

She rapped on the windowpane, hard enough to rattle it. (P230)

Mysterious Howling

She resembled nothing so much as a spring meadow in full bloom, depicted at nearly life-size. (P189)


She said she sometimes wondered if maybe bats are better human beings than human beings are. P225

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

She says he had something in his heart he believed in so much that he'd do just about anything to make it happen.

Book Scavenger

She took a small sip and smiled.

Mysterious Howling

She took an innocent pose, one hand delicately framing her face. (P215)

Book Scavenger

She took another step backward and uphill.

Book Scavenger

She took in the gleaming tower of an office building, the blue sky reflected off its sides.

Book Scavenger

She tore a piece of paper from her notebook and folded it into a makeshift card.

Book Scavenger

She turned corner after corner until she was in front of her locker.

Book Scavenger

She turned slowly, taking in the sliver-blue carpet butted up against burgundy-and-silver-blue-striped walls.

Mysterious Howling

She turned the collar over, and a look of realization spread across her face. (P159)

Book Scavenger

She used the handle of the broom she'd found in the kitchen to repeat the knock on the ceiling before sending the note up.


She used to bury chicken bone leftovers in her sand-box for digging practice. P8

Mysterious Howling

She waited for her eyes to adjust, and looked around. (P240

Book Scavenger

Six years ago she didn't know any different, but now it was such a huge part of her life.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So I guess she's a laying hen. (P84)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So I had to go get more seeds and keep filling in the holes where they ate through the trail. (P111)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So I put the books in my backpack and wheeled my bike up to the feedstore. (P99)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So I took a deep breath, and I kept going, even though I didn't have notes about this part. (P192)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So I took a step forward. It vanished. (P93)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So I used what I had, just like you always taught me. (P110)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So I walked back to my bike. (P169)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So I went outside, before I had breakfast or anything, back by those stumps I was talking about. (P23)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So I went to borrow some of your tools from the barn. (P58)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So I went to have a look in the building that's kind of like a garage. (P17)


So awfully tired, and standing had taken a lot of energy somehow, had drained him. (P42)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So first I walked all the way around the edge of the farm. (P14)


So much of all this, so much of all living was patience and thinking. (P145)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So no one could claim there was a mistake. (P180)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So today I decided to explore for real. (P13)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So we both went and peered over the fence at the neighbors' grapevines.

Book Scavenger

So why not use the more popular story?

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Someday, maybe I can cook him some eggs from my own chicken. (P59)

Mysterious Howling

Someone called for a window to be opened and cool air let in. (P212)

Mysterious Howling

Something brittle and false seeped into her expression. (P195)

Mysterious Howling

Something furry and trembling peeked out from beneath the edge of the woman's gown. (P222)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Something they thought was bad news was in that tree. (P87)


Sometimes I just wanted to be treated like a grown-up. I wanted to hear the truth, even if it wasn't a happy truth. P40

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Sometimes dad locks up so late he's too tired to come home.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Sometimes people just need a little time to figure out what's right. (P191)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Sometimes you just have to do the best you can to explain it to them. (P181)

Mysterious Howling

Soon all the guests had taken partners, and the musicians struck up the turn. (P211)

Mysterious Howling

Soon everyone was warm from exertion. (P212)

Mysterious Howling

Soon he rolled over onto his back for more. 9P158)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Sorry I thought your farm was boring before. (P47)

Mysterious Howling

Sounds awfully dull for a party, what? (P162)


Ten seconds seemed like the right amount of time for me to stop being crazy. P5

Mysterious Howling

The children must have been of a similar opinion, for they raced one another to fetch the book. 9P184)

Mysterious Howling

The children squealed happily at the news. (P173)

Mysterious Howling

The children were charming and well maintained; whatever minor quirks lingered from their unusual upbringing, the howling and drooling and so forth - these would soon fade. (P171)


The city was big.

Mysterious Howling

The cleaning, decorating, and cooling proceeded around the clock. (P145)

Mysterious Howling

The grand ladies and gentlemen emerged with the aid of their coachmen, and their luggage was removed and brought inside. (P186)

Book Scavenger

The hallway opened to a large space filled with cubicles, the hum of computers, the rustle of papers, and a few low voices.

Book Scavenger

The hallways were nearly empty.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

The hayloft doesn't have any hay in it now. (P6)

Book Scavenger

The hose appeared to be connected to whatever was making the drilling noise inside.

Book Scavenger

The house had tree front doors opening onto the porch, one for each apartment.

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

The house of common sense and home of proper propaganda.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

The jam jar floated off the ground, sailed over, and landed at my feet. (p37)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

The kid looked at me then, like he was kind of impressed. (P125)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

The kind of look that made my stomach hurt. (P133)

Book Scavenger

The kitchen was in the farthest corner of the room.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

The latch rattled, and then the padlock started banging against the latch. (P49)


The library had air conditioning and soft chairs.P106

Mysterious Howling

The little terrier had a look of pure bliss on his scruffy whiskered face. (p158)

Book Scavenger

The logo wasn't new to her, but now it was like seeing it for the first time.

Book Scavenger

The magic square? You had me stumped with the flamingo theater.

Book Scavenger

The man looked over his glasses at them.

Book Scavenger

The man studied the store window as if he were assessing a painting, and then went back inside.

Book Scavenger

The manager didn't respond.

Book Scavenger

The manager dropped his handle on their backpacks.

Book Scavenger

The mechanical pounding stopped suddenly, making the silence fell start.

Book Scavenger

The message was so short, using frequency analysis didn't amount to much help.

Mysterious Howling

The moon was full and so bright that the trees cast along blue shadows along the ground; the unearthly glow glittered like diamond dust on the freshly fallen snow. (P186)

Book Scavenger

The new house was taller than it was wide, as if it held its breath to squeeze between the neighboring homes.

Mysterious Howling

The next morning's departure went remarkable smoothly. (P149)


The next time the light was red a driver in a pickup truck gave my dad coins. P120


The night before he was so numb with exhaustion he couldn't do anything but sleep. (P184)


The noise awakened him. (P153)

Mysterious Howling

The occasional hiccup soon gave way to a soft snore. (P204)

Mysterious Howling

The old lady's voice was drowned out by a surge of yapping and barking. (p156)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

The only luck I had was that the lady hadn't given my parents her phone number or email address or anything. (P75)

Book Scavenger

The only thing on it was a small drawing of a black bird in front of a bridge and ocean waves, and a short string of numbers.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

The other women stepped in to console her, and we all quietly walked back to the camp.

Book Scavenger

The pages turned crisply as she went back to the beginning of the story to start over.


The pain was different now, a tightened pain, and it seemed less - but the sound. (P154)

Book Scavenger

The paper was covered in her work trying to decode it, which looked like a bunch of unfinished hangman games minus the hanging men.

Mysterious Howling

The parade of guests into the ballroom was carefully sorted in order of importance. (P190)

Book Scavenger

The picture was a drawing of Earth and a treasure map blended together.

Book Scavenger

The plan was for them to fall onto the floor instead of into the backpack, but for their scheme to be believable, neither one of them could look to make sure that was, in fact, what had happened.

Book Scavenger

The points move you up through the levels.


The pool water was always warm. Mom said it was from the sun, but I suspected illegal peeing. P46

Mysterious Howling

The practice of overstating the case is called hyperbole. (P188)

Book Scavenger

The sheet of paper had a short paragraph at the top.

Book Scavenger

The sidewalk sprouted trees; the bars on windows were replaced with flower boxes.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then I heard a truck. (P168)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then I heard an engine start up. (P169)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then I kind of felt more like I knew where I was. (P15)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then I pulled the rattling old wagon and the smelly dog crate around and parked them next to my bike. (P163)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then I realized that things like that don't just happen overnight, or even in a couple of weeks, so it couldn't have all been ruined since I'd stopped hearing from you. (P177)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then I realized the door was shut and latched, and I know I unlatched it and left it open last night. 9P36)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then I remembered we still weren't safe, and started running again, making sure they followed. (P173)

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Then he speeds off toward the ballroom.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then he started pruning one. (P16)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then his face got unhappy. (P125)

Mysterious Howling

Then it would e time to get dressed and face the music, so to speak, but not yet. (P185)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then she dragged the dog inside. (P123)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then she grabbed the dog crate out of the back of her truck and threw another handful inside. (P89)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then she hopped down on the ground, turned her back on me, and started scratching up the dirt. (P59)

Book Scavenger

Then she ran downstairs and jumped on the landing.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then she started pecking at the ground. (P24)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then the presentations started, and my stomach felt a whole lot worse. (P188)


Then there were the foolbirds. (P138)

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Then when he does, they get riled up all over again.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

Then you will know that my words are true.

Mysterious Howling

Then, like a bird with one broken wing, she spun in half-blind circles until someone assisted her to the door. (P199)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

There are lots of stores that are just for the tourists; I don't bother with those. (P98)

Mysterious Howling

There are times when married life is not what I expected. (P165)


There had always been some sound, some kind of sound. (P51)


There is always a logical explanation for things. I just had to figure out what it was. p19

Mysterious Howling

There is no need to carry yesterday's fears and disappointments into a brand-new day -especially on Christmas! (P186)


There must be berry bushes. (P61)

Book Scavenger

There must be invisible ink on this page.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

There was a big dark shape huddled on a branch, with crows swooping around it. (P88)

Book Scavenger

There was a call box to ring individual apartments to ask someone to unlock the door for you.

Book Scavenger

There was a clatter from the kitchen at the other end of the apartment.

Mysterious Howling

There was a constant scurry of servants racing up and down the halls, tending the fires, hanging up cloaks, putting away umbrellas, and delivering trays of tea to warm the travelers. (P187)

Mysterious Howling

There was a curious expression on her face, and she looked at each of the children in turn. (P148)

Mysterious Howling

There was a fire blazing in the hearth; the flames leaped up in long orange tongues, and the logs crackled and sputtered. (P176)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

There was a hawk circling. (P166)

Book Scavenger

There was a low crack, like a distant boom of thunder.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

There was a noise from in the little house, kind of a thump, and I froze. (P37)

Mysterious Howling

There was a small bookstore tucked between the milliner's and the shoemaker's shops. (P152)

Mysterious Howling

There was a terrifying silence. (P161)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

There was a white girl with brown hair and brown eyes reading in a chair by the window. (P99)

Book Scavenger

There was also a window that stared at the building next door.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

There was another long pause, so long I thought maybe the phone had stopped working. (P118)

Book Scavenger

There was no seat belt or anything.

Book Scavenger

There was nowhere to go but everywhere.

Book Scavenger

There were almost two hundred thousand results.

Book Scavenger

There were only two other people on the bus, but they both turned to look at them.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

There were two small pens there, and both of them had big bloody pieces of burlap inside. (P124)

Book Scavenger

There were windows just above the sidewalk at foot level, and more at head level, too.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

There'd been storms that week, and I figured they scattered when the food ran out. (P77)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

There's a metal garbage can in the barn that's about a quarter full of seeds and mashed-up dried stuff. (P42)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

There's an old fence back there, so you can figure out which part is our farm and which part isn't (P14)


There's no such thing as magic. P37

Book Scavenger

There, front and center of the screen, was the logo from the card.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

They are softest, fluffiest things ever, like pompoms, even if they do poop on your hands sometimes. (P188)

Mysterious Howling

They are too small and too full of bees for in-person tours to be truly convenient. (P143)


They asked my grandmother for advice. They wanted to know if I was acting too adult for my age. P12

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

They both gave me big hugs. (P81)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

They both were afraid I'd get stuck somewhere in between with no cell-phone service. (P97)

Book Scavenger

They bowed their heads over the list in concentration.

Book Scavenger

They exited through the back door and jumped to the sidewalk, and the bus whirred away.

Book Scavenger

They file through the entrance into a small room shaped like a pizza slice.

Book Scavenger

They passed a lady unloading grocery bags from the trunk of a car parked on the sidewalk.

Book Scavenger

They ran to the computer bank at the back at the back of the library.

Mysterious Howling

"But - I am shocked! He has never let anyone rub his tummy before," the woman cried. (P158)

Book Scavenger

"Can I see your notebook and a pen?" he asked.

Book Scavenger

"Do you have it with you? I can take a stab at it--"

Book Scavenger

"Fat lot of good that card does us. It's got nothing on it--no address, no name, no number."

Book Scavenger

"He was. But that doesn't mean he doesn't actually need the book."

Book Scavenger

"He would want his game to be played. He would want me to finish it."


"So." He almost jumped with the word, spoken aloud. (P45)

Book Scavenger

"That was just weird," she said.

Book Scavenger

"The simple answer is, I wanted to cross it off my to-do list."

Book Scavenger

"We need to get the lay of the land before we let you go off by yourself," her dad said.

Book Scavenger

"We went to the wrong one! I told you it wasn't a dead end!"

Mysterious Howling

1. As you may know, traveling alone is quite a difficult kettle of fish from traveling with companions. P1


1. I can't tell you what that does to me, shooting this buzzy feeling all the way from my ears to the tip of my tail and back again. (P1)


1. Slow and cautious, but she did it, and no human had ever tried that with me. (P6)


103. She might even have been shouting it, but the sound was very faint, almost inaudible. (P149)

Mysterious Howling

103. She rued the hours that would be lost from their studies; now all her efforts would have to focus on preparations for the party. P107

Mysterious Howling

104. Nearly as tragic was the fact that many of the non-orphan girls might just as well have been, since they were stuck with the kind of distant, unfeeling relatives who never visited or remembered birthdays, graduations or any other occasion when a card or small gift would have been deeply appreciated. P108


104. Sometimes life hits you with a major development and nothing else matters. (P149)


110. I could even smell a faint trace from inside the pickup of the red-and-white dude.


34. Cats seem to like it, which just goes to show you that - knock knock. (P42)


59. The urge faded away, although it didn't disappear completely. (P58)

Mysterious Howling

63. "See that they answer to these. It is very tedious to say "Hey boy! Or "Hey, girl!" and get no reaction. Even my hounds can come when called. " P53


63. This was called winking, one of the best things humans can do, in my opinion, and you don't see it nearly enough. (P78)

Mysterious Howling

64. "Tonight we must make friends and grow used to one another. Tomorrow we can think about giving baths." P54


78. We had no dynamite on us, and there was none around, an easy fact to establish, since dynamite smell can't be missed. (P100)

Mysterious Howling

79. "Through careful repeated exposure, I will teach the children not to give two figs about squirrels. " P80


79. Meanwhile, the voices got louder, and then keys ingled. (_P101)

Mysterious Howling

8. As a very wise woman (whom we shall soon hear more about) once declared, "There is no alarm clock like embarrassment," P3


8. For heaven's sake, child, tighten up on that rope. (P6)


80. I felt pretty alert myself, but as for fear, I had none. Was there something to be angry about? (P106)

Mysterious Howling

80. She had asked permission to enter the library so she could not be accused of trespassing, yet the encounter felt impossibly awkward, especially since the couple seemed to be in mid-argument. P81


81. Running on a warm night under a two-pointed moon: Life was good!

Mysterious Howling

85. "if it were easy to resist, it would not be called chocolate cake." P87


93. Morning air flowed in, moist, slightly cool, full of flower smells and also rot - no getting away from rot in this part of the world. (P122)

Mysterious Howling

94. "Well, well! I must say, I am surprised to hear that they are progressing so rapidly. This news changes my plans topsy-curvy. P101

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

A beautiful scream echoed through the woodlands...

Book Scavenger

A best friend where she'd never had one before.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

A blinding reflection came off the water, and from it a man paddled gently toward me.


A brother is to help you. P36

Book Scavenger

A few more steps and the ground was level again.

Book Scavenger

A large black bird peered down at them.

Mysterious Howling

A light snow still fell, blanketing over all tracks and footprints from the previous day. (P185)

Book Scavenger

A long tan car idled up the block.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

A lot of scary things happen to them. (P37)

Book Scavenger

A man leaned against the bumper, taking a drag off a cigarette.

Book Scavenger

A man strode toward the cluster of students, keys jangling in his hand.

Book Scavenger

A man swore, which echoed in the empty shopping center.


A man's hand was inside. It had a gold wedding ring and tufts of blondish hair. P10

Book Scavenger

A perk of going to such a big school was that you didn't stand out as the new girl.

Book Scavenger

A secret message that leads to buried treasure sounds pretty major to me.

Book Scavenger

A sickening feeling overtook her.

Book Scavenger

A woman walked the stairs behind them and straight through the fare gate, like she did this all the time.

Roller Girl

According to the rules of fighting, this is where mom should have started yelling too. (p179)


Actually he's doing the splits on our driveway. P214

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

After I filled it up, I stared at it for a while, in case it was a magic jam jar. (P37)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

After I took the book back to my room, I was heading to the barn when I heard a horrible noise, almost like a scream, but not human. (P87)

Book Scavenger

After a few seconds without any noise on the other side, she pounded again and then rang the doorbell.

Mysterious Howling

After a while they acted out their favorite scenes from the story. (P184)

Mysterious Howling

After giving itself a shake, it scampered in confused zigzags around the dance floor. (P222)


After we told a policeman, he wanted to know our address so if they found the money they could give it back. P110

Mysterious Howling

All counted that made eight at the table; there were still two empty chairs. (P203)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

All its feathers were weird too - they twisted in every direction, like they'd been blown around in the wind. (P112)

Book Scavenger

All normal kids who didn't live like gypsies probably did.


And all a dream, but it left him intent on getting meat. (P138)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

And all around the room, all those people I'd seen in town but don't really know started nodding too. (P193)


And anyway, I love your weird parents. P177

Roller Girl

And just like that, my fate was decided. (p25)

Book Scavenger

Any plans for a new game were postponed indefinitely.

Book Scavenger

Any step was a good one as long as you were trying to be a good friend.

Mysterious Howling

Anyway, I suppose this is what is meant by "growing up." (P165)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Anyway, I was still wondering about that house. (P23)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Anyway, all this ruined my plan to put out the seeds and hide in the bushes and wait. (p111)

Mysterious Howling

Are you suggesting that I can somehow change the date of Christmas? (P161)

Mysterious Howling

Aren't you traveling back with us in the carriage? (P163)


Around here is easier to be hungry in winter than in summer. P158

Book Scavenger

As casually as possible, she shifted the book deeper into her backpack while she removed her notebook.

Mysterious Howling

As for the children, she could only hope they would remain reasonably calm. (P150)

Mysterious Howling

As if in answer, the room suddenly filled with a low, whining snarl, which gradually slid higher in pitch. (P209)

Mysterious Howling

As it was, all she could do was grope her way to the top, step by unseen step, and then push open the door. (P240)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

As soon as it saw me look up, it took off running. (p112)

Mysterious Howling

As you may know, complimentary remarks of this type are all too often made by well-meaning adults to children who are , to be frank, perfectly ordinary-looking. (P188)


At first you just have a tickle in your throat, and then you have a headache, and then


At home at one or two his mother would be putting away the lunch dishes and getting ready for her exercise class. (P61)

Mysterious Howling

At last, a bulbous-nosed man spotted them and walked over with another gentleman. (P192)

Book Scavenger

At least she didn't think she had.


At least the sleeves covered his arms. (P66)

Mysterious Howling

At my age I much prefer being a spectator. (P211)

Book Scavenger

At one point she felt her brother studying her work.

Book Scavenger

At the edge of the part, the silhouette of a miniature ship rose from the mist.


At the end of her fenced yard were planks, a saw horse, and a big circular saw. P175


Back in the old days, when we always had food in the house, I would whine if we were out of my favorite stuff. p 17

Book Scavenger

Back then I thought his generous spirit had turned greedy, and we had a falling out.

Book Scavenger

Back to the book that had been taken away.

Book Scavenger

Backpack straps gripped and head bowed, she bent forward and charged.


Balderdash. Is this because I hissed at that odorous dog? P77

Book Scavenger

Being surrounded by books was comforting, even if she sat at a table by herself.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

Beneath this tree we shall bury all our weapons of war.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Besides, everything is far away and there aren't sidewalks or buses. (P13)

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Books will help him clear the weeds and plant the seeds so he'll succeed.

Book Scavenger

Both seemed like good people.

Mysterious Howling

Breakfast had been brought in and placed on the table in an elegant silver chafing dish. (P183)


But events -events were burned into his memory and so he used them to remember time, to know and to remember what had happened, to keep a mental journal. (P137)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But he didn't ask any questions, just nodded, got up, and let me around the back of the coop. (P124)

Mysterious Howling

But his walk had an energetic, feline spring, and there was a disarming, self-mocking lilt to his voice. (P197)


But hope in his knowledge. (P127)

Book Scavenger

But how could they have found them?

Book Scavenger

But instead of celebrating, she found herself forcing a smile for her parents.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But it didn't. (P175)


But it kept moving away until he could not hear it even in his imagination, in his soul. (P117)

Mysterious Howling

But it was exquisitely made and had been hand-tailored to her exact measurements; she had never wore anything that fit so well. (P189)

Book Scavenger

But it was the words of her brother, of all people, that comforted her.


Cheetos and water for dinner. P129

Book Scavenger

Clues hidden in a book that led to buried treasure?

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Dad made that up just like he made up the sign over the store.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Dad said it would be really quiet here, but he must have remembered it wrong. (P6)

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Dad says he doesn't have college knowledge. He educated himself by reading books and by living.

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Dad says he wants to reach people who might not know about the store, people who don't know how important books are.


Day just gets better and better. P121

Book Scavenger

Does it involve leaving the house? Because I could be so sad if I had to stop unpacking right now.


During the fourth inning something weird happened. P160

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Even famous people like actors and musicians from the Apollo Theater visit the bookstore.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

Everything I had ever known had been burned to the ground.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

Everything was gone.

Mysterious Howling

Evidently she had not forgotten the licking incident. (P145)

Mysterious Howling

Extraordinarily busy places are often compared to beehives, and if you have ever seen the inside of a beehive, you already know why this is so. (P143)


Facts are important to scientists, which is what I want to be when I grow up. P8

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

Fighting among our people mush stop.

Book Scavenger

Figuring that out had been the easy part.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Finally, I just put a whole bunch of seeds out and went to sit in the shade and read my new book. (P111)

Mysterious Howling

Finally, it sat up on its haunches, its button eyes fearfully darting around, wringing its tiny monkeylike hands in dismay. (P222)

Mysterious Howling

Finally, she was free to find presents for everyone on her list. (P153)

Mysterious Howling

Finding out the difference between what one expected one's life would be like and how things really are. (P165)

Book Scavenger

Fine. But we can't got now. That place'll be swarming with cops.


For a five-year-old, that girl can really sweat. P14

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

For a minute, I couldn't remember what your voice sounded like when you said those things, and I was really sad. (P111)

Book Scavenger

For a moment she thought he was asking if that was the student she was meeting.


Gum is harder than you'd think. It's the perfect size for slipping into your pocket. P170


Halloween you probably don't have any. P14


Hanging on a pine limb, he watched her go, half expecting her to turn and come back to run over him again. (P152)

Book Scavenger

Haven't come across one like that before. Mind if I take a look?

Book Scavenger

Having a puzzle to work through always helped distract her from all the new swirling around.

Book Scavenger

He balanced a hand on the woman's shoulder as she held the phone at arm's length to take the picture.


He closed his eyes and slept, dreamless, deep and down. (P34)

Book Scavenger

He continued to make marks in his magazine and acted oblivious to her being there.


He could do a day, but not forever - he could not make it if they did not come from him someday. (P117)


He could not now believe the hunger. (P101).


He could not play the game without hope; could not play the game without a dream. (P118)

Book Scavenger

He cracks the cipher and it leads him and two friends to buried treasure.

Book Scavenger

He crosse to the hostess podium and picked through items that lay behind it.

Book Scavenger

He crouched down and peered between the spines, watching for a moment before he held up a triumphant thumb.

Book Scavenger

He crumpled a sheet of newspaper with one hand and gestured for the book.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

He didn't know of any ways for the dead to send letters back. (P57)

Book Scavenger

He didn't seem like the sort who would get excited about something like that.

Book Scavenger

He didn't talk as they left Room 40.

Book Scavenger

He died in Baltimore the day before yesterday.


He felt a burning on his neck and reached up to find red coals here. (P155)


He felt his eyes beginning to burn and knew there would be tears. (P3)

Mysterious Howling

He fixed the girl with a nonthreatening half smile, but his eyes looked deadly serious. (P208)

Book Scavenger

He flexed his extended hand in a "gimme" motion.

Book Scavenger

He gathered his papers and tapped them against the table.

Book Scavenger

He had been on his way to the bathroom.


He had been so sure, so absolutely certain that it would work the night before. (P110)


He had learned that somewhere, in some class, maybe it was biology - he couldn't remember. (P125)


He had never been fat, but he had been slightly heavy with a little extra weight just above his belt at the sides. (P104)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

He nodded, and started pedaling again, maybe a tiny bit slower this time. (P167)

Book Scavenger

He nodded, smiling.


He opened one eye a bit, like someone peeking from behind a shade. P75

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

He plays with words until they say what he feels. I guess people makes him a poet.

Book Scavenger

He pounded his index finger against the glass with every "look."

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

He pulled off the road, over the bump on the edge, and down into the ditch. (P168)

Book Scavenger

He pulled out a bundle of leafy green.


He pulled out a fancy leather wallet and asked my dad if his guitar was for sale. P201

Book Scavenger

He stepped out to close the shop door, which didn't totally silence the noise but did make it bearable.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

He stomped over to the doorway to Mom's study and yanked the door open. (P117)


He stood in the shallows and waited, again and again. (P110)

Book Scavenger

He stopped abruptly in a hallway intersection.

Book Scavenger

He tapped his pointy cap.


He tried to reach for it and pull but didn't have the air left and went up for more. (P180)


He tried to stand up... but it didn't seem to work right.


He walked over and squatted near them, studied them, tried to make sense of them. (P98)


He was always telling kids to get motivated. (P50)


He was holding a closed umbrella, like he was worried about getting wet. Which, when you think about it, is kind of not the point of surfing. p3

Book Scavenger

He was methodically solving another of his logic puzzles and didn't look up.

Book Scavenger

He was still in critical condition.

Book Scavenger

He was very tall man--from the photo it looked like he'd have to the duck to go through the front entrance if he had on his hat.


He was wearing a T-shirt. It said CATS RULE, DOGS DROOL. P3

Book Scavenger

He waved to the small stack of books he'd sorted from the original pile.

Mysterious Howling

He wears it all the time - Ouch! (P159)

Book Scavenger

He'd relaxed into his normal self now and was describing the new stop-motion video he was in the middle of making.

Book Scavenger

He'd said he didn't want to look at the puzzle because he wouldn't be able to resist solving it.

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

He's so tall, I have to lean my head way back to see his face.

Book Scavenger

Hearing wild barks in the middle of a city had been jarring, unexpected, but now they were soothing.

Book Scavenger

Her breath came out in gasps.

Book Scavenger

Her brother couldn't care less that they were moving again.

Book Scavenger

Her brother jumped in, eager to give the rundown of their moving history.

Book Scavenger

Her brother leaped into the palm of the branches and picked and pulled his way up to the fake raven.

Book Scavenger

Her dad chuckled and left, letting the door close behind him.

Book Scavenger

Her dad cleared his throat.

Book Scavenger

Her dad stood from the table and swung an arm around her shoulders.

Book Scavenger

Her dad swung her ponytail like he was conducting an orchestra.

Mysterious Howling

Her expression did not change as she read it, but when she looked up, her attitude was quite transformed. (P216)

Book Scavenger

Her feet squished in damp grass as she crossed to the statue, thoughts of treasure chests in her head.

Book Scavenger

Her fingertips almost brushed the neighboring house.

Book Scavenger

Her fingertips brushed over something cold and smooth.

Book Scavenger

Her first day at another new school would wait one more day.

Book Scavenger

Her head was turned toward the de Young Museum, so all you saw was her long ponytail.

Book Scavenger

Her mom and dad sat at the kitchen table with family albums open in front of them.

Book Scavenger

Her mom flipped another page of the album.

Book Scavenger

Her only choice was to outsmart them.

Book Scavenger

Her palms felt sweaty, and she wiped them on her jeans.

Book Scavenger

Her parents burst from the kitchen, racing down the hallway toward them.

Book Scavenger

Her parents said that so often with every place they lived, it had become an inside joke.

Book Scavenger

Her parents stood where she'd left them, leaned together in conversation.

Book Scavenger

Her short-cropped hair puffed away from her head like a mushroom cap.

Mysterious Howling

Her talk was animated, he eyes flashed, her smile dazzled. (P195)

Book Scavenger

Her words tumbled out in an excited rush.


Here's the thing : I am not an imaginary friend kind of guy. P7


Here, at first, it was silent, or he thought it was silent, but when he started to listen, really listen, he heard thousands of things. (P41)


His coat was black and white, penguin style. He looked like he was heading somewhere fancy in a hairy tuxedo. P4

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

His face got all crumpled and he looked like he was going to cry. (P124)

Book Scavenger

His face looked pained, like she was telling him he couldn't have a puppy.


His first bow was a disaster that almost blinded him. (P123)


His hands began trembling again. (P17)

Book Scavenger

His hands were jammed in his front sweatshirt pocket, and his stare didn't waver from his target.

Book Scavenger

His long strip of letters was the only submission for the week.

Book Scavenger

His low-key response to her outburst only make her feel worse.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

His melody had stopped the fighting.

Book Scavenger

His mom rapped on the passenger door.

Mysterious Howling

His silence provided answer enough. (P163)

Book Scavenger

His spiky tuft bobbed wildly as they ran.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

His strained breathing eased.

Book Scavenger

His window display homepage to Bayside Press was still in place.

Book Scavenger

Holding her breath, she clicked the red arrow and watched the computer do its thinking spiral, then slowly load a new page.

Mysterious Howling

Hyperbole is usually harmless, but in some cases it has been known to precipitate unnecessary wars as well as a painful gaseous condition called stock market bubbles. (P189)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I about fainted when I heard voices. (P49)

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

I agree to travel with him and help carry his message.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I am healthy and well and have plenty to eat. (P18)

Mysterious Howling

I am planning a shopping expedition in town tomorrow, and I thought that you - and perhaps the children - might care to join me. (P146)

Mysterious Howling

I am sure I have never seen three such extraordinary handsome and well-turned-out children! (P188)

Mysterious Howling

I am their governess. (P158)

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

I became more of a believer.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

I began to speak his words.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I bet he never even noticed. (P18)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I bet the first person to figure that out was really happy about it. (P74)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I blew it again and again, just in case the wind was blowing funny or something. (P51)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I blinked, and it was still there. (P93)

Mysterious Howling

I can never let anyone get near him for fear they will lose a finger, especially children - Heavens, will you look at that!" (P158)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I can't see anything inside, and I can see all the way through it. (P83)


I checked my forehead. Unfortunately, I did not seem to have a fever. P19

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

I considered his words, but didn't believe him.

Book Scavenger

I couldn't hurt to finish it.

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

I don't always understand his poetry, but I like the sound of dad's words.

Mysterious Howling

I don't believe in sugar-coating things for the young. (P205)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I don't know how long I yelled. (P177)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I don't know if Dad left it open or if she just opened it herself and drove right in. (P89)

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

I don't know what to do. I can't keep from crying too.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I don't know why I felt a little sad tonight. (P19)

Book Scavenger

I don't know why, but the path creeped me out, and I didn't want to go.


I don't remember being born. Or learning to walk. Or wearing diapers. P29

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I don't think it always works with people who don't know she's working on a mystery novel as well as her articles. (P180)


I don't want to go back to that time. P234

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

I feel his big boxer's fingers close over mine. It's like shaking hands with a giant.


I felt a little dizzy. But happens sometimes when I'm hungry. I hadn't eaten since breakfast. P5

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I guess he told her once he had lots left over from a project a long time ago. (P142)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I guess it's pretty around here - everything looks like those paintings that are just scenery, with nothing actually happening. (P165)

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

I guess my mouth was hanging wide open. He and dad are laughing at me, but I don't care.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I had a bad feeling about that. (P170)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I had a bad moment then. (P166)

Book Scavenger

I had a shot so I'll never have to meet him.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

I had only a small fire and a place to sleep.

Mysterious Howling

I have a frightfully long list of things to buy. (P146)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I have a lot of questions for you still, but maybe they'll just keep being part of the mystery. (P208)


I have a really good whistle for a kid. I use my pinkie fingers. P148

Mysterious Howling

I have been all but imprisoned in this house for days now, with so much to do and the party barely a week away... (P147)


I have to do something. (P55)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I have to go - I promised Dad I'd make him breakfast for Father's Day. (P59)


I heard a noise, a wheels-on-gravel skateboard sound . p21

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I held my breath and crossed my fingers. (P76)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I looked up; I couldn't help myself. (P168)


I love purple jelly beans. P15

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I love to look in the window of the bookstore, though. (P98)


I saved my pillow and backpack to load last. P92

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I saw a sheep on one farm, but they weren't doing anything interesting, just chewing on grass. (P165)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I squared my shoulders. (P125)


I squeezed my eyes and counted to ten. Slowly. P4


I stood at her bedroom door and listened to him reading. P34

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I stood there and looked hard at all the bushes and trees and junk and everything, to make sure nothing moved. (p32)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I stood there for a while, feeling creeped out all over. (P31)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I swallowed a few times when I felt sad. (P48)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I swear I could feel it before I looked up and saw it. (P172)

Book Scavenger

I think his disappearance it part of his next big game.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I thought she was probably hungry. (P24)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I thought we were moving to a real farm, but it's more like a big, boring garden. (p6)


I told my brain to take a time out. Sometimes that actually works. P146

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I took a deep breath and thought for a moment. (P88)

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

I took shelter up the river.


I tore some cardboard off the end of my sleeping box. Then I made a smiling fish, sitting in a canoe. P122

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I wish I could read your recipe, but since I can't, I'm going to look for one at the library. (P110)


I wouldn't want to have been the first person who tested that theory. P36

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I wrote down directions while Mom and Dad argued some more. (P118)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I'd feel terrible. (P74)

Roller Girl

I'd make up stories about us floating around the solar system together. (p176)

Roller Girl

I'd never been so mad before, and I let the mad run through my veins like rocket fuel. (p145)


I'd never stolen anything before last spring. Except for the unfortunate incident with the yoyo

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I'll cross my fingers again, under the table. (P78)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I'll give them to her later, when she takes a break. (P15)

Book Scavenger

I'll leave the radio on.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I'll let you know what my parents say. (P59)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I'll remind him when we cook and do the dishes too. (P85)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I'll see what she thinks at dinner, I guess. (P78)

Mysterious Howling

I'll see you after supper, or perhaps a bit later. (P164)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I'm careful to always close them when I leave the barn, so it doesn't rain on my typewriter, and so no animals get it. (P7)

Book Scavenger

I'm running late for an appointment, gentlemen.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I'm sorting the pile out there into different kinds of things just about anything out of all that junk, if you had enough time and imagination. (P86)


I've a little mac and cheese left over from dinner. And there's half an apple you could share. P17

Book Scavenger

I've heard of it, but I don't play.


I've never been much into make-believe stuff. P9

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

I've read a lot of books about kids who find magic stuff. (P37)


If I never talked about it, it felt like it couldn't ever happen again. P 133

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

If I was going to have to make two long bike rides before dinner, I'd better get moving. (P165)

Book Scavenger

If he recognized his own cipher from the website, then it was a logical step to connect her to it.

Mysterious Howling

If it was a catastrophe, it would be her fault and then what would become of them all? (P182)


If not right at him, at least closer. He could see it all in his mind now, the picture, the way it would be. (P116)

Book Scavenger

If the dished could also sing and dance while they're at it, that'd be great.

Mysterious Howling

If there happened to be any mocking smiles on the faces of the society ladies as she was paraded across the room on the arm of a judge, it was none of your concern, than you very much! (P200)

Mysterious Howling

In another few moments, she decided, she would fashion some excuse for her and the children to leave. (P218)

Mysterious Howling

In desperation she even climbed into the front window display and knocked over the tall stacks of books beneath the New From America sign. (P155)

Mysterious Howling

In fact, I am astonished that you would make such an unreasonable request. (P162)


In his mental journal he listed them to tell his farther, listed all the mistakes. (P124)


In my family those guys go really fast. P14

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

In the morning, dad comes to my room. He looks tired but okay. He sits on the edge of my bed and pets my forehead.

Mysterious Howling

In the nursery the children seemed subdued and distracted, as if waiting for something bad to happen. (P183)

Book Scavenger

In the shadow of a pyramid-shaped skyscraper sat an old brick building painted white with green-paned windows.


In the still darkness of the shelter in the middle of the night his eyes came open and he was awake and he thought there was a growl. (P79)

Mysterious Howling

Inside, the house hummed with activity; soon the din of voices was loud enough to carry up to the nursery. (P187)

Mysterious Howling

Irony was certainly a worthy topic for discussion, but she was eager to start browsing among the books. (P153)

Book Scavenger

It became quite the phenomenon, and Gary was inspired.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It didn't look like a rat, a squired, or even like a chicken. (P92)


It didn't make sense. My mom had three part-time jobs. My dad had two part-time jobs.


It emerged a split part of a second later. (P107)


It had a greasy, almost oily taste, but it was still an egg. (P101)

Book Scavenger

It had a new-book smell with the faintest hint of lemons.

Book Scavenger

It had been three weeks since a strange boy make her laugh and then solved her cipher when she wasn't looking.


It had happened before this way, something had come into him from outside to warn him and he had stopped. (P120)


It had to be high, somehow, high and safe. (P133)

Book Scavenger

It had to be solved.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It is not uncommon for this breed of bantam to be the top of the pecking order among milder-mannered breeds. (P43)


It is the house. The house on the East 88th Street. It is empty now. P83


It is too long a story for now. I haven't the strength of body or heart to tell it.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It jumped down off the branch and landed at her feet. (P88)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It looked like a blurry part of the ground, like a puff of fir needles and leaves and grass blades. (P92)

Book Scavenger

It looked like an average paperback.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It looked like it was for those very small dogs that ride around in purses. (P18)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It looked like there had been a fire or something. (P18)

Mysterious Howling

It was a party, after all, and parties were meant to be enjoyed. (P168)

Book Scavenger

It was a picture book with clues, hidden in the illustrations.

Book Scavenger

It was a popular story in its day and brought attention to cryptograms and secret writing.


It was a surprising question. But I had already figured out he was a surprising guy. P23


It was a wonderful discovery. (P95)


It was as if his hands and arms were lead. (P2)


It was not possibly believable. (P36)

Book Scavenger

It was one class the had together all day.


It was red and yellow plastic, decorated with pictures of tiny smiling mice. P5


It was so incredibly beautiful that it was almost unreal. (P107)

Book Scavenger

It was stupid of her to care.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It was sunny, but not too hot, and I found some old rope in the barn, and Dad even helped me make a swing out by the henhouse before he had to go off to his job interview. (P86)

Book Scavenger

It was the best idea they had to work with, so they went back to the bar where the manager shuffled papers behind the counter.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It was the orange pickup. (P168)


It was voice she used when a fight was coming. P51

Book Scavenger

It was where she wrote journal entries about memorable book hunts.


It was, he saw after a moment, literally packed with life. (P108)

Book Scavenger

It wasn't a game to her anymore, either.

Book Scavenger

It wasn't a genius plan, but it was the best thing she could some up with.

Book Scavenger

It wasn't every day that she could hear them, so she knew the noise was a gift.

Book Scavenger

It wasn't funny at the time, but it was a little funny now that everything had worked out okay.


It wasn't just keeping from starving - it was trying to save ahead, think ahead. (P136)


It wasn't just that it was wrong to do, or that it was considered incorrect. (P82)


It went straight down past his legs. (P174)

Book Scavenger

It's got a badge inside, so no one will mistake it for one of yours.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It's kind of hard to tell when it keeps disappearing, though. (P93)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It's like all my words get clogged up in my throat, even when it's important and I know I have to say something. (P123)


It's not as complicated as it looks. (p4)


It's not your fault, I suppose.

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

It's our home, just about, because we spend so much time here.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It's quiet, and it goes pretty fast, even if you have the wrong size screwdriver. (P59)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

It's really unusual, for sure. (P33)

Book Scavenger

It's the end of the game. It must be.

Mysterious Howling

Judging from the piles of soggy, chew-up scraps that littered the steps, the boys had been gnawing their way through each one. (P243)

Book Scavenger

Just like the first time they met him, he was wearing an argyle sweater-vest.

Book Scavenger

Just more like that was a logical thing for them to assume.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

LA is never this dark. (P31)


Masked guy good with swords. P155

Mysterious Howling

May I also remind you that the invitations have already been sent, the musicians have been engaged, the flowers have been ordered? (P161)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Maybe I won't go wading tomorrow. (P19)


Maybe I'd gotten sunstroke at the beach. I wasn't exactly sure what sunstroke was, but it sounded like something

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Mom says he started out with five books. Five books and a mission.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Mom will like that; she hates to waste things. (P85)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Mom's been having a rough time with this week's articles, what with all these interruptions. (P75)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Mom's used to it, but it still makes her mad, even more so now that we really are poor. (P117)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Mom's writing music blasted out into the hall. (P117)

Book Scavenger

Money changes your circumstances, but it can'tchange your core.

Book Scavenger

Multiple book-shelves with not just books but collections.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

My cellphone had no service, of course, not that it ever does around here, and not that there was anyone I could call. (P174)


My dad asked which of those people would take in two adults, two children, and a dog who eats furniture.p50


My dad makes up a lot of crazy blues songs. P97


My dad wondered if he should have read me more fairy tales. P11


Next thing I knew, that cookie was in my pocket. P164

Mysterious Howling

No doubt he was wondering at the cause of the delay. (P215)

Book Scavenger

No looking up he said, "They're already part of a word."


No matter how adult I seemed, she told them, I would definitely grow out of it when I became a teenager. P12


No one else on the beach seemed to see him. P4


No, not secrets so much as just the Secret. (P3)


No, wait - if he was going to play the game, might as well play it right. (P50)

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it.


Nobody seemed to notice. Probably because who would think a kid my age would steal something that looks like brown snot? P171

Book Scavenger

Nobody would dump a book like this.

Book Scavenger

Not buried in the ground like a bone, free to any dog that digs it up.


Not having enough work is tough work. P114

Book Scavenger

Not so much to you or someone else, but sentimentally it has significance for his client and, therefore, is valuable.

Book Scavenger

Now what were they supposed to do with this clue?

Roller Girl

Now you're going to start foaming at the mouth, and then you'll go crazy, and then you'll die. (p29)


Of course he had made a lot of mistakes. (P123)

Book Scavenger

Of course she remembered that.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Of course, that's still expensive for me and for my parents, since we haven't got any money. (P100)

Book Scavenger

Oh why didn't she think before opening her backpack?


Okay, maybe that second one's just an opinion. P7

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

On weekends and in the summer, I ride my bike to the store and help dad.

Book Scavenger

Once you guys go to college, your mom and I can resume our nomadic ways.

Book Scavenger

One computer for schoolwork and regular stuff, one for video games, and the third--I built this one.

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

One day a crowd bigger than usual is packed around the door.

Mysterious Howling

One the other hand, appearances can be deceiving. (P198)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Only, I don't have any money for postage. (P179)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Or maybe there's somewhere else around here that kids like to go. (P19)

Mysterious Howling

Or one could simply accept that beehives are busy and get on with it. (P143)

Book Scavenger

Or you gained stuff, depending on your perspective.

Book Scavenger

Orange lights glowed in the trees.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Otherwise, I'd have to ask for directions, and someone was sure to remember that later. (P165)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Our apartment building in LA had a few pots with some flowers and a big old lemon tree, but that was it. (P15)

Book Scavenger

Our couch is usually covered in sheets of soup dumplings.

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

People come to hear talk about fighting for the same rights white people.

Book Scavenger

People looked up from the cafe tables as they raced by.

Book Scavenger

People recover from being in critical condition all the time.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

People will work it all out for themselves eventually. (P195)


Plain old circle pancakes would be great. P152

Mysterious Howling

Playing in the snow even for a short while makes most children ravenously hungry. (P175)

Book Scavenger

Please, pretty please, say yes because I need the points.


Put it this way. You can be mad at someone and still love them with all your heart. P98

Book Scavenger

Puzzle people usually couldn't resist at least looking at a new one, if not attempting to solve it.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Right now, we don't even have tomatoes, just rows and rows of grapevines. (P1)

Book Scavenger

She knew her parents must have thought she'd overreacted the their news.

Book Scavenger

She scanned the park for an escape route.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She seemed pretty proud of herself, strutting around and squawking her head off when I told her she did a good job. (P84)

Book Scavenger

She skimmed the posted reactions, finding an assortment of replies.

Book Scavenger

She slammed the front door behind them.

Mysterious Howling

She smiled warmly at the housekeeper, whom she now considered a friend. (P172)

Mysterious Howling

She sounded more stunned than angry. (P163)


She specially likes hats and also socks. P18

Book Scavenger

She spun around, feet moving as fast as possible.

Book Scavenger

She spun the dial and tugged the door open, ducking her head inside under the pretext of sorting things into and out of her backpack.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She started to turn back up the path. (P50)

Book Scavenger

She stepped backward uphill, the steep slope forcing her step to be a small one.

Book Scavenger

She stood and nodded to toward the approaching men.

Mysterious Howling

She stood there, breathing hard and trying not to scream at the sight of all the guns. (P238)

Book Scavenger

She stood up from the booth.

Book Scavenger

She thought it was a pebble, but it wouldn't budge.

Book Scavenger

She thought it was hidden there on purpose.

Mysterious Howling

She threw open the window and leaned out into the night air, craning her head this way and that. (P239)


She was sitting on the floor ripping open boxes.


She was sniffing the air, ears cocked toward the front door, as if we had a guest approaching. P16

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She was taller than my mom, and really thin. (P49)

Mysterious Howling

She washed and dressed at twice her customary speed. (P182)

Book Scavenger

She wasn't behind on homework.

Book Scavenger

She wasn't from anywhere.

Book Scavenger

She wasn't in the mood for any of that, and it had been four days since they'd seen those men.

Book Scavenger

She wasn't just hoping it to be true.

Book Scavenger

She watched a few minutes more, and when the men didn't return, she drew in a long inhale and exhaled slowly.

Book Scavenger

She went back to those search results and looked under the User column.

Book Scavenger

She went to her room, slid open the window, dropped the paper in the sand pail, and raised the bucket.

Book Scavenger

She would have walked right past and never guessed a swing set, toddler's slide, and teepee play structure were hiding behind the wall of foliage.

Book Scavenger

She'd done it. She'd found his next game.

Book Scavenger

She'd figured it out! That was where she had to go.

Book Scavenger

She'd grown attached to the spiky guy.

Book Scavenger

She'd make her way through the whole story last night.

Book Scavenger

She'd wondered if his cowlick would be slicked down with gel for school, but Steve pocked up in all his glory.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She's getting really good at door latches. (P176)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

She's not real patient sometimes, but she tries. (P158)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So Dad decided to take a break and walk back up to the house with me. (P16)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

So I got slowly back up again and threw the last few sunflower seeds into the box. (P178)


Starving musicians is what my mom calls it. P26


Stop being silly. She poked him in the chest. I swoosh. Swoosh .i tell you. P35

Roller Girl

Stopping is still not my strong suit. (p149)


Stories are lies, when you get right down to it. And I don't like being lied to. P9


Stuck behind your ear is a good hiding place if you want to use your gum again. P15


Stuff getting sold, like the silver teapot my grandma gave my mom and our laptop computer.P44


Sure, she called back from the kitchen. They're to go with the caviar. P16

Mysterious Howling

Surely that is an unnecessary expense. (P161)

Mysterious Howling

Surely there will be some sign that the chase has gone by. (P234)

Book Scavenger

Taped to the front of the bag was a handwritten letter.

Book Scavenger

That sounded good, so she stuck with it, but the mistakes bothered her.


That was the first time I realized people don't always like to hear the truth. P10

Book Scavenger

That's all I agreed to.


That's more like a dictionary than a made-up story. P36

Mysterious Howling

That's not such a catastrophe, what? (P161)

Book Scavenger

That's when Mom and Dad let me get a phone to keep in touch with my friends.

Mysterious Howling

The abundant self-confidence she felt while in her room had shrunk to the size of an acorn now that she was really here. (P191)

Mysterious Howling

The actual work was done by the servants, of course, but the queen bee of all this busyness was indisputably Lady Constance. (P144)

Book Scavenger

The agreement was whoever earned more homework passes or got to three first.

Mysterious Howling

The aroma of baking breads and roasting meats mingled in the air with the scent of the waxes and oils used to polish the woodwork, and the fresh, outdoorsy smell of the pine wreaths and garlands that festooned every available surface. (P144)

Book Scavenger

The backs of her legs throbbed.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

The barn isn't red, like I thought barns were; where it isn't painted, it's just really old brownish-gray wood. (P6)

Book Scavenger

The bell rang, and the two fell in step.

Book Scavenger

The bookshop was narrow with tall bookcases creating tunnels that twisted and turned.

Book Scavenger

The bottom of the stake widened into a mini shovel.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

The boy watched all this in silence. (P126)

Mysterious Howling

The boys hovered nearby, shuffling their feet; the toy rifle was nowhere to be seen,. (P183)

Mysterious Howling

The children froze, but only for a moment. 9P225)

Book Scavenger

The clinging white mist make all the wires that crisscrossed the city stand out like a cat's cradle.

Book Scavenger

The computer dinged, and an instant-message box popped up.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

The creek is pretty neat. (P15)

Mysterious Howling

The date of the party cannot be changed; it is out of the question. (P162)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

The door latch rattled. (P171)

Book Scavenger

The dreadlocks would have been recognizable anywhere.

Mysterious Howling

The dress made her look older and even a bit forbidding. (P190)

Mysterious Howling

The dress she wore was a voluminous mélange of floral patterns that did much to accentuate the impressive girth of the wearer. (P189)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

The edge of the highway isn't very wide, you know, and people get in a hurry sometimes, and I didn't want to fall down into the grassy ditch next to the road. (P98)

Book Scavenger

The elevator doors opened to the wine-and-silver-blue lobby.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

The evil look in his eyes softened.

Book Scavenger

The fake smile disappeared.

Book Scavenger

The few times she'd actually spotted other users, she didn't have the nerve to approach them and say anything.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

The fighting grew... until something unexpected happened.

Book Scavenger

The first letter of each word spelled out fifteen.

Book Scavenger

The flame reminded her of the gold-bug story, where a message is revealed when parchment is heated up.

Book Scavenger

The flyer was crisp and all the numbered tags remained intact.

Mysterious Howling

The full moon was now at its highest and the snow caught and magnified every morsel of its eerie blue glow. (P239)

Book Scavenger

The grid had to be the key.


The man at the store was nice, but he didn't speak any English.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

The person she was talking to sounded exactly like the right person to ask. (P101)

Book Scavenger

The rest of the students shifted in their seats, packing up their backpacks.

Book Scavenger

The rest of their sixth-period social studies class must have had the same idea, because nearly every table of the library was full.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

The river will catch my body and carry it to safety.

Book Scavenger

The road curved sharply downhill in a zigzag path, like the track of a sidewinder snake.

Book Scavenger

The satisfaction of accomplishing something could be very fleeting.

Book Scavenger

The school librarian popped out from behind a bookshelf.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

The screwdriver slipped, and I hit my thumb really hard and the lock stayed locked. (P58)

Mysterious Howling

The search party was out in force, guns loaded, galloping into the woods. (P242)

Book Scavenger

The security guard barely looked at the book.

Mysterious Howling

The sharp prongs that hold on the jewels are bent outward. (P159)

Mysterious Howling

The snarl grew louder and began to run up and down the scale, until it resembled the sound of a violin being tuned. (P209)

Mysterious Howling

The stair was fully enclosed and pitch-dark. (p240)


The sun caught the ends of the hairs along his back. (P74)

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

The sun rose early one morning and burned the mist off the river.

Book Scavenger

The surrounding buildings were dull and serious in comparison.

Book Scavenger

The teepee filled with twitters of a bird and distant traffic.


The thinking started. (P2)

Book Scavenger

The three darted into the inky night and across the trafficless street.

Book Scavenger

The traced a finger showing a B on one side and an S on the other.


The trick is that you take so long to hit the target, you forget about being hungry. For a while, anyway. P15

Book Scavenger

The user hadn't declared any titles, but he or she had hidden several recently.


The voice seemed to be coming from his bedside table.

Mysterious Howling

The wall at the top of this strange staircase was plastered over with many layers of wallpaper. (P243)

Book Scavenger

The way you might be if you swatted a fly, and then a couple of days later someone asked about the fly and your brain had to run a few circles to even remember that insignificant bug.

Book Scavenger

The window directly above hers slide open.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

The woman hesitated, and I saw Mom's eyes narrow again. (P50)

Mysterious Howling

The woman looked at her with understanding. (P158)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

The woman was already hurrying down the path toward the henhouse. (P51)

Book Scavenger

The words were out there now, hanging in between them.

Mysterious Howling

Their fingers and faces were covered with sticky chocolate, and they lay together all in a heap. (P165)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then I felt that rush of wind again. (P172)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then I got out my cellphone and had a look. (P175)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then I saw the blackberry bushes shake, and my heart about stopped for a moment, and all my muscles got ready to run. (P24)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then I thought I heard a squawk, and I started running after her. (P51)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then I very quietly went outside again, and ran back. (P24)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then I walked out of the wrinkly hilly part and out of the trees and into the bright dusty sun, around all those rows of grapevines, following the fence down near the street. (P14)

Roller Girl

Then Mom uttered the words that never failed to strike fear and dread into my heart. (p8)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then came part of my day I'd rather not tell you about. (P175)


Then he leaned back against the wood brace of his door opening and smiled. (P92)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then he put it down and whistled. (P178)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then he saw Mom's face and remembered we're broke and that he's trying to find a job, and stopped. (p13)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Then he saw me and scowled, and I stopped feeling sorry for him, even if his mom didn't seem very nice. (P123)

Mysterious Howling

These brats talk better than most of the unwashed hordes that appear before your bench, and the alw insists on calling that lot human, doesn't it? (P198)

Mysterious Howling

These presents were chosen with the children's own likes and dislikes in mind, by someone who had their best interests at heart and who had loving wrapped them herself. (P185)

Book Scavenger

They had looked over every inch with no luck.

Book Scavenger

They had slowed to a stop and idled in a line of cars.

Book Scavenger

They heard his whistle in return.

Book Scavenger

They hurdled flowers and stuffed animals, pounding down the brick-laid sidewalk until they reached a wall of people lining up to board a bus.

Mysterious Howling

They immediately seized upon a copy of a popular new book that was on prominent display. (P152)

Book Scavenger

They just thought we should know about it.

Book Scavenger

They were driving through a valley jampacked with rows of houses wrapped around hillsides liske serpentine belts.

Roller Girl

This was a real miracle, because Mom usually avoids gift shops like the plague. (p22)

Book Scavenger

This was her favorite part of book hunting.

Book Scavenger

This was not just any notebook.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

This will symbolized the end of our fighting.

Book Scavenger

Those men were scary, but something valuable was a stake.

Book Scavenger

Those men were turning around and headed in their direction.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

Together we paddled as four nations.

Book Scavenger

Two books lost in one day.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Unless I feel too shy to talk. (P99)

Book Scavenger

Up close she could see one eye drooped and didn't look in quite the same direction as the other.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Usually there aren't any, and that's kind of disappointing. (P136)

Book Scavenger

Wait--did she just hear someone bowling?

Book Scavenger

Was it possible to feel nostalgic for something you never experienced?


Was it the first day or the second day? (P47)

Book Scavenger

Was the message five different two-letter words and then one one-letter word?

Book Scavenger

We can take a photo of this puzzle and upload it for our clue when we get back to our building.

Book Scavenger

We deal with hundreds of books.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

We have a whole house of our own, way bigger than anyone's apartment and a barn too, and a place that's sort of like a garage for tractors. (P5)

Mysterious Howling

We have been working too hard for too long, and I believe it has started to snow. (P171)


We have not failed. We are doing the best we can. P52

Book Scavenger

We look for the book.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

We made enough space in the attic for my bed, and if we clear some more things out, I will have a huge room up there. (P6)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

We made it to the trees, and through the fence, and to my bike. (P173)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

We made up a song about diatomaceous earth while we were driving in to the post office today, just because we thought it sounds funny. (P84)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

We ran some more. (P173)

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

We stood quietly, observing each other.

Mysterious Howling

When I am done shopping, I intend to surprise him for an impromptu lunch! (P150)

Book Scavenger

When she bent down to pick up her litter, she spotted the maroon edge of a book jammed between the can and the wall.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Whether he had a point or not, I did need his help. (P165)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

You know I'm pretty shy around people I don't know. (P123)

Book Scavenger

You say it's just that one story?


You wouldn't have thought it was a place where people were worried or hungry or sad. P47

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

You wouldn't want them to go extinct. (P137)

Book Scavenger

You write in books? Rebel! Look what I found -- haha.


You'd better not move. I'd miss you too much. Who would help me with see spot walk?

Book Scavenger

You'd think she would have gotten used to these surprises, but she hadn't.


You'd think that would add up to two whole actual jobs, but it didn't seem to. P45


You're both gonna get wet. P121

Book Scavenger

You're my flesh and blood.

Roller Girl

You're not exactly what I'd call a big bruiser type. (p40)


You're on your way to somewhere else. You're not there yet. Nut you know there's no turning back. P5

Book Scavenger

You're worthless.


Your finger,. Let me see it, boy.


i don't remember lots of stuff about what happened when I was young. P29


was still on the couch, staring at the gray ghosts moving across the screen. P53


when I was five and used very bad judgment. P169


you maybe you're coughing a little. The next thing you know, you have pile of Kleenexes around your bed and you're hacking your lungs up. P 90

Book Scavenger

She checked her new room, but the notebook was nowhere to be found.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But when I puffed my way to him, he pointed up in the air, back the way we came. (P166)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But I bed I'm going to be angry for a long time, so I don't see any point in waiting. (P9)

Mysterious Howling

But I can't abide going alone. (P147)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But I didn't see it. (P176)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But I figured it wasn't going to get any easier without practice. (P123)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

But I kept working; I didn't want to look suspicious. (P49)

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

But as I spoke, I felt something come over me: Forgiveness.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

No one expects you know anything, since you just moved here, but everyone knows I know better. (P164)

Book Scavenger

Not to mention, I compensated him for his work.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Nothing in there looked like anything to do with animals, except maybe some more pieces of fence. (P17)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Nothing looked like it had moved for a long time. (P177)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Nothing moved on your farm. (P177)

Roller Girl

Now I see why prisoners lift weights all the time. (p198)

Roller Girl

Now I was more like alone golf ball whacked into space by an astronaut. (p176)

Mysterious Howling

Now I will have no appetite for normal everyday meals ever again. (P195)

Mysterious Howling

Now behave yourselves and do not leave this spot. (P153)

Mysterious Howling

Now he all but leaped into his mistress's arms and covered her face with adoring licks. (P159)

Book Scavenger

Now the mushroom-cap girl gnawed on her thumbnail and glared at the linoleum.

Book Scavenger

Now to decide which book to hide.

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

Now we have about a zillion books in the store and more people come every day.


Oh, it must have so many wonderful things - if I could get at the pack and just get some of those things. I would be rich. (P164)


Oh, you city boy with your city ways - he made a mirror in his mind, a mirror of himself, and saw how he must look. (P98)

Roller Girl

On my list of fun things in life, clothes shopping was pretty close to dead last. (p91)


Quite a bit - that's how he remembered it. (P53)

Mysterious Howling

Red velvet ribbons were tied in prettily drooping bows around the balusters of the central staircase and great urns of scarlet poinsettia flanked the doorways. (P144)

Book Scavenger

She almost felt tricked.

Book Scavenger

She assumed he meant some kind of sport or maybe chess, but no, she didn't know how those could be.

Book Scavenger

She bowed her head, ponytail curled around her neck, and resumed her code-breaking work.

Book Scavenger

She caught him looking at her when she pulled her binder from her backpack.

Mysterious Howling

The boys looked contrite as well, although they had done nothing wrong. (P180)


The burning eyes did not come back, but memories did, came flooding in. The words. Always the words. (P5)

Mysterious Howling

The children looked at her, confused. (P153)

Mysterious Howling

The children shook their heads. (P145)


might make you see flying cats and magical jelly beans. P19


with neighborhoods. May be you can't judge a place by its swans. P47


13. A wonderful mix of kid and girl and strawberry chewing gum and lemon soap, plus a hint of fresh, salty sweat, not a surprise considering the summer heat. (P7)


She gave a little nod, like she'd checked something off a list, and went back to the kitchen .p17

Mysterious Howling

35. She sat back pertly in her chair and folded her hands as if she were the one in need of a job. P22

Mysterious Howling

36. "children are not a very interesting subject, I find. That is to say, children are merely children." P23


36. The point was that it was my tree - its beauty simply a pleasant bonus - and someone had laid his mark on it again. (P44)


37 I took a quick sniff or two, all I needed to establish an alarming fact. (P44)

Mysterious Howling

37. "Surely those hunting dogs need to be fed! They sound entirely desperate!" P25

Mysterious Howling

38. Her golden delicately curved eyebrows frowned in the deepest concentration as she glared at the carpet. P25


38. That was one of the worst thoughts my brain had ever come up with. (P44)

Mysterious Howling

39. She was suddenly dizzy and thought this must be what people meant when they said that a person was "in shock." P27


39. They each raised a hand, smacked their palms together, but very slightly. (P47)

Mysterious Howling

4. "The capital of Hungary is Budapest!" she had recited in her mind in time to the clickity-clack of the train wheels. P2


4. Whoever she was talking about sounded like a winner to me. (P4)

Mysterious Howling

40. " I would hate to endure the crushing disappointment I would feel, if you should suddenly change your mind. " P27


40. I remembered the street gangers back in the city doing lots of high-fiving, but much harder. (P47)


41. A tall wooden bureau stood in one corner, lined with bookshelves and cabinets. (P48)

Mysterious Howling

41. When people experience a sudden, happy change of fortune, it often comes as a great shock to the system. P29


42. But like then, at the moment when the tears - trembling on the surface of her eyes - just had to come spilling out, Birdie gave her head that hard little angry shake, and her eyes dried up.

Mysterious Howling

42. Reckless personalities may do foolish and extravagant things, such as buying a yacht even if they are prone to seasickness and do not know their port side from their aft, while more cautious souls might busy themselves with trivial, repetitive tasks as they wait for the surprise to wear off. P29

Mysterious Howling

43. Many a winning lottery ticket holder, upon receiving the news, has spent the entire afternoon methodically sharpening pencils; for all we know some are sharpening still, their winnings yet unclaimed. P30


43. Rawhide chews were in my immediate future. (P50)

Mysterious Howling

44. "A well-organized stocking drawer is the first step toward a well-organized mind." P30


44. The sun was lower in the sky now, glaring on the water, and the cigar butt smell was just about gone. (P51)

Mysterious Howling

45. "For now, my sole occupation should be to acquaint myself with my new home-starting with this charming room." P31


45. It had a covered cabin up front and controls toward the back, with some seats bolted to the floor and a black-and-red awning for shade. (P51)


46. A sort of tower rose high over the center of the boat, with a platform at the top, also shaded by an awning. (P51)

Mysterious Howling

46. The rest of the books she left in the trunk for the present, until they could find their permanent home in the nursery. P31


47. Our open-water boat? I was a little lost. (P52)


And caught it, he thought, and eaten it. He might be able to catch one, or spear on. (P114)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

And even though I had, I didn't want to go on about it. (P176)


And he thought, rolling thoughts, with the smoke curling up over his head and the smile still half on his head and the smile still half on his face he thought: I wonder what they're doing now. (P93)


And he was, at that moment, almost overcome with self-pity. (P70)

Mysterious Howling

And how long ago that fateful day seemed! (p172)

Book Scavenger

And it appeared to be taking him forever to finish.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

And my dad liked learning about diatoms. (P84)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

And my mom prides herself on being timely and responsible. (P155)

Book Scavenger

And she was. She was ready to lean into their next adventure.


And the red spot on the carpet where she'd spilled cranberry-apple juice. P35

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

And then I guess she got tired of asking nicely. (P37)

Book Scavenger

And then he shared it on his own blog.


And then hers would grumble, yeah, or maybe a ritz cracker with peanut butter. P14

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

And there are lots of small hills between our farm and town, so my legs were pretty tired when I got there. (P98)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

And what if the stuff I found wasn't right? (P83)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

And when I have to talk to a group, it's like my throat is strangling on the inside and I can't breathe. (P1132)


And why it seemed like they should tell me the truth about moving. P147

Roller Girl

And with a wink and a smile, she's back on her skates and back in the game! (p21)

Mysterious Howling

13. She may have been young and alone, in a strange place with no real home to return to and on her way to a job interview but she was also much, much more than her current circumstances would indicate. P7

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

And with this action, my anger disappeared.


130. Mama's eyes shifted, like ... like they were getting pulled at by some thought inside. (P225)

Mysterious Howling

130. Why in the blue blazes a misplaced book couldn't wait until morning I don't pretend to understand! But now I've done as my master asked, and I bid you good night. P127

Mysterious Howling

131. If he looks me in the eye and demands to know what I've discovered, I will have no choice but to tell him what you've told me. P129


131. The screen went blank. Actually, not blank. A very rough-looking customer came into view, one of my kind. (P226)


132. I found that my eyes seemed to be closed, and snapped them right open. (P235)

Mysterious Howling

133. If you have ever stayed up late at night reading a particularly exciting story under the covers with a flashlight, you already know that dramatic events at bedtime do nothing to encourage a restful night's sleep. P130

Mysterious Howling

100. Charades at least might go over well, as long as the tableaux did not involve any reference to small bushy-tailed animals that stored nuts in their cheeks. P105

Mysterious Howling

101. "Whoops! These new cage crinolines take some getting used to," she said gaily. P105


101. Much more disturbing was this news of rat involvement to go along with cats and mice. (P132)


102. He licked his cracked lips again, patted at his pockets, and was coming around to the flask pocket when Snoozy popped his head out the door and gave Lem the thumps-up sign, a cool humen thing and the reason they have thumbs, something I'd figured out early on. (P141(

Mysterious Howling

102. She bleakly wondered if there was any chance the children could be made ready for such an important and complicated public appearance in such a short time. P107


105. A narrow two-rutted alley with weeds growing down the middle ran along the other side of the chain-link fence. (P152)

Mysterious Howling

105. She had parents somewhere, she was nearly certain and she did not choose to think they were unfeeling. P108

Mysterious Howling

106. She did not have the heart to tell them the bad news about the holiday ball right away-new party clothes, honestly! P109


106. Up ahead the red-and-white dude came into view, raising a small dust cloud that turned gold in the sunshine. (P153)


107. He got his head pointed the right way and churned those big heavy legs of his with all the had, but he knew and I knew it wasn't going to be enough. (P153)

Mysterious Howling

107. The Highland Scottish, we used to call it, but I suppose that's not fancy enough for a society ball. It's a bit like a polka with a reel thrown in. P111


108. What a great feeling, knowing the future was all roses - not that roses do anything for me, personally - before it even happened! (P153)

Mysterious Howling

109. A bit of country-bumpkin fun to break up those long, tiring days being rich. Makes you wonder what the gentry'll do for entertainment next! Wash dishes? Beat the rugs? P112


109. But just when I was about to see for sure, a shiny black pickup with dark-tinted windows roared up from behind us. (P153)

Mysterious Howling

11. But in the end she offered him a tiny smile and this was enough to make the young man swell with pride at the fine service he had provided that day. P4

Mysterious Howling

110. It allowed her to feel as if she had been accepted as part of the household, which was pleasant-but it also made her realize her place in the household was among the servants. P112

Mysterious Howling

111. The boys were delighted to see their trouser instructor again. They proudly showed him how securely their buttons were fastened and how nice and straight their pant legs hung. P113


112. My tongue came back to normal, damp and flexible. What else? A faint scent of cigar smoke hung in the air. (P156)

Mysterious Howling

112. She had read about the Russian Ballet in Saint Petersburg, where the world's greatest dancers went to study and perform. P114

Mysterious Howling

113. A few lessons in that sort of dancing and a pretty costume to match would have been a perfectly pleasant way to spend the afternoon. P114


113. But after we got ourselves picked up and dusted off, we had the best hugs of my life. (P157)

Mysterious Howling

114. As far as she could tell, this schottishche business was nothing more than a pair of people holding hands and skipping, followed by a fast twirl and some hops, and then some more of the same. P114


114. He's actually a very good detective, in his own way. Take the cigar butts, for starters. (P163)

Mysterious Howling

115. The fact that the partners were expected to maintain contact throughout these clumsy contortions seemed a certain recipe for sprained ankles and embarrassing collisions. P114


115. They munched on the cookies. Not a single crumb fell my way. (P166)


116. Down below the bridge, a big red-and-black boat was moving slowly away from town, toward what looked like open water in the far distance. (P171)

Mysterious Howling

116. The children eagerly copied the steps and what they lacked in accuracy they made up in verve. P115


117. Her voice faded away. I ambled on over there. Was more ham in my future? (P183)

Mysterious Howling



118. Far too delicate. You rebuild it from the ground up. When you're done there's almost nothing of the real fish left. Trade secret. Don't breathe a word. (P185)

Mysterious Howling

118. Her tiny outstretched hand pointed across the room, where the proud, gray head of a wolf stared balefully from yellow glass eyes. P117


Another reason we were lucky was because my sleeping box was just decoration. P103

Mysterious Howling

119. If you have ever opened a can of worms, boxed yourself into a corner, ended up in hot water, or found yourself in a pretty pickle, you already know that life is rarely (if ever) just a bowl of cherries. P119


119. They were all like that, the ones who came hom from the war. (P187)

Mysterious Howling

12. In fact the competence and dedication of the young conductor would soon come to the attention of his superiors, who would waste no time offering the stalwart fellow a promotion. P4


12. Sometimes, when I'm in that not-sure-how-to-take-it mode, I can get a little growly, or even- I admit it -bitey. (P7)


120. Sometimes in this life you just have to control yourself. The times when you don't have to are always better. (P189)

Mysterious Howling



121. No footsteps sounded this time, not a peep from inside. The house was silent. (P192)

Mysterious Howling

121. She hoped the shock would not undo any of the progress the children had made in their lessons and tried to offer soothing distractions. P120

Mysterious Howling

122. "Let us turn our thoughts to wild adventure on the high seas," she suggested, after an unusually glum breakfast in the nursery. P120


122. Did that make him think he was free to do whatever he wanted? (P193)


123. None of this was adding up, although there were certainly boats in view, including a small silver one tied up to a rickety-looking dock that stuck out into the water. (P199)

Mysterious Howling

123. Reading aloud was a task she enjoyed; it allowed her to pretend she was a famous actress on the London stage, which she thought might be an interesting career if only it were not so scandalous. P121

Mysterious Howling

124. "..Hands must be washed before dinner nevertheless. Please and thank you must be said and playthings must be put away when you are done with them. " P124


124. The gliding motion, fresh breeze, the bubbling of the water passing by, the smells, so many, that rose up from the bayou. (P202)

Mysterious Howling

125. Had these parents like her own, also had a sudden need to flee? P126


125. The sun glared off the water again and I got another look at Donny's eyes: watchful, yes, still annoyed, yes, and also real smart. (P207)


126. Grammy steered us along this narrow passage, which got narrower and kind of winding, deep-green shadows falling over us. (P208)

Mysterious Howling



127. High above the bald eagle was soaring around, tis great white head gleaming in the sunshine. (P218)

Mysterious Howling


Mysterious Howling



128. Was it possible my eyelids were getting heavy again? Hadn't I had a nap fairly recently? (P221)

Mysterious Howling

129. "He has ordered me to inquire 'this instant' if anyone has seen or set foot in his study while he was away." P127


129. She gave me a quick pat, but her eyes were on the screen. (P222)


10. It's more psychological. (P6)

Mysterious Howling

10. The scrubbed looking youth blushed scarlet as he heaved her trunk and carpetbag onto the platform. P4


100. "Totally understandable - how many adults are actually interesting to kids, when you come right down to it?" (P129)


24. I backed away from him, not so sure he could be trusted. (P21)

Mysterious Howling

24. If you have ever visited a theme park full of roller coasters, water slides and thrilling games of chance, you were undoubtedly tickled half to death by it all. P13

Mysterious Howling

25. Dutifully she admired the golden-tipped canopy of leaves and observed how the sunlight could penetrate only here and there, dappling a lush undergrowth of ferns. P14


25. This was the end of the smell path. (P23 - cigar, smoke,...)


26. So it'll be in the system by end of day, and after that we'll keep our eyes peeled. (P27)

Mysterious Howling

26. Then she imagined the trees as they would soon look in the full blaze of autumn color-and then afterward in winter, as a field of bare branched giants standing in a blanket of white. P15

Mysterious Howling

27. "Or perhaps I will mumble my way through my interview like a dimwit and be sent home again in shame," she fretted. "Though alas! There is no home for me to return to!" P15


27. It was low and white, with shutters the color of sky and a big shady tree in front. (p34)

Mysterious Howling

28. And then abruptly, they were out of the trees and coming over the crest of a hill, passing between great stone pillars that framed a tall and forbidding black iron gate. P16


28. My mind was pleasantly empty at this moment. (P34)


29. I glanced inside: nice and tidy, with a made-up bed, a hard hat hanging on a hook, and framed photos on the walls. (P36)

Mysterious Howling

29. These were cottages in which the servants lived, and where the blacksmith, tinsmith, and tanner plied their trades. P17


3. He is your responsibility. (P4)

Mysterious Howling

3. Would she be able to answer correctly should her prospective employers quiz her on, say, the capital of cities of midsized European nations? P2


30. How come we have this big blank where our earliest memories should be? (P36)

Mysterious Howling

30. There was even a smokehouse for the curing of fresh bacon, ham, sausage and all sorts of meat-based delicacies that would nowadays be purchased in a supermarket, uninterestingly wrapped in plastic. P17


31. Sometimes they even seem as though they're part-gadget themselves. (P39)

Mysterious Howling

32. "...Speaking for myself, I can't travel more than a half mile from home without taking some refreshment and here you've come all the way from who know where-" P19


32. She looked older than in the photo, and very tired, with dark patches under her eyes and downward grooves at the corners of her mouth. (P39)

Mysterious Howling

33. It was a pleasant, mellow-toned bell, but even the airiest, tinkling chime can be rung insistently and in a panic and that was unmistakably the type of ringing this was. P20


33. Mama's dark eyes opened wide, seemed to catch a sparkle from somewhere, and she started laughing. (P40)

Mysterious Howling

34. "That which can be purchased at a shop is easily left in a taxi ; that which you can carry inside you is difficult, though not impossible to misplace." P21


35. I had no time to figure it out because the next little current of air that blew my way brought with it a shocking smell. (P44)


After we ate, I headed to a patch pf grass under a pine tree. I lay down and stared at the darkening sky. P130

Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore

All kinds of people come to 2017 seventh avenue---- kids and grown ups, black folks and white folks, writers and politicians, artists and teachers.

Mysterious Howling

All right, children, I am all done shopping, and now we will have a most delicious surprise. (P155)


All seemed to be going well until he tried a test shot. (124)

Book Scavenger

All she needed to do was pick a book and seal it in a waterproof bag.

Book Scavenger

All she was going to do was walk the book over to the fountain and drop it in, anyway, so it's not like she needed a partner.

Book Scavenger

All the buildings on this street had garages on the ground level and the houses stacked on top.

Book Scavenger

All these businesses were on the ground level of buildings with floors of apartments above.

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

All voices will be heard as we now vote before action is taken.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

All we have is oatmeal, but I will make him a smiley face with brown sugar. (P59)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Also, I know how to make French toast and pancakes without catching anything on fire or burning myself or melting the spatula. (P2)

Book Scavenger

An Asian woman older than her parents leaned out the open window.

Book Scavenger

An idea came to her, but it was risky.

Book Scavenger

An officer directed them around the emergency vehicles.

Mysterious Howling

And I am sure that was the best dinner I have ever eaten in my life! (P195)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

And I don't think I messed up the ground too bad pushing it. (P126)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

And I would be a good farmer - I always get A's on science projects, and I never forget to water my bean seed or anything. (P2)

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

And a little white chicken was standing in front of it, glaring at it, first with one eye and then with the other. (P24)

Book Scavenger

Seems highfalutin nowadays, doesn't it.


Seriously. This fall I go into fifth grade. At my age, it's not good to have a reputation for being crazy. P7

Mysterious Howling

She clasped her hands together and spoke with the kind of false, high-pitched cheerfulness adults sometimes feel compelled to use when talking to children. (P176)

Book Scavenger

She considered the book again. The gold beetle embossed on the front glittered at her.

Book Scavenger

She could see her family's blanket from here.

Mysterious Howling

She could think of no better antidote for the dark mood of the children; besides, turning her mind to the adventures of that lovable pony was likely to settle her nerves as well. (P184)

Book Scavenger

She couldn't remember the last time she'd started school with a friendship already made.

Mysterious Howling

She curtsied, and her brothers dissolved into giggles. (P169)

Book Scavenger

She didn't actually think they would come back, because she'd done something brilliant she was rather proud of.

Book Scavenger

She didn't care what was waiting around the next bend.

Book Scavenger

She didn't know how to start decoding this--not that she wanted to solve it or would turn in her solution if she figured it out.

Book Scavenger

She didn't need him anyway--she'd quickly formed a new clique with the seagulls who hovered near her at lunchtime.


She doesn't have a litter box in her room. P67

Book Scavenger

She drew them combined with one another like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

Book Scavenger

She exhaled a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding.

Mysterious Howling

She flew from room to room in a state of nervous excitement that made her even more talkative than usual. (P144)

Book Scavenger

She flipped through the pages, wondering if the last prize would be another hidden puzzle.

Book Scavenger

She found a juice glass and joined him at the table.

Mysterious Howling

She found a lilac-scented envelope had been slipped under the door. (P149)

Mysterious Howling

She found it a sweet relief to skip merrily around the room and let go of her nagging suspicion that something nefarious was going on. (P212)

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