Tiffany's SPI Quizlet

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While a ___ Measures total heat gain across entire beam length a ____ measures the temperature change at a specific location in the beam

Calorimeter (entire beam) Thermocouple (specific location)

The demodulation of the receiver does what?

Changes the form of the received signal for display

If sound speed is greater than the assumed 1.54 cm/us then the reflector will appear ___ to the transducer than it actually is


A sophisticated form of transmission in which the driving voltage pulses have intrapulse variations in amplitude, frequency, and/or phase.

Coded excitation

____ Doppler measures mean velocities ____ Doppler measures peak velocities

Color Doppler = mean Spectral Doppler = peak

'UNIFORM BRIGHTNESS' from top to bottom of image refers to

Compensation/ TGC

Decreases the difference between the smallest and largest amplitudes


High pressure state of a wave


The ___ of the receiver changes the gray scale mapping ; allows us to see all gray shades


____ decreases the dynamic range of the received signal

Compression (Part of Receiver)

____of the system is the inverse of dynamic range

Compression (Decreases the difference in largest and smallest received signal amplitudes; reduces the RANGE)

The hourglass shape of the sound beam is a result of

Constructive and destructive interference (Huygen's principle)

Heart contraction is called ____ Heart relaxing is ____

Contraction = systole Relaxing = diastole

Fewer bits per pixel causes poorer ____ resolution


The amount of gray shades in an image defines ____

Contrast resolution

A blunted sector image is seen in which type of transducer

Convex or curvature array

Frequency unit of ultrasound is ____

Cycles per second

Quality assurance evaluation should be performed A) daily B) weekly C) monthly D) routinely


The range equation assuming soft tissue is =

D (distance to reflector) = .77 x t (roundtrip time)

Distance to reflector equation

D = c(speed) x t(roundtrip time)/2 Or D = ct/2

In vivo refers to

In living tissue

coded excitation takes place where

In pulser (Long sound pulse with wide range of frequencies)

The PRF will ___ with decreasing depth


Most common way to improve (increase) signal to noise ratio

Increase output power ***

To improve axial resolution the frequency must ____

Increase! (Causes shorter SPL; this better axial resolution)

Increasing output power has what affect of signal to noice ratio

Increases signal to noise! Better quality image

In Doppler clutter artifact is reduced by ____

Increasing wall filter

Venous flow from the legs in decreased during ____

Inspiration (Review if you miss this, you idiot)

Speed is ____ proportional to density and ____ proportional to stiffness

Inversely proportional to density Directly proportional to stiffness

As compression increases what happens to the dynamic range

It decreases

If the imaging depth increases, what happens to PRF?

It decreases

As the area increases what happens to intensity

It decreases (Intensity = power / area)

If the imaging depth increases, what happens to PRP?

It increases

As power increases what happens to intensity

It increases (Intensity = power / area)

A bit is bistable meaning:

It is either 0 or 1

If the imaging depth is doubled, what happens to the frame rate?

It is halved

When a sonographer increases the maximum imaging depth during an exam, what happens to the frequency?

It stays the same. Maximum imaging depth and frequency are unrelated.

In dynamic aperture more or less elements are used for reception of sound from a DEEP structure

More for deeper structures (Less for shallower structures)

A wide dynamic range means ____ gray shades and ____ contrast

More gray shades, low contrast

Is the SPL adjustable by increasing and decreasing depth?


Does pulse duration change with increasing or decreasing depth

NO (PRP which includes listening time will change with increasing depth)

If the axial resolution is .3 mm can two structures that are .1 mm be resolved?

NO axial resolution must be smaller than the distance

Can refraction occur with a Normal Incidence?

NO - oblique incidence and difference in sound speed is required for refraction

Does the damping material increase or decrease frequency or transducer?

NONE (frequency is only affected by the thickness of the element***)

During compression the smallest amplitudes are increased and the larger amplitudes are decreased to ____

Narrow dynamic range

The area between the face of an ultrasound single-element transducer and the point where the beam starts to diverge is the ____

Near zone

Starting from the same point, the receiver is moving west at 12m/h, the source is moving west at 10 m/h. Is the Doppler shift positive or negative?

Negative because they are moving further apart starting at the same point

A increase of 0 dB =

No change

Does axial resolution change with depth?

No it remains the same as it only depends on SPL

Can pulse duration be changed by the sonographer?

No, pulse duration cannot be changed by the sonographer. Pulse duration is a characteristic of each transducer. It does not change when sonographer alters imaging depth.

Can axial resolution be changed by the sonographer?

No, the sonographer cannot change axial resolution. A new transducer is needed to change axial (LARRD) resolution

Can a transducer with a center frequency of 8 MHz and a bandwidth of 6 MHz image at 3.5 MHz?

No. The range would be between 5 MHz and 11 MHz

Scattering occurs with a specular reflector or non specular reflector?

Non specular reflector

A ____ reflector has a broader smaller than the wavelength of the incident sound beam

Non specular reflector (Causes scattering)

The gain setting where all the pins in the AIUM test object are displayed on the CRT

Normal sensitivity

A ultrasound phantom is a ____

Objective standard

For refraction to occur in ultrasound What two things must happen

Oblique angle of incidence And There must be a difference in impedances between two mediums

____ occurs when the angle of incidence is not perpendicular

Oblique incidence

Which has the lower frame rate? Color Doppler or Power Doppler

Power Doppler has lower frame rate and reduced temporal resolution to color Doppler

Manipulating image data before it is stored in the scan converter


___ processing assigns a number to the amplitude measured in the system


write magnification is accomplished pre or post processing?


Acoustic variables

Pressure, density, and particle vibration; sound wave quantities that vary in space and time.

___ flow relates to changes in waveform due to the cardiac cycle


The number of pulses that occur in one second.

Pulse repetition frequency

Which is free of range ambiguity continuous wave or pulse wave Doppler

Pulse wave (Able to determine exact location)

Creates the electric signal that excites the PZT


If the term has power or output in it, is comes from the ____ of the instrument


The ___ of the instrument controls PRF, PRP, and amplitude


The ___ produces the electric voltage that drives the transducer


The ___ of the instrument controls the power going into the patient

Pulser (Remember output and power think pulser)

___ refers to purity of the beam

Q- factor

___ is the systems accuracy in placing reflectors at correct depths located parallel to the sound beam

Range accuracy or (vertical depth calibration)

Low pressure state of a wave


units for impedance

Rayls (Z)

____ magnification does not rescan, only reads image in memory

Read magnification

If you magnify an image and the pixels are unchanged, this is an example of ___ magnification

Real magnification (Poorer quality)

affects the brightness by changing the amplification of the electric signals after returning to the receiver

Receiver gain

Step in demodulation that turns negative voltage into positive ones


The bigger the mitchmatch at the boundaries or (impedance) the stronger the ____


Edge Shadow Artifact is caused by ____


The ___ of the receiver eliminates the smaller amplitude voltages produced by weaker reflection for electronic noise


The ____ eliminates low level echos in the receiver


Damping material is designed to have few cycles/pulse, therefore reducing the ___


What happens to the SPL if the frequency is increased

SPL is decreased (Note it's relationship with the wavelength)

Bioeffects intensity limit


Which intensity parameter is most closely correlated to tissue heating?


the intensity most relevant with respect to tissue heating:


Before ____ images were black and white

Scan converter

Translates the ultrasound spoke format into video format

Scan converter

When the sound returning to the transducer is double the fundamental frequency

Second harmonics

Well using a tissue equivalent phantom at a particular depth reflections are no longer observed. what are you evaluating? A) dynamic range B) special positivity C) axial resolution D) Sensitivity


Dead zone is assessed ____ pin placement in the ultrasound phantoms

Shallow (How shallow can we see)

Which has a higher frame rate, shallow imaging or deep imaging?

Shallow imaging (Higher FR; greater temporal resolution)

Damping material ___ pulse and ___ the durations of the pulse

Shortens pulse and duration

The lower the frequency the ___ the near zone length


___ pulses have wider bandwidths

Shorter (Damping material)

Smaller diameter probes (smaller apertures) have ____ near zone lengths and ____ divergence of sound beam

Shorter near zone lengths More divergence

spatial compounding improves ____

Signal to noise ratio (By Fran averaging)

___ transducers are always fixed focused

Single element

Elevation plane refers to ____

Slice thickness 3rd dimension (Slice thickness = elevation plane)

The more elasticity a medium has the ____ the sound speed

Slower (Opposite of stiffness; which increases sound speed)

Persistence is most effective with ___

Slowly moving structures (Ex: helps fill vessel completely)

The ____ the axial resolution the better

Smaller is better!

Step in demodulation that puts envelope around signal to even it out


Which attenuated more blood or soft tissue

Soft tissue

Period of the sound wave is determined by

Sound source (CANNOT be adjusted)

____ tells us the intensity in the center of the beam whereas ___ tells us the average of all the intensities in the beam

Spacial Peak-SP (at center) Spacial average-SA (across beam)

____ resolution is image detail


Write magnification can improve ___ and ___ resolution

Spatial And may improve temporal!

In ____ scan lines are steered in different directions so that structures imaged are interrogated by more than one pulse

Spatial compounding

Most effect tool to decrease speckle

Spatial compounding

Averaging of frames that view the anatomy from different angles

Spatial compounding (NOTE: frame averaging)

Visualization detail of an image

Spatial resolution

Spectral analysis is processed by ____ Color Doppler is processed by ___

Spectral = FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) Color Doppler = autocorrelation

In ___ reflectors the wavelength is smaller than the tissue interface

Specular reflectors (Think smooth surfaces; diaphragm, organ walls)

What is the most important factor in determining the FR of the system?

Speed of sound in the medium (Depth can be adjusted; speed cannot)

The fundamental limitation of temporal resolution is ____

Speed through the medium

A ____ can be used to eliminate the dead zone

Standoff pad

To increase propagation speed which do you want to increase Density or stiffness?

Stiffness! (And decrease density as it is inversely proportional)

____ is proportional to propagation speed of a material

Stiffness! (As stiffness increases so does speed)

grating lobe artifact can be reduced by dividing each PZT element into small pieces - a process called _________


Adjusting the ____ on spectral Doppler changes the number of spectral waveforms on the display

Sweep speed

Changing the ___________ changes the number of seconds of activity displayed at one time

Sweep speed

What will you adjust if you can't see reflectors in the far field?

TGC / compensation

What will you adjust if you can't see reflectors in the near field?

TGC / compensation

Compensation of the receiver refers to

TGC! (Compensates for attenuation; creates uniform brightness)

Is the hydrostatic pressure in a patient's foot greater or lower than the patients arm while the patient is in a supine position?

THE SAME (While the patient is lying down hydrostatic pressure is zero across the body)

True or false Power Doppler is not angle dependent


True or false Mechanical focusing have a fixed focus that cannot be adjusted


True or false Short pulses produce better images


True or false CW transducers do not use damping material

TRUE they do not

True or false Beam intensity is important in bioeffects and patient safety


Persistence uses ___ averaging


deca (da)

Ten 10^1

PRP can be adjusted by changing____

The PRF (Or depth!)

The received analog signal must be converted into digital form for input into ___

The scan converter

Harmonics are created by

The tissue (Received as twice the frequency)

harmonic frequencies in ultrasound are generated by __

The tissue! Not the transducer (Returning tissue harmonics)

Does Lateral Resolution change with DEPTH?

YES, because the diameter(WIDTH) of the beam varies with depth, therefore the lateral resolution changes with depth

Can amplitude be changed by the operator?


Can dynamic range be adjusted by sonographer?

Yes (Not the inherent DR but the displayed DR)

Can duty factor be changed by sonographer?

Yes, duty factor can be changed by the sonographer when imaging depth is changed.

Smallest amount of digital storage

a bit

The effects of tissue on sound waves are called:

acoustic propagation properties

the effects of the medium upon the sound wave

acoustic propagation properties

which transducer creates a beam that is focused in all planes at all depths

annular phased array

Define transducer

any device that converts one form of energy into another

Color Doppler reports ____________ or _______ velocities.

average, mean

diffuse reflection is also called


The range of frequencies contained in an ultrasound pulse is called


Nano (n)

billionth (10^-9)

Changes in transducer output affect the ______ of the entire image.


determines the brilliance of the displayed image


Impedance is ___ not measured


Area is measured in


Volume is measured in

cm^3 and mL

This type of pulser generates a constant electrical signal in the form of a sine wave

continuous wave

determines the range of brilliancies within the displayed image


fixed focusing is also called?

conventional or mechanical focusing

Damping material reduces the _______ of the transducer and _______ of the diagnostic system.

efficiency, sensitivity

An ultrasound transducer converts ___ into ___

electrical energy into mechanical energy and vice versa

Sound waves carry ___ from one place to another

energy (Not matter; energy transfers from one molecule to the next)

A narrow dynamic range means _______ gray shaded, and ______ contrast

fewer, high

Two types of focusing:

fixed and adjustable

Lateral resolution is best where

focal zone (Narrowest region of the sound beam)

Temporal resolution is determined by?

frame rate

Frame rate is reciprocal to _____

frame time (time to create frame)

number of cycles per second


Attenuation in lung tissue is [less than, greater than, the same as] attenuation in soft tissue.

greater than (Attenuation is greatest in air)

multiples of the fundamental frequency


Bistable images are _____ contrast


_____________ Frequency transducers generally have the best range resolution.

high (LARRD)

Hecto (h)

hundred (10^2)

Centi (c)

hundredth 10^-2

As stiffness increases, speed ______.


Damping material ____ the bandwidth


The output gain of the pulser determines the ___ of the acoustic pulse

intensity (Output = POWER)

PRF is _____ related to the maximum imaging depth.


when adjustments make changes in display or echo brightness from scarcely visible to fully saturated, ____is being assessed


In the far field, axial resolution is best with ____

shortest pulse

Side lobes are produced by ________ crystal transducers

single or mechanical

Axial resolution is determined by

spatial pulse length

Doppler shift is inversely related to

speed of sound in the medium (prop speed)

Bulk modulus is the same as

stiffness. (So when bulk modulus increases, speed increases.)

Deci (d)

tenth 10^-1

The operating frequency is determined by ___

the propagation speed of the element material and the THICKNESS of the transducer element

Eliminating ____ improves the ability to measure the maximum velocity with Doppler


Which parts of the receiver are adjustable by sonographer

All except DEMODULATION (Amplification, compensation, compression, demodulation, rejection)

Power doppler is also called

Amplitude Doppler

True or false The Y axis is B mode imaging is the brightness of the dot!

False (There is NO Y AXIS in B mode imaging

True or false Color in color Doppler display represents velocities

False It represents direction

True or false Longer pulses provide better axial resolution

False!!! (Shorter pulses; remember SPL)

The near zone is aka

Fresnel zone

____ processing pulls the numbers from memory and assigns a shade of gray

Post processing (Then goes to display)

read magnification is accomplished Pre or post processing?


If sound speed is less than the assumed 1.54 cm/us then the reflector will appear ___ to the transducer than it actually is

Further away

The receiver performs which functions?

- Amplification - compensation - compression - demodulation - rejection (Hint: Alphabetical order)

fixed focusing is done by

- a lens - curved crystal element

Attenutation occurs by ____, ____, and ____

- absorption - reflection - scattering

Lost the following in order from least attenuation to most attenuation -bone - air - fluids -soft tissue

- fluid - soft tissue - bone - air (Do not confuse with propagation speed)

Temporal resolution is determined by 2 factors

- imaging depth (the shallower the better) - miner of pulses per frame (less is better)

How to increase the near zone length

- increase aperture - increase frequency

two steps of demodulation

- rectification - smoothing

Two ways to correct grating lobe

- subdicing - apodization

If we decrease the intensity of a sound beam by 1/2, it is changed by ____ dB

-3 dB Or Minus 3 dB

If the amplitude is halved the power or intensity is changed by ___ dB

-6 dB (Equal to 1/4; p and I are = amplitude squared)

If amplitude is decreased by 50% l, what is the corresponding change in power A) 3 dB B) -6 dB C) -3 dB D) 0 dB

-6 dB (If amplitude is halved, power is decreased by 1/4)

spacial resolution is determined by ____

-Pixel density -lines per frame (The more of each the better)

Tissue harmonic imaging produces a _____ beam and improved ______ resolution.

-Thinner -Improved contrast resolution

Doppler shift is directly related to

-blood cell speed -frequency of the transducer -cosine of the angle between flow and the sound beam

Lost the following in order of increasing propagation speed of sound -liquid -gas -solid

-gas -liquid -solids (Sound travels slowest through gas and fastest in solids)

coded excitation improves

-higher signal-to-noise ratio -improved axial resolution -improved spatial resolution -improved contrast resolution -deeper penetration

Four factors under sonographers control that affect temporal resolution

-imaging depth - # pulses per scan line - sector size - line density

Angle 90 degrees, cosine?

0.0 (NONE)

Two ultrasound systems produce pulses, one is .4 microsecs in duration and the other is .2 microsecs. Which produces the best radial resolution?

0.2 microsecs (Radial = axial resolution; SHORTER PULSES produces best axial resolution)

Angle 60 degrees, cosine?


The average rate of attenuation in soft tissue

0.5-1 dB/cm/MHz

Angle of 30 degrees, cosine


In soft tissue every 13 msecs of go-return time means the reflector is ____ away

1 cm

What is the DF of a 7 MHz CW transducer imaging at 10 cm

1 or 100% For CW transducer

If mirror artifact is seen on a Doppler image which two ways could you correct it

1) DECREASE the gain 2) adjust the angle so it is not at 90 degrees

Mirror artifact in Doppler is typically seen because of two reasons

1) gain is TOO HIGH 2) incident angle is 90 degress

If we have 10 bits how many shades of gray are possible

1,024 (2^10)

Reynolds number less than ____ indicates laminar flow


Soft tissue speed of sound

1,540 meters / sec Or 1.54 mm/us

Five ways to eliminate aliasing

1. Increase Scale/PRF (nyquist limit) 2. lower transducer freq, 3. select new view with a shallower DEPTH 4. use continuous wave Doppler 5. baseline shift

3 factors that determine resistance of flow

1. Radius of lumen (most significant) 2. Length of tube 3. Viscosity

Six basic assumptions of imaging systems

1. Sound travels in a straight line 2. Sound travels directly to a reflector and back 3. Sound travels exactly 1,540m/s 4. reflections arise from structures positioned along the beam's main axis. 5. intensity of the of the reflections is related to the scattering characteristics of the tissue. 6. The imaging plane is extremely thin.

Frame rate is limited by 2 factors

1. The speed of sound in medium 2. Imaging depth

sound beam divergence is determined by what two factors?

1. the transducer aperture or diameter. 2. the frequency of the ultrasound.

Angle 0 degrees, cosine?


A ____ transducer electronically focuses in the slice thickness or "elevational" plane

1.5D transducer

Axial resolution is =

1/2 SPL

At the focal point of the beam diameter is equal to ____

1/2 the aperture length

The PZT has a thickness equal to_____

1/2 the wavelength

If amplitude is halved, intensity is____

1/4 (quartered)

If amplitude is halved, the power is

1/4 (quartered)

If one frame is created in 1/10th of a second then the frame rate is ____

10/sec or 10 Hz (Reciprocal*)

Intensity limits include ___ for a unfocused beam And ____ for a focused beam (Before bioeffects are seen)

100 mW/cm for unfocused 1 W/cm or 1,000 mW/ cm for focused

The DF of continuous wave sound is _____.


It takes _________ microseconds for ultrasound to travel 1 cm in soft tissue.

13 microseconds

If intensity is 30 mW/cm and the power is reduced by half, what Is the new intensity

15 mW/cm

After analog to digital converters converts signal to digital, the information is in a string of ____

1s and 0s

Any Exam that causes an elevation and temperature of less ___ than may be used without reservation

2 degrees Celsius

Avoiding a local temperature increase exceeding ____ should ensure that there is no thermal induced biological effects

2 degrees Celsius

Bistable imaging refers to

2 shades Black and white

A CW transducer contains what a minimum of ____ crystals

2! One to send One to listen

Reynolds number greater than ____ indicates turbulence


Impedance of soft tissue is ____

2,000,000 Rayls

Typically the frequency of ultrasound is ___ - ____ MHz

2-15 MHz

Diagnostic ultrasound is typically what range of sound ?

2-20 MHz

In clinical imaging is pulse is composed of ____ cycles

2-4 cycles

The Doppler shift frequency ranges from ___ to ____

20-2,000 Hz (Audible range)

Human range of hearing

20-20,000 Hz

In a linear switched or sequential array approximately ___ rectangular elements are arranged in a line and ___ fire are fired at the same time

200 elements 5-10 fired at a time down the line (to narrow the beam) (This is NOT steered; steering only occurs in phased arrays)

If gain is 30 dB and output power is reduced by one half, the new gain is _____dB

27 dB

The normal propagation speed of the PZT is ____ than that of soft tissue

3-5 times GREATER

How many bits are needed to represent 10 shades of gray?

4 bits (2x2x2x2)

Is the go return time of a sound beam is 52 msecs how far away is the reflector

4 cm

Which assumption does grating lobe arise from 1. Sound travels in a straight line 2. Sound travels directly to a reflector and back 3. Sound travels exactly 1,540m/s 4. reflections arise from structures positioned along the beam's main axis. 5. intensity of the of the reflections is related to the scattering characteristics of the tissue. 6. The imaging plane is extremely thin.

4. reflections arise from structures positioned along the beam's main axis.

Any exam that causes a temperature elevation to greater than ___ is considered potentially harmful to a fetus

41 degrees Celsius

Real time 3D imaging

4D imaging

Half intensity depth equation


What is the reciprocal of 1/8?


_____ bits equal 1 byte


If two identical Doppler exams are performed with a 4 and an 8 MHz transducer which will yield a Doppler shift that is greater? A) Both the same B) Neither C) 4 D) 8

8 (Directly related!)

How long does it take for sound to reach a reflector at 15mm away?

9.74 microsecs (d = .77t 15mm or 1.5cm = .77 (solve for t) 19.4=t You are only solving for time to reflector not total time so you must divide by 2 So it is 9.74 microsecs to reflector)

A specular reflector is seem best at ___ degree angles

90 degrees

If we triple the amplitude, how many times does the power increase?

9x (Power = Amplitude squared)

The upward deflection of a dot on the screen is a characteristic of ___ mode ultrasound display

A Mode

2 bytes (16 bits) is called


A Trapezoid shaped display is displayed by ???

A vector image

Color Doppler __ setting has the greatest effect on jet size


Which has better lateral resolution, mechanical focus beam or a adjustable focus beam?

Adjustable focus beam has better lateral resolution

With dynamic frequency tuning, what signals are used to create images of superficial structures? a) high freq b) low amplitude c) low freq d) high amplitude

A) higher frequencies

Greatest reflection is seen at which type of boundary?

Air - Tissue interface (99% of US reflected)

A hydrophone measures: A: Acoustic pressure output B: Doppler accuracy C: Penetration D: Contrast resolution E: Measurement accuracy

A: Acoustic pressure output

Spectral analysis is used to: A: Determine the distribution and magnitude of frequency shifts in the reflected Doppler signal B: Eliminate aliasing from the reflected signal C: Color-encode the Doppler frequency shift D: Eliminate low-frequency shifts from the display E: Determine the velocity of the moving reflector

A: Determine the distribution and magnitude of frequency shifts in the reflected Doppler signal

Which attenuated more air or bone


Which has the greatest impedance ? Bone, air, or fluid

AIR (100% of sound is reflected back; 50% at bone)

____ evaluates research of ultrasound bioeffects


In a(n) ___ test object the phantom does NOT have attenuation properties of soft tissue cannot evaluate a gray scale

AIUM 100mm test object

The greatest advantage of pulse wave Doppler is ___

Able to select exact location

The parenchyma of tissue is the product of __ in non specular backscatter

Acoustic Speckle

The ___ inform us which waves are sound waves

Acoustic variables

A-Mode displays ___ over ____

Amplitude over time

"Real world" numbers that are found in every day lives; continuous range value (Ex: your weight or the length of something)

Analog numbers

Signals during reception are converted from ___ to ___

Analog to digital

Grading lobe are produced by ____ crystal transducers


In the circulatory system resistance is highest in the ____


In refraction artifact structures may appear ____

Artifact appears on side of normal anatomy (Think fake twin)

Attenuation per unit length

Attenuation coefficient

Persistence is averaging of ____ used in ____

Averaging of frame rate Used in speckle reduction

The smaller the SPL the better the _____ resolution


The ability to distinguish two structures lying front to back to the sound beam

Axial resolution

____ Doppler imaging is more susceptible to flash artifact

Power Doppler

Depth calibrations of a machine measure 100 mm spaced wires to be at 90 mm apart. scanning reflectors 50 mm apart, what will the machine calculate the distance to be? A) 40 mm B) 45 mm C) 50 mm D) 60 mm

B) 45 mm (BECAUSE 10% of 50 is 5; thus 10% error = 45 mm)

Which doppler control reduces noice along the baseline? A) scale B) wall filter C) sweep speed D) color gain

B) wall filter

Propagation speed is determined by

Medium only - density and stiffness

PACS stands for: a. Pictures accessed by computers b. Picture archiving and communication system c. Patient access computer system d. Picture access computer system

B. picture archiving and communication system

Areas of dropout seen on an image are due to___

Bad wires Or Bad crystals (Seen as shadows coming from transducer)

___ tells you how uniform the ratio is between SP/SA of the sound beam

Beam Uniformity Ratio (BUR)

The ___ controls the electronic signals sent to the transducer

Beam former

The ___ of the instrument shapes and steers the neam

Beam former and pulser

Why are tissue equivalent phantoms used to interpret grayscale?

Because they ATTENUATE

The higher the PRF the __ the frame rate


The lower the QFactor the ____ the axial resolution


Gigi (G)

Billion 10^9

A group of ___ is assigned to each pixel to store the gray scale color assigned to the pixel


The more ____ per pixel, the more shades of gray


As imaging depth increases, PRF___ and PRP ___

Both decrease

between a 6 MHz transducer and a 3 MHz transducer imaging both at the same depth, which has the higher PRF?

Both the same (PRF is determined by depth; not frequency)

SPL is determined by

Both the source and the medium

Which of the following can obtain real time 3D volumes? A) 1D arrays B) 1.5D arrays C) 2D arrays D) CW transducer

C) 2D

With dynamic frequency tuning, what signals are used to create images of deep structures? a) high freq b) low amplitude c) low freq d) high amplitude

C) low frequencies

Which of the following tissues has the higher propagation speed? A) lung B) muscle C) tendon D) kidney E) fluid

C) tendon

Spectral analysis of color flow Doppler is most commonly performed by which of the following techniques? A. zero-crossing detectors B. fast Fourier transforms C. autocorrelation D. Chirp-Z transforms

C. Autocorrelation Autocorrelation is better suited to process the enormous amount of data acquired in a color Doppler study.

Mega (M)

Million 10^6

CW transducers has ___ Q factor And PW transducers have a ___ Q factor

CW = HIGH (No damping material) PW = LOW (Has damping)

higher Q factor is seen in PW or CW?

CW transducer

The best axial resolution is seen is which of the following instruments A) 1.0 MHz, 2 cycle pulse B) 2.5 MHz, 4 cycle pulse C) 4.0 MHz, 4 cycle pulse D) 4.0 MHz, 2 cycle pulse

D) 4.0 MHz, 2 cycle pulse (SPL**)

Which of the following is associated with uniform amplification? A) compensation B) threshold C) overall gain D) receiver gain

D) receiver gain

True or false? The sonographer can alter the period of the ultrasound wave


Preprocessing functions may be defined as: A: Any function that can be performed on a frozen image B: A function that takes place in the beam-former and is not controllable by the operator C: A function that allows increased focusing of the sound beam D: A function that is performed before the echo data are stored in memory E: Any function that changes the quality of the ultrasound image

D: A function that is performed before the echo data are stored in memory

The ratio of the largest to the smallest signal that a system can handle is termed: A: Apodization B: Compression C: Threshold D: Dynamic range E: Pulse repetition frequency

D: Dynamic range

What happens to the duty factor when the depth of view is increased

DF Decreases

a standard protocol used for blending a picture archiving and communications system and various imaging modalities

DICOM (digital imaging and communications in medicine)

If the PZT is halved in thickness, the frequency will be ____


Unit for Dynamic Range?

Db (Note it is a ratio!)

The distance close to the transducer that cannot produce an accurate image on the display

Dead zone

The PRF will ___ with increasing depth


With increasing depth the frame rate must


How to eliminate range ambiguity artifact

Decrease the PRF

To eliminate aliasing ___ the frequency


Compression of the receiver refers to

Decreases the difference between the smallest and largest amplitudes

Pulse Inversion Harmonic Imaging ____ temporal resolution (___ FR) and ____ spatial resolution

Degraded temporal resolution (Lower FR) Improves spatial resolution

The process of extracting the Doppler frequency from the transducer frequency (the Doppler shift) is called _____

Demodulation (Performed by demodulator)

How to calculate impedance

Density x Propagation speed

PRF is changed by changing____


M-mode displays what?

Depth (y axis) Time (x axis)

Backscatter is seen from what type of reflection

Diffuse reflection.

Which type of information Is stored into the scan converter?


"Computer world" numbers, variable attaining only discrete values (Ex: limited to whole numbers instead of exact number 13.43 would be 13; on or off)

Digital numbers

Doppler shift is ___ related to transducer frequency A) inversely B) not related C) directly


Once the signal leaves the digital to analog converter it goes to ____


Doppler shift formula KNOW THIS

Doppler shift = 2 x reflector speed x incident frequency x Cos(angle) / propagation speed

Doubling the PRF does what to the frame rate (assuming the line density is unchanged)

Doubles (They are proportional! One up, other goes up)

A form of electronic receive focusing which changes the number of elements used during sound reception

Dynamic aperture

The system changes the number of crystals that are fired to change the width of the beam, this is known as

Dynamic aperture

slide receive frequency from higher to lower with increasing depth, results in good resolution in near field with relatively good penetration in far field

Dynamic frequency tuning

Electronic focusing during reception; completed by time delays

Dynamic receiving focus

A-mode display is most commonly used for what type of ultrasound imaging? A: Small parts B: Abdominal C: Cardiac D: Vascular E: Opthalmologic

E: Opthalmologic

____ is the opposite of stiffness of a medium


The firing pattern that focuses the ultrasound beam relates to ____

Electronic curvature

Adjustable focusing is done by

Electronic focusing (Phased arrays)

The firing pattern that steers the beam up and down relates to ____

Electronic slope

Slice Thickness is aka

Elevation plane

Venous return to the heart decreases during


Venous flow from the legs is increased during _____


Panoramic view is aka

Extended field of view imaging

True or false If the amplitude of a wave is increased by 3 times, then the intensity is increased by 6 times


True or false A wider beam diameter yields a better lateral resolution

FALSE (A smaller beam diameter is needed to improve later resolution)

True or false the damping material improves lateral resolution

FALSE (Does not affect lateral resolution)

True or false An impedance mismatch is needed for refraction to occur

FALSE (Impedance mismatch is needed for REFLECTION to occur at perpendicular incidence ; refraction occurs when the sound speed is different between two mediums at oblique incidence)

True or false The sonographer can adjust the mechanical focus by changing the sequencing of the phased array

FALSE (Mechanical focusing is fixed focusing and cannot be altered)

True or false The more cycles there are in a pulse, the greater the detail of the image

FALSE (Note axial resolution relationship to more cycles per pulse; less cycles = greater detailed image)

True or false Speed increases as frequency increases

FALSE (Speed is determined by stiffness and density ONLY)

True or false If the frequency of the electrical excitation voltage of a pulses wave transducer is 6 MHz, the main or center frequency of the transducer is 6 MHz

FALSE (pulse wave ultrasound frequency is determined by thickness and prop speed of the element ONLY)

True or false Attenuation coefficient decreases with increasing depth

FALSE Attenuation increases with depth. Not the attenuation coefficient (attenuation per unit length) remains constant

True or false Preprocessing can be reversed

FALSE it cannot

True or false Doppler measures the amplitude of flow

FALSE it measures the frequency shift

A CW will display an image True or false?

FALSE spectral Doppler only

True or false Non specular reflectors are seen best at 90 degree angles

FALSE they are independent of angle ( seen by backscatter)

____ regulates system and transducer output


A ____ sweep speed displays fewer spectral waveforms on spectral display


In harmonic nonlinear behavior, sound travels faster in ____ and slower in ____

Faster in compressions Slower in rarefactions

Piezoelectric Materials are aka

Ferroelectric materials

axial resolution (LARRD resolution) is best in a transducer with ____ pulses and ____ frequency

Fewer pulses Higher frequency (Recall SPL; lower is better for axial resolution

Ghosting in ultrasound refers too

Flash artifact or clutter

Variance mode shows flow ___ aswell as ____

Flow direction Presence of TURBULENCE

beam intensity is greatest at which area of the sound beam____

Focal zone of the beam! (Narrower area + same amount of power = greater intensity)

Very low PRFs can adversely affect the ___

Frame rate

temporal resolution refers to

Frame rate

The far zone is aka

Fraunhofer zone

Tissue harmonic imaging reduces ____ artifact

Grating lobe

The beam former and pulser change the excitation voltages of the pulses to minimize ___

Grating lobes

The distance between two reflector most be ___ the axial resolution to be resolved

Greater than or equal too!

Few pulses per scan line creates ____ temporal resolution

Greater! ( the more pulses per scan line the worse the temporal resolution)

The primary disadvantage of pulse wave Doppler is the inaccuracy to measure ___

HIGH VELOCITIES (Aliasing***; note CW Doppler advantage)

the depth at which sound has lost half of its intensity

Half intensity depth (6/frequency)

If the transducer frequency is changed from 5 MHz to 2.5 MHz, what is the effect on the observed Doppler shift frequency from flowing blood?


____ lime density results in better spatial resolution

High line density (Spatial resolution = detail)

For a high quilt image you want a ___ signal to noice ratio

High signal to noice! (Signal = good; noice = bad)

Range ambiguity artifact is seen when PRF is too ____


The ___ the frame rate the better the temporal resolution


Thick PZT, low propagation speed will produce ____ frequency


___ frequencies have increased backscatter

Higher frequencies

Which is better for lateral resolution? Lower or higher frequencies

Higher frequencies (Causes narrower beam and diverges less in the far field)

The compromise of resolution is that higher frequencies provide ____ while lower frequency provide ____

Higher frequency- Greater image detail (better LATA & LARRD resolution) Lower frequency - greater depth! (Deeper penetration)

Highest output intensities are seen with ___ Lowest intensities are seen with ___

Highest with PW Doppler Lowest with gray scale

This principle explains the hourglass shape of the imaging transducer beam

Huygens Principle

As FRAME RATE improves ____ degrades

Image quality! (As temporal resolution improves, image quality may degrade and vice versa**)

The greater the ___, the greater the degree of reflection


An echo is only reflected if there is ____

Impedance at tissue interface

Multi focusing will improve ___ resolution and degrade ____ resolution

Improve lateral resolution (More focal zones!) Degrade temporal resolution (Reduces FR)

Increasing the power output ___ the signal to noice ratio


If the second medium through which the sound wave is traveling through has a slower propagation speed than the first, what will happen to the angle in the second medium?

It will be smaller than the incident angle (and larger if the speed was FASTER in the second medium)

Artifacts are seen when the sound beam is larger or smaller than the reflector?


____ resolution varies with depth

LATA (Lateral, Angular, Transverse & Azimuthal)

The more scan lines per frame in a image the ____ the temporal resolution


Axial resolution must be ___ than the distance between two structures to resolve them

LESS THAN than distance

Imaging transducers have a ___ Q factor and ____ bandwidth compared to therapeutic and CW Doppler transducers

LOWER Q factor BROADER (wider) bandwidth

What is LATA resolution?

Lateral Angular Transverse Azimuthal (Lateral resolution!!)

___ is the ability to send an ultrasound pulse between two reflectors and not receive and echo

Lateral resolution

Dynamic aperture improves?

Lateral resolution at wide range of depths

Variance Mode: What does the left side color mean & the right side color mean?

Left side = laminar flow Right side = turbulent flow

Vector imaging combines ___ and ___ imaging to create a trapezoid image

Linear sequential and linear phased array

Related to the ability of humans to see gray scale differences in anatomic structures

Log compression

Wider diameter probes (larger apertures) have ____ near zone lengths and ____ divergence of sound beam

Longer near zone lengths Less divergence

Greater frequencies yield ___ near zone lengths

Longer!! (Greater Aperture and frequency Greater NZL)

What is LARRD?

Longitudinal Axial Range Radial Depth (Axial resolution!!)

A ____ Q-factor is seen in PW transducers


A poor quality image is created with a ____ signal to noise ratio

Low signal to noise (Signal is good; noice is bad)

Damping material cause a ___ Q factor


The deeper you want to image the ___ the PRF


Thin PZT, high propagation speed will produce ____ frequency


Which sound waves travel further Higher frequency or lower frequency

Lower frequency sounds travel further

The greater the density of a medium the ____ the propagation speed of the wave

Lower the propagation speed

___ mode scanning is aka "ice-pick" anatomy


With higher frequency transducers ____aliasing is likely to occur (more or less)


The ultrasound gel has an impedance between ____ and ____

Matching layer and the SKIN

Resistance is measured in


Pulse Doppler has a minimum of ___ crystals

One (CW has minimum of 2)

The matching layer is equal to

One quarter of the wavelength

Output is aka

Output gain Acoustic power Pulser power Energy output Transmitter output

____ affects the brightness of the image by adjusting the strength of sound being sent into the body

Output power

Amplification of the receiver refers to

Overall gain! (All amplitudes are increased productivity decreased during reception)

Electronic focusing and steering of the beam is accomplished by


Nyquist limit equation


Frame rate is determined by

PRF/LPF (lines per frame)

Time from beginning of one pulse to the beginning of another


Which includes the listening "dead time" PRP or PD?


Which includes sound dead time in measurement?

PRP (PD is time of pulse only, no dead time)

Put in order of highest to lowest impedance Matching layer Gel Skin PZT

PZT > matching layer > gel > skin

Axial resolution is ___ to the beam path


unit for pressure


units for amplitude


Lateral resolution is ___ to the beam path


In a transverse wave, the waves move ____

Perpendicular (Think ripples in pond)

Reflection of ultrasound requires which type of incidence angle?

Perpendicular angle

Occurs when the angle of incidence is at 90 Degrees

Perpendicular incidence (Orthogonal incidence)

Orthogonal incidence is also called

Perpendicular incidence Normal incidence 90 degree incidence

temporal compounding is aka


In ____ processing technique, previous image history is added to current image

Persistence/ temporal compounding

____ is used to determine weather flow is toward or away from the transducer (bidirectional Doppler)

Phased Quadrature or quadrature detector

Adjustable focus systems are called what?

Phased array

For ___ systems the pulser is called the "beam former"

Phased arrays

Bi directional color Doppler is accomplished by the ____

Phased quadrature process

___ flow relates to changes in waveform due to the respiration changes


The smallest element of a digital picture


Two important elements of digital scan converter

Pixel Bits

If the initial intensity of a sound beam is less than the final intensity, then the gain in dB is _____

Positive. The beam's intensity is increasing.

The acoustic impedance of a matching layer in a transducer should have a value between ___ and ____

The element and the skin

At twice the near zone the beam diameter is equal to ___

The equal size of the aperture (Remember it is half the diameter at the end of the near zone; at focal zone)

The transducer output or (power) is determined by ____

The excitation voltage of the pulser

What happens to the length of the pulse of the PD Is decreased?

The length will decrease

Which improves temporal resolution A narrower sector image or a wider sector image

The narrower image has better temporal resolution

The matching layer has an impedance between ___ and ___

The patients SKIN and ACTIVE ELEMENT

The thicker the PZT element of the instrument the ____ the frequency; the thinner the element the ____ the frequency

Thicker element = lower frequency Thinner element = higher frequency (Think about tree size and trying to shake a big tree vs little tree)

Electronic focusing in the transmit mode is accomplished using:

Time delays to excite transducer elements

Three ways to reduce grating love artifact

Tissue harmonic imaging (THI) Apodization Subdicing

harmonic signal produced by the patient during return and is a multiple of the fundamental frequency

Tissue harmonics

Speed error artifact when the propagation speed is less than the assumed propagation speed, reflector will appear too ____

Too deep; too far

If propagation speed is 1.6 mm/us The machines assumes a speed that is too ___ And will display the reflector too ____ to the transducer

Too low Too CLOSE

Speed error artifact when the propagation speed is greater than the assumed propagation speed, reflector will appear too ____

Too shallow; too close

Once a echo is received back from the patient it enters the ____ of the instrument

Transmit/receive switch

A transducer with a spatial pulse length of 4.0 mm encounters two reflectors that are 3.0 mm apart. Will they be resolved as one or two structures?

Two (Axial resolution is = to 1/2 SPL OR 2.0 mm; less than the distance)

Which is more likely to cause temperature elevation in tissues unfocused beams or focused beams?

Unfocused beams ***

PRF is related/unrelated to frequency?

Unrelated. It is only related to depth of view.

The mechanical focusing of the beam is done by

Use of lens or curved element

Trapezoid shaped image is aka

Vector image

Linear probe with the use of virtual convex will have what type of image shape?

Vector image (Trapezoid)

The greatest advantage of a continuous wave Doppler is the ability to accurately measure___

Very high velocities

____ and ___ May be used to evaluate Doppler systems

Vibrating strings moving belt phantoms Pump flow phantoms

units for intensity


unit of power


Pulse Inversion Harmonic Imaging uses ____ transducers

Wide bandwidth or (broadband)

Damping material does what to the bandwidth

Widens (broader)

Lateral resolution is determined by

Width of the sound beam (narrower beams have better resolution)

Lateral resolution is determined by

Width of the sound beam (narrower beams have better resolution)

The greater the number of scan lines per image the ___ the temporal resolution


The higher the Q factor the ____ the axial resolution


____ magnification rescans and acquires new data, discards old image data

Write magnification

Which has better Spatial resolution, an image magnified by read or write magnification

Write magnification (Rescans image; read uses old stored image)

A decrease of 10 dB =

X 1/10 Or Divided by 10 (Can also be -10 dB)

A decrease of 3 dB =

X 1/2 or divided by 2 (Can also be -3 dB)

A decrease of 6 dB =

X 1/4 Or Divided by 4 (Can also be -6 dB)

An increase of 10 dB =

X 10

An increase of 20 dB =

X 100 (Remember for every multiple of 10 add a 0 Ex: 30 dB = x 1,000; 40 dB = X 10,000 and so on)

An increase of 3 dB =

X 2

An increase of 6 dB =

X 4

In A mode imaging the X axis is ____ and the Y axis is ____

X axis = reflector depth Y axis = deflection

In B mode imaging the X axis is ____ and the Y axis is ____

X axis = reflector depth Z axis = brightness of dot (reflector amplitude) (THERE IS NO Y AXIS IN B MODE)

In M mode imaging the X axis is ____ and the Y axis is ____

X axis = time Y axis = depth

The vertical axis is aka the ____ And the horizontal axis is aka _____

Y axis - vertical (up and down) X axis - horizontal (side to side)

Can range ambiguity be seen in CW Doppler scanning

YES Because echoes overlap and depth is unknown

units for attenuation


As density increases, speed ______.


The dynamic range of information ___ the more it is processed


when the image is too bright due to high output power, the lateral and longitudinal resolution ____


In the far field, lateral resolution is best with ____

largest diameter crystal and highest frequency, due to the least divergence

Dynamic aperture optimizes ________ resolution


refraction artifact degrades ______ resolution


maintains and organizes the proper timing and interaction of the system's components

master synchronizer

The piezoelectric effect describes the property of certain materials to create a voltage when they are _____

mechanically deformed or when pressure is applied to them

Micro (u)

millionth (10^-6) 0.000001

Tissue harmonic reduces artifact in the __ field

near field

Can spatial pulse length be changed by the sonographer?

no, because a pulse is a pulse is a pulse

Harmonic frequency sound waves arise from

nonlinear behavior

The acoustic parameters are___

period, frequency, amplitude, power, intensity, wavelength, propagation speed

Power and amplitude relationship

power is proportional to amplitude squared

Time it takes for one pulse to occur

pulse duration

If the amplitude is doubled, the intensity is


If the amplitude is doubled, the power is


Two forms of magnification

read and write

Impedance is important in______ at boundaries


Snell's law relates to


The operating frequency is dependent on

thickness of the crystal ONLY

Kilo (k)

thousand (10^3)

milli (m)

thousandth (10^-3) 0.001

Doppler shift produces information about


Can PRF be changed by the sonographer?

yes, with depth of view (Inversely related)

LARRD resolution improves with:

~less ringing (fewer cycles in pulse) ~higher fq sound

focal depth is determined by what two factors?

~transducer diameter ~frequency of the ultrasound

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