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a coiled fibrous protein in connective tissue that is stretchy is called

granulation tissue

a delicate connective tissue composed of fibroblasts, collagen, and capillaries is called

elastic cartilage

which type of connective tissue is found in the external ears?

simple cuboidal epithelium

which type of epithelial tissue is found in the kidney tubules

stratified squamous epithelium

which type of epithelial tissue is found in the mouth?

pesudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

which type of epithelial tissue is found lining the trachea


which type of gland accumulates it's secretion in the cytoplasm of the cell, the cell then ruptures and becomes part of the secretion?


which type of gland discharges fragments of the glands cell during secretion?


which type of membrane lines cavities that open to the outside and often contain mucous glands?

skeletal muscle

which type of muscle is attached to bones?

cardiac muscle

which type of muscle is found in the wall of the heart?

areolar tissue

which type of tissue attaches to the underlying muscles and supports the framework for body organs?

nervous tissue

which type of tissue contains cells called neurons

muscle tissue

which type of tissue is contractile

connective tissue

which type of tissue possesses an abundant extra cellular matrix?

functions as an insulator and a site of energy storage.

Adipose tissue

dense regular collagenous tissue

Connective tissue in tendons is

walls off foreign particles and microbes

In the inflammatory response, clotting proteins form a clot. This action?

tightly packed cells

Epithelial tissue is characterized by

is a good lubricant for joint cavities

Hyaluronic acid gives a very slippery quality to fluids that contain it. Hyaluronic acid _________

simple squamous epithelium

If one of the functions of the capillaries is to supply body cells with oxygen and nutrients, you would expect the capillary walls to consist of?

multiple layers of cells

Stratified epithelium consists of

stratified squamous epithelium

The epidermis is composed of:

redness, heat, and pain

Which of the following are symptoms of inflammation?

Collagen is elastic and stretches

Which of the following statements concerning collagen is false?

dermis of the skin

Which of the following structures is likely to consist of dense irregular collagenous connective tissue?

simple squamous; stratified squamos

_____ epithelium is associated with rapid transport of substances through a membrane, whereas ______ epithelium is associated with resistance to abrasion


a thick, sticky secretion produced by goblet cells is called?


an accumulation of fluid in the tissue spaces is called

the infant will have difficulty regulating his body temperature

an infant is born with a genetic defect that greatly reduces his production of brown fat. Which of the following will most likely apply to the infant?

gap junctions

an intercalated disc is an example location of

transitional epithelium

epithelial tissue found in the urinary bladder


epithelial tissue that can stretch or is subjected to stress would have

simple cuboidal

epithelium that is primarily secretory in function would most likely be

edema, heat, redness, pain

major manifestations of inflammation

smooth muscle

movement of food through the digestive tract results from the action of?

stratified keratinized squamous epithelium

multiple layers, squamous cell shape, dead outer layers of cells, and keratin present in some cells

lymphatic organs

reticular tissue is found in

reduces risk of infection and helps to heal faster

suturing a large wound


the type of connective tissue that contains chondrocytes, a rigid matrix of collagen fibers and proteoglycan-hyaluronic acid aggregates and few, if any, blood vessels is

synovial membrane

the type of membrane that lines freely movable joints is a

serous membrane

the type of membrane that protects internal organs from friction is?

Adipose tisue

this type of tissue is composed of closely packed adipocytes and forms a protective cushion around organs, insulates the body, and serves as an energy reserve

tight junction

type of cell connection thats serves as a permeability barrier is a

sebaceous gland

which of the following is classified as a holocrine gland?


which of the following tissue change occurs when the permeability of blood vessels increase during inflammation?


which type of cell forms cartilage

hyaline cartilage

which type of connective tissue forms most of the skeleton before it's replaced by bone?


which type of connective tissue is found between the vertebrae

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