Which of the following statements accurately describes nicotine replacement treatment? 1/1 Nicotine is replaced by another, nonaddictive substance Users gradually decrease the amount of nicotine they put into their bodies Medications are used to block nicotine absorption
Users gradually decrease the amount of nicotine they put into their bodies
The physical and psychological need for a substance or behavior substance abuse decision making tolerance addiction
Which of the following is a social factor that may influence teenagers to smoke? 0/1 parents friends people seen in the media all of the above
all of the above
Which of the following is a treatment method for nicotine addiction? 1/1 nicotine replacement medication self-management techniques all of the above
all of the above
Which of the following is an effect of tobacco use on the cardiovascular System? 1/1 increased heart rate and blood pressure constricted blood vessels and buildup of plaque increased risk of heart attack or stroke all of the above
all of the above
A chronic disease characterized by episodes of blocked airflow to the lungs lung cancer sinus infection emphysema asthma
A poisonous gas found in cigarette smoke carbon monoxide nicotine withdrawal second hand smoke
carbon monoxide
Which of the following substances interferes with the ability of blood cells to carry oxygen? 1/1 nicotine adrenaline carbon monoxide plaque
carbon monoxide
Substances that cause cancer peer pressure withdrawal carcinogens dependence
A condition in which the bronchial tubes swell and become irritated addiction tar asthma chronic bronchitis
chronic bronchitis
Term for a group of diseases that cause difficulty breathing second hand smoke leukoplakia carcinogens chronic pulmonary obstructive disease
chronic pulmonary obstructive disease
A condition in which a person relies on a given substance to function or feel normal dependence response substitution tolerance coping mechanism
A disease that permanently enlarges lung airways and destroys lung tissue, making it difficult for a person to breathe emphysema secondhand smoke bronchitis common cold
Which of the following diseases causes the airways in the lungs to become permanently enlarged? 1/1 chronic bronchitis asthma emphysema none of the above
Children of smokers are less likely to develop smoking habits themselves 1/1 True False
Currently, no states have laws that ban smoking in public areas 1/1 True False
In stage two of substance abuse, the user's body develops a tolerance to the substance 1/1 True False
Mass media anti-smoking campaigns have not been shown to help prevent smoking 1/1 True False
Nicotine, a nonaddictive substance, is not included in most tobacco products 1/1 True False
One government based anti-smoking strategy is to decrease taxes on tobacco products 1/1 True False
Only some forms of smokeless tobacco contain nicotine and carcinogens 1/1 True False
Psychological dependence occurs when the body relies on having a certain amount of a substance to function "normally." 1/1 True False
Smoking helps strengthen a person's immune system 1/1 True False
The U.S. government has approved e-cigarettes as a successful and safe form of smoking cessation 1/1 True False
The sale of tobacco to anyone younger than 18 years of age is allowed in most states 1/1 True False
A condition characterized by white, leathery spots inside the mouth; may develop into oral cancer leukoplakia gum disease hairy tongue tooth decay
An addictive, toxic substance present in tobacco products dependence tobacco nicotine embalming fluid
The method of battling addiction in which tobacco users gradually reduce their nicotine consumption immediate cessation nictoine replacement electric shock methadone
nicotine replacement
Smokers who succeed in quitting gain which of the following benefits? 1/1 increased blood pressure decreased heart rate reduced risk of heart attack Option 2 and 3
option 2 and 3
The internal feeling that one must conform to the wishes of friends to earn their approval substance abuse independence peer pressure self-esteem
peer pressure
When a person believes he or she needs a substance to feel "normal," that person has a 1/1 tolerance physical dependence withdrawal symptoms psychological dependence
psychological dependence
A technique in which people train themselves to respond to stress with health methods of coping and relaxation, rather than smoking response substitution tar nicotine withdrawal
response substitution
Tobacco smoke in the environment that may affect a person even if he or she does not smoke smokeless tobacco second hand smoke withdrawal nicotine replacement
second hand smoke
In which stage of substance abuse does a person begin regularly using a substance? 1/1 stage 1 stage 2 stage 3 stage 4
stage 2
What effect does tobacco use have on personal appearance? 1/1 stained teeth thick and healthy hair improved appearance of fingernails all of the above
stained teeth
The strategy of avoiding or managing situations and feelings that lead to nicotine use is known as 1/1 Stimulus control nicotine replacement response substitution all of the above
stimulus control
The use of a drug (nicotine, alcohol, or illegal drugs) or intentional misuse of a medication substance abuse nicotine replacement stimulus control response substitution
substance abuse
A thick, sticky substance produced by burning tobacco asthma tar carbon monoxide pollution
The plant that is used to produce cigarettes and other nicotine-containing products yuccca pineapple tobacco plant cactus
tobacco plant
A condition in which the body adjusts to a given substance, requiring increased amounts of the substance to feel its effects withdrawal peer pressure nicotine replacement tolerance
Experimentation with a substance often leads to regular use of the substance 1/1 True False
Lung cancer occurs when abnormal cells in one or both lungs grow rapidly and form a tumor 1/1 True False
One half of people who have had a smoking related heart attack or surgery continue to smoke 1/1 True False
People are more likely to start smoking as a result of family influences than as a result of peer influences 1/1 True False
People who try to quit smoking often experience withdrawal symptoms for several weeks and even months 1/1 True False
Refusal, literacy, and critical thinking skills can help you prepare for and respond to situations that may involve tobacco use. 1/1 True False
Smoking costs society billions of dollars a year in healthcare costs 1/1 True False
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States True False
Some teenagers start to smoke as a way of trying out new identities 1/1 True False
Tobacco products and smoke contain chemicals and toxic substances that harm the body 1/1 True False
Women who smoke while pregnant increase their risks of having babies born prematurely or with low birth weights. 1/1 True False
Which of the following is true of smokeless tobacco use? 1/1 using smokeless tobacco involves inhaling smoke using smokeless tobacco causes absorption of nicotine through the mouth tissues using smokeless tobacco educes the risk of gum disease all of the above
using smokeless tobacco causes absorption of nicotine through the mouth tissues
The unpleasant physical or psychological symptoms associated with attempting to stop using a substance tolerance withdrawal overdose substance abuse
When people are addicted to a substance and they try to stop using it they often experience 1/1 tolerance physical dependence withdrawal psychological dependence