Tostevin World since 1500 S1 Final: Terms

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Chinese gentry

Intermediate layer inbetween the bureaucracy above and the village below. Lowest level was office of district magistrate. Magistrate lived in area didn't know, "law of avoidance" to avoid conflicts of interest. To govern, this magistrate had to obtain the cooperation of the local literati or gentry, because they were the middle class. These gentry were local leaders of the community. They also performed quasi-official functions on behalf of their communities. These are well established and powerful families / people. They are necessary to be the arm of the government because the # of officials in a given area isn't enough.

John Calvin: predestination, the elect/calling, puritanical bent

John Calvin started as a lawyer. Predestination is the belief that God has already preordained the souls that will be saved from hell. The elect is the belief that you must live a God pleasing life since you are God's "elect" and that the majesty of god demanded nothing less. A puritanical bent is a very strict moralistic righteous behavior that is enforced with discipline. It is rooted in the Calvinist sensibility.

Conquest of Incas

Pizarro lured the ruler of Incas Atahualpa into conference then seized him. Atahualpa tried to ransom self with a hoard of gold, but instead of releasing him Pizarro treacherously had him garroted in 1533. Spaniards then fought to Cuzco, Inca capital, and seized I, ending the empire. Spanish faced insurrections and fought among selves. Royal control not established until late 1560s.

Portuguese in Africa: east coast

gold, slaves The Portugueses focus in Africa was gold and slaves. Guinea gold, 150,000 slaves to Europe. African slaves taken effortlessly - tribal leaders gave up captured enemies for horses, corn, and finished goods. 150,000 slaves over second half of 15th century.

Elizabeth I of England

"no window on men's souls," the Spanish Armada Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Most astute politician of 16th century in domestic and foreign policy. Repealed anti-Protestant legislation of her predecessor Mary Tudor and guided a religious settlement thru Parliament. She said I want no window on men's souls, meaning in public you will act Anglican, and if you are Catholic, you will pay a tax, but when you go home you can do whatever you want. It prevented England from being torn asunder by religious diffs in the 16th century as the Continent was. Elizabeth had many attempted assassinations by Catholic extremists that wanted Mary Stuart on the throne. (Queen of Scots). She didn't let emotion override political instincts. She dealt wearily with Puritans. Puritan's 2 grievances. Retention of Catholic ceremony and vestments within Church of England. Continuation of Episcopal system of church governance. War between England and Spain broke out, despite desires of Philip II and Elizabeth to avoid it. England signed mutual defense pact w/ France following Lepanto. Also, Elizabeth's famous seamen, John Hawkins and Francis Drake began to prey regularly on Spanish shipping in Americas. Francis Drake = circumnavigate globe, showed English superiority in sea. Elizabeth signed treaty that committed English soldiers to Netherlands. This made tinderbox of English-Spanish relations. Spark = execution of Mary, Queen of Scots in 1587. She was in plot to assassinate Elizabeth. Her fleet crushed Philips, and caused resistance to strengthen everywhere to Spain, as it never recovered from the shocking defeat. Elizabeth knights Francis Drake on his own ship, a thank you.

Ninety-five Theses

(1517) The theses were posted in protest to the selling of indulgences, and the fact that indulgences actually remitted sins. He didn't believe in salvation being a thing that can be bought or sold.

Peace of Augsburg

(1555) This peace made the split of Christianity and Catholic faiths permenant, and this recognized in law what had been recognized in practice for a long time. The ruler will determine the religion in his region. Those who did not like the religion of their region were able to migrate.

Treaty of Westphalia

(1648) All hostilities within Holy Roman Empire were brought to end by _____. It reasserted the major feature of the religious settlement of the Peace of Augsburg. Rulers determine religion of holdings. Gave Calvinists legal recognition while denying to sectarians. Also recognized independence of Swiss Confederacy and United Provinces of Holland.

Role of sugar

(Caribbean Islands) sugar cane led to the spread of slavery in Brazil and the west Indies. Sugarcane required a large investment in land and equipment, slave labor could only provide enough workers for extremely profitable sugar plantations. Increase in production of sugar led to increase in imports in slaves. Caribbean islands center for sugar production. 90% of population in Jamaica in 1725 was slaves.

Charles V

(Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor)- This was the emperor brought to power mainly because of a long tradition of Habsburg rule that backed him. He brought back the Imperial Supreme Court and the Council of Regency. This made it so unilateral action couldnt be taken against the Germans without the agreement of the council / court.

Conquest of Aztecs

(Tenochtitlan) Started w/ contact with Tlaxcala, traditional enemy of Aztecs. Army marched on Tenochtitlán. Cortes seized Moctezuma, and made prisoner. Moctezuma died in unexplained circumstances and Aztecs' wary acceptance turned to open hostility. Spaniards driven out and nearly wiped out. They eventually returned and laid siege to the city. Under last ruler Cuauhtemoc, resisted heavily but were defeated in 1521. Cortes razed Tenochtitlán and built his own capital on the ruins.

Order of Jesus

(founded by Ignatius of Loyola) Jesuits. Officially recognized in 1540 by the church. In a century, 15k followers with thriving missions in India, Japan, Americas. Ignatius of Loyola - heroic figure, injured in battle with French, read Christian classics and was impressed by the heroic self-sacrifices of the churches saints. After recovering, he went under a profound religious conversion and began a program of religious and moral self-discipline - Spiritual Exercises. This contained mental and emotional exercises designed to teach absolute spiritual self mastery. Exercises intended to teach Catholics to submit to higher authority with church. Bears stamp of military, extremely disciplined. From the start they are out to convert people to Catholicism. They did this through education.

30 Years War

2 religions, Catholicism and Lutheranism. There are 4 phases. 1. Bohemian Phase - Calvinism inserts into Bohemia. A new Habsburg in power, staunch Catholic. He marches into Bohemia and smashes the Calvinism. He then calls it Habsburg land and Austria. He puts in his own nobles. He made it completely Catholic. Whets appetite of Austrians. This becomes one of main stays of Austrian empire. Then Austrian forces move from Bohemia and towards Protestant germanies. King of Denmark gets scared and decides to stop them, sending Danish troops. 2. Danish Phase - Still largely religious conflict. Lutheran vs. Catholic armies. France is scared that they may be moving for their power, even if they are also Catholic. And the wars between Habsburg and Valois kings make them opposites. They don't like spreading power of Habsburg. Left and Right are Habsburgs, sandwiched as France. France sneaks help to Lutherans in Germanies. They are also helping the Turks and Ottomans. France helps Lutherans and Muslims against Catholics. Denmark = awesome. Denmark can't put up much resistance. 3. Swedish Phase - More power on the Baltic is Lutheran, and the Lutheran king of Sweden decided to get involved. They didn't want threat of power on Baltic. Swedes are tough, and almost equal the power of the Habsburgs. But they lose drive when they lose their king and military leader. 4. International Phase - France then comes out openly, and france pushes east. The Habsburg are then crushed inbetween Ottomans and France, and crushed by France. Then the Treaty of Westphalia happened. France is now a major land power. This is now a Europe that moves beyond religious conflict. There is no more significant role of religion in international conflict from now on.


A Huguenot leader who increasingly had the king's ear. The regent mother Catherine attempted to assassinate him, and tried to cover it up by convincing Charles that a Huguenot coup was afoot.

Vasco de Gama

A Portuguese sailor that rounded the Cape of Africa and landed in India in 1498. When he returned with a full cargo, the cargo was worth 60x the voyage. He also allowed Portugal to establish colonies in Goa and Calcutta.


A Spanish sailor that sailed from the Canary Islands and landed on San Salvador on October 12, 1492. He started a 3 century conquest by the Spanish, bringing untold suffering to the native peoples of the Americas.


A city that Calvin practically ruled through a council called the Consistory, this council enforced the strictest moral discipline, dealing out punishments for a broad range of moral and religious transgressions and became unpopular with many Genevans.

Diet of Worms

A council headed by Charles V that placed Luther under an imperial ban labeling him an outlaw to secular as well as religious authority. He was banned because he wouldn't recant his preachings. "Through a good conscience I cannot. The truth is the truth." For his protection, his friends hid him in a secluded castle for a whole year. Diet = assembly.


A group of people in France that were neutral Catholics and Huguenots who put the political survival of France above its religious unity. These people were prepared to compromise religious creeds to save the nation. Henry of Navarre becomes one. They know France is falling apart.

Union of Utrecht

A response to the Union of Arras made by Southern provinces with Spain for peace. This Union continued the struggle in northern provinces. They were able to drive out Spanish soldiers by 1593 due to Spains preoccupation w/ France + England.

Indigenous African slavery

African middlemen undertook the actual capture or procurement of slaves and the difficult dangerous task of marching them to the coast. Middlemen generally wealthy merchants who could mount slaving expeditions inland.

War's effect on the Germanies

All the land the war was fought on was German. It was a full generation and then some. It tore apart the agricultural land, and weakened economies and political structures. In the weakness, and the blow to the Holy Roman Empire, two things happen. One, division of Germany is reinforced, and is the last European state to unite. Doesn't happen until 1870. Two, the condition of weakness serves one german state in particular, which is Prussia.


An extremely able emperor. He ascended the throne at 7, ruled at 13, and controlled till his death. 1661-1722. Man of great vigor. He sired thirty-six sons and twenty daughters by thirty consorts. He presided over palace examintons. He won the support of schools by his patronage of Ming History, a new dictionary, and a 5k volume encyclopedia. Displayed interested in European society. He studied Jesuit court astronomers. Opened ports to foreign trade. He was a model emperor.

Bartolome de Las Casas

An outspoken clerical critic of Spniahs conquerors. He contended that conquest not necessary for conversion. Result was new royal regulations after 1550. Another result was Black legend. He believed that treatment of Native Americans was unprincipled and inhumane.

Act of Supremacy (the Church of England

Anglican/Episcopalian) - in 1531 Henry was recognized as head fo the church in England "as far as the law of Christ allows." In 1533 Parliament passed the Submission of the Clergy, effectively placing canon law under royal control and thereby the clergy under royal jurisdiction. This declared Henry "the only supreme head on earth of the church of England." The Church of England is Anglican in England, where as in the Americas it is Episcopalian. There are two levels of Episcopalian church; the lower church rids itself of unnecessary goods, whereas the high church stays close to the Catholic Church mass. Calvinists push with Anglicans. English Puritans come from this push.

New route to Asian spice markets (fall of Constantinople)

Before the Portuguese sea route, spices were obtained through Venetians (Turkish). Pepper and cloves top spices. Sea route = fear of unknown. Constantinople fell in 1453. After the Byzantine empire fell, the Ottomans took control of the entire eastern Mediterranean area. Then they control the trade routes, so it becomes detrimental to profits.

Charles V's division of Habsburg lands

Charles V stepped down and said it was too much for one man to rule. Spain the lowlands, and all its New World holdings are given to his son Phillip II. The other half which consists of Austria and all the other lands were given to his brother. Spanish Habsburgs and Austrian Habsburgs.

Charles V's many pressing issues

Charles V was forced to take his attention from the war with France and the advance of the Ottoman Turks into eastern Europe. Because of these enemies he needed German troops.

Cyclic pattern of Chinese dynasties

Chinas timeline is measured in a dynastic cycle. One dynasty after another. Dynasty > Power > Loses mandate of heaven > Falls > Replaced. People in west thought of history as linear. Hinduism speaks of cycles. Greek speak of cycles. T'ang > Song > Yuan > Ming > Qing.

Women in China

Confucian family ideal changed little, with a woman being expected to first obey her parents, then her husband, and finally her son - when he became the new family head. Ming and Qing dynasties time period. Through foot binding, women became more physically restricted. This spread as a sort of erotic beauty through the elite and nobles to some commoners during these dynasties. This led to a decline in womens rights because they were given even less chance to prove themselves physically. But, as less land was given to each family, the woman worked inside weaving and spinning for the markets, and received more say because of the income she brought to the family.

"Columbian Exchange": diseases, animals, agricultural goods.

Diseases from old to new world - Diphtheria, influenza, measles, smallpox, whooping cough, bubonic plague, typhoid, typhus, chicken pox, malaria. New to old - syphilis. Fair? No. Animals to new world - pigs cattle horses goats sheep. These animals allowed economic exploitation. Produced hides and wool. More animal protein as well. Foods old to new - peaches, oranges, grapes, melons, banans, rice, onions, radishes, and various green vegetables. Sugarcane as well. Sugarcane = cause of need for slaves. Plants new to old - maize, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peppers, beans, manioc, peanuts, squash, pumpkins, pineapples, cocoa, and tomatoes. Most of these entered diet of Europeans. Maize and potato = most transforming impact. Tobacco originated in Americas. Maize and the potato took a long time to root in diet of Europeans. Potato = major peasant food in Scotland, Ireland and Germany.

Significance of disease in collapse of American civilizations

Diseases like smallpox weakened the people being attacked by Europeans, and made it an easier conquest. Long lived isolation. Gave Europeans upper hand.


Economics. These economics are meant to serve the power of the state. Power measured in wealth. Everything takes money. Build the power of the state by increasing your income commercially through trade. Balance of payments. Mercantile stand point, Imports = 0, Exports = infinite, so you are spending no money but having an infinite income. Can milk your colonies for materials for production purposes. Its also a captive market. Can tell your colony what they can and can't make. Can force colonies to use your ships, and make them pay. Can tell them they can't trade with a specific country. This is meant to use colonies for the purposes of the home states wealth. Minimize imports, maximize exports. State controls foundation of economic transactions. Protective tariffs.

English-Spanish at Sea

Elizabeth plays a double game with Spain and the Netherlands. She gives secret funds to the Dutch and openly denies it. She also gives confidence to the Pirates harrying the Spanish's shipping lines.


Emperor 14 years after the deah of his grandfather Kangxi. 1736-1795. During his reign Qing dynasty attained highest level of prosperity and power. He patronized scholars. He lost his grip in the last few years of his rule, and the White Lotus Rebellion broke out in 1796. His successor put it down, and the corruption put itself out.

English-Dutch commercial wars

England are leading commercial powers due to sea power. They will engage of a series of 3 conflicts involving commercial pressure and naval warfare. English prevail.

Role of racism in modern slavery

Europeans believed themselves more civilized and not savage, like Africans. Some looked down because they were slaves. Also, many languages attached negative connotations to blackness. In all plantation societies, race was important in keeping slaves subservient.

Peninsulares and Creoles

Peninsulares = whites born in Spain, Creoles = Whites born in Americas.

Gold, then silver

First conquistadores interested in gold, but middle of 16th century silver mining was source of metallic wealth. Silver mining centers were Potosi and in northern mexico. Monarchy interested - received 1/5 revenues.

English case: settlement, agricultural base

First settlement = Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Ended w/ establishment of Georgia in 1733. Eastern seabord populated with English colonies. Dutch and Swedes founded others, but English took over. Reasons: settlement for enrichment from farming and trade accounted for some settlements. Others were developed by royal favorites who were given vast land tracks. Georgia founded as refuge for English debtors. Pursuit of religious liberity - major driving force for Pilgrim and Puritans. Mostly protestant in north, church of England in south. Least interest in missionary enterprise of Spanish and French. Largest economic activity - agriculture. Northern states - free white labor, southern states, plantation economy, dependant on slavery.

Council of Trent

General council to reassert church doctrine. They met in the imperial city of Trent in northern Italy - 1545. 3 sessions, over 18 years. Interruptions due to war plague politics. Trent strictly under pope's control. Simony forbidden by council. Trent strengthened local bishops authority. Bishops forced to move to appointed seats of authority and preach regularly. Parish priests more disciplined. Council didn't make single doctrinal concession to the Protestants. Secular and Religious authorities were a part of this council. They also invited leading protestant theologians, in an effort to heal the rift. Theologians wouldn't attend because the council wasn't going to discuss the power and authority of the pope. Many Protestants because of politics will go back. Some that were marginal, went back.

Premodern slavery

Generally linked to warfare and practice of taking captives from victory. Slaves date back into ancient history. Word slave derived from Slav, because large slave-soldier armies conquered much of the Mediterranean. Most slaves prisoners of war. Slavery involved forceful exploitation and degradation of some human beings for the profit of others, the denial of basic freedoms, and sometimes the shattering of family ties.

Martin Luther

He believed that no living person could stand perfectly before god, so someone who believed in Jesus Christ who stood before god in righteousness was ensured Christ's righteousness. Soul > Church > God for Catholics. Soul > Faith in Bible > God for Luther's ideas. Justification by faith alone. Priesthood of all believers = Everyone is linked with God and everyone is equal.

Max Weber

He wrote that a combination of religious confidence and self-disciplined activism produced an ethic similar to emergent capitalism. This brought Calvinism in close line with development of modern capitalist societies. Idea of staying on the straight and narrow. Commitment to hard work, careful sober decision making. Disciplined life.

"Paris is worth a mass"

Henry IV said this when he publicly abjured the protestant faith and embraced the traditional and majority religion of his country. He said that politics and public order is more important than religious matters, and says it is worth going to Mass.

Issue of annulment

Henry couldn't simply attain the annulment from Pope Clement because he was captive of Charles V, and because of family connections, Henry had to find another route to a divorce. When his Lord Chancellor couldn't obtain the annulment, he turned to his heavy handed ministers Thomas Cranmer and Thomas Cromwell.

Bartholomew's Day Massacre

Henry of Guise did this primarily. This massacre marked the beginning of the French Wars of religion. 3,000 slaughtered in paris, 20,000 outside of Paris and throughout France died as well. This started an all out war between Protestants and Catholics.

Henry of Navarre/Henry IV of France (Bourbon dynasty)

Henry of Navarre married Charles IX's sister. He also gained more power when the king made a grave mistake and was forced to make an alliance with his Protestant cousin and heir Henry of Navarre. When the king was assassinated, he came to the throne as a Politique, tired of the political strife. When he becomes king he becomes Henry IV and converts to Catholicism. This creates one of Frances greatest dynasty.

Portuguese in Brazil

In 1500 Portuguese sailor landed on Brazil, and gave Portuguese major foothold. Not much resources to devote to New World empire compared to Spain. They (the monarchy) allowed private person to exploit the area and its peoples. Labor practices different, with largely importing African slaves rather than using Native population.

Religious warfare in the Germanies

In 1547 Charles V tried to force Protestants to readopt Catholic beliefs by crushing the Protestant Schmalkaldic League. The emperor was forced to relent after 30 yrs of war.

Geographical shift to West Africa

Kingdoms were able to gain immense wealth and power in Africa because of the slave trade by establishing a monopoly on it. Some areas depleted of men, some depleted of women. This effects birth rate in African villages. This works against monogamy. Polygamy and polyandry began to develop. Polyandry, one woman to multiple men. Polygamy, one man to multiple women.


Landed in Mexico w/ 500 men and few horses. Opened communication w/ nearby communities and w/ Moctezuma II, Aztec Emperor. He was believed to be Quetzalcoatl, a god, and so Moctezuma didn't want to make direct contact.

Revolt in the Lowlands

Lowlands = Netherlands. Philip II attempted to impose will. Failed. (on Netherlands, France, England). Netherlands = end of dreams of world empire. Netherlands = richest area in Europe. Many independent cities in Netherlands = Calvinist strongholds. It became a religious and political struggle. Because of insistence of Council of Trent's decrees. National covenant formed, called the Compromise. This was solemn pledge to resist decrees of rent and the Inquisition. Philip dispatched Duke of Alba w/ 10k men to mark North from Milan in 1567 in show of Spanish and papal might. He formed Council of Troubles (known to Netherlands' as Council of Blood) to execute thousands of heretics publicly. Decade of warfare led to 10 southern provinces and 7 northern provinces to unite to fight Spanish in 1576. When Duke of Alba does a bad job, Duke of Parma took over who was an extremely effective military man. They declared Pacification of Ghent, which declared regional sovereignty in matters of religion. This = Peace of Augsburg. 1579 Southern provinces made Union of Arras to make peace w/ Spain. The Union of Utrecht gained independence for the Netherlands' (as described in Union of Utrecht term) and France and England formally recognized the independences of the provinces in 1596. Northern provinces didn't officially conclude peace with Spain till 1609. Twelve Year's Truce concluded virtual independence. Spain didn't fully recognize independence until 1648 w/ the Peace of Westphalia.

Urbanization in Ming Qing China

Ming - Qing dynasties. Increase in the level of intermediate market towns. 1500-1800. Caused by the flourishing local markets, and this was where farmers took their goods to be sold. These towns grew more rapidly than the population as a whole and provided the link btwn markets and larger capitals. This led to the development of interregional trade. This was a new level of economic trade in China.

Commercial Growth

Ming Qing Dynasties. Third commercial revolution, end of 19th century China was most highly commercialized nonindustrial society in world. 1500-1800. This was mainly caused by a few stimuli to commerce, such as imported silver, and the Chinese trade balance which was favorable. This commercial growth ultimately led to the development of a trade system with the European countries of Spain and Portugal through the exchange of silver and silk / porcelain.

Population dynamics during Ming-Qing

Ming and Qing dynasties. Population increased from 60 to 90 million at theb beginning to 125 million at end of Ming Dynasty. Population tripled during Qing dynasty to 410 million. China. During Ming an increase to the food supply caused this, new technologies of Song systems. During Qing, half increased food supply was due to new lands and other half tobetter seeds / fertilizers / irrigations. This increased population density stimulated the growth of commerce and gave new prominence to scholar-gentry class. Population increases in north because of Ming public works that made land easier to live on, such as new water control systems. This increase shows these two dynasties to be the most prosperous time in Chinese history.

Economic development during Ming-Qing

Ming-Qing. Start of ming to 1800. Ming began as a constricting barrier to economic development, that stifled enterprise and depressed the southeastern costal region by restrictions on maritime trade a shipping. But, as population increased, they removed most of these restrictions and caused a massive commercial growth, as described in the below term. This ultimately caused the development of an extremely powerful commercial power.

Philip II of Spain

No one person stood larger in the second half of the 16th century than him until the English defeated his Armada in 1588. First half of his reign - attention on Mediterranean and Turkish expansion. Charles V = father. Its said only time he smiled or laughed was when he received news of the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre. Sees himself as Catholic bulwark against Protestantism.

Northern Renaissance

Northern humanists created an environment favorable to religious and educational reforms. They increased education and combined it with the invention of cheap paper, increasing mass awareness. By 1500, printing presses in over 200 european cities were pumping out books that were used as a medium by politicians, humanists, and reformers.

Occidental and Oriental slave trade

Occidental to Americas young men. Oriental to Mediterranean and turks, young women. In slave trade families destroyed, lots of death. Slave holders take children to be slaves as well. Slaves take a sense of the world that they are displaced, destroyed, owned. Slave holders convert slaves because they wanted to prevent revolt, if they don't have culture and family, they won't be able to unite the slaves. They tried to destroy ties with Africa. Likelihood of revolution is lessened when this is done. Slave transportation amounts are steadily increasing from the 15th century into the 18th and 19th centuries.

"Middle Passage"

Portion of the slaves passage that packed Africans onto dangerous and unhealthy boats for voyage across Atlantic.

Increasing power of Emperor

Ruler of China. The power of the Emperor increased, and because of it the emperor began to make all important and unimportant decisions. Beginning in Ming China. This happened because the Emperor abolished the Secretariat, which made him control most of the power. The successors to this first absolute emperor followed his examples and dominated the rulership. Significance : This caused the Emperor to become a bottleneck official, and if a program didn't have the direct intervention of the Emperor, its progress was slowed dramatically.

Examination system

Rwards of an official career were so great that competition to enter it was extremely intense. After being screened at the district office, a candidate took the county examination. If he passed , he became a member of the gentry. These examinations required years of arduous study. Second hurdle was the provinicial examination, where 1/100 were successful. Final hurdle was metropolitian examination, during Ming fewer than 90 passed each year.

Bloody Mary

She ends Anglican church, and is the daughter of the first marriage. She is Catholic. This brings opposition. Some people are staunch Anglicans. Henry gave out old lands of Catholic churches, and the people don't want to lose their lands. She will have a few hundred Protestants executed. This gives her the nickname. She isn't around very long.

Portuguese plantation model

Slave labor. They built sugar plantations on Cyprus after muslim forces had driven them out of the Holy Land. Portuguese that African slaves provided a profitable work force for sugar production. These were the first people to create the plantation economy, all other plantation economies derived from these island plantations.

African Slaves

Slaves in Brazil were extremely important as stated in the above term, and the importance of slaves was paramount with sugar plantations and gold mining in Brazil. The slave trade flourished in between the 16th and 18th centuries.


Spanish explorers in search of gold - claimed major islands of Caribbean + suppressed the native peoples. Islands became staging area for further exploration and conquest.


T'ang capital, and expand commercially. Song struggle with Mongols and pay tribute to Mongols, China shrinks. Ming brings back what has been suspended under the Mongols, and return China to natural state. They are successful. Mongols couldn't completely crush the long standing traditions. Community in china is supposed to be a harmonious whole, a moral community, where people meet responsibilities to others. Confucianism is the core of the government. This civilization institutionalized authority for intellectuals, and that is their claim to authority.


The 16th century religious movement that sought to reform the Church and led to the establishment of Protestantism. It began in Germany.


The Anabaptists believe that baptism should occur as an adult because having the free will to choose as an adult follows Scripture more closely. The Anabaptists separated themselves into separate communities, but political authorities believed it unsafe to do so. In 1529 rebaptism became a capital offense. Anabaptists wanted more radical and rapid implementation of Christianity. They claim Jesus Christ was a pacifist. He renounced violence. First Christian community was Communist. They shared everything. Communists - Pacifists - Adult baptism - made people fear and not like them, and wherever they went they found trouble.

Disease in Americas

The Columbian Exchange took diseases both ways, killing many natives with diseases such as Measles and small pox, while syphilis killed millions of Europeans.

Portuguese Conquest

The Portuguese conquered many African civilizations, so that they could obtain more gold and slaves, while the Spanish conquered almost all of Central and South America. These conquests brought suffering to many civilizations. It also brought tons of wealth (and with it inflation) to Europe as well.


The common language to a region. Not latin.

Early Ming territorial expansion

The first Ming emperor oversaw the vigorous expansion of China's borders. China controlled the northern steppe from Hami at the gateway of Central Asia to Sungari River in Manchuria. Mongols expelled from Yunnan in 1382.

Henry VIII of England

The king of England in the early 16th century that didn't like his marriage and wanted to divorce his wife that had only given him a daughter. He was concerned about leaving behind a female heir only, so he needed a new wife.


The name for French Protestants which was after Besancon Hughes, the leader of Geneva's political revolt against the Savoyards in the late 1520s. The Bourbon and Montmorency families developed bonds to these peoples. The leaders of these families became the political leaders of the French Protestant resistance. These Huguenots held the important geographic areas and held more powerful segments of French society.

Treaty of Tordesillas

The pope used this to divide the seaborne empires of Spain and Portugal by drawing a line west of the Cape of Verde Islands. Pope writes up treaty. Religious authority not necessarily recognized. Line wasn't strictly obeyed.


The prince of the humanists. Educational and religious reformer. Aspired to unite classical ideas of humanity and civic virtue with Christian ideals of love and piety. He wrote a greek version of the New Testament.

Printing Press

The printing press increased the spread of information all over Europe, and directly caused by this was the increase in literacy and interest in all affairs European. Literary works printed by the press was spread by people traveling, whether it be soldiers priests or merchants all over Europe. Also flyers and pamphlets were spread very quickly over Europe.

Chattel slavery

The purchasing of human beings, turning them to outright possessions, and tools that can be used for any means. Indistinguishable from any other material possession, not recognized as people under the law, and had no legal rights. They could not claim any control over their own bodies, time, labor, or children.

Mandarins/literati/scholar elite

The scholar elite passed by the examination system. They worked and lived in the courts, and were officials. The rewards from these careers were massive. Its officials were extremely innovative because of the difficult tests they had to undergo.

Government bureaucracy

The top of the government in china were military, censorate, and administrative branch, and below administration were 6 ministires and the web of provinicial, prefectural, and district offices. A bureaucray is a government with lots of officials in which legislation goes through many different places before getting passed. Government became better financed, and as a result became more productive, and the apparatus as a whole grew slowly. The prosperity and genious of the government led to a surplus in funds and allowed taxes to be reduced towards agriculture, and led to a general prosperity in the 18th century.

The Manchus (Qing)

These were outside people that came to rule china. Their transition to rule was extremely brief, because they were already vassals to china. They came from Manchuria. Admired Chinese. This dynasty, like the last, established a Confucian government with six ministries, a censorate, and other Chinese institions. Manchus presented themselves as Conservative upholders of Confucian order. Chinese gentry preferred Manchus to Chinese rebel leaders. Started in 1644. The Qing rest on the foundation of stability of before, they take advantage of it. They adopted institutions to maintain themselves as ethnically separate elite group. Dyarchy - appointment of one Manchu and one Chinese official to each key position in government. This slowly dissolved into just Chinese officials, when the Manchus are absorbed into the Chinese.


They emerge initially as support for mining communities. But as more land was gathered, plantations were made. This dominated rural / agricultural life in Spanish colonies. Developed when crown, partly to counter extension of encomienda, made available grants of land. Led to establishment of large landed estates. Haciendas were much less worse than labor in mines. 2 major products - foodstuffs for mining areas and urban centers, and leather goods used in vast quantities on machinery. Much of the labor for the Haciendas will be brought from Africa.

Tribute system

They managed China's frontiers through this system. Ambassadors of vassal kings acted out hteir political subordination to the universal ruler of the celestial kingdom. Ambassador approached emperor and performed kowtow, and presented gifts. In return, vassal kings sent seals confirming their status, given permission to use Chinese calendar and year-period names, and appointed to Ming nobility. This system gave notable benefits to those that complied. Gifts received were often more valuable then those brought.

Edict of Nantes

This proclaimed a formal religious settlement in 1598. The Edict recognized and sanctioned minority religious rights within what was to remain an officially Catholic country. Religious compromise. This was revoked by his grandson in 1685.

The War of the Three Henrys

This was a war based solely in France that competed between the throne and the 3 major families in France, the Bourbons, the Montmorency-Chatllons, and the Guises. They all competed for power because of a weak king. Montmorency + Bourbons = Huguenot, Guises = Catholics. This war ended with the Edict of Nantes. Many assassinations involved in this war. Henry in power is assassinated, Henry of Guise is assassinated.


This was after an Incan practice, of requiring adult male Natives to devote a set number of days of labor annually to Spanish economic enterprises. Many didn't survive their labor rotations.


Widespread in China. A religion and ideology taught by Confucius in China's history, that spread education and helped to increase thinking. Most of China's history. Becasuse of Confucianism, more schools were formed, academies multipled, publishing and bookstores flourished, and literacy outpaced population growth. Confucian view of society was patriarchal. Family headed by father basic unit. Emperor stood as apex. The significance : Confucianism was intergrated into the state, and was being used to reshape both political and religious doctrines.

Thomas More

Wrote Utopia. Best known English humanist. More's Utopia, a criticism of contemporary society, depicts an imaginary society based on reason and tolerance that requires everyone to work and has rid itself of all social and political injustice.


a formal grant by the crown of the right to labor of a specific number of Native Americans for a particular time. Usually involved 100 Natives, but sometimes up in the thousands. First used in Hispaniola. Monarchy didn't like encomienda system.

Debt peonage

a system that made it so natives could never repay their 'masters' and thus could never move to different landowners, because they were forced to buy their own living goods.

Commercial Shift from Mediterranean to North Atlantic

caused by increased sea power of Spain / Portugal, and decreased power of Muslim states. Discovery of Americas shifted focus. The Crusades caused an economic boom, because Crusaders brought back spices from the east.

Sugar plantations

gained preeminence in Brazilian economy, and sugar cane grown on large estates w/ African labor, and dominance of sugar = dominance of slave labor. In close of 17th century, sugar prices declined and economy suffered. But in early 18th century there was a gold rush in Brazil. Gold mining = increased importation of slaves. Importance of slaves in Brazil persisted until 1888. Plantation = basic unit of production.

Tudor Dynasty

headed by Henry VIII's family. Will end unless a daughter takes throne (Elizabeth).


improvement in values that lead us toward the modern world. (individualism, secularism, realism)

Grievances: indulgences, simony/pluralism/absenteeism, illiteracy

indulgences are basically certificates of salvation that can be bought from the church. It essentially the church had become corrupt and mainly out for profit. While, at first they were only given for going on a Crusade, eventually they were sold. Illiteracy within the church means that the priests have never read the Bible, and it means people's souls may be at risk. Simony - selling of church offices. Pluralism and absenteeism go along with Simony. Pluralism - being something of more than one. One person could be a bishop or something like that of many places. Absenteeism is when people would never go to a city or place they were a bishop.


inspired by Cortes, in 1532 he landed on the western coast of South America to take on Inca Empire. His force = 200 men w/ guns, swords, and horses, which Incas did not understand.


late 16th century Florentine. Wrote comedy, diplomat for Medicis. Wrote history of Florence, in the vernacular. Known as a political thinker. Title = The Prince. He said it was better for a government and ruler to be feared than loved. People that have power and want to keep it, or people that don't have power and want it. Power is the political game. Love is fickle. Fear is constant. Fear breeds obedience. Separation of church and state. Power goes hand in hand with greed and money. Church's purpose isn't politics and power. With politics, be ready to abandon your morality.

Plantation economies for export

this economy stretched from Maryland down through brazil and west indies. Tons of slaves. The subordination was built on a foundation of racial differences and master ownership. Complete dependence on slaves was new to history. Lasted from 16th to mid 19th century. In this economy Americas provided labor entensive products to Europe. Europe provided manufactured goods like textiles, liquor, guns, metal wares, and beads, and cash.

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