Training and Development Quiz 1

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Gagne's Five Learning Outcomes

1. Verbal Information 2. Intellectual Skills 3. Cognitive Strategies 4. Motor Skills 5. Attitudes

focuses on the development of one's intellect (knowledge acquisition)


Who does it benefit to take Training and Development

Employee, organization, and society

A performance contract is an agreement outlining that the trainee will perform appropriately during the training event. a) True b) False

False : : It outlines how new skills are applied on the job

Social Learning Theory

Observation, self-effecacy, self-management

The process of creating, sharing, diffusing, and applying knowledge in organizations.

Organizational Learning

The acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities to improve performance on one's current job.


Four Key Dimensions of a Learning Organization

a) Vision b) Culture c) Learning Systems/Dynamics d) Knowledge Management

Knowledge management is the process of creating, sharing, diffusing, and applying knowledge in organizations. a) True b) False

b) False : This is the definition of organizational learning

Using Alderfer's theory, what is the need that is similar to Maslow's esteem and self-actualization needs? a) Existence needs b) Growth needs c) Learning needs d) Relatedness needs

b) Growth needs

learning organization is able to transform itself by acquiring and disseminating new knowledge and skills throughout the organization. a) True b) False

a) True

Situated Cognition

Cognitivism focuses on the structures that are created in the mind, through experience, and that further mediate our interpretation of experience

The acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities required to perform future job responsibilities and the long-term achievement of individual career goals and organizational objectives


Why does Delta Hotels and Resorts have a retention rate of 89%? a) Because of its on-going training b) Because of its employment benefits c) Because of its compensation plan d) Because of its trainees' increased skills

a) Because of its on-going training

What did Québec do to fight the apathy of Canadian organization's not wanting to invest in training? a) Companies with payrolls over $1 million would have to spend 1% in training, otherwise pay a payroll tax b) Companies would have 3 years to build up their investment in training to the Canadian average c) Companies must use accredited training bodies and spend at least $100 000 d) Companies that apply for payroll funding can earn tax credits

a) Companies with payrolls over $1 million would have to spend 1% in training, otherwise pay a payroll tax

What influences High Performance Work System (HR)

a) Environmental factors b) Organizational factors

Overall, Canadian organizations spend more on training than organizations in the U.S., Europe, Asia and the Pacific. a) True b) False

b) False

The trainer cannot possibly guarantee if the trainees have taken any required prerequisite course. a) True b) False

b) False

What is the concept that refers to deeply ingrained assumptions, generalizations, or images that influence how we understand the world and how we take action? a) Structural capital b) Mental models c) Implicit knowledge d) Formal learning

b) Mental models

What is the concept that refers to a trainee's intended effort to utilize skills and knowledge learned in training on the job? a) Motivation to know b) Motivation to transfer c) Motivation to train d) Motivation to learn

b) Motivation to transfer

What is the concept that refers to an agreement outlining how the newly learned skills will be applied on the job? a) Employment contract b) Performance contract c) Training contract d) Knowledge contract

b) Performance contract

Human capital includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees. a) True b) False

a) True

Organizations in Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia are amongst the top learning organizations in Canada. a) True b) False


Self-efficacy is positively related to training motivation. a) True b) False

a) True

Strategy is one of the most important factors influencing training and development. a) True b) False

a) True

Training and development can facilitate an organization's strategy, increase effectiveness, and improve employee recruitment and retention. a) True b) False

a) True

Training motivation is a strong predictor of learning and training outcomes. a) True b) False

a) True

Transfer of training can be inhibited by the "bubble" syndrome, in which the trainee is expected to use the new skills without support from the environment. a) True b) False

a) True

Within a learning organization, the first assumption or principle that is considered is that all employees and managers are considered to be potential learners. a) True b) False

a) True

Its objective is to recruit, motivate, develop and retain employees whose performance is necessary for the attainment of the organization's goals.

Human Resource Management

Conditioning Theory

Learning is a result of reward and punishment contingencies that follow a response to a stimulus.

The process of establishing performance expectations with employees . Employee development

Performance Management

Types of Knowledge

a) Explicit : Things that you can buy or trade b) Tacit : Valuable wisdom

What is the concept that refers to the conditioned response that occurs in circumstances different from those during learning? a) Generalization b) Chaining c) Shaping d) Observation

a) Generalization

Types of Intellectual Capital

a) Human b) renewal c) Structural d) Relationship

What is the concept that refers to providing trainees with training experiences and conditions that closely resemble those in the actual work environment? a) Identical elements b) Transfer elements c) Retention elements d) General elements

a) Identical elements

In the Model of Training Effectiveness what general category does NOT flow into Learning and Retention? a) Individual Behaviour and Performance b) Trainee Characteristics c) Work Environment d) Training Design

a) Individual Behaviour and Performance

What is the concept that refers to the type of motivation that stems from a direct relationship between a worker and the task? a) Intrinsic motivation b) Extrinsic motivation c) Training motivation d) Motivation to transfer

a) Intrinsic motivation

Which of the following is NOT a principle of a learning organization? a) Learning organizations are more profitable than other organizations. b) Continuous learning is considered to be a hallmark of learning organizations. c) In a learning organization everybody is considered to be a learner. d) Learning is part of a change process and in fact enables change.

a) Learning organizations are more profitable than other organizations.

What is the concept that looks at the process of establishing performance expectations with employees, designing interventions and programs to improve performance, and monitoring the success of interventions and programs? a) Performance management b) Balanced scorecard c) Process measurement d) Training development

a) Performance management

The Learning Transfer System Inventory (LTSI) consists of many specific factors including: opportunities to use, learner readiness, transfer design, peer support, motivation to transfer and supervisor sanctions. What is one additional specific factor for the LTSI? a) Personal capacity for transfer b) Performance coaching c) Resistance or openness to change d) Performance self-efficacy

a) Personal capacity for transfer

What is the equation for Readiness to Learn and Trainability? a) Readiness to Learn and Trainability = (Ability X Motivation X Perceptions of the Work Environment) b) Readiness to Learn and Trainability = (Ability X Motivation) + Perceptions of the Work Environment c) Readiness to Learn and Trainability = Ability(Motivation + Perceptions of the Work Environment) d) Readiness to Learn and Trainability = (Ability + Motivation)(Perceptions of the Work Environment)

a) Readiness to Learn and Trainability = (Ability X Motivation X Perceptions of the Work Environment)

What is the concept that refers to the generalization of knowledge and skills over time? a) Transfer of training b) Generalization c) Maintenance d) Trainability

a) Transfer of training

A transfer of training is the generalization of knowledge and skills learned in training on the job and the maintenance of acquired knowledge and skills over time. a) True b) False

a) True

Communities of practice rely on groups of people with common interests and concerns who meet regularly to share their experiences and knowledge, learn from each other, and identify new approaches for working and solving problems. a) True b) False

a) True

Conditioning theory suggests that trainees should be encouraged and reinforced throughout the training process. a) True b) False

a) True

Intellectual capital is an organization's knowledge, experience, relationships, process discoveries, innovations, market presence, and community influence. a) True b) False

a) True

Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge and skills, and a change in individual behaviour as a result of some experience. a) True b) False

a) True

Need theories have important implications for training and development because employees' needs must be considered in the design of a training program a) True b) False

a) True

One of the reasons for the underinvestment in training and development is the perception that training, learning, and development expenditures represent a cost rather than an investment. a) True b) False

a) True

Organizational climate relates to the shared beliefs, values, and assumptions that exist in an organization. a) True b) False

a) True

Performance management is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities to improve performance in one's current job. a) True b) False

a) True

There are four key dimensions of learning organizations. Three of these dimensions include vision, culture, and learning dynamics or systems. What is the fourth dimension? a) Intellectual capital and emotional intelligence b) Knowledge management and infrastructure c) Human attributes: knowledge, skills and abilities d) Communities of practice and learning environments

b) Knowledge management and infrastructure

What is the concept that refers to the adult-oriented approach to learning that takes into account the differences between adult and child learners? a) Pedagogy b) Andragogy c) Asynchronous d) Synchronous

b) Andragogy

A learning culture includes the characteristics of the work environment that can either facilitate or inhibit the application of training on the job. a) True b) False

b) False

Human resource development is part of a larger system known as training and development. a) True b) False

b) False

Implicit knowledge includes those things that you can buy or trade, such as patents or copyrights and other forms of intellectual property. a) True b) False

b) False

Training is always considered to be the best solution for solving performance problems. a) True b) False

b) False

According to Robert Gagné, learning outcomes associated with training can be classified into six general categories: verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills, attitudes, and emotional intelligence. a) True b) False

b) False : : Does not include emotional intelligence

Booster sessions are extensions of training programs that involve an evaluation of knowledge, skills and abilities. a) True b) False

b) False : : Involves a review of training material

The number one barrier to transfer of training is that the skills are not appropriate. a) True b) False

b) False : : It is the immediate manager's lack of support

Social cognitive theory involves three key components: observation, self-efficacy and feedback. a) True b) False

b) False : : Self-monitoring, not feedback.

Extrinsic motivation is the motivation that stems from a direct relationship between a worker and the task. a) True b) False

b) False : : intrinsic motivation

Continuous improvement is considered to be a hallmark of learning organizations. a) True b) False

b) False : Continuous learning

A performance contract is an agreement outlining that the trainee will perform appropriately during the training event. a) True b) False

b) False : It outlines how new skills are applied on the job

The training effectiveness model shows how training and personal factors influence learning and knowledge. a) True b) False

b) False : Learning and retention

Intellectual capital is often divided into four types including human capital, renewal capital, structural capital, and social capital. a) True b) False

b) False : Relationship capital

Procedural knowledge is related to learning knowledge, facts, and information. a) True b) False

b) False : This is declarative knowledge.

What is the number one barrier to transfer of training? a) No time is provided to use the skills. b) Immediate manager does not support the training. c) The culture in the work group does not support the training. d) Skills could not be applied to the job.

b) Immediate manager does not support the training.

Most types of learning have the transfer of skills, knowledge and information. Which type of learning occurs naturally as part of work and is not planned? a) Organizational learning b) Informal learning c) Learning acquisition d) Formal learning

b) Informal learning

In the Model of Training Effectiveness, what part of the model flows into Individual Behaviour and Performance? a) Self-Efficacy b) Learning and Retention c) Cognitive Ability d) Training Motivation

b) Learning and Retention

Studies have shown that companies that invest in training their employees will have higher revenues and profits. What else do these studies show that demonstrate the effectiveness of training? a) Cost-benefit analysis b) Productivity c) Trend analysis d) Link to strategy

b) Productivity

Some of the key environmental factors that drive human resources and training and development are global competition, the labour market, and change. What is the fourth item that affects these things? a) Ecology b) Technology c) Legislation d) Competitors

b) Technology

One study revealed that Canadian employers are not leaders in training and development. According to this study, what percentage of adult workers participate in job-related training? a) 10% b) 20% c) 30% d) 40%

c) 30%

What is the concept that includes those things that you can buy or trade, such as patents or copyrights and other forms of intellectual property? a) Intellectual capital b) Knowledge c) Explicit knowledge d) Knowledge management

c) Explicit knowledge

What is the concept that refers to an organization's knowledge, experience, relationships, process discoveries, innovations, market presence, and community influence? a) Human capital b) Renewal capital c) Intellectual capital d) Relationship capital

c) Intellectual capital

Using Gagné's Classification Scheme, which learning outcome has to do with procedural knowledge? a) Verbal information b) Motor skills c) Intellectual skills d) Cognitive strategies

c) Intellectual skills

According to Wenger and Lave, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a community of practice? a) Practice b) Community c) Interests d) Domain

c) Interests

What is the concept that refers to the process of acquiring knowledge and skills, and a change in individual behaviour as a result of some experience? a) Intellectual capital b) Intelligence c) Learning d) Knowledge Management

c) Learning

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of training and development? a) Facilitate organizational strategy b) Increase HR effectiveness c) Link business strategy to organizational strategy d) Improve employee recruitment and retention

c) Link business strategy to organizational strategy

What is the concept that includes the shared beliefs, values, and assumptions that exist in an organization? a) Vision b) Organizational climate c) Organizational culture d) Mission

c) Organizational culture

Which of the following is NOT a learning style? a) Converging b) Assimilating c) Reflecting d) Accommodating

c) Reflecting

What is the concept that refers to an intervention that instructs trainees to anticipate transfer obstacles and high-risk situations in the work environment and to develop coping skills and strategies to overcome them? a) Conflict management b) Training intervention c) Relapse prevention d) Conflict resolution

c) Relapse prevention

What is the concept that refers to the creation, collection, storage, distribution, and application of compiled "know-what" and "know-how?" a) Knowledge management b) Explicit knowledge c) Structural knowledge d) Strategic knowledge

c) Structural knowledge

Formal learning and informal learning differ on a variety of factors including control, relevance, structure, and outcomes. What is the final factor that is missing from this list? a) Content b) Specificity c) Timing d) Needs

c) Timing

What type of motivation focuses on the direction, intensity, and persistence of learning-directed behaviour in training contexts? a) Intrinsic motivation b) Extrinsic motivation c) Training motivation d) Motivation to transfer

c) Training motivation

12. What is the concept that refers to characteristics in the work environment that can either facilitate or inhibit the application of training on the job? a) Organizational climate b) Learning culture c) Training transfer climate d) Organizational culture

c) Training transfer climate

What is the concept that studies the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform future job responsibilities? a) Knowledge management b) Training c) Human capital d) Development

d) Development

What is the concept that refers to the way in which an individual gathers information and processes and evaluates it during the learning process? a) Declarative knowledge b) Knowledge compilation c) Procedural knowledge d) Learning style

d) Learning style

Which of the following is NOT a way for stimulus variability to be incorporated into a training program? a) By using different models that vary in terms of their characteristics. b) By modeling different situations c) By using models with different levels of competence in performing the training task d) By using models that differ according to the experience of the trainees

d) By using models that differ according to the experience of the trainees

What is the concept that refers to groups of people with common interests and concerns who meet regularly to share their experiences and knowledge, learn from each other, and identify new approaches for working and solving problems? a) Self-directed work teams b) Informal learning c) Self-directed learning d) Communities of practice

d) Communities of practice

What is the concept that looks at the process of creating, sharing, diffusing, and applying knowledge in organizations? a) Traditional ecological knowledge b) Knowledge management c) Intellectual capital d) Organizational learning

d) Organizational learning

Which of the following is NOT a barrier to the transfer of training? a) Reward systems don't support new skills. b) Old habits could not be changed. c) Did not see a need to apply what was learned. d) Skills are not inappropriate in our work unit.

d) Skills are not inappropriate in our work unit.

In a needs analysis, there are three levels including an organizational analysis, and a person analysis. What is the third level of analysis a) Divisional analysis b) Unit analysis c) Trend analysis d) Task analysis

d) Task analysis

Which of the following is NOT a typical level associated with organizational learning? a) Organizational level b) Individual level c) Group level d) Team level

d) Team level

a) The transfer of knowledge and skills across different settings or contexts at the same level. b) The extent to which trainees can apply what was learned in training to situations that are very similar to those in which they were trained. c) Transfer from the individual or trainee level to the organizational level or the extent to which changes in trainee behaviour or performance transfer to organizational level outcomes. d) The extent to which trainees can apply what was learned in training to novel or different situations from those in which they were trained

d) The extent to which trainees can apply what was learned in training to novel or different situations from those in which they were trained

In Baldwin and Ford's model of the Transfer of the Training Process, which of the following is NOT a training input? a) Trainee Characteristics b) Training Design c) Work Environment d) Trainee Knowledge

d) Trainee Knowledge

Although the Conference Board of Canada found that one in five organizations invest more than 3% of payroll in training, many organizations do not consider training to be a high priority. Why are organizations not investing in training? a) Training is linked to an organization's success b) Organizations view training as an investment rather than a cost c) Canadians do not care about how competitive they are d) Training is first to go when there are cuts to discretionary spending

d) Training is first to go when there are cuts to discretionary spending

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