Transfusion Services- BBank - Quiz -2

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Which of the following statements is true regarding IgG-sensitized red cells?

(b or d).They must be used to confirm a negative antiglobulin tube test.

If anti-M was reacted with red cells that are M+N+, how would they compare with red cells that are M+N-?

(d. or c)Weaker

In a family study, all four siblings in the family had a different blood type: A, B, O, and AB. What is the most likely genotypes of the parents?

a. AO and BO

In the solid-phase red cell adherence test, how does a negative test appear?

a.A button of cells on the bottom of the well

What is the approximate probability of finding a compatible unit of blood for a D-positive patient with antibodies to C, E, and K, if the frequency of C is 70%, E is 30%, and K is 10%?

c.2 out of 10 units

What is an advantage of Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) for viral marker testing?

c.A small amount of DNA or RNA can be detected

Which of the following statements is true regarding high-protein anti-D reagents?

d.All of the above are true.

Select the test that uses IgG-sensitized red cells (check cells).

d.Antiglobulin test

Select the antiglobulin test that best fits the descriptions below. A selection may be used more than once. Incubation step is not necessary Requires washing the cells several times before the addition of antihuman globulin reagent Tests for certain clinical conditions such as hemolytic disease of the newborn and autoimmune hemolytic anemia Detects IgG or complement-coated red cells

Direct antiglobulin test Both the direct and indirect antiglobulin test Direct antiglobulin test Both the direct and indirect antiglobulin test

Parents, who both phenotype as group A, cannot have a group O child.


Match the terms below with the definition that best fits. When two genes are close together on the same chromosome and are inherited as a "group" or "bundle" A gene that does not express a detectable product Equal expression of two different inherited genes as in most blood group systems Having two or more alleles at a given gene locus When a gene product is expressed only when it is inherited by both parents

Haplotypes Amorphic genes Codominant genes Polymorphic Recessive

Match the term with the definition that best fits. The binding of two complementary pairs of DNA Marks the sequence to be amplified during PCR Amplified target sequences of DNA produced by polymerase chain reaction Short segment of DNA with a known sequence that can be labeled with a marker Technique used to replicate a specific DNA sequences

Hybridization Primer Amplicon DNA sequence Probe Polymerase chain reaction

Select the reagent from the list below and match it to the routine blood banking procedure. Reagent derived from plants used to distinguish group A1 from group A2 red cells Reagent used to determine the ABO antigenic composition of a patient's red cells Reagent used to detect the presence of red cell antibodies Reagent used to identify the specificity of a red cell antibody Reagent used in the identification of ABO antibodies

Lectins ABO antisera Screening cells Panel cells A1 and B cells

What method displays a positive reaction as a compact red cell button?

a. Microtiter plate

In the PCR reaction, what is the term for the short pieces of single-stranded DNA that are complementary and mark the sequence to be amplified?

a. Primers

In relationship testing, a "direct exclusion" is established when a genetic marker is:

a. present in the child but absent in both the mother and alleged father.

In a random population, 16% of the population is homozygous for a particular trait. What percentage of the same population is heterozygous for that particular trait?


Select the method that uses a dextran-acrylamide matrix.

a.Gel technology

If two traits occur higher in a population together than each occurs separately, they may be linked. What does this fact suggest?

a.The genes are close together on the same chromosome.

A father carries the Xga blood group trait and passes it on to all of his daughters but to none of his sons. What type of inheritance pattern does this demonstrate?

a.X-linked dominant

The linked HLA genes on each chromosome are inherited as a:


In relationship testing, a "direct exclusion" is established when a genetic marker is:

a.present in the child but absent in both the mother and alleged father.

Following centrifugation of the gel card, red cells are evenly dispersed throughout one of the microtubes. This reaction could be graded as a:


What specificities does polyspecific antihuman globulin contain?

b.Anti-IgG and anti-C3d.

How are most blood group systems inherited?

b.Autosomal codominant

Of the following markers used to test for paternity, which marker provides the most useful statistical value?

b.Human leukocyte antigen typing

What immunoglobulin class reacts best by antiglobulin testing?


Why is polyethylene glycol reagent added to the screen or panel?

b.Increase the avidity of IgG antibodies.

Which red cells are used to screen for antibodies in donor samples?

b.Pooled screening cells

How would you interpret the results if both the anti-D reagent and the Rh control were 2+ agglutination reactions?

b.Unable to determine without further testing

Reagent antibodies prepared from human sources are:

b.polyclonal in specificity.

Solid-phase red cell adherence used for antibody detection has an advantage over tube testing because:

b.the endpoint is more clearly defined.

Mitosis results in ______________________ chromosomes as the original.

b.two cells with the same number of

Which of the following is not an advantage of using a monoclonal antibody over a polyclonal antibody?

c.All variations of the antigen can be detected.

Which of the following red cell antigens do proteolytic enzymes destroy?

c.Antigens Fya and Fyb in the Duffy system

What is the purpose of adding antibody-sensitized red cells following the antiglobulin test?

c.Check that the wash procedure was sufficient to remove unbound antibodies

Rouleaux is a false-positive reaction caused by elevated serum protein levels. Which of the following tests would not likely be affected by an elevated protein level?

c.Direct antiglobulin test

The children of a group AB mother and a group B father could phenotype as all of the following except:


When an individual is group A, which of the following genetic terms applies?


Where are product limitations and technical considerations for each reagent located?

c.Product insert

Monoclonal antibodies are prepared in:


Why is incubation omitted in the direct antihuman globulin test?

d. The antigen-antibody complex has already formed in vivo.

What temperature is used for incubation in the indirect antihuman globulin test?

d.37° C

What is the meaning of the term autosomal?

d.A trait that is not carried on the sex chromosomes

Which of the following clinical applications applies to molecular testing for blood group antigens?

d.All of the above

Which of the following items provides evidence for reagent red cell deterioration?

d.All of the above

How is RNA different from DNA?

d.All of the above are true.

When using the Hardy-Weinberg equation to calculate genetic frequencies, which of the following must be TRUE?

d.All of the above are true.

When does crossing over occur?


What reagent contains antibodies to multiple antigenic epitopes?


The antiglobulin test was performed using gel technology. A button of cells was observed at the bottom of the microtube following centrifugation. How do you interpret this result?

d.The result is a negative reaction.

If anti-M was reacted with red cells that are M+N+, how would they compare with red cells that are M+N-?


A person whose red cells type as M+N+ with antisera would be:

d.a heterozygote.

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