Transtheoretical model (TTM)

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To change a behavior using this model you have to..

Assess what Stage person is at Try to move from one stage to another with Processes of Change Focus on Decisional Balance & Self-efficacy

Helping relationship

Seeking and using social support for the healthy behavior change

Contemplation to preparation includes this factor

Self re-evaluation

____________ model was the original stage theory in health promotion

Transtheoretical model

Self liberation

Belief that one can change, making a firm commitment to change

Stage theories

Change occurs as a result of individuals passing through sequential stages that work toward adoption or elimination of health behavior. Interventions should be matched to individual's specific stage of change to maximize likelihood of person moving to next stage

Stage 5: Maintenance

Changed behavior for more than 6 months, now focused on keeping that behavior change Still working to prevent relapse, but less tempted than previous stages

What are the 10 processes of change

1. Consciousness Raising 2. Dramatic Relief 3.Environmental Re-Evaluation 4. Self Re-Evaluation 5. Self Liberation 6. Helping Relationship 7. Counter Conditioning 8. Reinforcement Management 9. Stimulus Control 10. Social Liberation

Pre contemplation to contemplation includes these 4 things..

1. Consciousness raising 2. Environmental re-evaluation 3. Dramatic relief 4. Social liberation

What are the 6 stages of the transtheoretical model

1. Pre contemplation 2. Contemplation 3. Preparation 4. Action 5. Maintenance 6. Termination

Stage 6: Termination

Completed the process of behavior change No temptation to relapse and 100% confidence A person in this stage acts as if the health risk never existed

Transtheoretical model

Describes phases that people go through and mechanisms that people use when they adopt/modify/eliminate health behaviors

Reinforcement management

Increasing rewards for positive behavior change, decreasing rewards of unhealthy behavior

Dramatic relief

Initially produces increased emotional experiences followed by relief if appropriate action is taken Ex. Personal testimonies, media campaigns

Consciousness raising

Involves increased awareness about causes, consequences, and cures for a particular health behavior

Movement through the stages is more like a spiral, it is not considered ____________


Movement through the stages is more like a spiral, it is not considered ____________

Linear. Paths can vary you can relapse to previous stage or go through all stages multiple times

What are the weaknesses of the transtheoretical model

Researchers have questioned validity of staging individuals on arbitrarily defined cut off points Puts all responsibility on the individual (victim blaming) Not applicable to all behaviors People can move through the stages in a matter of minutes

Stage 1: Precontemplation

No intention to take action within the next 6 months May be unaware of the problem Uninterested in the problem and consequences of continuing the behavior Tried to make a change but have become demoralized about ability to change

Stage 3: Preparation

People intend to take action in immediate future (within the next 30 days) People get ready to achieve their goals May have taken steps to work toward goal People in this stage create a personal plan of action

Stage 2: Contemplation

Person intends to take action within the next 6 months Person is weighing pros and cons of changing behavior Usually not ready to make a change: behavioral procrastination

Movement through the stages of this model is hypothesized to be caused by ______ ___ ________

Process of change (POC)

Self re-evaluation

Realizing that behavior change is an important part of one's identity as a person Ex. Being a healthy role model

Social liberation

Realizing that social norms are changing in the direction of supporting the healthy behavior change

Stage 4: Action

Recently taken action towards change or made specific modification in their lifestyle (for less than 6 months) Only actions that are known to prevent or reduce risks for health issue mark progress

Decisional balance

Weighing pros and cons

Counter conditioning

When a person substitutes a negative behavior with a positive one

Environmental re-evaluation

When a person thinks about how something they do affects others in their social environment

Preparation to action includes these 3 things..

1. Self liberation 2. Helping relationships 3. Counter conditioning

Stimulus control

Removing cues to engage in unhealthy behavior and adding reminders to engage in the healthy behavior

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