Travel and Tourism Questions

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Discuss why tourists choose to visit destinations in LEDCs. 9

- Somewhere new to go that few visitors have been to. - Areas are relatively unspoilt and do not suffer from mass tourism. - often cheaper cost - suitable for niche tourism types such as dark tourism/health tourism/adventure tourism. - As flights increase more and more of these countries are becoming accessible.

Describe three likely problems for tourism providers caused by the use of social media.

1. The social media platform gives information about what to expect (1) so unfavourable comparisons are sometimes made (1) 2. Previous visitors may post bad/unfavourable photographs (1) which others can see which can be out of context/out of date/give a bad impression (1) 3. It allows comments and grading from tourists (1) bad reviews may put other visitors off booking (1) 4. Some visitors may leave questions or complaints (1) others see this and trade may suffer (1)

Explain the importance of air travel for a business tourist

Air travel is useful for business tourists because: it is fast/travel from city to city - major trade destinations/business facilities and lounges are found in airports/it is relatively cheap/business flights have special facilities for business people and depart at the most convenient times of day/tickets can be booked quickly and easil

Assess how UNWTO contributes to the sustainable development of 9 tourism.

Answers may include comments about the aims of the UNWTO: It aims to reduce poverty and fosters sustainable development. It encourages the implementation of the Global Code of ethics which tries to make sure that the social, economic, cultural and environmental impacts are positive. Social and environmental impacts have to be minimised.

Indicative ans Discuss the advantages to international leisure travellers of making their holiday arrangements in person at a local travel agency.

Being local it will be both convenient and accessible as travel agencies tend to occupy prominent sites in key shopping areas. They provide customers with brochures and additional travel information as well as all appropriate help and advice. Customers value this face to face contact as it allows them to ask questions and get instant clarification. However, the key advantage for most customers is the fact that a range of ancillary services (car hire, insurance etc) can be purchased at the time of booking. The convenience of the agency acting as a 'one stop shop' for travel requirements is the most significant advantage.

Discuss the benefits of air and sea transport to international travellers

Benefits Speed of travel - air is faster for long distances. Sea transport is restful but you can suffer in rough seas. People can take more luggage with them on a sea voyage. Cost of travelling is important - shorter distance can be cheap with budget airlines. Business travellers would get to their meetings faster. Planes will go straight to the city whereas ships require ports. Hotels for meetings are usually located close to airports. There will be more frequent flights for business travellers. It will be easy to work on flights. Sea transport is more leisurely and is suited to leisure travellers and those seeking a holiday such as cruise passengers. Accommodation is provided on board and is often all inclusive.

Discuss how traditions and customs might encourage the growth of 9 cultural tourism.

Cultural tourism refers to visits taken to heritage and historical sites often to cities such as Rome, Beijing and Bangkok. Visiting sites to see people taking part in activities such as following local traditions and customs is just as relevant to cultural tourism as seeing sites such as temples and ancient historical remains. These experiences are intangible. Cultural events are important to sustain destinations - they encourage visitors to come and spend their time and money in these places. This in turn will support jobs and will help develop infrastructure which benefits all. In addition information is transferred between people and encourages greater understanding

1(c) Explain two advantages for destinations of virtual tours. 6

Destinations may have virtual tours available on the website which allows them to show what there is and the routes around the attraction this helps them to manage their visitors by directing them to specific places and keeping them away from others. Virtual tours can be used to show under threat environments which will help them keep visitors away so that conservation work may be done.!A virtual tour allows the organisation to show what is there and this will allow them to encourage visitors which will help their business.

Analyse the impacts of good customer service on travel and tourism organisations. 6

Good customer service will encourage investment in the staff and this will produce a happy and efficient workforce. Staff know what has to be done and will make a contribution towards the effective running of the organisation which will improve its reputation and this will lead to customer loyalty and repeat business - if customer needs are met then their customers will return. Good customer service generally means that the organisation will be successful, more revenue will be generated and more staff employed. Profits may increase.

Suggest three types of accommodation that would be suitable for a national park. For each justify why.

Hostels/camp sites with storage facilities (1) as most visitors may be doing outdoor activities and will need somewhere for outdoor gear to dry/be stored. (1) Guest houses in small villages (1) where tourists can get cheap accommodation with minimum impact on the environment (1) Adventure centres (1) where tutors/guides are available/equipment can be hired (1) Youth hostels which are cheap accommodation types (1) for younger visitors who have a small budget. (1)

Discuss the social factors which have encouraged the growth of the type of tourism

Increase in paid holidays - giving people both the time and the money to be able to take up this activity. People are more adventurous now/changing trends in holidays and are more confident about travelling/doing more whilst on holiday. People are living longer - they have access to health care and are retiring at an early age which allows them to do be more active in their leisure time. People can also access education at a variety of ages and can learn new skills.

4(a) Explain two reasons why tourism is important to the Maldives.

It generates foreign exchange earnings which will provide money for new developments on the islands. It is a major employer in the tertiary sector many people rely on tourism for their livelihoods. It is a focus for maintaining/protecting the environment and preserving local cultures

Assess the role of mobile technology in the travel and tourism industry.

Mobile devices now have GPS navigation, web browsers, instant messaging and a multitude of apps. Many experts believe that the future of computer technology rests in mobile computing with wireless networking/4G/5G. Mobile computing by way of tablet computers is becoming more popular. All this allows tourists to access websites wherever they are so they can book tickets and obtain information. It gives them instant access to the websites which will help formulate where they go and how they go. Businesses can have instant communication with potential users and this helps their marketing and profitability.

Explain two ways the problem of perishability may be managed by travel and tourism organisations. 6

Offering cheaper tickets (1) for a particular event or journey when it won't be busy (1) this will encourage other users and help to make sure all tickets are sold (1). Use computer booking systems (1) so that the demand is known in advance (1) this allows marketing to take place if there aren't enough sales (1) Offering flexibility on tickets (1) for example, tickets valid on weekdays or at weekends (1) pre-paid travel card (1) Standby tickets (1) offer last minute tickets (1) to fill seats at the last minute

Discuss how the management of a TIC can assess the quality of customer service.

Performance management Appraisal Setting both organisation and individual customer service standards. Candidates should outline how all these can help in the assessment of customer service. Other methods of assessment such as Mystery Shoppers, comment cards, survey methods, questionnaires, interviews, focus groups etc

Explain three ways the problem of intangibility can be managed by providers of this type of tourism.

Photographs can be taken so that tourists will be able to see what type of activities they can do. Tourists could have a video recording to watch in which they would see the activity or sport Virtual tours can be placed on provider's websites/posted on social media so that there will a public record of the activity being done. Providers can offer discounts in an effort to get more people involved so more will know about it

1(d) Assess how the needs of the internal customers in a TIC can be met.

Providing a safe working environment Giving appropriate training Ensuring that all staff are aware of the procedures, routines and performance standards. Ensuring staff strive for job satisfaction Providing rewards and incentives Gaining respect from colleagues and managers.

Explain three ways that the type of tourism shown can encourage infrastructure development and improvement.

Roads would have to be built going to more inaccessible regions so that tourists can get to the regions where the adventure activity takes place. New airports may be built in some places where none existed as more remote places are popular for adventure tourism. If tourists are doing risky activities then health care provision/hospitals will be required as accidents will be more likely. More accommodation will be needed and this will mean that power supplies and water supplies will have to be improved to cope with the additional demand

Compare sustainable and responsible tourism. Give examples to support your answer. 6

Sustainable means taking into account both present and future impacts - social/economic/environmental. Looks at the needs of locals and visitors, the industry and the environment. Responsible tourism aims to create better places for people to live in and to visit. The major difference is that with responsible tourism individuals, organisations and businesses are asked to take responsibility for their actions and the impacts of their actions. Sustainable tourism is tourism that aims to have a low impact on the environment and local culture while helping to generate future employment for local people. Both are concerned with the protection of the environment and the benefits to the local community.

Explain three ways natural areas, such as those shown in Fig. 2.1, could encourage sustainable tourism.

Sustainable practices to conserve the environment and local communities should be put in place (1) such as paths/walkways to avoid areas where animals are nesting/to keep foot traffic away from places in danger of erosion (1) Local/sustainable materials should be used in building any tourist facilities (1) so that everything is in keeping with the local environment/the development blends in with surroundings (1) Materials used should be recycled (1) so impacts of rubbish are minimised/less rubbish is generated for landfill sites (1) Recycling facilities/bins provided around the site (1) rubbish would be recycled rather than going to landfill (1) Signposts (1) to encourage tourists in the behaviour that is wanted so as to minimise disruption in the area (1)

Describe two customer service standards a car ferry company might 4 set to ensure the quality of its customer service.

The car ferry company could establish timings for certain activities (1) for example ensuring that when serving meals another checkout could be opened if there were more than a certain number of people in the queue.(1) They could ensure that the toilets are cleaned on a schedule (1) for examples every 30 minutes or more often if the crossing is rough (1). All boarding must be completed 30 minutes before departure (1) to ensure the ferry sails on time (1) Assistance for boarding (1) parking cars in the correct spaces safely (1)

With reference to one travel and tourism organisation, evaluate the ways in which it attempts to meet the needs of its internal customers. Indicative answer

The company attempts to ensure that its salaries and benefits are competitive and that they attract the top talent needed to deliver the service that exceeds guests' expectations. There are many benefits available to every employee at Jumeirah and this allows the company to meet a variety of internal customer needs. A competitive base salary (tax free in the UAE) is benchmarked against relevant markets to provide economic security for workers. Employee health needs are provided through medical insurance. Discounted accommodation, food and beverages are provided worldwide and employees are allowed to have flexible working hours to help them manage domestic arrangements. Social activities help to ensure that staff work in a fun environment. The organisation offers a variety of professional development opportunities and extensive learning opportunities are provided for everyone to learn and grow. Short and long term incentives mean that staff turnover is reduced and that employees feel a valued part of the organisation.

Discuss how responsible tourism might lead to the preservation of 6 culture.

Tourism can lead to the preservation of culture in a number of ways - people will buy locally made craft items as souvenirs and this may maintain the way of making such items. Tourists will pay to visit traditional industries for example sugar production in Mauritius/salt mines etc. and this will help to maintain the traditional industries. They will also come to places to see festivals and exhibitions again ways in which the culture can be maintained in an area. Responsible tourism means that these methods will help make the place better for the local people to live in and this in turn may make the tourism experience better for the visitors.

Explain two uses of social media for tourists.

Tourists can view films about places to be visited (1) and gain prior knowledge (1) Tourists can read comments about places and hotels by other tourists (1) so they can make a decision about which hotel to choose (1) Tourists can see comments about experiences (1) which may affect choices/can ask the authors questions about their comments (1)

Explain three likely impacts of poor customer service from the TIC on a destination.

Visitors may get a poor impression (1) and then numbers may reduce because it will not provide a good experience (1) Visitors may not receive all the information available about a place (1) they will therefore not visit attractions as they have not been informed properly(1) If the TIC provides poor customer service tourists will stop using the TIC (1) the TIC is then likely to close/employees may become concerned about their jobs/skilled employees may move out of the area/the destination may become less known as people will stop visiting (1)

Define the term 'outbound' tourist.

outbound tourist is a native of a country leaving it to visit another country (1)

two examples of perishable travel and tourism products.

tickets for travel (1) hotel/theatre/restaurant bookings (1) tickets for events (1)

Suggest four possible risks for the street vendors

• Burn themselves • Can be affected by the weather • Could be robbed • Have food stolen • Food could get contaminated and then could be closed

Assess the impact that online reservations have had on traditional travel agencies.

• Customers can book directly with the tour operator online and this will have a bad impact on them as they will lose business. In response travel agencies have developed their own websites so their customers can reach them easily. • Email is a fast, effective means of communication and costs can be reduced for mail and tickets as they can be sent directly to the customer. • Online reservations are available 24 hrs a day and it is easy for customers to compare with similar organisations to get the best value. • It can be an additional marketing tool for the agency as customers can be contacted easily. • Allows discounts to be offered as costs are cheaper. • Less need for offices and large numbers of staff. • Allows for database creation and so customers can be easily contacted to sell them other products. • Organisations can be more competitive and costs will be reduced. • Can contact a worldwide audience and aren't restricted to a geographical area.

State three reasons that may explain why increasing numbers of 3 tourists from China now visit foreign countries.

• Easier to obtain visas. (1) • More holidays for workers. (1) • More money to use for travel. (1) • Better access to transport and any other relevant points. (1) • Business purposes (1) • VFR (1)

Evaluate the effectiveness of the street vendors shown in Fig. 3.1 in meeting customer demands.

• Food outlets should meet the needs of customers e.g. accessibility/language used/health & safety e.g. ingredients mentioned/allergies noted etc. • Staff should be able to offer advice to the customer. • Staff should be willing to assist customers and should also deal with complaints efficiently. • They provide fast food - instantly in many cases. People can see what they are getting. • The costs of such food are cheaper as they have little costs in the way of over heads. • They will have to meet certain standards in many cases so customers will be reassured.

Describe three consular services available to tourists from China when 6 visiting foreign countries.

• Legal assistance (1) could be given to a Chinese national if they have got into any trouble (1) • Help if their passport is lost (1) they can issue temporary travel documents so that they can get home. (1) • Repatriation (1) they can help you get home (1) • Death (1) help to bring body back to home country (1) • Insurance issues with health care (1) help to bring people home in quarantine/special ambulance flights

Explain three environmental reasons why large ships no longer visit Antarctica.

• Numbers of visitors are limited (1) and this will make these trips expensive and numbers of tourists may decline so smaller ships will be sent (1). • Size of ships can damage the environment (1) so large ships are now restricted - small ships are less damaging but cannot carry as many people (1). • Large ships carry more fuel etc. fuel spillages can cause environmental problems (1) and the potential harm is greater from large ships so smaller ships are now sent (1). • Propeller noise/damage from collisions with ice or rocky out crops is worse on large ships (1) so to reduce noise pollution and damage they are no longer sent (1). • Environment not suitable for large ships (icebergs etc.) (1) difficult to manoeuvre (1). • Noise from engines and people on the ships (1) will disturb the breeding animals and birds (1).

Independent tourism

• Occurs when tourists book their own travel and accommodation packages without any reference to travel agencies for example booking a flight and hotel for a city break via internet sites. • Tourists book own hotel and attraction tickets before they travel as they will not have a representative to help them. Booking directly with the hotel and attraction

Domestic tourism

• Refers to travel in the home country this is people who are visiting places within the country and are not travelling abroad.

Explain three ways natural disasters could cause problems for the tourist industry on the tropical islands

• Rising sea levels could cause flooding so resort areas may be under water and tourists won't be able to visit • High temperatures can kill vegetation so losing the appeal of visiting a beautiful island • No shade may be too hot for tourists as parts become scorched (1) so less tourists will come due to an increased risk of skin cancer (1). • Storms and high tides can wash away beaches (1) so tourists will no longer want to visit them (1). • It could allow the spread of disease as mosquitoes and other insects may thrive (1) i would avoid these areas as they wouldn't want to become ill/insects are an annoyance (1). • Heat can cause wild fires (1) so resort areas could be under threat/destroyed by fire (1). • Drought can cause lack of water (1) and if reserves are given to tourists then it can cause resentment meaning it is less appealing to tourists as they feel threatened (1).

3(b) Explain three likely impacts of good customer service for a food outlet.

• Staff will be happy (1) and this may encourage repeat business (1). • Repeat customers (1) will mean that the income will not decline (1). • Jobs will not be put at risk (1) and this results in low staff turnover (1). • There will be a good reputation (1) which will increase business (1).

Identify four characteristics of the tropical islands shown in Fig. 2.1 that would appeal to tourists.

• Sunny, warm weather • Clean, sandy beaches • Not many tourists about • Clear water for swimming in • Luxury accommodation built from local materials

Explain two reasons why ecotourists may wish to visit Antarctica.

• The Antarctic is an undisturbed environment which is used for research (1) very few people will be there (1) ecotourists will be interested in seeing these kinds of undisturbed environments (1). • Habitats and ecosystems which may be visited are different and rare (1) so ecotourists will be able to learn (1) and may help protect these environments (1). • All tourism to the Antarctic could be considered to be ecotourism (1) as there are such strict guidelines for any visitors (1) so the tourists may not consider themselves an ecotourist, but by visiting the Antarctic, they become one (1). Servings were i

1(b) Explain three ways a travel agency can meet the needs of families.

• Travel agencies can search through a large number of tour operators quickly and they will have expert knowledge of good destinations. • Travel agencies can provide discounts for families and therefore the holiday will be cheaper. • Travel agency staff can advise on the best destinations and will be able to sort out good accommodation for families • It will be quicker to go to the travel agents as they will be able to do everything for family and you will be able to book insurance and excursion tickets or car hire with them

3(c) Explain three ways food outlets get customer feedback.

• Use of social media sites (1) which will allow instant feedback and response as customers can post comments instantly and add reviews of the outlet (1). • Suggestion boxes (1) which would be cheap and easy as customers would write a comment and post it in the box at the outlet (1). • Surveys (1) are possible if a brief question page is given or questions are asked (1). • Informal chats (1) with customers will allow staff to ask direct questions and gain instant responses (1).

State three ancillary services that might be provided within an international airport and explain why each might be used by an inbound tourist.

• car hire (1) - so that can self-drive to various locations as required (1) • currency exchange (1) - so that they have cash to spend in destination (1) • tourist information (1) - so that they can obtain map/directions/travel advice (1) • hotel reservations (1) - no accommodation booked prior to departure

Discuss the advantages to international leisure travellers of making their holiday arrangements in person at a local travel agency.

• easily accessible locations (work or home) • convenience (one stop shop) of booking and purchasing ancillary services • security/peace of mind from having face to face contact and questions answered in person • help, advice, information readily available • cost savings from 'special offers' and similar.

Explain three ways in which a travel and tourism organisation might attempt to overcome the problem of seasonality.

• holding new events outside peak times such as Valentine's Day, Halloween, etc. (1) to help extend the season (1) • special off-peak discounts (1) such as 'Buy One Get One Free' to encourage extra visits (1) • use as business venue (1) hire of facilities to groups such as meetings, weddings (1) • open new facilities (1) such as spa and gym which can be used all year (1).

Explain two reasons why working as part of an effective team is important for employees of a travel agency

• it shows how efficient the agency can be and more customers will come resulting in bonuses for the staff • Efficient teams will bring in business this will give the agency a competitive edge and will help ensure its survival • Efficient team members provide good customer service and this will ensure repeat business and happy customers will spread news about the agency and its customer base will grow

Identify three characteristics of these budget airlines and explain how each characteristic makes the airline popular with customers.

• low cost (1) - cheap and affordable (1) • frequency (1) - increased choice of times (1) • convenience (1) - regional departures (1) • access (1) - range of destinations served (1) • 'no frills' (1) - not paying for services that are not required (1).

With reference to one travel and tourism organisation, evaluate the ways in which it attempts to meet the needs of its internal customers.

• safe working conditions • training opportunities • procedure knowledge • job satisfaction • incentives and rewards • respect and fair treatment.

Explain three likely advantages to visitors of using online sources of information prior to their arrival in a country.

• speed and convenience of getting current information (1) - use of cell phone to access • content of posts can be based on first person accounts (1) - so the logistics of travelling to a particular destination are recorded through the eyes of experienced travellers (1) • social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Podcasts create trends (1) - thus a source of inspiration (1) • key benefit to users is the ability to actually witness personal experiences through photos, reading stories, watching videos, listening to podcasts (1) - provide tips and advice from other travellers who have already been there and done particular activities that are of interest to the individual (1).

Assess the possible reasons for the popularity of European destinations with tourists from China.

• travel for business purposes • looking at cultural attractions and other famous sites • studying abroad • people are able to travel abroad more easily now • shopping.

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