Treasures of the Earth: Power Video Questions // Physics Honors

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29. ____. Why was the discovery of plastics revolutionary?

Manufacturing was not limited to products found in nature

38. ____. What carries electrons in a photovoltaic cell?

Metal wires

31. ____. What is the cheapest and cleanest fossil fuel?

Natural gas

45. ____. What device revealed the particles emitted by uranium ore, making them visible as white, fizzing trails?


5. ____. What could be wrapped around the earth almost four times?

New York's underground electrical cables

42. ____. Which energy source does not contribute carbon to the atmosphere?

Nuclear energy

22. ____. Today, what powers our planes, trains, and (of course) automobiles?


30. ____. According to the video, what is the term for long chains of carbon atoms?


33. ____. Which reaction in the sun forces hydrogen atoms together?


26. ____. What did the NASA map show?

Temperatures rising over the last century

7. ____. Supplying electricity comes down to a relatively simple machine, first invented in the 1880's and called a....


43. ____. What ancient source of energy drives most nuclear plants?


15. ____. According to Andrea Sella, when a lump of coal is burned it releases massive amounts of energy in the form of

both heat and light

19. ____. The energy stored inside of coal's complex chemical structure is the form of...

chemical energy

23. ____. One hundred pounds of coal would get you as far as one ____ of refined gasoline.


11. ____. The steam that runs the turbine must be fueled by..

the turbine can use steam from any of these fuels

39. ____. The main goal of Trina Solar Company is to reduce the cost of solar power making it competitive with

traditional sources of fuel such as fossil fuels

4. ____. On hot summer days in NYC, Consolidated Edison needs to supply how may watts during peak hours?

1 Million W

3. ____. Which appliance is "one of the hungriest of all"?

Air conditioner

13. ____. Which type of coal was prized above all?


18. ____. What bonds atoms together?


34. ____. The earth receives 100,000 Terawatts (TW) of energy from the sun. Our civilization's total demand is..

17 TW

6. ____. The Ravenswood Generating Station, known as Big Allis, puts out 22% of NYC's total power which is about ...

2,300 Mega Watts; 2,300,000 kilo Watts; 2,300,000,000 Watts

41. ____. According to the video, Zhanbei Battery Storage Project has how much power storage capacity?

20 Megawatts

47. ____. One pound of enriched uranium has more power than ____ of coal.

3 million pounds

32. ____. Natural gas puts ________ percent less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere then coal.


27. ____. Fossil fuels still supply over _______ percent of the world's total energy.


9. ____.What does the turbine shaft turn?

A generator

44. ____. At earth's formation, uranium atoms sank deep into the crust and mantle. According to Taylor Wilson, how was uranium unearthed and brought to the earth's surface?

A super volcano

37. ____. According to the video, what is the main challenge with solar energy?

Bringing down cost

40. ____. What is Hanmin Liu in charge of?

Building the world's largest rechargeable battery

17. ____. According to the video, what is a fast and familiar way to release the energy in atomic bonds? A) Burning B)


14. ____. Anthracite coal can be up to 90% ....


25. ____. According to Andrea Sella, what is the downside of our energy use?

Carbon dioxide

46. ____. What particle is smashed into an unstable uranium atom, triggering a chain reaction in a nuclear power plant?

Cloud chamber

36. ____. Which type of substance allows electrons to move when light is shining on it?


35. ____. What substance in sand has changed all of our lives?


8. ____.What turns the fan blades of the turbine?


2. ____. What is the name of the network of cables, transformers, and power stations that deliver the New York City's electricity?

The Grid

48. ____. According to the video, nuclear power has...

a big image problem

24. ____. When Jan Gillespie is hunting for oil she looks for clues such as naturally occurring...


10. ____.A generator is a series of magnetics, which when it rotates generates a flow of...


21. ____. Pre-urban lives were "nasty, brutish, and short" according to Thomas Hobbes because the principle source of energy was ...

human power

16. ____. Carbon atoms form long chains and rings bound to other elements like hydrogen. These are called...


1. ____. According to the video, some of our most important resources are forged...

inside our planet

20. ____. The increase of carbon in our atmosphere began in the ...

mid 1700s

12. ____.Big Allis's boiler consumes 9 million cu ft of _______ every hour.

natural gas

28. ____. What is another illustration of just how versatile carbon is?


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