U. S. Presidents (In Order)

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Who was the sixteenth [16th] President of the United States?

Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth [16th] President of the United States?

Who was the seventeenth [17th] President of the United States?

Andrew Johnson was the seventeenth [17th] President of the United States?

Who was the twenty-eighth [28th] President of the United States?

Woodrow Wilson was the twenty-eighth [28th] President of the United States?

Who was the sixth [6th] President of the United States?

John Quincy Adams was the sixth [6th] President of the United States?

Who was the nineteenth [19th] President of the United States?

Rutherford B. Hayes was the nineteenth [19th] President of the United States?

Who was the thirtieth [30th] President of the United States?

Calvin Coolidge was the thirtieth [30th] President of the United States?

Who was the first [1st] President of the United States?

George Washington was the first [1st] President of the United States.

Who was the twenty-sixth [26th] President of the United States?

Theodore Roosevelt was the twenty-sixth [26th] President of the United States?

Who was the seventh [7th] President of the United States?

Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson was the seventh [7th] President of the United States?

Who is the forty-fourth [44th] President of the United States?

Barack Obama is the forty-fourth [44th] President of the United States.

Who was the twenty-ninth [29th] President of the United States?

Warren G. Harding was the twenty-ninth [29th] President of the United States?

Who was the thirty-fourth [34th] President of the United States?

Dwight D. Eisenhower was the thirty-fourth [34th] President of the United States

Who was the twentieth [20th] President of the United States?

James A. Garfield was the twentieth [20th] President of the United States?

Who was the eleventh [11th] President of the United States?

James K. [Knox] Polk was the eleventh [11th] President of the United States?

Who was the fourth [4th] President of the United States?

James Madison was the fourth [4th] President of the United States?

Who was the fifth [5th] President of the United States?

James Monroe was the fifth [5th] President of the United States?

Who was the thirty-ninth [39th] President of the United States?

Jimmy Carter was the thirty-ninth [39th] President of the United States.

Who was the fortieth [40th] President of the United States?

Ronald Reagan was the fortieth [40th] President of the United States.

Who was the forty-third [43rd] President of the United States?

George W. Bush was the forty-third [43rd] President of the United States

Who was the thirty-first [31st] President of the United States?

Herbert Hoover was the thirty-first [31st] President of the United States?

Who was the tenth [10th] President of the United States?

John Tyler was the tenth [10th] President of the United States?

Who was the twenty-third [23rd] President of the United States?

Benjamin Harrison was the twenty-third [23rd] President of the United States?

Who was the forty-second [42nd] President of the United States?

Bill Clinton was the forty-second [42nd] President of the United States.

Who was the twenty-first [21st] President of the United States?

Chester A. Arthur was the twenty-first [21st] President of the United States?

Who was the thirty-second [32nd] President of the United States?

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the thirty-second [32nd] President of the United States?

Who was the fourteenth [14th] President of the United States?

Franklin Pierce was the fourteenth [14th] President of the United States?

Who was the forty-first [41st] President of the United States?

George H. W. Bush was the forty-first [41st] President of the United States.

Who was the thirty-eighth [38th] President of the United States?

Gerald Ford was the thirty-eighth [38th] President of the United States.

Who was the twenty-fourth [24th] President of the United States?

Grover Cleveland was the twenty-fourth [24th] President of the United States?

Who was the twenty-second [22nd] President of the United States?

Grover Cleveland was the twenty-second [22nd] President of the United States?

Who was the thirty-third [33rd] President of the United States?

Harry S. Truman was the thirty-third [33rd] President of the United States.

Who was the fifteenth [15th] President of the United States?

James Buchanan was the fifteenth [15th] President of the United States?

Who was the thirty-fifth [35th] President of the United States?

John F. Kennedy was the thirty-fifth [35th] President of the United States

Who was the thirty-sixth [36th] President of the United States?

Lyndon B. Johnson was the thirty-sixth [36th] President of the United States.

Who was the eighth [8th] President of the United States?

Martin Van Buren was the eighth [8th] President of the United States?

Who was the thirteenth [13th] President of the United States?

Millard Fillmore was the thirteenth [13th] President of the United States?

Who was the thirty-seventh [37th] President of the United States?

Richard M. Nixon was the thirty-seventh [37th] President of the United States.

Who was the third [3rd] President of the United States?

Thomas Jefferson was the third [3rd] President of the United States?

Who was the eighteenth [18th] President of the United States?

Ulysses S. Grant was the eighteenth [18th] President of the United States?

Who was the ninth [9th] President of the United States?

William Henry Harrison was the ninth [9th] President of the United States?

Who was the twenty-seventh [27th] President of the United States?

William Howard Taft was the twenty-seventh [27th] President of the United States?

Who was the twenty-fifth [25th] President of the United States?

William McKinley was the twenty-fifth [25th] President of the United States?

Who was the twelfth [12th] President of the United States?

Zachary Taylor was the twelfth [12th] President of the United States?

Who was the second [2nd] President of the United States?

John Adams was the second [2nd] President of the United States?

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