U22 L1 Dinosaurs 恐龍

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a layer of soot

一層煙灰 a sheet of a black powder composed mainly of carbon, produced when coal, wood, etc. is burned.

Triassic period

三疊紀 三疊紀是2.51億至2.01億年前的一個地質時代,它位於二疊紀和侏羅紀之間,是中生代的第一個紀。三疊紀的開始和結束各以一次滅絕事件為標誌。 The Triassic Period was the first period of the Mesozoic Era and occurred between 251 million and 199 million years ago. It followed the great mass extinction at the end of the Permian Period and was a time when life outside of the oceans began to diversify.


三角龍屬 a large quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur living at the end of the Cretaceous period, having a massive head with two large horns, a smaller horn on the beaked snout, and a bony frill above the neck.

a disproportionately long neck, small skull, and large overall size

不成比例的長脖子、小顱骨與巨大體型 a long neck that is too large or too small in comparison to something else, small the bones of the head, and large overall size.

halted photosynthesis

使光合作用停止 to stop the process by which a plant uses the energy from the light of the sun to produce its own food.

competition from the mammals

來自哺乳動物的競爭 a situation in which mammal is trying to win the other breed of mammal in order to be more successful than otehr else.

smoke from the fires shrouded

來自大火的煙霧壟罩(某物) smoke from the fires covers or surrounds something.

global temperatures


a global phenomenon

全球的現象 prevailing problems of the entire nations of the world.

longer forelimbs than hind limbs

前肢比後肢更長 front limbs of an animal is longer than its two back limbs.


劍龍屬 a small-headed quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic and early Cretaceous periods, with a double row of broad and bright bony plates or spines along the back.

fossil records

化石記錄 the record of the occurrence and evolution of living organisms through geological time as inferred.


古生物學 study of fossils or extinct organisms

varied group of animal

各種不同種類的動物 incorporating a number of different types of animal.

thin layer of clay that contains iridium

含有銥的粘土薄層 thin layer of clay that has a very hard yellowish-white metal


四足的 An animal or machine that usually moves in a quadrupedal manner is known as a quadruped, meaning "four feet"

four-legged body

四足軀體 An body that features and walks on four legs.

dominant through the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods

在侏羅紀與白堊紀占主導地位 having power and influence over others in the period of Jurassic and Cretaceous.

among the last non-avian dinosaurs

在最後的非鳥型恐龍中 among the last dinosaurs which are not birds.

the Gulf of Mexico

墨西哥灣 是北美洲南部大西洋的一海灣,以佛羅里達半島--古巴--猶加敦半島一線與外海分割。 an ocean basin and a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean, largely surrounded by the North American continent.

diverse group of reptiles

多種多樣的爬蟲類 many different group of vertebrate animals of a class that include snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoises. They are distinguished by having a dry scaly skin and typically laying soft-shelled eggs on land.

dust in the atmosphere

大氣中的塵埃 dust in the mixture of gases around the earth.

widespread fires

大火 fires which are existing or happening in many places and/or among many people.

large and powerful hind limbs

大而有力的後肢 the two strong back limbs of an animal.

a defense against predators

對掠食者的防禦 To protect (someone or something) against a physical attack from an animal that naturally preys on others.

the Yucatán Peninsula

尤卡坦半島 位於中美洲北部、墨西哥東南部的半島,墨西哥灣和加勒比海之間,將加勒比海從墨西哥灣中分離出。東靠加勒比海,西臨墨西哥灣、坎佩切灣,東北隔猶加敦海峽與古巴相望,面積達19.76萬平方公里。 In southeastern Mexico, separates the Caribbean Sea from the Gulf of Mexico, with the northern coastline on the Yucatán Channel.

tail tipped with spikes

尾巴帶有尖刺 tail attached to a thin, pointed piece of metal, wood, or another rigid material.

a tail club

尾棒 a bony mass at the end of the tail of some dinosaurs and of some mammals, most notably the an kylosaurids and the glyptodonts, as well as meiolaniid turtles.

massive skull

巨大的頭骨 a big bone framework enclosing the brain of a vertebrate; the skeleton of a person's or animal's head.

Chicxulub crater

希克蘇魯伯隕石坑 是一個位在墨西哥猶加敦半島的撞擊隕石坑,埋藏在地表之下。這個隕石坑的名稱,取自於隕石坑中心附近的城市希克蘇魯伯;希克蘇魯伯在馬雅語意為「惡魔的尾巴」。 an impact hole in the ground buried underneath the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico.

a robust body

強壯的身體 a strong and healthy body.

strong bite force

強大的咬力 the strong forces happening by biting.

evolved from theropods

從獸腳亞目進化而來 獸腳亞目通常歸類於蜥臀目,儘管2017年的論文已將他們作為鳥臀目的最近親屬放置在擬議的鳥腿龍類中。是群雙足恐龍。雖然牠們主要是肉食性動物,但是在白堊紀時期,一部份的獸腳類恐龍演變成為植食性、雜食性、甚至食蟲動物。 to develop gradually from a carnivorous dinosaur of a group whose members were typically bipedal and ranged from small and delicately built to very large.

became the dominant terrestrial vertebrates

成為主要的陸生脊椎動物 to become the most powerful animal possessing a spinal column or vertebra and living predominantly on land.

impact site

撞擊的地點 a place where something is hit.

shocked quartz

撞擊石英 衝擊石英,或稱為撞擊石英、受震石英,是一種微結構和一般石英不同的石英,只在極高壓和有限溫度下形成。 a form of quartz that has a microscopic structure that is different from normal quartz.

armored dinosaurs

有甲的恐龍 甲龍亞目包含了大部分有著骨鱗片形式裝甲的恐龍。 dinosaurs which are covering with hard bony skeleton.

residue of vegetation

植被的殘留物 the plants that is left after the main part has gone or been taken away.

flood damage

水災 physical harm caused by the effects of the overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits.

thermoregulatory functions

溫度調節功能 An ability of a process that allows your body to maintain its core internal temperature.


玻隕石;似曜石 是一類天然形成的玻璃物體,目前一般認為是大型隕石碰撞地表時,地表岩石和隕石被快速加熱融化濺起後,下落並冷卻而形成,但也有少數研究人員認為其是在地外形成後降落到地球的。 gravel-sized bodies composed of black, green, brown, or gray natural glass formed from terrestrial debris ejected during meteorite impacts.

modern feathered dinosaurs (birds)

現代有羽毛的恐龍(鳥) bird is a modern dinosaurs with feather in this generation.


甲龍屬 an armored dinosaur that lived during the late Cretaceous Period.

the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event

白堊紀--第三紀滅絕事件 是地球歷史上的第四次以及最後一次大規模物種滅絕事件、也是最著名的一次滅絕事件,約發生於6550萬年前,中生代白堊紀與新生代第三紀之間,並導致當時地球上的大部分動物與植物消失,包含所有的非鳥類恐龍以外,滄龍科、蛇頸龍目、翼龍目以及多種的植物與無脊椎動物,也都在這次事件中滅絕。 a sudden mass extinction of some three-quarters of the plant and animal species on Earth, approximately 66 million years ago. With the exception of some ectothermic species such as the leatherback sea turtle and crocodiles, no tetrapods weighing more than 25 kilograms survived.

short but unusually powerful forelimbs

短小但異常有力的前肢 short but the strong front limbs of an animal.


腕龍屬 a huge herbivorous dinosaur of the late Jurassic to mid Cretaceous periods, with forelegs much longer than the hind legs.

herbivorous quadrupeds

草食性四足獸 an animal which has four feet, which feed on plants.

a genus of sauropods dinosaur

蜥腳亞目恐龍屬 a group of a subgroup of the saurischian, more closely related than a family

plunge through the atmosphere

衝破大氣 push quickly through the mixture of gases around the earth.

be divided into avian dinosaurs

被分化為鳥型恐龍 be grouped as any of various warm-blooded egg-laying feathered vertebrates.

be covered in armor plates

被盔板覆蓋 something is covered by the metal coverings formerly worn to protect the body in battle.


重矽石;施矽石 又名超石英、重石英,是一種超硬超重的二氧化矽同質多形體。它屬於四方晶系。 an extremely hard, dense tetragonal form (polymorph) of silicon dioxide.

the development of flowering plants that are hard to digest

開花植物的發展難以理解 the process in which flowering plants, which are hard to consume something, grows or changes.

steeply inclined trunks

陡峭的軀幹 the main part of body, sloping at a sharp angle.

bipedal carnivore

雙足的肉食性動物 an animal that gets food from killing and eating other animals, moving by means of its two rear limbs or legs.

both bipedal and quadrupedal

雙足的與四足的皆有 walking on two legs and four-footed, using all four feet for walking and running.

non-avian dinosaurs

非鳥型恐龍 dinosaurs not relating to birds.

destruction of the base of the food chain (plankton in the ocean, plants on land)

食物鏈基礎的破壞(海洋中的浮游生物、陸地上的植物) the act of destroying the base of the food chain such as very small plants and animals that float on the surface of the sea and on which other sea animals feed and plants on land.

bony armor and spines

骨質甲冑與硬棘 external or superficial protection against attack by predators, formed by bone and a series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the small of the back, enclosing the spinal cord and providing support for the thorax and abdomen.

high-pressure shock waves

高壓衝擊波 屬於紊流的一種傳播形式。如同其他通常形式下的波動,震波也可以通過介質傳輸能量。在某些不存在物理介質的特殊情況下,震波可以通過場,如電磁場來傳輸能量。 strong pressure wave in any elastic medium such as air, water, or a solid substance, produced by supersonic aircraft, explosions, lightning, or other phenomena that create violent changes in pressure.

birds have dinosaurs lineage

鳥類有恐龍的血統 birds have close relationship with members of a dinosaurs who are directly related to that birds.

a massive meteorite

龐大的隕石 a big piece of rock or other matter from space that has landed on earth.

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