UHE Ch. 13 The Appearance of Homo sapiens sapiens

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Which of the following time periods corresponds to the Late Paleo-Indian period?

11.5 kya

The oldest H. s. sapiens fossils are found in Africa and date to around

120 kya

The earliest modern humans yet found appear at

160 kya

Which of the following time periods corresponds to the Early Paleo-Indian period?

30 kya

Which of the following time periods corresponds to the Middle Paleo-Indian period?

30 kya

Which of the following is an explanation that has been offered for why art developed?

A. art was copies of nature as seen by local people. B. art was exemplars of magical rites to ensure hunting success. C. art served as learning devices youngsters. D. art may represent local myths.

Which of the following is a conclusion arrived at by Tiskoff regarding the earliest H. sapiens?

A. there was a single ancestral H. sapiens population. B. the ancestral human population lived between 100-70 kya. C. the anestral human population might have been as small as 1000 breeding individuals. D. the earliest H. sapiens migrated out of northeastern Africa. E. all of the above.

modern humans emerged from Africa and interbreed with archaic populations in Europe and Asia.


reef terrace that humans walked onto to collect shellfish.

Abdur Reef Limestone

the longest continuous cultural tradition is found here.


Wood says that the study of modern human evolution is hampered by

B. lack of consensus on a definition of modern humans. C. the origins of modern humans is rarely qualified.

Abstract engravings, a series of Xʼs, appeared on pieces of red ochre found in _______________ _________, South Africa, and dated to 77 kya. However, this is an aberration in time and it is difficult to assess its significance.

Blombos cave

some suggest this is the ancestor of the modern San.

Boskop braincase

The early modern humans are found around 100 kya in South Africa at

C. Border Cave. D. Klasies River Mouth Site

Which of the following is a category of Upper Paleolithic art?

C. mobile art D. cave art.

a set of horses in bas-relief are found here.

Cap Blanc

there may not actually be real sites from this period.

Early Paleo-Indian Period

stone and bone artifacts provide evidence of human habitation of Tierra del Fuego, c. 11-10 kya.

Fells Cave

characterized by long, thin, leaf-shaped pressure flaked points about two inches long.

Folsom tradition

90% of Eurasian cave art is located here.

France and Spain

specialized wallaby hunters lived here in tundra conditions 20-18 kya.

Fraser Cave, Tasmania

The most southern living humans in the Upper Paleolithic were inhabitating

Frasier Cave

developed AES.

G. Brauer

contains the oldest cave art known with four chambers and over 300 animal representations.


earliest modern humans.

H. s. idaltu

artifacts date to 50 kya, but at 30 kya a new technology arrives, brought by seafaring people.


Rock art dated from 58-75 kya at _______________, Australia, calls into question the presumption that art began in the Upper Paleolithic of Europe.


Which paleontological site is supportive of MRE providing that the dates published are substantiated?


Modern Australian Aborigines have affinities with which of the following fossil populations?

Kosipe, New Guina

oldest uncontested Australian site.

Lake Mungo

female that showed African or Australian features and lived in Brazil 11 kya.


suggests Asian lineages, some of which are older than the African ones


anatomical continuity of humans from over a million years ago.


asserts regional continuity.


dates to 40 kya and has yielded thousands of sophisticated artifacts and two hearths.

Makarovo 4

site located in Pennsylvania dated at 17 kya.

Meadowcroft rock shelter

has the best evidence for Middle Paleo-Indian sites.


The earliest modern humans yet discovered are found at

Middle Awash, Ethiopia

__________ ___________ Chile, is an archeological site that suggests humans were in the New World long before the Clovis date of 13 kya.

Monte Verde

Stone axes found at 40 kya in _______ _____________ are very similar to those found at 26 kya found in Australia suggesting that this island was a dispersal point for Pleistocene settlement of Australia.

New Guinea

modern Australians show affinities with the population at this site.

Niah Cave, Borneo

site that provides the best evidence for early Indians.


appears to have stimulated the transition from Clovis to Folsom.

Pleistocene extinctions

also called "Out-of-Africa."


total replacement of earlier humans by H. s. sapiens.


A statuette representing the female form with a wavy hairdo, accentuated breasts, stomach, and thighs is the

Venus of Willendorf.

skulls recovered from here are mosaic of H. erectus-H. sapiens and date to c. 350 kya.

Yunxian Cave

where the oldest H. s. sapiens fossils are found.


Which of the following was not part of the Upper Paleolithic big-game hunting cultures?


research who says that mtDNA represents a molecule, rather than an actual woman.


_________________ was a land bridge revealed by lower sea levels that allowed humans to cross from Asia into North America.


tundra land bridge that allowed the peopling of the Americas.


Modern humans living in Predmosti, Czech Republic, appear to have been _______ - _________ _______________ and over one thousand mammoth bones were recovered from this site.

big game hunters

occupation of Upper Paleolithic peoples.

big game hunters

an arrowhead would be an example of this type of tool.


UP tools were used to work these materials


how the earliest Australians reach the southern continent.


characterize UP Eurasian tools.

bone and wood

Which of the following provides evidence of elaborate wearing apparel among UP peoples?

bone sewing needles bodkins belt fasteners

The _____________ braincase is an early modern human from South Africa and has a cranial capacity between 1800 and 1900 cm3.


a chisel-shaped blade that is used for engraving.


there was a single common ancestral population that migrated from Africa c. 100-70 kya. It may have been as small as 1000 breeding individuals.

chromosome 12

The _____________ point culture appears to have specialized on mammoths.


The _______ - _____________ shelter, located in southern France, provided one of the earliest examples of fossil hominins when it was discovered in 1868.


According to M. Wolpoff, there is no evidence of _____________________ of fossil populations in the Far East or Australasia and no signs of African features on any of the recovered East Asian fossils.


According to Walter and colleagues, early H. sapiens left Africa by walking up the Nile Valley and into the Middle East.


Analysis of the Y chromosome contradicts mtDNA results and suggests the Far East as the origin of modern humans.


H. s. idaltu, currently accepted as the oldest modern humans, is completely modern in all features strongly resembling the Hadza people of East Africa.


It appears that cave art represents an adjustment to daily life and it was situated where everyone could see it everyday and reflect on procuring food. It has been called the "pledge of alliegence of the Upper Paleolithic.


Lake Mungo provides dates of around 40 kya. Given that this site is more than 4000 km from the coastal regions that the first Australians would have arrived at, the peopling of Australia must have taken place before 40 kya.


One of the striking features of cave art is that humans are never depicted on it.


Paleontologists generally agree with Cannʼs work in respect to the time period, but they question the rapidity of the genetic swamping of earlier populations.


The H. sapiens Upper Paleolithic record for China is rich and includes a number of complete skeletons.


The Middle Paleo-Indian sites differ from the Early Paleo-Indian sites in that there is a great deal of human bones recovered and rich cultural remains.


The Y chromosome is useful for studying human migrations because it recombines readily with other chromosomes.


The appearance of H. sapiens features in China suggest a replacement of the earlier H. erectus populations.


There are some recovered fossils such as Kennewick Man and "Luiza" that show non-Mongoloid features. This suggests that European and Australian migrations occurred by boat.


When the Australian fossil record is reviewed the ancient populations are almost identical to modern Australians.


Which of the following is a conclusion arrived at by Tiskoff regarding the earliest H. sapiens?


Which of the following is not a major cultural feature that first appears in the Upper Paleolithic.


Early H. sapiens living at Katanda, Congo, appeared to have heavily relied on ___________ for food.


when a spearhead is affixed to a spearshaft.


Fraser Cave, Tasmania shows evidence of art in the form of stenciled images of ___________ on cave walls.


inherited from both parents.

haplotype c sets

best evidence for the intentional use of fire and found at KRMS.


Upper Paleolithic peoples are known to have lived in long _________ and ___________ _________________.

huts, rock shelter

The Afro-European Sapiens model differs from Out-of-Africa in that it permits some __________________________ between modern humans and earlier populations.


The appearance of H. sapiens features in Chinese fossil populations starting at 350 kya suggests an _____________________ evolution of H. sapiens in Asia.


a possible rock art site reputed to be 75 kyo.


shows evidence of sophisticated tools and subsistence patterns.


UP _____________ - _________ _____________ were made into thin, sharpedged knives or arrowheads.

laurel leaf blades

Out-of-Africa was originally proposed as the result of genetic studies that indicated that all living women were descended from an African woman who lived between 140-290 kya. She was called

mitochondrial Eve

Mutations accumulate at a stochastically regular rate in mtDNA which makes it useful as a "___________________ ___________."

molecular clock

___________ is only inherited through the maternal line and is only altered through mutation which occur more frequently than in nuclear DNA.


inherited through the maternal line.


M. Wolpoff asserts that there is an anatomical continuity of humans from the time of H. erectus to modern humans and that the advancement to "sapiens-hood" occurred at different times in different places. This model, very similar to the work of Coon and Weidenreich, is called ___________________________ _________________.

multiregional evolution

The nDNA evidence conflicts with the mtDNA evidence. _________ indicates that there was a large ancestral population that covered a wide geographic area, unlike ___________ which suggests a smaller population that migrated from out of Africa.


this molecule suggests at least two human populations, one leading to moderns.

nuclear DNA

European cave art was colored by the use of ___________, ___________________, and _______________.

ocher, manganese, charcoal

bears resemblance to Solutrean materials from France and Spain.

pre Clovis points

Which of the following is not a characteristic that distinguishes H. s. sapiens from earlier fossil humans?

reduction of anterior teeth.

believed to be the social glue that held UP social organizations together.


used to hollow out wood or bone.



selectively neutral

diet of the people living at Klasies River Mouth site.


Chinese paleontologists and western anthropologists such as C. Coon, F. Weidenreich, and M. Wolpoff, believe that the Upper Paleolithic H. sapiens sample are the ancestors of modern Chinese based on

shovel-shaped incisors

consensus on the number of migrations into the Americas.


According to Soffer, Upper Paleolithic women were weaving plant materials to make cloth, rope, and nets. She says that women were the primary weavers.


Alan Templeton analyzed mtDNA, X, Y, and autosomal genes and his results suggested that there have been multiple migrations out of Africa beginning at 1.7 mya. There were major migrations at 500 and 100 kya. In more recent times there has been a migration of Y chromosomes going into Africa from Asia.


Cann, Stoneking, and Wilson analyzed mtDNA of the women of five different human populations. In terms of mtDNA, humans are more closely related than any other group of mammals. Women in Africa have the most diverse mtDNA suggesting that they have the oldest mtDNA and this suggests an African origin for modern humans.


Less than 50% of UP peoples lived to age 20. Only 12% lived to age 40.


Many New World archeologists only accept the Late Paleo-Indian period as substantive proof of New World habitation.


The mtDNA of a population of 55 chimpanzees in West Africa is more diverse than is found in the entire human species.


There is evidence that not all migrants to the New World traveled down the ice-free corridor of that land bridge. Some suggest that small human groups hopped along the coast by boat.


Upper Paleolithic males had a much greater longevity than females. Almost no females reached age 30.


cultural tradition of early H. s. sapiens.

upper paleolithic

a female figurine of bone, stone, or ivory that is common in the Upper Paleolithic of Europe.


Upper Pleistocene European human fossil sample.

very large

Seven H. sapiens skulls have been recovered from the upper strata at Zhoukoudian. Of interest, is that all of these individuals died unnatural deaths suggesting a great deal of _________________ existed among these people.


inherited from father to son.

y chromosome

region of the Y chromosome that is used to extrapolate back to an "Adam."


art work that is representative of an animal.


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