Ultimate AP Euro Midterm Essay Information

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The "Thermidorian reaction" during the French Revolution came when this happened

the overthrowing and execution of Robespierre.

What development most directly led to European maritime exploration in the 16th century.

the publishing of the first modern global atlas.

What is an 18th century development that was enabled by the Agricultural Revolution

the rise of cottage industries.

The core of Renaissance humanism was

the study of history, literature, and philosophy, stressing grammar, poetry, history, and ethics.

The Industrial Revolution was

the transformation of the European economy through the development of large factories based on new technologies.

What was an important assumption underlying the economic philosophy of mercantilism

the wealth of nations was limited and needed to be carefully perserved/

Machiavelli's philosophy of rule mirrored a secular model for political behavior because

there was a distinct break from orality as espoused in Christianity and the Church.

During the French wars of religion

there was a major massacre of French Protestant leaders on St. Bartholomew's Day, August 24, 1572

Overall, it can said of the enlightened absolutists that

they advanced to some degree the Enlightenment program of religious toleration and more humane social and governmental institutions, though still continuing their pursuit of military power.

The third estate, at the Estates General of 1789 refused

to leave the chamber when the king commanded the estates to leave and vote separately by order.

The basic principle of mercantilism was that

trade depended upon military support

In response to the Reformation, the Catholic Church

undertook its own reformation, spearheaded by rigorous religious scholarship in Spain and by new religious orders such as the Jesuits.

The Catholic Church used negative forces to enforce doctrine by

using the inquisition and Index of Prohibited books to limit the spread of heretical ideas.

18th century warfare was

waged by professional armies whose organization reflected the centralized bureaucratic governments they served.

The Jacobins and the Girondins

were rival revolutionary political factions in the National Convention.

The Thirty Year's War began

with a Protestant religious revolt against the Catholic Habsburgs in Bohemia.

The famous motto of the French Revolution was

"Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity"

What was the Peace of Augsburg

An agreement declaring that the religion of each German state would be decided by its ruler.

What is Baroque art

An emotional art style coming from the Catholic Reformation, combining elegant style, exaggerated motion, and religious themes.

The country that first underwent modern industrialization was


The Council of Trent, the Spanish Inquisition, and the mysticism of Teresa of Avila were all part of the

Catholic Reformation

The women who supported French Revolutionary movements and argued for better equality for women was

De Gouge

Thomas Paine's statement "I believe in one God...I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church..." is an example of what

Enlightenment's deism.

What was a consequence of the Columbian Exchange

Europe's expansion of the African slave trade

Which country was first to challenge Britians industrial position


The religious wars in France ended because

Henry of Navarre, a Protestant survivor of the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre, became Catholic, satisfying most of his subjects

The French scholar whose teachings on the Reformation appealed to many of the well-to-do throughout Europe was

John Calvin

Who personified the "Renaissance man"

Leonardo da Vinci

What best describes the basic underlying cause of conflict between Louis XVI and the French people?

Long held economic and social grievances among the lower classes.

This act by the British government made the raw material more readily available

The Enclosure Laws.

Scientific ideas were spread in large part by

a combination of private and royal societies.

What was the Edict of Nantes

a declaration of religious toleration by Henry IV

The cause of the 30 Years War was due to

a disagreement over Catholic or Protestant control of the HRE.

The thinking expressed by Pico della Mirandola the similar authors of the period led to

a growing willingness among intellectuals to question traditional sources of authority.

Napoleon's Invasion of Russia failed because of

a lack of adequate supplies, and a hard, cold winter.

What is the printing press

a machine that allows people to make mass copies of text in a shorter amount of time than copying.

The French Revolution was in part precipitated by

a major financial crisis that weakened monarchical government.

What was a coffeehouse

a place where public discussions often took place, help spread ideas.

What was a notable characteristic of venues or establishments shown by coffeehouses at the time

a rise of cultural influence and the role of women within the institutions

What best describes the political system of the Dutch republic of the seventeenth century

a rule by wealthy merchants.

After the Reformation

a strong link was forged, especially in Protestant countries, between education and work.

What is the trait is the Renaissance not a part of


What group of people were mainly targeted by witch-hunters

elderly, independent women.

The Peace of Augsburg in 1555

established the Lutheran Church in Germany as an alternative to the Catholic Church.

The Parisian san-culottes

eventually gained control over the municipal government of Paris--the Communue.

Henry VIII of England

expected papal approval of his annulment of his marriage with Catharine of Aragon because popes had traditionally deferred to kings in these matters.

A decline in urban populations led to

growing working class dependency on wages.

What did the discovery of the Americas do

have a shift of European power towards the Atlantic region (Italy losing power).

Exploration and colonization of the New World in the sixteenth century impacted the European balance of power by

having the power of Spain and Portugal increase.

Martin Luther denounced indulgences because

his concept of "justification by faith" meant to him that indulgences were useless for Christian salvation.

Although Joseph II undertook reforms where Frederick the Great feared to tread (such as freedom of and serfs & greater toleration of the Jews) he ultimately failed because

his reforms were often ill-conceived and autocratically imposed, not only alienating the powerful but also those whom the reforms were supposed to help.

Urbanization was the

increase in the percentage and in the number of people living in urban settlements.

One common theme for the monarchs of the 18th century was

issuing edicts on governmental reforms and religious toleration.

What did improved navigational tools to do European exploration in the 16th century.

it allowed their boats to be able to sail in open seas for significant distances.

What reflects the effect of maritime explorations on European society in the 16th and 17th centuries?

it created economic opportunities through trade and colonization.

What effect did Luther's 95 Theses have on the future of the Catholic Church

it ended the practice of indulgences as well as the selling of Church offices.

The Protestant Reformation

lead peasants, already upset by inflation and escalating payments to landowners, to adopt strong protests couched in terms reflecting Lutheran ideas on scripture.

The peace in 1763 that ended the 7 Years War

left matters in Europe much as they had been before

The "agricultural revolution" of the 18th century refers to

major changes that occurred in the way land was plowed and crops planted, leading to a major increase in food production.

What is the Renaissance known for

major new trends in literature, architecture, and the visual arts.

The Congress of Vienna was the

meeting of representatives of European monarchs called to reestablish the old order after the defeat of Napoleon

Copernicus is best known as the first

modern thinker to posit that the earth revolved around the sun.

What is a development seen during the time of the Enlightened Despots

monarchs adopted and embraced certain aspects of Enlightenment thought and supported the arts, philosophy, and education.

Those in the Estates General who took the Tennis Court Oath vowed to

not separate until they had written a constitution for France.

The Diplomatic Revolution

occurred because Maria Theresa sought new allies in an effort to retake Silesia from Frederick the Great of Prussia

Cottage industry developed in part because

of the growing rural labor supply, which would work for lower wages than would townsmen.

The theological doctrine most commonly associated with John Calvin is


What is an 18th century idea regarding social progress that would be supported by Voltaire

progress through the powers of the human mind.

The major purpose of the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution was to

protect the new French Republic from its enemies and to satisfy the demands by the sans-culottes for immediate action against those enemies.

What did not occur in the "commercial revolution" of the 16th century

reduced government trade barriers and reduced economic regulation

The area in which Frederick the Great cannot be called an "enlightened absolutist" is his

refusal to free the serfs or lessen their burdens.

The Anabaptists of the sixteenth century

rejected infant baptism in favor of adult baptism.

A long-term effect of the Agricultural Revolution on the general western European population was

rising populations with better hygiene.

What does humanism mean when applied to Renaissance Italy

scholarly interest in the study of the classical cultures of Greece and Rome and the belief in the potential value and worth of human beings.

By the end of the Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th Centuries

science had claimed precedence over religion in explaining the material world.

Renaissance sculpture

shows an exuberant praise of anatomical realism, such as in Michelangelo's David

Galileo used a telescope to discover

spots on the sun, craters on the moon & moon like phases of Venus.

One of Napoleon's main goals of the military conquests was to

spread his ideals of the French Revolution

African slavery in America was based on raising cash crops for export. Several crops were raised by slave labor, but the outstanding crop was


During the 30 Year's War, France pursued a policy of...

supporting the Protestants princes and rulers against the Hapsburgs

The religious attitude of most early scientists, unleashed by the Reformation, was

that they were investigating a universe created by God

The French revolutionary regime that followed the overthrow of Robespierre was called the

the Directory.

What best describes the development regarding the French Revolution

the French Revolution became significantly dis unified and lost the sympathy of many who might have otherwise support it.

What is Divine Right Absolutism

the belief that the king's authority to rule comes from God.

The agricultural revolution in Britain

resulted in fewer people producing more food, so that surplus labor could work in the factories.

What is absolutism

a system of government in which a ruler holds total power

The Napoleonic Code was

a unified law that embodied the principles of the French Revolution.

The Jesuits were

a vigorous Catholic religious order that became the vanguard of the Catholic Reformation.

The best description of Elizabeth's I's religious policy is that

as a moderate Protestant, she opposed Catholics, but permitted all Protestant's to worship together even if they have different doctrinal beliefs.

The great European fear of witchcraft

began before the Reformation and lasted through the seventeenth century.

What was the overall relationship between the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

by challenging the accepted scientific wisdom, the early scientists paved the way for broader Enlightenments critiques of religion, government, and society.

For Martin Luther the concept of "justification by faith" meant that

christians were saved through the grace of God and not through their own efforts

What best describes the characteristic of women in the later phases of the French Revolution

citizenship in the republic was restricted to men.

Despite an emphasis on the ideals of the Enlightenment, monarchs during this period frequently came into violent conflict over

claims on territory with the goal of strengthening their dynastic holdings.

Upon seizing power in France, Napoleon Bonaparte

consolidated his rule by employing and seeking support from a combination of Jacobins, Old Regime Officials, returning emigre nobles, and Catholics.

The "Act of Supremacy"

declared the king (Henry VIII) the supreme head of the Church of England in 1534.

Renaissance painters

developed the technique of linear perspective to create the illusion of three-dimensional space.

Even though Tycho Brahe rejected Copernicus's astronomical views he was also known for

disagreeing with the Aristotelian belief that the heavens were composed of crystalline spheres.

The purpose of the crystal palace was to

display its great wealth and industrial advancement to the rest of Europe.

Copernicus's astronomical views were

rejected by Tycho Brahe, the greatest observational astronomer of the sixteenth century.

The Renaissance is often considered the beginning of a modern secular spirit because

renaissance artists, with their emphasis on the nude, bean a cult of the body that eventually denied the existence of the soul.

Some modern scholars have suggested that the Renaissance is not a separate historical era because

renaissance intellectuals overstated their case, underestimating medieval interest in the classics.

The execution of Louis XVI could best be viewed as a turning point in the history of the French Revolution because

the Jacobins began to harshly repress opposition through arrest and public execution of suspected enemies.

What was a long term European benefit of the Columbian Exchange

the ability of European communities to avoid frequent devastating famines.

Voltaire advocated for this view of religion even though it was against traditional Christian teachings at the time

the belief that God and morality were products of reason.

What economic development grew in the 18th century.

the cottage industry

What was one of the changes instituted during the Catholic Reformation

the creation of the Society of Jesus which led efforts to improve education and conduct missionary work

An important part of the new agricultural methods seen in Great Britain was

the development of larger blocks of land by the enclosure process, and smaller farmers' loss of land.

What most directly resulted in the growth of the economic activity

the growth of commercial agriculture.

Enlightenment thinkers admired the psychology of John Locke, who argued that

the human mind was blank at birth, and thus schools and social institutions should mold the individual from childhood to adulthood.

The long term significance of the 30 Years War can be explained best by

the ideal of a universal church was largely abandoned as religion ceased to be the major cause of warfare between European states.

What influenced a 19th century change in the location of the labor

the mechanization of textile production.

The Contintental System was a

trade agreement set up to block Britain from the rest of Europe

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