UML Class Diagrams

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class name, variables, methods

sections of a UML diagram


stereotype which denotes abstract


stereotype which denotes constructor


stereotype which denotes final


stereotype which denotes interface


stereotype which denotes override

visibility name : type

format of variables (attributes)

UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram

> diagram which are used to visualize classes and their associations > broken up into three sections - class name - variables - methods


> optional, additional information that is included with methods > <<new>> denotes constructor > <<abstract>> denotes abstract > <<override>> denotes override > <<interface>> denotes interface > <<final>> denotes final

methods (operations)

> section name in which methods (operations) of the class are listed with their return type and visibility modifier > static variables are underlined > contents are written as visibility [<<stereotype>>] methodName(param1: type, param2: type): returnType

variables (attributes)

> section name in which variables (attributes) are listed with their corresponding type as well as visibility modifier > static variables are underlined > contents are written as visibility name : type

class name

> section of the UML diagram in which the fully qualified name of the class is given > if multiple classes are given and assumed to be in the same package, the simple name is used instead > abstract classes are denoted by italicization, or prefixed with the <<abstract>> stereotype

fully qualified

If a single class exists in the UML diagram, the ________________ name is used.


If multiple classes exist in a UML diagram, the __________________ name is used.


In a UML diagram, abstract classes are denoted with _______ or prefixed with the <<abstract>> stereotype.


In a UML diagram, static variables are ___________.

SomeClass implements SomeInterface

association represented by a dashed line; unfilled triangle arrowhead

ClassA uses ClassB

association represented by a solid line; open arrowhead

Child extends Parent

association represented by a solid line; unfilled triangle arrowhead

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