Unit 05: Culture

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_____ exceptions serve to reinforce the ranking of values; their definitions are generalized enough to be relevant to any and all situations.


_____ is evaluating and judging another culture based on how it compares to one's own cultural norms.


Which of the following are common and notable tendencies of millennials? Select all that apply.

Excessive seeking of fun and variety Unlimited ambition coupled with overly demanding, confrontational personality Extreme sense of loyalty to family, friends, and self

_____ are gestures, signs, objects, signals, and words that help humans make sense of their surrounding world by providing clues to understanding experiences and recognizable meanings shared by societies.


The World Values Survey has revealed two major axes along which values cluster: _____ and _____. Select both that apply.

a continuum from traditional to secular values a continuum from survival to self-expression.

Alongside the process of globalization is _____, or the spread of material and nonmaterial culture, that relates to a similar process in the integration of international cultures.


Which of the following items is NOT an example of a symbol?


Which of the following are examples of a culture war? Select all that apply.

rural versus urban west versus east traditional values versus progressive secularism

The term _____ refers to the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in mainstream society.

popular culture

In American usage, the term culture war is used to claim that there is a conflict between those values considered traditionalist and those considered _____.


Whereas we might refer to ideal values when listing American values (or even our own values), the values that we uphold in daily life tend to be _____ values.


People _____ certain behaviors by giving their support, approval, or permission, or by instilling formal actions of disapproval and nonsupport.


Anthropologists found that cultural universals often revolve around the following items. Select all that apply.

shelter language humor

In his book "Studies in Ethnomethodology," Harold Garfinkel discussed people's assumptions about the _____.

social makeup of their communities

The team of psychologists led by Thomas Fritz, in their study about music as a cultural universal, found out that, as the tribal members listened to a Western piano piece, _____.

they were able to recognize three basic emotions: happiness, sadness, and fear.

Which of the following are the most pressing material needs that have to be satisfied before other, abstract needs? Select all that apply.

thirst Hunger Freedom

The difference between "hip" and "square" is that _____.

those who were "hip" lived by the code of jazz, while those who were "square" lived according to society's rules.

_____ are patterns or traits that are globally common to all societies.

Cultural universals

The "little hipsters" of the 1970s became known simply as _____.


Which of the following are types of values? Select all that apply.

Ethical/moral Doctrinal/ideological Social

The flexibility of U.S. culture and its highly symbolic nature lead some researchers to categorize American culture as a mythic identity, while others recognize it as _____.

American exceptionalism

Which of the following scenarios are examples of a breaching experiment? Select all that apply.

An experimenter might strike up a conversation in a public bathroom, where it's common to respect each other's privacy so fiercely as to ignore other people's presence. In a grocery store, an experimenter might take a food item out of another person's grocery cart, saying, "That looks good! I think I'll try it." An experimenter might sit down at a table with others in a fast food restaurant.

_____ is the practice of assessing a culture by its own standards rather than viewing it through the lens of one's own culture.

Cultural relativism

_____ were those who were born between 1946 and 1964, came of age during the 1960s and 1970s with values formed in support of or reaction to the political and social issues of the time, and did not grow up with the same technologies as today's youth.

Baby boom generation

Herb Caen, a San Francisco journalist, used the suffix from Sputnik 1, the Russian satellite that orbited Earth in 1957, to dub the Beat Generation movement's followers _____.


Two linguists, Edward Sapir and _____, believed that reality is culturally determined and that any interpretation of reality is based on a society's language.

Benjamin Whorf

An example of an ideal value is the idea of marriage and monogamy based on romantic love, but in reality, many marriages are based on things other than romantic love, and many end in divorce. Which of the following are these things? Select all that apply.

Convenience Money Social expectations

_____ is the deliberate imposition of one's own cultural values on another culture.

Cultural imperialism

_____ is when ethnocentrism is so strong that when confronted with all of the differences of a new culture, one may experience disorientation and frustration.

Culture shock

_____ make known previously unknown but existing aspects of reality.


_____ are norms without any moral underpinnings but are direct appropriate behavior in the day-to-day practices and expressions of a culture.


Sociologists _____ studied people's customs in order to find out how societal rules and norms not only influenced behavior but also shaped social order.

Harold Garfinkel

_____ is the standards society would like to embrace and live up to.

Ideal culture

_____ are absolute, bear no exceptions, and can be codified as a strict set of proscriptions on behavior.

Ideal values

Which of the following scenarios are examples of folkways in different countries? Select all that apply.

In the Philippines, the birthday celebrant spends his own money for treats or karaoke party for everyone. In Canada, women can smile and say hello to men on the street, but not in Egypt. In the United States, people hold the door open for a stranger or give someone a gift on their birthday.

Which of the following are examples of values that someone who mainly experienced sustained material affluence during youth might give high priority? Select all that apply.

Individual improvement Personal freedom Maintaining clean and healthy environment

_____ result when something new is formed from existing objects or concepts, or when things are put together in an entirely new manner.


In the 1991 publication of "Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America", _____, a sociologist at the University of Virginia, described what he saw as a dramatic realignment and polarization that had transformed American politics and culture.

James Davison Hunter

Anthropologist _____ is credited with first coining the term "culture shock" through his studies where he found that most people found encountering a new culture to be exciting at first but, bit by bit, they became stressed by interacting with people from a different culture who spoke another language and used different regional expressions.

Kalervo Oberg

_____ is a symbolic system through which people communicate and through which culture is transmitted.


Which of the following scenarios are evidence of diffusion? Select all that apply.

Middle-class Americans can fly overseas and return with a new appreciation of Thai noodles or Italian gelato. Access to television and the Internet has brought the lifestyles and values portrayed in U.S. sitcoms into homes around the globe. Twitter feeds from public demonstrations in one nation have encouraged political protesters in other countries.

_____ are young adults who were born in the 1980s and 1990s, share similar values, and were raised in a much more technologically advanced environment.


_____ are norms that embody the moral views and principles of a group.


_____ define how to behave in accordance with what society has defined as good, right, and important, and most members of the society adhere to them.


_____ is the way society actually is based on what occurs and exists.

Real culture

The _____ is based on the idea that people experience their world through their language, and that they therefore understand their world through the culture embedded in their language.

Saphir-Whorf hypothesis

Which of the following statements describe the secular values societies in the World Values Survey? Select all that apply.

Secular values societies place less emphasis on religion, traditional family values, and authority. Divorce, abortion, euthanasia, and suicide are seen as relatively acceptable. Industrialization tends to bring a shift from traditional values to secular ones.

Which of the following scenarios describe how values shape a society?Select all that apply.

Shaped by the value where children represent innocence and purity, while a youthful adult appearance signifies sexuality, individuals spend millions of dollars each year on cosmetic products and surgeries to look young and beautiful. The United States has an individualistic culture, meaning people place a high value on individuality and independence. Cultural diversity and equal opportunities for all people are valued in the United States, yet the country's highest political offices have been dominated by white men.

_____ is a way to encourage conformity to cultural norms.

Social control

Which of the following are examples of placing more value on meeting economic and safety needs over other, abstract needs? Select all that apply.

Supporting authoritarian styles of leadership Valuing economic growth above protecting the environment Exhibiting strong feelings of national pride

Which of the following statements are TRUE about the shifts in cultural values in the United States? Select all that apply.

The United States has transitioned from the industrial society to knowledge society. The United States has increasingly taken survival for granted and therefore has less ethnocentric outlook and higher levels of trust and tolerance for ethnic or religious minorities. The United States has higher levels of self-expression values now that give high priority to environmental protection; tolerance of foreigners, gays, and lesbians; gender equality; and participation in decision-making.

Which of the following are characteristics of American hipster? Select all that apply.

They are recognizable with their skinny jeans, chunky glasses, and T-shirts. They prefer vintage clothing to fashion and a bohemian lifestyle to one of wealth and power. They are based predominantly in metropolitan areas in hotspots such as the Williamsburg neighborhood in New York City.

Which of the following arguments do those who oppose English-only laws present to protest the passage of English-only laws? Select all that apply.

They claim that it violates the rights of non-English speakers. English-only laws deny the reality of our nation's diversity. English-only laws unfairly target Latinos and Asians.

_____ is the opposite of ethnocentrism, and refers to the belief that another culture is superior to one's own.


Which of the following arguments do proponents of English-only laws present to support the passage of English-only laws? Select all that apply.

They suggest that a national ruling will save money on translation, printing, and human resource costs, including funding for bilingual teachers. They argue that setting English as the official language will encourage non-English speakers to learn English faster. They argue that setting English as the official language will encourage non-English faster and adapt to the culture of the United States more easily.

Which of the following are characteristics of the "Beat Generation," a title coined by writer Jack Kerouac? Select all that apply.

They were anticonformist and antimaterialistic They were writers who listened to jazz and embraced radical politics. They bummed around, hitchhiked the country, and lived in squalor.

Which of the following statements describe the traditional values societies in the World Values Survey?

Traditional values emphasize the importance of religion, parent-child ties, deference to authority, and traditional family values. People who embrace these values also reject divorce, abortion, euthanasia, and suicide. Traditional values societies have high levels of national pride and a nationalistic outlook.

_____ are broad preferences concerning appropriate courses of action or outcomes, and reflect a person's sense of right and wrong, or what "ought" to be."


Which one of these statements does NOT describe mores?

Wearing clothes backwards.

_____ is a survey of questions given to people around the world and used to identify different clusters of values in different regions.

World Values Survey

Which of the following items are examples of nonverbal communication? Select all that apply.

a smile crying a thumbs up

Which of the following are examples of countercultures? Select all that apply.

anarchists hippies of the 1960s cults

Which of the following does NOT belong to nonmaterial culture?


Which of the following behaviors are examples of informal norms? Select all that apply.

behavior when eating at the table. behavior at fast food restaurants. behavior when meeting relatives and family.

Culture is the shared _____ that participants must learn.

beliefs, values, and practices

Which of the following are examples of a subculture? Select all that apply.

biker culture body modification community body builders

In a(n) _____ experiment, the researcher behaves in a socially awkward manner in order to test the sociological concepts of social norms and conformity.


Which of the following does NOT refer to an element of material culture?


Although value clusters generally work together so that various values reinforce one another, at times, value contradictions can arise between individual and _____ value systems.


According to sociologists, a _____ refers to a definable region which can be as small as a neighborhood, as large as a country, or a region of a country.


Breaking norms and rejecting values can lead to _____ such as earning a negative label like "lazy, no-good bum" or to legal sanctions such as traffic tickets, fines, or imprisonment.

cultural sanctions

A _____ war is a struggle between two sets of conflicting cultural values.


Technology can spread through society in a matter of months, but it can take generations for the ideas and beliefs of society to change. Sociologist William F. Ogburn coined the term _____ to refer to this time that elapses between the introduction of a new item of material culture and its acceptance as part of nonmaterial culture.

culture lag

Rodney and Elise are U.S. students studying abroad in Italy. When they are introduced to their host families, the families kiss them on both cheeks. When Rodney's host brother introduces himself and kisses Rodney on both cheeks, Rodney pulls back in surprise. Where he is from, unless they are romantically involved, men do not kiss one another. This scenario is an example of which of the following terms?

culture shock

In the United States, people tend to view marriage as an arrangement through an intricate process of interviews and negotiations between entire families, while in other nations and in other times, a marriage is a choice between two people, based on mutual feelings of love.


When boarding a commuter train in the United States, passengers must squeeze into overstuffed cars amid a lot of pushing and shoving on the crowded platforms. It reflects the daily challenges of getting around on a train system that is taxed to capacity.


Which of the following are high priority concerns for self-expression values? Select all that apply.

gender equality environmental protection tolerance of foreigners

In the 1980s, world markets became dominated by multinational companies, and since then, this new state of affairs where international trade and finance markets were integrated became referred to as _____.


The integration of world markets and technological advances of the last decades have allowed for greater exchange between cultures through the processes of _____.

globalization and diffusion

In 2010, sociologist Mark Greif set about investigating the hipster subculture of the United States and found that much of what tied the group members together was not based on fashion, musical taste, or even a specific point of contention with the mainstream but _____.

having pride from knowing what's cool in advance of the rest of the world.

An _____ refers to an object or concept's initial appearance in society and how it's innovative because it is markedly new.


Which of the following are some of the concepts associated with high culture? Select all that apply.

intellectualism political power wealth

Which of the following items are examples of formal norms? Select all that apply.

laws employee manuals college entrance exam requirements

Material culture refers to the _____ or belongings of a group of people.


Values can act as blinders if _____ and fail to recognize the diversity of values held across people and societies.

people take their own personal values (or their society's values) as universal truths

In 2009, a team of psychologists, led by Thomas Fritz of the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany, studied _____ that they'd never heard.

people's reactions to music

One example of cultural universal is _____ because every human society recognizes this structure, although how it is defined and how it functions vary.

the family unit

To conduct his ethnomethodology, Garfinkel deliberately imposed _____ on unknowing people and then he observed their responses.

strange behaviors

In 2008, researchers from John Hopkins University conducted a series of studies on the effects of bilingual education and found that _____.

students taught in both their native tongue and English make better progress that those taught only in English.

When Caitlin when to Madrid to visit Maria, she felt isolated and disconnected and did not realize that people depend not only on spoken words but also on _____, like gestures and facial expressions, to communicate.

subtle cues

Which of the following items is NOT considered a cultural universal?

taking care of plants

Which of the following items are examples of popular culture? Select all that apply.

television shows a baseball game rock and pop music

Technology enabled a workaround for loud talking on the phone, and that is what we call _____, which enables quiet communication and has surpassed phoning as the chief way to meet today's highly valued ability to stay in touch anywhere, everywhere.


Which of the following are symptoms of culture lag? Select all that apply.

traffic jams increased air pollution rising fuel prices

Despite how much humans have in common, cultural differences are far more prevalent than cultural universals.


When boarding a bus in Cairo, passengers might have to run, because buses there often do not come to a full stop to take on patrons. In Dublin, bus riders would be expected to extend an arm to indicate that they want the bus to stop for them.


A _____ could be based on a difference in how people rank the value of things or on fundamental value conflict.

value contradiction

_____ are a culture's standard for discerning what is good and just in society.


How do inventions shape a culture? Select all that apply.

when people use them in place of older ways of carrying out activities and relating to others. when people use them as a way to carry out new kinds of activities. their use may require new norms for new situations.

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