Unit 1 government

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The Federalist Papers were drafted by

Madison, Hamilton, and Jay

What rules govern the use of referenda at the federal level?

No provisions exist for use of referenda at the federal level.

______ theory applies that a group should determine what the majority of its participates want to do.


All of the following are principals of procedural democracy except...

minority rights

A major event that led to greater British taxation of American colonies was

the Seven Years' War

One result of the Second Continental Congress was

Adoption of the Declaration of Independence

John Locke's views on government are expressed in

Common Sense

_____ allows a person to acquire information and documents online also provides a medium to register opinions and complains to government officials


Shay's Rebellion consisted of

Farmers trying to prevent foreclosure on their property for high taxes levied to finace state's wartime debt.

Supporters of the Constitution named themselves


Roosevelt's four freedoms included all the following except

Freedom of equality

In the Declaration of independence, Thomas Jefferson's statement that "all men are created equal" is similar to which theorist's belief that government is based on the "consent of the governed"?

John Locke

which political philosopher inspired the "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" in the declaration of independence?

John Locke

Protection of private property is not a valid objective of government according to

Karl Marx

The first fighting in the American Revolution happened in _____ in early 1775.


A country abiding by the principle "one person, one vote" is practicing

Political equality

The Greek word Kratos one of the roots of the word democracy means


Which of the following is not a power granted to the president under the Constitution?

Power to declare war

Most governments at least claim to _____ while they maintain order.

Preserve individual freedom

______ addresses the questions " Who should participate in decision making?" and " How many votes are needed to reach a decision?"

Procedural democratic theory

The ______ view of democracy is likely to see anti-gay marriage laws as undemocratic


An example of a government policy that promotes social equality without redistributing income is

The U.S. Supreme court holding that state laws banning same-sex marriage were unconstitutional

In America, when the wealthy and the rest of the population have different policy goals...

The preference of the wealthy will most often prevail.

Anarchism is the political opposite of


Although public option does not fluctuate erratically, change can occur

When different generations w/ different experiences enter the electorate.

The main positive result of the Annapolis Convention was

a call for a larger ,eeting of the states, with a broder mission

Thomas Hobbes's ideal form of government was

a single ruler with unquestioned authority

One example of government focus on equality of outcome is

affirmative action programs

A pure _____ would even protest traffic laws.


A form of government that puts power in the hands of an elite is a(n)...


In his 2014 State of the Union address, President Obama proposed that minimum wage

be raised to $10.10

Alexander Hamilton is probably best known for

being the treasury secretary

Which of the following is not categorized as a civil liberty in the U.S. government include

building interstate roads

Compared to citizens in other nations, Americans are more likely to

choose freedom over equality

During his 2016 campaign for the democratic presidential nomination, Vermont senator Bernie Sanders had difficultly explaining his political views as a

democratic socialist

Deciding on the legality of marijuana through ballot proposition is an example of...

direct democracy

Suppose that top government jobs for both political parties are filled only from an inner circle of top corporate leaders this would be evidence for...

elite theory

Communitarians are willing to use government to promote both order and ______.


When one person has the same chance to succeed in life as another, this is called

equality of opportunity

A sign that pluralist democracy might not be working well in the united states is the

fact that the best represented sectors in Washington are business and professional

Unless they are impeached, federal judges serve

for life

During the 1990s, Congress prohibited private businesses from discriminating in employment, public services, and public accommodations on the basis of physical or mental disabilities. This act creates a clash between

freedom and equality

Any organization of individuals formed on the basis of common interest to influence public policy is called a(n)...

interest group

Government can promote social equality through polices other than income redistribution. According to the text, in 2015, the supreme court promoted equality when it held that _____ was/were unconstitutional.

laws banning same-sex marriges

As derived from John Locke's philosophy, the doctrine of liberalism holds that government should

leave individuals free to further their individual pursuits

Article I of the Constitution refers to the

legislative branch

A(n) _______ is likely to believe helping the needy should a be a matter of choice?


According to Thomas Hobbes, author of Leviathan, the proper objective of government is to...

maintain order

A popular election is the primary mechanism for democratic government in which model?

majoritarian model

Using the state to redistribute income is a policy based on

not on fundamental democratic ideals

Using a two-dimensional model of political ideology, conservatives are more likely to support

order over freedom and freedom equality

New England town meetings are and example of

participatory democracy

Each citizen having one vote demonstrates

political equality

According to the ___________ view of democracy, antigay marriage laws are democratic.


The chief goal of the drafters of the Articles of Confederation was to

protect states' rights

The chief objective of the First Continental Congress was to

reconcile with Great Britain

An election on a public policy issue is called a(n)


Although the united is a capitalist country, the government does intervene in the economic arena primary through

regulating private businesses

A republic is a government

resting on the consent of the governed through their repersentatives

Originally, the Constitutional Convention's purpose was to

revise the Articles of Confederation

Hobbes's state of nature refers to

society without government

The Daughters of liberty opposed British rule by

spinning their own cloth rather than buying imported British products

A government pursing laissez-faire polices would

take a hands-off attitude towards the economy

The original procedure for selecting the vice president, under the electoral college, was

the candidate with the next greatest votes would become vice president

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